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3. 3 “IS ACC TARGET ING LOW INCOME EARNERS? The author of this paper, Mohamed Bangura, claims that the Anti - Corruption Commission is aware about rampant corrupt activities of the ruling APC party and nothing is being done to bring perpetrators to book; but rather targeting those engaged in petty cor ruption. “TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL REPORT 2017: SIERRA LEONE DROPS TO 130 OUT OF 180 COUNTRIES”. This makes reference to the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index which ranks Sierra Leone 130 out of 180 countries in the 2017 Index.

2. 2 Highlights The percentage of favourable public ation for th e month of February is 69 %; while the percentage of unfavourable publications is 28 %. The perce ntage of ambivalent reports is 3 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports “WAEC EXAMINERS JAILED” High Court Judge, Justice Ernest Gooding sentence two examiners of the West African Examination Council (WAEC) examiners, Mohamed Konneh and Sahr Mani to three years imprisonment each and five years ban in the teaching profession. “ACC ENDS MASS PUBLIC SENSI TIZATION ON THE PAY NO BRIBE ( PNB) IN KONO” The ACC ended a two - day sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) in Kono District on matters that have to do with bribery and petty corruption in public service delivery. “ACC TAKES PNB CAM PAIGN TO RSLAF” The ACC Northern Region Office engaged officers of the RSLAF during their muster parade at Teko Barracks Makeni, encouraging them to always report on incidences of bribery by calling the free line 515. “SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MASINGBI EMBRACE THE (PNB) CAMPAIGN” The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) sub - regional office in Kono on Tuesday Friday 1 st 2018 sensitized staff and pupils of the Ahmadiyya Nusrat Jahan and the Maranatha Christian Secondary schools in Masingbi Town, Tonkolili District on the importance of the Pa y No Bribe (PNB) Campaign. “PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN REVAMPED IN MAKENI” On the 8 th February, 2018, the Commissioner of the ACC in collaboration with Coffey International, MDAs and civil s ociety organisations re - launched the Pay No Bribe campaign (PNB) at the Makeni City Council Hall. “I MAKE NO DISTICTION BETWEEN PETTY OR GRAND CORRUPTION” This makes reference to the interview Concord Time’s Ibrahim Tarawallie had with Commissioner Ady Macauley in which h e was quoted as saying that the Commission does not make any distinction between petty and grand corruption and that he would go after any individual suspected of committing acts of corruption. Unfavourable report “CORRUPTION IS AN „EXECUTIVE ORDER‟IN SIE RRA LEONE” The writer Elkass Sannoh opined that, corruption is entrenched in Sierra Leone as if it is an executive order for people to be corrupt. He added that, Sierra Leone is now making little or no progress in the fight against corruption, making refer ence to the 2017 TI Index.

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF N EWSPAPERS CONTENT FEBRUARY , 2018 . Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - articles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 32 Number of news stories - 8 Number of commentaries - 9 Number of editorials - 0 Numbe r of stories and articles from the Commission - 1 5 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 31 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 1 ( 3 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 22 (69 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 9 ( 28 %)

9. 9 t he Anti - Corruption Commission on the Ministry of Land Country Planning and the Environment states that there are 388 land cases in the High C ourt. The report reviews practices in the acquisition of land at the Ministry and proffered recommendations to be implemented. 30 The Trumpet “CORRUPTION IS AN „EXECUTIVE ORDER‟IN SIERRA LEONE” The writer Elkass Sannoh opined that, corruption i s entrenched in Sierra Leone as if it is an executive order for people to be corrupt. He added that, Sierra Leone is now making little or no progress in the fight against corruption, making reference to the 2017 TI Index. Commentary UF WEDNESSDAY FEBRUARY,28 TH 2018 31 AYV “CAN RECIEVERS OF CORRUPTION TACKLE CORRUPTION ?” The writer, Mohamed Tim Kargbo , asks if the p residential aspirants of the All People’s Congress and the Sierr a Leone People’s Party are serious about the fight against corruption and stick with their plans to fight corruption if elected into office. Commentary A 32 The Trumpet “CORRUPTION IS AN „EXECUTIVE ORDER‟IN SIERRA LEONE” The writer Elkass Sannoh opined that, corruption is entrenched in Sierra Leone as if it is an executive order for people to be corrupt. He added that, Sierra Leone is now making little or no progress in the fight against corruption, making reference to the 2017 TI Index. Commentary UF END

4. 4 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY , 2018 . SN NEWSPAPE RS DATE & ISSUE CATEGORI ES F/UF/A THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1 ST 2018 1 GLOBAL TIMES “WAEC EXAMINERS JAILED” High Court Judge, Justice Ernest Gooding sentence d two examiners of the West African Examination Council (WAEC) examiners, Mohamed Konneh and Sahr Mani to three years imprisonment each and five years ban in the teaching profession. ACC F 2 AWARENES S TIMES “WAEC EXAMINERS JAIL E D” High Court Judge, J ustice Ern est Gooding sentence d two examiners of the West African Examination Council (WAEC) examiners, Mohamed Konneh and Sahr Mani to three years imprisonment each and five years ban in the t eaching profession. ACC F 3 AYV “WAEC EXAMINERS JAILED” High Court Judge, Justice Ernest Gooding sentence d two examiners of the West African Examination Council (WAEC) examiners, Mohamed Konneh and Sahr Mani to three years imprisonment each and five years ban in the teaching profession. ACC F TUESDAY 6 TH FEBRUARY, 2018. 4 NEW AGE “ACC ENDS MASS PUBLIC SENSETIZATION ON THE PAY NO BRIBE (PNB) IN KONO” The ACC ended a two - day sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) in Kono District on matters that have to do with bribery and petty corruption in public service delivery. ACC F 5 THE NATIONALI ST “ACC TAKES PNB CANPAIGN TO RSLAF” The ACC Northern Region Office engaged officers of the RSL AF during their muster parade at Teko Barracks Makeni, encouraging them to always report on incidences of bribery by calling the free line 515. ACC F WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY ,7 TH 2018. 6 NIGHTWAT CH “CORRUPTION AT BIRTHS AND DEATHS ” T he paper calls on the ACC to step in at hospitals and Birth and Deaths, which is soliciting from clients for the issuance of birth and death certificates. Commentary F 7 THE SPECTATO R “ACC ENDS MASS PUBLIC SENSETIZATION ON THE PAY NO BRIBE (PNB) IN KONO” The ACC ended a two - day sensitization programme on the ACC F

5. 5 Pay No Bribe (PNB) in Ko no District on matters that have to do with bribery and petty corruption in public service delivery. 8 THE SPECTATO R “SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MASINGBI EMBRACE THE (PNB) CAMPAIGN” The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) sub - r egional office in Kono on Tuesday Friday 1 st 2018 sensitized staff and pupils of the Ahmadiyya N usrat Jahan and the Maranatha Christian Secondary s chool s in Masingbi Town, Ton kolili District on the importance of the Pay No Bribe (PNB) Campaign. ACC F 9 AYV “SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MASINGBI EMBRACE THE (PNB) CAMPAIGN” The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) sub - regional office in Kono on Tuesday Friday 1 st 2018 sensitized staff and pupils of the Ahmadiyya Nusrat Jahan and the Maranatha Christian Secondary schools i n Masingbi Town, Tonkolili District on the importance of the Pay No Bribe (PNB) Campaign. ACC F 10 AYV “ACC TAKES PNB CANPAIGN TO RSLAF” The ACC Northern Region Office engaged officers of the RSLAF during their muster parade at Teko Barracks Makeni, e ncouraging them to always report on incidences of bribery by calling the free line 515. ACC F 11 THE TRUMPET “ACC TAKES PNB CANPAIGN TO RSLAF” As the Pay No Bribe Campaign is taking to all facets, the ACC Northern Region engaged RSLAF during their muster parade in Te ko Barracks Makeni and encouraging them to always report on incidences of bribery by calling the free line 515. ACC F 12 THE TRUMPET “ACC ENDS MASS PUBLIC SENSETIZATION ON THE PAY NO BRIBE (PNB) IN KONO” The ACC has ended a two - day sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) in Kono District on matters that have to do with bribery and petty corruption in public service delivery. ACC F 13 THE TRUMPET “SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MASINGBI EMBRACE THE (PN B) ACC F

8. 8 KABALA” The paper claims that Musa Tarawallie, like Peter Bayouku Conteh aka Agbamajazz , was Minister of Lands and Internal Affairs in the Government of President K oroma. The paper claims that the two faced criminal investigations by the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Criminal Investigation Depart ment (CID) due to orders from the ruling All Peoples Congress Party . FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23TH 2018. 25 CONCORD TIMES “TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL REPORT 2017: SIERRA LEONE DROPS TO 130 OUT OF 180 COUNTRIES”. This makes reference to the Transparency Internati onal Corruption Perception Index which ranks Sierra Leone 130 out of 180 countries in the 2017 Index. News Story UF 26 AWARENES S TIMES “CORRUPTION IS AN „EXECUTIVE ORDER‟IN SIERRA LEONE” The writer Elkass Sannoh opined that, c orruption is entrenched in Sierra Leone as if it is an executive order for people to be corrupt. He added that, S ierra Leone is now making little or no progress in the fight against corruption, making reference to the 2017 T I Index. Commentary UF 27 AYV “SIERRA LEONE FAILS 2017 CORRPTION INDEX ” Corruption has been entrenched in Sierra Leone as if it is an executive order for people to be corrupt. As a result of this, The T.I 2017 index ranks Sierra Lone at 130 below other Countries. Sierra Leone is now m aking litter or no progress in the fight against Corruption. C ommentary UF MONDAY FEBRUARY 26 TH 2018 28 Night watch “CORRUPTION IS AN „EXECUTIVE ORDER‟IN SIERRA LEONE” The writer Elkass Sannoh opined that, corruption is entrenched in Sierra Leone as if it is an executive order for people to be corrupt. He added that, Sierra Leone is now making little or no progress in the fight against corruption, making reference to the 2017 TI Index. News Story UF 29 Independent Observer “388 LAND CASES IN THE HIGH COURT ACC SURVEY REPORT REVEALD ”. A systems reviews report by News Story F

6. 6 CAMPAIGN” The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) sub - regional office in Kono on Tuesday Friday 1 st 2018 sensitized staff and pupils of the Ahmadiyya Nusrat Jahan and the Maranatha Christian Secondary schools in Masingbi Town, Tonkolili District on the imp ortance of the Pay No Bribe (PNB) Campaign. 14 AWARENES S TIMES “SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MASINGBI EMBRACE THE (PNB) CAMPAIGN” The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) sub - regional office in Kono on Tuesday Friday 1 st 2018 sensitized staff and pupils of the Ahmadiyya Nusrat Jahan and the Maranatha Christian Secondary schools in Masingbi Town, Tonkolili District on the importance of the Pay No Bribe (PNB) Campaign. ACC F 15 AWARENES S TIMES “ACC ENDS MASS PUBLIC SEN SETIZATION ON THE PAY NO BRIBE (PNB) IN KONO” The ACC ended a two - day sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) in Kono District on matters that have to do with bribery and petty corruption in public service delivery. ACC F MONDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2018 16 NEW STORM “ IS ACC TARGETTING LOW INCOME EARNERS? The author of this paper, Mohamed Bangura, claims that the Anti - Corruption Commission is aware about rampant corrupt activities of the r uling APC party and nothing is being done to bring perpetrators to book; but rather targeting those engaged in petty corruption . News Story UF WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY , 14 TH 2018 . 17 STANDARD TIMES “FIGHT AG AINST CORRPTION! A NATIONAL CHAR GE THAT MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED!” ... WHEN NEXT IS THE ACC‟s NATIONAL INTEGRITY AWARDS? The author Issa B.M.Kamara, acknowledged the good work of the AC C making reference to the National Integrity A w ards, which, he says should be reintroduced . Commentary F THURSDAY FEBRUARY , 15TH 2018. 18 CONCORD “CORRUPTION - FREE GHANA IS MY News story A

7. 7 TIMES AGENDA, NOT STATUS” Ghana Anti - Corruption Commission appoints Martin Amidu as the first special p rosecut or for corruption cases . FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16 TH 2018 19 DAILY MAIL “PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN REVAMPED IN MAKENI ” On the 8 th February, 2018, the Commissio ner of the ACC in collaboration with Coffey International, MDAs and civil societies re - launched the Pay No Bribe campaign (PNB) at the Makeni City Council Hall . ACC F TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20 TH 2018 20 AYV “ACC EXPOSES NGC CANDIDATE” The paper claims that the District Chairman of the National Grand Coalition Peter Bayuku C onte h was once investigated by the ACC on allegations of embezz ling and misappropriating donor funds he solicited on behalf of the people of Sierra Leone. News story F 2 1 CONCORD TIMES “I MAKE NO DISTICTION BETWEEN PETTY OR GRAND CORRUPTION ” This makes reference to the interview Concord Time’s Ibrahim Tarawallie had with Commissioner Ady Macauley in which he was quoted as saying that the Commission does not make any distinction between petty and grand corruption and that he would go after any individual suspected of committing ac ts of corruption. News Story F WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21 ST 2018 22 THE TIMES SL “ACC EXPOSES NGC CANDIDATE” The paper claims that the District Chairman of the National Grand Coalition Peter Bayuku Conteh was once investigated by the ACC on allegations of embezzling and misappropriating donor funds he solicited on behalf of the people of Sierra Leone. News story F THURSDAY FEBRUARY 22 ND 2018 23 AWOKO “CORRUPTION CASE DISCHARGED” The case of impersonation between the S tate and Alimamy Babak Kamara has been discharged by Justice John Bosco Alieu, of the Freetown High C o urt No 1 on Wednesday 21 st February, 2018. Commentary U F 24 NEW AGE “NGC AGBAMAJAZZ TAKES OVER Commentary UF


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