An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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April 2020 Issue10 Volume 33 1

Public Education / Newsletters

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12. Published by the Anti - Corruption Commission Headquarters: 3, Gloucester Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa Tel. No: 223645 Website: http//www@anticorruption.gov.sl Bo Office Address: 10 Bo Pujehun Drive, Kebbie Town Email: info@anticorruption.gov.sl Makeni Office Address: Mena Hill Reservation, Makeni Kenema Office Address: Reservation Road, Off Maxwell Khobe Street Kono Office: 37 Masingbi Road, Koidu City Kono Port Loko : 27 Conteh Street, Port Loko Hotline Nos: 077 - 985985 , 077 986 986 , 515 (All Networks)

11. Page 11 Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the ACC and Radio Maria: Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. (left) and the Country Director of Radio Maria, Rev. Fr. John Peter Babeley. Deputy Director of NACS Edita Fofana delivering a Public Lecture to students and lecturers of the Sociology Department, Njala University, on the content of the current National Anti - Corruption Strategy. Deputy Commissioner of ACC Augustine Foday - Ngobie sand- wiched by the National Coordinator of Pay No Bribe Animators Tamba Mondeh (L) and Chief Executive Officer of Youth Build Mohamed R. Sesay (R) after MoU signing with the two institutions. ACC Office in Kenema meeting with Media Alliance Against Corruption in a bid to revitalize the group. Taking the anti - corruption message to communities: outreach meeting at the Kaningo Community in the West of Freetown. Strengthening ties: Deputy Commissioner of ACC Augustine Foday - Ngobie (left) and Scribe of Civil Society Consortium for Good Governance, Human Rights and Democracy Marcus Bangura signing MoU. Deputy Commissioner of ACC Augustine Foday - Ngobie presenting Report on the Management of Fleet and Fuel in the Ministries of Agriculture and Health to representatives of the two Ministries. The ACC office in Bo meeting with Central Chiefdom Administrative Clerks in Moyamba District on accountability of public revenue.

2. Page 2 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on 16th March 2020, presented a cheque of Four Hundred and Eighty Five Million, Two Hundred and Twenty One Thousand, Two Hundred and Thirty Leones (Le485,221,230) to the Management of the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA) as revenue recovered from owners of heavy duty machinery, mobile cranes and trucks who had failed or refused to register and renew their licenses with the SLRSA. In December 2019, the Management of the SLRSA, through the Deputy Executive Director, Ibrahim Sannoh, made a report and sought the assistance and support of the Commission to work with them to recover the said fees from owners of heavy machinery/vehicles, mobile cranes and trucks who over the years had failed to duly re - register or renew their licenses while continuing to do business. Acting upon this complaint and request, the ACC, worked with the SLRSA, compiled a list of the owners of these Machinery across the country, proceeded to locate the companies that owned these vehicles, and accordingly verified their data with the SLRSA. As a consequence, the SLRSA was able to calculate the amounts owed totaling SIX HUNDRED AND TEN MILLION LEONES (LE610,000,000). The ACC's Prevention Department accordingly then proceeded with modalities to recover same. The Cheque presented represented part of the Money recovered. Presenting the cheque to the Executive Director of SLR- Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. (left) hands over cheque to the Executive Director of the SLRSA, David Panda Noah SA, the Commissioner of the ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., emphasized that the collaboration with SLRSA was very significant as it has yielded a positive outcome. He added that the recovery process will continue, as many of the defaulting institutions have expressed willingness to pay the fees and most are in schedule to pay the agreed tranches over a period of six months. He thanked the leadership of the SLRSA for their efforts and commitment and for believing in the ACC to assist them in their efforts. On his part, the Executive Director of the SLRSA, David Panda Noah, commended the ACC for doing a fantastic and diligent job with unquestionable result, as was promised. He expressed delight at collaborating with the ACC, and reiterated that such a move was no mistake. Mr. Noah promised that the SLRSA will continue to strengthen its relationship with the Commission and will do everything within their abilities to promote the National Anti - Corruption campaign which is working very well for the collective good in the New Direction. The brief symbolic handing over event took place at the Conference Room of the ACC, 3 Gloucester Street, Freetown, with senior and intermediate staff of both institutions present with the Deputy Commissioner of the ACC, Augustine Foday - Ngobie, chairing the event.

1. Issue 10 Volume 33 April 2020 Public Relations Officer of ACC Margaret Murray displaying the Award at a ceremony in London T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Wednesday 11th March, 2020 bagged the Commonwealth Africa Summit 2020 Award for "Outstanding Contribution to the Anti - Corruption campaign in Commonwealth Africa". The award, which was presented to the ACC at the Commonwealth Africa Summit Gala Dinner, held at the Holiday Inn, Regent Park, London, United Kingdom, further shines light on the Commission‟s "exemplary efforts in tackling corruption, blocking leakages and promoting good governance". The Commonwealth Africa Summit is an assemblage of government and business leaders from the Commonwealth and allies, constituting a yearly high level, multi - stakeholder event with the aim of facilitating dialogue and action on key and relevant issues ranging from trade and investment, entrepreneurship and job creation, economic development, security and counter terrorism, energy and power, amongst other relevant issues in Africa. The 2020 Summit was held under the theme "Moving Forward: Stronger. Valuable."Receiving news of the award, Commissioner of the ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. expressed his gratitude for such an honor, adding that, it is all thanks to God Almighty and the President, His Excellency, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, who reposed great confidence in his leadership and appointed him to a position that has made Africa and the entire globe to follow the work of the ACC and recognize its continued success. This recent recognition of the Commission by the Commonwealth is a further testament to Sierra Leone's highest ever ranking in the recent Transparency International‟s Global Corruption Ranking, which saw the country move from 129 in 2018, to 119 out of 180 countries surveyed in 2019 - moving ten (10) places upwards. The event was attended by the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Commission, Margaret Murray, who re- ceived this prestigious award on behalf of the Com- mission. The plaque presented to the ACC

8. Page 8 Residents of Kamayandor, Mafindor Chiefdom, Kono District, at the meeting I n a bid to inform and educate communities on issues of corruption, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Regional Office in Kono district, on 13 th March 2020, conducted a sensitization meeting with the people of Kamayandor in Mafindor Chiefdom. In his submission, the Public Education Officer, Edward Nathaniel Blake, said the engagement was part of the Commission‟s education strategy to sensitize the public on corruption - related issues with the object of gaining their full support in the campaign against the menace. The keynote message was delivered by the Re- gional Manager, Hawanatu O. Kamara. She informed the stakeholders and other members of the community that corruption badly affects everyone, and therefore feel obliged and patriotic to join in the fight against it. Making reference to the gory eleven - year civil conflict in the country, Mrs. Kamara said corruption was identified by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as one of the main triggers of that protracted conflict. “Unbridled corruption can touch off serious unrest in a country and by extension, cripple all development commit- ments and efforts,” she warned. Mrs. Kamara noted that corruption and corrupt practices are not peculiar to the mainstream of the public service and urban communities. „They are also found in rural communities and traditional authorities should exercise effective leadership to ensure that corruption is stemmed in their communities,‟ she averred. Mrs. Kamara spoke of the country‟s commitment to curb corruption in the governance system to help foster effective public service delivery across communities, and instill confidence in foreign investors to establish and run businesses. ACC Social Safety Net monitor in the district, Hinga George, whilst educating the community on the modes of reporting corruption said that at the heart of fighting corruption are the three „Rs‟: Resist, Reject, and Report any act of corruption. He said the inhabitants of Kamayandor could report corruption to the Commission using the toll - free 515 line on Sierratel, Orange or Africell. Further anti - corruption message to the community was conveyed by Public Education Officer, Aiah P. M. Sourie who, implored everyone in the meeting to consider the fight against corruption as a fight for nation and humanity. He said Kamayandor should take ownership and leadership in monitoring of all projects implemented in their locality. While making the vote of thanks after an interactive question - and - answer session, Chiefdom Speaker, Tamba Pimbi, described the engagement as „a huge opportunity‟ to know about corruption and the Commission. He also described it as a call to take individual as well as communal responsibility to ward off corruption in Sierra Leo- ne, starting with their own community of Kamayandor. He re- vealed that his chiefdom had suffered from either abandoned projects or badly completed ones, and sadly did not know the appropriate authority to file a report with. „We now know where and how to report corruption,‟ he concluded.

9. Page 9 “E xamination malpractice is a social menace that citizens need to make conscious efforts to tackle because its adverse consequences transcend borders.” This statement was made by Yusuf A. Kamara, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education (MBSSE) for Koinadugu District, in one of the customized engagements organised by the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) North - East Regional Office. The meeting, which was held at the Conference Hall of the Koinadugu District Council, was attended by Deputy Director of the Teaching Service Commission in the District, Coordinators of the Free Quality Education, principals, head teachers, senior teachers and Local Council Representatives in Mongor and Kabala. Welcoming the ACC Team, Mr. Kamara said, the engagement is very useful and timely as the nation continues to dedicate much energy to curb examination malpractices. ACC Regional Manager North - East Mariama Navo laud- ed the enduring sacrifices of teachers in the midst of re- source constraint, describing them as the beacon of hope because they nurture the country‟s most valuable asset - the human asset. She reminded them of their responsibilities, noting that their actions today will determine the country‟s path to progress or retrogression. Madam Navo acknowledged that examination malpractice is one of the major challenges in the education sector that requires urgent attention by all players, noting that a country where malpractices are prevalent will only produce unproductive and uncompetitive citizens. ACC Public Education Officer Abdulai Saccoh said the meetings were intended to engage education stakeholders on a constructive discourse on emerging corruption issues and to seek their unflinching support to tackle examination malpractices. Mr. Saccoh furthered that there is no better time than now to reinvigorate their energy to restore academic excellence. The Public Education Officer added that malpractice of any form is intolerable because it leaves an ugly indelible imprint in pupils‟ minds to believe that dishonesty is the only way to make it in life. Mr. Saccoh informed the audience of the Anti - Corruption (Amendment) Act 2019 and dilated on some of its provisions with special reference to Section 128, which seeks to address examination malpractices; a clause that carries a fine of not less than Fifty million Leones or a jail term of not below five years or to both such fine and imprisonment. During the interactive sessions, participants shared factors that are responsible for the abysmal performance of pupils in public schools; including poor preparation of pupils for public examination, lack of qualified teachers, lack of reassessment and motivation for teachers, and lack of monitoring and supervision of teachers. Issues of lack of integrity in parenting, delays in the disbursement of fee subsidies, overcrowding in classrooms, and the proliferation of community schools without recourse to laid down procedures were also highlighted. Cross section of principals and Head teachers in Kalaba and its environs

3. Page 3 EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakar Turay EDITORS Margaret Murray Moris Ibrahim Kanteh LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Patrick Sandi Emmanuel Koivaya Amara Alhassan Kargbo Handshakes between the Deputy Commissioner, ACC Augus- tine Foday - Ngobie and the Chairman of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone Patricia N. Ndanema after the MoU signing T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRC - SL) on Wednesday 26th February, 2020, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at strengthening partnership and collaboration between the two institutions. The historic event took place at the Conference Room of the ACC Head Office in Freetown. The Deputy Commissioner of the ACC, Augustine Foday - Ngobie, expressed delight at the signing of the MoU, which he described as a major step forward for the fight against corruption and the promotion of the dignity of every Sierra Leonean. He said the MoU will enhance smooth partnership between the two institutions to do the work for which they are mandated. He assured that, the ACC will do its best to execute its duties in the interest of the people of Sierra Leone. The Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone, Patricia N. Ndanema, while making a brief statement, said the MoU is a commitment made by HRC - SL to the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights and therefore expressed gratitude to the ACC for agreeing to the partnership. Mrs. Ndanema said her Commission can play a major role in helping the ACC in the fight against corruption, a fight, she said, the ACC cannot do alone. She commended ACC for the good work they are doing to ensure that corruption is eradicated in Sierra Leone. Mrs. Ndanema added that she is optimistic that the partnership will help the two in- stitutions produce more fruitful results for the people of Sierra Leone. Earlier, the Director of Public Education and Outreach Department at ACC Patrick Sandi thanked everyone for gracing the event, adding that the signing of the MoU could not have happened at a better time. He said that the MoU will serve as a guide for areas of engagement, partnership and collaboration between the two institutions. The reading of the citation of the MoU was done by the Public Relations Officer of ACC Margaret Murray.

10. Page 10 T he North - West Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission on the 26th and 27th February 2020 educated and sensitized staff and pu- pils of secondary schools in Kambia. These engagements dubbed Meet the Schools Campaign which is part of the Commission‟s public education drive was undertaken to sensitize the pupils and staff on corruption and to solicit their support. The Meet the Schools Campaign was done at the Kolenten and Sierra Leone Islamic Federation Secondary schools respectively. Addressing pupils and staff on the importance of education, the Public Education Officer Mohamed Thullah said the development of any nation is predicated on the quality and standard of education that will consequently be reflective on the transformation and growth of that nation. He stated that the present decline of the country‟s educational system was as a result of the sustained presence of corruption in the sector. He expressed ACC's concern and commitment to reversing the trend and changing the narrative aimed at improving the education sector to an admirable status. The Public Education Officer highlighted various corrupt practices that have plagued the educational sector among other things including illegal admission, falsification of report cards, payment for assignment or test, absenteeism, sex for grades, payment for extra classes, double dipping etc. He went on to state that any charge that was not sanctioned by the education policy is illegal and encouraged school administrators to devise mechanisms to institute discipline in schools and work towards enhancing best practices in discharging their functions. The ACC team headed by the Regional Manager Al - Hassan Sesay also held meetings with the principals and staff of both schools at the respective engagements. He informed them about the proximity of the ACC as it now has a regional office located in Port Loko City. He cautioned them to be mindful of the ACC Act of 2008 as Amended in 2019, and not to be in conflict with the law in the discharge of their duties. Explaining related corruption offences to staff, the Regional Head warned school authorities to desist from illegal charges and extortion practices that are not sanctioned by the Education Policy and the ACC laws. “There is no law that makes it acceptable for school authorities to ask for payment for lateness, absenteeism, report cards, assignments etc. There should be disciplinary and administrative measures put in place with no financial attachment to discourage the- se practices. This is not acceptable,” he pinpointed. Manager Sesay also brought to their notice provisions in the 2019 Amendment Act like the asset declaration regime, increase in fines and jail terms, trial in absentia, cancellation of contracts etc. The Regional Manager in his closing remarks called on the school administrators to establish School Integrity Clubs and to provide the needed support to the teacher coordinators in the schools. He pointed out that the thrust of these clubs was to catch the pupils young, teach them about the values of integrity, change their mindset and behavior about the fight against corruption so that they will in turn help in changing the characters of other pupils adding that the clubs will be officially launched in subsequent engagements. "These clubs are in no way established to police the schools' administrations but to serve as ambassadors in curbing corrupt practices in schools," he clarified. The Principal of Sierra Leone Islamic Federation Secondary School, Saidu Pedro Kamara said he will provide the leadership and support to the fight against corruption in his school and expressed delight over the establishment of an Integrity Club in the school. He said corrupt practices in schools have contributed to the decline of the standard of education in the country and called on his staff to maintain high standards of integrity in the performance of their duties. In the same vein, the Vice Principal of Kolenten Secondary School, Abdul Salam Bangura thanked the ACC team and registered his commitment to instituting measures to curb corrupt practices in the school. He also welcomed the idea of establishing integrity club in the school. Giving the vote of thanks, Head Girl of the Sierra Leone Islamic Federation Secondary School, Isata Kamara expressed appreciation to the ACC for coming to their school and sensitizing them on their work and the dangers of corruption. Pupils of Kolenten Secondary School listening to ACC Staff during the campaign

4. Page 4 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Ministry of Energy on Friday 6th March, 2020, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the aim to strengthening the relationship and collaboration between the two institutions in order to address issues of corruption in electricity supply and electricity theft. At this historic event which took place at the Commission‟s Head Office in Freetown, the Minister of Energy, Honourable Alhaji Kanja Sesay, in his statement, said, the signing of the MoU is predicated on series of discussions between the ACC Commissioner and himself aimed at boosting Electricity Cost recovery which had been challenging. He added that he had recognized the commendable work the Commission is doing in fighting corruption in the country. He alluded to the Commission‟s impressive work in the education sector to curb examination malpractices - something, he said, had motivated him to invite the Commission to similarly look into the energy sector. "I would like to invite you to pay attention to our own sector because there is a lot of corrupt practices ongoing” the Minister said. The Honourable Minister further stated that the Energy sector has been facing many challenges in the area of electricity generation, transmission and distribution; and electricity theft being widespread through illegal connections and diversions. Mr. Sesay said his expectation of both institutions is to bring a difference through injecting transparency and efficiency to the rev- enue generation within the energy sector. On his part, the Commissioner of the ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. expressed his utmost joy at the signing of the MoU, describing it as an important day for the Commission to have a Ministry, by itself, to request the attention of the Commission in the fight against corruption and pledge to provide a collaborative support. The Commissioner said, electricity is an important commodity for the livelihood of citizens and that bulk of the funds generated from that sector ought to be accounted for to ensure a sustained supply of that Public Good by the Government. The ACC Boss furthered that the Commission does not have the technical expertise; but will rely on the Ministry of Energy to provide such expertise, equipment and resources to work with a Special Sting Operation Squad of the ACC to detect corrupt activities, practices and deliberate failures to pay for electricity consumption by especially large electricity Consumers like Fishing Companies, Welding Companies, Supermarkets, manufacturing factories, etc. He also said that even though the Commission is limited in manpower, it will try its best to provide a taskforce to address the challenges in the sector adding that "where there is the will, numbers do not matter". The Commissioner ended by assuring the Ministry of Energy of the commitment of the ACC to this new partnership. Earlier, in his welcome address, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC Augustine Foday - Ngobie said he was pleased that the two institutions have come together to fight corruption, adding that the ACC has the mandate to protect government resources and properties, while the Ministry of Energy is charged with the responsibility to manage and provide energy, including electricity, in the country. He added that the MoU will serve as a guide to the working relationship between the two institutions. The reading of the citation of the MoU was done by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Mr. Morie Momoh. At the Signing Ceremony were the Deputy Minister of Energy, the Chairmen of the Board of EGTC and EDSA, the Directors - General of the EGTC and EDSA, various senior staff and stakeholders in the Energy Sector, journalists, etc. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. (left) in handshake with the Minister of Energy Alhaji Kanja Sesay

6. Page 6 M embers of the Steering Committee of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2019 - 2023 on Tuesday 28 th January 2020, held their inaugural meeting at the Conference Room, Office of the Vice President, Tower Hill, Freetown. The purpose of the meeting was to present the key challenges faced by Sierra Leone in the fight against corruption, some of which are lack of independence of legislation and enforcement bodies, lack of monitoring systems, lighter punishment for corruption offenders, among others. The Committee also discussed objectives and strategic measures in tackling these issues. In her opening remarks, the Minister of State, Office of the Vice President, Francess Alghali, welcomed members of the Steering Committee. Delivering his statement, the ACC Commissioner, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., said that the ACC, with support from other institutions, is moving the fight against corruption in a direction that will have a lasting effect on the nation.“The National Anti - Corruption Strategy for the next five years is very critical as it contains the blueprint as to how we can realize a broad vision for the country,” he said. The Commissioner said that the Committee is very significant as it is the highest body in terms of fighting corruption and achieving the goals for which the NACS was formed. He further noted that the ACC is committed to supporting every aspect of the Strategy and for the existing ACC Strategic Plan to be aligned with the NACS, as the Commission is very central to achieving the mandate of the NACS. He said the current NACS is primarily focused on enforcement of the country‟s anti - corruption laws, which is backed by prevention and public education. Mr. Kaifala encouraged members of the Steering Committee to stay committed to the tasks assigned to them and to have high hopes for the NACS to achieve its goals. The Director of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat at the Anti - Corruption Com- mission, Members of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy 2019 - 2023 Steering Committee Nabillahi - Musa Kamara made a brief presentation on the development of the NACS, emphasizing that the Strategy aris- es mainly because of the national drive to fight corruption. He listed some key issues in the fight against corruption and measures highlighted by the Strategy to combat the scourge. Mr. Kamara said that the Steering Committee will be in existence during the course of the implementation of the Strategy in the next five years. The National Anti - Corruption Strategy was launched by the Vice President of Sierra Leone Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh. One of the components of the NACS was the establishment of a Steering Committee that will monitor the implementation of the Strategy and to regularly give status report to His Excellency the President. Members of the nine - man Steering Committee were selected based on their demonstration of high integrity and from diverse professional backgrounds. The members are; Ahmed Sahid Nasrallah, President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists, Jonathan Kpakiwa - Consultant, Winstona Mella Jalloh - UNESCO Sierra Leone, Emile C. Carr - Board Member Transparency International, Lavina Banduah, Executive Director Transparency International Sierra Leone, Abu Bockari Conteh, Retired employee of the World Bank Group, Aminata Ndiaye, Chief Executive Officer Orange Sierra Leone, William Sahr Kamanda, Private Consultant and Francess Alghali, Minister of State, Office of the Vice President.

5. Page 5 P ublic Education as a major tool in the fight against corruption is geared towards informing the citizenry on the evils of corruption and enlisting their support in the national crusade against the scourge. As a result, the Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., between the 17 th February and 28 th February 2020, delivered a series of public lectures; beginning at the University of Makeni in Makeni and ending at the Njala University, Njala Campus, Mokonde. The lecture at the University of Makeni Auditorium on February 17 th February 2020, was on the invitation of the Faculty and Students‟ Representative Council, on the topic: “Reinforcing the Anti - Corruption War in the Educational Sector: The Role of Tertiary Institutions (Administration & Students) in Reclaiming Sierra Leone’s Declining Academic Glory” . Commissioner Kaifala said that as university students pursuing different careers, they are the nation‟s next batch of human resource that will occupy prominent roles in the administration of the State. Thus, if they can entirely embrace integrity and eschew all forms of corrupt practices, the country will break away from the past and reinvent itself. Delivering the foundation day lecture to mark the commencement of the Sierra Leone Law School‟s 2020 academic year on 23 rd February 2020, at the School‟s Old Special Court campus at New England, on the topic: “ Kpana before the gatekeepers: Dismantling the designed roadblocks to accessing the law by the common man” , the Commissioner demystified the structural impediments intentionally created to deny the ordinary Sierra Leonean, in this circumstance, from gaining unfettered access to the law — which was the true intention of the law. For the purposes of this lecture, he used the common Sierra Leonean name, Kpana, to depict “the common man” who seeks the law. “Seeking the law has many meanings. It could be seeking justice. It could be seeking to know what the law really is. It could mean wanting to be a lawyer. It could mean understanding the law. It could mean life,” he said. In dissecting the topic, he used Franz Kafka‟s parable, known as 'Before the Law‟ first published in 1915. He relates a story of a man named „Kpana‟ that comes to a great door seeking the Law. Before it is a gatekeeper that tells him he can‟t be allowed to enter at that moment. The man seeking the Law is perplexed, but intentional, so he waits, and waits for his entire life to be permitted to access the Law. The gatekeeper also waits and allows the man to continue waiting, but not letting him pass through the gate. As the man is dying, he wonders why he was the only person seeking the Law. The gatekeeper tells him, that the gate he guards was only meant for him and since he is dying, he, the gatekeeper is going to close it. The Commissioner concluded the lecture by speaking to the con- science of the prospective legal practitioners that, “As you all go through the Law School, think about the law and its gatekeepers (which may include yourselves). Reflect on the purpose of the law, and then, when you successfully go through, come let us work to open the gates for the “Kpanas” of our country. Speaking at the Miatta Conference Centre, Freetown, on 20 th February 2020, at a seminar organized by the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) on the topic “Implementing Electronic Procurement in Sierra Leone: Using Prevention Systems as a sterility pill for the “Mother” of Most corruption in Sierra Leone”, the Commissioner referred to procurement as the mother of all kinds of corruption. He said that, for most people, the whole essence of politics is to access Government contracts. He stated that, “with the introduction of the ICT, more specifically E - procurement has the potential to significantly improve transparency, efficiency and effectiveness in public procurement. At the Port Loko District Council Hall, Port Loko City, on February 28 th , 2020; on the invitation of the Youth Council of Port Loko, on the topic: “Sierra Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. delivering his public lecture in Port Loko Contd. Pg.7 Standing ovation for the ACC Commissioner after his public lecture at the Law School.

7. Page 7 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), on 31st March, 2020, filed an indictment against ALPHA OSMAN TIM- BO, the Minister of Labour and Social Security (MLSS), also former Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE), of No. 17 Jalloh Street, Wellington, Freetown; EMILY KADIATU GOGRA, Deputy Minister, MBSSE of No. 9 Wharf Lane, Shell, Freetown; CHARLES TOM KAMANDA, the Permanent Secretary, MBSSE of H.S 28 Hill Station, Freetown; MAMUSU MASSAQUOI, Director of Nutrition, School Feeding, MBSSE of No. 8 Emmerson Bockarie Drive, Adonkia Freetown; and ZAINAB BINTA KAMARA, a business woman of The Lion Inn, No. 16 Wilkinson Road, Freetown. All five accused persons were indicted on Fifteen (15) counts of corruption offences. The indictments were made public by the ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. at a press conference held at the Commission‟s Head Office in Freetown on Tuesday 31 st March, 2020. Between October, 2019, and December 2019, ALPHA OSMAN TIMBO, in his then capacity as Minister , MBSSE, EMILY KADIATU GOGRA, as Deputy Minister MBSSE, and CHARLES TOM KAMANDA, as Permanent Secretary, MBSSE misappropriated Forty - Nine thousand bags of 50 Kg rice, meant for the school feeding programme. All three of them, face jointly one (1) count of Misappropriation of Public Property, contrary to Section 36(1), one (1) count of Failure to Comply with Applicable Procedures and Guidelines, contrary to Section 48(2) (b), one (1) count of Conspiracy to commit a corruption offence, contrary to Section 128, and one (1) count of Abuse of Office, contrary to Section 42(1), of the Anti - Corruption Act No. 12, of 2008. MAMUSU MASSAQUOI, as Director of Nutrition, School Feeding, MBSSE, between October 2019 and December 2019, misappropriated Forty - Nine thousand bags of 50Kg rice. She faces one (1) count of Misappropriation of Public Property, contrary to Section 36(1), one (1) count of Conspiracy to commit a corruption offence, contrary to Section 128, and three (3) counts of Abuse of Office, contrary to Section 42(1), of the Anti - Corruption Act No. 12, of 2008. ZAINAB BINTA KAMARA, on the other hand , as Business Woman, between October 2019 and November 2019, converted Four thousand, one hundred bags of 50Kg rice, meant for the school feeding programme. She faces one (1) count of Misappropriation of Public Property, contrary to Section 36(1), one (1) count of Conspiracy to commit a corruption offence, contrary to Section 128, one (1) count of Converting property knowing such property to be Proceeds of Corruption for the purpose of Disguising the Illicit Origin, contrary to Section 52(1)(a), one (1) count of Concealing the True Nature of Property which is the Proceeds of Corruption, contrary to Section 52(1)(b), and one (1) count of Possessing property knowing same to be the Proceeds of Corruption, contrary to Section 52 (1)(c), of the Anti - Corruption Act No. 12, of 2008. Leone’s Anti - Corruption Revolution: The Role of Young People in building a sustained culture of Integrity and Accountability”, Mr. Kaifala referred to the fight against corruption as a peaceful revolution of HOPE and called on the young folks to be the fore - bearers of the torch of integrity. Speaking to students and staff of the Njala University College, Njala Campus, Mokonde, on the topic, "Results Amidst Doubts: Unchaining the mindset of Chronic Societal Cynicism to win the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone”; in a Public Lecture organized by the University, the Commissioner opined that one of the challenges confronting the fight against corruption is that “Our society is acutely afflicted, by a behavioural problem known as “Chronic Societal cynicism” arising from a prolonged breach of social contract and the lack of good models; which has chained the minds of our people for generations. He said this has created years of mistrust in integrity fighting institutions as the people saw corruption flourish under their watch. He said that the only known cure for such chronic cynicism in a society like ours is producing massive results by the governance apparatus. He said the country‟s current anti - corruption revolution is a testament to this. “Our massive results in the forms of stolen monies recovered, convictions in court, asset recoveries, systems and processes reviews, extensive public education campaign, amongst others, have resulted in huge perceptional shift among Sierra Leoneans, who are now beginning to believe that something tangible can be done to control corruption,” he said. He said the country is al- so receiving international validation and commendation evident from recent international indices, which is leading the international image cleansing for a country once notorious for rampant corruption. Contd from Pg.5


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