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Health and Sanitation Response

PNB - Health and Sanitation 26 March 2017

Ministry of Health and Sanitation – Response Summary

26 December 2016 – 26 March 2017

Services ReportedI Paid a BribeI Did not Pay a BribeI Met an Honest OfficialGeneral Actions TakenSpecific Actions Taken
Certificate (health, birth, death)23841.       The Integrity Management Committee (IMC) visited the following health facilities in the Western Area; Tokeh, Tombo, PCMH, Wilberforce Military facilities. These visits informed the workers about the PNB reports and possible actions that may be taken against them.

2.       DMOs will be requested to conduct preliminary investigations , take administrative actions and communicate with the IMC at head office

3.       The IMC to inform the Health Education Division through the Permanent Secretary to include in its plan an awareness raising campaign on the operations of the PNB

1.       The display of MoHS Service Charter in all health facilities.

2.       PCMH has established a team of monitors that conduct patient survey. The ACC  to do a follow up on the outcome of the survey.

Drugs and Treatment883511
Emergency Care1125
Medical Tests126208
Pregnancy and Child Birth32541256
Registration and Consultation209138
Under 5 Child Health443123122