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3. 3 respect to the ongoing WASSCE. The arrested persons are suspected to include examiners of the West Africa Examination Council, candidates for the private WASSCE and their proxies. ACC, through the Intelligence and Investigations Department revealed that, c andidates had taken WASSCE examinations, but were made to rewrite same at night at a residence at Aberdeen, Freetown, where question papers and answer booklets were found. “ACC INVESTIGATOR TENDERS EXHIBITS IN 2017 HAJJ CASE”. The ACC presents documen ts and evidence in the matter between the Anti - Corruption Commission and former Vice President of Sierra Leone Victor Foh and five others. Senior Investigator Joseph B. Noah has produced and tendered documents, including bank statements relating to the 20 17 Hajj before Justice Reginald Fynn. “U.S AMBASSADOR AND TEAM VISITS THE ACC”. The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already estab lished ties between the US Embassy and the Commission. UNFAVOURABLE REPORTS “STATE AUDITS ASSET DECLARATION REGIME BY THE ACC”. Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) has faulted the ACC for not effectively managing the assets declaration regime. A report released last week stated that, ACC did not have a comprehensive database of all public officials who are required to declare their assets. “IMPOSED ACC BOSS BECOMES AN SLPP STOOGE”. The paper says the “illegally imposed Commissioner of ACC is undoubtedly acting as another stooge for the Sierra Leone People‟s Party” led Government to continuously and solely suppress and harass opp osition actors. It says since the Commissioner was controversially imposed, the ACC Boss has done nothing but aimlessly pursuing on a daily basis opposition actors.
1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEW SPAPERS CONTENT SEPTEMBER, 2018 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. STATISTICS Total number of publications on corruption issues - 122 Number of news stories - 70 Number of commentaries - 6 Number of editorials - 0 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 46 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 119 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent (A) to the Commission - 3 (2 %) Number of articles, news st ories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 113 (93 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 6 (5 %)
2. 2 HIGHLIGHTS The percentage of favourable publication for the month of September , 2018 is 9 3 %; while the percentage of unfavourable publications is 5 %. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 2 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows: FAVOURABLE REPORTS “ACC RAIDS IMMIGRATION, OTHERS”. The ACC raided the Immigration Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the Administrator and Registrar General and private business Enterprise at # 7 Walpole Street and arrested individuals to help with ongoing investigation relating to the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to und eserving persons. “ACC INSTRUCTS ISHA JOHASEN TO VACATE OFFICE”. ACC says it will order the arrest and indictment of SLFA President Isha Johansen and her Secretary General Chris Kamara for abuse of office if they continue to disregard their suspension and stay in office. “ACC ARRESTS FORMER IMC CHAIRMAN”. The ACC arrests the former Chairman of the Independent Media Commission Ambassador Alieu Kanu and others outside the United States Embassy in Freetown. The suspects are said to be undeserving holders of service and diplomatic passports. “THE COUNTRY‟S LAW S MUST BE UPHELD THOUGH THE HEAVENS MAY FALL”. The Commissioner made this comments in the wake of FIFA threats to sanction or ban Sierra Leone if the SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara were not reinstated . The ACC action was i n line with the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, which states that public officials indicted with corruption charges shall be suspended until acquitted or the proceedings against them discontinued. “ACC CAPACITATES NRA STAFF ON ETHICS AND INTEGRITY” . In a bid to e nhance ethics and integrity in G overnment MDAs, the Policy and Ethics Unit of the Systems and Processes Review Department at ACC, on Thursday 20 th September, 2018, held a one - day training workshop on ethics and integrity in the workplace at the National R evenue Authority (NRA) Conference Room, Wellington Street in Freetown. “ACC PRESENTS COMPLIANCE AND MONITORING REPORT”. ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released o n Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in both pub lic and civil service, and the G overnment payroll system are fraught with dishonesty. The report also shows that the S tate has been losing 2.8 bi llion Leones as a result of double - dipping. “71 ARRESTED FOR CHEATING O N PRIVATE WASSCE EXAMS”. On Monday 24 th September, 2018, ACC arrested 71 people on suspicion of involvement in malpractice with
24. 24 September, 2018, ACC arrested 71 people on suspicion of involvement in malpractice s with respect to the ongoing WASSCE. The arrested persons are suspected to include examiners of the West Africa Examination Council, candidates fo r the private WASSCE and their proxies. ACC, through the Intelligence and Investigations Department revealed that, candidates had taken WASSCE examinations, but were made to rewrite same at night at a residence at Aberdeen, Freetown, where question papers and answer booklets were found. 95 Concord Times “ACC, POLICE ARRESTED 71” . On Monday 24 th September, 2018, ACC arrested 71 people on suspicion of involvement in malpractice s with respect to the ongoing WASSCE. The arrested persons are suspected to include examiners of the West Africa Examination Council, candidates for the private WASSCE and their proxies. ACC, through the Intelligence and Investigations Department revealed t hat, candidates had taken WASSCE examinations, but were made to rewrite same at night at a residence at Aberdeen, Freetown, where question papers and answer booklets were found. News Story F 96 For di People " ACC PRESENTS TO STAKEHOLDERS COMPLIANCE MONITARY REPORT” . ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in bo th pub lic and civil service, and the G overnment payroll system are fraught with dishonesty. The report also shows that the S tate has been losing 2.8 billion Leones as a result of double - dipping. ACC F 97 For di People “ACC ENGAGES BIKE RIDERS AND DRIVERS ON BRIBERY ISSUES” . The ACC Northern Region Office engaged on a massive sensitizatio n with the Bike Riders and Motor Drivers Union on Thursday 18 th ACC F
30. 30 Freetown, where question papers and answer booklets were f ound. 119 Unique news “WITH ON LY 5% OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS DECLARING ASSETS... ACC BOSS BEMOANS WEAK ASSET DECLARATION LAW” . Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq ., is quoted as saying that, the asset declaration law is very weak and it was made weak, recommending the strengthening of the regime. ACC F 120 The Owl “US AMBASSADOR COMMENDS ACC” . The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already established ties between the US Embassy and the Commission. ACC F 121 The Owl “HOW EDUCATION CAN WIN THE WAR ON CORRUPTION IN SIERRA LEONE” . The piece holds that premium should be put on public education in the fight against corruption, suggesting that the ACC reaches out to all sectors of society, including students. News Story F 122 The Satellite “BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER TO SIERRA LEONE PAYS COURTESY CALL TO THE ACC” . The British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone Guy Warrington paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , to discuss means of repositioning and strengthening UK‟s continued support to the ACC. ACC F END
23. 23 Monday 24 th September, 2018, ACC arrested 71 people on suspicion of involvement in malpractice s with respect to the ongoing WASSCE. The arrested persons are suspected to include examiners of the West Africa Examination Council, candidates for the private WASSCE and t heir proxies. ACC, through the Intelligence and Investigations Department revealed that, candidates had taken WASSCE examinations, but were made to rewrite same at night at a residence at Aberdeen, Freetown, where question papers and answer booklets were f ound. 92 Awoko “ACC ENSURE NO SACRED COWS - U.S AMBASSADOR TO SIERRA LEONE” . The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already established ties between the US Embassy and the Commission. The Ambassador whilst commending the Commissioner for the good work of the Commission, also ask ed the Commissioner to ensure that there are no sac red cows in the fight. ACC F 93 Momentum “CONDOMS, „DRAGON SPRAY‟ DISCOVERED IN RAID... ACC NABS 71 EXAM FRAUDSTERS” . On Monday 24 th September, 2018, ACC arrested 71 people on suspicion of involvement in malpractice s with respect to the ongoing WASSCE. The arrested persons are suspected to include examiners of the West Africa Examination Council, candidates for the private WASSCE and their proxies. ACC, through the Intelligence and Investigations Department revealed t hat, candidates had taken WASSCE examinations, but were made to rewrite same at night at a residence at Aberdeen, Fre etown, where question papers, answer booklets and condoms were found. News Story F 94 The Calabash “ACC NABS 50 STUDENTS AND WAEC EXAMINERS” . On Monday 24 th News Story F
27. 27 presents documents and evidence in the matter between the State and former Vice President of Sierra Leone Victor Foh and five others. Senior Investigator Joseph B. Noah produced and tendered documents, including bank statements relating to the 20 17 Hajj before Justice Reginald Fynn. 106 Nightwatch “ 2017 HAJJ CASE COMMENCES MANY DOCUMENTS TENDERED IN COURT” . The ACC presents documents and evidence in the matter between the State and former Vice President of Sierra Leone Victor Foh and five others. Senior Investigator Joseph B. Noah has produced and tendered documents, including bank statements relating to the 2017 Hajj before Justice Reginald Fynn. News Story F 107 Nightwatc h “W.A.E.C. NEEDS SELF INTROSPECTION” . In the aftermath of the ACC arrests of WAEC Examiners and candidates re - writing the WASSCE Exams at a private residence in Aberdeen, the paper thinks staff of examination should do a self introspection of themselves and work to improve the standards of the examinations. News Story F 108 The Satellite “ACC INVESTIGATOR TENDERS EXHIBITS IN 2017 HAJJ CASE” . The ACC presents documents and evidence in the matter between the State and former Vice President of Sierra Leone Victor Foh and five others. Senior Investigator Joseph B. Noah has produced and tendered documents, including bank statements relating to the 2017 Hajj before Justice Reginald Fynn. News Story F 109 The Sate llite “U.S AMBASSADOR AND TEAM VISITS THE ACC” . The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already established ties between the US Embassy and the Commission. ACC F
18. 18 UPHELD THOUGH THE HEAVENS MAY FALL” . The Commissioner made this comments in the wake of FIFA threats to sanction or ban S ierra Leone if the SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General C hris Kamara were not reinstated . The ACC action was in line with the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, which states that public officials indicted with corruption charges must be suspended until acq uitted or the proceedings against them discontinued. 73 Premier News " ACC COMMISSIONER TALK S TOUGH” . The Commissioner made this comments in the wake of FIFA threats to sanction or ban Sierra Leone if the SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara were not reinstated. The ACC action was in line with the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, which states that public officials indicted with corruption charges must be suspended until acquitted or the proceedings against them disconti nued. News Story F 74 Premier News “ACC ENGAGES NRA STAFF ON INTEGRITY” . In a bid to enhance ethics and integrity in G overnment MDAs, the Policy and Ethics Unit of the Systems and Processes Review Department at ACC, on Thursday 20 th September, 2018, held a one - day training workshop on ethics and integrity in the workplace at the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Conference Room, Wellington Street in Freetown. ACC F 75 Independent Observer “WE HAVE SURVIVED EBOLA‟ACC BOSS SAYS AFTER FIFA WARNING” . The Commissioner made this comments in the wake of FIFA threats to sanction or ban Sierra Leone if the SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara were not reinstated. The ACC action was in line with the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, which states that public officials indicted with corruption charges shall be suspended until acquitted or the proceedings against them discontinued. News Story F 76 AYV “ FIFA DEMANDS EXPLANATION FROM SALONE” . World F ootball News Story F
12. 12 suspects are said to be undeserving holders of service and diplomatic passports. 42 Standard Times “CORRUPTION SCAM... FORMER DEPUTY AMB., IMC BOSS IN ACC NET” . The ACC arrests the former Chairman of the Independent Media Commission Ambassador Alieu Kanu and others outside the United States Embassy in Freetown. The suspects are said to be undeserving holders of service and diplomatic passports. News Story F 43 The Informant “2 MILLION EURO PASSPORT CONTRACT... ACC URGED TO INVESTIGATE NETPAGE” . Referencing the (GTT) Report, the paper states that the report recommends that the contract of the production and sale of Sierra Leone Passp ort awarded to Thomas de la Rue /Netpage should be urgently reviewed. It claims that citizens pay $100 to obtain a passport, and Government gets only about $1.25. News Story F 44 Sierra Express Media “ACC ARRESTS FORMER IMC CHAIRMAN” . The ACC arrests the former Chairman of the Independent Media Commission Ambassador Alieu Kanu and others outside the United States Embassy in Freetown. The suspects are said to be undeserving holders of service and diplomatic passport s. News Story F 45 The Health “ACC READY TO FIGHT TIFF - TIFF” . Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. is quoted as saying that President Bio has given him the freehand to execute his duties in the fight against corruption. His mandate at the ACC , he said, i s to among other things, investigate, past, present and future corruption matters. The C ommissioner encouraged everyone to join the fight . News Story F 46 Salone Times “ACC FLIP - FLOP ON US EMBASSY PASSPORT SCAM” . This is about the press release issued by the ACC clarifying about the arrests at the US Embassy, stating that the operation took place outside the Embassy and that it does not involve staff of the Embassy. The paper seems to insinuate that the Commission is inconsistent with the News Story U F
9. 9 PEOPLE‟S COMMISSION – ACC BOSS” . This makes reference to the statement made by Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . at the signing of the MoU between the ACC and the Civil Society Consortium on Accountability and Service Delivery. THURSDAY 13 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 26 Independent Observer “ACC , US EMBASSY LAUNCH JOINT ILLEGAL PASSPORT RAID” The Anti - Corruption Commission has executed arrest of several suspects who are holders of diplomatic and service passports and are non - deserving persons. The alleged suspects are in the custody of the ACC helping them with the investigations. News Story F 27 New Citizen “ACC CEMENT RELATIONSHIP WITH CSC ON COMMUNITY ACCOUNTABILITY & SERVICE DELIVERY” . This is about the MoU signed between the ACC and the Civil Society Consortium on Accountability and Service Delivery in September, 2018 in a bid to partner in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone. ACC F 28 New Vision “TWO MINISTERS TO FACE ACC ”. This quotes Honourable Thomas as saying that o ne M inistry has a project which has closed but continues to pay the people amounting to over eight h undred million Leones. Another M inistry is unable to account for millions of United States Dollars. Hon. Thomas made this statement following the comprehensive assessment of all Local Councils and various Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government . He disclosed that some officials will definitely be handed o ver to the ACC for investigations. News Story F 29 New Vision “ HOW EDUCATION CAN WIN THE WAR ON CORRUPTION IN SIERRA LEONE”. The piece holds that premium should be put on public education in the fight against corruption, suggesting that the ACC reaches out to all sectors of society, including students. Commentary F
25. 25 September, 2018. Public Education Officer Abdulai Saccoh, sp oke to bike riders and drivers at the Lo rry Park, Post Office Road, Magburaka, on their role s and contribution s to the socio - economic development of the country. He informed them on their roles in the Pay No Bribe campaign such as adherence to the law and desisting from obtaining fake licenses. 98 For di People “ACC UN EARTH LE.2.8 BILLION AS A RESUL T OF DOUBLE - DIPPING” . ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in both public and civil service, and the government payroll system is fraught with dishonesty. The report also shows that the S tate has been losing 2.8 billion Leones a s a result of double - dipping. ACC F 99 Nightwatch “ IS KLM‟S HAWA BAH GUILTY OF CORRUPTION? The paper claims that Hawa Bah , a Guinean working for KLM and Air France Airlines as a freight forwarder at the Lungi International A irport, has been implicated in corruption relating to the s hipment of a consignment of fish that was to be shipped from Sierra Leone to Amsterdam. News Story A 100 The Satellite “71 STUDENTS, WAEC EXAMINERS IN ACC NET” . On Monday 24 th September, 2018, ACC arrested 71 people on suspicion of involvement in malpractice s with respect to the ongoing WASSCE. The arrested persons are suspected to include examiners of the West Africa Examination Council, candidates for the private WASSCE and t heir proxies. ACC, through the Intelligence and Investigations Department revealed that, candidates had taken WASSCE examinations, but were made to rewrite same at night at a residence at Aberdeen, Freetown, where question papers and answer booklets were f ound. News Story F THURSDAY 27 TH SEPTEMBER,2018
16. 16 residents of Masorry community, where residents pledged to collaborate with the Commission to eliminate bribery and petty corruption in their community. 64 Global Times “LAUNDERING SIERRA LEONE‟S IMAGE IS MY TOP PRIORITY” . In an exclusive interview Commissioner Ben Kaifala Esq ., is quoted as saying that the reputational cost of corruption make s it very difficult for donor s across the w orld to come and invest in the country. He added that, “ the only way that image can be laundered is by the seriousness with which we fight corruption, by the result we produce in making sure leakages are blocked, and by making sure we recover money from pe ople who steal from the country and above all, proper systems and processes are put in place to avoid corruption ‟‟ . News Story F 65 Global Times “ACC CAPACITATES NRA STAFF ON ETHICS AND INTEGRITY” . In a bid to e nhance ethics and integrity in G overnment MDAs, the Policy and Ethics Unit of the Systems and Processes Review Department at ACC, on Thursday 20 th September, 2018, held a one - day training workshop on ethics and integrity in the workplace at the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Conference Room, Wellington Street in Freetown. ACC F 66 Salone Times “UNIVERSITY OF SIERRA LEONE IN LE 28 BILLION DEBT” . The Chairman of oversight committee on Education in Parliament, Hon. A.O. Kamara has warned authorities of the University of Sierra Leone to offset all arrears owed to NASSIT and NRA and submit the receipts to the Committee on the 26 th September,2018. Hon. A. O. Kamara made it clear to the USL authorities that, if they fail to comply the committee will have no alternative but to report the said matter to the Anti - Corruption Commission. News Story F 67 Salone Times “ ACC TRAINS NRA STAFF ON ETHICS AND INTEGRITY” . In a bid to e nhance ethics and integrity in G overnment MDAs, the Policy and Ethics Unit of the ACC F
29. 29 115 The Trumpet "ACC PRESENTS TO STAKEHOLDERS COMPLIANCE MONIT ORING REPORT” . ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in both public and civil service, and the G overnment payroll system is fraught with dishonesty. The report also shows that the state has been losing 2.8 billion Leones a s a result of double - dipping. ACC F 116 The Trumpet “BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER TO SIERRA LEONE PAYS COURTESY CALL TO THE ACC”. The British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone Guy Warrington paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , to discuss means of repositioning and stren gthening UK‟s continued support to the ACC. ACC F 117 The Examiner “US AMBASSADOR COMMENDS ACC” . The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already established ties between the US Embassy and the Commission. ACC F 118 Unique news “CAUGHT WITH DRAGON AND CONDOMS... 3 STUDENTS FOUND PREGNANT IN WASSCE CAMP ” . On Monday 24 th September, 2018, ACC arrested 71 people on suspicion of involvement in malpractice s with respect to the ongoing WASSCE. The arrested persons are suspected to include examiners of the West Africa Examination Council, candidates for the private WASSCE and t heir proxies. ACC, through the Intelligence and Investigations Department revealed that, candidates had taken WASSCE examinations, but were made to rewrite same at night at a residence at Aberdeen, ACC F
21. 21 double - dipping. 84 New Vision “ACC ENGAGES BIKE RIDERS AND DRIVERS ON BRIBERY ISSUES” . The ACC Northern Region Office engaged on a massive sensitizatio n with the Bike Riders and Motor Drivers Union on Thursday 18 th September, 2018. Public Education Officer Abdulai Saccoh, sp oke to the bike riders and drivers at the Lorry Park, Post Office Road, Magburaka, on their role s and cont ribution s to the socio - economic development of the country. He informed them on their roles in the Pay No Bribe campaign such as adherence to the law and desisting from obtaining fake licenses. ACC F 85 New Vision “ACC PRESENTS T O STAKEHOLDERS COMPLIANCE MONITO R ING REPORT” . ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff m embers in both pub lic and civil service, and the G overnment payroll system is fraught with dishonesty. The report also shows that the S tate has been losing 2.8 billion Leones as a result of double - dipping. ACC F 86 Awoko “ACC CAUTIONS HEADS OF SCHOOLS IN KENEMA” . T he ACC Regional Manager East Kei fala K oi, has warned Principals and Head Teachers in Kenema District to do e verything possible to make the Free Quality Education a success. The warning was made in a meeting in the wake of complaints from parents and students about incidences of bribery and petty corruption in schools in the region. ACC F 87 New Citizen “ACC ENGAGES BIKE RIDERS AND DRIVERS ON BRIBERY ISSUES” . The ACC Northern Region Office engaged on a massive sensitizatio n with the Bike Riders and Motor Drivers Union on Thursday 18 th September, 2018. Public Education Officer Abdulai Saccoh, sp oke to the bike riders and drivers at the Lorry Park, Post Office Road, ACC F
19. 19 governing body (FIFA ) has given orders that Sierra Leone should by September 24 this year explain the decision by the AC C to remove the President of SLFA or face possibl e sanction. The ACC acted on an ultimatum it issued against Isha Johansen ordering her and her General Secretary Chris Kamara to vacate office while they face corruption ch a rges. 77 AYV “TIFF TIFF IN SALONE CIVIL SERVICE” . The ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in both pub lic and civil service, and the G overnment payroll system is fraught with dishonesty. News Story F 78 AYV “AC C ENGAGES NRA STAFF” . In a bid to enhance ethics and i ntegrity in G overnment MDAs, the Policy and Ethics Unit of the Systems and Processes Review Department at ACC, on Thursday 20 th September, 2018, held a one - day training workshop on ethics and integrity in the workpla ce at the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Conference Room, Wellington Street in Freetown. ACC F 79 Standard Times “Le2.8BN CHOPPED...ACC EXPOSES HEALTH AND AGRICULTURE” . ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in both pub lic and civil service, and the G overnment payroll system is fraught with dishonesty. The report also shows that the S tate has been losing 2.8 billion Leones as a result of double - dipping. News Story F 80 The Frontpage “ACC QUESTIONS FIFA‟S WARNING” . World F ootball governing body (FIFA) has given orders that Sierra Leone should by September 24 this year explain the decision by the ACC to remove News Story F
4. 4 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENT FOR SEPTEMBER, 2018 NO NEWSPAPER DATES/ISSUE CATEGOR Y F/UF/A MONDAY 3 RD SEPTEMBER,2018 1 Prime Times “CORRUPTION AT CITY COUNCIL” . The paper accuses the Head of Procurement at the Freetown City Council Ibrahim Mansaray and his Depu ty of awarding contracts for the Saturday cleaning to suppliers without due process in return for a 10% kickback. News Story A 2 New Vision “ACC RAIDS IMMIGRATION, OTHERS” . The ACC raided the Immigration Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the Administrator and Registrar General and private business Enterprise at # 7 Walpole Street and arrested individuals to help with an ongoing investigations relating to the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to undeserving persons. News Story F 3 Awoko “STATE AUDITS ASSET DECLARATION REGIME BY THE ACC” . Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL ) has faulted the ACC for not effectively managing the assets declaration regime. A report released last week stated that, ACC did not have a comprehensive database of all public officials who are required to declare their asset s . News Story U F TUESDAY 4 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 4 Unique News “VICTOR FOH, MINKAILU & OTHERS SERVED” . The ACC Director of Public Education and Ou treach Department, Patrick Sandi confirmed to the press that , the ACC has served relevant do cuments to relevant parties in the Hajj Gate trial of Victor Fo h, Minkailu Mansaray and others; adding that the Commission is now ready for the start of the trials. News Story F 5 The Comment “ACC ALERT!!US3M FROM SHIPPING LINES TO CRIBS TO NECTAR TO ...? The paper states that j ournalists are calling on the immediate intervention of the ACC to probe into the matter between CRIBS and News Story F
20. 20 the President of SLFA or face possible sanction. The ACC acted on an ultimatum it issued against Isha Johansen ordering her and her General Secretary Chris Kamara to vacate office while they face corru ption charges. TUESDAY 25 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 81 Standard Times “OVER 300 TO BE AXED: PROBLEM LOOMS OVER HEALTH AND AGRICULTURE” . ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in both pub lic and civil service, and the G overnment payroll system are fraught with dishonesty. The report also shows that the st ate has been losing 2.8 billion Leones as a result of double - dipping. News Story F 82 Nightwatch “ACC ENGAGES BIKE RIDERS, DRIVERS ON BRIBERY” . The ACC Northern Region Office engaged i n a massive sensitizati on with the Bike Riders and Mot o r Drivers Union on Thursday 18 th September, 2018. Public Education Officer Abdulai Saccoh, sp oke to the bike r iders a nd drivers at the Lorry Park, Post Office R oad , Magburaka , on their role s and contribution s to the socio - economic development of the country. He informed them on their roles in the Pay No Bribe campaign such as adherence to the law and desisting from obtaining fake licenses. ACC F 83 Nightwatch “ACC PRESENTS COMPLIANCE AND MONITORING REPORT” . ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in both pub lic and civil service, and the G overnment payroll sys tem are fraught with dishonesty. The report also shows that the state has been losing 2.8 billion Leones as a result of ACC F
10. 10 30 The Guardian “ACC INSTRUCTS ISHA JOHASEN TO VACATE OFFIC E” . ACC says it will order the arrest and indictment of SLFA President Isha Joha n sen and her Secretary General Chris Ka ma ra for abuse of office if they continue to disregard their suspension and stay in office . News Story F 31 Nightwatch “ACC CEMENT S RELATIONSHIP WITH CSC ON COMMUNITY ACC OUNTABILITY & SERVICE DELIVERY”. This is about the MoU signed between the ACC and the Civil Society Consortium on Accountability and Service Delivery in September, 2018 in a bid to partner in the fight against corrupt ion in Sierra Leone. ACC F 32 Awoko “ACC SIGNS MOU WITH CIVIL SOCIETY GROUP” . This is about the MoU signed between the ACC and the Civil Society Consortium on Accountability and Service Delivery in September, 2018 in a bid to partner in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone. News Story F 33 Standard Times “ACC ORDERS SLFA PREXY AND SCRIBE TO CEASE O PERATIONS WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT. ACC says it will order the arrest and indictment of SLFA President Isha Johansen and her Secretary General Chris Kamara for abuse of office if they continue to disregard their suspension and stay in office. News Story F 34 Standard Times “SUSPECTED CORRUPTION ACC AND CUSTOM OFFIC ERS SHARE SAME OFFICE” . The paper claims that ACC officers who are conducting an overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay are sharing the same office with customs officers; prompting business people and c ustoms officers to condemn the action of the ACC who they say are sl owing the pace of their work. News Story U F 35 Unique News “ISHA JOHANSEN ORDERED TO VACATE OFFICE” . ACC says it will order the arrest and indictment of SLFA President Isha Johansen and her Secretary General Chris Kamara for abuse of office if News Story F
14. 14 about the ACC raid at the SLFA Headquarters, Kingtom in which the Commission reportedly asked staff of the Association not to have any dealings with the suspended President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara. 54 The Comment “UK, US TO EXTRADITE APC ROGUES” . The paper states that US and UK Governments are ready to collaborate with the ACC to extradite any former official of the past Government wanted in connection with any acts of corruption. News Story F 55 AYV “ACC IN FAIR, SQUARE AND FIERCE FIGHT AGAINST GRAFT” . The ACC regional office in Bo on Wednesday held a technical working group meeting with 5 k ey MDAs - Education, Health sector , SLP, Water resources and EDSA to discuss complaints received from the public through the PNB reporting platform. ACC F THURSDAY 20 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 56 The Satellite “STAKEHOLDERS/YOUTHS JUBILATE OVER ISHA JOHANSEN REMOVAL” . The paper says there is excitement across the country over the ACC‟s decision to issue an ultimatum to SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara , that the Commission will bring them to book if they continue to work in their respective positions in spite of their suspension following their indictment. News Story F 57 AYV “MASORRY COMMUNITY SUPPORTS PNB ” . The Northern Region Office of the ACC on Friday 14 th September, 2018 , met with res idents of Masorry community, where residents p ledged to collaborate with the C ommission to eliminate bribery and petty corruption in their community. ACC F FRIDAY 21 ST SEPTEMBER,2018 58 Independent Observer “FIFA ISSUE WARNING TO SALONE AFTER ACC VISIT” . FIFA issues warning to Sierra Leone that the country risks an international ban follow ing ACC visit of the office of the Sierra Leone Footbal l Association (SLFA) to enforce the suspension of SLFA President and Secretary News Story U F
22. 22 Magburaka, on their role s and contribution s to the socio - economic development of th e country. He informed them on their roles in the Pay No Bribe campaign such as adherence to the law and desisting from obtaining fake licenses. 88 New Citizen ACC PRESENTS TO STAKEHOLDERS COMPLIANCE MONIT ORING REPORT” . ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September, 2018. The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in both pub lic and civil service, and the Governm ent payroll system is fraught with dishonesty. The report also shows that the S tate has been losing 2.8 billion Leones as a result of double - dipping. ACC F WEDNESDAY 26 TH SEPTEMBER,2081 89 Premier News “DOZENS ARRESTED OVER EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE” . On Monday 24 th September, 2018, ACC arrested 71 peopl e on suspicion of involvement in malpractice s with respect to the ongoing WASSCE. The arrested persons are suspected to include examiners of the West Africa Examination C ouncil, candidates for the private WASSCE and their proxies. ACC , through the Intelligence and Investigations D epartment revea led that, candidates had taken WASSCE examinatio ns, but were made to rewrite same at night at a residence at Aberdeen, Freetown, where question paper s and answer booklets were found . News Story F 90 Peak Newspaper “U S AMBASSADOR AND TEAM VISIT THE ACC” . The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already established ties between the US Embassy and the C ommission. ACC F 91 Awoko “71 ARRESTED FOR CHEATING ON PRIVATE WASSCE EXAMS” . On News Story F
17. 17 Systems and Processes Review Department at ACC, on Thursday 20 th September, 2018, held a one - day training workshop on ethics and integrity in the workplace at the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Conference Room, Wellington Street in Freetown. 68 News Watch “ACC ENGAGES NATIONAL REVENUE AUTHORITY” . In a bid to e nhance ethics and integrity in G overnment MDAs, the Policy and Ethics Unit of the Systems and Processes Review Department at ACC, on Thursday 20 th September, 2018, held a one - day training workshop on ethics and integrity in the workplace at the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Conference Room, Wellington Street in Freetown. ACC F 69 The Voice “WHEN IS ERNE ST BAI KOROMA GOING TO BE INDIC TED BY A CC?” . The author, Ibrahim Labor Fofana, asks when the ACC will investigate and indict former President Ernest Bai Koroma for allegedly engaging in massive acts of corruption during his P residency. Commentary F 70 Concord Times “WITH U . S, OTHER GOVERNMENTS‟ SUPPORT... ACC BOSS TIGHTENS THE KNOT AGAINST CORRUPTION” . Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq ., gives glowing tribute to the kind of cooperation he has been enjoying from the US Embassy and other foreign bodies to clampdown on corrupt persons, stating that this gives no hiding place for anyone anywhere in the world. News Story F MONDAY 24 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 71 Awoko “GHOST WORKERS, DOUBLE - DIPPING AND ILLEGAL STAFF PLAGUE MAFF S AND MOHS” . The ACC conducted a systemic examination of personnel management at the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the report was released on Friday 21 st September , 2018 . The ACC discovered that, double - dipping and inactive staff members in both public and c ivil service , a nd the G overnment payroll system are fraught with di shonesty . News Story F 72 Awoko “THE COUNTRY‟S LAWS MUST BE News Story F
26. 26 101 Premier News “ ACC PRESENTS EVIDENCE AT HAJJGATE TRIAL” . The ACC present s document s and evidence in the matter between the State and former Vice President of Sierra Leone Victor Foh and five others. Senior Investigator Joseph B. Noah has produced and tendered documents, including bank statements relating to the 2017 Hajj before Justice Reginald Fynn. News Story F 102 AYV “ACC FIGHT IS UNPRECEDENTED ” . The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already established ties between the US Embassy and the Commission. The Ambassador commended the Commission for it s strides in curbing corruption; something she said has been unprecedented. ACC F 103 Prime Times “LOUD & CLEAR... HOW EDUCATION CAN WIN THE WAR ON CORRUPTION IN SIERRA LEONE” . The author , Fo mba Sheriff, believes that public education is key to the fight against corruption, calling on the ACC to engage the public more often in a bid to change and instill the values of integrity and accountability in the minds of people. Commentary F 104 New Age “71 IN ACC NET FOR EXAMS CHEATING” . On Monday 24 th September, 2018, ACC arrested 71 people on suspicion of involvement in malpractice s with respect to the ongoing WASSCE. The arrested persons are suspected to include examiners of the West Africa Examination Council, candidates for the private WASSCE and their proxies. ACC, through the Intelligence and Investigations Department revealed t hat, candidates had taken WASSCE examinations, but were made to rewrite same at night at a residence at Aberdeen, Freetown, where question papers and answer booklets were found. Sews Story F 105 Unique News “FORMER VP, OTHERS START CORRUPTION TRIAL” . The ACC News Story F
28. 28 110 New Vision “ YADA WILLIAMS TAKES ON ACC” Yada Williams has said that the ACC prosecution team should not come to court on a Ninja Appro ach. He made the statement in re action to the first prosecution witness in the Hajj trial Joseph B Noah; insisting that the defence team was not aware that the witness would testify on that day. News Story U F 111 New Vision “U.S AMBASSADOR AND TEAM VISITS THE ACC” . The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already established ties between the US Embassy and the Commission. ACC F FRIDAY 28 TH SEPTEMBER, 2018 112 Equity “U.S AMBASSADOR AND TEAM VISITS THE ACC” . The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already established ties between the US Embassy and the Commission. ACC F 113 Equity “ROUNDABOUT TOK, CLARION CALL TO WAEC CHEATS ” . The paper reports that c oncerned citizens hold the view that, WAEC is responsible greatly for the retrogression of education in the county. They say the act of selling question papers to pupils has the potential and tendency to make them become lazy to study hard for as long as they can afford the cost, calling on the ACC to ensure that those recently arrested for exams malpractices be brought to book. News story F 114 The Trumpet “U.S AMBASSADOR AND TEAM VISITS THE ACC” . The US Ambassador in Freetown Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , on Monday 24 th September, 2018 to help consolidate the already established ties between the US Embassy and the Commission. ACC F
8. 8 meeting organized by the African Union held in Dakar Senegal from 5 - 7 September,201 8 on the theme „Leveraging Y outh capacities for the fight against Corruption in Africa‟. MONDAY 10 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 20 The Exclusive “CORRUPTION: INGRAINED AFRICAN DISEASES THAT CONTINUES TO DAMAGE THE AFRICAN CONTINENT.” The author is e xpressing how corruption is eating int o the fabrics of society and affecting the vast majority of Sierra Leoneans. Commentary A TUESDAY 11 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 21 Public Review “ACC BOSS ADRESSES YOUTH IN SENEGAL” . This is about the keynote address delivered by Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. at the West and Central Africa Region Youth Consultation meeting organized by the African Union held in Dakar Senegal from 5 - 7 September,201 8 on the theme „Leveraging Y outh capacities for the fight against Corruption in Africa‟. ACC F WEDNESDAY 12 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 22 AYV “ACC SIGNS MoU WITH CIVIL SOCIETY CONSORTIUM”. This is about the MoU signed between the ACC and the Civil Society Consortium on Accountability and Service Delivery in September, 2018 in a bid to partner in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone. ACC F 23 Concord Times “ HOW EDUCATION CAN WIN THE WAR ON CORRUPTION IN SIERRA LEONE” . The piece holds that premium should be put on public education in the fight against corruption, suggesting that the ACC reaches out to all sectors of society, including students. Commentary F 24 Concord Times “CORRUPTION ATTACKS THE FOUNDATION OF DEM OCRATIC GOVERNANCE” . This is about the MoU signed between the ACC and the Civil Society Consortium on Accountability and Service Delivery in September, 2018 in a bid to partner in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone. ACC F 25 Premier News “WE WANT TO MAKE ACC THE ACC F
13. 13 information that it has issued on the said matter. 47 Awoko “FORMER AMBASSADOR AND IMC CHAIR STILL IN CUSTODY” . The paper says the former Chairman of the Independent Media Commission Ambassador Alieu Kanu and those arrested over the passport scam outside the US Embassy are still in custody. News Story F WEDNESDAY 19 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 48 The Exclusive “ PASSPORT SYNDICATE...MORE ARRESTS SOON” . I n the wake of the arrest of former Chairman of Independent Media Commission Ambassador Alieu Kanu and others, the paper says more people involved in the scam will soon be arrested by ACC. News Story F 49 The Exclusive “ SLFA IN HOT WATERS” . This is about the ACC raid at the SLFA Headquarters, Kingtom in which the Commission reportedly asked staff of the Association not to have any dealings with the suspended President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara. News Story F 50 Salone Times “ACC VS FIFA” . This is about the ACC raid at the SLFA Headquarters, Kingtom in which the Commission reportedly asked staff of the Association not to have any dealings with the suspended President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara. The paper says this act by the ACC will likely anger FIFA. News Story F 51 Standard Times “ACC RAIDS SLFA OFFICE” . This is about the ACC raid at the SLFA Headquarters, Kingtom in which the Commission reportedly asked staff of the Association not to have any dealings with the suspended President Isha Johansen and Secretary Genera l Chris Kamara. News Story F 52 New Vision “ACC RAIDS SLFA OFFICE” . This is about the ACC raid at the SLFA Headquarters, Kingtom in which the Commission reportedly asked staff of the Association not to have any dealings with the suspended President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara. News Story F 53 Awoko “ACC RAIDS SLFA OFFICE” . This is News Story F
15. 15 General . 59 Independent Observer “ACC CAPACITATES NRA STAFF ON ETHICS AND INTEGRITY” . In a bid to enhance ethics and integrit y in G ov ernment MDAs, the P olicy and Ethics Unit of the Systems and P rocesses Review Department at ACC, on Thursday 20 th September , 2018 , held a one - day training workshop on ethics and integrity in the workplace at the Na tional Revenue Authority (NRA) C o nference R oom, W ellington Street in Freetown. ACC F 60 New Vision “ACC TARGETS NRA” . In a bid to e nhance ethics and integrity in G overnment MDAs, the Policy and Ethics Unit of the Systems and Processes Review Department at ACC, on Thursday 20 th September, 2018, held a one - day training workshop on ethics and integrity in the workplace at the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Conference Room, Wellington Street in Fr eetown. ACC F 61 The Trumpet “ACC CAPACITATES NRA STAFF ON ETHICS AND INTEGRITY” . In a bid to e nhance ethics and integrity in G overnment MDAs, the Policy and Ethics Unit of the Systems and Processes Review Department at ACC, on Thursday 20 th September, 2018, held a one - day training workshop on ethics and integrity in the workplace at the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Conference Room, Wellington Street in Freetown. ACC F 62 Weekly Analyst “UNIVERSITY AUTHORITY MAY FACE ACC” . The Chairman of oversight committee on Education in Parliament, Hon. A.O. Kamara has warned authorities of the University of Sierra Leone to offset all arrears owed to NASSIT and NRA and submit the receipts to the C ommittee on the 26 th September,2018. H on . A. O. Kamara made it clear to the USL authorities that, if they fail to comply the committee will have no alternative but to report the said matter to the Anti - Corruption Commission. News Story F 63 Weekly Analyst “MASORRY COMMUNITY PLEDGE SUPPORT TO THE PNB CAMPAIGN ”. The Northern Region Office of the ACC on Friday 14 th September, 2018, met with ACC F
11. 11 they continue to disregard their suspension and stay in office. 36 Unique News “11 PEOPLE IN ACC NET OVER DILOMATIC PASSPORTS” The ACC has executed arrest of several suspects who are holders of diplomatic and service passports and are non - deserving persons. The alleged suspects are in the custody of the ACC helping them with the investigations. News Story F FRIDAY 14 TH SEPTEMBER ,2018 37 Momentum “ISHA TO QUIT OFFICE OR FACE ARREST” . ACC says it will order the arrest and indictment of SLFA President Isha Johansen and her Secretary General Chris Kamara for abuse of office if they continue to disregard their suspension and stay in office. News Story F 38 Nightwatch “ON EMBASSY ARREST... ACC CLEARS THE AIR” . In a press release the Anti - Corruption Commission clears the air to the general public on the issue of the arrest of some pe ople that do not deserve to hol d service and diplomatic passport s . In a bid to clear the air, ACC says the arrests did not involve US Embassy personnel and that all the arrests took place outside the US Embassy. ACC F 39 The Exclusive “ACC VS ISHA” . ACC says it will order the arrest and indictment of SLFA President Isha Johansen and her Secretary General Chris Kamara for abuse of office if they continue to disregard their suspension and stay in office. News Story F 40 The Exclusive “PASSPORT DEAL EXPOSED 11 ARRESTED MORE HEADS TO ROLL” . The ACC arrests the former Chairman of the Independent Media Commission Amb assador Alieu Kanu and others outside the United States Embassy in Freetown . The suspects are said to be undeserving holders of service and diplomatic passports. News Story F 41 Premier News “FORMER IMC BOSS DETAINED ” . The ACC arrests the former Chairman of the Independent Media Commission Ambassador Alieu Kanu and others outside the United States Embassy in Freetown. The News Story F
7. 7 FOR LE 26BILLON LIMKOK WI N G MESS” . The paper makes reference to a report by the Finance Ministry which talks of an agreement between the former Minister of Education Minkai lu Bah and LIMKOK WI N G University in which public funds to the tune of 56 Billio n Leones ( 7 Million dollars ) has already been paid to the LI MKOK WI N G University. The paper says the matter has come to the notice of the ACC. 16 The Calabash “ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSIONER COMPLETES HIGH LEVEL TRAINING ” Commissioner Ben Kaifala ended a week - long training in senior level leadership a nd management organized by the C ommonwealth Anti - Corruption Center, in partnership with the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). ACC F FRIDAY 7 TH SEPTEMBER,2018 17 Peak “CORRUPTION VIOLATES THE FOUNDATION OF DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE” . This is about the keynote address delivered by Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. at the West and Central Africa Region Youth C onsultation meeting organized by the African Union held in Dakar Senegal from 5 - 7 September,201 8 under the theme „Leveraging y outh capacities for th e fight against Corruption in Africa ‟ . ACC F 18 The Informant “2 MILLION EURO CONTRACT EXPOSED” . Referencing the (GTT) Report , the paper states that the report recommends that the contract of the production and sale of Sierra Leone Passpor t awarded to Thomas de la Rue /Netpage should be urgently reviewed . It claims that c i tizens pay $100 t o obtain a passport, and Government gets only about $1.25. News Story A 19 AYV “ACC BOSS ATTACKS GRAFT AT SENEGAL FORUM” . This is about the keynote address delivered by Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. at the West and Central Africa Region Youth Consultation ACC F
6. 6 press that, the ACC has served relevant documen ts to relevant parties in the Hajj Gate trial of Victor Foh, Minkailu Mansaray and others; adding that the Commission is now ready for the start of the trials. 10 Awoko “JOB VACANCIES ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION ”. The Anti - Corruption Commission advertises the following vacancies: Driver, Prosecutor, Investigation Officer, Public Education Officer and Public Education Assistant in its Headquarters and Regional Offices . ACC F 11 The S alone Champion “NO EDUCATION , NO FUTURE BUT... CORRUPTION UNDERCUTS THE VALUE FOR EDUCATION ” . The paper states that as the Government promotes the Free Quality Education programme so it should also make sure that it puts premium on the fight against corruption by ensuring that it harbours no sacred cows by giving the ACC the freehand to do its work. Commentary F 12 Africa Chronicle “ACC MUST INVESTIGATE SAMCO ENTERPRISE ”. The paper alleges that SAMCO is importing contaminated rice in the country over the years, calling on ACC to investigate the proprietor Pa Habib Salman and his two sons Mustapha and Abdallah Salman. News Story F 13 Africa Chronicle “FORMER MINISTER OF EDUCATION TO BE INVESTIGATED” . The paper says that the former Minister of Education must be investigated by the ACC to answer to question s on how the LIM KOKWI N G Universit y came to Sierra Leone and why G overnment dished out scholarship s to a private University whilst students o f FBC, IPAM, COMAHS etc are being mole sted for failure to pay fees. News Story F 14 The Owl “CORRUPTION AT CITY COUNCIL” . The paper accuses the Head of Procurement at the Freetown City Council Ibrahim Mansaray and his Deputy of awarding contracts for the Saturday cleaning to suppliers without due process in return for a 10% kickback. News Story F 15 Salone News “ACC TO PROB E MINKAILU BAH News Story F
5. 5 NECTAR a shipping line that has allegedly embezzled huge sums of Government revenue. The paper says ACC must now invite the authorities of both CRIBS and NECTAR to ask them to explain where they have been hiding all that money over the past years. 6 The Comment “POLICING THE SIERRA LEONE P OLICE TO END CORRUPTION” . The report quotes passenger s as complaining traffic police who are in the habit of extorting money from commercial drivers and bike riders, more especially around the Lumley roundabout s where traffic police extort from drivers in the name of booking fee . They called on the law enforcement bodies such as the ACC to probe into this matter. News Story F 7 Sierra Media Express “IMPOSED ACC BOSS BECOMES AN SLPP STOOGE” . The paper says the “ illegally imposed Commissioner of ACC is undoubtedly acting as another stooge for the Sierra Leone People‟s Party ” led Government to continuously and solely suppress and harass opposition actors. It says s ince the Commissioner was controversially imposed, the ACC Boss has do ne nothing but aimless ly pursuing on a daily basis opposition actors. News Story UF WEDNESDAY 5 th SEPTEMBER , 2018 . 8 Unique News “LE 500M BAIL FOR DRIVERS‟ UNION EXECUTIVE” . The President of the Sierra Leone Drivers‟ Union and two other executive members have been put on bail since last week, but they could not meet the bail condition of One Billon Leones each. The ACC arrested the Union‟s President, Alpha Amadu Bah together with his Secretary General and Treasurer on the 24 th August, 20 18, for misappropriation of 32 billion Leones. News Story F 9 Awoko “ACC SET TO COMMENCE WITH HAJJ - GATE TRIA L” . The ACC Director of Public Education and Outreach Department, Patrick Sandi confirmed to the News Story F
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