An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.


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2. EXPERIENCE :  Must have at least 3 years experience in related field. COMPETENCIES :  Good report writing skills  Fluent in oral and written English  Good analytical skills  Good investigative and interviewing skills  Ability to work in a team  High integrity  Good computer skills CONDITIONS OF SERVICE : Attractive Please submit your Covering letter, CV and copies of certificates to the under - mentioned address not later than Tues day 2 0 th February 202 4 : THE DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES ANTI - CORRUPTI ON COMMISSION INTEGRITY HOUSE TOWER HILL FREETOWN Each application form should be forwarded with two (2) passport sized photographs. The Commission being an equal opportunity employer strongly urges females with requisite qualifications to apply and co mpete for the position on offer. Only short - listed candidates will be contacted.

1. JOB VACANCY ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION The Anti - Corruption Commission is seeking out suitably qualified Sierra Leonean s to fill the following vacant position s . JOB TITLE : INVESTIGATION OFFICER S LOCATION : FREETOWN REPORTS TO: THE HEAD, FINANCIA L INTELLIGENCE UNIT MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB : To investigate both reactive and proactive reported corrupt activities in and outside Sierra Leone MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES :  To manage cases referred to the department.  To prepare initial work plan for any ca se assigned and forward same to Senior Investigation Officer for approval.  To seek authorization , warrant, seizures of evidential materials from the Commissioner or the Magistrate and properly use them in investigation.  To properly record statements from e ither suspects or witnesses.  To prepare a written report at the conclu sion of each investigation and submit same to the Senior Investigation Officer.  To attend court and give evidence when required.  To perform any tasks assigned by the Head, Financial Inte lligence Unit . QUALI FICATION:  A good university degree in ACCOUNTING AND/OR FINANCE from a recognized University . ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGEOUS SKILLS  Knowledge in investigative and interviewing skills  Knowledge in account s analysis and finance  Knowledge in l aw of evidence


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