An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.


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3. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE : Attractive Please submit your Covering letter, CV and copies of certificates to the under - mentioned address not later than Friday 4 th March 2021. THE DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION 3 GLOUCESTER STREET CATHEDRAL HOUSE FREETOWN Each application form should be forwarded with two (2) passport sized photographs. Only short - listed candidates will be contacted.

1. JOB VACANCY ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION The Anti - Corruption Commission is seeking out a suitably qualified female Sierra Leonean to fill the under - mentioned position . JOB TITLE : HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER/PROTOCOL OFFICER LOCATION : FREETOWN REPORTS T O: DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCE MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB : To provide a comprehensive administrative support to the day - to - day operations of the human resource division ensuring a customer focus, effective and efficient delivery of HR and support services. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES :  To assist in the coordination of staff recruitment through the preparation and posting of job adverts, screening applications and arranging interviews and participating in selection process and administering pre - employment tests as required.  To give general administrative support such as preparing regular correspondence, forms and reports, arranging meetings, processing confidential reports and documents and takes down Departmental minutes.  To establish a system of tracking and upd ating recruitment relations records, correspondence, reports, and organization charts.  To receive queries from employees and from external agencies and submit to the HR Manager.  To assist, interpret and advise employees regarding their employment contract s, leave management and generally HR procedures and policies within the specified guidelines.  To assist in conducting staff induction/orientation programmes for newly hired staff.  To participates in meetings and other events organised by ACC or related age ncies.  Generally provides information and assistance to staff on human resource and work related issues.  To supervise the work of the Assistant Human Resource Officer ensuring that all personal records both computerised and manual are maintained effectivel y and constantly kept up to date.  To arrange protocol for the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and other delegate staff of the Commission for their travels out of and return to Sierra Leone.

2.  To participate in the planning of foreign and domestic visits, c eremonies and special events.  To coordinate visit of visiting teams or dignitaries to the Commission ensuring all arrangements regarding their arrival, accommodation, official visit to Ministries, Dignitaries etc. is properly handled.  To advise staff on et iquette and courtesies expected during official visits, liaise with the visiting team (foreign Dignitaries) and ensure receipt of guidance on customs and traditions.  To liaise with Administration for the scheduling and booking of transportation for visiti ng team.  To research traditions, customs of visiting team and also ensure to give full details of the customs and traditions of Sierra Leone .  To identify security risks and work with Administration to create safety plans.  To work with Administrati on to prepare and send invitations to dignitaries  To work with Admin and Public Education to arrange photo opportunities and press conferences.  To work with Administration to develop itineraries and agendas/programmes for the visit.  To keep a list of key business leaders and government officials.  To put modalities in place to prevent etiquette breaches or embarrassing cultural blunders.  To ensure proper follow - ups with the visiting team.  To plan the advisory role to brief staff and coach them on how, what and how to act.  To undertake any duty assigned by the Senior Human Resource Officer. QUALI FICATIONS:  Must possess a good first degree in Human Resource Management and/or Bachelor’s Degree in a closely related field and/or equivalent prof essional qualification and/or equivalent professional experience.  Must have Advanced computer skills EXPERIENCE :  At least three years’ experience in a related field of discipline COMPETENCIES :  Good planning and organisational skills  High degree of dr ive, energy, flexibility and self - motivation  High integrity and sense of responsibility  Must show understanding and interest in dealing with people  Ability to handle sensitive and confidential matters.  Willing to work long hours at often odd or inconvenien t times.  Must be able to speak multiple languages and be familiar with culture and customs of other nations  Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with impeccable personal appearance and conduct  Knowledge of international affairs  Able to work un der pressure  Good problem solving skills  Must be sensitive to the needs of others


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