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Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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7. 7 customized meeting with officers of the Panlap Police Division in Makeni to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. 31 January 25 Satellite ‘ As fraudster re - emerges in auction ...corruption rocks Ports’. The paper claims that ex - auctioneers who were dismissed from the Sierra Leone Ports Authority have re - emerged and are engaging in clandestine auctioneering acti vities that are defrauding the S tate of huge sums of money. The paper therefore calls on the AC C to investigate such issues at the P ort. News story F 26 AYV ‘ACC sensitizes police personnel on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a customized meeting with officers of the Panlap Police Division in Makeni to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 27 Independent Observer ‘ACC sensitizes police personnel on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a customized meeting with officers of the Panlap Police Division in Makeni to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 28 New Vision ‘ACC sensitizes police personnel on the Pay No Brib e campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a customized meeting with officers of the Panlap Police Division in Makeni to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F

2. 2 Highlights The month of January saw 72 % of favourable publications, while the percentage of unfavourable publications was 7%. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 21%. Among the most reported favourable reports are stories on the review of the PNB project by DFID and the ACC ; and the arrest of the Bishop of the Bo Diocese, Emmanuel Tucker. Fav ourable reports ‘ ACC and DFID set to review the Pay No Bribe campaign’ . The ACC and DFID have reached a decision to review the Pay No Bribe campaign project to see the progress made so far, the challenges and areas to improve on to make the campaign a succ ess. ‘ DFID in fraud scam...ACC kick start investigations’. The paper makes reference to a letter the ACC addressed to the Director General Human Resource Management and the Ministry of Finance, to bring to their attention of fifty - five staff working for DFID - supported government projects and also work for the government and are receiving double salaries. The letter written by Commissioner Ady Macauley demanded for the suspension of salaries of the said staff until the conclusion of the investigations. ACC emp owers MDAs on policy formulation’. The ACC organised a customized meeting for staff of the Ministry of Water Resources, Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority and the Sierra Leone Police in Bo on policy formulation and implementation. ‘Sierra Leone’s anti - gra ft agency reacts to allegations in campaign group report’. This about the ACC press release, which reacts to a report by the Centre for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) claiming that the ACC has not been transparent with monies recovered from court cases and that the Commission has not been robust in the fight against corruption. The ACC release dismissed the claims and provided the facts on all the allegations made by the CHRDI. ‘For 2 Billion Leones fraud...Anglican Bishop, 6 others in ACC net’. The paper reports that six people, including the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Bo, Emmanuel Tucker, are being investigated by the ACC on allegations of misappropriating the sum of Two Billion Leones meant for the fight against Ebola, money provi ded by the Anglican Diocese of the Kingdom of Denmark. Unfavourable report ‘The ACC and the fight against corruption’. The paper brings to the attention of the ACC about issues of breach of procurement procedures at the Freetown City Council, namely the aw ard of the contract for the cleaning of the city to Masada. The paper however rebukes the Commission for what it says is failure to investigate matters that involve top guns.

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR JANUARY 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - articles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 28 Number of news stories - 10 Number of commentaries - 2 Number of editorials - 2 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 14 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 22 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 6 ( 21 %) Number of articles, news stories, ed itorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 20 ( 72 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 2 ( 7 %)

4. 4 No Bribe campaign project to see the progress made so far, the challenges and areas to improve on to make the campaign a success. 8 For Di People ‘ ACC and DFID set to review the Pay No Bribe campaign’ . The ACC and DFID have reached a decision to review the Pay No Bribe campaign project to see the progress made so far, the ch allenges and areas to improve on to make the campaign a success. ACC F 9 Premier News ‘ ACC, DFID review Pay No Bribe campaign’ . The ACC and DFID have reached a decision to review the Pay No Bribe campaign project to see the progress made so far, the chall enges and areas to improve on to make the campaign a success. ACC F 10 African Chronicle ‘ ACC and DFID set to review the Pay No Bribe campaign’ . The ACC and DFID have reached a decision to review the Pay No Bribe campaign project to see the progress made so far, the challenges and areas to improve on to make the campaign a success. ACC F 16 January 11 Standard Times ‘ DFID in fraud scam...ACC kick start investigations’. The paper makes reference to a letter the ACC addressed to the Director General Human Resource Management and the Ministry of Finance, to bring to their attention of fifty - five st aff working for DFID - supported G overnment projects and also work for the G ov ernment and are receiving double salaries. The letter written by Commissioner Ady Macauley demanded for the suspension of salaries of the said staff until the conclusion of the investigations. News story F 12 Concord Times ‘ACC empowers MDAs on policy formulation’. The ACC organised a customized meeting for staff of the Ministry of Water Resources, Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority and the Sierra Leone Police in Bo on policy formulation and implementation. ACC F 13 AYV ‘Sierra Leone G overnment minis ter plenipotentiary accused of corruption’ . The paper accuses the Minister Plenipotentiary to the United Nations, Rev Kabs Kanu, of corruption after a relic News story F

5. 5 (picture of Bai Bureh) belonging to the people of Sierra Leone and worth over a million dollars, wa s donated to him by a peace corps Gary Shulze, who was serving in Sierra Leone. The paper therefore calls on the ACC to investigate the matter. 14 AYV ‘Sierra Leone’s anti - graft agency reacts to allegations in campaign group report’. This about the ACC press release, which reacts to a report by the Centre for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) claiming that the ACC has not been transparent with monies recovered from court cases and that the Commission has not been robu st in the fight against corruption. The ACC release dismissed the claims and provided the facts on all the allegations made by the CHRDI. ACC F 15 Independent Observer ‘ACC empowers MDAs on policy formulation’. The ACC organised a customized meeting for staff of the Ministry of Water Resources, Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority and the Sierra Leone Police in Bo on policy formulation and implementation. ACC F 16 Unique News ‘CHRDI accuses Anti - Corruption Commi ssion’. The Centre for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) accuses the ACC in a report that the Commission has not been transparent with monies recovered from court cases and that the Commission has not been robust in the fight against corr uption. News story UF 17 Standard Times ‘Corruption: A worldwide epidemic...not African countries alone’. The author, IBM Kamara, gives a list of the most corrupt countries in the world - some of which - are non - African countries, and held that this shows corruption is a threat to other countries out of the African continent. Commentary A 23 January 18 S ierra Leone Daily Mail ‘For 2 Billion Leones fraud...Anglican Bishop, 6 others in ACC net’. The paper reports that six people, including the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Bo, Emmanuel Tucker, are being investigated by the ACC on allegations of misappropr iating the sum of Two Billion Leones meant for the fight against Ebola, money provided by the Anglican Diocese of the Kingdom of News story F

6. 6 Denmark . 24 January 19 Standard Times ‘ Corruption scandal: Anglican Bishop forced to resign’. The paper claims that members of the Anglican Church of the Bo Diocese are demanding the resignation of their Bishop, Emmanuel Tucker following allegation of corruption that he and five others are being investigated by the ACC for misappropriating the sum of Two Billion Leones meant for the fight against Ebola, money provided by the Anglican Diocese of the Kingdom of Denmark. News story F 20 Standard Times ‘ Where are Sierra Leone’s missing Ebola millions?’ The was done for the BBC by Umaru Fofana, who r aises concerns about issues of accountability in the management of Ebola funds, citing the Auditor General’s report and asked whether the monies stolen or misappropriated will ever be recovered. Commentary A 21 Metro ‘The ACC and the fight against corruption’. The paper brings to the attention of the ACC about issues of breach of procurement procedures at the Freetown City Council, namely the award of the contract for the cleaning of the city to Masada. The paper however rebukes the Commission for w hat it says is failure to investigate matters that involve top guns. Editorial UF 30 January 22 Real News ‘ ACC Chief says efforts beginning to pay dividend - As Sierra Leone ranks 123 out of 176 countries in TI’s 2016 corruption index’. The quotes the Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies as saying that the efforts made by the ACC in the fight against corruption has helped in the country’s one percent improvement in the Transparency International score from 29 to 30. News story F 23 Independent Observer ‘ACC sensitizes police personnel on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a customized meeting with officers of the Panlap Police Division in Makeni to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 24 Success ‘ACC sensitizes police personnel on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a ACC F

3. 3 No. NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF 12 January 1 Satellite ‘ Massive corruption exposed in police force’ . The paper accuses officers of the Sierra Leone Police Traffic Division of selling impounded motor bikes at the Hastings Training School. News story A 2 Satellite ‘Mismanagement of public funds...World Bank blasts Govt’. The paper quoted the World Bank Country Manager, Parminder Brar as saying that his institution is ve ry concerned about the way the G overnment is mismanaging funds meant for public projects. News story A 3 Satellite ‘CARL wages war on ‘sex for grades’. This makes reference to a project launched by the Centre for Accountability and the Rule of Law in which female pupils and students in secondary and tertiary institution s will be provided the opportunity to make report against teachers or lecturers who sexually harass them. News story A 4 Satellite ‘ Mismanagement of resources & finances... APC Govt must own up to the truth’. The paper makes reference to the concern of mismanagement of public funds raised by the World Bank Co untry Manager and calls on the G overnment to address such issues which have been responsible for the current state of the economy and the poverty the people find themselves in. Editorial A 5 Global Times ‘ ACC and DFID set to review the Pay No Bribe campaign’ . The ACC and DFID have reached a decision to review the Pay No Bribe campaign project to see the progress made so far, the challenges and areas to improve on to make the campaign a succes s. ACC F 6 Nationalist ‘ ACC, DFID set to review The Pay No Bribe Campaign’. The ACC and DFID have reached a decision to review the Pay No Bribe campaign project to see the progress made so far, the challenges and areas to improve on to make the campaign a success. ACC F 13 January 7 Independent Observer ‘ ACC and DFID set to review the Pay No Bribe campaign’ . The ACC and DFID have reached a decision to review the Pay ACC F


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