An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.



By David Yusuf Kabia, Public Relations Assistant, ACC


The staff members of Public Education and External Outreach and Prevention Departments of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) have on Thursday, 23rd of March 2023, benefited from a capacity building programme facilitated by Bill Pipke, representing the ‘Commissioning a Lifestyle of Integrity' and Bruce Mann of Transformation Sierra Leone.

The training which took place in the Commission’s Conference Room, 3 Gloucester Street in Freetown, aimed at equipping staff of the ACC with integrity tools, to better strengthen their knowledge and skills in the fight against corruption, using public education and prevention methods. 

In his statement, Director, Public Education and External Outreach Department ACC, Patrick Sandi on behalf the Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq, registered the ACC’s appreciation of the team. He assured them that the training on integrity will go a long way to help muster courage in staff to build on their work ethics.

He thanked the trainers for choosing the ACC as beneficiary institution of this all-important training.

In the delivery of his training package, Bruce Mann dilated on the possibility of certain cultures or behaviours, which he said could provoke corruption. “Social beliefs may cause or allow corruption because we do not want to change the culture”_*. He defined what formal and informal cultures are said, *_“Formal culture is who we say we are while informal culture is really who we are”. The basis of the significance of this cultural interplay in one’s life he said, is that the gap between formal and informal cultures determines one’s cultural integrity.

The trainer, Bruce Mann emphasized the need for contentment thereby setting integrity rules that empowers and forestalls integrity in one’s life noting that, it is particularly important not just for the workplace but our families and communities.

Bruce informed his trainees that there is always need  for self-evaluation and evaluation by others as it would provide one with the best knowledge of what things are and why people behave the way they do. Evaluation, therefore, he said “is the breakfast of a champion” which makes the individual see things from the “balcony view”. He warned against people trying to do things using shortcuts, which he said is a recipe for corruption and integrity damage.

Bill Pipke, a representative from the 'Commissioning a Life style of Integrity' spoke on building on integrity starting from oneself. Bill noted, “when we talk about integrity, we are not talking about perfection. We are talking about getting better”.

In his presentation, he explained the, “Approaches to Integrity”*. Bill advised to stay out of trouble, be selective, imbibe steadfast integrity and sustainable integrity. Under his *“Six Pillars of Influence” lecture, Bill listed six questions: (1.) How does my action influence others?; (2.) Will my actions build trust?; (3.) Do my actions agree with my values, purpose and promote my self-worth?; (4.) Do my choices honour others and myself?; (5.) Is my action honest?; (6.) Does my choices build or sustain my good character? These questions are noted as essential for self-evaluation if one must be said to have integrity.

 He clearly emphasized that “the antidote for corruption is integrity” and that *_“a person with integrity does the right thing even if they have to suffer”_*. Bill concluded that in order to do the right thing and stay upright, integrity must not be compromised.

The training was climaxed by contributions, questions posed by the audience bordering on integrity and corruption and responses from Mr. Pipke and Mr. Bruce Mann.


© Public Relations Unit, ACC