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Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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3. 3 ‘ACC indicts SLFA President & Secretary General on 6 counts’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six coun ts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the quarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. ‘ACC sets up Committee for Assets Declaration Regulation’. The inception meeting of the Committee set up by the ACC to look at the assets declaration system by public servants functional had its inception meeting on Wednesday 27 th September, 2017. Unfavourable report ‘With outcome over 23 containers impounded pending...is Hajj - gate anoth er buff case?’. The paper claims that some members of the public have raised concerns over the lack of information on the outcome of cases investigated by the ACC - adding that they fear that the Hajj matter being investigated by the Commission maybe anothe r „buff case‟. ‘SLFA melodrama...Isha Johansen denies ACC charge’. This quotes the indicted President of the Sierra Leone Football Association Isha Johansen as saying that she is innocent of the six counts charge of abuse of office and misappropriation of pu blic funds, telling the BBC that the charges were „inevitable and predictable‟.

25. 25 committee and the PNB campaign. 27 September 117 Spectator ‘ACC urges Pujehun Police personne l to step up in the campaign aga inst bribery’. In a meeting with personnel of the Sierra Leone Police in Pujehun, staff of the Southern Regional Office raised awareness about the PNB campaign, urging the personnel to resis t acts of bribery. ACC F 29 September 118 Unique News ‘ACC sets up Committee for Assets Declaration Regulation’. The inception meeting of the Committee set up by the ACC to look at the assets declaration system by public servants functional had its inception meeting on Wednesday 27 th September, 2017. ACC F 119 Premier News ‘ACC sets up Committee for Assets Declaration Regulation’. The inception meeting of the Committee set up by the ACC to look at the assets declaration system by public servants functional had its inception meeting on Wednesday 27 th September, 2017. ACC F 120 Awareness Times ‘ACC sets up Committee for Assets Declaration Regulation’. The inception meeting of the Committee set up by the ACC to look at the assets declaration system by public servants functional had its inception meeting on Wednesday 27 th September, 2017. ACC F

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - articles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 120 Number of news stories - 53 Number of commentaries - 1 Number of editorials - 2 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 63 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 119 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 1 ( 1 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 113 ( 94 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 6 ( 5 %)

2. 2 Highlights The percentage of favourable publication for the month of September is 94 %; while the percentage of unfavourable publications is 5 %. The percen tage of ambivalent reports is 1 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports ‘Recovered public funds can help save lives - ACC Commissioner’ . This makes reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq., that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of Government programmes, especially so when such monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the sta tement in the wake of the Commission‟s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. „ PRESS RELEASE: ACC launches Disaster Response Transparency Initiative (DRTI)’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the se tting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donors in response to the August 14 mudslide and its attendant flooding. ‘Bribery hinders effective service delivery - ACC Commissioner’. This is ab out the statement made by Commissioner Ady Macauley on the launch of the second Pay No Bribe Report. The Commissioner says tackling bribery is important in maintaining effective service delivery. ‘As Saudi Arabia deports them as unwanted persons...ACC grills ex - aides of VP & President over Hajj scandal’. The paper reports that ACC investigators have been grilling three former aides of the President and Vice President over the corruption allegations related to the Hajj scholarships. ‘Deputy Commissioner ACC at tends UNCAC open - ended intergovernmental working group meeting in Vienna’. The Deputy Commissioner of ACC Shollay Davies, from 21 st to 25 th August 2017, participated in the open - ended Intergovernmental Working Group Conference on the Prevention of Corrupti on and Asset Recovery in Vienna, Austria. ‘ACC detains 11 BSL workers’. The ACC arrests and takes charge of the investigations of eleven staff of Bank of Sierra Leone accused of illegal sale of forex and other acts of corruption. This came immediately afte r their case was discharged by Magistrate Albert Moody. ‘Teachers are very influential people - ACC Commissioner’. Commissioner Ady Macauley is quoted as saying that teachers are very influential people in the lives of children. He made the statement at a capacity building session for teacher coordinators of integrity clubs of various schools in the Western Area. ‘Procurement professionals partner with ACC’. The National Association of Procurement Professionals made a courtesy call on Commissioner Ady Macau ley Esq to partner with the Commission to promote the objectives of the association, which includes fighting corruption in the public procurement process. The Commissioner welcomed the team, pointing out that the Commission is ready to work with them to br ing sanity to public procurement.

20. 20 Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the quarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. 88 Satellite ‘ACC indicts Isha Johansen and Secretary General’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the q uarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 89 Global Times ‘ACC indicts SLFA President and Secretary General’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of th e SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the quarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 90 Global Times ‘Procurement professionals partner with ACC’. The National Association of Procurement Professionals made a courtesy call on Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. to partner with the Commission to promote the objectives of the association, which includes fighting corruption in the public procurement process. The Commissioner welcomed the team, pointing out that the Commission is ready to work with them to bring sanity to public procurement. ACC F 91 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘ACC Isha Johansen indicts’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He uns ealed the indictment at the quarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 92 Independent Observer ‘ACC slams Mrs. Isha Johansen 6 News story F

21. 21 counts...due in Court October 30 th . Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the quarterly CSO/Media update organised by the A CC at Santano House, Howe Street. 93 Guardian ‘Isha Johansen on corruption charges’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the q uarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 94 New Vision ‘ACC indicts SLFA Prexy, scribe’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the q uarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 95 New Vision ‘More trouble for Hajj suspects’. . Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. is quoted as saying that the three main suspects in the Hajj matter have been gra nted bail of five hundred million leones each and that during their detention for interrogation, strict detention rules were applied. News story F 96 Owl ‘Procurement professionals partner with ACC’. The National Association of Procurement Professionals made a courtesy call on Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. to partner with the Commission to promote the objectives of the association, which includes fighting corruption in the public procurement process. The Commissioner welcomed the team, poin ting out that the Commission is ready to work with them to bring sanity to public procurement. ACC F 25 September

16. 16 children. He made th e statement at a capacity building session for teacher coordinators of integrity clubs of various schools in the Western Area. 66 New Storm ‘Teachers are very influential people - ACC Commissioner’. Commissioner Ady Macauley is quoted as saying that teachers are very influential people in the lives of children. He made the statement at a capacity building session for teacher coordinators of integrity clubs of various schools in the Western Area. ACC F 21 September 67 Nationalist ‘Procurement professionals partner with ACC’. The National Association of Procurement Professionals made a courtesy call on Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq to partner with the Commission to promote the objectives of the association, which includes fighting c orruption in the public procurement process. The Commissioner welcomed the team, pointing out that the Commission is ready to work with them to bring sanity to public procurement. ACC F 68 New Citizen ‘Supporting the Pay No Bribe Campaign’. The paper highlights the impact of the PNB campaign, stating that it has now provided the forum for all in the country to report acts of bribery encountered whilst accessing public services. Editorial F 69 New Citizen ‘Procurement professionals partner with ACC’. The National Association of Procurement Professionals made a courtesy call on Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq to partner with the Commission to promote the objectives of the association, which includes fighting corruption in the public procurement process. The Commissioner welcomed the team, pointing out that the Commission is ready to work with them to bring sanity to public procurement. ACC F 70 Awareness Times ‘Procurement professionals partner with ACC’. The National Association of Procurement Professionals made a courtesy call on Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq to partner with the Commission to promote the objectives of the association, which includes fighting corruption in the public procurement process. T he Commissioner ACC F

19. 19 Advisory Board Member Donald Theo Harding, who is managing editor of the Salone Times Newspaper, is charged with seditious libel over the publication of an article against the Chairman of the National Telecommunication Commission Momoh Konteh. 82 Salone Champions ‘ACC appraises teachers’. Commissioner Ady Macauley is quoted as saying that teachers are very influential people in the lives of children. He made the statement at a capacity building session for teacher coordinators of integrity clubs of various schools in the Western Area. ACC F 83 Salone Champion ‘ACC Advisory Board ends one day familiarization tour at SLRSA’. The ACC Advisory Board made a familiarization tour of the Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority to see how ministries, departments and agencies could partner with the ACC in the fight against corruption in the country. News story F 84 For Di People ‘ACC indicts SLFA President and Secretary General’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the q uarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 85 New Storm ‘ACC indicts SLFA President, Sec Gen’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the q uarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 86 New Storm ‘Political corruption overshadows police recruitment’. The paper reports that the ongoing recruitment process by the Sierra Leone Police is being mar red by corruption, calling on the ACC to intervene and institute an investigation. News story F 87 Unique News ‘SLFA boss Johansen charged with corruption’ . Commissioner Ady Macauley News story F

18. 18 76 Sierra Express Media ‘Hajj fraudsters isolated’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq . is quoted as saying that the three main suspects in the Hajj matter have been granted bail and that during their detention for interrogation, strict detention rules were applied. News story F 77 Democrat ‘ACC nails SLFA Boss...Isha Johansen to be charged’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the quarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 78 Concord Times ‘ACC indicts SLFA’s Isha Johansen, Chris Kamara’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the q uarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 79 Standard Times ‘ACC indicts SLFA President ...for misappropriation of public funds and abuse of office’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the q uarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 80 AYV ‘As SLFA awaits FIFA Team...ACC charges Isha, Chris Kamara’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the quarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 81 AYV ‘Criminal, seditious libel...ACC Board Member, Editors indicted’. ACC News story UF

17. 17 welcomed the team, pointing out that the Commission is ready to work with them to bring sanity to public procurement. 71 Standard Times ‘ACC indicts mother of SLFA for corruption’ ...see next edition . News story F 22 September 72 Awoko ‘ACC tackles SLFA, Hajj - gate and exam malpractice’. This is about the updates given by the ACC Commissioner at the CSO/Media update help at the Santano House. The Commissioner updated the media about the indictment of the SLFA President Isha Joha nsen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts, the status of the Hajj - gate investigation and the cases of exam malpractice being investigated by the Commission. News story F 73 New Citizen ‘ACC indicts SLFA President & Secretary General on 6 counts’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds . He unsealed the indictment at the quarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 74 New Citizen ‘ACC updates CSOs, media’. This is about the updates given by the ACC Commissioner at the CSO/Media update help at the Santano House. The Commissioner updated the media about the indictment of the SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts, the status of the Hajj - gate investigation and the cases of exam malpractice being investigated by the Commission. News story F 75 Sierra Express Media ‘For misappropriation of public funds...ACC indicts Madam Johansen, Chris Kamara’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the quarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F

23. 23 Kamara in which they sa y the SLFA has banned for life a number of football stakeholders, including Sanusi K. Bruski who is aspiring for the presidency of the association. 104 Salone Champion ‘Le500 million bail for Hajj - gate suspects’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. is quoted as saying that the three main suspects in the Hajj matter have been granted bail of five hundred million leones each and that during their detention for interrogation, strict detention rules were applied. News stor y F 105 Salone Champion ‘PNB Team visits Kono District stakeholders’. A team from the Pay No Bribe projection visited Kono District on the 21 st September, 2017 to solicit the support of stakeholders in the District prior to the launch of the PNB in the district. ACC F 106 Salone Champion ‘ACC sensitizes Massesesgbe Community on PNB campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted an outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe campaign at the Massesesgbe Community in the Kholifa Rowala Chiefdom, Tonkolili District. ACC F 107 Trumpet ‘ACC nails Isha Johansen & Chris Kamara’. Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. informs the public about the indictment of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara on six counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. He unsealed the indictment at the q uarterly CSO/Media update organised by the ACC at Santano House, Howe Street. News story F 108 Salone Times ‘Isha Johansen brushes off ACC indictment’. This quotes the indicted President of the Sierra Leone Football Association Isha Johansen as saying that she is innocent of the six counts charge of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds, telling the BBC that the charges were „inevitable an d predictable‟. News story UF 109 Guardian Post ‘Football family in bedlam’. This makes reference to the indicted SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara for a notice issued by the SLFA and signed by Kamara in which they say the SLFA has banned for life a number of News story UF

9. 9 Report’ . A press release from the ACC informs the public about the release of the second Pay No Bribe Report , which gives statistics of the report made by the public via the PNB reporting platforms. The launch of the report was done at the weekly Ministry of Information and Communication press conference. 27 We Yone „ Anti - Corruption Commission establishes disaster fund task force’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the setting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donors in response to the August 14 mudslide and its attendant flooding. ACC F 28 Independent Observer „ ACC launches Disaster Response Transparency Initiative (DRTI)’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the setting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donors in response to the August 14 mudslide and its attendant flooding. ACC F 29 Calabash ‘Bribery hinders effective service delivery...says ACC Commissioner’. This is about the statement made by Commissioner Ady Macauley on the launch of the second Pay No Bribe Report. The Commissioner says tackling bribery is important in maintaining effective service delivery. ACC F 30 Sierra Express Media ‘For bribery and c orruption...police tops chart’. This makes reference to the second Pay No Bribe Report which shows that there were more reports against the police than the other institutions during the period reported. News story F 31 Awareness Times ‘Sierra Leone Police is the most corrupt institution in Sierra Leone - ACC 2017 PNB Report’. This makes reference to the second Pay No Bribe Report which shows that there were more reports against the police than the other institutions during the period rep orted. News story F 32 Awareness Times ‘As Saudi Arabia deports them as unwanted persons...ACC grills ex - aides of VP & President over Hajj scandal’. News story F

10. 10 The paper reports that ACC investigators have been grilling three former aides of the President and Vice President over the corruption allegations related to the Hajj scholarships. 33 Premier News ‘Bribery hinders effective service delivery - ACC Commissioner’. This is about the statement made by Commissioner Ady Macauley on the launch of the sec ond Pay No Bribe Report. The Commissioner says tackling bribery is important in maintaining effective service delivery. ACC F 34 Success ‘ACC launches Disaster Response Transparency Initiative (DRTI)’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the setting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donors in response to the August 14 mudslide and its attendant flooding. ACC F 11 September 35 New Storm ‘Deputy Commissioner ACC attends UNCAC open - ended intergovernmental working group meeting in Vienna’. The Deputy Commissioner of ACC Shollay Davies, from 21 st to 25 th August 2017, participated in the open - ended Intergovernmental Working Group Conference on the Prevention of Corruption and Asset Recovery in Vienna, Austria. ACC F 36 Guardian Post ‘Bribery hinders effective service delivery - ACC Commissioner’. This is about the statement made by Commissioner Ady Macauley on the launch of the second Pay No Bribe Report. The Commissioner says tackling bribery is important in maintaining effective service delivery. ACC F 37 Guardian Post „ ACC releases second Pay No Bribe Report on bribe taking in the public sector’ . A press release from the ACC informs the public about the release of the second Pay No Bribe Report, which gives statistics of the report made by the public via the PNB reporting platforms. The launch of the report was done at the weekly Ministry of Information and ACC F

8. 8 recently arrested by the ACC to help with investigation on allegations that they leaked examination questions to pupils writing the WASSCE Exams. 21 Nightwatch „ ACC launches Disaster Response Transparency Initiative (DRTI)’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the setting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donors in response to the August 14 mudslide and its attendant flooding. ACC F 22 Awareness Times „ ACC launches Disaster Response Transparency Initiative (DRTI)’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the setting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donor s in response to the August 14 mudslide and its attendant flooding. ACC F 23 New Vision „ ACC launches Disaster Response Transparency Initiative (DRTI)’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the setting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donors in response to the August 14 mudslide and its attendant flooding. ACC F 8 S eptember 24 Trumpet „ ACC launches Disaster Response Transparency Initiative (DRTI)’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the setting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donors in response to the August 14 mudslide and its attendant flooding. ACC F 25 New Storm ‘Bribery hinders effective service delivery - ACC Commissioner’. This is about the statement made by Commissioner Ady Macauley on the launch of the second Pay No Bribe Report . The Commissioner says tackling bribery is important in maintaining effective service delivery. ACC F 26 New Storm „ ACC releases second Pay No Bribe ACC F

15. 15 that there were more reports against the police than the other institutions during the period reported. The report also calculates the amount of money received in bribes by the police amou nting to one hundred and eighty - six million five hundred and ninety thousand five hundred leones. 60 Independent Observer ‘Bribery hinders effective service delivery - ACC Commissioner’. This is about the statement made by Commissioner Ady Macauley on the launch of the second Pay No Bribe Report. The Commissioner says tackling bribery is important in maintaining effective service delivery. ACC F 61 New Citizen ‘Teachers are very influen tial people - ACC Commissioner’. Commissioner Ady Macauley is quoted as saying that teachers are very influential people in the lives of children. He made the statement at a capacity building session for teacher coordinators of integrity clubs of various sch ools in the Western Area . ACC F 62 New Vision ‘Teachers are very influential people - ACC Commissioner’. Commissioner Ady Macauley is quoted as saying that teachers are very influential people in the lives of children. He made the statement at a capacity bu ilding session for teacher coordinators of integrity clubs of various schools in the Western Area. ACC F 63 New Vision ‘Le 1Bn bail for Hajj suspects’. This makes reference to the three main suspects in the Hajj investigations; namely Alhaji Sheka Kamara, Alhaji Nuru Deen Sankoh - Yillah and Alhaji Mohamed A. Bah, who have been granted bail by the ACC after ten days in custody. News story F 64 Global Ti mes ‘Teachers are very influential people - ACC Commissioner’. Commissioner Ady Macauley is quoted as saying that teachers are very influential people in the lives of children. He made the statement at a capacity building session for teacher coordinators of integrity clubs of various schools in the Western Area. ACC F 65 Trumpet ‘Teachers are very influential people - ACC Commissioner’. Commissioner Ady Macauley is quoted as saying that teachers are very influential people in the lives of ACC F

11. 11 Communication press conference. 37 Trumpet ‘How bribery hinders service delivery’. This is about the statement made by Commissioner Ady Macauley on the launch of the second Pay No Br ibe Report. The Commissioner says tackling bribery is important in maintaining effective service delivery. ACC F 38 Trumpet ‘Corruption stinks in S/Leone Police’. This makes reference to the second Pay No Bribe Report which shows that there were more reports against the police than the other institutions during the period reported. News story F 39 For Di People „ ACC releases second Pay No Bribe Report on bribe taking in the public sector’ . A press release from the ACC informs the public about the release of the second Pay No Bribe Report, which gives statistics of the report made by the public via the PNB reporting platforms. The launch of the report was done at the weekly Ministry of Information and Communication press conference. ACC F 40 Standard Times ‘ACC bribery list...Salone police tops’. This makes reference to the second Pay No Bribe Report which shows that there were more reports against the police than the other institutions during the period reported. News story F 41 Standard Times ‘Deputy Commissioner ACC attends UNCAC open - ended intergovernmental working group meeting in Vienna’. The Deputy Commissioner of ACC Shollay Davies, from 21 st to 25 th August 2017, participated in the open - ended Intergovernmental Working Group Conference on the Prevention of Corruption and Asset Recovery in Vienna, Austria. ACC F 42 Spectator „ ACC releases second Pay No Bribe Report on bribe taking in the public sector’ . A press release from the ACC informs the public about the release of the second Pay No Bribe Report, which gives statistics of the report made by the public via the PNB reporting platforms. The launch of the report was done at the weekly Ministry of Information and Communication press conference. ACC F

5. 5 programmes. He made the statement in the wake of the Commission‟s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. 6 Success ‘Recovered public funds can help save lives - ACC Commissioner’. This make s reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq., that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of Government programmes, especially so when such monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the statement in the wake of the Commission‟s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. ACC F 7 Success ‘MDAs in Bombali District pledge to institute anti - corruption values’. Ministries, departments and agencies of government in Bombali District pledge to integrate anti - corruption measures in their institutions during a meeting the Northern Regional Office of the ACC had with them in Makeni. ACC F 8 Owl ‘ACC recovers over 300 million leones in 10 weeks’. This makes reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq., that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of Government programmes, especially so when such monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the statement in the wake of the Commission‟s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. ACC F 9 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘ACC engages Integrity Management Committees in Bombali’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC has reconstituted the membership of integrity management committees of five MDAs in the Bombali District in a bid to make them more effective to combat acts of corruption and bribery in their respective institutions. ACC F 10 Premier News ‘MDAs pledge to institute anti - corruption values’. Ministries, departments and agencies of government in Bombali District pledge to integrate anti - corruption measures in their institutions during a meeting the Northern Regional Office of the ACC had with them in ACC F

13. 13 Report which shows that there were more reports against the police than the other institutions during the period reported. The report also calculates the amount of money received in bribes by the police amounting to one hundred and eighty - six million five hundred and ninety thousand five hundred leones. 13 September 49 New Citizen ‘ACC accuses Education Ministry of extortion’. This quotes the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach Patrick Sandi as saying that the Ministry of Education is yet to respond to Pay No Bribe complaints made against the Ministry by members of the public. He was speaking at the weekly press briefing organised by the Ministry of Information and Communication where the ACC officially released the second PNB Report. News story F 50 Sierra Express Media ‘Monitors to conduct patient survey at PCMH’. This makes reference to the remarks made by the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach Patrick Sandi that the PCMH will start conducting a patient‟s survey to get the perception of patients accessing services at the hospital as a response to complaints under the PNB. He was speaking at the weekly press briefing organised by the Ministry of Information and Communication where the ACC officially released the second PNB Report. News story F 14 September 51 AYV ‘ACC detains 11 BSL workers’. The ACC arrests and takes charge of the investigations of eleven staff of Bank of Sierra Leone accused of illegal sale of forex and other acts of corruption. This came immediately after their case was discharged by Magistrate Albert Moody. News story F 52 New Storm ‘ACC steps in’. The ACC arrests and takes charge of the investigations of eleven staff of Bank of Sierra Leone accused of illegal sale of forex and other acts of corruption. This came immediately after their cas e was discharged by Magistrate Albert Moody. News story F 53 Independent Observer ‘ACC arrests Bank of Sierra Leone officials’. The ACC arrests and takes News story F

7. 7 Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq., that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of Government programmes, especially so when such monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the statement in the wake of the Commission‟s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. 16 Business and Finance ‘Recovered monies save lives - ACC Commissioner’. This makes reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq . that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of Government programmes, especially so when such monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the statem ent in the wake of the Commission‟s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. ACC F 7 September 17 Nationalist „ PRESS RELEASE: ACC launches Disaster Response Transparency Initiative (DRTI)’. A press release from th e ACC informs the public about the setting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donors in response to the August 14 mudslide and its attendant flooding. ACC F 18 Premier News „ ACC launches Disaster Response Transparency Initiative’. A press release from the ACC informs the public about the setting up of the Disaster Response Transparency Initiative to monitor all resources provided by Government and donors in response to the August 14 mudsl ide and its attendant flooding. ACC F 19 New Storm „ Three Hajjgate suspects return home’. The story says three of the key suspects in the Hajj investigations (Alhaji M.A. Bah, Alhaji Nurudeen Sankoh - Yillah and Sheka Kamara alias Shekito) have arrived from Saudi Arabia and they were whisked to the ACC office from the airport upon their arrival. News story F 20 New Storm „ Shame and disgrace...nine WAEC Examiners in ACC net’. The paper reports that nine invigilators of the West African Examinations Council were News story F

22. 22 97 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘PNB Team visits stakeholders in Kono District’. A team from the Pay No Bribe projection visited Kono District on the 21 st September, 2017 to solicit the support of stakeholders in the District prior to the launch of the PNB in the district. ACC F 98 Calabash ‘Fighting corruption...the monster ACC faces’. The paper attempts to define corruption and its categories, also highlighting some of the causes of the scourge and the strides ACC is taking to combat it . Commentary F 99 Calabash ‘SLFA melodrama...Isha Johansen denies ACC charge’. This quotes the indicted President of the Sierra Leone Football Association Isha Johansen as saying that she is innocent of the six counts charge of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds, telling the BBC that the charges were „inevitable and predictable‟. News story UF 100 Premier News ‘Eight Whatsapp admins in ACC net’. This quotes Commissioner Ady Macauley as saying that the Commission has arrested eight Whatsapp administrators to help the Commission with investigations relating to exams malpractices. He made the statement at the quarterly CSO/Media u pdate organised by the Commission. News story F 101 Premier News ‘ACC empowers Massesesgbe Community’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted an outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe campaign at the Massesesgbe Community in the Kholifa Rowala Chiefdom, Tonkolili District. ACC F 102 New Storm ‘Charles Mambu pays back Le 105M to Govt....ACC Commissioner’. This quotes Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. as saying at the CSO/Media update that civil society activist Charles Mambu has paid back the one hundred and five million leones which was ordered by Parliament following an Audit Report on the management of Ebol a funds. News story F 10 3 New Storm ‘Indicted SLFA President goes on the rampage’. This makes reference to the indicted SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara for a notice issued by the SLFA and signed by News story UF

24. 24 football stakeholders, including Sanusi K. Bruski who is aspiring for the presidency of the association. 26 September 110 Spectator ‘PNB Team visits stakeholders in Kono District’. A team from the Pay No Bribe projection visited Kono District on the 21 st September, 2017 to solicit the support of stakeholders in the District prior to the launch of the PNB in the district. ACC F 111 Spectator ‘ACC sensitizes Massesesgbe Community on PNB campaign’. T he Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted an outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe campaign at the Massesesgbe Community in the Kholifa Rowala Chiefdom, Tonkolili District. ACC F 112 Salone Pride ‘ACC sensitizes Massesesgbe Community on PNB campaign ’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted an outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe campaign at the Massesesgbe Community in the Kholifa Rowala Chiefdom, Tonkolili District. ACC F 113 Trumpet ‘ACC Boss tells press:’. This is transcription of the response given by Commissioner Ady Macauley when journalist Melvin Tejan Mansaray posed a question to him on whether the indictment of the SLFA President Isha Johansen is not intended to affect her chances for re - election. News story F 114 Nationalist ‘ACC sensitizes Massesesgbe Community on PNB campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted an outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe campaign at the Massesesgbe Community in the Kholifa Rowala Chiefdom, Tonkolili District. ACC F 115 Awoko ‘Va cancy: Team Leader’. This is an advert for the position of Team Leader for Coffey International under the Pay No Bribe project. ACC F 116 Awareness Times ‘Pujehun Correctional Centre pledges to work with ACC’. The Southern Region Office of the ACC held a customized meeting with personnel of the Correctional Centre in Pujehun to raise aw a reness on issues of corruption, bribery, integrity in the workplace, integrity management ACC F

12. 12 43 Spectator ‘ Bribery hinders effective service delivery - ACC Commissioner’. This is about the statement made by Commissioner Ady Macauley on the launch of the second Pay No Bribe Report. The Commis sioner says tackling bribery is important in maintaining effective service delivery. ACC F 44 AYV „ ACC releases second Pay No Bribe Report on bribe taking in the public sector’ . A press release from the ACC informs the public about the release of the second Pay No Bribe Report, which gives statistics of the report made by the public via the PNB reporting platforms. The launch of the report was done at the weekly Ministry of Information and Communication press conference. ACC F 45 AYV ‘Bribery hinders effective service delivery - ACC Commissioner’. This is about the statement made by Commissioner Ady Macauley on the launch of the second Pay No Bribe Report. The Commissioner says tackling bribery is important in maintaining effective service delivery. ACC F 12 September 46 Nightwatch ‘SLPA GM in Le 3.2B scam’. The paper accuses the General Manager of the Sierra Leone Ports Authority, Abu B. Bangura, of “deliberately embarking on the Le 3.2 billion exit road project to fleece the Authority”. The paper states that the GM ignored the advice of the Minister of Transport Aviation from undertaking the project with such huge sums, fearing that the ACC will intervene if it learns of it. News story F 47 Guardian Post ‘Deputy Commissioner ACC attends UNCAC o pen - ended intergovernmental working group meeting in Vienna’. The Deputy Commissioner of ACC Shollay Davies, from 21 st to 25 th August 2017, participated in the open - ended Intergovernmental Working Group Conference on the Prevention of Corruption and Asset Recovery in Vienna, Austria. ACC F 48 New Citizen ‘Pay No Bribe campaign...police to account for over Le 186.5M’. This makes reference to the second Pay No Bribe News story F

4. 4 No. NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF /A 4 September 1 Guardian Post ‘Recovered public funds can help save lives - ACC Commissioner’. This makes reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq., that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of Government programmes, especially so when such monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the state ment in the wake of the Commission‟s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. ACC F 2 AYV ‘Recovered public funds can help save lives - ACC Commissioner’. This makes reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady M acauley Esq., that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of Government programmes, especially so when such monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the statement in the wake of the Commission‟s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. ACC F 3 AYV ‘MDAs in Bombali District pledge to institute anti - corruption values’. Ministries, departments and agencies of government in Bombali District pledge to integrate anti - corruption measures in their institutions during a meeting the Northern Regional Office of the ACC had with them in Makeni. ACC F 4 New Vision ‘MDAs in Bombali District pledge to institute anti - corruption values’. Ministries, departments and agencies of government in Bombali District pledge to integrate anti - corruption measures in their institutions during a meeting the Northern Regional Office of the ACC had with them in Makeni. ACC F 5 Northern Times ‘Recovered public funds can help save lives - ACC Commissioner’. This makes reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of Government programmes, especially so when such monies can b e used in healthcare ACC F

14. 14 charge of the investigations of eleven staff of Bank of Sierra Leone accused of illegal sale of forex and other acts of corruption. This came immediately after their case was discharged by Magistrate Albert Moody. 54 Unique News ‘ACC takes over Bank of Sierra Leone’s forex fraud matter’. The ACC arrests and takes charge of the investigations of eleven staff of Bank of Sierra Leone accused of illegal sale of forex and other acts of corruption. This came immediately after their case was discharged by Magistrate Albert Moody. News story F 55 Spectator ‘Deputy Commissioner ACC attends UNCAC open - ended intergovernmental working group meeting in Vienna’. The Deputy Commissioner of ACC Shollay Davies, from 21 st to 25 th August 2017, participated in the open - ended Intergovernmental Working Grou p Conference on the Prevention of Corruption and Asset Recovery in Vienna, Austria. ACC F 56 Global Times ‘ACC orders arrest of BSL staff’. The ACC arrests and takes charge of the investigations of eleven staff of Bank of Sierra Leone accused of illegal sale of forex and other acts of corruption. This came immediately after their case was discharged by Magistrate Albert Moody. News story F 57 Night Watch ‘More heads to roll at BSL’. The ACC arrests and takes charge of the investigations of eleven staff of Bank of Sierra Leone accused of illegal sale of forex and other acts of corruption. This came immediately after their case was discharge d by Magistrate Albert Moody. News story F 58 Calabash ‘With outcome over 23 containers impounded pending...is Hajj - gate another buff case?’. The paper claims that some members of the public have raised concerns over the lack of information on the outcome of cases investigated by the ACC - adding that they fear that the Hajj matter being investigated by the Commission maybe another „buff case‟. News story UF 20 September 59 Owl ‘ Police top bribery, corruption chart again’. This makes reference to the second Pay No Bribe Report which shows News story F

6. 6 Makeni. 11 Real News ‘Recovered public funds can help save lives - ACC Commissioner’. This makes reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq., that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of Government programmes, especially so when such monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the state ment in the wake of the Commission‟s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. ACC F 5 September 12 Salone Pride ‘ACC engages Integrity Management Committees in Bombali’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC has reconstituted the membership of integrity management committees of five MDAs in the Bombali District in a bid to make them more effective to combat acts of corruption and bribery in their respective institutions. ACC F 12 Sierra Express Media „ Bombali Di strict MDA’s pledges to institute ACC values’ . Ministries, departments and agencies of government in Bombali District pledge to integrate anti - corruption measures in their institutions during a meeting the Northern Regional Office of the ACC had with them in Makeni. ACC F 13 Nightwatch ‘What went wrong Mr. President?’. The paper claims that Sheka Kamara alias Shekito, former aide to the President and who is being investigated by the ACC over the Hajj scholarships, ordered the auctioning of twenty containers containing assorted health items at the Quay. The paper says it will welcome a decision by the ACC to also institute an investigation into the said containers. Editorial F 14 Nightwatch „ Another corruption scandal’. The paper says some twenty containers of health materials were ordered to be auctioned by Sheka Kamara alia Shekito, former Adviser to the President who is being investigated by the ACC. News story A 6 September 15 Spectator ‘Recovered public funds can help save lives - ACC Commissioner’. This makes reference to a statement by the ACC ACC F


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