An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 4th - 8th September 2023

Public Education / Newsletters

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4. the framework of its mandate, and therefore encouraged MDAs to grasp the teachings in the training, emphasizing on the importance of knowledge. Earlier, Co - Founder and Director of Restitution, Chris Duckett, spoke about the work of Restitution, noting that they work with States to help recover and return stolen assets. He noted the negative impacts of corruption, adding that the working relationship with HRDN and the ACC is to help address this menace. The training focused on two key areas; International Disclosure and Discovery for Sta te Parties, facilitated by PAL- LAS, UK, and the Processes of Investigating Corruption to support Clients in Internat ional Disputes, facilitated by Matt Bell of Forward, UK. CONTD FROM PG.1 Cross Section of ACC Staff at the training

3. Page 3 T he Public Education Unit of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Southern Region Office in Bo has in an engagement with staff and Management of Care Interna- tional discussed the benefits of safeguarding Public/Donor Funds and Property. This engagement took place on Thursday, 31st August, 2023, at the Conference Room of Care International, Kebbie Town, in Bo. The engagement was mainly to discuss the importance of integrity and professionalism on the utilization of public/ donor funds and property. In his address, Public Education Officer, Mohamed A. Kabba, stated that since Care International provides humanitarian assistance and emergency relief in the school feeding programme, epidemic control and enforcement of health services, construction of feeder roads, among others, he advised that they should do so with integrity and transparency. This, he furthered, will help the country in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).. Mr. Kabba, while explaining some of the provisions of the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008 as amended in 2019 informed them that stiffer punishments and fines await any person working contrary to the provisions of the Act. He encouraged the audience to work towards the consolidation and preservation of the gains made under the tenure of Francis Ben Kaifala by protecting public/donor funds and property. In her presentation, the Team Lead of Care International, Rose G. Kamara, applauded the Commission for the marvelous job done in the fight against corruption, reiterating that her organisation holds integrity, transparency and ac- countability as part of its core values. She said that Care International has zero tolerance for corruption, and strong policies that prohibit fraudulent behaviors, adding that the institution’s financial transactions are purely electronic - based, as a means to avoid finan- cial malfeasance during project implementation. Earlier, an intern from the National Youth Service Corps attached to the ACC, Sorie Yealie Kamara, said that the Commission does not fight corruption in isolation, as it engages in partnership, education, prevention, to combat the scourge. He said that Care International would only achieve its set objectives in addressing the socio - economic needs of the people of Sierra Leone if all corruption - related issues are not treated with levity. While moderating the question and answer session, Public Education Officer, ACC, David Garrick, said that “the fight against corruption should be our collec- tive and individual responsibility,” noting that the sur- vival and interest of the country should always come first. “Our individual ambition and self - satisfaction should not be seen getting on the way of national progress and development,” he concluded. ACC engagement with Care International in progress

2. Page 2 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), through its Prevention Department, has engaged the Banking Sector, to discuss ways to combat, collaborate and consult on corruption prevention issues in the Banking Sector. The meeting took place on Friday, 1st September, 2023 at the Conference Room of the Commission’s Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown. The Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Augustine Foday Ngobie, on behalf of the Commissioner, welcomed representatives of the Sector and their regulatory agencies to the ACC. He highlighted series of reasons why the Commission is involving the Sector in the fight against corruption, one of which is the confidence the Commission has in the Sector. “When the ACC is investigating cases of Misappropriation of Public funds we most often relate with the Banking Sector, he said, adding that the ACC cannot be everywhere at the same time to curb acts of corruption. Speaking at the meeting, Philip Bangura, Assistant Director at the Bank of Sierra Leone, in his statement, said that the meeting is quite important as the Central Bank has also been concerned about the amount of fraud in the Banking Sector. He said that the Bank is currently moving from the traditional way of banking into online services, stating that the Bank will be handling a lot of online fraud in the future. A representative from the Financial Intelligence Unit, (FIU) Foday D. Lamin, also stated the importance of the collaboration between the FIU and the ACC. He emphasized the need for information sharing among members of the sector and encouraged regulators to put measures in place to combat corruption within the Sector. Earlier, the Director of the Prevention Department, Rashid Turay, while giving the welcome address established the rationale for the engagement and acknowledged the importance for collaboration and cooperation. He said the initiative was a collective Action Approach aimed at making the private sector part of the solution to prevent and fight cor- ruption and provide incentives for private entities to become more actively involved in the anti - corruption campaign. Deputy Director of the Prevention Department, Samuel Muti Marah Esq., described the private sec- tor as a major player in the fight against corruption. He said the Commission will be working together with the Sector to develop strategies and initiatives to tackle corruption in the Sector. The engagement with private sector stakeholders represents a significant step forward in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone and highlights the importance of collaboration and partnership in tackling such complex issues. Suggestions, recommendations and contributions from representatives of the Sector climaxed the meeting. Deputy Commissioner, Augustine Foday Ngobie making a statement at the meeting Group photo taken after the engagement

1. Deputy Commissioner, Augustine Foday Ngobie making his statement at the Training 4th - 8th September 2023 Issue 1 Volume 4 CONTD PG.4 A t a Strategic Training for Ministries Depart- ments and Agencies (MDAs) on the theme ‘Combating Corruption Focusing on Asset Recovery with a Human Rights Based Approach’, the Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), Augus- tine Foday Ngobie, has called on MDAs to work conscientiously for the good of the country and ensure that integrity, transparency and effective service delivery be their fundamental footstools. The training, which was held at the Methodist Church Hall, Kingharman Road, Freetown, on Thursday, 31st Au- gust, 2023, was organized by the Human Rights Defenders Network Sierra Leone (HRDN - SL) in partnership with Restitution Impact Limited. In his address, Mr. Ngobie said that the Commission is mandated to take all steps necessary for the prevention, suppression and eradication of corruption and corrupt practices. He said this mandate extends to review practices, processes and procedures in MDAs with a view to identify vulnerabilities, and proffer recommendations and best practices for improved and quality service delivery. He said that, in the past five years, the ACC has reviewed over 14 MDAs and will continue to deliver on the task of identifying INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi corruption risks and proffering suitable recommendations. “We are here today, to build on the synergy we have built with the hope that we collectively work to ensure that the socio - economic needs of the citizens are met and not trampled upon,” he added. Mr. Ngobie noted that collaboration in the fight against graft is key, as articulated in the Unit- ed Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). He said that it is with this same spirit that the ACC crafts and implements National Anti - Corruption Strategies. These strategies, he said, are largely in line with the pillars of integrity. “Sierra Leone is developing the 5th Generation of its National Strategy which will serve as the blueprint to direct and guide MDAs in addressing corruption issues in their entities,” he said. The Deputy Commissioner further noted that the ACC collaborates with HRDN - SL because the Commission knows the significance of employing human rights based approach in the fight against corruption. Public sector institutions are key, especially those whose mandate and activities reside in the protection of human and people’s rights, he stated. He assured his audience of the Commission’s unreserved support to the HRDN - SL within


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