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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 34 9 - 13 September 2024

Public Education / Newsletters

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4. Page 4 Contd from Pg 2 Contd from Pg 3 upon a successful recovery. She concluded that the chiefdom administrators should be vigilant and discourage illicit mining activities in their communities. The Deputy Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Hon. Umaru Napoleon Koroma who of ficially handed over the projects to the chiefdoms informed the participants of the cost of each project. He underscored that public disclosure is rooted in the principles of transparency, accountability and community participation upheld b y the Government of President Julius Maada Bio. Minister Koroma added that the DACDF was established by the Governm ent of Sierra Leone in 2002 and stands as a testament to the Government’s commitment to ensuring th at the communities benefit from the minerals extracted from their localities. The Minister added that it is the expectation of the Government that the DACDF will play a c rucial role in bridging the gap between resource extraction and community development. “ It is the belief that this initiative will not only bring tangible benefits to the communities but also inspire a sense of ownership and pride among our citizens” the Hon. Minister concluded Explaining key corruption offences, ACC’s Public Education Officer Mohamed Thullah made a s uccinct presentation on corruption - related offences including corrupt acquisition of wealth, offering, soliciting and acceptin g advantage, abuse of office and position, misappropriation of public funds, conspiracy to commit a corruption offences, protection of public property and revenue among other things. In his welcome remarks, Customs Officer Idrissa Kamara of the National Revenue Authority welcomed the AC C team and thanked them for taking a laudable initiative to engage and sensitize them on various matters of corruption adding that the sensitization meeting will help and guide their operations and will enhance collaboration. Mr. Kamara registered his commitment to continue to enhance best practices and to conform to operational guidelines and procedures. Similar sentiments were expressed by the Head of the Forestry Division Forest Guard, Alimamy Bangura. Presentation of IEC materials and questions and answers session formed part of the engagemen t.

3. Page 3 A s a way of preventing and addressing incidences of corruption in the public service, the North - West Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Wednesday 11th September, 2024 urged staff of the National Revenue Authority, the Sierra Leone Police and Forestry Guards attached at the Checkpoint to enhance best practices and uphold integrity in the exercise of their functions and operations. According to the Public Education Officer Mohamed Thullah, the engagement was conducted to sensitize staff on the general work of the Commission, key corruption issues in the operations of the Team and solicit support from staff. He explained the three pronged approaches to the fight against graft. Addressing public officers and volunteers at the Checkpoint, the Regional Manager, Fatu Florence Kamara pointed out that the checkpoint is located on one of the major entry point to the country along the Port Loko - Conakry Highway and noted that most times negative perceptions about the country are fueled by the negative attitude of public officers attached to these entry points. She said corruption demands in exchange for expeditious customs procedures, extortion, and related security lapses have been a major public concern and the Commission is committed to addressing these corrupt practices. These conducts, she said, are in variance with ACC laws, professional ethics and core values for public service delivery. She encouraged them to resist corruption demands and demonstrate the highest form of integrity and ethical standards. Manager Kamara went on to note that working at the checkpoint either on voluntary and on casual basis makes all of the staff public officers and by extension are covered by the ACC laws. "Volunteers are not above the law as they could be brought in for any corruption investigation," she emphasized. The Regional Head pointed out the Commission's strengthened posture through the 2019 amendment, which among other things has seen jail terms and fines increased to not less than five years and Fifty Thousand Leones respectively. ACC Regional Manager North - West, Fatu F. Kamara making her Statement. Idrissa Kamara, Customs Officer, NRA welcoming the ACC team to the checkpoint. Contd on Pg 4

2. Page 2 Manager Kamara also made it clear to the participants that the ACC does not have the mandate to question the Land owners and Paramount Chief on the Monies relating to the surface rent and as such they are not considered as public funds. She continued however, to state that, the District Council and Chiefdom Development rents are categorised as public funds and falls under the mandate of the Commission. “ All public funds should be properly accounted for when called upon by the ACC” , the Manager averred She issued a stern warning to public officials and chiefdom authorities to desist from any dubious activities during the implementation of all public projects tol ensure community empowerment and development. She urged the participants to report any forms of corruption to the Commission and reminded them of the whistle blowing policy and Reward Scheme for which the Commission will give 10 percent, to the whistle blower/informant consequent I n ensuring transparency and accountability in the implementation of public funds, the Regional Manager , Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Kono Office, Hawanatu Omotayo Kamara has disclosed to Chiefdom Clerks, Paramount Chiefs, members of the Chiefdom Development Committees in Kono, staff of the District Council and other stakeholders that, the Diamond Area Community Development Fund (DACDF) is a public fund and not meant to be squandered by any individual or groups of individuals. This statement was made during the launch of the project approved for funding by the DACDF in Kono District on 31 st August, 2024 at the Kono District Council Hall, in Koidu City, Kono District. Making her statement, Mrs Kamara highlighted the mandate of the Commission in ensuring transparency and accountability in the handling of public funds. She added that the DACDF is a practical approach in ensuring citizens benefit from the natural resources in their communities and district, and aims to foster development, and improve the infrastructure and quality of life for the local residents in that particular area and other environs. The Manager emphasized on the importance of monitoring and furthered that the ACC will effectively monitor all the chiefdoms that received the 2021 - 2022 DACDF funds disbursed this year in order to ascertain accountability. She further stated that Sierra Leone is a lawful country and that for so long the positive impacts of our mineral resources on our lives have been robustly questioned. Therefore, DACDF established by the Government of Sierra Leone is to ensure the proceeds generated from the licenses paid by miners directly benefit the communities from which they are extracted. Manager ACC Kono Office, Hawanatu O. Kamara, (extreme right) making a statement The Audience at the Engagement Contd on Pg 4

1. 9th—13h September 2024 Issue 2 Volume 34 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M. Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi In a press release dated 12 th September, 2024, the Commission says it further imposed a 20% interest on the said sum, amounting to Six Thousand Leones (Le 6,000) and also imposed a 3 - year ban precluding them from holding public office in Sierra Leone effective immediately. This follows the Commission’s investigation into the matter P ursuant to Section 7 (1) (b) of the Anti - Corruption (Amendment Act), 2019, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) says it has entered into a Non - Prosecution Agreement with ALPHA BRIMA TIMBO and CLIFFORD BOLA THOMAS, staff of the Intelligence and Investigations Unit of the Sierra Leone Immigration Department, and of #2 Timbo Drive Avenue, Gloucester, and 13 Syke Street, Freetown, respectively, after recovering the sum of Thirty Thousand Leones (Le 30,000) from them. Commissioner ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. involving the failure of ALPHA B. TIMBO and CLIFFORD B. THOMAS to make payments they received for the issue of Residence Permits for five persons, totalling Thirty Thousand Leones, which they are deemed to have misappropriated. The Commission states that ALPHA B. TIMBO AND CLIFFORD B. THOMAS have paid to the Commission the full amount misappropriated plus 20% interest and as a result of this, are further banned from holding any public office in Sierra Leone for a minimum of three (3) years, pursuant to section 7(1) (b) (i) & (ii) of the Anti - Corruption (Amendment Act), 2019. The ACC says it will notify the Immigration Department about the outcome of the investigation and for the Department to dismiss the two staff from their respective public service posts immediately. The Commission reassured the general public of its commitment to protecting public funds and public revenue, and, where necessary, recovered in full as prescribed by law.


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