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16. 16 anti - graft crusade’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC conducted an outreach meeting at the Port Loko campus of the Ernest Bai Koroma to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how students could use it to report acts of bribery. 75 Equity ‘ACC cautioned pilot MDAs’. The Eastern Regional Office of the ACC in Kenema met with the pilot ministries, department s and agencies under the PNB to remind them about their obligations under the campaign and to tackle commonly reported cases of bribery in their institutions. ACC F 76 Premier News ‘ACC takes fight against corruption to Njala University’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with staff and students of the Nursing Faculty of Njala University to raise awareness on cases of bribery in academic institutions and to enlist them in the fight against bribery. ACC F 77 Awoko ‘ACC partners with Bo CS Os in the fight against corruption in Bo’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with civil society organisations in Bo to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and to solicit civil society support in the fight against corruption and bribery. ACC F 78 Standard Times ‘E342,612 chopped at NPPA...Executive Director suspended’. The paper reports that three senior officials of the National Protected Area Authority have been suspended by the Board pending investigations by the ACC. The three officials, including the Chief Executive Officer Kolleh Bangura, Amos D. Kamara and Sahr J. Kanfineh, were suspended over the alleged misappropriation of 342,612 Euros grant by the European Union. News story F 79 AYV ‘PNB goes academia’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with staff and students of the Nursing Faculty of Njala University to raise awareness about cases of bribery in academic institutions and to enlist them in the fight against bribery. ACC F

2. 2 Highlights The month of June saw 97% of favourable publications, while the percentage of unfavourable publications was 1%. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 2%. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports ‘ACC secures conviction against two staff of World Vision’. The Bo High Court presided over by Hon. Justice Kekura Bangura convicted Leslie Lahai Monson and Kerfala Janneh, employees of World Vision on various corruption offences related to the dishonest appropriation of over twelve million leones by registering eighty nine fake nam es as residents of Nengbema in Bo District to enable them qualify to receive WFP Ebola food aid. ‘ ACC to tackle corrupt ion in the language of the road . ' ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies, in a meeting with senior officials of the Sierra Leone Roads Au thority, Roads Maintenance Fund and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority, explained the Commission’s plan to curb corrupt practices in the traffic sector and therefore encouraged the said institutions to ensure the visibility of road signs in order to di scourage discretional enforcement by traffic police and road safety co r ps. ‘ Mass sensitization on Pay No Bribe campaign ends in Freetown’. The Public Education and Outreach Department conducted a mass sensitization of the Pay No Bribe campaign in the lorry parks of Ogoo Farm, Juba Bridge Lorry Park, Regent Road/Lumley and Aberdeen roundabouts, St John, PZ, Eastend Police, Up Gun, Dan Street, Shell Texa co, PMB, Calaba Town, Jui Waterloo/Tombo and 55 Lorry Parks. ‘ACC arrests three examiners for alleged corruption offences’. The ACC arrested Messrs Marveh Francis Kamara, Amara Kamara and Mohamed Momoh, teachers of the Ansarul Islamic Secondary School in Kenema and examiners of the West African Examination Council, for alleged corruption offences after it emerged that the three were bribed by WASSCE candidates to rewrite papers they took in the last examinations. ‘ ACC sets to push for single window regime at SLPA: A PNB strategy’. This makes reference to the overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, where the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the pe troleum companies have not been going t hrough the ASYCUDA, makin g the G overnment to lose huge sums of monies. During the post operation meeting with stakeholders, the Commission says one of its recommendations will be the introduction of a single window for clearing goods at the quay. Unfavourable report ‘ Police corrup tion is overstated and unjustified’. The writer, Titus Boye - Thompson, opines that the PNB report which statistics show the Sierra Leone Police as the institution with the highest cases of bribery ‘failed to address the key contexts of public perceptions’ a nd that the institution is not as corrupt as being portrayed.

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR JUNE 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - A MBIVALENT REPORTS - articles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 79 Number of news stories - 16 Number of commentaries - 1 Number of editorials - 1 Number of s tories and articles from the Commission - 61 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 77 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 2 ( 2 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 76 ( 97 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 1 ( 1 %)

8. 8 Education and Outreach Department conducted a mass sensitization of the Pay No Bribe campaign in the lorry parks of Ogoo Farm, Juba Bridge Lorry Park, Regent Road/Lumley and Aberdeen roundabouts, St John, PZ, Eastend Police, Up Gun, Dan Street, Shell Texasco, PMB, Calaba Town, Jui Waterloo/Tombo and 55 Lorry Parks. 13 June 28 For Di People ‘ Mass sensitization on Pay No Bribe campaign ends in Freetown’. The Public Education and Outreach Department conducted a mass sensitization of the Pay No Bribe campaign in the lorry parks of Ogoo Farm, Juba Bridge Lorry Park, Regent Road/Lumley and Aberdeen roundabouts, St John, PZ, Eastend Police, Up Gun, Dan Street, Shell Texa co, PMB, Calaba Town, Jui Waterloo/Tombo and 55 Lorry Parks. ACC F 29 For Di People ‘ ACC joins insecticide - treated bed nets distribution in Bo’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo joined the Ministry of Education in the distribution of insecticide - treated bed nets to ensure that targeted beneficiaries receive their supplies of the nets. ACC F 30 For Di People ‘ACC arrests three examiners for alleged corruption offences’. The ACC arrested Messrs Marveh Francis Kamara, Amara Kamara and Mohamed Momoh, teachers of the Ansarul Islamic Secondary School in Kenema and examiners of the West African Examination Council, for alleged corruption offences after it emerged that the three were bribed by WASSCE candidates to rewrite papers they took in the last examinations. ACC F 31 Spectator ‘ ACC joins insecticide - treated bed nets distribution in Bo’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo joined the Ministry of Education i n the distribution of insecticide - treated bed nets to ensure that targeted beneficiaries receive their supplies of the nets. ACC F 32 Exclusive ‘ACC impounds 15 containers’ . This makes reference to the Director of Systems and Processes Reviews Rashid Tur ay as saying that, during on overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the petroleum companies News story F

4. 4 Vision on various corruption offences related to the dishonest appropriation of over twelve mill ion leones by registering eighty nine fake names as residents of Nengbema in Bo District to enable them qualify to receive WFP Ebola food aid. 6 June 7 Spectator ‘ ACC senior investigator testifies in A n glican diocese matter in Bo’ . ACC Senior Investigator Musa Jawara testified in the High Court Holden in Bo in the matter between the ACC and Prince Nallo and four others in which the accused collected seventy - four million leones from Bishop Emmanuel Tucker in a bid to ‘kill’ an ongoi ng investigation against the Bishop. ACC F 8 Spectator ‘ ACC enlists Laminaya in the Pay NO Bribe campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC organised an outreach meeting in the Laminaya Community in the Bombali District to promote the Pay No Br ibe campaign and enlist the community people in the campaign. ACC F 9 For Di People ‘ACC secures conviction against two staff of World Vision’. The Bo High Court presided over by Hon. Justice Kekura Bangura convicted Leslie Lahai Monson and Kerfala Janneh , employees of World Vision on various corruption offences related to the dishonest appropriation of over twelve million leones by registering eighty nine fake names as residents of Nengbema in Bo District to enable them qualify to receive WFP Ebola food a id. ACC F 10 For Di People ‘ ACC enlists Laminaya in the Pay NO Bribe campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC organised an outreach meeting in the Laminaya Community in the Bombali District to promote the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist the community people in the campaign. ACC F 11 Standard Times ‘ Anglican Diocese scam ... A CC investigator testifies’ . ACC Senior Investigator Musa Jawara testified in the High Court Holden in Bo in the matter between the ACC and Prince Nallo and four others in which the accused collected seventy - four million leones from Bishop Emmanuel Tucker i n a bid to ‘kill’ an ongoing investigation against the Bishop. ACC F

9. 9 have not being going through the ASYCUDA, making the government to lose huge sums of monies. 14 June 33 Standard Times ‘ACC bites Ports Authority’. This makes reference to the overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, where the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the petroleum companies have not be en going through the ASYCUDA, making the government to lose huge sums of mo nies. News story F 34 Spectator ‘ ACC sets to push for single window regime at SLPA: A PNB strategy’. This makes reference to the overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, where the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the p etroleum companies have not be en going through the ASYCUDA, making the government to lose huge sums of monies. During the post operation meeting with stakeholders, the Commission says one its recommendations will be the introduction of a single window for clearing goods at the quay. ACC F 35 For Di People ‘ ACC sets to push for single window regime at SLPA: A PNB strategy’. This makes reference to the overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, where the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the pe troleum companies have not been going through the ASYCUDA, making the government to lose huge sums of m onies. ACC F 36 Democrat ‘ACC arrests three examiners for alleged corruption offences’. The ACC arrested Messrs Marveh Francis Kamara, Amara Kamara and Mohamed Momoh, teachers of the Ansarul Islamic Secondary School in Kenema and examiners of the West African Examination Council, for alleged corruption offences after it emerged that the thre e were bribed by WASSCE candidates to rewrite papers they took in the last examinations. ACC F 37 New Storm ‘ ACC sets to push for single window regime at SLPA: A PNB strategy’. This makes reference to the overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, where the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the petroleum companies ACC F

5. 5 7 June 12 Premier News ‘ACC to tackle corruption on the road’ . ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies, in a meeting with senior officials of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority, Roads Maintenance Fund and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority, explained the Commission’s plan to curb corrupt practices in the traffic sector and therefore encouraged the said institutions to ensure the visibility of road signs in order to discourage discretional enforcement by traffic police and r oad safety co r ps. ACC F 13 New Vision ‘ ACC to tackle corruption in the language of the road’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies, in a meeting with senior officials of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority, Roads Maintenance Fund and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority, explained the Commission’s plan to curb corrupt practices in the traffic sector and therefore encouraged the said institutions to ensure the visibility of road signs in order to discourage discretional enforcement by traffic police and r oad safety co r ps. ACC F 14 New Storm ‘ ACC to tackle corruption in the language of the road’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies, in a meeting with senior officials of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority, Roads Maintenance Fund and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority, explained the Commission’s plan to curb corrupt practices in the traffic sector and therefore encouraged the said institutions to ensure the visibility of road signs in order to discourage discretional enforcement by traffic police and ro ad safety co r ps. ACC F 15 For Di People ‘ ACC to tackle corruption in the language of the road’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies, in a meeting with senior officials of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority, Roads Maintenance Fund and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority, explained the Commission’s plan to curb corrupt practices in the traffic sector and therefore encouraged the said institutions to ensure the visibility of road signs in order to discourage discretional enforcement by traffic police and r oad safety co r ps. ACC F 16 Standard Times ACC enlists Laminaya in the Pay NO ACC F

15. 15 Bo is declared wanted by the ACC to help with an ongoing investigation. 68 Spectator ‘ ACC urges EDSA to tackle bribery and petty corruption’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo held a customized meeting with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority in Bo to raise awareness on issues of integrity and transparency and to urge them to tackle bribery in the delivery of services. ACC F 69 Spectator ‘ACC partners with CSOs in the fight against corruption in Bo’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with civil society organisations in Bo to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and to solicit civil society support in the fight aga inst corruption and bribery. ACC F 30 June 70 Daily Mail ‘ ACC urges EDSA Bo to tackle bribery and petty corruption’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo held a customized meeting with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority in Bo to raise awareness on issues of integrity and transparency and to urge them to tackle bribery in the delivery of services. ACC F 71 Guardian Post ‘ACC heightens PNB campaign in colleges’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with staff and students of the Nursing Faculty of Njala University to raise awareness about cases of bribery in academic institutions and to enlist them in the fight against bribery. ACC F 72 Guardian Post ‘ ACC urges EDSA Bo to tackle bribery and petty corruption’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo held a customized meeting with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority in Bo to raise awareness on issues of integrity and transparency and to urge them to tackle bribery in the delivery of services. ACC F 73 Success ‘ ACC urges EDSA Bo to tackle bribery and petty corruption’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo held a customized meeting with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority in Bo to raise awareness on issues of integrity and transparenc y and to urge them to tackle bribery in the delivery of services. ACC F 74 Success ‘Port Loko University College joins the ACC F

10. 10 have not be en going through the ASYCUDA, making the government to lose huge sums of monies. During the post operation meeting with stakeholders, the Commission say s one its recommendations will be the introduction of a single wi ndow for clearing goods at the Q uay. 15 June 38 Provincial Times ‘ ACC’s thunderbolt strikes 2 again’ . Hon. Justice Kekura Bangura of the High Court Holden in Bo sentenced Lahai Monson and Kelfala Janneh to three years imprisonment following their conviction on the offences of misappropriation of donor funds contrary to Anti - Corruption Act 2008. ACC F 39 New Age Media ‘ ACC sets to push for single window regime at SLPA: A PNB stra tegy’. This makes reference to the overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, where the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the petroleum companies have not be en going t hrough the ASYCUDA, making the G overnment to lose huge sum s of monies. During the post operation meeting with stakeholders, the Commission says one its recommendations will be the introduction of a single window for clearing goods at the Q uay. ACC F 40 Informant ‘ ACC sets to push for single window regime at SLPA: A PNB strategy’. This makes reference to the overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, where the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the petroleum companies have not be en going through the ASYCUDA, making the government to lose huge sums of monies. During the post operation meeting with stakeholders, the Commission says one its recommendations will be the introduction of a single window for clearing goods at the Q uay. ACC F 16 June 41 Owl ‘ ACC sets to push for single window regime at SLPA: A PNB strategy’. This makes reference to the overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, where the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the petroleum companies have not be en going through the ASYCUDA , making the government to lose ACC F

12. 12 integrity, desist from exams malpractices and report to acts of corruption to the Commission. 48 Independent Observer ‘ACC recognizes the Day of the African Child’. The ACC organised a seminar in observance of the Day of the African Child in which pupils from various schools were encouraged to imbibe high moral value and integrity, desist from exams malpractices and report to acts of corruption to the Commission. ACC F 49 Guardian ‘ACC recognizes the Day of the African Child’. The ACC organised a seminar in observance of the Day of the African Child in which p upils from various schools were encouraged to imbibe high moral value and integrity, desist from exams malpractices and report to acts of corruption to the Commission. ACC F 23 June 50 Salone Champion ‘ACC recognizes the Day of the African Child’. The ACC organised a seminar in observance of the Day of the African Child in which pupils from various schools were encouraged to imbibe high moral value and integrity, desist from exams malpractices and repo rt to acts of corruption to the Commission. ACC F 51 Times SL ‘ Connaught Hospital salary scam’. The paper accuses the Hospital Secretary of Connaught Hospital, Foday Musa of calling a meeting of staff demanding for the imposition of charges for various services at the hospital’s mortuary in a bid to raise revenue that would enable them pay volunteer staff at the mortuary. The paper states that there are calls fo r the intervention of the ACC into the matter. News story F 52 Times SL ‘ For failing to account for donor funds...Local Gov t. Minister suspends 16 Councils’. This quotes the Minister of Local Government Maya Kaikai as saying that the M inistry has suspended sixteen staff of various local councils for allegedly misappropriating government and donor funds. News story A 53 Equity ‘ ACC to investigate DTO Eastern Police’. The paper accuses the DTO of the Eastern Police Division of engaging in corrupt practices, namely collecting five million News story F

13. 13 leones from various lorry parks and extorting forty thousand leones from commercial drivers arrested for traffic offences. 54 For Di People ‘ Connaught in mortuary workers’ salary scam’. The paper accuses the Hospital Secretary of Connaught Hospital, Foday Musa of calling a meeting of staff demanding for the imposition of charges for various services at the hospital’s mortuary in a bid to raise revenue that would enable them pay volunteer staff at the mortuary. The paper states that there are calls for the intervention of the ACC into the matter. News story F 55 Independent Observer ‘ Mortuary on dead bodies revenue collection’. The paper accuses the Hospital Secretary of Connaught Hospi tal, Foday Musa of calling a meeting of staff demanding for the imposition of charges for various services at the hospital’s mortuary in a bid to raise revenue that would enable them pay volunteer staff at the mortuary. The paper states that there are call s for the intervention of the ACC into the matter. News story F 27 June 56 Standard Times ‘ Information Minister and co scoop US$ 40,000 from Gateway Account’. The paper accuses the Minister of Information and Communication Mohamed Bangura of conniving with officials of the National Telecommunications Commission of withdrawing forty thousand US dollars from the Gateway Account in the name of attending an interna tional conference. News story A 28 June 57 Nationalist ‘ACC partners with CSOs’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with civil society organisations in Bo to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and to solicit civil society support in the fight against corruption and bribery. ACC F 58 AYV ‘ACC partners with CSOs in the fight against corruption in Bo’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with civil society organisations in Bo to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and to solicit civil society support in the fight against corruption and bribery. ACC F 29 June 59 Premier News ‘ ACC urges EDSA to tackle bribery’. The ACC F

14. 14 ACC Regional Office in Bo held customized meeting with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority in Bo to raise awareness on issues of integrity and transparency and to urge them to tackle bribery in the delivery of services. 60 Standard Times ‘WANTED’ Sheku Kabba aka British, a second year student in the BSc Public Health programme a t Najla UNIVERSITY, Bo Campus is wanted by the ACC to help with an ongoing investigation. ACC F 61 Standard Times ‘WANTED’ . Mustapha Salia aka Dada, a student of the Institute of Advanced Management and Technology (IAMTECH), Bo is declared wanted by the ACC to help with an ongoing investigation. ACC F 62 Independent Observer ‘ACC partners with CSOs in the fight against corruption in Bo’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo met with civil society organisations in Bo to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and to solicit civil society support in the fight against corruption and bribery. ACC F 63 Nationalist ‘WANTED’ Sheku Kabba aka British, a second year student in the BSc Public Health programme at Najla UNIVERSITY, Bo Campus is wanted by the ACC to help with an ongoing investigation. ACC F 64 Nationalist ‘WANTED’ . Mustapha Salia aka Dada, a student of the Institute of Advanced Management and Technology (IAMTECH), Bo is declared wanted by the ACC to help with an ongoing investigation. ACC F 65 AYV ‘ ACC urges EDSA to tackle bribery and petty corruption’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo held a customized meetin g with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority in Bo to raise awareness on issues of integrity and transparency and to urge them to tackle bribery in the delivery of services. ACC F 66 New Vision ‘WANTED’ Sheku Kabba aka British, a seco nd year student in the BSc Public Health programme at Najla UNIVERSITY, Bo Campus is wanted by the ACC to help with an ongoing investigation. ACC F 67 New Vision ‘WANTED’ . Mustapha Salia aka Dada, a student of the Institute of Advanced Management and Technology (IAMTECH), ACC F

6. 6 Bribe campaign’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC organised an outreach meeting in the Laminaya Community in the Bombali District to promote the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist the community people in the campaign. 17 Success ‘ ACC to tackle corruption in the language of the road’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies, in a meeting with senior officials of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority, Roads Maintenance Fund and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority, explained the Commission’s plan to curb corrupt practices in the traffic sector and therefore encouraged the said institutions to ensure the visibility of road signs in order to discourage discretional enforcemen t by traffic police and road safety co r ps. ACC F 18 Salone Champion ‘ ACC to tackle corruption in the language of the road’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies, in a meeting with senior officials of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority, Roads Maintenance Fund and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority, explained the Commission’s plan to curb corrupt practices in the traffic sector and therefore encouraged the said institutions to ensure the visibility of road signs in order to discourage discretional enforcement by traffic police and r oad safety co r ps. ACC F 19 Success ‘ Police corruption is overstated and unjustified’. The writer, Titus Boye - Thompson, opines that the PNB report whose statistics show the Sierra Leone Police as the institution with the highest cases of bribery ‘faile d to address the key contexts of public perceptions ’ and that the institution is not as corrupt as being portrayed . Commentary UF 8 June 20 New Age ‘ The corruption paradox in Sierra Leone’. The paper talks of the devastating effects of corruption and praises the ACC for its laudable efforts in the fight as well as calling on the public to support the Commission in the fight against the scourge. Editorial F 21 New Age ‘ ACC to tackle corrup tion in the language of the road’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies, in a meeting with senior officials of the Sierra Leone ACC F

3. 3 No. NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF 2 June 1 Independent Observer ‘ACC secures conviction against two staff of World Vision’. The Bo High Court presided over by Hon. Justice Kekura Bangura convicted Leslie Lahai Monson and Kerfala Janneh, employees of World Vision on various corruption offences related to the dishonest appropriation of over twelve million leones by registering eighty nine fake names as residents of Nengbema in Bo Di strict to enable them qualify to receive WFP Ebola food aid. ACC F 2 New Citizen ‘ To end corruption, we must check ourselves’. This makes reference to a social worker in Kabala who is quoted as saying that citizens can help the ACC in the fight against corruption by doing a self - check in order to see how every citizen is helping in the fight against the scourge. News story F 3 Salone Times ‘ ACC Boss clears the air’. This quotes Commissioner Ady Macauley as saying that the Commission is not investigating the Chairman of the National Electoral Commission N’fa Alie Conteh contrary to a report in a local tabloid. News story F 4 AYV ‘ACC secures conviction against two staff of World Vision’. The Bo High Court presided over by Hon. Justice Kekura Bangura convicted Leslie Lahai Monson and Kerfala Janneh, employees of World Vision on various corruption offences related to the disho nest appropriation of over twelve million leones by registering eighty nine fake names as residents of Nengbema in Bo District to enable them qualify to receive WFP Ebola food aid. ACC F 5 Success ‘ ACC sensitizes pupils in Kono on the importance of the PNB Campaign’. The ACC sub - regional office in Kono conducted an outreach programme on the Pay No Bribe campaign to staff and pupils of the Kono Model Academy and the Apostle Bona Aladura schools in Koidu. ACC F 6 Success ‘ACC secures conviction against two staff of World Vision’. The Bo High Court presided over by Hon. Justice Kekura Bangura convicted Leslie Lahai Monson and Kerfala Janneh, employees of World ACC F

11. 11 huge sums of monies. During the post operation meeting with stakeholders, the Commission says one its recommendations will be the introduction of a single window for clearing goods at the quay. 42 New Vision ‘ ACC storms Njala’. The paper reports that the ACC has instituted an investigation into alleged malpractices at the Njala University, including conferment of fake degrees and misappropriation of funds. This led to the arrest of two finance officers and other st aff of interest. News story F 43 Standard Times ‘ 2 Finance officers arrested at Njala University , Bo Campus’. The paper reports that the ACC has instituted an investigation into alleged malpractices at the Njala University, including conferment of fake degrees and misappropriation of funds. This led to the arrest of two finance officers and other staff of interest. News story F 44 Future Media ‘ ACC impounds 15 containers at Water Quay’. This makes reference to the overt operation at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, where the ACC impounded fifteen containers and also discovered that the petroleum companies have not being going through the ASYCUDA, making the government to lose huge sums of monies. News story F 19 June 45 Standard Times ‘ 3 fuel thieves at EDSA arrested’. The paper reports of the arrest of three staff of EDSA - Patrick Hindolo Moriba and Gabriel Fillie (storekeepers) and Usman Bockarie - by the ACC in Bo over allegations of misappropriation of fuel meant for electricity generation in Bo. News story F 22 June 46 Spectator ‘ACC recognizes the Day of the African Child’. The ACC organised a seminar in observance of the Day of the African Child in which pupils from various schools were encouraged to imbibe high morale value and integrity, desist from e xams malpractices and report to acts of corruption to the Commission. ACC F 47 For Di People ‘ACC recognizes the Day of the African Child’. The ACC organised a seminar in observance of the Day of the African Child in which pupils from various schools were encouraged to imbibe high moral value and ACC F

7. 7 Roads Authority, Roads Maintenance Fund and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority, explained the Commission’s plan to curb co rrupt practices in the traffic sector and therefore encouraged the said institutions to ensure the visibility of road signs in order to discourage discretional enforcement by traffic police and road safety co r ps. 22 Awoko ‘ Mass sensitization on Pay No Bribe campaign ends in Freetown’. The Public Education and Outreach Department conducted a mass sensitization of the Pay No B ribe campaign in the lorry parks of Ogoo Farm, Juba Bridge Lorry Park, Regent Road/Lumley and Aberdeen roundabouts, St John, PZ, Eastend Police , Up Gun, Dan Street, Shell Texasco, PMB, Calaba Town, Jui Waterloo/Tombo and 55 Lorry Parks. ACC F 23 Unique News ‘ HRCSL submits asset declaration forms to ACC’ . The Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone did a symbolic presentation of the assets declaration forms of Commissioners and staff of the Commission to the Commissioner of the ACC Ady Macauley at a ceremony at the ACC’s Gloucester Street office in Freetown. News story F 9 June 24 Informant ‘ ACC joins insecticide - treated bed nets distribution in Bo’. The ACC Regional Office in Bo joined the Ministry of Education in the distribution of insecticide - treated bed nets to ensure that targeted beneficiaries receive their supplies of the nets. ACC F 25 Informant ‘ Fake ACC officer arrested’. One Abu Bakarr Bangura who has been impersonating as ACC staff was arrested in Makeni by police officers. ACC F 26 Spectator ‘ Mass sensitization on Pay No Bribe campaign ends in Freetown’. The Public Education and Outreach Department conducted a mass sensitization of the Pay No Bribe campaign in the lorry parks of Ogoo Farm, Juba Bridge Lorry Park, Regent Road/Lumley and Aberdeen roundabouts, St John, PZ, Eastend Police, Up Gun, Dan Street, Shell Texa co, PMB, Calaba Town, Jui Waterloo/Tombo and 55 Lorry Parks. ACC F 27 Guardian Post ‘ Mass sensitization on Pay No Bribe campaign ends in Freetown’. The Public ACC F


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