An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.


The Pay No Bribe platform is an innovative reporting mechanism for citizens to anonymously report incidents of petty corruption and bribery through:

    • a toll free hotline phone number (dial 515)
    • a mobile app that can be downloaded and used without data charge
    • through CSO partner organisations.

PNB is designed to collect real time evidence on bribery and corruption in five key service sectors, Education, Electricity, Health, Police, Water and sanitation and provides a useful database on petty corruption and bribery trends to support the work of the ACC.

In keeping with the government’s commitment to tackle petty corruption and bribery in key service areas, the ACC will share data on corruption trends with relevant MDAs, which they in turn will use to address corruption at source, through administrative or systems reforms.

The ACC will regularly publish data on citizen reports of bribery and petty corruption and responses by MDAs. Members of the public, media organisations, CSOs and other interested parties can access data on reports and actions taken via the PNB website.

The Pay No Bribe Campaign is GoSL initiative, led by the Office of the Chief of Staff and the Anti-Corruption Commission, in coordination with relevant MDAs.

You Can Make A PNB Report By 

Clicking On The PNB Logo