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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 38 7- 11 October r 2024

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3. Page 3 I t is indeed a moment of great joy and celebration to me particularly and the Public Education and External Outreach Department on the very BOLD and GIGANTIC decision to get wedded and receive the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. This comes with a lot of commitment and expectation. A lot has been said on this. So it warrants no additional elaboration. Sir, this decision assuredly is another mark of acceptance of huge responsibility, probably, compared the herculean task of leading the charge to control corruption in Sierra Leone, to which you have conspicuouslly carved a niche and distinguished yourself excellently. Save for skeptics, cynics and pessimists, but so far the records regarding the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone have changed for the better. They have improved significantly, agreeing though that corruption is yet to be eradicated in Sierra Leone. Nonetheless, TODAY we confidently speak of Sierra Leone’s Remarkable signing of the Millenium Challenge Corporation multi million dollar Grant, where the Control of Corruption is mandatory and pivotal, in the midst of other indicators. Additionally, Sierra Leone is now the hub for other anti - graft agencies in Africa to visit, conduct study tours and do benchmarking - the Cameroonians, Ugandans, Liberians, the Gambians, to name but a few. Undoubtedly, Your leadership accounts for these monumental gains and achievements. Permit me to add the Hundreds of acco- By : Patrick Sandi, Director, PEOD. Mr. And Mrs. Francis Ben - Kaifala in photo after the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ben Kaifala in Church after taking their marital vows lades and laurels bagged by the Commission and also by you Personally, as you lead the anti - graft crusade. The positions you have held internationally as a result of the strides made in the fight are also quite Distinguished. Firstly, you are the International Anti - Corruption Champion awarded by the United States Government. Secondly, you were overwhelmingly Elected Member of the African Union Board on Corruption. Thirdly, you had landslide victory to be elected the Regional Representative of the Association of African Anti - Corruption Authorties for West Africa and many more - all speaking and pointing to your overly determination and drive to see that Sierra Leone leads and gets the best. As you take up this responsibility, I whole- heartedly and unreservedly congratulate you and the wife, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sonia Ben Kaifala with further supplications to God that you will accept a much bigger responsibility that God has ordained you for. Continue to be at peace with all in service and love. We are in this Together. Together as One. We are better Together, Stornger Together and Together we will build a better and glamorous future for Sierra Leone. Once again, hearty congratulations and best wishes and prayers of a peaceful and tranquil Marital Life.

4. Page 4 Contd from Pg 2 Diploma in Communications and Media Broadcasting and a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Professional Communication, both from Limkokwing University of Creative Technology. Her professional journey has seen her work with top me- dia institutions such as the Freetown Television Network (FTN) and Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC). She currently holds the position of Senior Presenter at the African Young Voices (AYV) Media Empire, where her presence is well - regarded. Outside of her media career, Sonia’s entrepreneurial spirit shines brightly. She is the founder of Sierra Leone’s first - ever kids’ photography studio, Baby Props by Sonia, which has set a trend in the country’s creative industry. Her passion for fashion, design, and creative decor adds to her multifaceted profile. Known for her kind - heartedness, soft - spoken nature, and affable personality, Sonia is also a brilliant, audacious, and visionary young woman, embodying the qualities of a modern Sierra Leonean trailblazer. ACC CZAR NEXT CHAPTER As the nation reflects on this beautiful occasion, the ACC celebrates not just the personal milestone of Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala, but the continued leadership he brings to the fight against corruption. The wedding is not just the union of hearts but also a testament to the values of commitment, leadership, and responsibility that have come to define the Commission- er’s remarkable journey in both his personal and professional life. Commissioner Kaifala’s unyielding dedication to both his country and his loved ones shines brightly in this new chapter of his life. While his professional accomplishments have left an indelible mark on Sierra Leone and beyond, Commissioner Ben Kaifala’s personal life is a reflection of the same commitment to growth and responsibility. The decision to enter into the sacred institution of marriage signifies his deep understanding of the values of love, sacrifice, and unity - values that have also been the foundation of his work at the ACC. This Union comes at a time when the country is looking towards a future of stability, transparency, and progress. The love and commitment that this marriage embodies mirrors the vision he has championed for Sierra Leone - a future firmly built on integrity, resilience, and hope. As Commissioner Kaifala embarks on this new chapter in his life, the ACC family, together with the people of Sierra Leone, celebrates not only the joy of this wedding but also the renewed strength and resolve it brings to his continued leadership in the fight against corruption. The Commission is confident that this new milestone will further bolster his passion and energy in leading the charge towards notching improved successes in the war against graft. Hence, in the spirit of unity and shared purpose, the Commission extends its heartfelt Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Francis Ben Kaifala and wish them peace, prosperity, and a life filled with love and happiness. By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC

2. Page 2 As guests present and the entire Sierra Leone witnessed the couple's union, it was clear that this was more than just a wedding - it was a reflection of the Commissioner’s deep connection to his roots and a celebration of the unity of two families, multiple tribes, regions and religions. CATHOLIC BLESSING AND JOYOUS RECEPTION The Saturday 5th September, 2024 following the Traditional Wedding on 3rd October, 2024, saw a grand Catholic wedding ceremony that took place in a jam - packed church at the Saint Elizabeth's Catholic Church Aberdeen, symbolizing the sacredness of the couple’s commitment. With solemn vows exchanged, the marriage was blessed in a beautiful Catholic Mass that underscored the spiritual foundation of their Union. All the God parents were in attendance and eminent personalities including the First Lady, Fatima Jabbie Maada Bio. VISITATION TO PRESIDENT BIO AND OTHER GOD PARENTS AND EPIC RECEPTION The celebrations did not end at the church. A traditional visitation to the God - parents followed with a first stop at the Presidential Lodge where His Excellency Brigadier (Rtd.) Dr. Julius Maada Bio received and welcomed the newly - wedded couple, gave them Water that he blessed and offered solemn supplications. He told them that the journey will not be all rosy and it is a merging of two people from different cultures, hence he prayed for understanding, positive support and endless unity. Similar visits were made to the other God - parents; Mr and Mrs. Prince Alex Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wright, and Mr. and Chief Honorable Micheal Bangura and Wife. A dazzling reception glared with pomp and pageantry followed at the prestigious LOR Restaurant, Levuma Beach, distinguish attended by the First Lady and other eminent personalities. The event was the perfect culmination of love, faith, and celebration with music, comedy and joyous moments that will be remembered for years to come. NATIONAL TALKING POINTS Commissioner's Francis Ben Kaifala’s wedding quickly became the talk of Sierra Leone – every corner, every for a, blogging page, traditional and print media etc., not just for its grandeur, but also for its significance in blending tradition, faith, and national pride of someone that commands huge admiration from every corner of the country. It was a show of the faith, interest and undiluted love people have for the People’s Commissioner and all he has been doing. He remains a beacon of integrity and leadership, and this celebration of love and family only adds to his story of dedication to both his professional responsibilities and personal life. WHO IS SONIA BEN KAIFALA? Sonia Ben Kaifala (née Jaffal) is a dynamic and enterprising woman, a journalist, and entrepreneur who has made her mark in Sierra Leone's media and creative industries. Born and raised in Freetown in the 90s, Sonia is an alumna of the Lebanese International School and the prestigious Annie Walsh Memorial School. She went on to earn a Contd on Pg 4 Mr. and Mrs Kaifala gliding to some sweet song at the wedding reception By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC Contd from Pg 1 Mr. and Mrs Kaifala displaying their wedding certificate with the Catholic Priests at the Church

1. 7th—11th October 2024 Issue 2 Volume 38 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M. Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi The Ceremony commenced with Islamic traditions with the Father of the Bride, Mr. Hassan Jaffal, happily handing over his beautiful daughter and the Groom joyfully welcoming with solemn promises to "Accept, love and Protect her for the sake of Allahu Subuana WataAllah". Rings were exchanged and greeted with warm kisses. Traditional songs like the "Ndoma Neneh Ndoma Elooh” by Salia Bakavodeh immersed the wedding with hearts lustfully reeling and feet wobbling to their melodies. The night carried on with enlightening statements made by various personalities. Her Excellency, First Lady Fatima Jabbie Maada Bio whilst admonishing the couple requested the bride to love and support the vision of the Groom, the Commission- er and be there for him as a I n an extraordinary two - day celebration, the Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Francis Ben Kaifala, Esq., tied the knot with Sonia Ben Kaifala nee Jaffal, in a wedding that fascinated and captured the attention of the country. With a sheer and novel blend of rich cultural tradition, devout Islamic Credence and pure Catholic resplendence - graced by high - profiled dignitaries including The First Lady, Her Excellency, Madam Fatima Jabbie Maada Bio, as well as friends, family, and well - wishers from across the Country and in the diaspora. TRADITIONAL GRANDEUR ROBED IN ISLAMIC ELEGANCE The first day of the colourful traditional wedding celebration showcased profoundly Sierra Leone’s cultural heritage. Dresses filled the atmosphere with a unique sense of pride and authenticity, masquerade danced gleefully, League of bestmen and bridesmaids were at their very best while the presence of dignitaries such as the First Lady added even greater significance to the occasion. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala and Wife Sonia Ben Kaifala exchanging kisses in the presence of the Church By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC Contd on Pg 2 His Excellency the President Broga- dier Rtd. Dr. Julius Maada Bio and Wife Her Excellency Fatima Jabbie Maada Bio flanking Mr. and Mrs. Kaifala after blessing the couple as God Parents . foremost support mechanism. She replicated the advice to the Groom, the Commissioner, whilst resounding that he has done so much and so well for Sierra Leone in his capacity, and such is a major reason why the country is now hugely respected as an emblem of Integrity and Success in the fight Against Corruption. She wished them well. Commissioner Kaifala and bride embraced the customs and values of their heritage, making the event a remarkable celebration of Sierra Leone’s rich cultural richness.


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