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12. 12 campaign, especially for the steps taken by the police to dismantle illegal checkpoin ts where police officers sometimes carry out acts of bribery. 55 AYV ‘ PNB builds relationship between the SLP and motor drivers union in Bo District’ . The ACC Office in Bo conducted an on - the - spot visit at checkpoints in Bo to gauge reaction of commercial motor drivers on the checkpoints dismantled by the Sierra Leone Police after reports of bribery made through the Pay No Bribe reporting platform. ACC F 5 6 New Vision ‘ PNB builds relationship between the SLP and motor drivers union in Bo Dist rict’ . The ACC Office in Bo conducted an on - the - spot visit at checkpoints in Bo to gauge reaction of commercial motor drivers on the checkpoints dismantled by the Sierra Leone Police after reports of bribery made through the Pay No Bribe reporting platform . ACC F 28 April 5 7 Premier News ‘ACC signs Integrity Pledge with Ministry of Agriculture’. The ACC Commissioner signed an integrity pledge with the Minister of Agriculture in a bid to show commitment to the fight against corruption. ACC F 5 8 AYV ‘ACC signs Integrity Pledge with Ministry of Agriculture’. The ACC Commissioner signed an integrity pledge with the Minister of Agriculture in a bid to show commitment to the fight against corruption. ACC F

2. 2 Highlights The month of April of saw 96 % of favourable publications, while the percentage of unfav ourable publications was 2 %. The perce ntage of ambivalent reports is 2 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports ‘ ACC commends IG Munu’ . During an engagement with officers of the Waterloo Police Division, the ACC Team acknowledged the strides being made by the Inspector General of Police and his management in the implementation of the Pay No Bribe campaign. ‘ Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, visits the Pay No Bribe Centre’ . During her visit to Sierra Leone, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne visited the ACC Pay No Bribe call centre, where she was given updates on the progress of the implementation of the project by Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq . ‘ University of Sierra Leone embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC held customized meeti ng with the administrative staff of the University of Sierra Leone to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and common bribery issues within the university. ‘Health workers pledge support to the PNB campaign in Bombali’. The ACC Office in Makeni organised a customized meeting with staff of the Bombali District Health Management Team and the Makeni Government Hospital to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and some of the common cases of bribery being reported by patients. ‘ACC signs In tegrity Pledge with Ministry of Agriculture’. The ACC Commissioner signed an integrity pledge with the Minister of Agriculture in a bid to show commitment to the fight against corruption. Unfavourable report ‘ The fight against corruption is a farce!!’. The article by Atomic Pen, says much has not been done in the fight against corruption, claiming that corrupt public officers in high places are usually left the hook while lower public officers are targeted.

10. 10 PNB campaign’ . The ACC Office in Makeni organised a meeting with officers of the Rogbaneh Police Division and presented the first quarter Pay No Bribe report to the division for the officers to take action on reports th at should be of concern to the F orce. 21 April 44 New Storm ‘Health workers pledge support to the PNB campaign in Bombali’. The ACC Office in Makeni organised a customized meeting with staff of the Bombali District Health Management Team and the Makeni Government Hospital to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and some of the common cases of bribery being reported by patients. ACC F 45 Trumpet ‘Rogbaneh police embrace PNB campaign’ . The ACC Office in Makeni organised a meeting with officers of the Rogbaneh Police Division and presented the first quarter Pay No Bribe report to the div ision for the officers to take action on reports th at should be of concern to the F orce. ACC F 24 April 46 Global Times ‘ ACC dialogues with traffic stakeholders in Kono District’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono organised a meeting with stakehol ders in the traffic sector in Kono to raise awareness on issues of bribery in the sector and enlist them in the fight against such acts. ACC F 4 7 New Vision ‘ ACC dialogues with traffic stakeholders in Kono District’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono or ganised a meeting with stakeholders in the traffic sector in Kono to raise awareness on issues of bribery in the sector and enlist them in the fight against such acts. ACC F 48 AYV ‘ ACC dialogues with traffic stakeholders in Kono District’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono organised a meeting with stakeholders in the traffic sector in Kono to raise awareness on issues of bribery in the sector and enlist them in the fight ACC F

9. 9 Team and the Makeni Government Hospital to raise awar eness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and some of the common cases of bribery being reported by patients. 38 New Vision ‘Health workers pledge support to the PNB campaign in Bombali’. The ACC Office in Makeni organised a customized meeting with staf f of the Bombali District Health Management Team and the Makeni Government Hospital to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and some of the common cases of bribery being reported by patients. ACC F 39 New Vision ‘ Rogbaneh police officers embrac e the PNB campaign’ . The ACC Office in Makeni organised a meeting with officers of the Rogbaneh Police Division and presented the first quarter Pay No Bribe report to the division for the officers to take action on reports that should be of concern to the F orce. ACC F 40 AYV ‘ University of Sierra Leone embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC held a customized meeting with the administrative staff of the University of Sierra Leone to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and common bribery is sues within the university. ACC F 41 AYV ‘ ACC concludes integrity clubs debate on the PNB in Bo District’ . The ACC Office in Bo organised debating competition for six secondary schools in Bo District on the Pay No Bribe campaign, in which the Milton Compr eh ensive School emerged as winner . ACC F 42 AYV ‘Health workers pledge support to the PNB campaign in Bombali’. The ACC Office in Makeni organised a customized meeting with staff of the Bombali District Health Management Team and the Makeni Government Hos pital to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and some of the common cases of bribery being reported by patients. ACC F 43 AYV ‘ Rogbaneh police officers embrace the ACC F

11. 11 against such acts. 49 Independent Observer ‘ ACC dialogues with traffic stakeholders in Kono District’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono organised a meeting with stakeholders in the traffic sector in Kono to raise awareness on issues of bribery in the sector and enlist them in the fight against such acts. ACC F 50 New Sto rm ‘ ACC dialogues with traffic stakeholders in Kono District’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono organised a meeting with stakeholders in the traffic sector in Kono to raise awareness on issues of bribery in the sector and enlist them in the fight again st such acts. ACC F 51 Trumpet ‘ACC, police dismantle 21 illegal checkpoints’. In response to cases of bribery in the traffic sector, the Sierra Leone Police dismantled twenty - one illegal checkpoints along major highways in the provinces. ACC F 25 Apri l 52 Specimen ‘ ACC to investigate 17,625 corrupt cases’. This quoted the Deputy Director of Public Education Patrick Sandi as saying that the Commission has so far received seventeen thousand six hundred and twenty - five reports of bribery through the P ay No Bribe reporting platform. He made the statement during a customized meeting between the ACC and administrative staff of the University of Sierra Leone. ACC F 26 April 53 Spectator ‘ PNB builds relationship between the SLP and motor drivers uni on in Bo District’ . The ACC Office in Bo conducted an on - the - spot visit at checkpoints in Bo to gauge reaction of commercial motor drivers on the checkpoints dismantled by the Sierra Leone Police after reports of bribery made through the Pay No Bribe repor ting platform. ACC F 54 Trumpet ‘ Tackling corruption: ACC taking deeper bites & longer steps’. The paper praises the gains being made by the ACC through the Pay No Bribe Editorial F

8. 8 by patients. 32 A YV ‘Health workers pledge support to the PNB campaign in Bombali’. The ACC Office in Makeni organised a customized meeting with staff of the Bombali Dis trict Health Management Team and the Makeni Government Hospital to raise awareness about the Pay No Brib e campaign and some of the common cases of bribery being reported by patients. ACC F 33 Guardian Post ‘ ACC concludes integrity clubs debate on the PNB in Bo District’ . The ACC Office in Bo organised debating competition for six secondary schools in Bo District on the Pay No Bribe campaign, in which the Milton Compreh ensive School emerged as winner . ACC F 34 Guardian Post ‘ University of Sierra Leone embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC held a customized meeting with the administrative staff o f the University of Sierra Leone to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and common bribery issues within the university. ACC F 35 Guardian Post ‘ HRH Princess Anne (The Princess Royal) visits Sierra Leone ’ . During her visit to Sierra Leone, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne visited the ACC Pay No Bribe call centre, where she was given updates on the progress of the implementation of the project by Commissioner Ady Macauley. News story F 36 Premier News ‘ ACC engages health workers ’. The ACC Off ice in Makeni organised a customized meeting with staff of the Bombali District Health Management Team and the Makeni Government Hospital to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and some of the common cases of bribery being reported by patients. ACC F 20 April 37 Peak ‘Health workers pledge support to the PNB campaign in Bombali’. The ACC Office in Makeni organised a customized meeting with staff of the Bombali District Health Management ACC F

7. 7 com mon bribery issues within the university. 26 Trumpet ‘ ACC scores majestic goal with royalty’. The paper praises the efforts of the ACC in the implementation of the Pay No Bribe campaign, especially in the wake of the visit of Her Royal Highness Pri ncess Anne. ACC F 18 April 27 Standard Times ‘ Over Le20 billion bailout...Njala Finance Office to be investigated’. The report states that the Finance Officer of the Njala University will soon face an audit committee over the management of an eight bil lion leones government bailout of the University. News story A 28 Independent Observer ‘ University of Sierra Leone embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC held a customized meeting with the administrative staff of the University of Sierra Leone to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and common bribery issues within the university. ACC F 29 AYV ‘ University of Sierra Leone embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC held a customized meeting with the administrative staff of the Universit y of Sierra Leone to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and common bribery issues within the university. ACC F 30 AYV ‘ ACC concludes integrity clubs debate on the PNB in Bo District’ . The ACC Office in Bo organised debating competition for si x secondary schools in Bo District on the Pay No Bribe campaign, in which the Milton Compreh ensive School emerged as winner . ACC F 19 April 31 Independent Observer ‘Health workers pledge support to the PNB campaign in Bombali’. The ACC Office in Make ni organised a customized meeting with staff of the Bombali District Health Management Team at the Makeni Government Hospital to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and some of the common cases of bribery being reported ACC F

4. 4 Macauley. 10 April 7 Global Times ‘ The fight against corruption is a farce!!’. The article by Atomic Pen, says much has not been done in the fight against corruption, claiming that corrupt public officers in high places are usually left the hook while lower public officers are targeted. Commentary UF 8 Trumpet Princess Anne visits the PNB Ce ntre’ . During her visit to Sierra Leone, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne visited the ACC Pay No Bribe call centre, where she was given updates on the progress of the implementation of the project by Commissioner Ady Macauley. ACC F 9 For Di People High R oyal Highness Princess Anne visits the Pay No Bribe Call Centre’ . During her visit to Sierra Leone, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne visited the ACC Pay No Bribe call centre, where she was given updates on the progress of the implementation of the project by Commissioner Ady Macauley. ACC F 10 For Di People ‘ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opens booth at the Trade Fair’. ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opened the ACC Booth at the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair at the Siaka Stevens Stadium, where h e spoke of the rationale beh ind ACC’s participation in the F air. ACC F 11 New Storm ‘ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opens booth at the Trade Fair and Exhibition ’. ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opened the ACC Booth at the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce Tr ade Fair at the Siaka Stevens Stadium, where he spoke of the rationale behind ACC’s participation in the F air. ACC F 12 AYV ‘ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opens booth at the Trade Fair and Exhibition ’. ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opened the ACC Booth at the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair at the Siaka Stevens Stadium, where he spoke of the rationale beh ind ACC’s participation in the F air. ACC F

6. 6 org anised debating competition for six secondary schools in Bo District on the Pay No Bribe campaign, in which the Milton Compreh ensive School emerged as winner . 20 Daily Mail ‘ Her Royal Highness Princess Anne visits the Pay No Bribe Call Centre’ . Duri ng her visit to Sierra Leone, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne visited the ACC Pay No Bribe call centre, where she was given updates on the progress of the implementation of the project by Commissioner Ady Macauley. ACC F 21 Nationalist ‘ USL embraces PNB campaign’. The ACC held a customized meeting with the administrative staff of the University of Sierra Leone to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and common bribery issues within the university. ACC F 22 Nationalist ‘ ACC concludes integrity clubs debate s in Bo ’ . The ACC Office in Bo organised debating competition for six secondary schools in Bo District on the Pay No Bribe campaign, in which the Milton Compreh ensive School emerged as winner . ACC F 13 April 23 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘ ACC concludes integrity clubs debate on the PNB in Bo District’ . The ACC Office in Bo organised debating competition for six secondary schools in Bo District on the Pay No Bribe campaign, in which the Milton Comprehensive School emerged as winners. ACC F 24 Salone Champion ‘ USL embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC held a customized meeting with the administrative staff of the University of Sierra Leone to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and common bribery issues within the uni versity. ACC F 25 Standard Times ‘ University of Sierra Leone embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC held a customized meeting with the administrative staff of the University of Sierra Leone to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and ACC F

5. 5 13 Independent Observer ‘ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opens booth at the Trade Fair and Exhibitio n ’. ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opened the ACC Booth at the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair at the Siaka Stevens Stadium, where he spoke of the rationale beh ind ACC’s participation in the F air. ACC F 14 Guardian Post ‘ACC Commissioner Ady Ma cauley opens booth at the Trade Fair and Exhibition ’. ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opened the ACC Booth at the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair at the Siaka Stevens Stadium, where he spoke of the rationale behind ACC’s participation in the F air . ACC F 15 New Vision ‘ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opens booth at the Trade Fair and Exhibition ’. ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley opened the ACC Booth at the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair at the Siaka Stevens Stadium, where he spoke of the rationale beh ind ACC’s participation in the F air. ACC F 12 April 16 Global Times ‘ ACC to probe MODCON’ . The story states that the National Revenue Authority is planning on referring the MODCON Construction Company to the ACC over the nonpa yment of Goods and Services Tax to the NRA after NASSIT paid the company over four million dollars for the construction of one of the plazas in the provinces. News story F 17 AYV ‘ HRH Princess Anne [The Princess Roayal] visits Sierra Leone’ . This is abo ut the visit of Princess Anne to Sierra Leone, which saw her visit the Pay No Bribe call centre. News story F 18 AYV ‘ University of Sierra Leone embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC held a customized meeting with the administrative staff of the U niversity of Sierra Leone to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and common bribery issues within the university. ACC F 19 Independent Observer ‘ ACC concludes integrity clubs debate on the Pay No Bribe in Bo District’ . The ACC Office in Bo ACC F

3. 3 No. NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF 4 April 1 Guardian Post ‘ ACC dialogues with the five pilot MDAs in Kenema District on the first quarter Pay No Bribe campaign Report ’ . The ACC Office in Kenema met with the five pilot MDAs in the Pay No Bribe campaign to discuss issues contained in t he first quarter PNB report. ACC F 5 April 2 AYV ‘ ACC commends IG Munu’ . During an engagement with officers of the Waterloo Police Division, the ACC Team acknowledged the strides being made by the Inspector General of Police and his mana gement in the implementation of the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 7 April 3 Global Times ‘ ACC to recover Gov’t money from Lebanese contractor, Bassam Ghoussoub’ . The caption has no story, but a ‘see next edition’ caption. New s story F 4 Standard Times ‘ Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, visits the Pay No Bribe Centre’ . During her visit to Sierra Leone, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne visited the ACC Pay No Bribe call centre, where she was given updates on the pr ogress of the implementation of the project by Commissioner Ady Macauley. ACC F 5 Premier News Royal Princess visits Pay No Bribe Call Centre’ . During her visit to Sierra Leone, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne visited the ACC Pay No Bribe cal l centre, where she was given updates on the progress of the implementation of the project by Commissioner Ady Macauley. ACC F 6 Awoko Princess Anne visits the Pay No Bribe Call Centre’ . During her visit to Sierra Leone, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne visited the ACC Pay No Bribe call centre, where she was given updates on the progress of the implementation of the project by Commissioner Ady ACC F

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR APRIL 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - artic les, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 58 Number of news stories - 5 Number of commentaries - 1 Number of editorials - 1 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 51 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 57 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 1 (2 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 56(96 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 1 (2 %)


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