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23. 23 of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, the ACC provided training on anti - bribery and anti - corr uption issues for staff of the B ank. 113 Newswatch „Corruption stinks at LGSC‟. T he paper accuses the Executive Secretary of the Local Government Service Commission for allegedly ‘creating confusion when he failed to follow laid down procedures in the recruitment of a civil engineer for the Freetown City Council. News story A 114 Sierra Leone Daily Mail „ACC stretches its muscles‟. The paper commends the ACC for its efforts in the fight against corruption, especially also for its recent work with Integrity Management C ommittees across the country. Editorial F
2. 2 Highlights The month of July saw 87 % of favourable publications, while the percentage of unfavourable publications was 4%. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 9%. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports ‘ Tambakha Chief recommends ACC for national award‟. The Town Chief of Karamoko soria Chiefdom in the Tambakha Chiefdom has recommended ACC for a natio nal award for it s role in the implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net scheme. He made the statement at an outreach programme organised by th e ACC for beneficiaries of the chiefdom. ‘ ACC meets with Ports stakeholders to present and discuss overt survey report‟. The ACC met with stakeholders of the Queen Elizabeth II Quay to present and discuss the contents of the overt operations at the port co nducted by the ACC. „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. „ACC engages MDAs on the work of Integrity Management Committees‟. The National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat concludes a week - long engage ment to assess the work of the Integrity Management Committees of M ini stries, Departments and Agencies of G overnment in Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun and Bonthe. „Over exams malpractices ACC indicts 2 teachers‟. This is about the appearance of Mohamed P. Konneh, a teacher of the Ansarul Islamic Secondary School and Sahr Mani of the Government Technical Secondary School in Kenema, before Justice Ernest Gooding of the High Court Holden in Kenema. The two are standing trial on five counts of examination malpractices. „Anti - Corruption recovers Le 300m in 3 months‟. The ACC has recovered three hundred and thirty - three million Leones (Le 333,000,000) of G overnment moneys in the last three months. „ACC capacitates Sierra Leone Commercial Bank on anti - bribery and anti - corruption issues‟. On the request of the Sierra Leone Comme rcial Bank, the ACC provided training on anti - bribery and anti - corr uption issues for staff of the B ank. Unfavourable report „Over Isha Johansen‟s case, Ady Macau l e y disappoints Salone people‟. The paper accuses the ACC Commissioner of being silent over the SLFA since the last year when the SLFA President and Secretary General were arrested by the Commission.
1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR JULY 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - A MBIVALENT REPORTS - articles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 114 Number of news stories - 19 Number of commentaries - 3 Number of editorials - 2 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 90 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 104 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 10 ( 9 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 99 ( 87 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 5 ( 4 %)
18. 18 the ACC held a meeting with officials of the Ministry of Education, principals and head teachers of various schools in the Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. 89 Premier News „ACC recovers Le 300m in 3 months‟. The ACC has recovered nearly three hundred and thirty - three mill ion Leones (Le 333,000,000) of G overnment moneys in the last three months. The amount includes one hund red and five million Leones (Le. 105,000,000) recovered during the recently concluded overt op eration at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, ninety - nine million six hundred and forty - eight million Leones (Le . 99,648,000) recovered from a private institution and one hundred and twenty - eight million Leones (Le . 128,000,000) which was recovered from a publi c institution which had failed to repay to the Consolidated Revenue Fund salaries of staff who had left the institution. ACC F 90 Standard Times „ACC dialogues with education stakeholders on bribery‟. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a meeting with officials of the Ministry of Education, principals and head teachers of various schools in the Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 91 Nationalist „ACC recovers Le 300m in 3 months‟. The ACC has recovered nearly three hundred and thirty - three mill ion Leones (Le 333,000,000) of G overnment moneys in the last three months. The amount includes one hundred and five million Leones (Le . 105,000,000) recovered during the recently concluded overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, n inety - nine million six hundred and forty - eight million Leones (Le . 99,648,000) recovered from a private institution and one hundred and twenty - eight million Leones (Le . 128,000,000) which was recovered from a public institution which had failed to repay to the Consolidated Revenue Fund salaries of staff who had left the institution. ACC F
9. 9 national award‟. The Town Chief of Karamokosoria Chiefdom in the Tambakha Chiefdom has recommended ACC for a national award for the Commission’s role in the implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net scheme. He made the statement at an outreach programme organised by the ACC for beneficiaries of the chiefdom. 12 th July 35 Premier News ‘ ACC poised to eliminate examination malpractices‟. This quoted Public Education Officer Magnus Bendu as saying that the ACC is determined to stamp out examination malpractices across the country. He made the statement while addressing students of the College of Theology and Management, Wesley Street. ACC F 36 Standard Times ‘ Youths “banish” Paramount Chief...corruption and embezzlement‟. The paper reports that youth of Lower Banta Chiefdom in the Moyamba District have banished their Paramount Chief over allegations that he has not accounted for revenue c ollected in the chiefdom, especially those collected from the chiefdom jetty. News story A 37 Calabash ‘ ACC meets with Ports stakeholders to present and discuss overt survey report‟. The ACC met with stakeholders of the Queen Elizabeth II Quay to present and discuss the contents of the overt operations at the P ort conducted by the ACC. ACC F 38 For Di People ‘ ACC poised to eliminate examination malpractices‟. This quoted Public Educa tion Officer Magnus Bendu as saying that the ACC is determined to stamp out examination malpractices across the country. He made the statement while addressing students of the College of Theology and Management, Wesley Street. ACC F 39 Spectator ‘ ACC mon itors Quarter Two payments to SSN beneficiaries in Kono District‟. Staff of the ACC monitored the second quarter cash payments of SSN beneficiaries in Kono. The staff used the events to sensitize beneficiaries about the grievance redress mechanism componen t of the project. ACC F
8. 8 organised by the ACC for beneficiaries of the chiefdom. 29 Awoko ‘ Twelve months - ACC secures conviction for impersonation‟. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Makeni and presided over by Justice Abdul Rahman Mansaray convicted one Ibrahim Suma on two counts of impersonation of an ACC officer. Suma pleaded guilty to the two charges and was given a custodial sentence of on e year for each of the counts and to run concurrently. ACC F 30 For Di People „ Tambakha Chief recommends ACC for national award‟. The Town Chief of Karamokosoria Chiefdom in the Tambakha Chiefdom has recommended ACC for a national award for the Commission’s role in the implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net scheme. He made the statement at an outreach programme organised by the ACC for beneficiaries of the chiefdom. ACC F 31 For Di People ‘ Kagbere Community spreads red carpet for ACC‟. Beneficiaries and stakeholders of Kagbere Town, Magbaima Ndorhahun Chiefdom gave a warm welcome to staf f of the ACC who were in the town to raise awareness on the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net project. ACC F 32 For Di People ‘ Kagbere Community spreads red carpet for ACC‟. Beneficiaries and stakeholders of Kagbere Town, Magbaima Ndorhahun Chiefdom gave a warm welcome to staff of the ACC who were in the town to raise awareness on the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net project. ACC F 33 Awareness Times „ ACC secures conviction for impersonation against Ibrahim Suma‟. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Makeni and presided over by Justice Abdul Rahman Mansaray convicted one Ibrahim Suma on two counts of impersonation of an ACC officer. Suma plea ded guilty to the two charges and was given a custodial sentence of one year for each of the counts and to run concurrently. ACC F 34 Nationalist „Tambakha Chief recommends ACC for ACC F
4. 4 against bribery. 5 th July 8 AYV ‘ ACC empowers SSN beneficiaries on the grievance redress mechanism component of the project‟. The ACC held an awareness raising meeting with beneficiaries of the Social Safety Net programme to capacitate them on the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the programme which provides them the opportunity to report to the ACC about any concerns or malpractices related to the SSN scheme. ACC F 9 Independent Observer ‘ ACC empowers SSN beneficiaries on the grievance redress mechanism component of the project‟. The ACC held an awareness raising meeting with beneficiaries of the Social Safety Net programme to capacitate them on the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the programme which provides them the opportunity to report to the ACC about any concerns or malpractices related to the SSN scheme. ACC F 10 Awoko ‘ ACC empowers SSN beneficiaries on grievance redress mechanism‟. The ACC held an awareness raising meetin g with beneficiaries of the Social Safety Net programme to capacitate them on the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the programme which provides them the opportunity to report to the ACC about any concerns or malpractices related to the SSN scheme. ACC F 11 Premier News ‘ ACC empowers SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC held an awareness raising meeting with beneficiaries of the Social Safety Net programme to capacitate them on the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the programme which provides them the opportunity to report to the ACC about any concerns or malpractices related to the SSN scheme. ACC F 6 th July 12 Nationalist ‘ ACC empowers SSN beneficiaries on the grievance redress mechanism component‟. The ACC held an awareness raising meeting with beneficiaries of the Social Safety Net programme to capacitate them on the Grievance Redress Mechanism ACC F
17. 17 99,648,000) recovered from a private institution and one hundred and twenty - eight million Leon es (Le 128,000,000) which was recovered from a public institution which had failed to repay to the Consolidated Revenue Fund salaries of staff who had left the institution. 84 Informant „ACC engages education stakeholders on bribery‟. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a meeting with officials of the Ministry of Education, principals and head teachers of various schools in the Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 85 AYV „ACC recovers Le 300m in 3 months‟. The ACC has rec overed three hundred and thirty - three million Leones (Le 333,000,000) of G overnment moneys in the last three months. The amount includes one hund red and five million Leones (Le. 105,000,000) recovered during the recently concluded overt operation at the Que en Elizabeth II Quay, ninety - nine million six hundred and forty - eight million Leones (Le 99,648,000) recovered from a private institution and one hundred and twenty - eight million Leones (Le. 128,000,000) which was recovered from a public institution which had failed to repay to the Consolidated Revenue Fund salaries of staff who had left the institution. ACC F 86 AYV „ACC engages MDAs on the work of Integrity Management Committees‟. The National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat concludes a week - long engage ment to assess the work of the Integrity M anagem ent C ommittees of ministries, departments and agencies of government in Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun and Bonthe. ACC F 87 Success „ACC engages education stakeholders on bribery‟. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a meeting with officials of the Ministry of Education, principals and head teachers of various schools in the Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 88 New Vision „ACC engages education stakeholders on bribery‟. The Norther n Regional office of ACC F
15. 15 beneficiaries on the Grievance Redress Mechanism‟. The ACC conducted awareness raising events on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the project in the Western Rural District. 73 Guardian „ACC disappointed with MDAs‟. This quoted the Manager of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat Patrick George as saying that the Commission is not pleased with the slow pace at which ministries, departments and agencies are implementing the National Anti - Corruption Strategy. He made the statemen t whilst addressing members of Integrity Management C ommittees in the Southern Region. ACC F 74 Peak „Over exams malpractices ACC indicts 2 teachers‟. This is about the appearance of Mohamed P. Konneh, a teacher of the Ansarul Islamic Secondary School and Sahr Mani of the Government Technical Secondary School in Kenema, before Justice Ernest Gooding of the High Court Holden in Kenema. The two are standing trial on five counts of exami nation malpractices. News story F 75 Salone Times „ACC sensitizes Western Rural beneficiaries on the Grievance Redress Mechanism‟. The ACC conducted awareness raising events on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for benefi ciaries of the project in the Western Rural District. ACC F 25 th July 76 Premier News „ACC engages education stakeholders‟. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a meeting with officials of the Ministry of Education, principals and head teachers of various schools in the Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 77 AYV „ACC engages education stakeholders on bribery‟. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a meeting with officials of the Ministry of Education, principa ls and head teachers of various schools in the Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 78 New Age Media „As FIFA Vice President arrested...ACC delays Isha Johansen‟s corruption case‟. The paper reports about the arrest of the President of the Spanish Football News story UF
11. 11 The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Makeni and presided over by Justice Abdul Rahman Mansaray convicted one Ibrahim Suma on two counts of impersonation of an ACC officer. Suma pleaded guilty to the two charges and was given a custodial sentence of one year for each of the counts and to run concurrently. 18 th July 47 Premier News „ACC engages SSN beneficiaries on Grievance Redress Mechanism‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District . ACC F 48 Standard Times „Family Support Unit in corruption scandal... “the Inspector General knows about it”. The paper accuses the Manager of the Family Support Unit in Bo Inspector Mustapha Gogra Jnr. of engaging in corrupt activities whereby individuals suspected of sexual abuse are made to go free. News story A 49 AYV „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟ . The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F 50 Metro „Anti - Corruption boss pats himself on the back‟. The paper suggests that even though the ACC is making strides to combat petty corruption it must also work to target individuals in high places who are involved in big acts of corruption. ACC UF 51 Na tionalist „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F 52 Independent Observer „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa ACC F
6. 6 Staff of the ACC monitored the second quarter cash payments of SSN beneficiaries in Kono. The staff used the events to sensitize beneficiaries about the grievance redress mechanism component of the project . 19 Elephant ‘ Fake land transaction...3 Government officials implicated‟. The paper accused the Provincial Secretary East Mr Pe n yike, former Director of Lands in the Ministry of Lands Dr . Farma and one Rashid Ngewui of illegally selling state land at the Gover nment Reservation in Kenema. News story A 10 th July 20 New Storm ‘ Tambakha Chief recommends ACC for national award‟. The Town Chief of Karamokosoria Chiefdom in the Tambakha Chiefdom has recommended ACC for a national award for the Commission’s role in the implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net scheme. He made the statement at an outreach programme organised by the ACC for beneficiaries of the chiefdom. ACC F 21 New Vision ‘ Tambakha Chief recommends ACC for national award‟. The Town Chief of Karamokosoria Chiefdom in the Tambakha Chiefdom has recommended ACC for a national award for the Commission’s role in the implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net scheme. He made the statement at an outreach programme organised by the ACC for beneficiaries of the chiefdom. ACC F 22 New Vision ‘ Kagbere Community spreads red carpet for ACC‟. Beneficiaries and stakeholders of Kagbere Town, Magbaima Ndorhahun Chiefdom gave a warm welcome to staff of the ACC who were in the town to raise awareness on the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net project. ACC F 23 Equity ‘ ACC to investigate MASADA - public demands‟. The paper quoted the concern of some members of the public on how MASADA has been handling the cleaning of the capital city since the p eriod it was contracted by the G overnment. The people News story F
5. 5 component of the programme which provides them the opportunity to report to the ACC about any concerns or malpractices related to the SSN scheme. 13 Unique News „Le 17m ACC bike stolen...HR Admin explains‟. This a report about the testimony given at Magistrate Court N o. 2 by the Director of Administration Desmond J ohnson over the stolen official motorbike of the close protection officer to Commissioner Ady Macauley, Stephen Bangura. News story F 7 th July 14 New Storm ‘ ACC empowers SSN beneficiaries on the grievance redress mechanism component of the project‟. The ACC held an awareness raising meeting with beneficiaries of the Social Safety Net programme to capacitate them on the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the programme which provides them the opportunity to report to the ACC about any concerns or malpractices related to the SSN scheme. ACC F 15 Sierra Express Media ‘ ACC monitors Quarter Two payments to SSN beneficiaries in Kono District ‟. Staff of the ACC monitored the second quarter cash payments of SSN beneficiaries in Kono. The staff used the events to sensitize beneficiaries about the grievance redress mechanism component of the project. ACC F 16 New Agenda ‘ ACC monitors Quarter Two p ayments to SSN beneficiaries in Kono District‟. Staff of the ACC monitored the second quarter cash payments of SSN beneficiaries in Kono. The staff used the events to sensitize beneficiaries about the grievance redress mechanism component of the project AC C F 17 New Vision ‘ ACC monitors Quarter Two payments to SSN beneficiaries in Kono District‟. Staff of the ACC monitored the second quarter cash payments of SSN beneficiaries in Kono. The staff used the events to sensitize beneficiaries about the grievance redress mechanism component of the project ACC F 18 Owl ‘ ACC monitors Quarter Two payments to SSN beneficiaries in Kono District‟. ACC F
7. 7 are said to be calling on the ACC to investigate how the compan y has been utilizing tax payers monies. 24 Salone Times ‘ Tambakha Chief recommends ACC for national award‟. The Town Chief of Karamokosoria Chiefdom in the Tambakha Chiefdom has recommended ACC for a national award for the Commission’s role in the implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net scheme. He made the statement at an outreach programme organised by the AC C for beneficiaries of the chiefdom. ACC F 25 AYV ‘ Kagbere Community spreads red carpet for ACC‟. Beneficiaries and stakeholders of Kagbere Town, Magbaima Ndorhahun Chiefdom gave a warm welcome to staff of the ACC who were in the town to raise awareness o n the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net project. ACC F 26 AYV ‘ Tambakha Chief recommends ACC for national award‟. The Town Chief of Karamokosoria Chiefdom in the Tambakha Chiefdom has recommended ACC for a national award for the Commission’s role in the implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net scheme. He made the statement at an outreach programme organised by the ACC for beneficiaries of the chiefdom. ACC F 27 Standard Times ‘ Corruption at SLRTC: 59 bus conductors sacked‟. The paper claims that fifty - nine bus conductors of the Sierra Leone Road Transport Cor p o ration are complaining the institution for allegedly slicing their salaries since they were employed two years ago. News story A 11 th July 28 Exclusive ‘ Tambakha Chief recommends ACC for national award‟. The Town Chief of Karamokosoria Chiefdom in the Tambakha Chiefdom has recommended ACC for a national award for the Commission’s role in the implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the Social Safety Net scheme. He made the statement at an outreach programme ACC F
12. 12 and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. 53 Newswatch „The “citizens‟ manifes to”. The writer, Farla Barbu, says there is need for the ACC to make public assets declared by officials of the ruling government to get a fair knowledge on what they have acquired since they came into office. Commentary UF 19 th July 54 Newswatch „The “citizens‟ manifesto”. The writer, Farla Barbu, says there is need for the ACC to make public assets declared by officials of the ruling government to get a fair knowledge on what they have acquired since they came into office. Commentary UF 55 Peak „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timda le chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F 56 Spectator „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net fo r beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F 57 For Di People „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F 58 Success ‘ ACC poised to eliminate examination malpractices‟. This quoted Public Education Officer Magnus Bendu as saying that the ACC is determined to stamp out examination malpractices across the country. He made the statement while addressing students of the College of Theology and Management, Wesley Street. ACC F 59 New Storm „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F
10. 10 40 Spectator ACC empowers SSN beneficiaries on the grievance redress mechanism component of the project‟. The ACC held an awareness raising meeting with beneficiaries of the Social Safety Net programme to capacitate them on the Grievance Redress Mechanism component of the programme which provides them the opportunity to report to the ACC about any concerns or malpractices related to the SSN scheme. ACC F 13 th July 41 New Age Media „Over Isha Johansen‟s case, Ady Macauely disappoints Salone people‟. The paper accuses the ACC Commissioner of being silent over the SLFA since the last year when the SLFA President and Secretary General were arrested by the Commission. News story UF 42 Concord Times „ACC hunts LE 365M Ebola funds‟. This is about the testimony in court of Senior Investigator Umaru Sesay in the matter between the ACC and senior officials of The Needy Today in which three hundred and sixty - five million leones meant for the fight against Ebola was misappropriated. News story F 43 Salone Champion ‘ ACC poised to eliminate examination malpractices‟. This quoted Public Education Officer Magnus Bendu as saying that the ACC is determined to stamp out examination malpractices ac ross the country. He made the statement while addressing students of the College of Theology and Management, Wesley Street. ACC F 44 Guardian „ACC to investigate Executive Secretary‟. T he paper calls on the ACC to investigate the Executive Secretary of t he Local Government Service Commission for allegedly ‘creating confusion when he failed to follow laid down procedures in the recruitment of a civil engineer for the Freetown City Council. News story F 17 th July 45 Awoko „ACC monitors cash transfer in Kaila hun‟. Staff of the ACC office in Kenema joined Save the Children and the Catholic Relief Service in monitoring cash transfer to beneficiaries in Kailahun District. News story F 46 Trumpet „ACC secures conviction for impersonation agai nst Ibrahim Suma‟. ACC F
14. 14 Managing Director Ahmed Jalloh, the Marketing Manager, Finance Manager, Auditor, Technical and Procurement Managers, of forming a cabal to commit acts of corruption including misuse of public funds. 67 Independent Observer „ACC engages MDAs on the work of Integrity Management Committees‟. The National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat concludes a week - long engag ement to assess th e work of the Integrity Management C ommittees of ministries, departments and agencies of government in Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun and Bonthe. ACC F 68 Calabash „Over exams malpractices ACC indicts 2 teachers‟. This is about the appearance of Mohamed P. Konneh, a teacher of the Ansarul Islamic Secondary School in and Sahr Mani of the Government Technical Secondary School in Kenema, before Justice Ernest Gooding of the High Court Holden in Kenema. The two are standing trial on five counts of ex amination malpractices. News story F 69 AYV „ACC engages MDAs‟. The National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat concludes a week - long engage ment to assess the work of the Integrity Management C ommittees of ministries, departments and agencies of gover nment in Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun and Bonthe. ACC F 70 AYV „ACC motivates pupils and teachers to own the fight against corruption‟. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono conducted outreach events to pupils and teachers of various secondary schools in Kono to encourage them to stay away from all form s of bribery, exams malpractices and to help the Commission in the fight against graft. ACC F 71 Sierra Leone Daily Mail „ACC engages MDAs on the work of Integrity Management Committees‟. The National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat concludes a week - long engage ment to assess the work of the Integrity Management C ommittees of ministries, departments and agencies of government in Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun and Bonthe. ACC F 72 Sierra Leone Daily Mail „ACC sensitizes Western Rural ACC F
16. 16 Association Angel Maria Villar, stating that the arrest comes at a time when the ACC is delaying the investigation of the President of the Sierra Leone Football Association Isha Johansen. 79 Exclusive „Teachers, pupils to wage war on corruption‟. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono conducted outreach events to pupils and teachers of various secondary schools in Kono to encourage them to stay away from all form s of bribery, exams malpractices and to hel p the Commission in the fight against graft. ACC F 80 Standard Times „Teachers and pupils own the fight against corruption‟. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono conducted outreach events to pupils and teachers of various secondary schools in Kono to encou rage them to stay away from all form s of bribery, exams malpractices and to help the Commission in the fight against graft. ACC F 81 „ACC sensitizes Western Rural beneficiaries on the Grievance Redress Mechanism‟. The ACC conducted awareness raising even ts on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the project in the Western Rural District. ACC F 82 Independent Observer „ACC engages MDAs on the work of Integrity Management Committees‟. The National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat concludes a week - long engagement t o assess the work of the Integrity Management C ommittees of ministries, departments and agencies of government in Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun and Bonthe. ACC F 26 th July 83 Independent Observer „Anti - Corruption recovers Le 300m in 3 months‟. The ACC has recovered three hundred and thirty - three mill ion Leones (Le 333,000,000) of G overnment money s in the last three months. The amount includes one hund red and five million Leones (Le. 105,000 ,000) recovered during the recently concluded overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, ninety - nine million six hundred and forty - eight million Leones (Le ACC F
13. 13 60 Success „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Tim dale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F 20 th July 61 Concord Times „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F 62 Salone Pride „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC conducted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F 63 Standard Times „ACC ends sensitization on grievance redress for SSN beneficiaries‟. The ACC condu cted the last of a series of outreach programmes on the grievance redress mechanism component of the Social Safety Net for beneficiaries of the scheme in Kowa and Timdale chiefdoms, Moyamba District. ACC F 21 st July 64 AYV „ACC may investigate Salone Judiciary?‟. According to the report, some officials of the J udiciary allegedly processed fake documents, such as sur e ties’ title deeds, for the granting of bail to an accused, Mohamed Titor Bah, who was standing trial for alleg edly duping a businessman, Justin B. Kamara, one hundred thousand US dollars. News story F 65 New Storm „ACC indicts examination fraudsters‟. According to the report, the ACC has indicted an official of the West African Examinations Council and an exam iner for allegedly engaging in examination malpractices when they received bribes from candidates in exchange for grades. News story F 24 th July 66 Times SL „Corruption stinks at SLRTC‟. The paper accuses the General Manager of the Sierra Leone Roads Transport Corporation Bockarie Lewis Kamara, the Acting Deputy News story A
22. 22 and five million Leones (Le . 105,000,000) recovered durin g the recently concluded overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, ninety - nine million six hundred and forty - eight million Leones (Le . 99,648,000) recovered from a private institution and one hundred and twenty - eight million Leones (Le . 128,000,000) which was recovered from a public institution which had failed to repay back to the Consolidated Revenue Fund salaries of staff who had left the institution. 108 Premier News „Assets Commission calls for partnership with ACC‟. The Chairman of the National Assets and Government Property Commission (NAGPC) Ambassador Idrissa M. Funna requests for a close partnership with the Anti - Corruption Commission in order to protect G overnment property. He made the request during a courtesy call on the ACC on Wednesday 26 th July, 2017. ACC F 3 1st July 109 Spectator „National Assets Commission calls for partnership with ACC‟. The Chairman of the National Assets and Government Property Commission (NAGPC) Ambassador Idrissa M. Funna requests for a close partnership with the Anti - Corruption Commission in order to protect government property. He made the request during a courtesy call on the ACC on Wednesday 2 6th July, 2017. ACC F 110 Global Times „Defence contractors in big scam‟. This quotes seni or G overnment auditors as saying that most contractors/suppliers inflate prices for equipment, goods and services rendered to the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Defence , making particular reference to one Musa Antar who was awarded a contract for the supply of military kits and uniforms. News story A 111 Guardian Post „Corruption is crippling Sierra Leone‟. The paper claims that the high rate of corruption in the education sector is causing pupils and students to engage in acts of bribery to gain admission and gain high grades. Editorial A 112 Guardian Post „ACC capacitates Sierra Leone Commercial Bank staff on anti - bribery and anti - corruption issues‟. On the request ACC F
3. 3 No. NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF 3 rd July 1 New Vision „ACC heightens PNB campaign in colleges‟. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with staff and students of the Nursing Faculty of Njala University to raise awareness on cases of bribery in academic institutions and to enlist them in the fight against bribery. ACC F 2 Guardian Post „ACC heightens PNB campaign in colleges‟. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with staff and students of the Nursing Faculty of Njala University to raise awareness on cases of bribery in academic institutions and to enlist them in the fight against bribery. ACC F 3 Salone Times „After Kingko na Kingko corruption hits Statistics‟. The paper accuses the Statistician General of Statistics Sierra Leone of offering a bribe of one hundred million leones to officials of the Ministry of Finance including the Deputy Development Secretary Sheku Kamara to extend his term at the institution after attaining his retirement age. News story A 4 Sierra Express Media „ACC heightens PNB campaign in colleges‟. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with staff and students of the Nursing Faculty of Njala University to raise awareness on cases of bribery in academic institutions and to enlist them in the fight against bribery. ACC F 5 Awoko „WANTED‟ Sheku Kabba aka British, a second year student in the BSc Public Health programme at Najla UNIVERSITY, Bo Campus is wanted by the ACC to help with an ongoing investigation. ACC F 6 Awoko „WANTED‟ . Mustapha Salia aka Dada, a student of the Institute of A dvanced Management and Technology (IAMTECH), Bo is declared wanted by the ACC to help with an ongoing investigation. ACC F 4 th July 7 Nationalist „ACC heightens PNB campaign in colleges‟. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with staff and students of the Nursing Faculty of Njala University to raise awareness on cases of bribery in academic institutions and to enlist them in the fight ACC F
20. 20 Leones (Le . 333,000,000) of government moneys in the last three months. The amount includes one hundred and five million Leones (Le . 105,000,000) recovered during the recently concluded overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, ninety - nine million six hundred and forty - eight million Leones (Le . 99,648,000) recovered from a private institution and one hundred and twenty - eight million Leones (Le . 128,000,000) which was recovered from a public institution which had failed to repay to the Consolidated Revenue Fund salaries of staff who had left the institution. 99 Premier News „ACC trains staff of SLCB‟. On the request of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, the ACC provided training on anti - bribery and anti - corr uption issues for staff of the B ank. ACC F 100 Ne w Vision „ACC recovers over Le 300m‟. The ACC has recovered three hundred and thirty - three million Leones (Le . 333,000,000) of government moneys in the last three months. The amount includes one hundred and five million Leones (Le . 105,000,000) recovered during the recently concluded overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, ninety - nine million six hundred and forty - eight million Leones (Le . 99,648,000) recovered from a private institution and one hundred and twenty - eight mil lion Leones (Le . 128,000,000) which was recovered from a public institution which had failed to repay to the Consolidated Revenue Fund salaries of staff who had left the institution. ACC F 101 Standard Times „Anti - bribery & anti - corruption...ACC lectures Co mmercial Bank‟. On the request of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, the ACC provided training on anti - bribery and anti - corr uption issues for staff of the B ank. ACC F 2 8th July 102 For Di People „ACC capacitates Sierra Leone Commercial Bank staff on anti - bribery and anti - corruption issues‟. On the request of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, the ACC provided training on anti - bribery and ACC F
21. 21 anti - corruption issues for staff of the bank. 103 Trumpet „ACC recovers over Le 300m‟. The ACC has recovered three hundred and thirty - three million Leones (Le . 333,000,000) of government moneys in the last three months. The amount includes one hundred and five million Leones (Le . 105,000,000) recovered du ring the recently concluded overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, ninety - nine million six hundred and forty - eight million Leones (Le . 99,648,000) recovered from a private institution and one hundred and twenty - eight million Leones (Le . 128,000,0 00) which was recovered from a public institution which had failed to repay to the Consolidated Revenue Fund salaries of staff who had left the institution. ACC F 104 For Di People „ACC recovers over Le 300m‟. The ACC has recovered three hundred and thir ty - three million Leones (Le . 333,000,000) of government moneys in the last three months. The amount includes one hundred and five million Leones (Le . 105,000,000) recovered during the recently concluded overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, nine ty - nine million six hundred and forty - eight million Leones (Le 99,648,000) recovered from a private institution and one hundred and twenty - eight million Leones (Le . 128,000,000) which was recovered from a public institution which had failed to repay to the Consolidated Revenue Fund salaries of staff who had left the institution. ACC F 105 Spectator „Corruption is crippling Sierra Leone‟s education sector‟. The paper claims that the high rate of corruption in the education is causing pupils and students to engage in acts of bribery to gain admission and gain high grades. Commentary A 106 Spectator „ACC capacitates Sierra Leone Commercial Bank staff on anti - bribery and anti - corruption issues‟. On the request of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, the ACC provided training on anti - bribery and anti - corr uption issues for staff of the B ank. ACC F 107 Cala bash „ACC recovers over Le 300m‟. The ACC has recovered three hundred and thirty - three million Leones (Le . 333,000,000) of government moneys in the last three months. The amount includes one hundred ACC F
19. 19 92 Salone Times „ACC motivates pupils and teachers to own the fight against corruption‟. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono conducted outreach events to pupils and teac hers of various secondary schools in Kono to encourage them to stay away from all form s of bribery, exams malpractices and to help the Commission in the fight against graft. ACC F 93 Spectator „ACC dialogues with education stakeholders on bribery‟. The Northern Regional office of the ACC held a meeting with officials of the Ministry of Education, principals and head teachers of various schools in the Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 94 Guardian Post „ACC engages MDAs on the work of Integrity Management Committees‟. The National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat concludes a week - long engage ment to assess the work of the Integrity Management C ommittees of ministries, departments and agencies of gover nment in Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun and Bonthe. ACC F 95 Guardian Post „ACC motivates pupils and teachers to own the fight against corruption‟. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono conducted outreach events to pupils and teachers of various secondary schools in Kono to encourage them to stay away from all form s of bribery, exams malpractices and to help the Commission in the fight against graft. ACC F 27 th July 96 AYV „ACC capacitates Sierra Leone Commercial Bank on anti - bribery and anti - corruption issues‟. On the request of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, the ACC provided training on anti - bribery and anti - corr uption issues for staff of the B ank. ACC F 97 Independent Observer „ACC capacitates Sierra Leone Commercial Bank on anti - bribery and anti - corruption issues‟. On the request of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, the ACC provided training on anti - bribery and anti - corr uption issues for staff of the B ank. ACC F 98 Guardian Post „ACC recovers over Le 300m in the last three months‟. The ACC has recovered three hundred and thirty - three million ACC F
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