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Newspaper Analysis - 6. June 218

Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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2. 2 Highlights The percentage of favorable pu blication for the month of June is 81 %; while the percentage of unfavorable publications is 14 %. The perce ntage of ambivalent reports is 5 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favorable reports “PRESIDENT BIO ENTRUSTS HIS FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IN THE RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT”. This is about the appointment of Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. as Commissioner of the ACC, on the 2 0th of June, 2018 . President Bio appointed Francis Ben Kaifala Esq as the new Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Commis sioner replacin g Ady Macauley with Kaifala. “NOMINATED ACC BOSS PROMISES TO HOOK BIG WHALES‟‟. Following his appointment as Commissioner of the ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. assured Sierra Leoneans that „things are going to be different this time round” in the fight a gainst corruption, stating that his main target would be people that engage in grand corruption. “ACC TO REOPEN HAJJ GATE SCANDAL.....” The report states that the Commission is said to have concluded its investigations into the matter and indictments will soon be made against certain officials at the helm of the Hajj affairs for financial misappropriation. “ACC RECOVERS OVER LE 100M IN ONE MONTH ”. The Anti - Corruption Commission has recovered a total sum of One Hundred and Eleven Million, Five Hundred and Ninety - one Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty - one Leones (Le 111,591,661) from public officials and a private company in the last one month. “HAJJGATE: ACC FILES SECRET INDICTMENTS”. A press release from the ACC says the Commission has filed sealed indictme nts for corruption o ffences committed in connection with the 2017 Hajj scholarship scheme.

1. 1 ANAL YSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENT JUNE , 2018. KEY : F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. STATISTICS Total number of publications on corruption issues - 4 2 Number of news stories - 15 Number of commentaries - 6 Number of editorials - 0 Number of stories an d articles from the Commission - 21 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 4 0 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries amb ivalent (A) to the Commission - 2 (5 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 34 (81 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentarie s unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 6 (14 %)

11. 11 42 Awoko “ PRESIDENT BIO‟S ASSETS REMAIN A SECRET ” This makes reference to the declaration of A ssets by President Maada Bio to the ACC in accordance with Section 119 (1) of the ACC Act of 2008 which spells out that all G overnment officials must declare their assets, income and liabilities within three months of taking up office . But that the Declaration remains secret News Story F

3. 3 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPER CONTENT FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2018 SN NEWSPAPE RS DATE & ISSUES CATEGORI ES F/UF/A TUESDAY 4 TH JUNE,2018 1 Salone Times “AG THREATENS ACC BOSS, BANK GOVERNOR & OTHERS” . The paper reports that AG and Minister of Justice Charles Francis Margai has a number of discussions with the Governor of Bank of Sierra Leone and continued that, he has proposed to have similar discussions with judges and magistrates affected by the retirement of which the outcome will be communicated to the President. Dauntin gly, the AG explained that both the ACC Boss and others proving difficult as “it would appear that they are spoiling for a fight; a fight which they are bound to lose in the end....” News Story UF TUESDAY 5 TH JUNE,2018 2 Real News “ACC SENSITIZES PORT LOKO AND LUNGI COMMUNITIES ON THE PNB” . The Public Education and Outreach Department, Anti - Corruption Commission ( ACC ) Freetown held two days sensitization program me in Port Loko and Lungi on Thursday 24 th and Friday 25 th May, 2018 respectively to raise awareness about issues of bribery and corruption. ACC F 3 The Examiner “ACC TO REOPEN HAJJ G ATE SCANDAL.....” The report states that the Commission is said to have concluded its investigations into the matter and indictments will soon be made against certain officials at the helm of the Hajj affairs for financial misappropriation. ACC F WEDNESDAY 6 TH JUNE,2018 4 Standard T imes “ACC COMMISSIONER IN VIENNA FOR UNCAC IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW GROUP MEETING” The ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley has called for technical and other support to the Government of Sierra Leone to set up a specialized Anti - Corruption Division of the High Court of Sierra Leone through the ACC F

8. 8 26 “MAADA BIO BOOTS OUT ACC‟s HEAD ADY MACAULEY” . This is about the axing out of Ady Macauley Esq as ACC Commissioner and the appointment of Francis Ben Kaifala Esq to replace him at the Commission. News Story F 27 Concord Times “FRANCIS BEN KAIFALA APPOINTED NEW ACC BOSS” Elkass Sannoh the a uthor gave the profile of the new ACC Commissioner. Commentary A 28 Nationalist “NEW DIRECTION LEADING SALONE TO NOWHERE” The author, One Drop, claims that New Direction seems to be exhibiting blatant disregard for national cohesion. He said that the Bio administration has engaged in the sacking of top officials of MDAs perceived to be sympathizers of the former regime, making particular reference to Commissioner Ady Macauley who has been euphemistically thrown out on a „Special Leave‟, which, he says, utterly contravenes the AC Act of 2008. Commentary U F FRIDAY 22 nd JUNE,2018 29 The Forum “SLPP‟s SLEDGE HAMMER COMES DOWN HEAVILY ON ADY MACAULEY ” . This is about the axing out of Ady Macauley Esq as ACC Commissioner and the appointment of Francis Ben Kaifala Esq to replace him at the Commission. News Story F 30 Awoko “ NOMINATED ACC BOSS PROMISES TO HOOK BIG WHALES‟ ‟. Following his appointment as Commissioner of the ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. assured Sierra Leoneans that „t hings are going to be different this time round” in the fight against corruption, stating that his main target would be people that engage in grand corruption. News Story F TUESDAY JUNE 26 TH 2018

5. 5 ONE MONTH ”. The Anti - Corruption Commission has recovered a total sum of One Hundred and Eleven Million, Five Hundred and Ninety - one Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty - one Leones (Le 111,591,661) from public officials and a private company in the last one month. WEDNESDAY 13 TH JUNE, 2018 11 Concord Times “HAJJ GATE: ACC FILES SECRET INDICTMENTS” . A press release from the ACC says the Commission has filed sealed indictment s for corruption offences committed in connection with the 2017 Hajj schol arship scheme . ACC F 12 Standard Times “ACC RECOVERS OVER LE 100M IN ONE MONTH ”. The Anti - Corruption Commission has recovered a total sum of One Hundred and Eleven Million, Five Hundred and Ninety - one Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty - one Leones (Le 111,591,661) from public officials and a private company in the last one month. ACC F 13 New Citizen “ ACC FILES SEALED INDICTMENT OVER 2017 HAJJ PROGRAMME ”. A press release from the ACC says the Commission has filed sealed indictments for corruption offences committed in connection with the 2017 Hajj scholarship scheme. ACC F 14 Unique News “ACC TAKES HAJJ GATE TO COURT . A press release from the ACC says the Commission has filed sealed indictments for corruption offences committed in connection with the 2017 Hajj scholarship scheme. ACC F 15 News Watch “ACC INDICTS VICTOR FOH, SHEKITO AND OTHERS FOR HAJJ - GATE” . A press release from the ACC says the Commission has filed sealed indictments for corruption offences committed in connection with the 2017 Hajj scholarship scheme. Even though the indictments were sealed, the paper claims the indictees are former Vice President Victor Foh, Sheka Sahid Kamara and others. ACC F

6. 6 16 Awareness Times “ACC FI L E S FRESH CASES INCLUDING SECRETIVE CASES FOR THE 2017 HAJJ SCANDAL ” . A press release from the ACC says the Commission has filed sealed indictments for corruption offences committed in connection with the 2017 Hajj scholarship scheme. ACC F 17 AYV “HAJJ - GATE INDICTMENT LANDS IN LAW COURT” . A press release from the ACC says the Commission has filed sealed indictments for corruption offences committed in connection with the 2017 Hajj scholarship scheme. ACC F THURSDAY 14 TH JUNE,2018 18 The Owl “RESIDENTS OF SONGO EMBRACE THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN” . O ver one hundred and fifty (150 ) participants from Songo and its environs in the Koya Chiefdom , Port Loko District , have, during a community meeting, pledged to support the ACC Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign. ACC F MONDAY 18 TH JUNE 2018 19 Independent Observer “ACC SENSITIZES KWAMA COMMUNITY ON THE PAY NO BRIBE COMPAIGN” . The Public Education and Outreach Department, Anti - Corruption Commission ( ACC ) Freetown has embarked on community sens itization with stakeholders of K wama , Koya Chiefdom in the Port Loko District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 20 New Storm “ACC SENSITIZES KWAMA COMMUNITY ON THE PAY NO BRIBE COMPAIGN”. The Public Education and Outreach Department, Anti - Corruption Commission ( ACC ) Freetown has embarked on community sens itization with stakeholders of K wama , Western Area Rural District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 21 AYV “ACC SENSITIZES KWAMA COMMUNITY ON THE PAY NO BRIBE COMPAIGN”. The Public Education and Outreach Department, Anti - Corruption Commission ( ACC ) Freetown ACC F

7. 7 has embarked on community sens itization with stakeholders of K wama , Western Area Rural District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. T U ESDAY 19 TH JUNE,2018 22 Concord Times “ACC BOSS RE FUSES TO COMMENT ON „S PECIAL LEAVE‟” The paper claims that the reason for Commissioner Ady Macauley‟s indefinite leave was not made clear in a lett er sent to him from State House. The Commissioner of ACC has refused to comment on his indefinite „S pecial Leave‟ announced by the G overnment Thursday 1 4th June, 2018. News Story UF 23 Standard Times “CORRUPTION , STILL I MPEDING OUR NATION‟S PROGRESS!” The author, IBM Kamara, says in the past, many high profile names - including ministers - had been investigated and prosecuted by the ACC that led to their conviction. The author therefore calls on the ACC to target key institutions and sectors where corruption is rife. Commentary F 24 Nationalist “NEW DIRECTION LEADING SALONE TO NOWHERE” The author, One Drop, claims that New Direction seems to be ex hibiting blatant disregard for n ational cohesion. He that the Bio administration has engaged in the sacking of top officials of MDAs perceived to be sympathizers of the former regime, making particular reference to Commissioner Ady Macauley who has been euphemistically thrown out on a „Special Leave‟ , which , he says, utterly contravenes the AC Act of 2008. Commentary U F THURSDAY 21 st JUNE,2018 25 The Spectator “AS ACC BOSS PROTECTS HIS JOB... APC A LAGBAS IN TROUBLE” . A press release from the ACC announces the sealed indictment over the 2017 Hajj programme; which the paper insinuates has put former top officials of the APC Government in trouble . ACC F

10. 10 36 Standard Times “NEW ACC BOSS TAKES UP OFFICE ” . The report makes reference to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq who has taken up office as the Commissioner of the ACC after subscribing to the oath of office before President Bio in accordance with section 3(1)a of the AC Act. News Story F 37 New Vision “ APC MPs WALK OUT” . The report makes reference to the walk out by some members of Parliament of the APC on Wednesday 27 th June, 2018, during the session to approve the nominee for the position of Commissioner of the ACC. News Story U F FRIDAY 29 TH JUNE,2018 38 New Storm “PARLIAMENT APPROVES LAWYER KAIFALA AS ACC STRONGMAN” . This is about the P arliamentary approval of the ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . News Story F 39 New Storm “PRESIDENT BIO SETS STAGE FOR ACCOUNTABILITY, PUBLIC INTEGRITY” . This makes reference to the declaration of A ssets by President Maada Bio to the ACC in accordance with Section 119 (1) of the ACC Act of 2008 which spells out that all G overnment officials must declare their assets, income and liabilities within three months of taking up office. News Story F 40 New Storm PRESIDENT KOROMA ACCUSED OF GRAND CORRUPTION” . This makes reference to the Government Transition Team Report which highlights how former members of the last APC Government, including former President Koroma, plundered S tate resources and engaged in ethnic favoritism. Commentary A 41 Peak News Paper A S PRESIDENT BIO DECLARES HIS ASSETS ...” This makes reference to the declaration of A ssets by President Maada Bio to the ACC in accordance with Section 119 (1) of the ACC Act of 2008 which spells out that all G overnment officials must declare their assets, income and liabilities within three months of taking up office. News Story F

9. 9 31 New Vision “ADY MACAULEY BEST BET ”. The paper claims that various scho ols of thought have been given the podium to deliberate on the “ rampant sacking of heads of institutions ”, with some of those in favour or against Ady Macauley‟s „ special leave ‟ have b een making references to the AC Act of 2008 , noting that the same secti on and subsection goes with different interpretation s . Commentary UF 32 News Watch “PRESIDENT BIO ENTRUSTS HIS FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IN THE RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT” . This is about the appointment of Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. as Commissioner of the ACC , on the 2 0th of June, 2018. President Bio appointed Francis Ben Kaifala Esq as the new Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Commissioner replacing Ady Macauley with Kaifala. News Story F WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 TH , 2018 33 Standard Times “PARLIAMENT INTERVIEWS THE PROPOSED ACC BOSS” . The story states that Francis Ben Kaifa la has been interviewed by the Parliamentary Appointment Committee. News Story F 34 AYV “ACC, CORRECTIONAL SERVICE MEET ON PNB CAMPAIGN” . T he Northern Region al Office of the ACC on Wed nesday 1 3th June 2018, dialogued with personnel of the Magburaka Correctional Service to heighten awareness on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) Campaign. ACC F 35 AYV “ACC ENL ISTS PEOPLE OF BATKANU O N THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN (PNB)” . The ACC Northern Region al Office on Thursday 2 1st June 2018 hel d an outreach meeting with the p eople of Batkanu to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign and enlist them in the anti - corruption fight. ACC F THURSDAY 28 TH JUNE,2018

4. 4 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 5 Success “ACC COMMISSIONER IN VIENNA FOR UNCAC IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW GROUP MEETING” The ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley has called for technical and other support to the Government of Sierra Leone to set up a specialized Anti - Corruption Division of the High Court of Sierra Leone through the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. ACC F FRIDAY 8 TH JUNE, 2018 6 The Crimes - SL “MARGAI UNDERMINES BIO‟S GOVT .” T he Attorney General and Minster of Justice has embarked on political witch hunt against persons believed to be his antagonist s . He is said to have been threatening officials, which include the ACC Boss (Ady Macauley) , Hon Chief Justice Abdulai Charm and others. News Story UF MONDAY 11 TH JUNE, 2018 7 Concord Times “ACC TA KES PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN TO KW AMA COMMUNITY” . The Public Education and Outreach Department, Anti - Corruption Commission ( ACC ) Freetown has embarked on community sens itization with stakeholders of K wama , Western Area Rural on the Pay No Bribe campaign. News Story F TUESDAY 12 TH JUNE,2018 8 AYV “ACC RECOVERS OVER LE 100M IN ONE MONTH ” . The Anti - Corruption Commission has recovered a total sum of One Hundred and Eleven Million, Five Hundred and Ninety - one Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty - one Leones (Le 111,591,661) from public officials and a private company in the last one month . ACC F 9 Premier News “ACC RECOVERS OVER LE 100M IN ONE MONTH ”. The Anti - Corruption Commission has recovered a total sum of One Hundred and Eleven Million, Five Hundred and Ninety - one Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty - one Leones (Le 111,591,661) from public offic ials and a private company in the last one month. ACC F 10 New People “ACC RECOVERS OVER LE 100M IN ACC F


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