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3. 3 Unfavourable report ‘Is ACC dead or alive...21.2 billion in limbo at Education Ministry’. The paper makes reference to the call by the Budget Advocacy Network to investigate the Mi nistry of Education over the alleged misappropriation of over 21.2 billion leones in recent years as reported by the Auditor General’s Report.

29. 29 177 For Di Peo ple ‘ACC engages Faculty of Nursing on Pay No Bribe’. The ACC met with administrative and academic staff of the Faculty of Nursing to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they could work to address cases of bribery. ACC F 178 Provincial Ti mes ‘ACC lauds Police IG Munu’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officers of the Sierra Leone Police , Waterloo Division , the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach commended the Inspector General of Police for his commitment to the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 179 AYV ‘ACC commends IG Munu on the PNB Campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officers of the Sierra Leone Police , Waterloo Division , the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach commended the Inspector General of Police for his commitment to the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 180 Awoko ‘ACC engage Waterloo Police Division on the PNB Campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officers of the Sierra Leone Police , Waterloo Division , the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach commended the Inspector General of Police for his commitment to the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F

2. 2 Highlights The month of March of saw 95 % of favourable publications, while the percentage of unfavourable publications was 1%. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 4%. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports ‘ACC released its first Pay No Bribe Report’ . This is about the report release d by the ACC showing statistics of reports of cases of bribery since the Pay No Bribe reporting platform was unveiled. ‘ ACC indicts 9 for misappropriation of donor property and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence’ . The ACC indicted nine persons: Kenn eth Kpaka, Mathew Sannoh, Alie Fomba and Prince Ansumana alias T Man - all employees of Community Development Integrated Organisation in Kenema; Ibrahim Conteh, Gabriel Jusu, Abdul Rahman Jaward Junior, Isaac Jongopie Kamara - employees of Tropical Firms Limi ted Company in Kenema; and Inna Kallon, a trader for various corruption offences under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. ‘ ACC Commissioner interacts with NGOs’. At a conference organised by Sierra Leone Association of Non - governmental Organisations, Commission er Ady Macauley took the time to explain about the offences under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, especially the area under which NGOs can be held to account for donor or public funds. ‘ACC Deputy Commissioner addresses SLANGO’ . At a conference organised b y the Sierra Leone Association of Non - Governmental Organisations, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Shollay Davie s spoke about the duties of NGOs under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 and how they could be held accountable under the Act. ‘Accountability Now Clu bs speak to the Pay No Bribe campaign in a debate competition’. The ACC organised a debate competition for Accountability Now Clubs in tertiary institutions on the Pay No Bribe campaign, with Fourah Bay College emerging as winner . ‘35 MDAs renew commitmen t to tackle bribery in Bo District’. The ACC Office in Bo met with ministries, departments and agencies of Government in the District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how the institutions can take ownership of the campaign to reduce b ribery and improve service delivery. ‘West Africa Foreign and Commonwealth Office Head visits ACC’s PNB Centre’. The Head of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for West Africa, Rob Dixon, paid a visit to the Pay No Bribe call centre, where he registered his impression about the gains made by the PNB campaign. ‘ACC commends IG Munu on the PNB Campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officers of the Sierra Leone Police Division , the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach commended the I nspector General of Police for his commitment to the Pay No Bribe campaign.

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR MARCH 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - articles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 180 Number of news stories - 24 Number of commentaries - 6 Number of editorials - 3 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 147 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 173 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 7 ( 4 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 172 ( 95 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 1 ( 1 %)

25. 25 cases of bribery in their institutions. 150 Standard Times ‘ACC strengthens integrity and Accountabi lity Now Clubs in Kenema on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC Office in Kenema organised quiz and debate competitions for Integrity Clubs and Accountability Now Clubs in schools and tertiary institutions in the district on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 151 Independent Observer ‘ACC dialogues with the five pilot MDAs in Kenema District on the first quarter Pay No Bribe campaign report’. The ACC Office in Kenema met with the pilot MDAs under the Pay No Bribe campaign to discuss the first quarter PNB rep ort and steps to take to combat cases of bribery in their institutions. ACC F 152 New Vision ‘ACC strengthens integrity and Accountability Now Clubs in Kenema on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC Office in Kenema organi sed a meeting for Integrity Clubs and Accountability Now Clubs in schools and tertiary institutions in the district to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 153 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘35 MDAs renew commitment to tackle bribery in Bo’. The ACC Office in Bo met with ministries, departments and agencies of Government in the District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how the institutions can take ownership of the campaign to reduce bribery and improve service delivery. ACC F 154 AYV ‘CSOs and the media make inroads in tackling bribery in Bo District’. The Southern Regional Office of the ACC met with representatives of civil society and the media in Bo to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and solicit their support in the fight against bribery and corruption. ACC F 155 Spectator ‘CSOs and the media make inroads in tackling bribery in Bo District’. The Southern Regional Office of the ACC met with representatives of civil society and the media in Bo to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and solicit their support in the fight against bribery and corruption. ACC F 28 March 156 Concord Times ‘MOHS Permanent Secretary vows to inject new blood into PNB campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with ACC F

26. 26 officials of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the Permanent Secretary in the M inistry, David W.S Banya, pledged to inject new blood into the campaign in order to address cases of bribery. 157 AYV ‘MOHS Permanent Secretary vows to inject new bl ood into PNB campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officials of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the Permanent Secretary in the M inistry, David W.S Banya, pledged to inject new blood into the campaign in order to address cases of briber y. ACC F 158 Independent Observer ‘ACC engages Faculty of Nursing on Pay No Bribe’. The ACC met with administrative and academic staff of the Faculty of Nursing to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they could work to address cases of br ibery. ACC F 159 Concord Times ‘Le 21.2 billion missing at Education Ministry’. This makes reference to a report by the Budget Advocacy Network, which claims the Ministry of Education could not account for over 21.2 billion leones as reported by the Audit Service and therefore calls on the ACC to institute an investigation. ACC F 160 Nationalist ‘ACC dialogues MDAs in Kenema District on PNB Report’. The ACC Office in Kenema met with the pilot MDAs under the Pay No Bribe campaign to discuss the first quar ter PNB report and steps to take to combat cases of bribery in their institutions. ACC F 161 New Storm ‘CSOs and the media make inroads in tackling bribery in Bo District’. The Southern Regional Office of the ACC met with representatives of civil society and the media in Bo to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and solicit their support in the fight against bribery and corruption. ACC F 162 New Storm ‘ACC strengthens integrity and Accountability Now Clubs in Kenema on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC Office in Kenema organised a meeting for Integrity Clubs and Accountability Now Clubs in schools an d tertiary institutions in the D istrict to raise awa reness on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 1 63 Global Times ‘ACC Investigator appears in court’. ACC Senior Investigator, Umar Sesay, testified in The Needy Today matter, which relates to the News story F

18. 18 Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC con ducted an awareness raising event at the Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign. 105 Standard Times ‘How the ISIS passport deal was struck ...Immigration Office turns epicenter for corruption’. The story states how the Immigration D epartment sold out ten Sierra Leonean passports to some individuals who were serving as conduit for the terrorist group, ISIS. News story A 17 March 106 Guardian ‘Accountability Now Clubs speak to the Pay No Bribe campaign in a debate competition’. . The ACC organised a debate competition for Accountability Now Clubs in tertiary institutions on the Pay No Bribe campaign, with Fourah Bay College emerging as winner. ACC F 107 Informant ‘Accountability Now Clubs speak to the Pay No Bribe campaign in a debate competition’. The ACC organised a debate competition for Accountability Now Clubs in tertiary institutions on the Pay No Bribe campaign, with Fourah Bay College emerging as winner . AC C F 108 AYV ‘Accountability Now Clubs speak to the Pay No Bribe campaign in a debate competition’. The ACC organised a debate competition for Accountability Now Clubs in tertiary institutions on the Pay No Bribe campaign, with Fourah Bay College emerging as winner . ACC F 109 Standard Times ‘Accountability Now Clubs speak to the Pay No Bribe campaign in a debate competition’. . The ACC organised a debate competition for Accountability Now Clubs in tertiary institutions on the Pay No Bribe campaign, with F ourah Bay College emerging as winners. ACC F 110 Standard Times ‘Accountability Now Clubs speak to the Pay No Bribe campaign in a debate competition’. . The ACC organised a debate competition for Accountability Now Clubs in tertiary institutions on the Pay No Bribe campaign, with Fourah Bay College emer ging as winner . ACC F 111 New Storm ‘Accountability Now Clubs speak to the Pay No Bribe campaign in a d ebate competition’. . The ACC organised a debate ACC F

5. 5 Sub - regional office in Kono held a customized meeting with Conference of Principals and Council of Head Teachers in Kono to raise awareness on the issue of examination malpractices, urging them to do all they could to fight against s uch ill - practices, especially during external examinations. 8 Nationalist ‘ ACC urges Principals to resist examination malpractices’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono held a customized meeting with Conference of Principals and Council of Head Teachers in Kono to raise awareness on the issue of examination malpractices, urging them to do all they could to fight against such ill - practices, especially during external examinations. ACC F 9 Trumpet ‘ Yes! ACC must probe the PPRC Acting Registrar’. The paper calls on the ACC to investigate the Acting Registrar of the PPRC, Zainab Moseray following reports that she abused her office in a matter related to who should represent the SLPP in a P arliamentary bye - election. Editorial F 2 March 10 Premier News ‘ACC commends nurses at Waterloo over PNB reports’ . At a customized meeting held at the Waterloo Government Hospital, the ACC team hailed nurses of the hospital for their integrity as the Pay No Bribe reports show that five of the twenty - five reports of honest officers reported about came from the hospital. ACC F 11 Premier News ‘ ACC indicts nine for misappropriation’ . The ACC indicted nine persons: Kenneth Kpaka, Mathew Sannoh, Alie Fomba and Prince Ansumana alias T Man - all emplo yees of Community Development Integrated Organisation in Kenema; Ibrahim Conteh, Gabriel Jusu, Abdul Rahman Jaward Junior, Isaac Jongopie Kamara - employees of Tropical Firms Limited Company in Kenema; and Inna Kallon, a trader for various corruption offenc es under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. ACC F 12 Awoko ‘ Bribery & corruption uncovered in EDSA meter replacement’ . The paper reports that some customers have accused the staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority of soliciting bribes from customers for replacement of their meters. News story A

23. 23 Office in Bo met with ministries, departments and agencies of Government in the District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how the institutions can take ownership of the campaign to reduce bribery and improve service delivery . 137 Standard Times ‘Corruption! Corruption!...will it ever end? ’. The author of the piece, Rev Alfred Milton Gorvie, takes a biblical look at the origin of corruption and gives recommendation on how to curb the scourge. Commentary A 138 Guardian Post ‘Guma Valley uses PEST to combat corruption: A PNB strategy’. During a customized meeting the ACC had with staff of the Guma Valley Water Company, the company briefed the ACC staff on how they are using a strategy called PEST - Prevention, Enforcement, Suppression and Take Action - to curtail incidences of bribery and c orruption in the institution. ACC F 139 Guardian Post ‘Thirty - five MDAs renew commitment to tackle bribery in Bo District’. The ACC Office in Bo met with ministries, departments and agencies of Government in the District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how the institutions can take ownership of the campaign to reduce bribery and improve service delivery. ACC F 140 Guardian Post ‘Anglican Bishop testifies in corruption matter in Bo’. The Anglican Bishop in Bo Emmanuel J . S Tucker, te stified as a prosecution witness before Justice Kekura Bangura of the High Court in Bo in a matter in which the accused solicited seventy - four million leones from him to influence a case in which he was being investigated by the ACC . ACC F 24 March 141 ‘FTC takes ownership of the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Freetown Teachers College for administration and staff of the college to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and remind ed the institution of their duties under the campaign. ACC F 142 Independent Observer ‘CSOs and the media make inroads in tackling bribery in Bo District’. The Southern Regional Office of the ACC met with representatives of civil society and the media in Bo to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and solicit their support in the ACC F

22. 22 influence a case in which he was being investigated by the ACC . 131 Concord Times ‘ACC Investigator testifies in Le. 346M Ebola fund’. ACC Senior Investigator, Umar Sesay, testified in The Needy Tod ay matter, which relates to the misappropriation of three hundred and forty - six million leones by the accused Dauda Ahmid Koroma, Jesse Jim Brima Kpagoi and Alfred Mustapha Bangura. The money was funded by GOAL Sierra Leone for a nutrition project to be im plemented by The Needy Today. ACC F 23 March 132 New Age Media ‘ACC says Chris Kamara’s blessing is near’. The paper makes reference to a response by Commissioner Ady Macauley to comments allegedly made by the Secretary General of the Sierra Leone Football Association on a social media group (Whatsapp). Mr. Kamara, who is under ACC investigations allegedly boasted of building a hotel in Lungi. While responding to the comments, the ACC Commissioner said Chris Kamara’s ble ssing is near. News story F 133 AYV ‘Freetown Teachers College takes ownership of the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Freetown Teachers College for administration and staff of the college to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and remind ed the institution of their duties under the campaign. ACC F 134 AYV ‘ Head of West Africa Foreign and Commonwealth Office visits the Pay No Bribe call centre’. The Head of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for West Africa, Rob Dixon, paid a visit to the Pay No Bribe call centre, where he registered his impression about the gains made by the PNB campaign. ACC F 135 Spectator ‘Guma Valley uses PEST to combat corruption: A PNB strategy’. During a customized meeting the ACC had with staff of the Guma Valley Water Company, the company briefed the ACC staff on how they are using a strategy called PEST - Prevention, Enforcement, Suppr ession and Take Action - to curtail incidences of bribery and corruption in the institution. ACC F 136 Spectator ‘Thirty - five MDAs renew commitment to tackle bribery in Bo District’. The ACC ACC F

24. 24 fight against bribery and corruption. 143 Trumpet ‘FTC takes owne rship of the PNB campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Freetown Teachers College for administration and staff of the college to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and remind ed the institution of their duties under the campaign. ACC F 144 ‘CSOs and the media make inroads in tackling bribery in Bo District’. The Southern Regional Office of the ACC met with representatives of civil society and the media in Bo to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and solicit their support in the fight against bribery and corruption. ACC F 27 March 145 AYV ‘ACC dialogues with the five pilot MDAs in Kenema District on the first quarter Pay No Bribe campaign report’. The ACC Office in Kenema met with the pilot MDAs under the Pay No Bribe campaign to discuss the first quarter PNB report and steps to take to combat cases of bribery in their institutions. ACC F 146 AYV ‘ACC strengthens integrity and Accountability Now Clubs in Kenema on t he Pay No Bribe campaign’. The A CC Office in Kenema organised quiz and debate competitions for Integrity Clubs and Accountability Now Clubs in schools and tertiary institutions in the district on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 14 7 Success ‘CSOs, media tackle bribery in Bo District’. The Southern Regional Office of the ACC met with representatives of civil society and the media in Bo to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and solicit their support in the fight against bribery and co rruption. ACC F 148 Guardian Post ‘CSOs and the media make inroads in tackling bribery in Bo District’. The Southern Regional Office of the ACC met with representatives of civil society and the media in Bo to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign a nd solicit their support in the fight against bribery and corruption. ACC F 149 Salone Times ‘ACC dialogues with the five pilot MDAs in Kenema District on the first quarter Pay No Bribe campaign report’. The ACC Office in Kenema met with the pilot MDAs under the Pay No Bribe campaign to discuss the first quarter PNB report and steps to take to combat ACC F

27. 27 misappropriation of three hundred and forty - six million leones by the accused Dauda Ahmid Koroma, Jesse Jim Brima Kpagoi and Alfred Mustapha Bangura. The money was funded by GOAL Sierra Leone for a nutrition project to be implemented by The Needy Today. 164 AYV ‘ACC engages Faculty of Nursing on Pay No Bribe’. The ACC met with administrative and academic staff of the Faculty of Nursing to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they could work to address cases of bribery. ACC F 165 Standard Times ‘Pay No Bribe campaign feedbacks...Police top with 48.7 percent’. This is about the report released by the ACC showing statistics of reports of cases of bribery since the Pay No Bribe reporting portal w as unveiled. The report states that the reports about t he police are the highest. News story F 29 March 166 Global Times ‘Insurance company indicted’. Teachers of the Islamic Call Primary School in Kundorwahun in the Barri Chiefdom have accused the International Insurance Company of deducting the sum of one hundred thousand leones from their salaries, threatening to report the matter to the ACC if the company failed to refund them their money. News story F 167 Spectator ‘CSOs and the media make inroads in tackling bribery in Bo District’. The Southern Regional Office of the ACC met with representatives of civil society and the media in Bo to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and solicit their support in the fight against bribery and corruption. ACC F 168 Standard Times ‘ACC engages Faculty of Nursing on Pay No Bribe’. The ACC met with administrative and academic staff of the Faculty of Nursing to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they could work to address cases of bribery. ACC F 169 New Vision ‘ACC e ngages Faculty of Nursing on Pay No Bribe’. The ACC met with administrative and academic staff of the Faculty of Nursing to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and how they could work to address cases of bribery. ACC F 170 New Vision ‘Corruption...The bedrock of this nation. Is Sierra Leone on the edge?’. The writer ACC F

21. 21 four million leones from him to influence a case in which he was being investigated by the ACC . 125 Nationalist ‘West Africa Foreign and Commonwealth Office Head visits ACC’s PNB Centre’. The Head of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for West Africa, Rob Dixon, paid a visit to the Pay No Bribe call centre, where he registered his impression about the gains made by the PNB campaign. ACC F 126 Independent Observer ‘Guma Valley uses PEST to combat corruption: A PNB strategy’. During a customized meeting the ACC had with staff of the Guma Valley Water Company, the company briefed the ACC staff on how they are using a strategy called PEST - Prevention, Enforcement, Suppression and Take Action - to curtail incidences of bribery and corruption in the institution . ACC F 127 Independent Observer ‘Thirty - five MDAs renew commitment to tackle bribery in Bo District’. The ACC Office in Bo met with ministries, departments and agencies of Government in the District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and how the institutions can take owne rship of the campaign to reduce bribery and improve service delivery. ACC F 128 Independent Observer ‘Anglican Bishop testifies in corruption matter in Bo’. The Anglican Bishop in Bo Emmanuel J . S Tucker, testified as a prosecution witness before Justice Kekura Bangura of the High Court in Bo in a matter in which the accused persons solicited seventy - four million leones from him to influence a case in which he was being investigated by the ACC . ACC F 129 AYV ‘Head of West Africa Foreign and Commonwealth O ffice, visits the Pay No Bribe call centre’. The Head of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for West Africa, Rob Dixon, paid a visit to the Pay No Bribe call centre, where he registered his impression about the gains made by the PNB campaign. ACC F 130 New Storm ‘ Anglican Bishop testifies in corruption matter in Bo’. The Anglican Bishop in Bo Emmanuel J . S Tucker, testified as a prosecution witness before Justice Kekura Bangura of the High Court in Bo in a matter in which the accused persons solicited seventy - four million leones from him to ACC F

28. 28 (unknown), highlights some of the common acts of corruption destabilizing our nation, and thinks that political leaders must act to curb the scourge. 30 March 17 1 AYV ‘ACC commends IG Munu on the PNB Campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officers of the Sierra Leone Police Waterloo Division , the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach commended the Inspector General of Police for his commit ment to the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 172 Premier News ‘ACC commends IG Munu on the PNB Campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officers of the Sierra Leone Police , Waterloo Division , the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach commended the Inspector General of Police for his commitment to the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 173 Peak ‘Is ACC dead or alive...21.2 billion in limbo at Education Ministry’. The paper makes reference to the call by the Budget Advocacy Network to investigate the Ministry of Education over the alleged misappropriation of over 21.2 billion leones in recent years as reported by the Auditor General’s Report. News story UF 174 Awoko ‘MOHS vows to inject new blood into PNB campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officials of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the Permanent Secretary in the M inistry, David W.S Banya, pledged to inject new blood into the campaign in orde r to address cases of bribery. ACC F 31 March 175 Independent Observer ‘ACC commends IG Munu on the PNB Campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officers of the Sierra Leone Police , Waterloo Division the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach commended the Inspector General of Police for his commitment to the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 176 For Di People ‘MOHS Permanent Secretary vows to inject new blood into PNB campaign’. At a customized meeting the ACC had with officials of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the Permanent Secretary in the M inistry, David W.S Banya, pledged to inject new blood into the campaign in order to address cases of bribery. ACC F

9. 9 district and urged them to be transparent in their operati ons. The office also informed the gathering of the Pay No Bribe campaign and the need for public officials to exhibit integrity at all time s . 32 New Vision ‘ ACC partners with EDSA on the Pay No Bribe campaign’ . The ACC held a customized meeting with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and reports generated from the platform relating to electricity services. ACC F 33 New Vision ` PUBLIC NOTICE’ . The ACC issues a public notice stating that it has come to its and its partners’ attention about the issue of dual employment whereby some employees working for donor funded projects and NGOs are also receiving salaries from the Consolidated Reven ue Fund. The Commission and its partners warned that legal action will be taken against such individua ls who continue to defraud the S tate. ACC F 34 Global Times ‘ NGO officials jailed’. Justice John Bosco Alieu remanded three accused persons Dauda Amid K oroma, Executive Director of Help a Needy Today; Jessy Jim Brima Kpagoi Programme Manager and Alfred Mustapha Bangura Finance Officer of the NGO for the offence of misappropriation of public and donor funds, a matter filed by the ACC. News story F 35 Nationalist ‘ ACC Commissioner interacts with NGOs’. At a conference organised by Sierra Leone Association of Non - governmental Organisations, Commissioner Ady Macauley took the time to explain about the offences under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, especial ly the area under which NGOs can be held to account for donor or public funds. ACC F 36 Premier News ‘ ACC partners with EDSA’ . The ACC held a customized meeting with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and reports generated from the platform relating to electricity services. ACC F 37 Unique News ‘ For mismanagement of Ebola funds...ACC takes CSO to court’. Justice John Bosco Alieu remanded three accused persons Dauda Amid Koroma , Executive Director of Help a Needy Today; Jessy Jim Brima Kpagoi Programme Manager and Alfred Mustapha News story F

6. 6 13 Real News ‘ ACC urges Principals to resist examinat ion malpractices’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono held a customized meeting with Conference of Principals and Council of Head Teachers in Kono to raise awareness on the issue of examination malpractices, urging them to do all they could to fight against such ill - practices, especially during external examinations. ACC F 14 Independent Observer ‘ ACC indicts 9 for misappropriation of donor property and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence’ . The ACC indicted nine persons: Kenneth Kpaka, Mathew Sannoh, Alie Fomba and Prince Ansumana alias T Man - all employees of Community Development Integrated Organisation in Kenema; Ibrahim Conteh, Gabriel Jusu, Abdul Rahman Jaward Juni or, Isaac Jongopie Kamara - employees of Tropical Firms Limited Company in Kenema; and Inna Kallon, a trader for various corruption offences under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. ACC F 15 Nationalist ‘ACC hails honest nurses at Waterloo over PNB reports’ . At a customized meeting held at the Waterloo Government Hospital, the ACC team hailed nurses of the hospital for their integrity as the Pay No Bribe reports show that five of the twenty - five reports of honest officers reported about came from the hospital. ACC F 16 Nationalist ‘ACC indicts 9 persons’. The ACC indicted nine persons: Kenneth Kpaka, Mathew Sannoh, Alie Fomba and Prince Ansumana alias T Man - all employees of Community Development Integrated Organisation in Kenema; Ibrahim Conteh, Gabriel Jusu, Abdul Rahman Jaward Junior, Isaac Jongopie Kama ra - employees of Tropical Firms Limited Company in Kenema; and Inna Kallon, a trader for various corruption offences under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. ACC F 6 March 17 AYV ‘ ACC dialogues with the Ministry of Lands in Kono’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono held a customized meeting with officials of the Ministry of Lands in Kono to discuss corruption issues related to the acquisition of land and to raise awareness on the need for transparency and integrity in their work. ACC F 18 AYV ‘ ACC emp owers stakeholders on revenue ACC F

14. 14 schools under the Pay No Bribe in which the Sierra Leone Grammar School emerged as winner . ‘ACC enlists Peninsula Police in the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Peninsula Police, Tombo, in the Western Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist police officers in the campaign. ACC F 75 Trumpet ‘ ACC presents first three months PNB report to stakeholders in Kenema District’. The ACC Office in Kenema organised a meeting with stakeholders in the Pay No Bribe ca mpaign to inform them about the contents of the first quarter PNB report and how they could go about tackling cases of bribery reported. ACC F 76 Trumpet ‘ ACC Deputy Commissioner addresses SLANGO’ . At a conference organised by the Sierra Leone Associatio n of Non - Governmental Organisations, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Shollay Davie s spoke about the duties of NGOs under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 and how they could be held accountable under the Act. ACC F 77 Trumpet ‘In defense of Ady Macauley & ACC’. The paper charges the Campaign for Human Rights and Development International for publishing false information about the ACC. The paper also brought out some facts about the gains the Commission has been making in the anti - graft campaign. Editorial F 78 Standard Times ‘Le 11.9bn uncovered at MAFFS in past audit reports...BAN demands ACC probe’. The paper quotes the civil society group, Budget Advocacy Network as calling on the ACC to probe the Ministry of Agriculture for failing to account for billi ons of leones, as shown in the last audit reports. News story F 79 Awoko ‘National competitive bidding’. The ACC invites bids for the procurement of audio visual equipment; funds received from DFID under the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 80 New Vision ‘ACC enlists Peninsula Police in the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Peninsula Police, Tombo, in the Western Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist police officers in the campaign. A CC F 81 New Vision ACC presents first three months PNB ACC F

17. 17 the ACC conducted an awareness raising event at the Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign. 97 Salone Times ‘ACC engages Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC conducted an awareness raising event at the Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 98 Premier News ‘ACC engages Lebanese School’. The Public Education and Outrea ch Department of the ACC conducted an awareness raising event at the Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 99 Trumpet ‘ACC enlists Peninsula Police in the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Peninsula Police, Tombo, in the Western Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist police officers in the campaign. ACC F 100 Trumpet ‘ACC: Where are the results on the probe of the PPRC Acting Registrar?’. The writer, Prince C. Kamara, calls on the ACC to investigate the Acting Registrar of the PPRC over allegations of abuse of office in the SLPP matter. Commentary F 16 March 101 Blade ‘ACC Deputy Commissioner addresses SLANGO’ . At a conference organised by the Sierra Leone Association of Non - Governmental Organisations, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Shollay Davie s spoke about the duties of NGOs under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 and how they could be held accountable under the Act. ACC F 102 Nationalist ‘ACC engages clubs on PNB’. The ACC organised a debate competition for Accountability Now Clubs in tertiary institutions on the Pay No Bribe campaign, with Fourah Bay Colleg e emerging as winner . News story F 103 Concord Times ‘Deputy ACC chief says cost of corruption equals 5% of global GDP’. This quotes Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies as saying that the cost of corruption globally equals 5% of GDP. He made the statement at a debate competition organised for Accountability Now Clubs of tertiary institutions. News story F 104 AYV ‘ACC engages Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC F

19. 19 competition for Accountability Now Clubs in tertiary institutions on the Pay No Bribe campaign, with Fourah Bay College emerging as winner . 112 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Job vacancy’. This is a job vac ancy for the position of Project Desk/Procurement Officer at the ACC. ACC F 20 March 113 Independent Observer ‘Masuba Community endorses the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC in collaboration with the civil society organisation, MADAM, organised a community meeting on the Pay No Bribe campaign for the people of Masuba in the Makarie Gbanti Chiefdom, Bombali District. ACC F 114 AYV ‘Accountability Now Clubs speak to the Pay No Bribe campaign in a debate competition’. . The ACC organised a debate competition for Accountability Now Clubs in tertiary institutions on the Pay No Bribe campaign, with Fourah Bay College emer ging as winner . ACC F 115 New Vision ‘Masuba Community endorses the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The North ern Regional Office of the ACC in collaboration with the civil society organisation, MADAM, organised a community meeting on the Pay No Bribe campaign for the people of Masuba in the Makarie - Gbanti Chiefdom, Bombali District. ACC F 21 March 116 Independent Observer ‘$ 2 million kickback for 709.48 carats diamond’. The paper accused an Israeli of offering to pay 2 million dollars kickback to the discoverer if his Pluto Mining Company is allowed to handle sale of the 709.48 carats diamond that was found in Kono. News story A 117 AYV ‘Anglican Bishop testifies in corruption matter in Bo’. The Anglican Bishop in Bo Emmanuel J . S Tucker, testified as a prosecution witness before Justice Kekura Bangura of the Bo High Court in a matter in which the acc used solicited seventy - four million leones from him to influence a case in which he was being investigated by the ACC . ACC F 118 Metro ‘Corruption inside NASSIT?’. The paper accused the health insurance scheme of NASSIT of lacking transparency and that those at the helm of the scheme are News story A

12. 12 Governmental Organisations, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Shollay Davies spoke abo ut the duties of NGOs under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 and how they could be held accountable under the Act. 58 Standard Times ‘Job Vacancy’. This is a job advert from the ACC for the position of Head of Policy and Ethics Unit. ACC F 59 Awoko ‘Grammar School wins corruption quiz’. The ACC organised a quiz competition for secondary schools under the Pay No Bribe in which the Sierra Leone G rammar School emerged as winner . News story F 60 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Russell Community embraces ‘Pay No Bribe’ campaign’. The ACC conducted a community meeting at Russell in the Western Area Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and to enlist the community people in the fight against corruption. ACC F 61 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Job Vacancy’. This is a job advert from the ACC for the position of Head of Policy and Ethics Unit. ACC F 62 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Plan International staffs in court for corruption’. This is about the matter relating to the indictment of former staff of Plan International over the misappropriation of over one billion leones News story F 63 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Staffs of Needy Today in court for misappropriation of funds’. Justice John Bosco Alieu remanded three accused persons Dauda Amid Koroma, Executive Director of Help a Needy Today; Jessy Jim Brima Kpagoi Programme Manager and Alfred Mustapha Bangura Finan ce Officer of the NGO for the offence of misappropriation of public and donor funds, a matter filed by the ACC. News story F 64 Concord Times ‘CRC report recommends stronger anti - corruption laws’. The paper quotes the final report of the Constitutional Review Committee as making provision for tougher anti - corruption laws in a bid to make public officers more transparent and accountable . News story F 65 New Vision ‘ ACC Deputy Commissioner addresses SLANGO’ . At a conference organised by the Sierra Leone Association of Non - Governmental Organisations, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Shollay Davies spoke about the duties of NGOS under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 and how they could be ACC F

15. 15 report to stakeholders in Kenema District’. The ACC Office in Kenema organised a meeting with stakeholders in the Pay No Bribe campaign to inform them about the contents of the first quarter PNB report and how they could go about tackling cases of bribery reported. 82 Sierra Express Media ‘Russell Community embraces ‘Pay No Bribe’ campaign’. The ACC conducted a community meeting at Russell in the Western Area Rural District to raise awarene ss on the Pay No Bribe campaign and to enlist the community people in the fight against corruption. ACC F 83 Standard Times ‘Le 500M bail for 8 accused persons...misuse of donor funds’. Eight people charged by the ACC for corruption - related offences appeared before Justice Komba Kamanda. The matter relates to the misappropriation of funds provided to Plan International by DFID. The accused persons include Daniel Akuna Shorenke h - Sawyer, Ib rahim Sorie Kargbo and Joseph Wilfred. News story F 84 Standard Times ‘The judiciary, the media and the ACC’. The writer, Issa B.M Kamara, highlights how the judiciary, media and the ACC can contribute to national development and how they can also complement each other in the promotion of the rule of law. Commentary F 85 Standard Times ‘Job Vacancy’. This is a job advert from the ACC for the position of Head of Policy and Ethics Unit. ACC F 86 Standard Times ‘Corruption, still impeding our nation’s progress!’. The author of the piece, Issa B.M. Kamara, highlighted the strides made by the ACC in the fight against graft, a nd recommends that the G overnment show more commitment and ensure that there will be no sac red cows. Commentary F 14 March 87 AYV ‘ACC engages Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC conducted an awareness raising event at the Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 88 Trumpet ACC takes Pay No Bribe campaign to Nengbema’. The Bo Office of the ACC held a community meeting for the people of Nengbema Village in the Niawa Lenga ACC F

16. 16 Chiefdom, Bo District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe and solicit their support in the campaign. 89 Trumpet ‘In defense of Ady Macauley & ACC’. The pa per charges the Campaign for Human Rights and Development International for publishing false information about the ACC. The paper also brought out some facts about the gains the Commission has been making in the anti - graft campaign. ACC F 90 Standard Times ‘The judiciary, the media and the ACC’. The writer, Issa B.M Kamara, highlights how the judiciary, media and the ACC can contribute to national development and how they can also complement each other in the promotion of the rule of law. The writer calls on the ACC to continue to be robust in the corruption fight. Commentary F 91 Premier News ‘Grammar School wins Pay No Bribe competition’. The ACC organised a quiz competition for secondary schools under the Pay No Bribe in which the Sierra Leone Grammar School emerged as winner . News story F 92 Guardian ‘ACC Deputy Commissioner addresses SLANGO’ . At a conference organised by the Sierra Leone Association of Non - Governmental Organisations, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Shollay Davie s spoke about the duties of NGOs under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 and how they could be held accountable under the Act. ACC F 93 For Di People ‘ACC enlists Peninsula Police in the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Peninsula Police, Tombo, in the Western Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist police officers in the campaign. ACC F 15 March 94 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Job vacancy’. This is a job vacancy for the position of Project Desk/Procurement Officer at the ACC. ACC F 95 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘ACC engages Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Public Education and Outreach Department o f the ACC conducted an awareness raising event at the Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 96 Nationalist ‘ACC engages Lebanese International School on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of ACC F

7. 7 generation in Kono District’. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono engaged key stakeholders in revenue generation in the district and urged them to be transparent in their operations. The office also informed the gathering of t he Pay No Bribe campaign and the need for public officials to exhibit integrity at all time s . 19 Trumpet ‘ ACC Commissioner interacts with NGOs’. At a conference organised by Sierra Leone Association of Non - governmental Organisations, Commissioner Ady Macauley took the time to explain about the offences under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 especially the area under which NGOs can be held to acc ount for donor or public funds. ACC F 20 Trumpet ‘ACC hails honest nurses at Waterloo over PNB reports’ . At a customized meeting held at the Waterloo Government Hospital, the ACC team hailed nurses of the hospital for their integrity as the Pay No Bribe r eports show that five of the twenty - five reports of honest officers reported about came from the hospital. ACC F 21 Trumpet ‘ Isha Johansen, Chris Kamara & the missing $ 1,050,000’ . The paper calls on the ACC to investigate the alleged withdrawal of One million and fifty thousand US Dollars from the accounts of the Sierra Leone Football Association, money it says has not been accounted for. Editorial F 22 Concord Times ‘ ACC empowers stakeholders on revenue generation in Kono District’. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono engaged key stakeholders in revenue generation in the district and urged them to be transparent in their operations. The office also informed the gathering of the Pay No Bribe ca mpaign and the need for public officials to exhibit integrity at all time s . ACC F 23 Premier News ‘ Invitation for bids: National Competitive Bidding’. The ACC requests for bids for the supply of audio visual equipment through money received from DFID und er the PNB project . ACC F 24 Premier News ‘ ACC engages NGOs’. At a conference organised by Sierra Leone Association of Non - governmental Organisations, Commissioner Ady Macauley took the time to explain about the offences under the Anti - ACC F

8. 8 Corruption Act 2008, especially the area under which NGOs can be held to account for donor or public funds. 25 Concord Times ‘ ACC Commissioner interacts with NGOs’. At a conference organised by Sierra Leone Association of Non - governmental Organisations, Commissioner Ady Macauley took the time to explain about the offences under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, especially the area under which NGOs can be held to account for donor or public funds. ACC F 26 AYV ‘ ACC Commissioner interacts with NGOs’. At a conference organised by Sierra Leone Association of Non - governmental Organisations, Commissioner Ady Macauley took the time to explain about the offences under the Anti - C orruption Act 2008, especially the area under which NGOs can be held to account for donor or public funds. ACC F 27 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Sierra Leoneans are all victims of corruption - ACC District Coordinator’ . Kenema District Coordinator of the ACC Sy lvanus Blake is quoted as saying that widespread corruption in the country has led all citizens to suffer from acts of corruption in some way. News story F 7 March 28 Democrat ‘ APC corruption caused austerity’. This quoted the Leader of the Peoples Democratic Party Osman Tarawallie as saying tha t corruption within the ruling G overnment is largely responsible for the country to introduce austerity measures. News story A 29 Democrat ‘ Open corruption on the hig hways’ . A n open letter written by one Ransford Nicol in Kingt om, complained of police officers manning checkpoints along the highways to the provinces extorting monies from commercial drivers. Commentary A 30 New Vision ‘ ACC dialogues with the Ministry of Lands in Kono’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono held a customized meeting with officials of the Ministry of Lands in Kono to discuss corruption issues related to the acquisition of land and to raise awareness on the need for transparency and integr ity in their work. ACC F 31 New Vision ‘ ACC empowers stakeholders on revenue generation in Kono District’. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono engaged key stakeholders in revenue generation in the ACC F

20. 20 incompetent in handling the scheme. 119 Trumpet ...And, ACC scores another point’. The Northern Regional Office of t he ACC in collaboration with the civil society organisation, MADAM, organised a community meeting on the Pay No Bribe campaign for the people of Gbendenbu in the Gbendenbu Ngow ahun Chiefdom, Bombali District. ACC F 22 March 120 New Storm ‘Thirty - five MDAs renew commitment to tackle bribery in Bo District’. The ACC Office in Bo met with ministries, departments and agencies of Government in the District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and how the institutions can take ownersh ip of the campaign to reduce bribery and improve service delivery. ACC F 121 New Storm ‘Guma Valley uses PEST to combat corruption: A PNB strategy’. During a customized meeting the ACC had with staff of the Guma Valley Water Company, the company briefed the ACC staff on how they are using a strategy called PEST - Prevention, Enforcement, Suppression and Take Action - to curtail incidences of bribery and corruption in the institution. ACC F 122 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Anglican Bishop testifies in corruption matter in Bo’. The Anglican Bishop in Bo Emmanuel J . S Tucker, testified as a prosecution witness before Justice Kekura Bangura of the High Court in Bo in a matter in which the accused persons solicited seventy - four million leones from him to influence a case in which he was being investigated by the ACC . ACC F 123 Nationalist ‘35 MDAs renew commitment to tackle bribery in Bo District’. The ACC Office in Bo met with ministries, departments and agencies of Government in the District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and how the institutions can take ownership of the campaign to reduce bribery and improve service delivery. ACC F 124 Nationalist ‘Anglican Bishop testifies in corruption matter in Bo’. The Anglican Bishop in Bo Emmanuel J . S Tucker, testified as a prosecution witness before Justice Kekura Bangura of the High Court in Bo in a matter in which the accused persons solicited seventy - ACC F

11. 11 Consolidated Revenue Fund . The Commission and its partners warned that legal action will be taken against such individua ls who continue to defraud the S tate. 50 Global Times ‘ACC opens Plan case’. This is about the matter relating to the indictment of former staff of Plan International over the misappropriation of over one billion leones. News story F 51 Independent Observer ‘Russell Community embraces ‘Pay No Bribe’ campaign’. The ACC conducted a community meeting at Russell in the Western Area Rural District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and to enlist the community people in the fight against corruption. ACC F 52 Global Times ‘Job Vacancy’. This is a job advert from the ACC for the position of Head of Policy and Ethics Unit . ACC F 53 Global Times Russell Community embraces ‘Pay No Bribe’ campaign’. The ACC conducted a community meeting at Russell in the Western Area Rural District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and to enlist the community people in the fight against corruption. ACC F 54 Guardian Post ‘As ACC takes the PNB campaign to its Head Quarters, the Sierra Leone Police vows to reject and resist bribery’. During a customized meeting the ACC had with senior officers of the Sierra Leone Police, the officers pledged their support to the Pay No Bribe campaign and promised that they would do all they could to ri d the F orce of bribery and corruption . ACC F 55 Guardian Post ‘NCTVA embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC conducted a customized meeting with staff of the NCTVA to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign . ACC F 10 March 56 AYV ‘ACC Deputy Commissioner addresses SLANGO’ . At a conference organised by the Sierra Leone Association of Non - Governmental Organisations, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Shollay Davies spoke about the duties of NGOS under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 and how they could be held accountable under the Act. ACC F 57 New Storm ‘ACC Deputy Commissioner addresses SLANGO’ . At a conference organised by the Sierra Leone Association of Non - ACC F

10. 10 Bangura Finance Officer of the NGO for the offence of misappropriation of public and donor funds, a matter filed by the ACC. 38 Standard Times ACC partners with EDSA on the Pay No Bribe campaign’ . The ACC held a customized meeting with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and reports generated from the platform r elating to electricity services. ACC F 39 Standard Times ‘ ACC empowers stakeholders on revenue generation in Kono District’. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono engaged key stakeholders in revenue generation in the district and urged them to be transparen t in their operations. The office also informed the gathering of the Pay No Bribe campaign and the need for public officials to exhibit integrity at all time s . ACC F 9 March 40 Nationalist ‘Russell Community embraces ‘Pay No Bribe’ campaign’. The ACC conducted a community meeting at Russell in the Western Area Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and to enlist the community people in the fight against corruption. ACC F 41 AYV ‘Russell Community embraces ‘Pay No Brib e’ campaign’. The ACC conducted a community meeting at Russell in the Western Area Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and to enlist the community people in the fight against corruption. ACC F 42 Standard Times ‘Corruption takes over EDSA’s operations...ACC reveals’. The ACC held a customized meeting with staff of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and reports generated from the platform relating to el ectricity services. ACC F 48 Standard Times ‘Job Vacancy’. This is a job advert from the ACC for the position of Head of Policy and Ethics Unit. ACC F 49 Independent Observer ` PUBLIC NOTICE’ . The ACC issues a public notice stating that it has come to its and its partners’ attention about the issue of dual employment whereby some employees working for donor funded projects and NGOs are also receiving salaries from the ACC F

4. 4 No. NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF 1 March 1 Spectator ‘ NCTVA embraces the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC conducted a customized meeting with staff of the National Council for Vocational and other Academic Awards (NCTVA) to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and to solicit t he institution’s support in the campaign. ACC F 2 Nationalist ‘ACC takes PNB campaign to police HQ’. During a customized meeting the ACC had with senior officers of the Sierra Leone Police, the officers pledged their support to the Pay No Bribe campaign and promised that they would do all they could to rid the F orce of bribery and corruption. ACC F 3 I ndependent Observer ‘ ACC urges Conference of Principals to resist examination malpractices’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono held a customized meeting with Conference of Principals and Council of Head Teachers in Kono to raise awareness about issue of examination malpractices, urging them to do all they could to fight against such practices, especially during external examinations. ACC F 4 Premier News ‘ ACC urges school principals to resist examination malpractices’ . The ACC Sub - regional office in K ono held a customized meeting with Conference of Principals and Council of Head Teachers in Kono to raise awareness on the issue of examination malpractices, urging them to do all they could to fight against such ill - practices, especially during external e xaminations. ACC F 5 Guardian ‘ACC released its first Pay No Bribe Report’ . This is about the report released by the ACC showing statistics of reports of cases of bribery since the Pay No Bribe repor ting platform was unveiled. ACC F 6 AYV ‘ ACC indicts Salone police’. This is about the report released by the ACC showing statistics of reports of cases of bribery since the Pay No Bribe reporting platform was unveiled. ACC F 7 Global Times ‘ ACC urges Conference of Principals to resist examination malpractices’ . The ACC ACC F

13. 13 held accountable under the Act. 66 Global Times ‘ ‘Job Vacancy’. This is a job advert from the ACC for the position of Head of Policy and Ethics Unit. ACC F March 13 67 Premier News ‘ACC enlists Peninsula Police in the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Peninsula Police, Tombo, in the Western Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist police officers in the campaign. ACC F 68 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Pay No Bribe campaign quiz competition ends in Freetown’. The ACC organised a quiz competition for secondary schools under the Pay No Bribe in which the Sierra Leone G rammar School emerged as winner . News story F 69 Provincial Times ‘ACC enlists Penin sula Police in the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Peninsula Police, Tombo, in the Western Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist police officers in the campaign. ACC F 70 Provincial Times ACC presents first three months PNB report to stakeholders in Kenema District’. The ACC Office in Kenema organised a meeting with stakeholders in the Pay No Bribe campaign to inform them about the contents of the first quarter PNB report and how they could go about tackling cases of bribery reported. ACC F 71 Premier News ‘National competitive bidding’. The ACC invites bids for the procurement of audio visual equipment; funds received from DFID under the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 72 Awareness Times ‘ACC enlists Peninsula Police in the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The ACC organised a customized meeting at the Peninsula Police, Tombo, in the Western Rural District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist police officers in the campaign. ACC F 73 AYV ‘ACC takes Pay No Bribe campaign to Nengbema’. The Bo Ofiice of the ACC held a community meeting for the people of Nengbema Village in the Niawa Lenga Chiefdom, Bo District to raise awareness on the Pay No Bribe and solicit their support in the campaign. ACC F 74 AYV ‘Quiz competition on the Pay No Bribe campaign ends in Freetown’. The ACC organised a quiz competition for secondary ACC F


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