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Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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1. ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENT MAY, 2018. Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. STATISTICS Total number of publications on corruption issues - 26 Number of n ews stories - 17 Number of commentaries - 2 Number of editorials - 0 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 7 Number of articles, stories, editorials and com mentaries about the Commission - 25 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries amb ivalent (A) to the Commission - 1 (4 %) Number of articles, news stories, edito rials and commentar ie s favourable (F) to the ACC - 25(96 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentarie s unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 0 (0 %) .

2. HIGHLIGHTS The percentage of favourable pu blication for the month of May, 2018 is 96 %; while the percentage of unfavourable publications is 0 %. The percenta ge of ambivalent reports is 4 %. The issue s mostly reported are as follow : FAVOURABLE REPORTS “ ACC RECOVERS LE 968 MILLION” The Commission recovered nine hundred and sixty - eight million Leones (968 ,000,000) in the year 2017. The Commissioner disclosed this during the CSOs /Media Update on 26 th April, 2018 at the ACC C onference Hall of the Commission’s 3 Gloucester Street Office, Freetown. The Commissioner also informed members of the CSOs/Media abou t his recent election as President of the Network of Anti - Corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA). “ACC BOASTS OF 95% CONVICTIONS “. This quotes Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. as saying that the ACC was able to achieve about 95% conviction rate i n all of its cases taken to court last year. The ACC Boss added that this included the Ebola case involving a Bishop in Bo. “LINKING THE NEW DIREWCTION WITH THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” According to Senior Public Education Officer in Bo, Alimamy Lahai Kamara, the “New Direction contains broad aspirations to deliver on economic and social trajectory.” He said the New Direction of President Maada Bio aspires to offer new path, fresh hope, and renewed interest directing the politi cal cause in the fight ag ainst c orruption. “SPECIAL COURT FOR CORRUPTION” - PRESIDENT BIO VOWS. In his agenda for a New Direction, President Julius Maada Bio says he will “leave no stone unturned to deal with Corruption” and cause to be created a special division in the High Court to handle cases of corruption to ensure speedy trial of corruption cases. “THE NEW DIRECTION VS THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION “ . The paper evaluates the New Direction of President Maada Bio, which it states, aspires to offer new path, fresh hope, and renewed interest directing the political course in the fight against corruption. It says it aspires to provide the political will - cre ating an environment for public disclosure of assets, incomes, and liabilities; and setting the tone and pace for evaluating progress, identifying opportunities and overcoming challenges. “ACC RECOVERS $60,000 AT VP OFFICE” . During the Hajj investigation s, the ACC is said to have conducted covert raids at the Office of the former Vice President and recovered $60,000 and Le300 million.

3. ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 2018 SN NEWSPAPERS DATE &ISSUE CATEGORIES F/UF/ A WEDNE SDAY 2ND MAY , 2018 . 1 The Nationalist “ACC RECOVERS LE 968 MILLION” The Commission recover ed nine hundred and sixty - eight million Leones (968,000,000) in the year 2017. The Commissioner disclo sed this during the CSOs /Media Update on 26 th April , 2018 at the ACC conference H all of the Commission’s 3 Gloucester S treet Office, Freetown . The Commissioner also informed members of the CSOs/Media a bout his recent election as President of the Network of Anti - Corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA). ACC F 2 AYV “ACC RECOVERS LE 968 MILLION” The Commission recovered nine hundred and sixty - eight million Leones (968,000,000) in the year 2017. The Commissioner disclosed this during the CSOs /Media Update on 26 th April, 2018 at the ACC conference Hall of the Commission’s 3 Gloucester Street Office, Freetown. The Commissioner also informed members of the CSOs/Media about his recent election as President of the Network of Anti - Corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA). ACC F 3 Hope Times “ACC RECOVERS LE 968 MILLION” The Commission recovered nine hundred and sixty - eight million Leones (968,000,000) in the year 2017. The Commissioner disclosed this during the CSOs /Media Update on 26 th April, 2018 at the ACC conference Hall of the Commission’s 3 Gloucester Street Office, Freetown. The Commissioner also informed members of the CSOs/Media about his recent election as President of the Network of Anti - Corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA). ACC F 4 Awareness Times “ACC RECOVERS LE 968 MIL LION” The Commission recovered nine hundred ACC F

8. of different Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. Accor ding to the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley, “the wor kshop was also to present reports of bribery received by the Commission and to ev aluate the actions MDAs have taken or intend to take to address them”. 23 The Exclusive “ACC HOLDS WORKSHOP FOR IMCs”. The ACC, in collaboration with Coffey International, on Thursday 2 4th May 2018 held a one - day workshop for Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of different Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. According to the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley, “the workshop was also to present repo rts of bribery received by the Commission and to evaluate the actions MDAs have taken or intend to take to address them”. News Story F 24 AYV During the Hajj investigations, the ACC is said to have conducted covert raids at the Office of the former Vice P resident and recovered $60,000 and Le300 million. News Story F TUESDAY MAY 2 9TH 2018 25 New Age “A CC TO INDICT MINISTER,3 OTHERS”. The paper reports that F ormer Minister of State, Office of the Vice President Mohamed Alie Bah, Special Assistan t Office of the Presiden t , on social and political Affairs, Alhaji Sheka Ka mara (Shekito), Nuru Deen Sankoh - Yillah and one Malador may be indicted in connection with the Hajj gate corruption scandal . News Story F 26 Standard times “ ANTI - CORRUPTION GROUP SAY NIGERIA EXPANDING USE OF OPAQUE $670M SLUSH FUND ” . Anti - Corruption group Transparency Internati onal said on Monday Nigerian’s G overnment has in the run - up to elections expanded the use of the opaque $670 million - a - year funds that fuel graft . News Story A END

5. special division in the High Court to handle cases of corruption to ensure speedy trial of corruption cases. 9 New Vision “SPECIAL COURT FOR CORRUPTION” - PRESIDENT BIO VOWS. In his agenda for a New Direction, President Julius Maada Bio says he will “leave no stone unturned to deal with c orruption” and cause to be created a special division in the High Court to handle cases of corruption to ensure speedy trial of corruption cases. News Story F MONDAY MAY 1 4TH 2018 10 Premier News “PRESIDENT BIO TO TREAT CORRUPTION AS NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT” . President Bio is quoted as saying at the State Opening of Parliament that despite the establishment of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) corruption i s still common in Sierra Leone and that his Government will treat the scourge not only as a governance issue but also as a n ational security threat. News Story F TUESDAY 1 5TH MAY 2018 11 New Age “AS $300M WASTED ON ELECTRICITY.... HENRY MACAULEY TO FACE ACC PROBE” The paper claims that the Anti - Corruption Commission will soon institute investigations on alleged corrupt ion involvement of both former M inister Henry Macauley and other officials of the Energy M inistry. News Story F WEDNESDAY 1 6TH MAY 2018 12 The New Storm “ACC TO INVESTIGATE SALPOST CMD” Disgruntled SALPOST staff have called on the ACC to investigate the current Consultant Managing Director of their institution. The story author ed by Bockarie Kamara says “the previous G overnment provide d SALPOST 7.5 billon Leones for the rehabilitation of the SALPOST Headquarter in Freetown, and they have not been paid for the past three months. News Story F THURSDAY 1 7TH MAY 2018

4. and sixty - eight million Leones (968,000,000) in the year 2017. The Commissioner disclosed this during the CSOs /Media Update on 26 th April, 2018 at the ACC conference Hall of the Commission’s 3 Gloucester Street Office, Freetown. The Commissioner also informed members of the CSOs/Media about his recent election as President of the Network of Anti - Corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA). THURSDAY 3RD MAY, 2018 5 The Nationalist “ ACC BOASTS OF 95% CONVICTIONS “ . This quotes Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. as saying that the ACC was able to achieve about 95% conviction rate in all of its cases taken to court last year (2017) . The ACC Boss added that this included the Ebola case involving a Bishop in Bo . News Story F TUESDAY MAY 8TH 2018. 6 Concord Times “LINKING THE NEW DIRE CTION WITH THE FIG HT AGAINST CORRUPTION ” According to Senior Public Education Officer in Bo, Alimam y Lahai Kamara, the “ New Direction contains b road aspirations to deliver on economic and s ocial trajectory. ” He said the New Direction of P resident Maada Bio aspire s to offer new path, fresh hope, and renewed interest directing the politi cal cause in the fight against c orruption. Commentary F THURSDAY MAY 1 0TH 2018. 7 Exclusive “ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION ON THE RIGHT TRACK ”. T he paper highlights some of the achievements made by the Commission in the recent past, as explained by Commissioner Ady Macauley in the last CSO/Media Update. News Story F FRIDAY MAY 11 TH 2018. 8 The Democrat “SPECIAL COURT FOR CORRUPTION ” - PRESIDENT BIO VOWS . I n his agenda for a New Direction, President Julius Maada Bio says he will “ leave no stone unturned to deal with c or ruption” and cause to be created a News Story F

7. as anti - graft ambassadors in schools and to report cases of e xaminations malpractices and other acts of petty corruption. 18 AYV “THE NEW DIRECTION VS THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION “ . T he paper evaluates the New D irection of President Maada Bio , which it states, aspire s to offer new path, fresh hope, and renewed interest direc ting the politic al course in the fight against c orruption. It says it aspires to provide the political will - creating an environment for public disclosure of assets, incomes, and liabilities; and setting the tone and pace for evaluating progress, identifying opportunities and overcoming challenges. New s Story F THURSDAY 2 4TH MAY 2018 19 Independent observer “ACC ENGAGES ROBANGBA COMMUNITY” As part of the ACC’S mandate to fight against Corruption, External Outreach Unit on Saturday engaged the Robangba Community on issues of petty corruption. The ACC team encouraged the community people to report corruption related cases to the Commission. ACC F 20 Unique News “ACC FURTHER INDICTS ISHA JOHANSEN”. This makes reference to the testimony by the sixth pros ecution witness in the SLFA matter, who testified that Isha Johansen SLFA president and Chris Kamara, Sec . Gen squandered monies that were meant for the administration of the A ssociation. News Story F MONDAY 2 8TH MAY 2018 21 New Vision “ACC RECOVERS $60,000 AT VP OFFICE ” . During the Hajj investigations, the ACC is said to have conducted covert raids at the O ffice of the former Vice President and recovered $60,000 and Le300 million. News Story F 22 New Vision “ACC HOLDS WORKSHOP FOR IMCs” . T he ACC , in collaboration with Coffey International , on Thursday 2 4th May 2018 held a one - day workshop for Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) News Story F

6. 13 Standard Times “AS $300M WASTED ON ELECTRICITY.... HENRY MACAULEY TO FACE ACC PROBE” The paper claims that the Anti - Corruption Commission will soon institute investigations on alleged corruption involvement of both former M inister Henry Macau ley and other officials of the Energy M inistry. News Story F 14 Premier News “THE CRITICAL ROLE OF SALA RIES/WAGES IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION ” . T he writer explains how corruption is eating into the fabrics of the ordinary citizens in Africa in general and raised concern s on the low level of salaries/wages earned by citizens. Commentary F TUESDAY 22ND MAY 2018 15 The B ullet “BUBA SAMURA DRAGGED TO ACC ” . The paper claims that the ACC is currently puttin g files together to arraign Buba Samura on corruption related matter reported by Philip Neville , the proprietor of S tar TV, Star Radio and Standard Times Newspaper. The paper describes the said Buba as a notorious land grabber working with the Ministry of Lands , Environment and Country Pl anning . News Story F 16 Premier News “ACC ENGAGES ROBANGBA COMMUNITY” A s part of the ACC ’s mandate to fight against c orruption, Exte rnal Outreach Unit on S atu rday engaged the Robangba Community on issue s of petty corruption. The ACC team encouraged the community people to report corruption related cases to the Commission . ACC F W EDNES DAY 23 TH MAY 2018 17 New vision “ACC SCHOOLS INTEGRITY CLUBS” . The ACC held a one - day seminar with integrity clubs in the Western A rea , targeting over 50 pupils from different secondary schools. According to the Director and D eputy Director of Public E ducation and External Outreach Department, the reasons for the setting up of the integrity clubs is for pupils to serve ACC F


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