An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.



 (An undiluted mark and demonstration of the African Continent's commitment and determination to the fight against corruption and illicit financial flows through the AAACA)

The Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities in Africa (AAACA) held its 5th Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Bujumbura, Republic of Burundi, from the 20th to 23rd of June 2022.

The AGM was attended by twenty-nine (29) heads or representatives of anti-corruption authorities who were accompanied by their respective officials. The meeting was also graced with the attendance of technical and financial partners such as the German Agency for International Development (GIZ) with office based in Kenya, the African Union Advisory Board against Corruption (AUABC), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network of East Africa (ARINEA) and East Africa Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (EAAACA).

On Monday, June 20, 2022, the official opening ceremonies was graced by His Excellency Ir. Prosper BAZOMPANZA, Vice-President of the Republic Burundi, on behalf of His Excellency Major-General. Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE, President of the Republic of Burundi.

In his speech, the Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi appreciated the theme of the AGM, which reads: “Protecting African wealth: fighting against corruption and illicit financial flows”. He expressed the wish to see the present meeting ringing for all present and future actors, the bell of a new impetus on the path of development and fulfilment for the people of Africa.

The Agenda of the AGM as approved by the participants at the meeting is:

-the election of  the new Executive Committee;

-the Approbation of  the nomination  of  the Secretary General;

-the approbation of  the report of the AAACA activities since the 4th Annual General Meeting until the holding of the 5th AGM;

-the approbation of  the AAACA governance tools (Strategic Plan 2022-2026, the Manual of Administrative and Financial Procedures, the Code of Ethics and Professional Conducts);

-the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Africa Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (AAACA) and the African Union Advisory Board against Corruption (AUABC);

-the strengthening of the partnership with GIZ, UNODC, AfDB and IAACA;

-the development of  collaborative strategies in the fight against illicit financial flows;

-Any other business.

At the end of the three days of deliberations:

We the Heads and Representatives of National Anti-Corruption Institutions;

 EXPRESSING our gratitude to the Government of Burundi for having kindly accepted to organize and host the meeting of the 5th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities in Africa;

 FURTHER EXPRESSING our profound appreciation to the Secretary-General, officials and the people of Burundi for their invaluable support and warm hospitality provided to us upon our arrival and during the AGM;

 FURTHER PROFOUNDLY APPRECIATING the financial and technical support given by our partners, which made it possible for the AGM to become successful; 

 CONSIDERING that the purpose of the AGM  is to discuss and make  decisions on issues, relevant for the smooth administration of the Association, as placed on the agenda of AGM, and those that have been pending for the past three years; 

 AWARE that illicit financial flows divert resources from our countries that could be used to fund essential public services, such as security, justice or basic social services like health and education, further weakening financial systems and economic opportunities;

 GIVEN that financial flows involve illicit practices such as money laundering, corruption and tax evasion by international companies and falsification of commercial transactions;

 RECOGNIZING the need for collaboration between National Anti-Corruption Institutions in the fight against corruption and illicit financial flows;

 CONGRATULATING the progress already made by the Association in the operationalization of the Secretariat;

 NOTING WITH SATISFACTION the activities that the Secretariat has initiated for the implementation of the recommendations of the AGM;

 BEARING IN MIND that to carry out its missions, the Secretariat needs to be materially and financially strengthened;

 AWARE of the obligation of every AAACA member to pay their dues regularly;

 CONVINCED that the combination of efforts is essential to win the fight against corruption and illicit financial flows;


1. CONFIRM  Mr. Jean Claude BIZIMANA as Secretary General of the Association for a 5 year term renewable once;

2. CONSIDER the 2019-2022 Annual Administrative Reports of the AAACA;;

3. DEFER the adoption of the 2019-2022 financial report to the next AGM;

4. ADOPT the AAACA 2022-2026 Strategic Plan subject to integration of observations by the Consultant;

5. IMPLEMENT the Strategic Plan 2022-2026 with the technical support from member institutions and willing partner organisation such as GIZ, UNODC and AfDB;

6. DEFER to the next General Assembly the adoption of the Manual of Administrative and Financial Procedures and the Code of Ethics and Deontology of the Association;

7. ESTABLISH a Technical Committee made up of representatives of Cameroon, Algeria, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal, chaired by Cameroon, to revise the Statutes of the Association and harmonize the French and English versions;

8. CREATE a Centre for  Research and Studies on Corruption in Africa inspired by specifically African problems;

9. MANDATES the Executive Committee in collaboration with partners to put in place effective strategies to implement the African Union Common Position on Asset Recovery (CAPAR) and to fight against illicit financial flows;

10. SIGN the Memorandum of Understanding between AAACA and the African Union Advisory Board  against Corruption;

11. ESTABLISH a Joint Committee in charge of deciding on a timetable of activities for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the AAACA and the African Union Advisory Board against Corruption;

12. ELECT the members of the Executive Committee composed as follows:

1.President: General Khaled Mohamed Said Hassan ACA/Egypt

2.1st Vice President: Moumouni GUINDO, OCLEI/Mali

3.2nd Vice President: Samuel FOGHTUNG, CONAC/Cameroon


4.Representative for Northern Region: Chaalal  MOULAY LARBI, ONPLC/ Algeria;

5.Representative for the Central Region: Emmanuel Ollita ONDONGO, HALC/Congo Brazzaville;

6. Representative for the Eastern Region: CP Salum Rashid HAMDUNI, PCCB/Tanzania;

7.Representative for the Western Region: Francis Ben KAIFALA, ACC/Sierra Leone;

8.Representative for the Southern Region: Honourable Justice Loyce MOYO ZACC/Zimbabwe;

13. EXPRESS our gratitude to the Government of Burundi for having kindly accepted to organise and host the 5th Annual General Assembly of the Association of African Anti-Corruption Authorities;

14. EXPRESS our thanks to the organisers of the meeting and all other partners for continuing to support the actions planned;

15. DESIGNATE the Republic of South Africa to host the session of the 6th Annual General Meeting.