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11. Center for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, awards ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala „Alumnus of the Year‟ Deputy Director of the Prevention Department, ACC, Patrick M. George, presenting copies of report on Institutional Anti - Corruption Policy to the Deputy Commissioner of NaCSA Jimmy BatiloSonga ACC’s Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach Abubakarr Turay explains the GRM component of the Islamic Development Bank - supported SLCDD/GIETRENK Project in Mange - Deputy Commissioner. ACC, Augustine F. Ngobie par- ticipates in a three - day training on “Anti - Corruption and Good Governance” in Egypt „ At the end of three - day training workshop for ACC Investigators and Prosecutors conducted by Pro Bono Network, with support from the British High Commission Freetown After his three year term, ACC Commissioner hands over Presidency of the Network of Anti - Corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA) to Abdulrasheed Bawa, Head of EFCC, Nigeria Page 11 ACC hands over 16 recovered motorbikes and other office equipment to Mott Macdonald UK Aid being project properties for the monitoring of the Free Quality Education programme ACC engages Sierra Leone Airport Authority on roll - out of National Anti - Corruption Strategy

12. Published by the Anti - Corruption Commission Headquarters: 3, Gloucester Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa Website: http//www@anticorruption.gov.sl Bo Office Address: 10 Bo Pujehun Drive, Kebbie Town Email: info@anticorruption.gov.sl Makeni Office Address: Mena Hill Reservation, Makeni Kenema Office Address: Reservation Road, Off Maxwell Khobe Street Kono Office: 18 Sannsie Street, Off Kain Kordu Road, Koidu Port Loko : 13 Sheriff Street, Port Loko City Hotline Nos: 077 - 985985 , 077 986 986 , 515 (All Networks)

10. Contd from Pg.3 Page 10 Community Monitors at the Training The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) and the other project partners (ACC and Statistics Sierra Leone) will design a work plan for the targeting and enrollment of 35,000 beneficiaries followed by the payment of cash to the enrolled beneficiaries. The SSN Project, commonly called the “Ep Fet Po Project”, was launched in 2014 to establish core social protection systems and progressively expand the coverage of cash transfers to extremely poor households in Sierra Leone. EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakar Turay EDITORS Margaret Murray LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Patrick Sandi Augustine Foday Ngobie Emmanuel Koivaya Amara

5. T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) and teachers in the northern city of Makeni held a consultative meeting to map out plans to effectively administer integrity clubs established by the Commission in schools. The meeting which attracted teachers from eight major public schools in Makeni was held at the Commission‟s Conference Hall on 1 st March, 2022. Addressing the teachers who are tasked with coordinating the affairs of the clubs, ACC‟s Northeast Office Manager, Mariama Navo, thanked them for the impressive work they are doing with the pupils in the clubs. She also commended principals of schools for allowing the clubs to operate in their different institutions. The Manager further said that she held no reservation in touting the performance of selected ACC integrity club members during the commemoration of the International Anti - Corruption Day 2021. „We can do better with the pupils in the clubs if we all work as close partners, maximizing our collective efforts. Frankly, the Commission depends on you to groom our club members, achieve the moral pedestal to ward off corruption today and in future, when they assume positions of trust,‟ the Manager urged the teachers. Reading abridged news items during assembly in schools, a brainchild of Miss Navo, was proposed and mulled over for practical resolutions. The proposal was consensually accepted on the basis that it would serve as an opportunity to keep the club members and the rest of the schools abreast with ACC activities and achievements. „Children are transmitters of information once they are well informed,‟ the Manager assured her audience. The Teacher Coordinators of integrity clubs chose suitable days for the reading of ACC news stories in the school week. Mondays, Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays were set aside, based on convenience, to broadcast news. Each piece of news will be written and posted to the Integrity Club WhatsApp group for teachers by ACC Public Education and Outreach Unit officers, from where they will be accessed and read out to the entire school during assembly. Proposal on conducting an inter - club quiz and debating contest laced with drama and other creative performances at the end of the first quarter of the year was also raised and generally endorsed. On behalf of the teachers, Moses Saffa Tu- ray, who represented Saint Joseph‟s Senior Secondary School, declared that the meeting was indicative of the Commission‟s Page 5 ACC in a meeting with Integrity Club Teacher Coordinators Contd on Pg.8

7. Page 7 T he Eastern Region Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) in Kenema has engaged staff of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) as part of efforts to instill the values of integrity in public service. The engagement took place at the NCRA Eastern Region Office in Kenema on the 24th February, 2022. ACC‟s Senior Public Education Officer Sulaiman B. Sowa described integrity as a personal choice of doing the right thing that is consistent with moral values, ethical standards and official principles. He further stated that public sector integrity refers to the core values and behavioral standards expected of state employees in public office. Mr. Sowa said that building a culture of integrity in the public sector can facilitate transparency, promote accountability and help regulate issues of conflict of interest. He emphasized that integrity comes at a personal cost but its gains surpasses all things money can buy. He therefore called on all staff of NCRA to uphold and embrace Integrity as it guarantees a peace of mind and ensures dignity. Speaking on some of the offences in the An- ti - Corruption Act of 2008 as amended in 2019, Quinton David, Investigation Officer, said the offences carry lengthy jail terms and heavy fines as well. Mr. David singled out key offences such as; soliciting and accepting advantage, conspiracy, unexplained wealth and failing to declare income, assets and liabilities, noting that each carries a minimum fine of Fifty Million Leones or a jail term of not less than five years or both jail term and fine. He emphasized that people recruited by NCRA on temporary basis are public officers by the definition in the AC Act of 2008 as amended and therefore entreated all to play by the laid down rules to prevent corruption. Appreciating the deliberations, Sama Vandi Sama, Regional Registration Officer, said the theme of the engagement is in line with their core values. He acknowledged that temptations abound in public service but emphasized that with integrity; all forces of corruption can be defeated and avoided. He assured the Commission of their relentless support in the fight against corruption. ACC Officers pose with staff of the National Civil Registration Authority after the engagement

1. Issue 14 Volume 37 April , 2022 Page 1 I n a public notice dated 7 th March, 2022, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) informed the general public that, in a bid to sustain, consolidate and improve on the remarkable gains the country has made thus far in the fight against corruption, the Commission is re - introducing a reward and incentives scheme for informants, whistleblowers and citizens who support the ACC in its fight against corruption. The Commission says any member of the public who provides cogent and useful information to the Commission that leads to the successful prosecution and conviction of, and/or recovery of funds or property from a corrupt person (including public officers) will be rewarded10 percent of the total amount or value of the 10 percent withheld by the Commission for its operations as per law. For instance, where the information provided by an informant or whistleblower leads to the recovery of One Billion Leones (Le1,000,000,000) , the ACC will, as stipulated in Section 139 of the Anti - Corruption Act, 2008 as amended in 2019, withhold One Hundred Million Leo- nes (Le100,000,000) of the said sum, which constitutes 10 percent of the proceeds. Thereafter, the Commission will pay the sum of Ten Million Leones (Le10,000,000) in full to the informant or whistleblower, which would amount to 10 percent of the proceeds withheld as in the aforesaid example. Furthermore, the ACC assures all informants of their full protection as provided for in Sections 81 and 82 of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 as amended in 2019 and the Witness and Whistleblower Protection Policy of the Commission including anonymity, identity masking, security, relocation, transfer, etc. Commissioner of ACC Francis Ben Kelfala Esq.

9. T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Regional Office in Kono has held two days mass community sensitization meetings in Soa and Fiama chiefdoms in a bid to educate residents of the two chiefdoms about corruption issues and solicit their support in the anti - corruption campaign. The activities started off with a „‟Meet the School‟ campaign‟ at the Manjama Junior Sec- ondary School on the 22 nd February 2022 followed by an on - the - spot meeting with healthcare workers in Kainkordu in the Soa Chiefdom. The following day, the ACC team held a community engagement in Kainkordu and a customized meeting with various security operatives in Njagbuema in the Fiama Chiefdom. Regional Manager of the ACC office in Kono Hawanatu O. Kamara said community sensiti- zation is one of the major activities employed by the Commission to win the fight against the scourge of corruption, which has contributed to the poor living conditions of citizens. “I encourage you all to fully support the ACC by reporting every instance of corruption in your community to enhance improved service deliv- Page 9 During the engagement with security personnel in Njagbuema Fiama Chiefdom ery,” she said. ACC‟s Kono District Monitor Patrick Hinga George emphasized the need for a strong alliance in the fight against corruption as its negative impact on the nation is immeasurable. He said the ACC is a reliable institution established by an Act of Parliament in 2000 to fight corruption. Senior Public Education Officer, ACC Sam P. Gogra, itemized some corruption offences that are rife in disadvantaged communities including: misappropriation of public/community funds and property, bribery in the local courts, schools, health and security sectors. He further stated that persons convicted of corruption shall face a fine of not less than Fifty Million Leones or a prison term of not less than five years or both prison term and fine, as provided for under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 as amended in 2019. He therefore encouraged the people to always call the toll free lines of 077 - 985985 and 077 - 986986 to report corruption incidences. On behalf of the people, a community monitor in Soa Chiefdom Pastor Komba Mo- ses Allieu appreciated the public education exercise and promised to always support the Commission in the fight against corruption.

2. Page 2 T he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) of Nigeria under the leadership of its Executive Chairman Abdulrasheed Bawa, the Network of Anti - Corruption Institutions of West Africa (NACIWA) and WAPIS Pogramme of the International Criminal Police Organization, commonly known as Interpol honoured Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., outgoing President of NACIWA and Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone, for his trail blazing and exemplary campaign in the fight against corruption in the sub - region. Francis Ben Kaifala had at the concluded 5th Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the regional block NACIWA, hand- ed over the mantle of leadership after three years of success as head of the Network. There is no gainsaying that whilst he served as head of the NACIWA, Commissioner Kaifala significantly contributed to the fight against corruption both nationally and internationally. Besides being overwhelmingly elected to serve as a distinguished Board Member, on the African Union Advisory Board on Corruption (AUABC) in 2021, and his appointment amongst twenty - five (25) selected leaders for Africa‟s most prestigious Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership Programme; the Sierra Leonean renowned legal luminary has injected significant reforms in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone making his reign since 2018 very successful. During his work as Commissioner of Sierra Leone‟s ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala has received and won several awards, laurels and accolades including; the US State Departments‟ “International Anti - Corruption Champion 2020“; 50 Influential Young Global Leaders” by the Global Initia- tive for Good Leadership; Africa‟s “Obama Afri- ca Leader 2019”; “West Africa‟s Young person of the Year 2019” by Confederation of West African Youths; “Public Servant of the Year 2019” by the AWOL (National Achievement Awards); to mention but a few. Therefore, these recent regional honours and recognitions by NACIWA, the Interpol and the EFCC of Nigeria do not come as a surprise to many, considering the fact that Ben Kaifala has demonstrated resounding leadership and commitment in all spheres of the fight against corruption at local, sub - regional and continental levels. Responding to the honours, the Commissioner, Francis Ben Kaifala dedicated these honours to Joseph Kangaju Esq. Head of the Policy and Ethics Unit in the Prevention Department who is hospitalized at the Connaught Hospital. We wish him speedy recovery from his ailment. The Awards

8. I n its effort to heightening public knowledge on corruption, the Public Education and Outreach Department of the Anti - Corruption North - West Regional Office on Tuesday 22nd February, 2022 engaged personnel of the 11th Infantry Battalion of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces in Kambia District. Addressing officers, the Regional Manager Al - Hassan Sesay recognized and acknowledged the importance of RSLAF in providing security and safety for the people of Sierra Leone. As public officers, he urged them to make it a point of duty for officers to perform their duty with utmost integrity and with conformity with the law. He added that as public officers they are covered by the ACC laws and reminded them that their actions should be in consonance with best practices and the rule of law. Manager Sesay noted that integrity violations at management level can tear down the reputation of the institution with debilitating consequences that can quickly spread through the rank and file of the Force. He therefore encouraged the leadership of the battalion to always work within an ethical climate and for the values of integrity to be visibly and consistently demonstrated in their operations. "Leaders who demonstrate integrity in their everyday actions gain the respect of employees and greatly impact the Force," he emphasized. Commenting on the effects of corruption on nation building, Mr. Sesay stated that corruption undermines the security of the State as well as public confidence in the military adding that, corruption within the security sector may take many forms, such as kickbacks and bribes, awarding of non - competitive contracts or manipulations of soldier payrolls, among other things. The regional head also informed them about the 2022 online declaration process in which every eligible public officers should declare his assets before March 31, this year. Questions, comments and concerns and the presentation of IEC materials formed part of the engagement. Page 8 Contd. from Pg.5 inclusive approach to fight corruption. „We are motivated and committed to working with our different clubs in order to promote integrity in our schools. Reading of ACC news in our schools is clearly a useful channel to make the presence of the clubs felt in our schools.‟ Regional Manager, Acc North - west, Alhas- san Sesay addressing the Officers

6. I n tandem with the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) strategic approach to promote ethical values and enhance civil and public servants‟ understanding of corruption and its undesirable consequences on the operations of public sector institutions, the Public Education Unit of the Commission‟s Southern Region office engaged employees of the National Minerals Agency (NMA). Addressing NMA staff at the Agency‟s Conference Hall in Bo on Friday 25 th March, 2022, ACC‟s Senior Public Education Officer, Abdulai Saccoh, said the engagement was a testament to ACC‟s commitment to use multi - pronged approach to build integrity systems in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) Mr. Saccoh reminded them of their fundamental responsibilities to promote the development of the minerals sector, implement mining policies and regulations and enforce compliance. He recognized that if only staff of NMA can insulate themselves against corruption then public trust would not be eroded. The Senior Public Education Officer ex- plained a number of corruption offences as enshrined in the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 as amended in 2019 such as: offering, soliciting and accepting an advantage, conspiracy to commit corruption offence, gift, abuse of office, misappropriation of public funds/ property, misappropriation of donor funds/ property and abuse of office/position. He told his audience that, upon conviction for any of the offences, the court will impose a fine of not less than Fifty Million Leones or a jail term of not less than five years or suffer both fine and imprisonment. The Regional Manager of NMA, Bo Office Allieu Kamara, said that integrity is one of the pillars upon which the foundation of their office is built. Mr. Kamara admitted that despite the temptation employees of NMA are exposed to, they have been able to exhibit high degree of sincerity and patriotism. He commended the ACC for its continued support in the area of conducting training for staff of the Agency and holding sensitization meetings. Mr. Kamara affirmed NMA‟s commitment to working with the Commission to build on the gains already achieved and promised to institute anti - corruption safeguards at the workplace. ACC‟s Public Education Officer, Mohamed A. Kabba, described the engagement as a platform to sensitize staff of NMA on issues of corruption and enlist their support in the fight against the scourge. Mr. Kabba said that, amongst the reasons why public sector institutions are unproductive is the lack of transparency and accountability in the mobilization and management of public funds. He called on NMA staff to make conscious efforts towards the fight against corruption “because the wellbeing of citizens will only im- prove when corruption is tackled”. Page 6 ACC and NMA Staff after the sensitization meeting

4. Page 4 T he Director of Public Education and External Outreach Department of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Patrick Sandi has delivered a lecture on issues of integrity and general corruption is- sues to over four hundred corps of the National Youth Service. The lecture was delivered at the training of the fourth batch of National Youth Service Corps held at the Peace Mission Training Centre, Rogbangba, Hastings, Freetown, on Tuesday 22 nd February, 2022, Delivering the lecture, Mr Sandi started off by giving a background of the ACC, stating that it is an institution established in 2000 as a product of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report that singled out corruption as a major cause of the decade - long civil war the country experienced. “The Anti - Corruption Commission‟s primary mandate is to take all steps necessary to minimize corruption to the barest minimum, if not to eradicate it. Countries that top global control of corruption assessments, are not necessarily corrupt - free, but corruption is reduced in such a way that it does not affect their institutions and development,” he said. The ACC‟s Director of Public Education and Outreach also informed the corps about the approaches employed by the Commission in its nationwide campaign against corruption; public education, prevention, investigation and prosecution. Mr Sandi further explained about the Commission‟s Non - Conviction Assets based recovery strategy, which he said is a system used to recover stolen funds without recourse to court, something the Commission has utilized to recover over 35 Billion Leones in the last three years. “The United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNACAC) adopted this method, and we at the ACC also have been using it especially in the last three years, to explore the option of prioritizing recovering stolen funds with at least a 10% interest and a minimum of three years sanction on those found wanting,” he noted. Earlier, whilst welcoming the Director, Mohamed Abdulai Kanu, one of the Youth Service Corp trainees, expressed his delight at the presence of the ACC at the event, to provide them with insight on the work of Commission and the fight against corruption. A question and answer session climaxed the lecture. Director of Public Education and Outreach Patrick Sandi delivering the lecture

3. Page 3 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), through the Project Coordination Unit of the Commission, organized a three - day training of community monitors on the roles and responsibilities of the ACC in the Social Safety Net (SSN) beneficiary targeting and enrollment exercise. The training was hosted in Makeni for participants from the Western Area, North - West and Northern regions; and in Bo for participants from the Southern and Eastern regions, of Sierra Leone. The training ran from 2 nd - 4 th March, 2022. From the two training locations, 235 community monitors participated in the training, which focused on defining the role of the Commission, especially the community monitors, in the SSN Project implementation. It further discussed the strategy the ACC team could employ in order to strengthen the overarching monitoring role in the implementation of the SSN Project with the ultimate goal of ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the project. The Coordinator of the ACC Project Coordination Unit, in his address to the participants, emphasized on the importance of community monitors in helping the ACC carry out the monitoring role and getting feedbacks from communities and beneficiaries. Patrick Sundufu Morovia advised participants to give their full time to the exercise since they will be required to take a test at the end of the training. As volunteers working for the ACC, the Project Coordinator went on, community monitors will be considered as public officers in accordance with the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 as amended in 2019. Based on this, every community moni- tor will be required to sign a code of conduct guiding the SSN Project implementation, he said. The Deputy Commissioner of the ACC, Au- gustine Foday Ngobie, made a tour of the two training venues in Makeni and Bo where he acknowledged the good work of the community monitors, adding that the successes gained so far by the ACC in carrying out the monitoring role in the SSN Project is as a result of their combined efforts. He encouraged the community monitors to keep doing the good work which is highly recognized by the ACC top Management. Deputy Commissioner of ACC Augustine Fo- day Ngobie addressing Community Monitors Contd. On Pg.10


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