An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.



 By: Beatrice V.J. Cole-Intern, ACC

According to the United Nations, the term “Persons with Disability” (PWDs) summarizes a great number of different functional limitations occurring in any population, in any country of the world. People may be disabled by physical, intellectual, sensory impairment, medical conditions or illnesses that may be permanent or transitory in nature. It is in the light of this that the United Nations adopted a convention on the Rights and Privileges of Persons with Disability.

The Convention adopted in 2006, came into force in 2008. It provides for countries to recognize that disability is a dynamic and evolving concept which is subject to regular change. Due to the improvement in medical science and other new discoveries of how the human body works, a clear example of its dynamic nature is that it is very possible for doctors to determine that a person who does not seem to have any physical disability may be subject to some mental or sensory impairment.

Informal sector also, is far from being a monogamous group or a sector. They contribute hugely to economic growth. It is such that constitutes informal economy workers like hawkers, peddlers, waste pickers, home/domestic workers, to name but a few, can all be recognized broadly in this sector. It is widely acknowledged that in majority of cases, informality is not a choice but rather a necessity for those not able to find formal jobs. Nonetheless, they contribute to the overall economy. But there is a compelling need to do more in order to integrate informal workers in mainstream social protection schemes.

The contribution of PWDs in both formal and the informal sector is enormous. They can be instrumental in formulating policies, use and maximize notable tools like advocacy, lobbying, and social mobilization campaigns against many social menace like sexual exploitation, bribery, injustice, discrimination, to name but a few, that affect them more than every person in society, so because of their physical and other conditions.

There are many influential Disabled Social Workers that exhibit sheer level of professionalism, equal justice and human rights. They also proffer psycho social assistance to middle economic workers in ensuring that their social rights are guaranteed.

PWDs and the Informal sector can both be instrumental in advancing integrity values, and joining the campaign against corruption. They have loud and appealing voices to amplify the dangers of corruption, benefits of a corrupt free society; thereby stimulating consciousness of people on issues of integrity, transparency and accountability, especially to their large and respective constituencies.

It is anticipated that PWDs are less corrupt because of their nature of ability. Nonetheless, they can better influence Government policies and actions and promote the cause of denouncing injustice, inequality and discrimination at all levels including the formal and informal sectors.

© Public Relations Unit, ACC