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Public Education / Newspapers Analysis

MAY 2017

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18. 18 a nti corruption message.


3. 3 Highlights The month of May of saw 94 % of favourable publication s, while the percentage of unfavourable publications was 1%. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 5 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows:  The most recurring favorite story in this edition is the last CSO & Media update organised by the Commissio n to update CSOs and the media on the Commissions about activities planned by the Commission. During the update the Commissioner called on the med i a and CSOs to continue to support the Commission and cal l ed on them to embark on more investigative journalis m to help unearth corrupt practices in the country .  The PNB campaign sensitization meetings with the Sierra Leone Correctional services formed a major part of the favourable stories.  Five percent of ambivalent stories were part of articles tha t outline d the global trends of corruption and how nations across the world must fight corruption. Also the misuse of hard earned savings by NASSIT and how the ACC handled the NASSIT ferry issue was highlighted in this category.  The o ne percent of unfavour able story recorded was about the alarming rate of corruption as was reported in the recent Audit Report.

6. 6 May 10 th 15. NEW STORM ACC JOINS SLAJ IN COMMEMORATING PRESS FREEDOM IN SOUTH: The story gives details of ACC South office taking part in the celebration of Press Freedom Day. News Story F 16. NEWS STORM ACC BOSS BRIEFS NEWSMEN News story giving details of the recently held CSO & Media update organized by the ACC. The ACC Commissioner spoke about training and protection needs for media practitioners. News Story F 18. AYV NEWS ACC BOSS CALLS FOR COLLABORATION : News story giving details of the recently held CSO & Media update organized by the ACC. The ACC Commissioner spoke about training and protection ne eds of media practitioners and the need for collaboration in the fight against corruption. News Story F 19. STANDARD TIMES THE MEDIA AND CSO USED AS HELPING TOOLS : News story giving details of the recently held CSO & Media update organized by the ACC. Th e ACC Commissioner spoke about training and protection needs for media practitioners. News Story F 20. CONCORD TIMES ACC BOSS SAYS BEGGING CULTURE IS A SYMPTOM OF CORRUPTION: News story giving details of the recently held CSO & Media update organized by the ACC. The ACC Commissioner spoke about training and protection needs of media practitioners. The story gave details of the Commissioner’s statement on integrity adding the culture of begging in this country is a key cause for corruption. News Story 21. SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA ACC BRIEFS MEDIA, CSO’s: News story giving details of the recently held CSO & Media update organized by the ACC. The ACC News Story F

9. 9 15 th May 2017 33. AYV NEWS ACC BOSS CALLS FOR COLLABOTION : The story gives details of the recently held CSO and Media update held at Santano house. Ne ws Story F 34. AYV NEWS ACC AND SLP DIALOGUE TO TACKLE BRIBERY IN THE SOUTH: The story looks at a meeting held between the ACC Southern office management and the Assistant Inspect General of police in the South on traffic and check point related matters. News Story F 35. FOR D PEOPLE ACC AND SLP TO TACKLE BRIBERY IN THE SOUTH: The story looks at a meeting held between the ACC Southern office management and the Assistant Inspect General of police in the South on traffic and check point related matters. News Story F 36. THE TRUMPET ACC BOSS SAYS MEDIA MUST DO MORE: In the recently held CSO and Media update the ACC Commissioner called on media professional to do more especially with regard investigative journalism. News Story F 16 TH May 2017 37. THE NATIONALIST PNB CAMPAIGN GAINS RECOGNITION IN ACADEMIC CIRCLE: At the recently held convocation ceremony the Vice Chancellor of the University of Sierra Leone Prof. Ekundayo Thompson called on university stakeholders to heed to the ACC’s PNB call a nd make education worth its salt again in the country. News Story F 38. AYV NEWS PNB CAMPAIGN GAINS RECOGNITION IN ACADEMIC CIRCLE: At the recently held convocation ceremony the Vice Chancellor of the University of Sierra Leone Prof. Ekundayo Thompson ca lled on university stakeholders to heed to the ACC’s PNB call and make education News Story F

8. 8 embarked on an outreach at the SLCS in Bo. 27. THE SPECTATOR ACC PROMISES TO WORK WITH MEDIA AND CSO: News story giving details of the recently held CSO & Media update organized by the ACC. The ACC Commissioner spoke about training and protection needs of media practitioners. News Story F 28. AYV NEWS ACC CAUTIONS SCHOOLS AGAINST MALPRACTICES ACC Bo office headed by its manager Samuel Marrah togeth er with CARL embarked on an outreach at the SLCS in Bo. News Story F 29. STANDARD TIMES ACC TAKES PNB CAMPAIGN TO SIERRA LEONE CORRECTIONAL SERVICES IN BO: ACC Bo office headed by its manager Samuel Marrah together with CARL embarked on an outreach at the SLCS in Bo. News Story F 30. THE MEDIA AND CSO’S USED AS HELPING TOOL: News story giving details of the recently held CSO & Media update organized by the ACC. The ACC Commissioner spoke about training and protection needs for media practitioners. The s tory gives details of the Commissioner’s statement on integrity adding the culture of begging in this country is a key cause for corruption. News Story F 31. NEW VISION ACC TO INSTALL CCTV CAMERAS : At the recently held CSO AND Media the Commissioner of the ACC Ady Macauley hinted that if funds were available the Commission might consider setting up close circuit at the ports (Water Quay). News Story F 32. CONCORD TIMES ACC WARNS SCHOOLS AGAINST MALPRACTICE IN NPSE EXAMS: ACC Bo office headed by its man ager Samuel Marrah together with CARL embarked on an outreach at the SLCS in Bo. News Story F

15. 15 improve public service delivery. 75. DAILY MAIL SOCIAL SAFETY NET BENEFICIARIES COMMEND ACC, NACSA IN KONO: S tory on the SSN and its implementation effectiveness as praised by beneficiaries. F 76. AYV NEWS ACC COMMENDS MUNU ON THEPNB: The IG of the SLP’s effort to mainstream Anti corruption measures in the police force has been recognized and commended as outl ined byvthe writer of the story News Story F 25 th May 2017 77. NEW AGE MEDIA SIERRATEL CORRUPTION: Excerpts from the most recent audit report alleged procurement malpractices within the institution. Commentary A 78. PREMIER NE WS ACC SUSTAINS PNB CAMPAIGN: ACC Kono office held a mass sensitization campaign at the Konomanyi Lorry Park and the campaign drew its audience from people from all works of life including , motor drivers union, Sierra Leone News Story F 79. AYV Universi ty of Sierra Leone embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign: The story gives details of an interactive session between the USL and ACC on Monday 8 th April 2017 News Story F 26 th May 80. STANDARD TIMES PNB CAMPAIGN GOES TO KONO DISTRICT: The s tory details the awareness raising and sensitization on the PNB in Kono district planned and implemented by the ACC Kono office. News Story F 81. INDEPENDENT OBSERVER ACC DIALOGUES WITH SLRSA ON BRIBE FREE ROADS IN SIERRA LEONE: As part of the PNB campai gn a meeting held between the ACC and the SLRSA on how to improve performance of SLRSA staff and at the same time improve public service delivery. News Story F

7. 7 Commissioner spoke about training and protection needs for media practitioners. The story gives details of t he Commissioner’s statement on integrity adding the culture of begging in this country is a key cause for corruption. 22. SALONE TIMES WE HAVE DEFICIT IN MORALITY: News story giving details of the recently held CSO & Media update organized b y the ACC. The ACC Commissioner spoke about training and protection needs of media practitioners. The story gives details of the Commissioner’s statement on integrity and the deficit in morality in Sierra Leone. News Story F 23. NEWSWATCH ACC UPDATE MED IA, CSO’s: News story giving details of the recently held CSO & Media update organized by the ACC. The ACC Commissioner spoke about training and protection needs of media practitioners. The story gives details of the Commissioner’s statement on integrity adding the culture of begging in this country is a key cause for corruption. News Story F 24. NEWS WATCH ACC BRAINSTORMS WITH JOURNALISTS AND CIVIL SOCIETY ACTIVISTS: Same as above News Story F GLOBAL TIMES Same story 11 th MAY 25. PRE MIER NEWS ACC CAUTIONS SCHOOL AUTHORITIES: Press Release cautioning school authorities not to demand or accept any form of bribery or advantage from pupils, parents or guardians. News Story F 26. FOR DI PEOPLE ACC TAKES PNB CAMPAIGN TO SIERRA LEONE CORR ECTIONAL SERVICES IN BO: ACC Bo office headed by its manager Samuel Marrah together with CARL News Story F

10. 10 worth its salt again in the country. 39. METRO THE ACC & THE NASSIT FERRY SCANSAL (1): This story mentioned the NASSIT ferry scandal and the expectation of the general public in relation to the use of their hard earned savings. Beginning from the days of the late President Ahmed T. Kabba to the current role of the ACC. Commentary A 40. THE EXCLUSIVE ACC HUNTS 2000 PUBLIC SERVANTS: The story is about the recent c all by the ACC encouraging public officials to declare their assets or face the penalty as prescribed in the AC Act of 2008. News Story F 41. THE TRUMPET KELVIN LEWIS WARNS JOURNALISTS: In the recently held CSO and Media update the President of SLAJ Kelv in Lewis warned journalists to be careful and resist bribery and negative influence in performing their duties. He also called for uprightness and professionalism for media professionals. News Story F 18 th May 2017 42. STANDARD TIMES PNB CAMPAIGN GAINS RECOGNITION IN ACADEMIC CIRCLE: News Story F 43. METRO MASSIVE CORRUPTION AT NRA: This editorial looked at the most recent Audit Report that alleges gross corruption and mismanagement at the National Revenue Authority (NRA). Allegations o f no proper documentation and waste of revenues were also outlined in the editorial. Editorial UF 44. PREMIER NEWS ACC ENGAGES SALWACO STAFF: ACC Northern office held a customized meeting with SALWACO offices to discuss the benefits of improving public s ervice delivery through embracing the Pay no Bribe Project currently been implemented in the country. News Story F 45. AWOKO SSN BENEFICIARIES COMMEND ACC ANS NACSA: News Story F

17. 17 HIGHCOUT OVER SIX BILLION LEONES EMBEZZLEMENT: This story looks at an alleged embezzlement matter currently been tried at High Court no. 1. A matter concerning a German lawyer who fraudul ently siphoned over six billion Leones into his account. 91. AYV NEWS ACC CONCLUDES INTEGRITY CLUBS DEBATE ON THE PNB IN BO DISTRICT: Details of the inter schools debate organized by the ACC Kono office as part of raising awareness on the PN B campaign. News Story F 31 st May 92. THE SPECTATOR CRAFTSHARE INSTITUTE IN BO JOINS THE PNB CAMPAIGN : This story looks at the widespread sensitization on the PNB campaign. ACC South staff reaching out to Vocational institutes in Bo. News Sto ry F 93. NEW VISION ACC EMPOWERS PUJEHUN COMMUNITY TO COMBAT BRIBERY : ACC Northern office reached out to Makari Community as part of the anti bribery campaign currently going on. News Story F 94. GUARDIAN POST CRAFTSHARE INSTITUTE IN BO JOINS THE PNB CA MPAIGN : This story looked at the widespread sensitization on the PNB campaign. ACC South staff reaching out to Vocational institutes in Bo. News Story F 95. THE NATIONALIST ACC SENSITIZES PUPILS IN KONO ON PNB CAMPAIGN: Story gives details of the meet the schools campaign implemented by the ACC Kono office. Staff and pupils of the Kono Model Academy embraced the Anti corruption message. News Story F 96. THE VISION ACC SENTIZES PUPILS IN KONO ON PNB CAMPAIGN: This Story outlines details of the meet the sc hools campaign implemented by the ACC Kono office. Staff and pupils of the K ono Model Academy embraced the News Story F

13. 13 THE PNB CAMPAIGN: ACC staff met with SALWACO to discuss the way forwa rd on the PNB campaign taking cognizance of the fact that SALWACO is one of the MDAs selected as part of the first phase / pilot of the project. 62. THE TORCHLIGHT SSN BENEFICIARIES IN KONO DISTRICT COMMEND ACC & NACSA: SSN beneficiaries exp ress their gratitude to the ACC and NACSA for the transparent and effective implementation of the project. News Story F 63. AYV NEWS ACC COMMENDS IG MUNU ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN: This story is about the ACC commending the IG of police on his commitment and that of the police force in general to the implementation of the PNB project News Story F 64. AWOKO PNB CAMPAIGN TO BAPTIST SECONDRY SCHOOL: This story gives details of the Meet the Schools and the PNB Campaigns implemented as part of the ACC’s commitme nt to ridding schools of corrupt practices. News Story F 23 rd May 65. AYV NEWS ACC ENGAGES STAFF OF EDSA IN BOMBALI ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN: News Story F 66. FDP PNB CAMPAIGN TO BAPTIST SECONDRY SCHOOL: This story gives details of the Meet the School and the PNB Campaigns implemented as part of the ACC’s commitment to ridding schools of corrupt practices. News Story F 67. NEW AGE MEDIA PNB CAMPAIGN TO BAPTIST SECONDRY SCHOOL: This story gives details of the Meet the School and the PNB Campaig ns implemented as part of the ACC’s commitment to ridding schools of corrupt practices. News Story F 68. AYV NEWS ACC DIALOGUES WITH SLRSA ON News Story F

11. 11 The story looks at commendations made by SSN beneficiaries in Kono district in relation to the transparent way the program is implemented. 46. AWARENESS TIMES ACC UPDATES SALWACO ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN: ACC Northern office held a customized meeting with SALWACO offices to discuss the benefits of improving public service delivery through embracing the Pay no Bribe Project currently been implemented in the country. News Story F 47. THE NATIONALIST KONO SSN BENEFICIARIES COMMEND ACC, NACSA The story looked at commendations made by SSN beneficiaries in the Kono district in relation to the transparent way the program is implemented. News Story F 48. AWOKO NEWSPAPER ACC UPDATES SALWACO ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN: ACC North office held a customized meeting with SALWACO office to discuss the benefits of improving public service delivery thro ugh embracing the Pay no Bribe Project currently been implemented in the country. News Story F 49. AYV NEWS ACC UPDATES SALWACO ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN: ACC North office held a customized meeting with SALWACO offices to discuss the benefits of improving pu blic service delivery through embracing the Pay no Bribe Project currently been implemented in the country. News Story F 19 th May 50. THE SPECTATOR SSN BENEFICIARIES IN KONO DISTRICT COMMEND ACC & NACSA News Story F 51. The Spectator ACC UPDATES SALWACO STAFF ON PNB News Story F 52. The Spectator ACC TAKES PNB TO BAPTIST SECONDARY SCHOOL: News Story F

16. 16 82. THE SATELLITE ACC TO PROBE TRAFFIC LIGHT PROJECT: The story calls on the ACC to investiga te the purchase and installation of traffic light in the Western Area. The writer alleges that there is mismanagement on the project and as such call on the ACC to investigate the matter. News Story F 83. FOR D PEOPLE KONO DISTRICT EMBRACES THE PNB IN A M ASS SENSITIZATON: The story details the awareness raising and sensitization on the PNB in Kono district planned and implemented by the ACC Kono office. News Story F 84. AYV NEWS ACC INTEGRITY CLUBS SPEAK ON PNB: The story details the mass outreach campai gn by Integ rity Clubs in Makeni and Magbura ka as part of the PNB sensitization. News Story F 29 th May 85. AYV NEWS CRAFTSHARE INSTITUTE IN BO JOINS THE PNB CAMPAIGN: This story looks at the widespread sensitization on the PNB campaign. ACC South staff reaching out to Vocational institutes in Bo. News Story F AWOKO SAME AS ABOVE 86. FOR D PEOPLE ACC INTEGRITY SPEAKS ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN: Details of a mass sensitization campaign by various Integrity Clubs as part of the PNB awareness rais ing campaign. F 87. THE SPECTATOR SAME AS ABOVE News Story F 89. DAILY MAIL NEED TO SUSTAIN PRESIDENT KOROMA’S PRIORITY RECOVERY PLAN: This commentary call on the ACC to monitor the use of funds in the President’s recovery plan implementation. Commenta ry A 30 th May 90. THE TOUCHLIGHT GERMAN LAWYER SENT TO News Story F

14. 14 BRIBE FREE ROAD IN SIERRA LEONE: This story examines the conduct of road safety corps and a look at ways SLRSA c an improve service delivery. 24 th May 2017 69. THE NEW STORM ACC DIALOGUES WITH SLRSA ON BRIBE - FREE ROAD IN SIERRA LEONE: Details of a customiz ed PNB meeting held at the SLRSA offices are outlined in this news story. News Story F 70. ACC ENGAGES STAFF OF EDSA IN BOMBALI ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN: As part of the mass sensitization on the PNB ACC North office engaged EDSA on the benefits of professionalism and uprightness to improve public service delivery. News Story F 71. THE EXCLU SIVE ACC ON ROAD SAFETY & BRIBE: BRIBE - FREE ROAD IN SIERRA LEONE: Details of a customiz ed PNB meeting held at the SLRSA offices are outlined in this news story. News Story F 72. NEW VISION ACC DIALOGUES WITH SLRSA ON THE BRIBE - FREE ROAD IN SIERRA LEONE: ACC DIALOGUES WITH SLRSA ON BRIBE - FREE ROAD IN SIERRA LEONE: This story gives details of a customised PNB meeting held at the SLRSA offices as part of the PNB implementation. News Story F 73. New Vision ACC ENGAGES STAFF OF EDSA BOMBALI ON THE PNB CAMPA IGN: As part of the mass sensitization on the PNB ACC North office engaged EDSA on the benefits of professionalism and uprightness to improve public service delivery. News Story F 74. AWARENESS TIMES ACC ENGAGES STAFF OF EDSA IN BOMBALI ON THE PNB CAMPAI GN: As part of the mass sensitization on the PNB ACC North office engaged EDSA on the benefits of professionalism and uprightness to News Story F

5. 5 MAY 8 TH 7. AYV NEWS ACC BUILDS RELATIONSHIP WITH SLP AND MOTOR DRIVERS UNION IN BO DISTRICT: The story gives details of some of the benefits of the implementation of the PNB Project as seen in the SLP and the relationship wi th this Sierra Leone Motor Drivers Union. News Story F MAY 9 TH 8. New Vision ACC TAKES PNB TO SIERRA LEONE CORRECTIONAL SERVICES IN BO: The story looks at the PNB sensitization meeting held at the Sierra Leone Correctional Services. New s Story F 9. AYV NEWS ACC JOINS SLAJ IN COMMEMORATING PRESS FREEDOM IN Bo: The story gives details of ACC South office taking part in the celebration of Press Freedom Day. News Story F 10. AYV NEWS ACC TAKES PNB CAMPAIGN TO SIERRA LEONE CORRECTIONAL SE RVICES (SLCS)IN BO: ACC Bo office headed by its manager Samuel Marrah together CARL embarked on an outreach meeting at the SLCS in Bo. News Story F 11. THE NATIONALIST ACC JOINS SLAJ IN COMMEMORATING PRESS FREEDOM IN BO: The story gives details of ACC South office taking part in the celebration Press Freedom Day . News Story F 12. THE SPECTATOR ACC JOINS SLAJ IN COMMEMORTING PRESS FREEDOM IN BO: SAME AS ABOVE News Story F 13. INDEPENDENT OBSERVER ACC JOINS SLAJ IN COMMEMORTING PRESS FREEDOM IN SOUTH : SAME AS ABOVE News Story F 14. SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA ACC JOINS SLAJ IN COMMEMORTING PRESS FREEDOM IN SOUTH: SAME AS ABOVE News Story F

4. 4 NO. NEWSPAPER CATEGORY F/UF MAY 2ND 1. INDEPENDENT OBSERVER ACC SIGNS INTEGRITY PEDGE WITH MINISTRYOF AGRICULTURE: The story gives details of an MOU signed between the ACC and MAFFS on Thursday 26 th April 2017. Apart from signing an MOU senior st aff of the Ministry also signed Integrity Pledge to uphold uprightness in the performance of their duties. News Story F 2. THE SPECTATOR ACC DIALOGUES WITH TRAFFIC STAKEHOLDERS IN KONO DISTRICT. Details of a traffic stakeholder meeting held in Kono are o utlined in this news story. The ACC Kono office met with key stakeholders to plan around ways and strategies to help reduce corruption in Sierra Leone. News Story F 3. FDP PROFESSOR MONTY JONES SIGNS INTEGRITY PACT WITH ACC: In the presence of the Co mmissioner and his deputy senior personnel MAFFS signed an MOU with the ACC. Commitments around procurement uprightness and improved service delivery. News Story F 4. STANDARD TIMES PROFESSOR MONTY JONES SIGNS INTEGRITY PACT WITH ACC: In the presence of the Commissioner and his deputy senior personnel MAFFS signed an MOU with the ACC. Commitments around procurement uprightness and improved service delivery. News Story F 4 TH May 5. INDEPENDENT OBSERVER MAADA BIO SAYS SIERRA LEONE MUST ROOT OUT CORRUUTION: The story report a recent speech made by one time SLPP flag bearer in Dakar. The onetime flag bearer called for all hands on deck in the fight against corruption. News Story F 6. STANDARD TIMES CORRUPTION EVERYWHERE AROUND THE GLOBE: Editorial A

2. 2 KEY: F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favorable to the Commission (93). UF - UNFAVOUR ABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavorable or neither favorable nor unfavorable to the Commission A - AMBIVALENT - News Stories those are neither favourable nor unfavourable Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 96 Number of news stories - 14 Number of commentaries - 5 Number of editorials - 2 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 75 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission – 5% Numbe r of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 94% Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 1 %

12. 12 53. GUARDIAN POST SSN BENEFICIARIES IN KONO DISTRICT COMMEND ACC & NACSA : News Story F 54. GUARDIAN POST ACC UPDATES SALWACO STAFF ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN: News Story F 55. NEWSWATCH ACC UPDATES SALWACO STAFF ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN: News Story F 56. STANDARD TIMES BISHOP SUSPENDED FOR EMBEZZLEMENT & CORRUPTION SCANDAL: News Story A 22 ND May 57. THE NEW STORM ACC TAKES PNB T O BAPTIST SECONDARY SCHOOL: This story gives details of the Meet the School and the PNB Campaigns implemented as part of the ACC’s commitment to ridding schools of corrupt practices. News Story F 58. THE SIERRA UPDATE ACC AND SLP DIALOGUE TO TACKLE BRIBE RY IN THE SOUTH: Story gives details of the ACC’s commitment to the PNB and how the SLP are successfully rolling out their own strategy for successful implementation of the project. News Story F 59. UPDATE STAKEHOLDERS IN THE GOVERNANCE SECTOR OF THE PRE SIDENT RECOVERY PRIORITIES HOLD WORKSHOP ON THE WAY FORWARD: Details of how the ACC has played a pivotal role in the implementation of the PRP spearheaded by the PDT. News Story F 60. AYV NEWS ACC CONCLUDES INTEGRITY CLUBS DEBATE ON THE PNB IN BO DISCTR ICT: Details of the recently concluded debating competition among Integrity Clubs in Bo which the Christ the King College won. News Story F 61. SL DAILYMAIL ACC UPDATES SALWACO STAFF ON News Story F


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