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Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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2. 2 Highlights The month of February saw 87% of favourable publications, while the percentage of unfavourable publications was 3%. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 11%. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports Corruption 2016 Report: Salone ranks 123’ . The Transparency International Corruption Perception Index 2016 ranked S ierra Leone 123 out of 177 countries, with a score of 30, one more in the score to the 2015 report. ‘Freetown M ayor engages schools on several allegations’. The Mayor of Fre etown, Bode Gibson engaged s chool authorities in his municipality on several repor ts of corruption in schools. The Deputy Director of Public Education Patrick Sandi also attended the meeting where he called on the schools to partner with them to tackle such issues. ‘Sussex Village pledge support for PNB Campaign’. The Public Education a nd Outreach Department of the ACC, in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance, organiz ed a community meeting at Susse x Village in the Western Rural District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ‘ACC partners with MADAM on ‘Pay No Bri be’ campaign at Gbendenbu’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC partnered with the civil society organisation, MADAM to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign in Gbendenbu Ngowahun Chiefdom. ‘ACC indicts two for obstruction of justice’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of Ibrahim Sorie Kargbo and Joseph Wilfred for allegedly obstructing justice and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence. ‘ACC indicts top officials for misappropriation of Ebola funds ’. The press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of three senior officials of non - governmental organisation, The Needy Today (Dauda Ahmid Koroma, Jessy Jim Braima Kpagoi and Alfred Mustapha) for misappropriation of donor funds bein g 346 million leones which was meant for the protection of vulnerable groups during the Ebola outbreak. The Commission also indicted Prince Moigornah, Emmanuel Nallo, Bockarie S. Mattia, Nyakeh Tommy Ndewama, Amos Gbonda and Prince K. Kallon for soliciting monies from Bishop Emmanuel J.S Tucker who was being investigated by the ACC. „ ACC, CGG sensitize Joe Town Community on Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance held an outreach meeting at the Joe Town Community i n the Western Area Rural District to sensitize the people about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they can use the reporting platforms of the campaign to report cases of bribery. „ 5 remanded in Bo for corruption’ . Five accused persons were denied bail when they appeared before Justice Kekura Bangura of the Bo High Court on charges of soliciting monies to the tune of Seventy - four million Leones while posing as staff of the ACC to a suspect. The five persons are Prince Emmanuel

3. 3 Nallo, a social worker at Defen ce for Children International; Bockarie Mattia, a teacher at Kakua Government Junior Secondary School; Nyakeh Tommy Ndimawa, a student at Njala University; Amos Gbonda, a Finance Officer at the Anglican Diocese; and Prince Kallon, an activist at the Human Rights Youth Coalition. ‘Pay No Bribe reports on corruption’. This makes reference to the Pay No Bribe campaign statistics of reports made to the ACC through the reporting platforms. ‘World Bank supports fight against corruption’. The ACC received one ve hicle and four motorbikes from the World Bank through the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) as support under the Grievance Redress Mechanism of the Social Safety Net project. Unfavourable report „ Ady Ma cauley has been very selective and unfair in his corruption fight’ . The paper published this headline and stated „details tomorrow‟. ‘Auditor - General’s Report exposes massive corruption’. The paper claims that the 2015 Auditor General‟s Report shows massive corruption in public office and that the failure of the ACC to bring those responsible to book means that the Commission has been selective in the corruption fight . Ambivalent „ Audit Report 2015: Le 65.4bn missing!’ . This quotes the 2015 Audit Service Report as saying that over 65.4 Billion Leones could not be accounted for by ministrie s, departments and agencies of G overnment in the year under audit.

14. 14 57 AYV ‘ACC launches PNB Report’. This is about the report released by the ACC showing statistics of reports of cases of bribery since the Pay No Bribe reporting platforms were unveiled. News story F 58 New Storm ‘SLCC/Pensioners in big fraud...ACC to investigate’. The paper says that a cross section of pensioners are calling on the ACC to investigate allegations that certain officials at the Sierra Leone Labour Congress asked for a five thousand Leones bribe from pe nsioners in a bid to influence G overnment to increase in the pension wage paid to pensioners. News story F 59 Times SL ‘Auditor - General’s Report exposes massive corruption’. The paper claims that the 2015 Auditor General‟s Report shows massive corruptio n in public office and that the failure of the ACC to bring those responsible to book means that the Commission has been selective in the corruption fight . Commentary UF 60 Premier News ‘Police vow to reject and resist bribery’. During a customized meeting the ACC had with senior officers of the Sierra Leone Police, the officers pledged their support to the Pay No Bribe campaign and promised that they woul d do all they could to rid the F orce of bribery and corruption. ACC F 61 Independent Observer „ Invitation for bids: National Competitive Bidding’. The ACC requests for bids for the supply of audio visual equipment through money received from DFID under the PNB. ACC F 62 Satellite ‘Corruption stinks at Agriculture Ministry’. The story makes referen ce to the successive Auditor General‟s reports which highlight gross acts of misappropriation of public funds at the Ministry of Agriculture and calls on the ACC to institute an investigation in a bid to bring those responsible to book. News story F

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 62 Number of news stories - 29 Number of commentaries - 1 Number of editorials - 0 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 32 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 55 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 7 ( 11 %) Number of articles, news stories, ed itorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 54 ( 87 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 2 ( 3 %)

7. 7 Moigornah, Emmanuel Nallo, Bockarie S. Mattia, Nyakeh Tommy Ndewama, Amos Gbonda and Prince K. Kallon for soliciting m onies from Bishop Emmanuel J.S Tucker who was being investigated by the ACC. 19 For Di People ‘ACC indicts two for obstruction of justice’. The ACC indicts Ibrahim Sorie Kragbo of 11 Hill Street and Joseph Willfred for obstruction of justice after attempt by the two to use fake documents to bail one Alpha Bakarr Kamara, who was in the custody of the ACC. ACC F 20 Independent Observer „ Ady Ma cauley has been very selective & unfair in his corruption fight’ . The paper published this headline and stated „details tomorrow‟. News story UF 21 Independent Observer ‘ACC indicts top officials for misappropriation of Ebola funds’. The press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of three senior officials of non - governmental organisation, The Needy Today (Dauda Ahmid Koroma, Jessy Jim Braima Kpagoi and Alfred Mustapha) for misappropriation of donor funds being 346 million leones which was meant for the protection of vulnerable groups during the Ebola outbreak. The Commission also indicted Prince Moigornah, Emmanuel Nallo, Bockarie S. Mattia, Nyakeh Tommy Ndewama, Amos Gbonda and Prince K. Kallon for soliciting m onies from Bishop Emmanuel J.S Tucker who was being investigated by the ACC. ACC F 22 AYV ‘ACC indicts top officials for misappropriation of Ebola funds’. The press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of three senior officials of non - governmental organisation, The Needy Today (Dauda Ahmid Koroma, Jessy Jim Braima Kpagoi and Alfred Mustapha) for misappropriation of donor funds being 346 million leones which was meant for the protection of vulnerable groups during the Ebola outbreak. The Commission also indicted Prince Moigornah, Emmanuel Nallo, Bockarie S. Mattia, Nyakeh Tommy Ndewama, Amos Gbonda and Prince K. Kallon for soliciting m onies from Bishop Emmanuel J.S Tucker who was being investigated by the ACC. ACC F

11. 11 Community on Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance held an outreach meeting at the Joe Town Community in the Western Area Rural District to sensitize the people about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they can use the reporting platform s of the campaign to report cases of bribery. 37 New Vision „ ACC, CGG sensitize Joe Town Community on Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance held an outreach meeting at the Joe Town Community in the Western Area Rural District to sensitize the people about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they can use the reporting platforms of the ca mpaign to report cases of bribery. ACC F 38 Global Times „ ACC, CGG sensitize Joe Town Community on Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance held an outreach meeting at the Joe Town Community in the Western Area Rural District to sensitize the people about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they can use the reporting platforms of the ca mpaign to report cases of bribery. ACC F 24 February 39 We Yone ‘ACC to uphold civil servants salaries’. The paper quotes Commissioner Ady Macauley as saying in a radio interview that the Commission will soon start withholding the salaries of civil servan ts who failed to declare their A ssets. News story F 40 Time SL „ Corruption controlled yet Le 65bn los t’. The paper makes reference to the Audit Report of 2015, stating that though the country is assessed by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) as doing well in the area of control of corruption, however the audit report for the said year shows contra ry as over Sixty - five billion Leones and Fourteen million dollars of Ebola money cannot be accounted for. News story A 41 Awareness Times ‘NaCSA donates 4 motorbikes and 1 vehicle to ACC’. The ACC received one vehicle and four motorbikes from the World Bank through the National Commission for ACC F

8. 8 1 6 February 22 For Di People „ NPAA Director to account for 394,000 Euro’. The paper states that an audit report conducted by the European Union and the Ministry of A griculture claims the National Protected Area Authority could not account for the sum of Three hundred and ninety - four thousand Euros, money being support by the EU for the Red - Plus project. News story F 23 Standard Times ‘Le 346M Ebola funds chopped...top NGO officials in trouble’. The press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of three senior officials of non - governmental organisation, The Needy Today (Dauda Ahmid Koroma, Jessy Jim Braima Kpagoi and Alfred Mustapha) for misappropriation of donor funds being 346 million leones which was meant for the protection of vulnerable groups during the Ebola outbreak. The Commission also indicted Prince Moigornah, Emmanuel Nallo, Bockarie S. Mattia, Nyakeh Tomm y Ndewama, Amos Gbonda and Prince K. Kallon for soliciting monies from Bishop Emmanuel J.S Tucker who was being investigated by the ACC. ACC F 17 February 24 New Storm ‘ACC indicts top officials of The Needy Today (TNT) misappropriation of Ebola funds and five others for various corruption offences ’. The press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of three senior officials of non - governmental organisation, The Needy Today (Dauda Ahmid Koroma, Jessy Jim Braima Kpagoi and Alfred Mustapha) for misappropriation of donor funds being 346 million leones which was meant for the protection of vulnerable groups during the Ebola outbreak. The Commission also indicted Prince Moigornah, Emmanuel Nallo, Bockarie S. Mattia, Nyakeh Tommy Ndewama, Amos Gbonda and Prince K. Kallon for soliciting monies from Bishop Emmanuel J.S Tucker who was being investigated by the ACC. ACC F 25 Informant ‘Misuse of Ebola funds...five in ACC net’. The press release from the ACC inf orms the public about the indictment of three senior officials of non - governmental ACC F

10. 10 32 Concord Times „ 5 remanded in Bo for corruption’ . Five accused persons were denied bail when they appeared before Justice Kekura Bangura of the High Court in Bo on charges o f soliciting monies to the tune of Seventy - four million Leones while posing as staff of the ACC to a suspect. The five persons are Prince Emmanuel Nallo, a social worker at Defence for Children International; Bockarie Mattia, a teacher at Kakua Government Junior Secondary School; Nyakeh Tommy Ndimawa, a student at Njala University; Amos Gbonda, a Finance Officer at the Anglican Diocese; and Prince Kallon, an activist at the Human Rights Youth Coalition. ACC F 33 Independent Observer ‘ACC invades SLBC’ . Th e paper quoted Commissioner Ady Macauley as saying that the Commission has invited the Director of Finance at the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation and the Accountant for questioning - as part of questioning into wide - ranging issues at the broadcaster. News story F 34 AYV „ ACC, CGG sensitize Joe Town Community on Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance held an outreach meeting at the Joe Town Community in the Western Area Rural District to sensitize the people about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they can use the reporting platforms of the ca mpaign to report cases of bribery. ACC F 35 Nationalist „ High Court denies bail to 5 persons on ACC charges’. Five accused persons were denied bail when they appeared before Justice Kekura Bangura of the Bo High Court on charges of soliciting monies to the tune of Seventy - four million Leones while posing as staff of the ACC to a suspect. The five persons are Prince Emmanuel Nallo, a social worker at Defence for Children International; Bockarie Mattia, a teacher at Kakua Government Junior Secondary School ; Nyakeh Tommy Ndimawa, a student at Njala University; Amos Gbonda, a Finance Officer at the Anglican Diocese; and Prince Kallon, an activist at the Human Rights Youth Coalition. ACC F 36 Nationalist „ ACC, CGG sensitize Joe Town ACC F

6. 6 raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign in Gbendenbu Ngowahun Chiefdom. 14 Owl ‘Sussex Village pledge support for PNB Campaign’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC, in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance, organized a community meeting at Sussex Village in the Western Rural District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 15 Owl ‘ACC partners with MADAM on ‘Pay No Bribe’ campaign at Gbendenbu’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC partnered with the civil society organisation, MADAM to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campai gn in Gbendenbu Ngowahun Chiefdom. ACC F 10 February 15 Concord Times ‘ACC indicts two for obstruction of justice’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of Ibrahim Sorie Kargbo and Joseph Wilfred for allegedly obstructing justice and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence. ACC F 16 Independent Observer ‘ACC indicts two for obstructi on of justice’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of Ibrahim Sorie Kargbo and Joseph Wilfred for allegedly obstructing justice and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence. ACC F 17 Unique News ‘ACC indicts two for obs truction of justice’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of Ibrahim Sorie Kargbo and Joseph Wilfred for allegedly obstructing justice and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence. ACC F 15 February 18 Premier News ‘ACC indicts top officials for misappropriation of Ebola funds’. The press release from the ACC informs the public about the indictment of three senior officials of non - governmental organisation, The Needy Today (Dauda Ahmid Koroma, Jessy Jim Braima Kpagoi and Alfred Mustapha) for misappropriation of donor funds being 346 million leones which was meant for the protection of vulnerable groups during the Ebola outbreak. The Commission also indicted Prince ACC F

5. 5 Kargbo at the weekly Ministry of Information press briefing that even though the ACC continues to make tremendous efforts in the fight against corruption, the rate of corruption is still high in the country. 7 February 8 Future Media ‘Conflict of interest...ACC urged to investigate PPRC’s Ag. Registrar, Zainab Moseray’. This quoted SLP P Flag bearer aspirant, Andrew Keilie as calling on the ACC to investigate the Acting Registrar of the Political Parties Registration Commission for abuse of office following her decision to give legitimacy to what he called “unconstitutional national exec utive” of the party. News story F 9 Nationalist ‘Sussex Village pledge support for PNB Campaign’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC, in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance, organiz ed a community meeting at Susse x Village in the Western Rural District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 10 Concord Times ‘Sussex Village pledge support for PNB Campaign’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC, in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance, organiz ed a community meeting at Susse x Village in the Western Rural District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. News story F 9 February 1 1 New Vision „ Corruption rocks schools’ . This quotes the 2015 Auditor General‟s report as saying that there was widespread corruption in schools across the country as unclaimed salaries were not paid back into the consolidated revenue fund. News story A 1 2 Nationalist ‘ACC partners with MADAM on ‘Pay No Bribe’ campaign at Gbendenbu’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC partnered with the civil society organisation, MADAM to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign in Gbendenbu Ngowahun Chiefdom. ACC F 1 3 Guardian ‘ACC, MADAM plot against bribe in Gbendenbu Ngowahun’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC partnered with the civil society organisation, MADAM to ACC F

9. 9 organisation, The Needy Today (Dauda Ahmid Koroma, Jessy Jim Braima Kpagoi and Alfred Mustapha) for misappropriation of donor funds being 346 million leones which was meant for the protection of vulnerable groups during the Ebola outbreak. The Commission also indicted Prince Moigornah, Emmanuel Nallo, Bockarie S. Mattia, Nyakeh Tommy Ndewama, Amos Gbonda and Prince K. Kallon for soliciting monies from Bishop Emmanuel J.S Tuck er who was being investigated by the ACC. 26 Premier News „ Invitation for bids: National Competitive Bidding’. The ACC requests for bids for the supply of audio visual equipment through money received from DFID under the PNB. ACC F 27 Independent Observer „ Invitation for bids: National Competitive Bidding’. The ACC requests for bids for the supply of audio visual equipment through money received from DFID under the PNB. ACC F 21 February 28 Premier News „ Invitation for bids: National Compet itive Bidding’. The ACC requests for bids for the supply of audio visual equipment through money received from DFID under the PNB. ACC F 29 Independent Observer „ Invitation for bids: National Competitive Bidding’. The ACC requests for bids for the supply of audio visual equipment through money received from DFID under the PNB. ACC F 30 Metro ‘SLPP aspirants face charges of bribery and corruption’. The paper claims that one senior member of the All Aspirants Alliance has been accused of paying four hundred million leones in bribes to two other members of the alliance in a bid to lure them to step down and sup port his candidacy for the flag bearership of the Sierra Leone Peoples Party. News story A 23 February 31 Concord Times „ ACC, CGG sensitize Joe T own Community on Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance held an outreach meeting at the Joe Town Community in the Western Area Rural District to sensitize the people about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they can use the reporting platforms of the ca mpaign to report cases of bribery. ACC F

12. 12 Social Action (NaCSA) as support under the Grievance Redress Mechanism of the Social Safety Net project. 42 News Watch ‘Police tops corruption list’ . This makes reference to the Pay No Bribe campaign statistics of reports made to the ACC through the reporting platforms - and which show the police having the highest reports. News story F 43 Awoko ‘Pay No Bribe reports on corruption’. This makes reference to the Pay No Bribe campaign statistics of reports made to the ACC through the reporting platforms . News story F 44 Global Times ‘ACC releases campaign report’. This makes reference to the Pay No Bribe campaign statistics of reports made to the ACC through the reporting platforms. News story F 27 February 45 Sierra Leone Daily Mail „ Over corruption scandal...ADP slams 24 hour ultimatum for Kamarainba to resign’. This makes reference to a letter written by executive members of the Alliance Democratic Party in the US demanding for the resignation of the Chairman and Leader of the party, Mohamed Kamarainba Mansaray over allegations of corruption. News story A 46 Independent Observer „ ACC &CGG sensitize Joe Town Community on Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC in collaboration with Campaign for Good Governance held an outreach meeting at the Joe Town Community in the Western Area Rural District to sensitize the people about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they can use the reporting platforms of the ca mpaign to report cases of bribery. ACC F 47 Independent Observer „ Invitation for bids: National Competitive Bidding’. The ACC requests for bids for the supply of audio visual equipment through money received from DFID under the PNB. ACC F 48 Standard Times ‘342,612 chopped at NPPA ’ . The paper states that an audit report conducted by the European Union and the Ministry of Agriculture claims the National Protected Area Authority could not account for the over Three hundred and forty thousand Euros, money being support by the EU for the Red - Plus project. The Executive Director of the NPAA, Dr Kolleh Bangura has been suspended and currently being News story F

4. 4 No. NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF 2 February 1 Guardian Corruption 2016 Report: Salone ranks 123’ . The Transparency International Corruption Perception Index 2016 ranked Sierra Leone 123 out of 177 countries, with a score of 30, one more in the score to the 2015 report. News story F 2 The Times „ Audit Report 2015: Le 65.4bn missing!’ . This quotes the 2015 Audit Service Report as saying that over 65.4 Billion Leones could not be accounted for by ministrie s, departments and agencies of G overnment in the year under audit. News story A 3 AYV ‘Mayor engages school authorities’ . The Mayor of Freetown, Bode Gibson h as engaged school authorities in his municipality on several reports of corruption in schools. The Deputy Director of Public Education Patrick Sandi also attended the meeting where he called on the schools to partner with them to tackle such issues. News story F 4 Awoko ‘Freetown mayor engages schools on several allegations’. The Mayor of Fre etown, Bode Gibson has engaged s chool authorities in his municipality on several reports of corruption in schools. The Deputy Director of Public Education Pa trick Sandi also attended the meeting where he called on the schools to partner with them to tackle such issues. News story F 6 February 5 Salone Times „ 1 Billion chopped at NRA’. The paper quotes the Audit Service Report 2015 which says that the National Revenue Authority spent over one billion leones on corporate social responsibilities in 2014 even though there was no policy to guide such activities. News story A 6 Concord Ti mes „ Audit Report unearths corruption at Health Ministry’. This quotes the Audit Report which states that the Ministry of Health could not present supporting documents for the withdrawal of some huge sums of money from various accounts of the ministry. News story A 7 Unique News ‘Corruption is still high in Sierra Leone - ACC admits’. This makes reference to a statement made by ACC PRO Alhassan News story F

13. 13 investigated by the ACC. 49 Premier News „ 78% of S/Leoneans reported paying bribe’. This makes reference to the Pay No Bribe statistics which show that of the people who reported through the Pay No Bribe reporting platforms, 79.7% admitted paying bribes whilst trying to access services under the pilot public service institutions under the PNB. News story F 50 Premier News „ Invitation for bids: National Competitive Bidding’. The ACC requests for bids for the supply of audio visual equipment through money received from DFID under the PNB. ACC F 51 Awoko „ 1,258 people bribed h ealthcare providers - Pay No Bribe’ . This makes reference to the Pay No Bribe statistics which show that 1 , 258 people paid a bribe whilst accessing healthcare facilities since the time the PNB reporting platforms were unveiled. News story F 52 Awoko „ Invitation for bids: National Competitive Bidding’. The ACC requests for bids for the supply of audio visual equipment through money received from DFID under the PNB. ACC F 53 Trumpet ‘First Pay No Bribe Report released by ACC’. This is about the report released by the ACC showing statistics of reports of cases of bribery since the Pay No Bribe reporting platforms were unveiled. News story F 54 Trumpet ‘World Bank and ACC romance’. The ACC received one vehicle and four motorbikes from the World Bank through the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) as support under the Grievance Redress Mechanism of the Social Safety Net project. News story F 55 Standard Times ‘The first Pay No Bribe report on taking in the public sector released by the ACC’.. This is about the report released by the ACC showing statistics of reports of cases of bribery since the Pay No Bribe reporting platforms were unveiled. ACC F 56 Standard Times ‘W orld Bank supports fight against corruption’. The ACC received one vehicle and four motorbikes from the World Bank through the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) as support under the Grievance Redress Mechanism of the Social Safety Net project. News story F 28 February


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