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WEEKLY NEWS LETTER 25th August 2023 (1)

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4. This course provides opportunity for students to learn the legal, social, scientific, or policy perspectives of anti - corruption, and to brainstorm, exchange ideas, engage in independent research programs and projects in a collaborative, interactive setting, with students also at liberty to select one or more topics of interest to explore during the course. With these additional academic fortifications, it will surprise the public to know that the Commissioner is set to complete his Manual on Structuring and Fighting Corruption in Africa that will be set for publication during this same period. However, no public funds is involved, as this is a full blown scholarship and the bursary is not a Salary, but goes towards paying his fees, accommodation and other expenses. He remains the Commissioner (Head) and will be coming not more than every two 2 months during this period, to do normal work. Nonetheless, Section 5 Subsection 3 of the Anti - Corruption Act as amended in 2019 gives the Deputy Commissioner the power to perform ALL functions of CONTD FROM PG.1 the Commissioner in his absence. However, within the specific reserves like the signing of indictments, the Commissioner will be coming during these breaks to sign. In 2015, a Harvard Business Review article revealed that the reason for the success of Top Leaders is principally as a result of the strong systems they had built. Over the last five years, a very strong system has been built at the ACC that works seamlessly even in the absence of the Commissioner, and will also be providing the desired supervision to achieving his enormous vision, until his eventual completion and return in less than nine (9) months. By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. Harvard Student Identity Card and Tag

3. Page 3 ACC Regional Manager in Kono Hawanatu Omotayo Kamara (R) handing over the motor bikes to the Chief Administrator of the Kono District Council , Mohamed Osman Marrah (L) Th e Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) in Kono on Tuesday 15th August, 2023 handed over to the Kono District Council four (4) motor bikes recovered from former Councillors. This event took place at the ACC Kono Regional Office, Sannsie Street, Koidu City. The ACC Regional Manager in Kono, Hawanatu Omotayo Kamara, said that the Commission received a formal complaint from the Chief Administrator of the Kono District Council against six (6) former Councillors of the Council that had refused to handover the motor bikes allocated to them during their tenure in office. According to the complaint, several internal efforts were made for the Councillors to return the motor bikes, but all proved futile. Mrs. Kamara further said that one of the Councillors who was allocated one of the motor bikes was reported to have left the country and could not be traced and so the motor bike could not be accounted for, whilst the other motor bike was allegedly stolen, none- theless, a police report was made available to that effect. However, the other four (4) motor bikes were recovered from the four (4) Councillors in good and road worthy conditions and were handed over to the leadership of the Council. The ACC Regional Manager assured the staff of the Council of the Commission’s commitment to protecting public property and making sure that individuals involved in acts of corruption are brought to book. The Chief Administrator of the Kono District Council, Mohamed Osman Marrah expressed gratitude to the ACC for the prompt and swift response and actions taken in recovering the motor bikes. He described the Commission as a reliable partner in corruption prevention and the recovery of government assets. He stated that the motor bikes were given to the Councilors to ease their work in their different wards, noting that, after their term, several measures to ensure the safe return of the bikes to the Council proved fruitless, prompting the Council to report the matter to the ACC. He concluded by thanking the Commission, stating that the swift response to recover the motor bikes should send a message to all public workers about the Commission’s robust and unwavering commitment to protecting public funds and assets.

2. Page 2 Th e Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission, Sierra Leone (ACC - SL), Augustine Foday Ngobie, has entreated all stakeholders with critical roles to play in the roll - out of the World Bank and Government Sierra Leone $40 Million Dollars funded Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) scheme, to steadfastly commit themselves to the successful implementation of the project, and avoid all conducts that will undermine the project. He said these remarks at a week - long Retreat held on Monday 21st August, 2023, at the Conference Hall of the Youth in Action for Development (YAD), along Maxwell - Khobe Street in Kenema, Eastern Sierra Le- one. The Retreat, which brought together technical staff from the ACC, National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA), Ministry of Youth Affairs, National Youth Commission, and the Freetown City Council, was to discuss and review the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) Manual before the roll - out of the PSSNYE. Mr. Ngobie said that the successful implementation of the PSSNYE, like the just - concluded different phases of the Social Safety Net (SSN) and the Emergency Cash Transfer projects which provided unconditional cash transfer to thousands of poor and vulnerable households and businesses badly affected by the CoVID - 19 Pandemic - was not optional. He said that the PSSNYE project’s thematic framework resonates with the Big - Five Game Changers of the Government's Manifesto promises by His Excellency, Pres- ident Brigadier Retired Dr. Julius Maada Bio, as it seeks to deliver with quality, precision, and dexterity on enhancing the livelihoods of poor vulnerable households and youth employment through unconditional cash transfers and middle level skills acquisition and cash - for - work programs. “Those of us present here have a huge task in our hands for our Nation. We must deliver and do so patriotically, devoid of our political persuasions and other sentiments. Failure is not a route. This project shall be implemented without any corruption issues. The ACC shall ensure this. And in our quest to do so, we shall leave no stone unturned in holding accountable anyone whose acts would constitute corruption,” the ACC Deputy Commissioner said. The Deputy Commissioner also stated that the PSSNYE project seeks to address some of the most difficult challenges our society is confronted with today, viz; livelihood for majority of the poor and youth unemployment or employability. "The recent spate or drug (kush) abuse, coupled with the seeming lack of requisite middle level skills among many young persons, has compounded the problem of our youth. If we fail to help them, then we world have failed to help our na- tion and ourselves,” he concluded. The Retreat, which ran from Monday 21st to Friday 25th August, 2023, provided a forum for a thorough postmortem of the previous GRM Manual to include new players like the Ministry of Youth Affairs, National Youth Commission and the Freetown City Council. It will be the blueprint to prevent and address all grievances that would possibly emanate from the roll - out of the PSSNYE. Deputy Commissioner, ACC Augustine Foday Ngobie making his address at the Retreat. By: Sylvanus Blake, Public Relations Officer, ACC

1. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. standing by the monumental statute of John Harvard, Founder of the prestigious University 21st - 25th August 2023 Issue 1 Volume 2 CONTD PG.4 Wh ilst the WILL to win the war against corruption is important, the ABILITY to fully prepare to win is way more important. In light of this, the news of Sierra Le- one’s Anti - Corruption Chief bagging a very generous, well deserving and stellar One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($100,000) Scholar- ship/bursary Package did not come as a surprise to many, as he on Wednesday, 16th August, 2023 commenced his Course leading to a Masters in Law at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America. For a young trailblazer like him that has succeeded in achieving the unimaginable not only as a Commissioner that changed the fortunes of Sierra Leone from a once ‘World’s Most Corrupt Country” according to the 2013 Afro - Barometer Survey of the Transparency International (TI), to one of the most impressive performers, chronicling astounding numbers in every local and international data driven indexes and assessments. Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. is known for his unquenchable thirst to discomfort himself in the pursuit to achieve and inspire greatness, and change the narratives. This enormous package from Harvard University – a home of high achievers and the oldest university of higher learning in America with one of the most prestig- INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC ious law schools - makes Francis join the enviable league of leaders cut for sheer greatness, having darkened the walls of this enviable university reserved for what Plato described in his book “Republic” as “Philosopher King”. Worthy to note, the gracious approval of His Excellency the President Brigadier Rtd. Dr. Julius Maada Bio, was equally not a surprise. It only reemphasizes the President’s belief in Human Capital Development especially with one of the most exceptional Public Officers that he reposes an unending trust in the abilities and dedication, manifested from his initial appointment amidst some sceptre of doubts, to such a high and noble office at a very tender age. The Legum Magister (LLM) Program mirrors the Harvard Global Anti - Corruption Lab, which makes is directly connected to his work; increasing capacity for even more robust delivery. ;


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