Newspaper Analysis - 7. July
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29. 29 country. END
3. 3 hundred million Leones each as part of a settlement over the procurement of the two NASSIT f erries. “ACC COMMISSIONER TELLS STAKEHOLDERS ABOUT THE COST OF CORRUPTION TO SIERRA LEONE” . ACC Commissioner during his maiden regional tour told stakeholders abou t his vision to fight corruption, also explaining the cost of corruption to the country. Unfavorable report “THE HAJJ - GATE AND ACC‟s HYPOCRISY” . The paper accuses the ACC of being very hypocritical in its investigation into the Hajj - Gate scandal in that just after its pronouncement that the three suspect s were kept in an isolation place, the former Assistant to the President on Political Affairs Nuru Deen Yilla Sankoh was seen well clad in his APC red colors during the party‟s lower level executive election at Rokel Village , Western Area Rural District. “CITIZE NS CALL ON ERNEST KOROMA AND OTHER APC OFFICIALS TO DECLARE TH EIR ASSE T S AFTER LEAVING OFFICE ” . The paper says citizens are looking forward to seeing former government and public officials declare their assets as stipulated in the AC Act 2008 . The paper accuses the former ACC Boss Ady Macauley as dancing with the the n APC government and compromised the law by not asking past go vernment officials to declare their assets.
2. 2 Highlights The percentage of favorable public ation for the month of July is 82 %; while the percentage of unfavorable publications is 2 %. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 16 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favorable R eports “ACC INVITES FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AND HON. MINKAI LU MANSARAY” . The paper claims that ACC has invited former VP Victor Foh and former Minister of Mines and Co - Chairman of the 2017 Hajj Committee Minkailu Man saray for questionin g and may soon be charged . It claims that former Anti - Corruption Commissioner Ady Macauley did not include the former Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, something the current ACC administration is prepared to do. “PARLIAMENT CAN N OT TIE THE HANDS OF THE ACC”. This quotes the ACC Commissione r as saying that Parliament cannot hold the Commission back when it comes to investigating issues highlighted in Audit Service Sierra Leone Reports. He made the comment whilst addressing journalists at a press conference held by the Commission. “WE HAVE WAGED WAR ON CORRUPTION” . At a press conference in Freetown, the ACC Commissioner is quoted as saying that he has declared war on corruption, asking the media to be on the side of the Commission. “ACC HAS A ROLE TO PLAY IN THE AUDIT, GTT REPORT ” . This quotes the ACC Commissioner as saying that the Commission is studying the audit reports in the past three years and the GTTR to see if questions should be answered. “EBOLA REPORT TRIALS WILL HAPPEN, SAYS ACC”. The Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach Patrick Sandi is quoted as saying that the Commission is looking at recent Audit Reports, including the Ebola Audit Report, and would ensure that those found wanting for misappropriation are brought to book. “THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IS TO SAVE THE SOUL OF SIERRA LEONE - ACC COMMISSIONER” On Tuesday 17 th July, 2018 the ACC organized a one - day training workshop for new civil society organization partners in the fight against corruption. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. informed partners t hat, “the fight against corruption is to save the soul of Sierra Leone “. Commissioner added that “we need people to help in the fight because the Commission alone cannot win it; adding that that is why strategic partnership is very important”. “EDMOND K OROMA AND MAHMOUD IDRISS AT THE ACC” Former Financial S ecretary Edmond Koroma and former Director of Investment at (NASSIT) Mamoud Idri s s have been put on bail after a very long interrogation process at the ACC. The two are to pay f ive
1. 1 ANALYSIS OF N EWSPAPERS CONTENT JULY , 2018. Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 116 Number of news stories - 73 Number of commentaries - 8 Number of editorials - 1 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 34 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 116 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 19 ( 16 %) Number of articles, news stories, e ditorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 94 ( 81 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 3 ( 3 %)
23. 23 The paper reports about the interrogation of former Minister of Youth Affairs Bai Mamoud Bangura and the former permanent secretary in the ministry over a 15 billion leones Commonwealth youth project. 91 Awoko REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTREST. CONSULTANCY FOR DEVELOPING A NEW NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY 92019 - 2023) AND AN IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN”. The ACC advertises for the expression of interest for consultancy for developing the NACS 2019 - 2023. ACC F TUESDAY 2 4TH JULY, 2018 92 Standard Times “CRAFTING ANTI - CORRUPTION POLICY FROM ACC JUDGEMENT: THE ACCESS REPORT” . The writer, Amira Hudroge, opines that a nti - c orruption is one of the most topical rule of law concerns in Sierra Leone. She states that t he efficiency of rule of law institutions is o ptimized when they operate collaboratively in good faith and are not just an expression of monocracy but of liberal democracy, since those bureaucratic institutions can equally be employed as political pawns. News Story F 93 The Spectator “EX - APC MINISTER UNDER HOUSE ARREST” . The paper claims that the former Minister of Youth Affairs Bai Mamoud Bangura was arrested by the ACC to help with investigations into allegations of misappropriation of funds during his tenure as M inister. ACC F 94 News Watch “CRAFTING ANTI - CORRUPTION POLICY FROM ACC JUDGEMENT: THE ACCESS REPORT” . The writer, Amira Hudroge, opines that a nti - c orruption is one of the most topical rule of law concerns in Sierra Leone. She states that t he efficiency of rule of law institutions is optimized when they operate collaboratively in good faith and are not just an expression of monocracy but of liberal democracy, since those bureaucratic institutions can News Story F
20. 20 COMMISSIONER” On Tuesday 17 th July, 2018 the ACC organized a one - day training workshop foe new civil society organizations partners in the fight against corruption. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , informed partners that, “the fight against corruption is to save the soul of Sier ra Leone “. Commissioner added that “we need people to help in the fight because the Commission alone cannot win it; adding that that is why strategic partnership is very important”. 79 FORUM “THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IS TO SAVE THE SOUL OF S IERRA LEONE - ACC COMMISSIONER” On Tuesday 17 th July, 2018 the ACC organized a one - day training workshop foe new civil society organizations partners in the fight against corruption. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , informed partners that, “the fight a gainst corruption is to save the soul of Sierra Leone “. Commissioner added that “we need people to help in the fight because the Commission alone cannot win it; adding that that is why strategic partnership is very important”. ACC F 80 Concord Times “ANYBODY WHO OUGHT NOT TO BE PROSECUTED WILL NOT BE PROSECUTED” . Speaking during the opening ceremony of a workshop for councilors and staff of the Freetown City Council on up holding ethics and integrity in the workplace, Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala E sq ., assured that the Commission will not prosecute anyone they ought not to be prosecute d , but will not leave any stone unturned to go after the corrupt . News Story F 81 The Trumpet “THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IS TO SAVE THE SOUL OF SIERRA LEONE - ACC COMMISSIONER” On Tuesday 17 th July, 2018 the ACC organized a one - day training workshop foe new civil society organizations partners in the fight against corruption. Commissioner Francis Ben ACC F
5. 5 an advantage cont rary to section 35(1) of the AC Act 2008, and two counts of accepting an advantage c ontrary to section 35(1) of the Act . 5 Awareness Times “APC CHALLENGES SLPP TO PUBLISH COWARDLY REPORT ” . This quotes the APC spokesman Cornelius Deveaux as saying that it was the APC which strengthened the ACC and gave it so much independence. He also claimed that many of those now serving in the curren t SLPP government were the culprits of corrupt misdeeds during the time the APC was in governance. News Story F 6 Awa reness Times “ACC SECURES CONVICTION IN BO” . The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Bo, presided over by the Hon. Justice M.A.J Stevens, on the 30 th June 2018 sentenced John Nabie to one year imprisonment or to pay a fine of Twenty Million Leones (Le20, 000,000). Nabie was convicted on four counts of corruption related offences viz two counts of soliciting an advantage cont rary to section 35(1) of the AC Act 2008, and two counts of accepting an advantage c ontrary to section 35(1) of the Act . News Story F 7 Nationalist “ACC SECURES CONVICTION IN BO” . The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Bo, presided over by the Hon. Justice M.A.J Stevens, on the 30 th June 2018 sentenced John Nabie to one year imprisonment or to pay a fine of Twenty Million Leones (Le20, 000,000). Nabie was convicted on four counts of corruption related offences viz two counts of soliciting an advantage cont rary to section 35(1) of the AC Act 2008, and two counts of accepting an advantage c ontrary to section 35(1) of the Act . News Story F 8 Standard Times “ACC SECURES CONVICTION IN BO” . The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Bo, presided over by the Hon . Justice M.A.J Stevens, on the 30 th June 2018 sentenced John Nabie to one year imprisonment or to pay a fine of Twenty News Story F
28. 28 112 Standard Times “O N CORRUPTION AND MISMANAGEMENT, ACC BOSS BLAST S IN KONO DISTRICT” . ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . , wrapped up his regional tour in Kono where he addressed stakeholders in the fight against corruption, warning that he had declared war on corruption and that the fight will be taken seriously during his tenure. News Story F 113 New Vision “ACC COMMISSIONER TELLS STAKEHOLDERS ABOUT THE COST OF CORRUPTION TO SIERRA LEONE” . ACC Commissioner during his maiden regional tour told stakeholders about his vision to fight corruption, also explaining the cost of corruption to the country. ACC F 114 AYV “ACC COMMISSIONER TELLS STAKEHOLDERS ABOUT THE COST OF CORRUPTION TO SIERRA LEONE” . ACC Commissioner during his maiden regional tour told stakeholders about his vision to fight corruption, also explaining the cost of corruption to the country. ACC F 115 AYV “A PASSIONATE LETTER TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT - EXTRAORDINARY EDITION X FIGHTING THE AFRICAN „HERCULEAN MONSTER‟ HEAD ON” This l etter was written to President Bio about issues affecting development in Africa , including corruption . He thanked Presiden t Bio for declaring his assets to the ACC without pressure or coercion from the civil society or opposition, and urged all in governance and public service to follow suit. Commentary F 116 Independent Observer “ACC COMMISSIONER TELLS STAKEHOLDERS ABOUT T HE COST OF CORRUPTION TO SIERRA LEONE” . ACC Commissioner during his maiden regional tour told stakeholders about his vision to fight corruption, also explaining the cost of corruption to the ACC F
4. 4 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPA PER S CONTENT FOR THE MONTH OF JU LY, 2018 NO NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF/A MONDAY 2ND JULY, 2018 1 Nightwatch “THE HAJJ - GATE AND ACC‟s HYPOCRISY” . The paper accuses the ACC of being very hypocritical in its investigation into the Hajj - Gate scandal in that just after its pronouncement that the three suspect s were kept in an isolation place, the former Assistant to the President on Political Affairs Nuru Deen Yilla Sankoh was seen well clad in his APC red colors during the party‟s lower level executive election at Rokel Village , Western Area Rural District. E ditorial UF 2 Peak Newspaper “KOROMA ACCUSED OF GRAND CORRUPTION” . The paper reports that President Bio has appo inted a Judicial C ommission of i nquiry into massive state plunder and fraud during Ernest Bai Koroma‟s presidency after receiving an explosive report from his 12 - member transition term. News Story A 3 Peak Newspaper “ CITIZE NS CALL ON ERNEST KOROMA AND OTHER APC OFFICIALS TO DECLARE TH EIR ASSE T S AFTER LEAVING OFFICE ” . The paper says citizens are looking forward to seeing former government and public officials declare their assets as stipulated in the AC Act 2008 . The paper accuses the former ACC Boss Ady Macauley as dancing with the the n APC government and compromised the law by not asking past go vernment officials to declare their assets. News Story UF TUESDAY 3 RD JULY, 2018 4 Global Times “ACC SECURES CONVICTION IN BO ” . The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Bo, presided over by the Hon. Justice M.A.J Stevens, on the 30 th June 2018 sentenced John Nabie to one year imprisonment or to pay a fine of Twenty Million Leones ( Le20 , 000,000 ). Nabie was convicted on four counts of corruption related offences viz two counts of soliciting News Story F
21. 21 Kaifala Esq. , informed partners that, “the fight against corruption is to save the soul of Sier ra Leone “. Commissioner added that “we need people to help in the fight because the Commission alone cannot win it; adding that that is why strategic partnership is very important”. 82 Newswatch “ACC DETAINS 6 &INVITES APC FORMER MINISTER” . The paper reports that the ACC has invited the former Minister of Youth Affairs Bai Ma hmoud Bangura on 19 th July 2018 to answer to certain allegations regarding project monies which went missing under his ste wardship as Minister. This comes after the curre nt M inister of Youth Affairs Mohamed Orman Bangura invited cross section of the media and civil society organizations few days ago and presented two youth projects files alleging of massive siphoning and withdrawal of project funds without implementation . News Story F 83 Awoko REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INT E REST. CONSULTANCY FOR DEVELOPING A NEW NAT IONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY 2019 - 2023) AND AN IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN”. The ACC advertises for the expression of interest for consultancy for developing the NACS 2019 - 2023. ACC F 84 Standard Times “ACC COMMISSIONER TO MEET WITH STAKEHOLDERS IN CORRUPTION FIG H T COUNTRYWIDE” The Commissioner of the ACC will from 24 th to 27 th July, 2018, make regional working visits to meet with stakeholders, and dialogue on the fight against corruption. The Deputy Commissioner of ACC Shollay Davies and some other staff will accompany the Commissioner to the cities of Bo, Kono, Kenema and Make ni . ACC F MONDAY 23TH JULY, 2018 85 AYV “ACC HOLDS INTEGRITY WORKSHOP FOR FCC” The Anti - ACC F
19. 19 that that is why strategic partnership is very important”. 74 Standard Times “ACC CONCLUDES REVIEW OF PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES OF NJALA UNIVERSITY” A team of four (4) staff from ACC led by the Head, Policy and Ethics Unit Patrick M. George h as concluded a five - day rigorous review of the systems and processes of Njala University. AC C F 75 Awareness Times “THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IS TO SAVE THE SOUL OF SIERRA LEONE - ACC COMMISSIONER” On Tuesday 17 th July, 2018 the ACC organized a one - day training workshop foe new civil society organizations partners in the fight against corruption. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , informed partners that, “the fight against corruption is to save the soul of Sier ra Leone “. Commissioner added that “we need people to help in the fight because the Commission alone cannot win it; adding that that is why strategic partnership is very important”. ACC F 76 Awoko “YOUTH MINISTER DECLARES ASSETS TO ACC” . The Minister of Youth Affairs Mohamed Orman Bangura has su bmitted his assets declaration F orm to the Commissioner of ACC , Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. at the Commission‟s 3 Gloucester Street office. News Story F 77 The Future “ACC BOSS FRANCIS BEN KAIFALA ON THE RIGHT PATH” . The paper says that President Bio gave ACC and the country an asset when he appointed Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . to head the Commission. The paper states that the Commissioner has been treading on the right path since his appointment to curb corruption in the country and make sure that individuals suspected of committing acts of corruption are brought to book. New s Story F FRIDAY 2 0TH JULY,2018 78 The Spectator “THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IS TO SAVE THE SOUL OF SIERRA LEONE - ACC ACC F
12. 12 Advocacy & Anti - Corruption Campaigner) is applauding P resident Bio for setting the pace by declaring his assets to the Anti - Corruption Comm ission (ACC ) and Apst. Dr. Williams expressed the belief that this century belongs to Africa and that African leaders must work for development in the continent . 37 Premier News “PUBLIC NOTICE” . This public notice from the ACC is urging the general public that section 119(1) of the Anti - Corruption Commission Act of 2008, requires all public officials to declare their assets, income and liab ility to the C ommission. The ACC has noticed a good number of public and former public officials hav e not declared their a ssets, income and liability to th e Commission. ACC F 38 Global Times “NO WITCH HUNTS ...” The paper states that ACC has the mandate to investigate all individuals suspected of acts of corruption, including former Minister/Deputy Ministers and Heads of Departments and Agencies for the acquisition of unexplained wealth under section 26 of the Anti - Corruption Act. The paper states that the ACC will recover all stolen or inappropriately acquired wealth and transfer sa me to the G overn ment and people of Sierra Leone. Editorial F 39 Global Times “PUBLIC NOTICE” . This public notice from the ACC is urging the general public that section 119(1) of the Anti - Corruption Commission Act of 2008, requires all public officials to declare their asset s, income and liability to the C ommission. The ACC has noticed a good number of public and former public officials have not declared their assets, income and liability to be Commission. ACC F 40 Concord Times “PUBLIC NOTICE” . This public notice from the ACC is urging the general public that section 119(1) of the Anti - Corruption Commission Act of 2008, requires all public officials to declare their assets, inc ome and liability to the C ommission. The ACC has ACC F
13. 13 noticed a good number of public and former public officials have not declared their assets, income and liability to be Commission. 41 Momentum “WE HAVE WAGED WAR ON CORRUPTION” . At a press conference in Freetown , the ACC Commissioner is quoted as saying that he has declared war on corruption, asking the media to be on the side of the Commission. News Story F 42 Awoko “ACC HAS A ROLE TO PLAY IN THE AUDIT, GTT REPORT ” . This quotes the ACC Commissioner as saying that the Commission is studying the audit reports in the past three years and the GTTR to see if questions should be answered. News Story F 43 Awoko “THE TRANSITION REPORT SLAMS THE MINISTRY OF SPORTS” . T his makes reference to the GTT Report which states that the Ministry of Sports has suf fered a systematic breakdown of management and leadership and an abject neglect of its facilities and prominent assets like the National Stadium and the Stadium Hostels. Ne ws Story A 44 Standard Times LE 35 MILLION CHIEFDOM DEVELOPMENT FUND IN LIMBO” . The Paramount C hief of Jimmi Bagbo in Bo District PC Raymond B.S Koker has been accused of defrauding 35 M illion Leones - money meant for chiefdom d evelopment. News Story F 45 Standard Times “PUBLIC NOTICE” . This public notice from the ACC is urging the general public that section 119(1) of the Anti - Corruption Commission Act of 2008, requires all public officials to declare their asset s, income and liability to the C ommission. The ACC has noticed a good number of public and former public officials have not declared their assets, income and liability to be Commission. ACC F 46 News Watch “NEW ACC BOSS INVITES MEDIA IN THE FIGHT AGAIN S T CORRUPTION.” At a press confer ence in Freetown, the ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq is quoted as saying that he News story F
27. 27 efficiency of rule of law institutions is optimized when they operate collaboratively in good faith and are not just an expression of monocracy but of liberal de mocracy, since those bureaucratic institutions can equally be employed as political pawns. MONDAY 3 0TH JULY, 2 018 109 Premier News “ACC COMMISSIONER ENGAGES STAKEHOLDERS” . The Commissioner, during his regional tour, Wednesday 25 th July, 2018 engaged stakeholders and public officials in Kenema as part of efforts to f ight against corruption in the c ountry. He called on the stakeholders in the Kenema District Council to fight corruption because investors may want to invest in the count ry but will be reluctant to do so as a result of corruption in the country. The Commissioner assured the audience that the Commission is ready and willing to take the fight to another level. ACC F TUESDAY 3 1ST JULY, 2 018 110 The Guardian “AS CASE DEFERRED... VP FOH TO FACE MORE CORRUPTION CHARGES” The matter between the State and the former Vice President Foh was supposed to come up yesterday 30 th July 2018, at the High Court but was however deferred to 20 th August this year. The paper claims that Commissioner Ben Kaifala confirmed this in a telephone interview yesterday 30 th July , 2018 . The Commissioner is quoted as saying that the C ommission has increased corruption charges levied earlier against the fo rmer vice president . ACC F 111 Awoko “ACC SET TO FINALISE HAJJ - GATE INDICTMENT” . This is about the deferr ed matter between the State versus former Vice President Victor Bockarie Foh and two others. The case was to come up yesterday but h ad to be deferred as the ACC intends to increase the number of persons and charges in the indictment. News Story F
9. 9 destroy this na tion if we do not fight and win ”. 23 New Age “AS ROPES IN MINKAILU MANSARAY... VICTOR FOH MAY BE INDICTED TODAY ” . The paper claims that ACC has invited former VP Victor Foh and former Minister of Mines and Co - Chairman of the 2017 Hajj Committee Minkailu Man saray for questionin g and may be charged today . It claims that former Anti - Corruption Commissioner Ady Macauley did not include the former Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, something the current ACC administration is prepared to do. News Story F 24 New Age “ACC SECURES CONVICTION IN BO” . The High Court of S ierra Leone Holden at Bo, presided over by the Hon. Justice M.A.J Stevens, on the 30 th June 2018 sentenced John Nabie to one year imprisonment or to pay a fine of Twenty Million Leones (Le20, 000,000). Nabie was convicted on four counts of corruption rela ted offences, namely two counts of soliciting an advantage cont rary to section 35(1) of the AC Act 2008, and two counts of accepting an advantage c ontrary to section 35(1) of the Act . ACC F 25 New Age “TRANSITION REPORT DAMNS KOROMA‟S LEGACY” . The Governance Transition Team Report headed by Prof David Francis has described the former Ernest Bai Koroma led - Government as a crime syndicate and mafia regim e that was involved in dubious m iner al deals at the expense of the S tate. The Report was released at State House on Wednesday 4 th July, 2018. News Story F FRIDAY 6TH JULY, 2018 26 New Storm “ACC INVITES FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AND HON. MINKAILU MANSARAY ” . The paper claims that ACC has invited former VP Victor Foh and former Minister of Mines and Co - Chairman of the 2017 Hajj Committee Minkailu Man saray for questionin g and may soon be News Story F
22. 22 Corruption Commission (ACC), through the Systems and P rocesses Review Department, on Thursday 19 th July, 20018 organized a one - day training workshop for councilors and staff of the Freetown City Council on the theme „Upholding Ethics and Integrity in the Workplace‟ . 86 The Comment “ACC HOLDS INTEGRITY WORKSHOP FOR FCC” The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), through the Systems and P rocesses Review Department, on Thursday 19 th July, 20018 organized a one - day training workshop for councilors and staff of the Freetown City Council on the theme „Upholding Ethics and Integrity in the Workplace‟ . ACC F 87 The Comment “CRAFTING ANTI - CORRUPTION POLICY FROM ACC JUDGEMENT: THE ACCESS REPORT” . The writer, Amira Hudroge, opines that a nti - c orruption is one of the most topical rule of law concerns in Sierra Leone. She states that t he efficiency of rule of law institutions is optimized when they operate collaboratively in good faith and are not just an expression of monocracy b ut of liberal democracy, since those bureaucratic institutions can equally be employed as political pawns. Commentary F 88 Concord Times “CRAFTING ANTI - CORRUPTION POLICY FROM ACC JUDGEMENT: THE ACCESS REPORT” . The writer, Amira Hudroge, opines that a nti - c orruption is one of the most topical rule of law concerns in Sierra Leone. She states that t he efficiency of rule of law institutions is optimized when they operate collaboratively in good faith and are not just an expression of monocracy but of liberal democracy, since those bureaucratic institutions can equally be employed as political pawns. Commentary F 89 Concord Times “PUBLIC NOTICE ”. The public notice from the ACC warn s school authorities against extortion for the collection of report cards. ACC F 90 Salone Times “ACC INVITES BAI MOHMOUD FOR LE 15B COMMONWEALTH MONEY” . News story F
10. 10 charged . It claims that former Anti - Corruption Commissioner Ady Macauley did not include the former Minister of Mines and Mineral Resource s, something the current ACC administration is prepared to do. 27 New Storm “ACC DETAINS FAST TRACK COURT REGISTRAR” . Personnel of the Anti - Corruption Commission arrested and detained the R egistrar of the Sierra Leone Fast Track Commercial Court , Lansana Kortor Kamara at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on allegations of corruption to the tune of nine hundred million leones. News Story F 28 News Watch “VICTOR FOH, MINKAILU MANSARA Y GET LE 1 BILLON BAIL” . F ormer Vice President Vic tor Foh and former Minister of M ines Minkailu Mansaray on Thursday 5 th July, 2018 were granted bail to the tune of One Billion Leones each, a few days after their arrests by the Anti - Corruption Commission. News Story F 29 News Watch “NEW ACC BOSS INVITES MEDIA IN THE FIGHT AGAINT CORRUPTION.” The new ACC Boss Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . has called on the press to be on the side of the ACC as the C ommission has waged a war against corruption. “When you are fighting corruption, corruption will fight back at you so that was why the Commission needed the press to be on their side . News Story F 30 The Satellite “HAJJ GATE SCANDAL... VICTOR FOH , MINKALU MANSARAY ARRESTED” . The paper claims that ACC has invited former VP Victor Foh and former Minister of Mines and Co - Chairman of the 2017 Hajj Committee Minkailu Man saray for questionin g and may soon be charged . It claims that former Anti - Corruption Commissioner Ady Macauley did not include the former Minister of Mines and Mineral Resource s, something the current ACC administration is prepared to do. News Story F
8. 8 18 Global Times “TRANSITION REPORT RELEASED” . The Governance Transition Team Report headed by Prof David Francis has described the former Ernest Bai Koroma led - Government as a crime syndicate and mafia regim e that was involved in dubious m ineral deals at the expense of the S tate. The Report was released at State House on Wednesday 4 th July, 2018. News Story A 19 Concord Times “TRANSITON REPORT EXPOSES CRIMINAL RACKETEERING ENTERPRISE BY APC” . The Governance Transition Team Report headed by Prof David Francis has described the former Ernest Bai Koroma led - Government as a crime syndicate and mafia regim e that was involved in dubious m iner al deals at the expense of the S tate. The Report was released at State House on Wednesday 4 th July, 2018. News Story A 20 Concord Times “REPORT OF THE GOVERNANCE TRANSITION TEAM 2018 ” . The Governance Transition Team Report headed by Prof David Francis has described the former Ernest Bai Koroma led - Government as a crime syndicate and mafia regim e that was involved in dubious m iner al deals at the expense of the S tate. The Report was released at State House on Wedne sday 4 th July, 2018. News Story A 21 Concord Times “PUBLIC NOTICE” . This public notice from the ACC is urging the general public that section 119(1) of the Anti - Corruption Commission Act of 2008, requires all public officials to declare their assets, income and liability to the C ommission. The ACC has noticed a good number of public and former public officials have not declared their assets, income and liability to be Commission. ACC F 22 Awareness Times “CORRUPT ION IS A NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE AND AT A LEVEL THAT CAN DESTROY THIS NATION” This quotes P resident Julius Maada Bio as saying at the launch of the GTTR at State House that “Corruption is at a level that can News Story A
25. 25 The ACC Chief made the statement during a workshop organised by the ACC for councilors and staff of the Freetown City Council on Thursday 19 th July, 20018 . The workshop was on the theme „ Upholdi ng Ethics and Integrity in the Workplace . 100 The Exclusive “ACC ARRESTS 3” . This is about the arrest of the former Minister of Youth Affairs Bai Mamoud Bangura and other senior officials of the Ministry over the alleged misappropriation of public funds. ACC F 101 Independent Observer “BAI MAMO UD BANGURA IN CUSTODY AT CID OVER LE 14 BILLION YOUTHS FUND & ACC ALSO DRAGS 2 FOR NASSIT FERRIES” . This is about the arrest and interrogation of former Minister of Y outh Affairs Bai Mamoud Bangura. F ormer Financial S ecretary Edmond Koroma and former Director of Investment at (NASSIT) Mamoud Idri s s have been put on bail after a very long interrogation process at the ACC. The two are to pay f ive hundred million Leones each as part of a settlement over the procurement of the two NASSIT f erries. News Story F 102 AYV “CRAFTING ANTI - CORRUPTION POLICY FROM ACC JUDGEMENT: THE ACCESS REPORT” . The writer, Amira Hudroge, opines that a nti - c orruption is one of the most topical rule of law concerns in Sierra Leone. She states that t he efficiency of rule of law institutions is optimized when they operate collaboratively in good faith and are not just an expression of monocracy but of liberal democracy, since those bureaucratic institutions can equally be employed as political pawns . commentary F THURSDAY 2 6TH JULY, 20018 103 Nightwatch “RITCORP CRIP P LED THE STATE OWNED NIC ”. The paper claims that since 2007 some of the top companies in the country had contributed and turn ed huge amount of revenue to RITCORP at the expense of the S tate owned National Insurance Company. News Story A
7. 7 especially when peopl e come under the net of the ACC and the police . 14 Standard Times “DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF SPORTS IMPLI CATES MINISTER NYELENKEH IN CORRUPTION SCANDAL ” THE NEW DIRECTION MAY BE MISCONSTRUED . The paper claims that the Deputy Director of S ports, Chief Michael Shamsu Mustapha, in his rejoinder to the letter of query sent to him by the current Director of S ports , Ibrahim Bangura, has implicated the new Minister of S ports Ibrahim Nyelenkeh and the Director in organized trafficking of unrelated officials using overseas sports program me s. News Story A 15 Peak Newspaper “FOR INSTITU TIO NALIZED CORRUPTION... TRANSITION REPORT NAILS APC TOP OFFICIALS” . T he Governance Transition Team Report headed by Prof David Francis has described the former Ernest Bai Koroma led - Government as a crime syndicate and mafia regim e that was involved in dubious m iner al deals at the expense of the S tate. The Report was released at State House on Wednesday 4 th July, 2018. News Story A 16 Global Times “TRANSITION REPORT... KEY FINDINGS EXPOSE APC” . The Governance Transition Team Report headed by Prof David Francis has described the former Ernest Bai Koroma led - Government as a crime syndicate and mafia regim e that was involved in dubious m iner al deals at the expense of the S tate. The Report was released at State House on Wednesday 4 th July, 2018. News Story A 17 Global Times “PUBLIC NOTICE” . This public notice from the ACC is urging the general public that section 119(1) of the Anti - Corruption Commission Act of 2008, requires all public officials to declare their asset s, income and liability to the C ommission. The ACC has noticed a good number of public and former public officials have not declared their assets, income and liability to be Commission. ACC F
11. 11 31 The Trumpet “PARLIAMENT CAN N OT TIE THE HANDS OF THE ACC ”. This quotes the ACC Commissioner as saying that Parliament cannot hold the Commission back when it comes to investigating issues highlighted in Audit Service Reports. He made the comment whilst addressing journalists at a press conference held by the Commission. News Story F 32 Salone Times “SHAREHOLDER S OF APC‟s JOINT CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” . The Governance Transition Team Report headed by Prof David Francis has described the former Ernest Bai Koroma led - Government as a crime syndicate and mafia regim e that was involved in dubious m iner al deals at the expense of the S tate. The Report was released at State Hou se on Wednesday 4 th July, 2018. News Story A 33 Premier News “FORMER TOP GOVERNMENT OFFICALS CHARGED WITH CORRUPTION” . This is about the indictment of former VP Victor Bockarie Foh and two others by the ACC for acts of corruption related to the 2017 Hajj programme. ACC F 34 Concord Times “VP FOH ON 2 BILLION BAIL ”. F ormer Vice President Vic tor Foh and former Minister of M ines Minkailu Mansaray on Thursday 5 th July,2018 were granted bail to the tune of One Billion Leones each, a few days after their arrests by the Anti - Corruption Commission. News Story F 35 News vision “ACC ARRESTS FOH, MINKAILU” . F ormer Vice President Vic tor Foh and former Minister of M ines Minkailu Mansaray on Thursday 5 th July, 2018 were granted bail to the tune of One Billion Leones each, a few days after their arrests by the Anti - Corruption Commission. ACC F MONDAY 9TH JULY, 2018 36 Premier News “A PASSIONATE LETTER TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT - EXTRAO R DINARY EDITION X” . T he author of this letter, Apst. Dr. Ibraham J. Williams (Clergyman/Human Right Commentary F
24. 24 equally be employed as political pawns. 95 Nightwatch “TIFFY – TIFFY” . “ ACC has heavy work cut out for it” , said a source familiar with documents that are to be officially handed over to the ACC this morning by the former Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children‟s Affairs Dr. Sylvia O. Blyden. The documents contains huge pile of evidence concern ing funds collected and misappropriated a s well as unauthorized withdrawals from the Hajj Government account. News Story F WEDNES SDAY 2 5TH JULY, 2018 96 For D i People “ACC ORGANI ZES INTEGRITY WORKSHOP FOR FREE TOWN CITY COUNCIL” . The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), through the Systems and P rocesses Review Department, on Thursday 19 th July, 20018 organized a one - day training workshop for councilors and staff of the Freetown City Council on the theme „Upholding Ethics and Integrity in the Workplace‟ . News Story F 97 For D i People “EDMOND KOROMA AND MAHMOUD IDRISS AT THE ACC” Former Financial S ecretary Edmond Koroma and former Director of Investment at (NASSIT) Mamoud Idri s s have been put on bail after a very long interrogation process at the ACC. The two are to pay f ive hundred million Leones each as part of a settlement over the pro curement of the two NASSIT f erries. News Story F 98 Nightwatch “TOO MANY FINANCIAL HUNTERS IN APC” . The writer, Donstance Koroma , talks of the need to take tough stance against corruption, especially against former top officials in the previous APC Government who the GTT Report is said to have accused of massive corruption. commentary F 99 New Vision “CORRUPTION KILLS MORE THAN WAR” . The ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . , has insisted that „corruption has killed more than the eleven years old brutal rebel war in the country ‟. News Story F
14. 14 has declared war on corruption, asking the media to be on the side of the Commission. 47 News Watch “CORRUPT ION IS A NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE ” . The report quotes the President Julius Maada Bio as saying at the launch of the GTT Report that “ c orruption is at a level that can destroy this na tion” if nothing is done about it. News Story F 48 News Watch “ACC COMMISSIONER SAGA : CONCERNS OVER RESPECT FOR THE RULE OF LAW AND S E PARATION OF POWER S IN STATE” . The author of this article, Emmanuel I. Kamara says the replac ement of the Anti - Corruption Commissioner has sparked concerns of separation of power s in the S tate and respect for the rul e of law. Two opposition parties (APC and ADP) and various civil societies have strongly c ondemned the firing of the Anti - Corruption Commissioner, Ady Macauley, by P resident Bio. News Story UF 49 News Watch “WE HAVE WAGED WAR ON CORRUPTION” .” At a press conference in Freetown, the ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq ., is quoted as saying that he has declared war on corruption, asking the media to be on the side of the Commission. News Story F 50 AYV “CORRUPTION – SIERRA LEONE‟S SILENT KILLER” . The author, Claude Meama - Kajue, opines that c orruption affect s the vulnerable disproportionately, due to their powerlessness to change the status quo and inability to pay bribes thereby creating inequalities th at only end up violating their human r ights. He recommends that the Commission be truly independent and that neither the P resi dent nor P arliament should have the right to hire or fire the ACC Commissioner. Commentary F TUESDAY 1 0TH JULY, 2018 51 The Voice “CORRUPTION IS AUTHORITY PLUS MONOPOLY MINUS TRANSPARENCY” . The author, Abdulai Mansaray , says the country has been News Story A
26. 26 104 The Watch “CORRUPTION KILLS” . The ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . , has insisted that „corruption has killed more than the eleven years old brutal rebel war in the country ‟. The ACC Chief made the statement during a workshop organised by the ACC for councilors and staff of the Freetown City Council on Thursday 19 th July, 20018 . The workshop was on the theme „ Upholdi ng Ethics and Integrity in the Workplace . News Story F 105 Awoko “ALIMAMY KOR OMA SH OULD BE INVESTIGATED FOR ROAD CONTRACTS - GTT” . The paper reports that the GTT Report has called for an investigation of the former Minister of Works and Infrastructure, Alimamy Petito Koroma, who was instrumental in the award of most of the road contracts. News Story A 106 The Satellite “BAI MAMOUD STILL TRAPED AT ACC” . The paper says that the former Minister of Youth Affairs Bai Mamoud Bangura is still being held at the Criminal Investigations Department as he helps the ACC with investigations for the misappropriation of funds. News story F FRIDAY 2 7TH JULY, 2018 107 The Satellite “MAJOR SUSPECTS ESCAPE” . The story states that a week to the start of the Judge led Commission of I nquiry , many ex - ministers, heads o f parastatals/agencies in the President Koroma - led APC government and prominent Lebanese contractors ac c used of corruption in the Governance Transition Report have fled the country . T he paper says t heir escape has left the general public doubtful as whether those whose names are mentioned in the damning report and asked to hand over their travel documents fully complied with police order. News Story A 108 The Trumpet “CRAFTING ANTI - CORRUPTION POLICY FROM ACC JUDGEMENT: THE ACCESS REPORT” . The writer, Amira Hudroge, opines that a nti - c orruption is one of the most topical rule of law concerns in Sierra Leone. She states that t he commentary F
15. 15 gripped by the p angs of corruption. President Bi o‟s government has published the long - await ed GTT R eport, and to all intents and purposes, it does not make for a good bed time story, by saying standards, it goes without saying that emotions are running high since the publication. 52 Nationalist “TRANSITION REPORT TAKES „NEW DIRECTION‟ TO THE GUTTERS” ( The author, Mohamed Sankoh, says if the Government wants to talk about accountability they should not be speaking with t heir tongues – in - their - cheeks, stating that many current high ranking officials in the Government served in the previous administration. News Story A 53 The Time SL “LOGUS BLASTS TRANSITION REPORT ” . The article says former Minis ter of Transport and Aviation, Leonard Balogun Koroma has responded heavily to allegations made against him by the GTT Report as contained in certain sections. In his response, he referred to an investigation conducted by the A CC in 2015/2016 on the matter, by the then Commissioner Joseph F. Kamara , which absolved him of any wrong doing . News Story F 54 The Time SL “E RNEST KOROMA DECLARES ASSETS ON EXIT” . The paper claims f ormer President E rnest Koroma declared his assets early this year before exiting office. He did so because it is in line with section 119 of the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008. News Story F 55 Premier News “CGG EMPOWERS OVER 70 DISABLES ON PNB” . On Friday July, 6 th 2018, Campaign For Good Governance (CGG) In collabora tion with the ACC and Coffey International educated over 70 disabled and other stakeholders on Pay No Bribe (PNB). This engagement was held at the W ar Wounded School in Grafton. News Story F WEDNESDAY 1 1TH JULY, 2018 56 The Comment “ACC MUST INVESTIGATE JUDICIAL AND LEGAL SERVICES COMMISSION OVER NON N ews Story F
6. 6 Million Leones (Le20, 000,000). Nabie was convicted on four counts of corruption related offences viz two counts of soliciting an advant age cont rary to section 35(1) of the AC Act 2008, and two counts of accepting an advantage c ontrary to section 35(1) of the Act . WEDNESDAY 4TH JULY, 2018 9 Peak Newspaper “ACC MUST INVESTGATE NDUKA ANYASO‟S IIC” . The paper is calling on the ACC to promptly investigate the “ many dubious dealings of the Nigerian owned International Insurance Company, Sierr a Leone Limited and its Managing Director Nduka Anyaso [or] numerous insurance policy holders in the country may be left holding the b ag ” . News Story F 10 Newswatch “$1 MILLION MISSING AT NASSIT ACC , ARRESTS 3” . An ongoi ng investigation in an alleged misappropriation of One M illion Dollar s of NASSIT funds has led to the arrest of th e Deputy Director of NASSIT Amara Kuyateh and two other top senior officers . News story F 11 Newswatch “ACC INTENSIFIES PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN ” . The ACC Northern Region Office on Friday 22 nd June 2018 held a sensitization meeting on the Pay No Bribe campaign for residents of Madina , Tonko Limba Chiefdom , Kambia Distri ct. ACC F 12 AYV “FORMER VP IN ACC CORRUPTION NET” . The former V ice P resident Victor Foh has been indicted by the ACC for allegedly misappropriating funds meant for Muslim pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in 2017. News story F THURSDAY JULY 5TH 2018 13 Standard Times “CORRUPTION IS OBSTRUCTING OUR NATION‟S PROGRESS! THIS IS OF MAJOR CONCERN AS WE EMBARK ON NATIONAL RECOVERY” In the view of the a uthor, Issa B.M. Kamara, o ne start s to wonder whether maximum serious consideration is given to the fight against corruption . The author recommends that there should be n o sacred cows and no protection for anyone Commentary F
18. 18 Education and Outreach De partment engaged the Deep - Eye Water C ommunity, on the work of the Commission and the need to solicit public support in the fight against corruption. 69 Awareness Times “ACC EMPOWERS DEEP - EYE WATER COMMUNITY” . T he Anti - Corruption Commission through the Public Education and Outreach De partment engaged the Deep - Eye Water C ommunity, on the work of the Commission and the need to solicit public support in the fight against corruption. ACC F WEDNE SDAY 18TH JULY, 2018 70 The Future “ERADICATING CORRUPTION IS EVERYBODY‟S BUSINESS” . The piece by Director Moisa calls for a concerted effort in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone. Commentary F 71 The Time SL “ACC EMPOWERS DEEP - EYE WATER COMMUNITY” . T he Anti - Corruption Commission through the Public Education and Outreach De partment engaged the Deep - Eye Water C ommunity, on the work of the Commission and the need to solicit public support in the fight against corruption. ACC F 72 The Time SL “CORRUPT I ON IN SIERRA LEONE IS EVERYO NE‟S BUSINESS” The piece by Abdulai Mansaray talks on why the issue of corruption should be treated seriously following the release of the GTT Report. Commentary F THURSDAY 1 9TH JULY, 2018 73 Global Times “THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IS TO SAVE THE SOUL OF SIERRA LEONE - ACC COMMISSIONER” On Tuesday 17 th July , 2018 the ACC organized a one - day training workshop foe new civil society organization partners in the fight against corruption. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , info rmed partners that, “the fight against corruption is to save the soul of Sierra Leone “. Commissioner added that “we need people to help in the fight because the C ommissi on alone cannot win it; adding ACC F
17. 17 Commission met with representatives of MDAs, in its quest to address issues of bribery and corrupt pra ctices with key stakeholders on Pay No Bribe Campaign which was held at the K ing Fahad Islamic Secondary School Tongo in the Kenema District . 63 Awoko “WANTED” . The ACC is calling on the attention of the general public that one Dauda Santigie Kamara of 35d Beckley Lane, Tengbeh Town , Country Director of SISIMI Medical Serv ices is declared wanted by the Commission . ACC F MONDAY 1 6TH JULY, 2018 64 Awoko “FORMER ENERGY SECTOR AGREEMENT WAS FULL OF CORRUPTION - GTT” . The paper makes reference to the GTT Report which states that energy contracts during the past administration were marred with corruption, making particular reference to the Aggreko contract, negotiated by Minis ter of Energy Henry Macauley, as extortionate. N ews Story A 65 The Calabash “A PRAGMATIC APPROACH TO FI GHTING CORRUPTION IN SIERRA LEO NE ” This is a piece b y Jesmed F . Suma, Executive Director, Sierra Le one Policy Watch Inc., and it contains a comprehensive set of practical recommendations on how to address corruption in Sierra Leone. Commentary F 66 Awoko “WANTED”. The ACC is calling on the attention of the general public that one Dauda Santigie Kamara of 35d Beckley Lane, Tengbeh Town, Country Director of SISIMI Medical Services is declared wanted by the Commission. ACC F TUESDAY 1 7TH JULY, 2018 67 The Voice “SALONE CORRUPTION NA ALL MAN BIZNESS” . The piece by Abdulai Mansaray talks on why the issue of corruption should be treated seriously following the release of the GTT Report. Commentary A 68 Nationalist “ACC EMPOWERS DEEP - EYE WATER COMMUNITY ” . T he Anti - Corruption Commission through the Public ACC F
16. 16 PUPILAGES” . The paper calls on the ACC to investigate the Judicial and L egal Service Commission on corruption - related issues at the Commission. 57 AYV “ACC BOSS NOT IN CONFLICT WITH PARLIAMENT” . The Commissioner of the ACC Francis Ben Kaifala Esq has told pressmen that the Commission is not in conflict with Parliament insofar as investigating issues in the Audit Report are concerned. N ews Story F THURSDAY 1 2TH JULY , 2018 58 The Whispers “EBOLA REPORT TRIALS WILL HAPPEN, SAYS ACC” . The Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach Patrick Sandi is quoted as saying that the Commission is looking at recent Audit Reports, including the Ebola Audit Report, and would ensure that those found wanting for misappropriation are brought to book. N ews Story F 59 New Vision “ACC IS HANDICAPPED ” . Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . is quoted as saying that the Commission is poised to fight against corruption, b ut also calling on Government to provide the required support. N ews Story F 60 Standard Times “THAT GOVERNACE TRANSITION REPORT: W I E LDING A SLEDGE HAMMER TO FIGHT CORRUPTION” . The paper opines that the use of a sledge hammer to crush corruption together with those perpetrating nut - heads is the ideal way to go about doing it. Editorial A FRIDAY 1 3TH JULY, 2018 61 Standard Times “MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS... TRANSITION REPORT INDICTS NaCSA BOSS” . This makes reference to the GTT Report , which the paper says has indicted the Commissioner National Commission For Social Action (NaCSA) Alie Badara Mansaray, in relation to the misappropriation of the p rovident fund scheme of the staff. N ews Story A 62 AYV “ ACC TAKES PNB CAMPAIGN TO TONGO”. On Saturday, 23 rd June, 2018 the Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption ACC F
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