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Prosecutions / Case Statistics

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1. ACC CONVICTIONS FROM 2000 TO DATE S/N NAME OF ACCUSED OFFENCE DATE OF CONVICTION 1. Justice Tadjudeen High Court Judge Accepting an Advantage On the 22 nd day of June 2001 he was convicted and sentenced to 1 year imprisonment on counts 1, 2, 5 and 6 to run concurrently and 6months imprisonment or Le30 on counts 3 , 4 , 7 and 8 . Both sentence to run concurrently ( Mandatory sentence) 2. Prince Harry David Morlu Principal School of Hygiene Bo Misappropriation of Public Funds. 6 th May 200 0 3. Alusine Chr istian Kamara Finance Officer, School of Hygiene Bo - - 4. Alhaji M.S. Kargbo Health – Freetown City Council - 12 th January 2004

18. 18 a dvantage, contrary to sec 28(2)(a) of ACC act No12 of 2008 and Abuse of position, contrary sec 43 of the ACC act No12 of 2008. Sentenced reserved for Friday 23/2/18 for 1A Foday Johnny and 3A Quamy Idrissa Thullah 95 The State vs. John Nabie On the 30 t h June, 2018 Justice M.A.J Stevens J found the Accused guilty and sentenced him as on count 1.Soliciting Advantage, count2 Accepting an Advantage, count3 Soliciting an Advantage and count4 Accepting an Advantage. The Accused was fined five million Leones o n each count and the sentence to run concurrently and the fines to run consecutively.

16. 16 by Jeelo Kainwo ESq and the convict was represented by Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai . 9 2 The State vs. Mohamed P. Konneh & Shar Mani The First and second Accused changed their pleas to guilty on the 18/1/17 before justice Ernest Gooding. Mohamed P. Konneh and Sahr Mani pleaded guilty on count 1 con spiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to section 128(1) of the ACA ,ACT No 12 of 2008, both person with unknown persons between 12/4/17 & 15/6/17 conspired together to improperly confer an advantage on Amie Fayia. Mohamed P. Konneh pleaded guilt y on count 2 Abuse of Office contrary to section 42(1) of the ACA, also Sahr Mani was found guilty on count 3 Abuse of Office, Mohamed P. Konneh pleaded guilty on count 4 Soliciting an Advantage and Shar Mani was also pleaded guilty on count 5 . On the 1/ 30/18, the 1 st and 2 nd Accused persons were sentenced to 3 years imprisonment to run concurrently on count charged. The accused were banned five years each from pursuing the profession of a teacher in Education. 93 The State vs. Saidu Bobson Kamara & Bund u Konteh On the 19/1/18, the first Accused was found guilty by Justice Don Bosco Allieu in the High

17. 17 Court in Makeni on one count of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to section 128(1) of the ACA, No.12 of 2008 . The A1 was fined Le15 , 000, 000 // or three years in default failure to pay. A2 was acquitted and discharged 94 The State vs. Foday Johnny, Sahr Nat Kelly, Quamy Idrissa Thullah & Michael Kpakiwa On the 20 th February 2018 the Justice Allieu Sesay found Foday Johnny was found g uilty on count 1, 2, and 3 Accepting Advantage, contrary to section 28(2)(a) of ACC Act,No12 of 2008, Giving advantage, contrary to section 28(1(a) of the ACC Act, No12 of 2008, and Abuse of position, contrary to section 43 of ACC Act No12 of 2008. Sahr Na t Kelly was acquitted and discharged on count 4 and 5 – Accepting Advantage, contrary to section 28(2) of ACC Act No12 2008 and Abuse of position, contrary to section 43 of ACC Act No12 of 2008 and the 3 rd Accused Quamy Idrissa Thullah was found guilty on c ount 6 and 7 Accepting advantage contrary to section 28(2(a) of the ACC act No12 of 2008 and Abuse of position, contrary to section 43 of the ACC act No12 of 2008 and the 4 th Accused Michael Kpakiwa was acquitted and discharged on count 8 and 9 Accepting

15. 15 Edwards . He was sentenced to pay a fine of Le30m which must be paid with 14 days, effective 13 November 2017 , otherwise three years in default . The matter was prosecuted by M.M Sow ( Esq. ) 90 Francis Marveh Soliciting Advantage contrary to section 28(2)(a) of the ACC Act No12 of 2008 And Accepting Advantage contrary to section 28(2)(a ) of the ACC Act No12 of 2008 On 31/10/17 the Accused pleaded guilty on his own plea, and he was convicted on two counts ; Soliciting Advantage contrary to section 28(2)(a) of the ACC Act No12 of 2008 And Accepting Advantage contrary to section 28(2 ) ( a) of the ACC Act No12 of 2008 in the High Court presided over by Justice Dwz ark. The Accused was sentenced Le10m on count one, and Le10m on count2. The fines are to be paid within four months otherwise 3years in defaults on each fine. The ma tter was prosecuted by M. Kroma ( Esq. ) 91 Mohamed Osman Sesay He was found guilty on count 1, 2 , 3 , 5 &6 on 6/11/ 17 by Justice MM. Samba, sentenced to 3 years imprisonment on each count to run concurrently. The State was represented

11. 11 above the fine and restitution) 7 6 Isaac Kaiwo Sheriff He was convicted in the Bo High Court 7 7 Emmanuel Showers & Thillu Kallon Both accused persons were employee s by ESDA were convicted on two courts on 14/1/16 for fraudulently damaging public property causing lost to the Government. Both were fine Le30M each and to pay within six months and they failing to pay shall serve a three year prison term each 7 8 Fomba Koroma He was convicted on 14/1/16 . He is to pay Le30M or he goes to jail for three years 79 Victor Hugo Kamara, Robert Paine & Ibrahim John On the 2/2/16 Victor Hugo Kamara was convicted on 17 counts whilst Robert Paine was convicted on 3 counts and A braham John was acquitted and discharged 8 0 The State vs. Abu Bakarr Kamara Impersonation officer of ACC Sec76(ACA 2008) Judge - Justice Allan Holloway Prosecutor - Nigel Davies Because of the overwhelming testimonies of PW1 Batilo Vandy and PW2 Nancy B angura on 17/3/16 in the Kenema High Court, the Accused today 18/3/16 changed his plea from NOT GUILTY to GULITY to the Offence

14. 14 John Sandy count of misappropriation of public fund and fined Le30M to be paid in six months failing to pay 3 year s in default and to pay Le28 , 280,000 to ACC as restitution. 8 7 The State vs. Abdul Rahman Sesay & Hector Junisa Kallon Soliciting an advantage Abetting On 10/8/17 t he 1A was convicted on one count of soliciting an advantage and A2 was convicted on one count of abetting. Both to pay Le30M each or 3 years in default. 8 8 Prince M.E Nallo, Bockarie S. Mattia, Nyakeh Tommy Andewmawa,Amos Gbondo & Prince K. Kallon Conspiracy , peddling influence 13/10/17 All five Accused persons were convicted on one coun t charged of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence, and sentenced to Eight years imprisonment, Prince ME. Nallo was convicted on the second count charge and was sentenced to six years imprisonment; They are to pay the seventy four million Leones they c ollected . (Mandatory Sentence) 89 Francis Lahai Fraudulent failure to make payment of custom levy contrary to section 48(1)(d) of the ACC ACT No 12 of 2008 On 30/10/17 Accused was convicted on one count of fraudulent failure to make payment of custom levy contrary to section 48(1)(d) of the ACC ACT NO 12 OF 2008 at the High court in Freetown presided over by Justice

10. 10 run cumulatively 7 2 James A iah Dauda Obstruction of Justice The Accused was convicted on 23/2/15 by Justice Browne Marke. Accused was fine Le30M or 5 years impriso nment and payment should be done immediately 73 . Moses Alie Impersonation On 16/10/15. The Accused was convicted on the two counts he was charged. Count one: One year Imprisonment, and count Two: Three Years Imprisonment to run concurrently. And the one year six months which the Accused had spend in Remand should be considered ( Mandatory sentence) 7 4 Josiah Paris and T wo Others MPF The accused were acquitted and discharged all 18 counts on 25/11/15 7 5 Millicent Blango & Samuel K. Ngegba 10/12/15 Milli cent Blango and Ngegba were se ntenced to 35 years in jail or pay a fine of Le75M plus Le71M ( Restitution to be p aid to ACC) and Le50M fine or 10 years in jail plus Le71M ( restitution to be paid to ACC). A ccounts are ordered to be unfrozen and first choice of use of proceeds thereof be used to pay fine and restitution(for accounts with money

12. 12 charged – Impersonation of officer of the Anti - Corruption Commission contrary to section (76) of the ACA 2008. The Accused wa s sentenced to pay a fine of three Million Leones forthwith or six months imprisonment. 8 1 The state vs. Mohamed Almamy Mansaray He was convicted in his own plea on 26 th October 2016 Fine million Leones to be paid at the Judiciary Treasury, it must be wi th an immediate effect, and the Accused should not be release until he paid the fine. 8 2 The state vs. . Kelfala Mansaray Offering an advantage (sec 28) of the ACT He was convicted in his own plea on 26 th October 2016, But he was cautioned and discharged 8 3 The State vs. Leslie L ahai Monson, Kerfala Jannah and Millicent Abdulai Conspiracy Sec128(1) Misappropriation of donor funds sec 37(1) of ACA No12 of 2008 On 31/5/17 AT THE Bo high court the 1 st and 2 nd accused pleaded guilty on both counts of conspir acy section 128(1) and misappropriation of Donor funds contrary to section 37(1) of ACA No12 in respect of WFP food aid and cash payment to Ebola survivors in Nengbema Bo district in 2015. The 3 rd Accused pleaded not guilty on both counts and matter adjour ned to 8/6/17 for continuation of the 3 rd Accused case.

13. 13 84 ` The State vs. Ibrahim Suma Two count charge of Impersonation sec76(ACA 2008 On the 10 th July 2017 at the Makeni High Court presided over by Justice AR Mansaray, accused Mohamed Suma was arraig ned and charges of two counts of impersonation read which he pleaded guilty on his own plea. He was fined 3m for each count. He was sentenced to a custodian jail term of 12 months to run concurrently the time spent on remand. The state was represented by M ohamed Kroma Esq. (Mandatory sentence) 8 5 The state vs. , Abdurrahman Sesay & Hector Kallon Two counts charge ( one for each Accused person) On today’s date 10 th August 2017, at the Bo High Court presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura , two Accused person s were Convicted on their own plea. Abdurrahman Sesay was convicted for soliciting Advantage and was sentence to pay a fine of Le. 30,000:000 to be paid in three weeks time , The second Accused Hector Kallon, was also convicted for Abetting the commission o f a corrupt offence and was sentenced as the first Accused person. 8 6 The State vs. Alfred One count - MPF He was convicted on 27 /7/ 17 on one

4. 4 Bangura Magistrate Advantage 21. Modibo Nussi Brima Jalloh Headmaster – Ahmadiyya Primary School Gbabato Misappropriation of Public Funds 10 th November 2005 22. Sulaiman Massaquoi Pol ice Inspector Soliciting/Accepting Advantage 30 th December 2003 23. Joseph Johns Gberie Income Tax Department Misappropriation of Public Funds 7 th November 2003 24. Arthur Mathew Belden Principal Tomlinson High School Songo - 16 th February 2004 25. Mill icent Mabey Postal Clerk SALPOST – Freetown - 26 th May 2004 26. Mohamed Ansumana Marah Teacher Wilberforce Municipal Primary School Freetown - 7 th June 2004 27. Chernor Sahid Kamara - 24 th June 2004

6. 6 Cole of blessed memory said to the Prosecutor Mr. Ake Baber that the matter has wasted the precious time of the co urt and that such should not be encouraged in feature 3 4 Aruna Jalloh Misappropriation of Public Fund 12 th December 2008 35 . Luseni J. Baun Soliciting or Accepting Advantage 10 th March 2009 36. Mohamed Bangura Soliciting or Accepting Advantage 10 th M arch 2009 37. Santigie Abu Bai Kalokoh Soliciting or Accepting Advantage The Accused was convicted by 29/1/09 by Justice Mary Sey and sentenced as follows : Accused to pay a fine of Le3M for Soliciting an Advantage , alternately 1year imprisonment 38. I satu Conteh Misappropriation of Public Funds 16 th February 2009 39. Cecil Steven Ansumana Misappropriation of Public Funds 23 rd February 2009 40. Alex Sesay I mpersonation 23 rd February 2009 41. Alhaji A. B. Seisay Soliciting/ Accepting Advantage 3 rd Ma rch 2009 42. Earnest Joseph Kashope Misappropriation of Public A1 and A2 were convicted on

2. 2 5. Abdul Mark Saccoh Director, Christian Child Charity & Co. Dev. Pro. - 2 nd April 2004 6 Francis Hindowa The Accused was acquitted on 9 th December 2004 by Justice Shuster 7 . Lovetta Adams National Registration Soliciting/Accepting an Advantage 30 th December 2003 8 . Jacob Roach Paying Officer, Kissy Mental Home Misappropriation of Public Funds 1 st December 2005 9. Melvina will Caterer – Kissy Mental Home - 6 th March 2006 10. Emmanuel O. Leigh Formal Principal Lora Dove Vocational Institute - 30 th March 2006 11. Orlando Gibao Bendu Paying Officer Milton Margai College, Freetown - 14 th June 2006 12. Aloysius Mohamed Senesi e Assistant Immigration Officer Kailahun - 29 th June 2006

7. 7 Wellington and Mrs. Madonna Cole Funds 25/5/2009 by Justice Browne Marke. And sentenced as follows: A1 Le5M 0r 5years imprisonment, 2A Le3M or 2years imprisonment . Consequential Order Alimany Mansaray PW2 shall refund to SLBS immediately the sum of Le30M 43 . Francis A. Gabbidon Misappropriation of Public Funds On the 9 th June 2009 , Justice Mary Sey discountenanced counts 165 - 168 and found guilty the Accused from c ount1 to count 164 44 . Mohamed C. Rogers Corrupting Public Officer October 2008 45 . Mohamed M. Sheriff Misappropriation of Public Funds 27 th July 2009 46 . David Lewis Walker Misappropriation of Public Funds 2 nd March 2010 47 . Sheiku T. Koroma Abu se of office, Abuse of position & Failure to comply with procurement procedure. 11 th March 2010 48 . Joe M. Seiwoh Abuse of office, Abuse of position & Using office for advantage 18 th March 2010 49 . Idriss Sonkoi Kamara Abuse of office, Abuse of position & Using office for advantage 18 th March 2010

5. 5 Principal of Schlenker Secondary School – Port Loko 2 8. Mathew Mustapha Mannah Former S.D.O. – Port Loko Soliciting an Advantage 30 th August 2006 29. Mohamed Sylvanus Koroma S.D.O. – Port Loko Ministry of Local Government Accepting an Advantage 30 th August 2006 30. Fatmata Marah Project Director My Peoples Keeper Koinadugu District Misappropriation of Public Funds On 16 th November 2006 Justice Shuster convicted the Accused person on two count s , M isappropriation of Donor Funds and fined Le1,450,000,000 to be paid in immediately 31. Ibrahim Smart Kamara Paying Officer North Ministry of Education Science & Technology Misappropriation of Public Funds 12 th February 2007 32. Ibrahim Khalilu Manneh and Charles Jaya Kpaka Misappropriation of Public Funds 20 th May 2008 Justice Browne Marke found guilty both Ac cused persons on each count from count 1 to count 45 33 . Edward Mohamed Allieu Corrupting Public Officer On the 6/6/08 Justice S A Ademusu

3. 3 13. PC 8436 Koroma Brima Police Department Immigration Post Kailahun Corrupting Public Officer 29 th June 2006 14. Mohamed Musa Teacher – St. Joseph Vocational Institute – Kissy Misappropriation of Public Funds 3 rd November 2004 15. Alfred Karim Tarawallie Treasurer – Makeni Town Council - 6 th July 2005 16. Rev. Gilbert Harding Coordinator – Empowerment Project Misappropriation of Donor Funds 15 th November 2005 17. Gilbert Decker Magistrate – J.P . Soliciting/Accepting Advantage 24 th October 2005 18 W/Sgt. 4545 Adama Kamara Police Officer Soliciting/Accepting Advantage 24 th October 2005 19. Julius Pratt Assistant Account Officer S/L Library Board, Freetown Soliciting/Accepting Advantage 24 th O ctober 2005 20. Steven Mohamed Soliciting/Accepting 19 th January 2006

9. 9 65 . Dominic K. Jusu MDF 26 th Nov. judgment and 28 th November sentences and fines 66 . Alimamy S. Kamara.(Died before the tria l) MDF 26 th Nov. judgment and 28 th November sentences and fines 67 . Mustapha Amara Misappropriation of Public Funds 7 th June 2013. 5 Years imprisonment Fine 60 million Leones. (Mandatory sentence) 68 . Joseph Tewuleh. Misappropriation of Public Funds 7 th June 2013 . 5 years Fine 80 million Leones. (Mandatory sentence) 69 . Dr. Matthew Michael Amara GAVI Misappropriation of Donor Funds Convicted on 19 th September 2013 on one count. He was fined Le350, 000,000 to be paid in one month from the date of conviction or 3 years imprisonment. 70 Solomon Katta &Six Others NRA(Conspiracy, Misappropriation of public Revenue) Judgment was delivered on 3/4/14. The following were convicted: Solomon Hindolo Katta Idrissa Fornah Alias ( Orkala), Momoh Turay , C atherine Katta and Emmanuel Sesay ( Mandatory sentence) 71 Elizabeth King Misappropriation of public Revenue She was found guilty on both counts of misappropriation of Public revenue on 1 st July 2014 and sentenced to five years imprisonment on both counts to

8. 8 5 0 Adrian J. Fisher M P F 10 / 06 / 10 5 1 Alimu bah M D F 17/6/010 5 2 Haja A fsatu Kabba M P F 12/10/010 5 3 Samuel K.Huggins M P F 15/10/010 54 John Mans and Francis Komeh MPF 18/1/11 55 Hamzza Alusine Sesa y Sarah F. Bendu Breach of Procurement procedure 10/2/11 56 Mohamed Osman Sesay Impersonation 16/3/11 57 Philip Conteh and Others MPF 19/5/11 58 Philip Lukuley MPF 11/7/11 59 Mohamed S. Jalloh MPF 4/8/11 60 Her bert George Williams, and six others B reach of procurement procedures and Misappropriation of public funds 15/8/12 61 . Brima Bah Misappropriation of Public Funds (SALPOST) 31st October 2012. 62 . Al phajoh Y. Bah & and 10 others MPF,ETC. 23 RD October 2012. 63 Edward Y. Koroma, MDF 26 th Nov. judgment and 28 th November sentences and fines 64 . Kargbo Manso I. MDF 26 th Nov. judgment and 28 th November sentences and fines


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