Updated Communications Strategy November 2017
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25. 25 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y
26. 26 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y
27. 27 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y
28. 28 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y
29. 29 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y
30. 30 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y
16. 16 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y Cost Production 0 Total: Le 36,000,000 Airtime: Regions - Le150,000 per 30 min x 8 x 5 = Le6,000,000 WA/U and R - Le1,500,000 x 5 x 4 = Le7,500,000 Le30,000,000 Celebrity/opinion former endorsements Objectives: To engag e the general public in PNB through the use of opinion formers, celebrities and authority figures Format and content: video and recorded messages supporting PNB from opinion formers, celebrities and authority figures. Distribution and frequency Via socia l media, for use in radio programmes etc PRINT MEDIA Features, op eds, news articles Objectives: To engage in a more in - depth debate around corruption, its causes and its reasons Format and content: Written in house How Corruption damages economies a nd affects the poorest in society How PNB works MDA successes and reports Target audience: Literate, largely urban Distribution and frequency Newspapers, social media (FB, WhatsApp etc) 2 x monthly (November - March incl) Cost Production Le 0 (written in - house) Total: Le 4,000,000 Publication Le 400,000 x 10 Cartoons Objectives: To promote channels of reporting – Freephone, web, through CSOs and APP Format and content: Lively, amusing, but with a clear message about h ow to report incidences of bribery in the various pilot sectors. Cartoon strip for education covering bribery for admissions
24. 24 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y ANNEX FIVE – THE PN B LOGFRA ME
15. 15 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y 90 Second Radio Public Service Announcements/Jingles: Objectives: To communicate key facts about the purpose and use of the PNB reporting platform to target audiences. Format & content: Water: New connection, illegal connections EDSA: Connections, meter replacements, illegal connections Health: Free healthcare for under 5s, pregnant women or l actating mothers Education: Generic, admissions, exam results SLP: Traffic, bail Generic All to include ACC, PNB, details of reporting channels & effects of bribery on livelihoods, public services . All to use theme song Formats: drama, monologue, Q&A, dial ogue Target Audience: PSAs will be produce to specifically target audiences and their concerns i.e. healthcare – targeted primarily at women, education – young people etc. PSAs will also be produced to reflect the message of the month. Distribution & Fre quency 2 x daily (am/pm) for 60 days. 120 slots in total on: 17 radio stations across the country + Social media Cost Production: Le 1,000,000 per PSA = Le 10,000,000 Total: Le 34,480,000 Airtime: Le12,000 per slot*12*17 = Le24,480,000 30 - minute R adio Panel discussions Objectives: To provide a more in - depth view of PNB, explain the process, success of MDAs, how the data will be used etc, the danger of corruption & bribery etc. Format and content: 3 - 4 panel members discuss a particular issue or the me around PNB related to message of the month MDA responses. Successes of the PNB CSOs role in the project and impact All to incorporate theme tune, details of reporting channels and make use of either PSAs or vox pop or endorsements Target audience: Chil dren’s programmes, Youths, literate and semi - literate men and women Distribution and frequency Monthly programmes in six districts: Bombali, Kenema, Bo, FT (Rural and Urban), Kono (November, December, January, February, March) one a month in the distric ts and three a month in Freetown
1. 1 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y ANTI CORRUPTION COMMISSION SIERRA LEONE “PAY NO BRIBE” COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY 2017
22. 22 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y The PNB campaign helps the public sector tackle corruption by encouraging citizens to report incidents of petty corruption and bribery , using a free phone number (515), the PNB website or via a mobile app . By analysing the data collected, trends can be identified and monitored , and more effective anti - corruption policies and processes designed. In the latest f igures from the PNB campaign , 21 % of reports concerned bribery of education officials , with admissions, fees, grades, exams and report cards the most prevalent issues of concern . Between July and September, 1230 reports were received concerning the educat ion sector. Of these 84% were reports of corruption, 6% of people did not pay a bribe, and almost 9% of reports were where the individual ha d met an honest official. PNB’s message highlights the problem, the various forms of bribery involved, and helps t he victim take action. Nabilahi Kamara, Director - National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) and Programme Manager - PNB says: “Each month the ACC will come up with a new Pay No Bribe message based on current events in the sectors, or issues that have emerge d through the PNB reporting platform. This will allow us to directly address the concerns of our callers through our communications, and encourage them to make use of t he PNB reporting process.” Pay No Bribe is led jointly by the ACC and the Office of th e Chief of Staff and funded by UK Aid and the Government of Sierra Leone. Public sectors covered include health, education, water, electricity and law enforcement. The topic of bribery for good grades will be the subject of a discussion programme on Radio Democracy on xxxx date
18. 18 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y DRAMA 15 min radio drama episodes & participatory theatre Objectives: Communicate in an accessible and interesting way and help audience understand nuances of bribery and corruption and impact on lives and economies. Format and content: Talking Drum and the Freetong Players have been making soap operas that deal with socio - economic and cultural issues in Sierra Leone. To link dialogue at the national level to local contexts, media p rogramming is integrated w ith activities at the community level, including discussion forums, and participatory theatre . Target Audience: semi - literate, families, communities Distribution and Frequency Nationwide radio. Once a week for 5 weeks Cost Prod uction Le 7,500,000 Total: Le 75,000,000 Airtime Le 68,000,000 Roads shows/participatory theatre Distribution and Frequency Initially two – in Western Rural and Western Urban Cost Production Le 7,000,000 Total: Le 11,000,000 Performance: Le 4, 000,000 Communications Total Cost Le 349,830,000 Communications Total Cost GBP 36,440
17. 17 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y Cartoon strip for law enforcement – traffic Cartoon strip for health – free healthcare Water & EDSA – bribery for new connections Target audience: Predominantly yo ung people Distribution and Frequency Newspapers, social media 1 weekly in 4 newspapers Cost Production Le 2,000,000 Total: Le 10,000,000 Publication Le 8,000,000 IEC Banners Objectives: Visual reminders. Format and content: Branded, using the De Monk cartoons. Content - Generic Target audience: all Quantity 6 (one for each region) Cost Le 1,000,000 each Total: Le 6,000,000 Billboards Objectives : Visual reminders Format and content: Channels of reporting, sectors. Continue the cartoon the me, using Monk’s cartoons. Target audience: All Placement One in each district, areas of high traffic Cost 16 Billboards @ Le 7,000,000 each Total: Le 112,000,000 Wristbands Quantity 500 Cost Le10,000 Total: Le 5,000,000 Posters and Stickers Format and content: Sector specific and generic Cost Total: Le 45,850,000
14. 14 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y Education 19% Boys & Girls Admissions, exam results Electricity 4% Men N ew connections, reconnections and illegal connections Water & Sanitation 2% Women N ew connections, reconnections and illegal connections P NB THEME TUNE Objectives: To communicate PNB process and concept in an easily accessible and memorable form, that consumers will associate with the PNB campaign Music brings value to a brand in three ways: identity, engagement, currency. It helps the a udience establish an emotional connection with a brand, increases brand recognition, creates excitement and buzz, and can provide the audience with valuable information to discover and share. A theme tune attracts attention and can add value, interest and variety to other A/V communications products such as the radio shows, PSAs, radio drama, etc Target audience: All Distribution & frequency Played daily on the radio stations nationally for three months Social media: WhatsApp, FB, SoundCloud, Website U sed to brand PSAs, radio & TV discussions and radio drama programmes Cost Production: Le 3,500,000 Total: Le 10,500,000 Airtime: Le 7,000,000 BROADCAST
12. 12 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y It is important to ensure that PNB personnel in ACC and the CSOs have the skills th ey need to carry out techniques and reporting. I n October/November 2017, retraining was offered for all ACC PEOs and CSO Animators on a wide range of topics including messaging and story gathering, animation skills and communication techniques, understand ing the service charters and a general over view of the PNB Campaign. Training will be required by ACC staff in order to enable them to implement the strategy. This will include the following areas: Add training needed to implement this Strategy Support to development of a udio visual work by ACC and using equipment Ongoing occasional support to the ACC Comm unication s team to follow up on work by the previous consultant ( up to ± 15 days until December 2018) Support to training of Sierra Leonean journalis ts in investigative techniques MONITORING AND E VALU ATION OF THE C OMMUNICATION S ST RATEGY The implementation of the communications strategy and overall contributions to the logframe will be monitored on a weekly and monthly basis by the ACC’s M&E Unit, u sing indicators agreed with Coffey and the CSOs. Feedback on the utility of different approaches will be obtained during regular meetings and community visits. Information is shared and reviewed at monthly partner meetings between the ACC and Coffey, an d quarterly between the same partners and the CSOs . This is critical to ensuring that the communication strategy is regularly updated as a result of the information received.
20. 20 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y ANNEX TWO: PNB COMMUNICATIONS MESSAGES ANTI - CORRUPTION MESSAGES CRAFTED FOR THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN For Animators 1. For show say u lek u kontri, nor take bribe, nor gi bribe 2. Nor take bribe for konnet wata. Wata nar li fe. 3. Report Bribery today! Call free 515 on all networks; visit: www.pnb.gov.sl or Use the PNB App. 4. Pay No Bribe! Take No Bribe! Report Bribery for better service delivery. 5. Report Bribery today and reduce maternal and infant mortality. 6. I save li ves! Not take Bribes (Badges) - Health workers . 7. Pay No bribe for electricity services. 8. EDSA needs money to improve electricity services. The bribes you pay go to private pockets. 9. Resist Bribery! Report Bribery! Help EDSA grow. GENERAL MESSAGES – Translate into Krio and local language 1 HONEST OFFICIALS SAVE LIVES – GIVE THEM CREDIT, CALL 515 2 REPORT A BRIBE, REPORT RESISTANCE, REPORT HONESTY – CALL 515 3 BRIBERY CHOPS YOUR MONEY, IT MAKES YOU POORER – CALL 515 4 BRIBERY CHOPS YOUR MONEY AND AFFECTS YOUR FAMILY – CALL 515 5 BRIBERY MAKES POOR PEOPLE POORER – CALL 515 6 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS – PAY NO BRIBE, CALL 515 7 CORRUPTION KILLS – CALL 515
21. 21 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y ANNEX THREE: ME SSAGE OF THE MONTH The message of the month represents current events in the secto rs, or issues that have emerged. Format: Short, clear and punchy Captured in English, Krio and local languages Tag line after the message – From the Pay No Bribe campaign team Distributed: Via social media, the telcos, animators, TV scroll bars Distri bution Formats: Voice recordings in different voices (male, female, youth, older people, authoritative) SLBC scroll bar Press release Vox pops Used as themes for discussion programmes Endorsements Different social media formats PRESS RELEASE EXAMPLE Pay No Bribe’s new message of the month tells pupils - don’t bribe for good grades As the end of term approaches and pupils nervously anticipate exam results and report cards, the Anti Corruption Commission’s Pay No Bribe (PNB) message of the month encourage s pupils to report teachers who solicit bribes in return for good grades. November’s simple message tells students: If a teacher asks you for money, sex, goods or services in return for good grades, call the 515 free line. The message will be spread throu gh the traditional and social media and form the theme for discussion programmes, features, community discussions and public service announcements.
3. 3 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y INTRODUCTION Corruption is an insidious plague that has a wide range of corrosive effects on societies. It undermines democ racy and the rule of law, leads to violations of human rights, distorts markets, erodes the quality of life and allows organized crime, terrorism and other threats to human security to flourish. (UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION AGAINST CORRUPTION) Corruption i n Sierra Leone is a significant impediment to the government’s ability to meet the needs of its citizens and develop the economy. It permeates almost every sector of Sierra Leone’s public services, compromising citizens’ access to basic public services and institutions such as health, education and police. Bribery occurs at numerous levels and for many reasons. Conditions that contribute to its prevalence include economic factors, particularly poverty; social factors, such as cultural practices; political entitlement by bureaucrats and politicians; and administrative inefficiencies. A culture of bribery is often perpetuated by citizens believing that they cannot get anything done without paying. For poor people particularly, bribery can represent a signifi cant drain on their budgets, particularly when regular health and/or education services are needed. As a general rule, higher bribes are paid in more remote areas. The Anti Corruption Commission, which was established in 2000, has committed to a proactive and strategic approach to preventing corruption and strengthening public trust in its work. It takes a three - pronged approach to the fight against corruption – prevention, education and prosecution. The PNB programme , launched in February 2014 , is des igned to collect real time evidence on bribery and corruption in five key service sectors, Education, Health, Police, Electricity, Water and sanitation to support the work of the ACC. The number of hub districts was expanded to include Kono specifically in October 2017 and all non - hub districts more generally. Justice is included as a sixth sector from 2018. In keeping with the government’s commitment to tackle petty corruption and bribery in key service areas, the ACC shares PNB data on corruption trends with relevant MDAs on a quarterly basis. The MDAs ar e expected to use the information to address corruption at source through administrative or systems reforms. Information on the PNB data and the MDA responses is published on the PNB website and communic ated to citizens through a range of media. Key components of the PNB programme are an anonymous mechanism for citizens to report incidents of bribery in pilot MDAs through: a toll - free hotline phone number (dial 515) a mobile app that can be downloaded an d used without data charge the PNB website www.pnb.gov.sl Communications work underpins the activities of the Pay No Bribe programme 1 , and is aimed at tackling public sector bribery in Sierra Leone. A robust communi cations component will provide the tools and techniques to maximise dissemination of PNB messages to all population groups, to build public confidence in the ACC, and to strengthen sustainability of the concepts. An earlier ACC communications strategy was produced in 2016 and reviewed towards the end of 2017. The current strategy is the result of th e review process: it will be implemented during 2018 and 1 PNB is a £4.7 million programme funded by UKAID
13. 13 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y ANNEX ONE: THE ACC C OMMUNICATIONS OPERAT IONAL PLAN PAY NO BRIBE (PNB) N OVEMBER 2017 - MARCH 2018 COMMUNICATIONS The PNB Communications Operational Plan is designed to serve as the road map that guides and directs outreach and communications on the PNB that will support increased reporting from members of the public; particu larly on the use of the 515 reporting channel. The operations plan outlines content, message, media, audience. The activities will target audiences in and outside the project locations/districts . FUNDING SOURCE: UK AID/DFID Objectives: 1. to encourage citiz ens to report bribery via the PNB platform 2. to keep them informed on feedback on actions taken by MDAs to resolve petty corruption, and the benefits of such actions. The PNB communications plan captures a combination of traditional , dynamic public educat ion techniques and inclusive media outreach activities. It includes a mix of informative Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials as well as interactive media productions like forum /participatory theatre , interactive radio magazine content , television spots , radio drama /soap operas , vox pops, community meetings, newspaper publications and the use of the social media. ACC Public Education staff in Freetown and the Regions will work with the CSOs through the communications approaches to fost er citizens’ support, confidence and trust in the campaign. Target audiences & areas of concern: % of reports of bribery Most likely to pay a bribe Experiences of bribery Police force 41% Men Traffic related bribes Health 29% Women A ntenatal care, child birth and under - five health
11. 11 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y ii) 15 j ournalists will be trained in i nvestigative journ alism training for radio and print media. Once trained, their productivity will be monitored to ensure improved quality journalism on bribery and corruption issues. Potential s tories identified by ACC and CS O PNB staff will be shared with the journalists for them to investigate 3. TV Content PNB information will be shared through TV programmes in Freetown with onward transmission to Bo and Makeni . More information would be helpful. 4. Online and Social Media Pr esence and Profile Social media will be used internally to ensure sharing of information within PNB; and externally to disseminate PNB information with different stakeholder groups. a) Internally , each CSO/district has a WhatsApp group comprising Animators, Coordinator, ACC Regional s taff and Coffey CSO Coordinator; d aily updates and information are shared on this forum including challenges Animators face in their daily work. b) Internally, a second WhatsApp group comprises a ll CSO Coordinators, ACC and Coffey Team to share monthly messages, stories, instructions on data usage, apps, kobo tools and responses to challenges encountere d by CSOs during implementation. c) Internally, t here is a lso a general PNB Sierra Leone W hats A pp group comprising ACC Regional and H Q staff, Coffey and all CSOs. d) Externally, messages a re shared by animators with relevant WhatsApp groups to which they belong. e) Externally, ACC has (or is developing) pages on Facebook , Dropbox, YouT ube and Sound Cloud for posting and sharing PNB mess ages , events and news . 5. Outreach work for Community engagement A key component of the Communications work is the engagement of communities, individuals and groups by PNB animators , CSOs and ACC PEOs . Animat ors are em ployed by PNB CSOs in each hub distric t . Outreach activities are used to introduce audiences to PNB; to reinforce PNB messages that people may have already received; to demonstrate use of the 515 phone call and mobile app; and to answer individual queries. In addition to ongoing community ou treach, approaches will also include community theatre, accountability forums, town hall meetings, road shows and participatory theatre plus hub and spokes outreach to a further 5 districts during 2017 and 8 districts during 2018. 6. Pr int Media For li terat e, largely urban - dwelling citizens, responsible print media will be used to convey information about PNB and corruption. Content will comprise f eatures, op - eds, and news articles to encourage citizens to engage in a more in - depth debate around corruption, its causes and its reasons. A rticles will be written in house using content from a range of sources including the media resource persons embedded in the CSOs. Sector - specific cartoons will be used with the articles or independently where relevant and als o through social media sites. Sector specific posters will be developed from some cartoons for posting at relevant facilities . SUPPORTING PNB DE LIV ERY THRO UGH TRAINING
23. 23 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y ANNEX FOUR – E VALUATION OF THE CO MMUNICATIONS STRAT EG Y The evaluation of the Communications Strategy will be based on i) a review of the Comm un ications Operations P lan and whether or not the budget has been spent and the activities carried out. ii) an exploration of the contribution of ACC Communications strategy implementation to the achievement of logframe indicators selected from the ‘What Will Success Look Like?’ section of the Strategy (pages 8 and 9) . Both these exercises will b e carried out as part of the final evaluation of the PNB Programme in October 2018 Selected Indicators People believe that their active participation in the fight for better service delivery will make a difference in fighting co rruption . The ACC is perce ived as an institution that has strengths in combatting high value corruption cases (Outcome indicator 2c) Improvement of the ACC’s reputation in relation to interfacing with MDAs to reduce petty corruption (Outcome indicator 2a+b). Increased MDA willingne ss to engage with the ACC on PNB reporting (Outcome indicator 2 a+b ) Balanced reporting and responsible follow up by media, including investigative journalism and unbiased research to deliver quality products (Outcome indicator 1) Dynamic production techni ques include rural voice and opinions and dramatised formats for creative radio production (Output indicator 4.2) The PNB logframe is attached at Annex 5
8. 8 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y By using PNB to work together, the ACC, the public sector and Sierra Leone’s citizens have the power to reduce corruption in the public sector Corruption dispropo rtionately affects the poorest and most vulnerable in society. S hort , easy - to - communicate messages are to be used , differentiated by sector and audience . These have been developed and are detailed in Annex 2. ACC will also employ a ‘message of the month ’ strategy, where e ach month a new Pay No Bribe message will be developed, based on current events in the sectors, or issues that have emerged through the PNB reporting platform. Information on this is contained in Annex 3. Success stories and concrete a ctions deriving from PNB will be collected during visits and proactively publicised and shared to demonstrate progress. This will be done using various mechanisms , including social media (where appropriate); print media; radio shows; and/or fed into the st ory - lines of radio drama or theatre performances. Stories will be shared at the quarterly sharing meetings in order that CSO s can provide information to animators who can then feed useful examples back to citizens during ongoing outreach work . C ommunica tions and messages are to be applied flexibly in order that feedback and lessons learned are used to adapt delivery where necessary . This will largely occur through outreach in the following ways: PEOs will work with CSOs to canvas citizens’ concerns durin g regular (monthly?) visits to target communities. Citizens’ views will be recorded during regular PNB meetings ( focus group discussions, town hall meetings, accountability meetings, etc.) and where relevant used to modify messages if necessary Where usef ul, PEOs and CSOs will follow up on particular points expressed by citizens and hold individual interviews to elicit whether or not people read/listen to/understand PNB messages, and the extent to which some messages and/or formats are considered more usef ul than others. Emerging findings will be recorded and used to modify messages or other communications strategy content to ensure continuing relevance. The Communications Operations Plan details how end - users - villagers, ordinary citizens receiving publ ic services (going to school, taking exams, giving birth, taking children for vaccinations , etc ) – are affected by corruption. Messages and campaigns will focus on these daily li fe events to help citizens understand that there is no need to pay bribes for services that are supposed to be free. WHAT WILL SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? Successful implementation of the Communications strategy will deliver key contributions to PNB logframe indicators as detailed below. 1. For the Citizens of Sierra Leone Bribery and corruption reduce in Sierra Leone (Goal indicators) People believe that their active participation in the fight for better service delivery will make a difference in fighting corruption (Outcome indicator 3). Public pressure impacts on service delivery agents and requests for bribes and bribe payments reduce (Outcome indicator 2, ToC assumption). 2. For the ACC
10. 10 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y Banners (using cartoons where relevant); Billboards (also using cartoons, relevant for different sectors) Cartoons (for the press and other written formats) Wristbands Posters and stickers Some IEC materials cover PNB in general and s ome are spec ific to different sectors. IEC materials will be produced in quantities sufficient to cover the needs of outreach activities , the types of audiences targeted and the messages being used . Additional IEC materials will be created in short infor mational CDs, distributed to a network of locations/local cinemas broadcasting Premier League football in Freetown and the Districts. Football is extremely popular in Sierra Leone and widely acknowledged as an effective way of reaching men. Distribution ne tworks could be set up with partners, and ACC has indicated that their staff could also help in the distribution of the CDs. 2. Radio Content Strategically, r adio is the most important element of the comm unication s strategy as it has the greatest potential f or maximising reach and sustainability. Radio has the largest network of any communications medium and is listened to by a range of population groups, including women , bike riders and people living in rural areas 6 . In all, eight out of 10 (81%) Sierra Leo neans have access to radio, and 47% listen to it daily. Radio listenership is fractured, however, with no single station able to reach a national audience. Around 50 radio stations are currently broadcasting, with many of these having limited, local broadc ast reach. Different stations are popular in different parts of the country . In order to reach different audience s through radio, therefore, PNB will work with a number of broadcast partners and use diversified formats to achieve nationwide coverage . The Communications Operations Plan (Annex 1) describes a diverse and lively range of radio formats, including jingles, a PNB theme tune, 90 - second public service, announcements, soap operas and panel discussions. In particular, radio discussion s will be kept s hort, and will include a PNB theme tune, vox pops, jingles, and opinion leader endorsements to keep listeners’ attention . Existing radio and other opportunities will also be used for PNB messages, where relevant. This includes : i) adding a PNB character to A tunda Ayenda (produced by Talking Drum Studios), a popular and long - running radio soap opera, with an established audience. Atunda Ayenda is a fifteen - minute radio drama focussing on governance, accountability, social service, education, civic rights and r esponsibilities and contemporary issues. ii) Weaving social messages such as PNB anti - corruption messages, into story lines which are then performed in communities or districts by artists in Freetown Players . A series of 3 radio dramas will be produced by Tal king Drums with Freetown players for monthly airing in early 2018 iii) Story telling: ACC are working with C owfoot Prince (a well - known Sierra Leonean storyteller) t o develop seven stories around PNB themes to be broadcast through radio Further opportunities w ill be sought by the ACC with other communication programmes and content producers on the ground during 2018. Two approaches are used to encourage radio stations to take an interest in PNB : i) O ne radio journalist per district is attached to the CSO facilita ting the programme in that district . The journalists receive a stipend and attend outreach meetings and other sessions. When they come across something interesting they record it and air. They also include PNB messaging in their own radio programmes. 6 BBC Media Action 2015
2. 2 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 3 COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES 4 IMPLEMENTATION ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4 TARGET AUDIENCES 6 REACHING TARGET AUDIENCES 6 STRATEGIC MESSAGES 7 WHAT WILL SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? 8 COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES TO BE EMPLOYED 9 SUPPORTING PNB DELIVERY THROUGH TRAINING 1 11 MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF THE COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY 12 Annex One: The ACC Communications Operational plan 13 Annex TW O: PNB COMMUNICATIONS MESSAGES 20 Annex Three: MESSAGE OF THE MONTH 21 Annex Four – Evaluation of the communications strategy 23 Annex five – the pnb logframe 24 Tables Table 1 Strategy Implementation Activities ................................ ................................ ................................ . 5 Table 2: Engaging Different Target Groups ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 6
19. 19 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y MISCELLANEOUS Community Outreach Activities/meetings 2million per outreach x 2/month x 5 month period x 5 offices 100,000,000 3KVA Generators 1 4,000,000 2 monthly Mass sensitization on the PNB in Makeni, Bo, Kenema, Kono and WA. Le2.5 million x 2 times x 5 offices 25,000,000 M iscellaneous Total Cost Le 229,000,000 M iscellaneous Total Cost GBP 23,854 Total Cost Le 578,830,000 Total Cost GBP 60,294
9. 9 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y Improvement of the ACC’s reputation as a provider of high quality educational content that convinces the audience to combat corruption (Impact indicator s 3 and 4 ). The ACC is perceived as an institution that has strengths in combatting high value corruption cases (Outcome indicator 2c) Improvement of the ACC’s reputation in relation to interfacing with MDAs to reduce petty corruption (Outcome i ndicator 2a+b) . 3. For the MDAs Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) functioning and identifying cases (Outcome indicator 2c) Increased MDA willingness to engage with the ACC on PNB reporting (Outcome indicator 2 a+b ) Improvements in the behaviour of se rvice delivery officials ( Goal indicator 1, Outcome indicator 2 a+b ) Strengthened MDA management of funding and service delivery (Goal indicator 1) Strengthened MDA accountability to the GoSL and Sierra Leonean citizens (all Goal indicators) 4. For the CSO s Improvement in participatory outreach to convince community members to act (Output indicator 2.4). Increased and improved links between radio professionals and the CSOs’ work results in more rural voices on the radio speaking about corruption and the i mpact it has on their lives (Output indicator 4.2). 5. For Media and Broadcast P rofessionals Balanced reporting and responsible follow up by media, including investigative journalism and unbiased research to deliver quality products (Outcome indicator 1 ) Dynamic production techniques to include rural voice and opinions and dramatised formats for creative radio production (Output indicator 4.2) Jou rnalists embedded in the CSOs developing and tracking news stories on corruption. COMMUNICATION TECHNI QUE S TO BE EMPLOYED An ACC priority for the communications strategy is nationwide coverage , and a variety of communications techniques will be used to meet this aim. These are designed to reach the targeted PNB audiences and are presented briefly below . 5 Fo r wide coverage and sustainability , citizens must be encouraged to phone the free 515 number or use the mobile app independently. This message will be woven into all communication techniques. The strategy incorporates use of social media, which is becoming increasingly important, especially for younger groups. 1. IEC Materials En gaging and informative Information, Education, and Communication ( IEC ) Materials , will support the dissemination of PNB messages to wider audience s . IEC materials will be produced in Krio, Mende and Temne , and made will be made available in formats that can be understood by non - literate and literate audiences . The Communication Operations Plan (Annex 1) details the range of IEC materials that will be produced for different audienc es. These comprise: 5 and outlined in more detail in the Communications Operations Plan
4. 4 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y reviewed towards the end of the year, in order to provide updated and robust recommendations for ACC C ommunications work in 2019 and beyond. COMMUNICATION OB JECT IVES The main objective for the Communications Strategy is to contribute to the achievement of the PNB logframe goal and outcome indicators to reduce bribery and corruption in Sierra Leone. Thr ough PNB, e ffective and targeted communications will support the important changes in behaviour necessary to achieving reductions in bribery and corruption. Implementation of the PNB Communications S trategy will focus around two strategic objectives : i) De velop effective public education and information (principally targeted at citizens, users and potential users of services ) and ii) S trengthen MDA information and responsiveness (principally targeted at MDA officials, managers and service delivery agents) The contributions of the strategic objectives to the logframe and Theory of Change are as follows: 1. Develop effective public education and information in order to: strengthen citizens’ awareness of petty corruption and bribery and of the ways in which corrupt ion affects their lives ; enable citizens to understand the PNB programme and how report bribery/demands for bribery when they occur; encourage confidence in the PNB system and process , including in anonymity of reporting; build the confidence of citizens to act together and to refuse to pay bribes encourage citizens to believe that their actions will help to reduce bribery ; build citizens demands for service delivery officials to change behaviour 2. S trengthen MDA information and responsiveness in order t o: ensure that MDAs are in possession of relevant information to enable them to develop approaches to address corruption and bribery; support MDAs in acting on citizens’ reports encourage MDAs to influence behaviour of public service delivery officials a t local and national levels enable MDAs to improve communication with citizens and shar e public service charters for services where they have been finalised enable MDAs to be perceived as more transparent and more accountable to citizens IMPLEMENTATION ROLES AND RESPONSIB ILITIES The strategy will be implemented through the close collaboration and complementary activities of a number of Sierra Leonean institutions who will work in concert to deliver the objectives. P rincipal roles will be covered by the three main groups of actors: i) ACC Officials; ii) PNB CSOs; and iii) Broadcasters and media associates . B roadcasters and media associates will work closely with CSOs and ACC . The table below indicates the main areas of activity associated with the strateg ic objectives.
6. 6 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y bribery reports a n FAQ section which provides answers on how to procure various government services . TARGET AUDIENCES Target beneficiary communities are included in the work plans of both ACC and CSOs at district and national levels, and a ‘hub and spoke’ approach is being employed to reach all districts nationally (i.e. beyond Kon o and the four hub districts of the pilot phase). The primary target audiences for the PNB are: Immediate users of the PNB system – i.e. the men, women and youth in the five target areas of Bo Kenema, Bombali, Kono , Western Urban urban and rural and Kono . Citizens working with other anti - corruption programmes (e.g. SABI , and also the Social Safety Net programme SSN ) . Service delivery officials in the following agencies: Health , Education, Sierra Leone P olice (SLP) , Ju stice Sector , EDSA (electricity), SALW ACO (water in districts) and Guma Water (water in Freetown) Officials within the target public sectors, especially the top - level MDA managers and civil servants within Health , Education, SLP , EDSA (electricity), SALWACO (water in districts) and Guma Water (water in Freetown) Politicians, Paramount Chiefs and traditional rulers, leaders and decision makers in pilot areas Citizens/users of services in non - target districts of Sierra Leone Local government and politicians, traditional rulers, and decision ma kers in non - targeted districts. The secondary target audience s for PNB are: Future users of the PNB system Public sector officials in MDAs other than PNB pro gramme sectors REACHING TARGET AUDIENCE S The Communications Strategy recognises the importance of identifying different audiences and how the audiences are most likely to receive and absorb different types of information. There are a variety of communication channels that th e PNB programme will use to multiply and reinforce key messages, and to maxi mise out reach to different target audience s. Evidence drawn from similar programmes highlights the effectiveness of combining media work with public outreach in order to engage rural and illiterate audiences in particular 2 , and of not relying on single int erventions 3 to achieve sustainable behavioural outcomes. The following broad approaches have thus been identified. Table 2 : Engaging Different Target Groups 4 2 Andrew Skuse, Diane Rodger, Gerry Power, Domenic Friguglietti Mbus, Tait Brimacombe (2013), ' Communications for Development Interventions in Fragile States: A System atic Review ' 3 Haider, Huma; McLoughlin, Claire; Scott, Zoe, (2011), ' Topic Guide on Communication and Governance' , GSDRC 4 For details and cos tings for the activities in the table, see the Communications Operations Plan in Annex 1
7. 7 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y Target group How to reach them Pregnant and lactating mothers, U5s Vi sit PHUs/MCHs/DHMT B old posters /IEC materials ACC/CSOs animators go to health centres to raise awareness Radio, town hall meetings, trade fairs School children Comic posters Kids and teen shows/programs Debate, Drama & Quizzes (DDQ) Sustained engagement Okada riders Stickers Engage/dialogue meetings with the union executives Road shows Pop music WhatsApp /social media Animators to engage bike parks Use riders as secondary messengers Drivers Lorry parks Same as okada riders University students Public lect ures Strengthen Accountability N ow C lubs as peer educators WhatsApp , Facebook Embedded PNB sensitization into public functions/events – eg. during orientation Posters on campus Chiefdom structures – WDC, VDC, FMCs, etc Set up chiefdom network structures A nimators to engage with these structures in FGD, training Religious leaders Promote dialogue with them to integrate PNB into Sunday sermons, Friday prayers and religious broadcasting Strengthen endorsement and participation in PNB activities Develop appr opriate PNB messages quoting Bible, Q’ran Market women/ traders’ union Engage the union Use comedians in market places Use Drama/Radio that women listen to Non - PNB CSOs Invite to attend meetings e.g. existing quarterly coordination meetings Radio Joint ad vocacy/sensitis ation activities MDAs/ other service providers Encourage public endorsement of the PNB Sign integrity pact s Unemployed youths Engage at the lorry park, attire base, poyo bars, ghettos, trade fairs, car wash, music, WhatsApp, football games, cinema halls Hairdressers/ barbers Animators to engage at salons /workplaces General population Persuade national celebrities – footballers, musicians, etc. to endorse PNB Radio, press etc. relevant to population segment and sector STRATEGIC ME SSAGE S For the communications strategy to be successful, r eporting corruption through PNB must perceived as easy, safe and free. All communications will make clear that “Reporting corruption in the public services through PNB is anonymous, w ill not result in t he caller being identified and does n o t cost anything. ” This is critical to build ing trust in the ACC and maximis ing the number of PNB reports received . Messages are being developed around the following themes PNB demonstrates that corruption is taken ser iously – and that the Government is taking action to tackle corruption in the public sector
5. 5 | P a g e P N B C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y Table 1 Strategy Implementation Activities Detailed objectives ACC Actions CSO Actions Broadcasters and Media Associates Actions Develop effective public education and information De velop relevant, quality broadc ast content/IEC materials/ social media content for outreach to both literate and non - literate audiences in Krio, Temne and Mende With CSOs develop and deliver key PNB messages Train Public Education Officials to understand the importance of dynamic outreach techniques with media and other methodol ogies (e.g. drama, theatre etc.) Use monitoring techniques that capture results of communication initiatives Deliver relevant outreach products in local languages to convey PNB messages to a wider range of citizens in both hub and non - hub districts. With ACC, develop and deliver key PNB messages Collect success stories and other narratives that demonstrate how PNB is working to change behaviour of service delivery officials and/or influencing MDA responses. Use monitoring techniques that capture unusual m ethodologies such as cartoons, soap operas etc. Share lessons learned (positive and negative) with other CSOs and the ACC through quarterly sharing meetings. Broadcast information in a range of formats to help citizens become more aware of bribery in gener al and PNB in particular Keep bribery and corruption in the public eye by reporting on PNB stories and following up on small and large cases Strengthen MDA information and responsiveness Engage with MDAs at district level in specific initiatives to im prove accountability and transparency Enable MDAs to improve communication and sharing of public service charters (where developed) S upport MDAs /IMCs in following up on specific and general responses to Monitor individual facilities at dist rict level and share reports of bribe paying Engage responsive officials at district level to help reduce bribery in particular facilities Lobby officials and/or facilities where appropriate to raise awareness of PNB Where useful, existing MDA Service Ch arters will be simplified and provided with Publicise stories targeted at MDAs to demand accountability; Invite service delivery officials to respond to criticism through radio or print.;
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