REPORT - Commissioner's Tour - 24th -28th June 2018
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16. 16 He said , the ACC will give some priority to preventi ve regimes by building robust systems and processes in MDAs in a bid to ensure effective service delivery. Mr. Kaifala also spoke on the need to review the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 and address some of the challenges in the assets declaration regime, especi ally the area of exit declaration by public officers, which he referred to as unfair to anti - corruption efforts. He added that there is need to review the sentences in th e curren t Act to make them more robust. Whilst addressing stakeholders at the Makeni C ity Council Hall i n Makeni, the Commissioner added that the fight is not about any particular region, tribe or political party. In Kono, the Commissioner added that little over a decade from now, the country will be celebrating the centenary anniversary of the discove ry of the first diamond in the D istrict. He said , it is however sad that diamonds have not been positively translated in the infrastructure and wellbein g of the people of the D istrict; calling on the stakeholders of the D istrict to give the Com mission the required support to fight the scourge. Stakeholders at the meeting in Bo Statements, Questions and Contributions by stakeholders in Bo Engineer S eiya , EDSA
9. 9 There will be no room for lack of integrity. Sometimes lack of supe rvision from HQ creates room for bad practices to happen. On the issue of challenges, the Commissioner said that , challenges are obvious, but they should not prevent the Commission from executing its mandate of curbing corruption in the country; assuring t hat the Commission will work to address them. T he Commission will soon hold a F inance Committee meeting at HQ, at which Regional M anagers will attend, to deliberate on how the funds received from th e G overnment will be properly utilized. The Commissioner said that , all the concerns of staff will be taken seriously, as well as all staff of the Commission. He said whilst Management is working on addressing the challenges, there should be no room for excuses. He a ssured staff that he will put together what i s needed and ensure that the basic needs are provided. Mr. Kaifala said he is pleased with the level of commitment Management is receiving from the regions – but there is room for improvement. He told the staff that, under his leadership, he will not decap itate the regional offices merely because people want to work in Freetown; stressing that Management will provide incentive for people to work in the regions. The Commissioner also said that the Commission will work to regionalize the assets declaration ex ercise. At the Bo Office, the Commissioner said he is aware that the of fice needs some facelift; and therefore asked the Deputy Commissioner to lo ok into it immediately, emphasiz ing that the work environment is as important as the work people do. In Kono, the Commissioner also asked the Deputy Commissioner to immediately look into the issue of the office vehicle .
43. 43 Makoa Sinnah, Businessman Many people have complained cases of corruption to the ACC; but no actions are being taken and there have been no feedbacks as well. Right now we are closely watching the work of the new ACC chief; if there is no improvements then we will be vociferous in condemning the Commission. Meeting with stakeholders in Kono
39. 39 Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . The Commissioner said the military can be key participants in the fight against corruption. He said he had declared a war against corruption, adding that his visit was to reach out for more partnership in order to win the fight. He said all public servants want improved conditions of service; something he said could only be possible if corruption was minimized. Commissioner presents the latest edition of ACC Newsletter to Lt. Col. Williamson T. Pessima COURTESY V ISIT TO TANKORO POLICE DIVISION S uperintendent Komba N. Mendekia, Support Officer He welcomed the Commissioner and entourage. He said that the police have been very supportive to the operations of the ACC, especially the sub - regional office, adding that the police will continue to provide the necessary support to fight corruption in the country.
10. 10 Commissioner and entourage pose with staff of the Bo Regional Office VISIT TO PC PRINCE LAPPIA BOIMA IV OF KAKUA CHIEFDOM Commiss ioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. The Commissioner t old the PC that his visit was a courtesy visit and t hanked him for hosting the Bo Regional Office. He appealed to the PC to provide the Commission with the needed support to fight against corruption in the country. PC Boima The PC t old the Commissioner and his team that he and his chiefdom authorities have been providing the Commission with the required support, especially to the Integrity Management Committees and the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Str ategy; pledging that they will continue to give such support.
11. 11 Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. presenting the latest edition of the ACC Newsletter to Paramount Chief Prince Lappia Boima IV of Kakua Chiefdom COURTESY VISIT TO THE BO CITY COUNCIL Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . The Commissioner t hanked the Council for the support and requested for support, as the Commission is committed to a robust fight against corruption in the country. The local councils are important because they are clos er to the people. The Commission looks forward to more cooperation, especially in the area of prevention by way o f systems and processes review and capacity building through training in integrity. Deputy Mayor David Smart On behalf of the Mayor, who is ou t of the country, said the Council has been very cooperative with the ACC. The Council takes the fight against corruption very seriously because, as this is topmost in the agenda of the Government, which lays emphasis on accountability. The Regiona l Office has been engaging the C ouncil on the IMCs and the Pay No Bribe campaign. All must work to fight corruption because Sierra Leoneans are tired with the corrupt state of affairs before this time.
13. 13 Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies at the meeting with stakeholders in Bo Bo District Council Chairman, Joseph Munda Bindi The Chairman said i t is the pleasure of the people of Bo to meet and work with the new Commissioner and wished the C ommissioner strength to provide leadership in the fight. The C ouncil will show dedication to t he fight against corruption by doing the right thing at all times and work in the interest of the people by providing efficient and effective services. He appealed to the C ommissioner t o help advocate to the central G overnment to look into the conditions o f service of public workers, especially local council staff who have been providing volunt ary service for the past years without any incentive. Jeremy Simbo, Chairman CSOs, Southern Region He congratulated the C ommissioner on his appointment. He s aid the C ommissioner has taken over the leadership of the fight against corruption at a time when many people have lost confidence in the f ight; expressing hope that the C ommissioner will restore hope. He said people now know what constitutes corruption, so what i s now needed is the required leadership to fight the scourge. He brought to the attention of the C ommissioner cases which he said the people have been asking questions about, making particular references to - allegations of misappropriation of public funds a t the Njala University, Ibrahim Bazzy who is accused of procuring faulty generators, etc.
22. 22 Short address by the Commissioner at the National Capacity Trai ning on UPR/NMFR for the Inter - M inisterial Committee of the Government of Sierra Leone organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Commissioner told organiz ers and participants at the training that the Commission was particularly pleased to note that the Ministry included NACS in their strategy. He described the fight against corruption as a human rights issue. He said all institutions needed to reverse the bad practices that were giving the country a bad name . He however registered his disappointment for the exclusion of ACC in such a training, which had as one of its items the National Anti - Corruption Strategy. Group photo: Commissioner and entourage and participants Director Nabilahi - Musa Kamara He told the audience that his S ecretariat is coordinating the implement ation of the NACS. He said the Ministry had an I ntegr ity Management C ommittee, but there had been challenges related to the effectiveness of the IMC due to frequent transfers of its members. He said the Commission‟s doors are always open to welcome MDAs that are seeking assistance on the implement ation of the NACS and insti tutionalizing anti - corruption measures .
23. 23 COURTESY VISIT TO THE MINISTER OF STATE - EAST The Commissioner said the fight against corruption is one of the pillars of the Government, adding that the Commission could not do it alone. He therefore called on the Mi nister to provide the Commission with the required support. Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner at the office of the Minister of State - East, Andrew Fatorma Minister of State - East, Andrew Fatorma The Minister, while pledging his support to the Commission, said joining the fight against corruption is an act of patriotism. He said the country had lagged behind because of corruption. The Minister used the opportunity to complain to the Commissioner the poor rehabilitation work undertaken at his off ice. He then took the Commissioner on a conducted tour of work done by the contractor named as Mansaray. COURTESY VISIT TO THE KENEMA DISTRICT COUNCIL CHAIRMAN, MOHAMED SESAY The Kenema District Council Chairman Mohamed Sesay thanked the Commissioner for t he visit, which he said the people of Kenema have been yearning for. He said , many people are seeking for answers to questions relating to the GTTR. He said Kenema is
14. 14 Jeremy Simbo, Chairman CSOs, Southern Region, making a statement Message of Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. to stakeholders in the regions. Please note that in order to avoid repetition; the Commissioner’s mess age to stakeholders will only appear here. The Commissioner told the audience that he is repositioning the Commission to ensure that he mounts a robust fight against corruption. He said he had entered into a social contract with the people and he would work not to let them down. He said the biggest problem of corruption is its cost to the country. He made references to reputable multilateral businesses who look at transparency indices to do invest ment in countries will not come to Sierra Leone because of the image of the country when it comes to combating corruption. He said the cost of corruption is huge, making reference to the 500 million dollars grant by the Millennium Challenge Corporation , which Sierra Leone has not been able to secure because of the country‟s failure to pass the control of corruption indicator. He said the country must work hard to change its reputation by fighting impunity. He said that is why he has declared a war on corruption ; a war that the Commission will certainly win.
15. 15 Commissioner Ben Kaifala Esq. addressing stakeholders in Bo Mr. Kaifala said , his mandate is to investigate past, present and future corruption and he would ensure that the fight is taken seriously. He described the battle against corruption as one that will be “fierce but fair”. He called on stakeholders to be on the side of the Commission and work to minimize corruption, if not eradicate it. The Commissioner told stakeholders in the regions that he is expanding the operations of the Commission across the country and informed them about the steps he is currently taking to strengthen the fight against corruption , including the setting up of a special court to try corruption cases at the premises of the f ormer Special Court for Sierra Leone. “It is my fervent hope that the place that brought the war to an end will help to end corruption in this country,” he said. Commissioner Kaifala said , one of the objectives for the cou rt is to ensure speedy trial of corruption cases, expressing hope that proceedings of any corruption matter /case should not take more than one month. The Commissioner also informed his audiences about his vision to expand the investigations and prosecutions arms of the ACC, so that cases will be handled efficiently and effectively. This, he said, will also help the Commission to provide answers to those questions people have been asking about certain cases.
40. 40 Commissioner and Team pose with Officers of the Tankoro Police Division Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. The work of the ACC is an extension of the work of the police. The Commissioner said the Commission remains grateful for the support it has been receiving from the police. He said it is through concerted efforts that the country can combat the issue of corruption. He called on the police to work with the Commission in changing the negative percepti ons people have about the F orce and improve the living conditions of citizens . He informed the F orce that the Commission has declared war on corruption, calling on the F orce to join the fight in order to win against the scourge. MEETING WITH KONO STAKEHOLDERS AT THE KONO DISTRICT C OUNCIL HALL Deputy Commissioner , Shollay Davies The DC said the high turnout shows people‟s interest in the fight against corruption. He said the purpose of the meeting is for the Commissioner to share his vision with the people of the country and called on all for their support to the anti - graft fight .
25. 25 Commissioner presents the latest editio n of the ACC Newsletter to the M ayor of Kenema Thomas Baio MEETING WITH STAKEHOLDERS IN KENEMA Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies Corruption touches the lives of every Sierra Leonean. When corruption is rampant, people are deprived of their necessities. That is why it is important to engage all stakeholders in the corruption fight. Welcome S tatement by the Chairman of the Kenema Dist rict Council, Mohamed Sesay Many people in Kenema have misconstrued the work of the ACC; many of them hold the view that the Commission is only after small fishes. The people of Kenema want to know about recent developments in the ACC and the fight against corruption in Sierr a Leone, especially issues raised in the Govern ance Transition Team Report. Meeting with stakeholders in Kenema Head of CSO in Kenema, A ugustine Sannoh Corruption is the major factor why Sierra Leone has been bottom of the Human Development Index. We would want to see a robust fight against corruption because the people of Kenema have suffered a lot as a result of the scourge. The people of the District want to get updates on some of the recent cases being investigated by the Comm ission.
18. 18 Ke i fala Koi, Manager ACC Regional Office in Kenema Collaboration with MDA s and other partners . The Regional Manager said that t he Kenema office has ensured heightened partnership with other MDAs , Civil Society and the media . SSN/RESSN Mr. Koi said t he office has b een monitoring cash transfer to beneficiaries by NaCSA in both Kenema and Kaila hun D istricts. Public Education and Outreach U nit This Unit has been very instru mental in the PNB campaign and a nti - corruption sensitizations thro ughout the Kenema and Kailahun D istricts. He said , t he Unit has two staff ; Sylvanus Mohamed Blake and Sam P. Gorgra. For this year, the breakdown of its activities i s as follows : No Activities No of Activities 1 Meet the School Campaign - 7 2 Customised meeting with MDAs - 11 3 Customised meeting on PNB - 13
29. 29 Commissioner and Team pose with Mayor of Makeni and cross secti on of Council staff Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. We are happy about the warm reception received so far in Makeni. The local councils are important to the work of the Commission because they receive huge funds from the central G overnment for their localities. The Commission has started conducting trainings in integrity and ethics in the workplace, and we are looking forward to rolli ng out such trainings to other C ouncils across the country. The Commission prefers to prevent corruption and build systems of public offices, calling on the M ayor to feel free to call on the Commission for any assistance geared towards mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. COURTESY VISIT TO PC KASANGHA PC Bai Sebora Kasangha The Paramount Chief said he was elated to receive “a longtime friend” in the person of the Commissioner. He described himself as someone who is no stranger to the Commission, having served as one of the first board members of the Commission, adding that his commitment t o national service was paramount .
30. 30 Commissioner and PC Bai Sebora Kasangha Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. The Commissioner called on the PC to see the fight against corruption as a national service. He said it was also good to start thinking in the direction of how traditional practices impact on the fight against corruption. COURTESY VISIT TO THE NORTH - EAST REGIONAL POLICE Amara Sesay, Deputy Regional Commander welcomed the Commissioner and Team. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. The work of the ACC is an ex ten sion of the work of the police - we all work to combat crime . We rely a lot on the police to do our work, and we are happy for the kind of collaboration we have been getting. If we are to succeed in eradicating corruption, the police have a huge role to play. Everyone must now work to change the image of the country because we have lost a lot to corruption. The Commission will help the F orce in building systems and practices in a bid to enhance effective service delivery.
31. 31 MEETING WITH MAKENI STAKEHOLDERS 26/07/18 Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies We are here to present to you the new H ead of the institution. The fight against corruption is for the people of Sierra Leone, for the deprived man who cannot get what he is entitled to get from the S tate. Deputy Commissioner making a statement at the meeting with stakeholders in Makeni Deputy Mayor, Makeni - Councilor Ibrahim Santigie Brima Corruption is a disease. As we helped in the fight against Ebola, so we will ensure we join the ACC i n the fight against corruption. CSO Representative, Edward Conteh We treat cases of corruption very seriously because corruption is on e of the main causes of poverty and underdevelopment. We the CSOs have been partnering with the ACC, especially in the area of the PNB. The PNB has been helping a lot in ensuring quality service delivery. We look forward to a successful tenure of your leadership. Bombali District Agriculture Officer - Mohamed Alpha Bah We admire the public education drive of the ACC. We are also thankful for the work being done by the Commission to prevent corruption in MDAs. But the Commission should know that corruption does not only exist in MDAs, and should ens ure that it takes a holistic approach to combat the scourge.
24. 24 seeking for transformation, and they could only achieve this when the country succeeds in the anti - corruption campaign. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq in turn thanked the Chairman for the cordial and warm reception accorded him, stating he was looking forward to robust partnership in the fight against corruption. COURTESY VISIT TO THE RE GIONAL POLICE COMMANDER CSP Francis Nyuma He w elcomed the Commissioner and Team for the visit and pledged support to the fight against corruption. Commis sioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. said he was looking forward to more collaboration with the police as th e he considers the police as key partners in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone. COURTESY VISIT TO THE KENEMA CITY COUNCIL Mayor Thomas Baio His Worship the Mayor welcomed the Commissioner and pledged his C ouncil‟s support to the ACC in a bid to achieve the aims and aspirations of the country. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. Corruption affects every facet of life. That is why all concerned must engage strategic ally in order to succeed as a nation. We all must work to deliver quality services for citizens and turn things around in the country.
32. 32 Meeting with stakeholders in Makeni For Commissioner’s message to stakeholders , please go to Page 13 Commissioner addressing stakeholders in Makeni
12. 12 COURTESY VISIT TO THE BO REGIONAL POLICE DIVISION AIG Kapr S . Kamara He w elcomed the ACC Team and gave a brief description of his area of contr ol, which he said covers seven D ivisions . He said , the police would continue to give the ACC the needed support in the fight against corruption and in law enforcement, especially in areas of intelligence, arrests, suspect detention, etc . He said , the Sierra Leone Police, like any other institution, has good and bad officers; but wil l continue to work to make the F orce a better one. Commissioner F rancis Ben Kaifala Esq. The Commissioner said , Bo is very important to the operations of the ACC. He described the police as partners in the fight against corruption. The Commissioner said the police and the ACC have a big role to play in preventing crime and protecting state resources. He said the police should also partner with the ACC to improve on the negative perception people hold about the police. He said all have to work to ensure that the country‟s image was laundered in a bid to pass the Millennium Challenge Corporation 500 million dollars grant . DAY 2: 25/07/18 MEETING WITH STAKEHOLDERS IN BO Chairman of the E vent and Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies The Deputy Commissioner t hanked all for hono ring the Commission‟s invitation. He said the purpose of the meeting was to present to them the new C ommissioner, who would sh are his vision to fight corruption in the country.
28. 28 The Commissioner was taken on a conducted tour of the ACC Office. When shown the cells which were not being used for quite a long time now, he instructed the Manager to make the cells useable. For Commissioner’s message to staff, please go to Page 8 COURTESY VISIT TO FOURTH BRIGADE, MAKENI Brigadier General Abubakarr Conteh It i s a pleasure to see the Commissioner here in Makeni. We all want to see the fight against corruption gain success. We have been collaborating with the ACC for quite some time now and we will conti nue to do so. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. The military commands a huge number of public service employees, so there is every need to always collaborate with them. We should take the fight against corruption with the seriousness that it deserves in order to enhance effective service delivery as well as change the damning reports and improve the image of the country. COURTESY VISIT TO THE MAYOR OF MAKENI Mayor Sunkari e Kabba Kamara We have been collaborating with the ACC Makeni Office, which has guided our work extensively. The Integrity Management Committee instituted by the ACC has helped us greatly in improving services rendered to the public. The Council is very mindful of anti - corruption issues, and will look forward for more collaboration.
34. 34 4. Monitoring of Radio Stations to en sure ACC‟s programmes are aired - Four Community Radio stations including SLBC FM 90.2 Kono, Eastern Community Radio FM 96.5 Kono, Radio New Song FM 91.1 Kono, Voice of Kono (VOK) FM 98.0 Kono and Citizen Radio FM 107.5 Kono . 5. Customized Engagements with Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA s) and Chiefdom stakeholders - Seven (7) . 6. Community Outreach Sensitization M eetings - Seventeen (17) 7. Front Desk Enquiry (Visitors/Clients) - Thirty (30) 8. Updates on ACC Notice Board and Social Media (WhatsApp groups and F ace book) with relevant issues - Twenty (20) 9. Pay No Brib e Campaign (PNB) Implementation - Thirty (30) 10. Meet the School Campaign - Seven (7) 11. ACC stories/information including public notices/Press Releases aired on the community radio stations - Twenty Five (25) 12. ACC‟s Stories written on Newspapers - Five (5) 13. Training /Workshop - Two (2) 14. Social Safety Net (SSN) Cash Transfer to beneficiaries - One (1) 15. Regional T echnical working Group Meetings - Three (3) 16. Outreach (Hub and Spokes) - Three (3) 17. Mass Public sensitization on the P NB - Three (3) Investigations U nit The Sub - Regional Manager said the Investi gations Unit has been actively involved in the investigation of matters reported and some have been brought to a logical conclusion. He said a case review committee is also functional. Presently, there are eight ( 8 ) cases under investigation. There is a pending judgement for one matter that was tried in the Sefadu High Court. Also, some cases have been completed and sent to HQ for advice. However, he said, the following issues need ed urgent attention: Notices, Updat es and Files sent to Freetown for advice be given the required attention.
42. 42 deliver the required services to the public, but they are facing many challenges often caused by the central government. MDAs’ R epresentative - Deputy Director of Education, Alpha Sesay The fight against corruption is a fight for all, because corruption affects all irrespective of status. He said that is why his office has been working assiduously with the ACC through the Integrity Management Committee o f the M inistry. Questions and Comments: Sheikh Mohamed Lamin Fofana We would want you to organiz e such meetings for v o t e controllers. We hope the fight against corruption would not have any sacred cows. Sheikh Mohamed Lamin Fofana posing his question to the Commissioner Senior District Officer , Kallal Kamara The G overnment should work on addressing the issue of the salary structure, also complaining that district officers are yet to receive salaries, even though the Ministry of Fin ance claims that all public sector staff have been paid. Komba Charles Kapuwa, Chairman SLUDI, Kono District Persons living with disabilities are not benefitting from mining royalties.
3. 3 A total of Le143,063,961.81 was expended as other Charges in the Region for t he period under review. Public E ducation & External Outreach expended Le42,271,000.00(33%), Investigations & Prosecutions Department Le34,664,950.00 (24%), Transport fuel & Oil Le15,606,250 .00(11%), General & Admin Expenses Le11,458,800.00 (8%). Donor Support The Pay N o Bribe campaign was the only donor funded program in the Region for the period under review. As a result of activities supported by the PNB project, a total amount of Le35,21 2,500.00 was remitted representing 29 percent of the total funds received in the region for 2017. Recoveries from Restitution/Fine Pursuan t to section 139 of the Anti - Corruption Act, 2008 (Supplementary Fund), reads “ The Commission shall retain 10 perce nt of all debt recovered in civil proceedings in the course of its works and shall supplement its budget with it and the remaining ninety percent shall be paid into the Consolidated fund.” In light of the a bove, the Bo Regional Office was able to secure restitution/fine to the tune of Le222,280,000.00 during it s course of work, for the period under review. Le90,000,000.00 was paid directly to the Consolidated fund, Le25,000,000.00 was paid to ACC and Le107,280,000.00 was still outstanding as at 3 1st Dece mber, 2017. Inflow As at the start of the year , a total of Le16,963,298.64 was the balance brought forward. During the period, a total of Le130,356,107.00 was received as inflow in the Region. Le57,420,000 (44%) was exclusively for PNB Project activities in the Region and the balance Le72,936,107 (56%) was for GoSL activities in the Region, of this amount Le37,586,207 (29%) was for Recurrent activities and Le35,349,900 (27%) was for other activiti es in the Region. Outflow A total of Le105 , 171,761 was expended for t he period under review. Public E ducation and External Outreach account for Le54 , 670,710 (52%), Special Operation Le22 , 202,200 (21%), Systems & Process Review Le7 , 072,040 (7%) and General Admin Expenses Le5 , 231,750 (5%) to name but a few expenditure lines.
38. 38 For Commissioner’s message to staff , please go to Page 8 Senior Investigations Officer Alfred B. Sesay He said he had a wealth of experience in investigations but would soon retire. He said , he deeply regretted that he would not get the opportunity to work with the new Commissioner for a long time. Commissioner and Team pose with staff of Kono Sub - Regional Office COURTESY VISIT TO THE NINTH INFANTRY BATTALION 27/07/18 Lt. Col. Williamson T. Pessima, 9 th Infantry Battalion Commanding Officer He congratulated the Commissioner on his appointment, adding that he looked forward to a cordial working relationship with him. He said the mandate of the battalion is to ensure that the whole of Kono District is secured from external aggression. He said however that , they also occasionally work with the police for certain operations geared towards keeping public peace. The commanding officer said that the military also often work with civil agencies like dur ing the Ebola outbreak and August 14 , 2017 mudslide in Freetown. He described the security situation in the district as calm and quiet ; except for some disturbances - like cliques and illegal artisanal mining - which he said were not insurmountable . He said Kono District shares a swathe of land with Guinea. He said though the situation along the border is calm, there have been problems of smuggling. He said patrolling the border is a major challenge due to logistical challenges. He however expressed that no matter the challenges, they would continue to work with their constitutional mandate of protecting the S tate from external aggression .
41. 41 For Commissioner’s message to stakeholders , please go to Page 13 Comedians performing a play on the ills of bribery Welcome R emarks by Tamba John Trye, Chairman , Kono District Council He said the fight against corruption is yielding dividends in the District. He said corruption has a negative impact on the country, pledging his commitment in the fight. Senior District Officer, Kallal Kamara He is confident that the President made the ri ght choice in the appointment of the Commissioner. He spoke about the impact of the PNB in addressing cases of bribery. He said there are many cases of corruption in the public sector which require the attention of the ACC, making reference to the judiciary and education sector. CSO Representative, Arthur Kargbo Civil society activists know the negative impacts of corruption; that is why all must support the ACC in combating the scourge. He said the MDAs are working hard to
33. 33 Question and Answer Session : Ibrahim M.S. Fofana, former lecturer and now member of Council of Elders He claimed he once reported a matter to the Commission, which he was made to suffer for in the hands of his employers. Audit Service R epresentative What would you do to address the issues in the audit report? Emelia Jengo There is need to strengthen the ACC Communications Unit to ensure that they clearly explain the outcome of matters reported to the Commission. Alieu Kudus Kamara - Bombali District Registration Officer , NCRA What would you do to ensure that individuals convicted for acts of corruption are ad equately penalized? MEETING WITH STAFF OF ACC KONO OFFICE Report by Regional Manager, Wilfred Bangura The Regional Manager welcomed the ACC Commissioner and his entourage and gave a brief rundown about the governance and security situations of the Distric t. He went further to explain about the operations of the office. Public Education Unit . Mr . Bangura said the Public Education Unit has been very pro - active in the fight against corruption in the D istrict . The a ctivities conducted include c ustomized m eetings with Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), establishment of twenty Two (22) Integrity Management Committees (IMCs), support to integrity Clubs, engagements on the PNB , the NACS and assets declaration exercise etc. He said t he unit interacts and liaise with the media, civil s ociet y, MDAs, NGOs, INGOs and the c ommunity people , amongst others. The Unit has produce d articles and new s items on every engagement for publication in the media. Summary of activities/gains 1. Radio Discussion Programmes - Eighteen (18) 2. Newspapers - Five Hundred and Twenty Nine (529) 3. News Items - Fourteen (14)
5. 5 The regional office continues to strive for collaboration and c oope ration with other bodies. Mr. Marah said he is an active member of PROSEC – the highes t security body in the region. The office has also collaborated with various bodies (media and CSOs) to sen sitize the publ ic on corruption. The office has been prov iding support to NACSA in the implementation of the SSN and RE - SSN. Asset Declaration Asset Declaration F orms for 2018 have been distributed t o MDAs by HQ. A total of 1,425 Assets Forms were distributed and 374 F orms received as of July 2018 . This represents 26% compliance. There is need for enforcement of compliance sanction as provided for in the ACA 2008. Pay No Bribe Campaign The Regional office is actively involved in t he PNB project. Sensitization is being done via radio program me s , community meetin gs, street theaters and customiz ed engagements . Status Report on NACS : An assessment was conducted in the region. Getting the IMCs to function effectively is still a challenge. The piloted MDAs for the PNB seem to have the most effective and functional IMCs. I &I Department Annual Report 2017 The Investigation Unit in Bo comprise s three staff i.e. one Senior Investigation Officer ( Musa J.B. Jawara ) and two Investigation Officers ( Bernard Dixon and Bassiatu Karo - Kamara ) . Total case load wa s seven two (72). Out of these, thirty (30) cases were completed and sent for advice and out of them, nine (9) cases indicted and forty two (42) rolled over to 2018. Completed cases sent to HQ in 2017 Thirty cases (30) were investigated and investigation reports written and sent to HQ for advice. Indictments & C onvictions in 2017 Nine ( 9) indictments were filed in court . P rosecutions have been completed for some and other s still ongoing.
17. 17 Delay in disbursing – and sometimes non - availability of - subvention is a major challenge for many public service institutions . Sylvanus Boima, Persons Living with Disabilities, Bo Glad about the proposal for the setting up of a court for corruption cases ; please also advocate for persons with disabilities to get a respectable living. David Smart, Deputy Mayor Bo City Council Pledged his C ouncil‟s suppor t to the ACC in a bid to fight the common enemy. MEETING WITH STAFF OF ACC KENEMA OFFICE 25/07/18 Report by the ACC Regional Manager in Kenema, Kei fala Koi The Manager thanked and welcomed the Commissioner and his team to the Kenema Regional Office and wished them a fruitful visit and deliberation s . He said the staff strength at the Kenema office is 11 (twelve) Office v ehicle and motor bikes Mr. Koi said , the Kene ma office has one vehicle AET 942 and five motorbikes. The vehicle and three of the mo torbikes remain in good working order , while two are grounded. Asset D eclaration The Regional Manager said , that t he offic e distributed Asset Declaration F orms to public o fficers in Kenema and Kailahun D istricts. In 2007, the office received tw o thousand five hundred (2500) F orms from head office and distributed two thousand four hundred and thirty one (2431). He said , they collected almost four hundred and thirty f ive (435) F orms. He said , d istributions and collections are currently on going al though there is a lukewarm attitude by most civil servants towards the exercise. Another challenge is the bad road to Kailahun to distribute and collect the F orms. He said i n 2018, the office has distributed 2000 F orms but only 131 have been collected.
4. 4 As a t 3 0th June,2018, a balance of Le40,906,899.40 was the cash at bank, Le6,000,000 of this amount is funds for PNB Activities, Le 12,239,000 for other activities. Stale Cheque s of Le450,000 and Le22,217,899.40 is for Regional Recur rent expenditures balance . Le775 , 000 is the Petty cash Balance as at 30 th June , 2018 . Fixed Asset “Furniture & Equipment issued for Government quarters or Offices shall be brought on charge in a mastery inventory.”Reference, Section 231 (1) of the Financial Management Regulation (FMR), 2007. In a bid to honor the above, there is an updated fixed asset register showing the existence and condition of assets in the Region. There are 53 items which are damaged and obsolete that should be disposed of. Of fice B uilding The office is leased unlike the other regional offices. Detail s of the lease agreement is at H ead Quarters - Freetown. Land The office acquired land property from the Government at Reservation for proposed construction of office. The land is un der threat of encroachment due to unregulated sales of Government land . Security The office has two security staff member s who ensure the safety of the C ommission ' s properties, monitors staff movements and regulate visitations. In the night, security is ma intained by two OSD personnel who are provided monthly token of Le.300 , 000 for each personnel. So far , no major security concerns were raised. One OSD sick. Staff Training He said he benefited from one week training in Ghana on management and intelligence in 2016. However, there is need for regional staff to be included in training program me s as those at HQ. Collaboration
26. 26 Deputy Director, Ministry o f Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Francess Kamara The Ministry, has, in the past be en working to address issues affecting the educational sector, such as night classes, extortion, extra charges, etc. We want sanity to prevail in the schools and we can only ac hieve this with the help of ACC and we have been able to achieve so much because of our close collaboration with ACC. For Commissioner’s statement to stakeholders, please go to Page 13 Question and Answer Sessi on Alphajor Bah, Principal Ansarul Islamic Secondary School Were it not for corruption Sierra Leoneans have no reason to be poor. Now that you have started your work so well, we hope you will not end up in politics like former Commissioner Joseph F. Kamara. Sam Alpha Lahai, AYV What is meant by sealed indictments? Would you assure us that you w ill be different from previous C ommissioners? Brima Sannoh, Eastern Radio How would you address the area of sacred cows? Septimus Vandy, Regional Chairman Council of Principals Teachers are the least paid in the country, please advocate for us to make our con ditions of service attractive . MEETING WITH STAFF OF ACC MAKENI 26/07/18 Report by the Regional Manager, Abubakarr Kamara The Regional Manager described the general condition of work at the office as relatively secured and stable. He said the office continues to assert ownership of the unfenced portion of the Commission‟s land just at the back of the building to ward off land grabbers.
27. 27 He said even though the Commission is experiencing constraints in terms of vehicle availability a nd adequacy, the challenge faced by his office is very dire and needs urgent attention, as the situation is causing a serious challenge to their operations. Updates on Activities and Programmes Public Education and Outreach Department Mr. Kamara said in sp ite of the inadequate manpower , the U nit remains on top of situation in its community engagements, reaching all the 7 (seven) administrative districts in the Northern Region. The Pay No Bribe Campaign has been heightened in the region, reaching particularl y the new administrative districts of Karene and Falaba. Significant areas in the remaining 5 (five) districts have also been covered through mass campaigns in population clusters such as urban communiti es and weekly market centres (Lu mas). He said the Uni t continues to r each out to communities with messages through radio programmes, community meetings and customized meetings with MDAs/partners, Meet - the - Schools campaigns as well as monitoring of community - based programmes implemented by other partners such as the Social Safety Net cash transfers and the Labour I ntensive Public Works (LIPW) implemented by the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) . Investigation The Regional Manager said , the U nit continues to adequately and effectively respond to public complaints either d irectly reported to them or referred from H eadquarters. He said t he corruption offences received from the public by this office are mainly on misappropriati on of public funds and property, misappropriat ion of donor funds and prope rty, abuse of office, impersonating an ACC official , etc. Case Update The Manager said the Investigation Unit is currently han dling a total of 20 (twenty) cases. Cases under Investigation – 9 Cases referred to HQ for legal advice – 2 New Cases Received – 9 Mr. Kamara highlighted the d elay in vetting CRMC decisions on received complaints and the problems posed by the vehicle as the major challenges faced by his office.
36. 36 6. Transportation and DSA f o r the Assistant Finance Officer for July 2018 Financial returns 7. E lectrical item s for the offic e 8. Radio p rogrammes 9. V e hicle m aintenance The Total Amount for the above outstanding paym ent is Seven Million Leones (Le 7, 000,000) Office Security Mr. Bangura said t here is need for an additional security o fficer, since t here is only one armed guard SLP o fficer a ttached to the Office . Condition of the Office Vehicle The Sub - Regional Manager said that p resently the vehicle cannot drive out of Koidu City due to numerous fau lts. He said t he only way the office vehicle can start is by „jogging‟ . This poses a lot of challenges to office operations, he said. Motorbikes Mr. Bangura said the Office has three (3) motorbikes with registration numbers ALY 149, AFG 915 and AGF 723. He said , only one motorbike (ALY 149) is functional as the two others are not road worthy. Asset Declaration Forms A total o f one thousand , two hundred (1200) asset declaration f orms were received from HQ and 1,098 were distributed to the respective Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). He said , the office has received only a total of thirty five (35) F orms so far . Challenges Upgrading of the ACC conference room in Kono. There is need for additional AC and tiling/carpeting of the floor. Internet connectivity is very poor. There is need for a centralized internet and intranet system. There is need for one more Public Education staff in the District. Little or no capacity building for staff.
1. 1 REPORT ON THE COMMISSIONER’S (FRANCIS BEN KAIFALA ESQ.) MAIDEN REGIONAL WORKING VISIT S TO BO, KENEMA, MAKENI AND KONO 24 th - 28 th June, 2018 In a bid to popularize his v ision in leading the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone, Commissioner Francis Ben K aifala Esq., on 24 th to 28 th June, 2018, led a team of ACC staff on a working visit to the regions of Bo, Kenema, Makeni and Kono respectively . The Commissioner met with staff of the regional offices and other key stakeholders in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone. The Commissioner‟s Team included: 1. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. 2. Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies 3. Nabilahi - Musa Kamara, Director of NACS 4. Patrick Sandi, Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreac h 5. Emmanuel Koivaya Amara Esq. , Prosecutor 6. Zainab Othman, Head of Assets Declaration Unit 7. Abubakarr Turay, Head of Outreach Unit 8. Emmanuel Hughes, Audio - Visual Officer
8. 8 Internet connectivity is a major challenge for the off ice. The regional office lacks financial autonomy, as all proposals and expenditures must be sanctioned by HQ before implementation no matter how small the amount involved. This often slows the operations of the office. Courts are not enforcing custodial sentences of individuals convicted of corruption No safe box t o keep very sensitive materials. L ack of safe equipment to keep and preserve collaterals of sureties and court exhibits . No camera to take pictorial evidence of cases reported or issues that come to the attention of the office that may warrant investigation. The two desktop computers used by the two investigating officers are faulty and it takes them lots of difficulties to wr ite their reports on time. The top ups (airtime) for office operations are grossly inadequate. Deputy Commissioner , Shollay Davies Thanked the staff of the Bo Regional Office for the updates. The HQ is aware about some of the challenges highlighted as they cut across all regional offices. The Commission has always considered means of building the capacity of staff, including regional staff, but the Commission does not have the luxury of getting the required funds, which do not always come on time. The Commission, through the intervention of the Commissioner, received its first quarter allocation only recently. In the area of the office land, the Commission will soon engage the Ministry of Lands to ensure its security. HQ is aware of the state of t he regional offices and will soon act to uplift them. The Commission has been aware of the challenges of internet, which is why, modems were provided in the past, but the Commission just realized that they are n ot too effective; but the Commission will loo k into these concerns. Commissioner’s message to ACC regional offices Please note that in order to avoid repetition, the Commissioner’s message to staff of the various regional offices will only appear here. The Commissioner thanked the staff for the warm welcome accorded him and the followings were highlights of his address to the staff: His meeting with staff of the regional offices is to assure them of his commitment and to ensure that they all take the fight against corruption very seriously. All s taff must work to ensure that corruption is reduced to the barest minimum, if not eradicate it. The regional offices should know that they have a very important role in curbing corruption.
37. 37 All desk top computers do not function properly. The computer at the A dm in section is almost obsolete . No laptop/har d drive supplied at the office. All laptops used here are personal. Vehicle with registration number ADZ 462 is now obsolete . There is need for additional security officer s at the office. Consideration for i nternational training for staff . S ome members of staff to be considered for up - grade /promotions. I ncrement in salary (notch) should be considered. R equest that leave all owances be paid immediately a staff proceeds on leave. Request that a strong anti - virus be run ned on the co mputers to protect them from Virus infection. Request for an additional photocopier, digital recorders and cameras. Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies’ response to report by Regional Manager He t hanked the Regional Manager for giving a comprehensiv e report on operations at the offic e. He said , most of the challenges highlighted are similar to those of the other regional offices; but the problem with the vehicle needs urgent attention. He said one of the recommendations is for one of the vehicles at Headquarters to be assigned to the Sub - Kono Regional Office. He said , the Commission has received some funds from the Government which will soon be rolled out. He assured the Kono office that some of the other challenges will be addressed in due course. On the issue of the internet, the Deputy Commissioner said the office was working with Co ff e y International to fix the problem across all ACC offices, but that Coff e y International was no longer showing any interest. He said however , the issue would be lo oked into seriously. On the issue of the proposed training for Sitta, Mr Davies said sometimes foreign agencies would ask for nominations from which they would select those to benefit from the training. He made reference to a recent training in Egypt in wh ich two people were nominated but only one was selected by the Egyptian Embassy. He informed the staff that there was already a training plan developed by Coff e y International and the Commission would ensure that staff from all offices benefit whenever fu nds are available. On the issue of notches, the Deputy Commissioner said that, this has budgetary considerations outside the remit of the Commission.
2. 2 DAY 1: 24/06/18 - MEETING WITH STAFF OF ACC BO REGIONAL OFFICE Status Report by the Regional Manager, Bo Samuel Marah The Manager of the ACC Office in Bo, Samuel Marrah welcome d the Commissioner and his entou rage; stating that the visit was an opportunity for them to interact with the Commissioner for the first time and upda te him on the operations of the Bo Office and the gains and challenges they face. Mr. Marrah described the Bo Regional Office as the first of the regional offices to be established. He gave a detailed report of the office operations for 2017 and 2018. The followings formed part of his briefing: Two operational units in the office: Investigations and Public Education . All supplies and support are received from ACC Headquarters Office . The staff strength of the Bo Office is 12( twelve ) and 1(one) OSD night gu ard. The staff number dropped from 18 (eighteen) in 2014 to 12 members (33% reduction). There is no representation for Systems and Processes Department, NACS and Asset Declaration Unit. Case Update Currently the Investigation Unit is handling a total of 20 (twenty) matters. There are 9 cases under investigation . 2 cases referred to HQ for legal advice . 9 new cases received . Cash flow Statement A total of Le37,421,803.85 was brought forward from 2016. In 2017, a total of Le119,493,356.50 was Transfers/funds received from Head Office. Le54,444,444.00 (46%) of this amount was for Recurrent Activities, Le35,212,500.00 (29%) Donor Support (PNB Projec t) and Le29,836,412.50 (25%) was for other GoSL activities in the Region. Payment as per cash book for the period under review was Le144,494,612.00. The Balance as per cash book at the end of the period was Le16,963,298.64. Regional Expenditure
20. 20 Le 1,350,000.00 Complaint s Review Committee The U nit also looks over the complaint Review Committee, the SIO serves as the chair of the C ommittee and one staff of the unit is also a member of the Committee. The committee has met thrice and discussed 25 complaints. F inance Unit The Unit continues to be the backbone of the operations and activities of the office. 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER 2018 FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES S/N O DATE NARRATION Payment (Cr) 1 Balance BF From 2017 28,804,165 Receipts from HQ for 1st Quarter 2018 PNB and Recurrent Expenditure 23,841,379 TOTAL RECEIPTS 52,645,544 LESS Expenditure for 1st Quarter 37,310,091 Bal as at First Quarter 15,335,453 2 Balance BF From 1st Quarter 15,335,453 Receipts from HQ for 2 nd Quarter 2018 PNB and Recurrent Expenditure 28,000,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 43,335,453 LESS Expenditure for 2nd Quarter 39,202,765 Bal as at Second Quarter 4,132,688
7. 7 The Public Education Unit broadcast Thirty - Two (32) radio programmes . Other key activities of the unit include „Meet the School campaign‟, community meetings and customized meetings. The Unit also coordinates activities of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy, Systems and Processes Review Department and the Assets Declaration Unit. Challenges Achievements made by the Department do not take away challenges faced. But it is true that these bottlenecks can undermine its effectiveness and efficiency of service. The Unit is under staffed. Onl y one personnel is in the Unit, who is the Senior Public Education Officer (SPEO). The Unit is seeking two Public Education Officers. There should be three Officers serving the Unit. The Unit lacks proper sitting a ccommodation. Staff sit on bare wooden chairs. No AC in the Unit. The Office lacks mobile rechargeable portable speaker for outreach activities. The Office lacks digital cameras . The Office lacks internet facility . The Office lacks a dictionary . The Office lacks digital recorder . Ge neral Office Challenges Effective Communication with HQ is still a challenge. Collaboration and planning between the regional office and HQ is weak as Regional Office is not consulted or involved. No building of our own to host the regional office. The current building hosting the regional office is in dire need of refurbishment as no regular maintenance is done. Ownership of the building is also in question as it seems the Administration Department at Headquarters has been dealing with the wrong person . No ele ctricity from the national grid following a fire incident at the office. The piece of land owned by the office is facing threats of encroachment by the Winners Chapel Church. The offic e lacks adequate furniture. Most of the staff seat in wooden cha irs for the over eight hours working day. The rooms are also hot in the afternoon hours as most of them lack air conditioners. Comparatively, Regional Staff are underrepresented in training programmes.
35. 35 D ifficulty in sending our case files to H/Q for the attention of the Director I&I to peruse and advice for further lines of enquiries to be done . Communication gap between the Region al Office and HQ . Request made to various MDAs for the production of documents and vital information are slowly responded to. Even when some staff of the said MDAs are invited to make statement, we encounter difficulties in getting them to do so. This ofte n slow s down the pace of investigation and even cause s vital evidence to be ta mpered with. T he Unit also needs Two (2) additional Investigators as SIO A.B. Sesay will be leaving shortly on retirem ent leave on the 28th September, 2018. Finance Unit: the T able below show s the transfers for various activities from January to July 25th 2018 TRANSFERS FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED TOTAL AMOUNT SPENT BALANCE LE LE LE TRANSFER IRO PAY NO BRIBE(PNB) 28,340,000 26,340 , 000 2,000,000 TRANSFER IRO OFFICE OPERATION(GOSL) 47,454,104.67 47,006,249.56 447,855.11 TOTAL 75,794,104.67 73,346,249.56 2,447,855.11 The Sub - regional Manager gave the f ollowing as the outstanding payment s for the month of July 2018 : 1. Newspaper s upply for the month of July 2018 ; 2. S tipend to OSD police armed guard ; 3. Fuel for vehicle, motor bike and generator ; 4. EDSA p re - paid t op - up 5. W ifi modem
19. 19 4 Other Community engagement - 5 5 Radio programmes - 20 Investigations Unit The U nit comprises Senior Investigations Office r, Belinda Hebron and two Investigation Officers; Mr. Mohamed Jah and Mr. James Babin , who recently resigned. The Unit completed a total of 14 cases. 38 are under investigation and six are currently in court. Cases in court The U nit has five (5) cases in court: The State vs. Patrick Bobor and others - Awaiting Judgment The State vs. Sheik Massaquoi – Awaiting Judgment The State vs. Hassan Daboh and others The State vs. Kenneth Kpaka and others The State vs. Abubakarr Turay and others The State vs. Momoh Kpaka (one conviction – State vs. Emmanuel Brima) However, some of these cases have taken quite a long time in court. The State vs. Hassan Daboh case, for example, has taken close to four years. Recoveries There is an outstanding sum of Seven Million , Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty Four Thousand Leones. (Le 7,911,754.000.00) which the under mentioned have refused to pay after several efforts made. Please see table below: 00000 a NAME OFFENCE TOTAL AMOUNT PAID OUT STANDING Sulaiman Gassama Misappropriation of Public Funds Le 11,000,000.00 Le 10,000,000.00 Le 1,000,000.00 Musa Kowa Kawusu Kabba Misappropriation of Public Funds Misappropriation of Public Funds Le 5 , 561,747.00
21. 21 3 Bal BF From Second Quarter 4,132,688 Receipts from HQ for 3rd Quarter 2018 740,250 TOTAL RECEIPTS 4,872,938 LESS Expenditure 4,674,750 Balance As at 24/7/18 198,188 Office Land The additional office land given to the office by the late PC Amara Bonya Vangahun in 2011 was never surveyed and documented. Currently, the whole office land (both old and new) has now been surveyed and documented by the Ministry of L ands in 2017. Beacons and pillars have now been erected round the land with funds provided by head office to protect it from encroachers. Challenges Fencing of the office premises, office space, no office safe, no service c harter, lack of training, delay/ lack of response on notices sent to HQ, IT, Camera and old vehicle. Other issues Cracks in the building, leakages on the roo f, generator , old bill boards . R ecommendations The Regional Manager recommend ed that: Investigators be provided with refresher training to buoy their knowledge in contemporary investigative skills ; be provided with textbooks and case reference materials to aid their knowledge in applicable criminal investigation and procedure. PE& OD be provided with a d igital camera and training . More office space for IIP . A s afe be provided for the Finance O ffice .
6. 6 Summary of Recovery SN Case Outcome 1 The State Vs. Abdulrahman Sesay and Hector Kallon WAEC Examination Fraud in respect of the WASSCE English Language E xams in 2016 They were fined Le 30,000,000 each = Le 60,000,000 Paid to GOSL through the Bo High Court 2 The State Vs. Samuel Lahai and Julian Carey Impersonation o f ACC staff The Accused persons did not appear for the court proceedings at Bo High Court and the surety Samuel Hafner, Manager KISS 104.5FM Bo was fined Le 30,000,000 and he has paid it to GOSL through the Bo High Court 3 The State Vs. Alfred John Sandy Misappropriation of public find Le 25,000,000 paid to ACC out of the Le 28,280,000 restitution to be paid to ACC. A balance of Le 3,280,000 yet to be paid to ACC. Le 30,000,000 fine has not been paid to GOSL as ordered by the Trial Judge Justice Kekura B angura 4 The State Vs. Prince Nallo and others Peddling influence and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence Accused have been convicted to serve 8 years respectively and 6 years to be served by Nallo alone. The trial Judge Justice Kekura Bangura order ed them to pay to ACC the Le 74,000,000 as restitution of the money solicited and obtained by the convicts. But nothing has been paid to ACC in respect of the Le 74,000,000 . GRAND TOTAL OF RECOVERY 2017 Le 115,000,000
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