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Newspaper Analysis - 8. August 2018

Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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3. 3 against the previous government, making referenc e to a matter in which the ACC allegedly made trump up tax evasion charges against the then Editor of For Di People Newspaper who exposed acts of corruption by the then Minister of Justice. ‘A corruption test case for the ACC and the Koroma regime!’. The Metro Newspaper states that the Hajj corruption case has provided the ACC and the Government the opportunity to show that the country is serious about the fight against corruption. The paper wrongly claimed that the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley was one of the prosecutors who lost court cases during the tenure of the former Commissioner, Joseph F. Kamara. ‘Does Prezo understand the Judiciary and the ACC?’. This is a piece in the For Di People Newspaper in which the writer, Alpha Kamara, conducted an interview with former sports minister Paul Kamara, who seems to insinuate that the ACC and the J udiciary have never been independent and that the two institutions have been used in the past to make trump up charges ag ainst certain individuals. ‘Ady Macauley: is he not chewing more than he could swallow?’ The writer, Jonathan Leigh, seems to say that the nature of the Hajj case - involving hundreds of affected persons and the Minister of Mines Minkailu Mansaray - means the public will never see an end in sight to the investigations - comparing it to cases in the past, such as the 50 th Anniversary case.

29. 29 monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the statement in the wake of the Commission’s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. 147 Nightwatch ‘Concerns of alleged academic fraud - Abu B. Bangura, General Manager Sierra Leone Ports Authority’. This is a letter written by the National Director of Health Network - Sierra Leone, Robert Kondema Kargbo, and addressed to President Ernest Bai Koroma, statin g that he had in a letter dated 19 th October, 2015 written to the ACC informing about alleged fake certificates of the General Manager of the Sierra Leone Ports Authority, Abu Bangura but no action had been taken to investigate the claim, calling on the Pr esident, therefore, to investigate the claim. Commentary UF

2. 2 Highlights The month of August saw 82 % of favourable publ ications, while the percentage of unfavourable publications was 6%. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 12%. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable R eports ‘ACC Assets Declaration Regime is one of the best in Africa - World Bank Specialist says’. This quotes the Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank in Washington as saying that ACC has one of the best assets declaration regime in Africa. Cari Votava made the statement during a visit to the ACC Assets Declaration Unit. ‘New Ba nk Governor pays courtesy call on ACC Commissioner’. The new Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone Dr . Patrick Saidu Conteh pays courtesy call on the Commissioner of the ACC Ady Macauley. The Governor and the ACC Commissioner discussed areas of partnership , including tackling incidents of fraud and money laundering. ‘ ACC secures conviction against P rincipal of Centenary Secondary School’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo, presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura, on 28 th June, 2017, convicted Alfr ed John Sandy, Principal of the Centenary United Methodist Junior Secondary School, Gerihun Road, Bo on o ne count of misappropriation of public funds contrary to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. He was fined thirty million leones and ordered to pay the sum of twenty - eight million two hundred and eighty thousand leones, being money he misappropriated. ‘Bribery & c orruption...ACC summons 4 Rutile M anagers’. This quotes ‘sources’ at ACC as saying that the Commission has summoned four senior managers of Sierra Rutil e to respond to allegations of corruption and bribery that the Company facilitated the offering of bribes to some top government officials in order to secure a licence. ‘EPA makes commitment to internalize anti - corruption measures’. The Environment Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the institution to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. ‘ACC launches investigation into 2017 Hajj scholarships’. A press release from the Commission informs the ge neral public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. Unfavourable R eport s ‘Sniveling in the midst of international donor confidence’. The writer, John Baimba Sesay, assesses the d onor confidence in the current G ove rnment, something the previous G overnment could not enjoy. He also pointed out corruption as one of the major reasons for donor deprivation

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR AUGUST 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 147 Number of news stories - 49 Number of commentaries - 9 Number of editorials - 3 Number of sto ries and articles from the Commission - 86 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 119 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 18 (12 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 121 ( 82 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 8 ( 6 %)

13. 13 Sesay, an examiner of WAEC, on one count of soliciting an advantage. He was charged by the ACC for soliciting the sum of three hundred thousand leones per script to assign mark and grade to candidates of the scripts for the WASSCE examination he was marking. He was fined thirty million leones or serve a three year jail term. 46 AYV ‘ACC secures conviction against WAEC Examiner in Bo District’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo and presided over by Jus tice Kekura Bangura on 10 th August, 2017 convicted one Abdulrahman Sesay, an examiner of WAEC, on one count of soliciting an advantage. He was charged by the ACC for soliciting the sum of three hundred thousand leones per script to assign mark and grade to candidates of the scripts for the WASSCE examination he was marking. He was fined thirty million leones or serve a three year jail term. ACC F 47 Trumpet ‘ACC secures conviction against WAEC Examiner in Bo District’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo and presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura on 10 th August, 2017 convicted one Abdulrahman Sesay, an examiner of WAEC, on one count of soliciting an advantage. He was charged by the ACC for soliciting the sum of three hundred thousand leones p er script to assign mark and grade to candidates of the scripts for the WASSCE examination he was marking. He was fined thirty million leones or serve a three year jail term. ACC F 48 Trumpet S/Leone loses billions of leones to mispricing’. This makes re ference to a report by the civil society organisation, Budget Advocacy Network, which says that the country loses millions of dollars every year as a result of mispricing. News story A 49 Premier News ‘WAEC Examiner convicted for corruption’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo and presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura on 10 th August, 2017 convicted one Abdulrahman Sesay, an examiner of WAEC, on one count of soliciting an advantage. He was charged by the ACC for soliciting the sum of three hun dred thousand leones per script to assign mark and grade to candidates of the scripts ACC F

14. 14 for the WASSCE examination he was marking. He was fined thirty million leones or serve a three year jail term. 50 New Citizen ‘ACC secures conviction against WAEC Examiner in Bo District’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo and presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura on 10 th August, 2017 convicted one Abdulrahman Sesay, an examiner of WAEC, on one count of soliciting an advantage. He was charged by the ACC for soliciting the sum of three hundred thousand leones per script to assign mark and grade to candidates of the scripts for the WASSCE examination he was marking. He was fined thirty million leones or serve a three yea r jail term. ACC F 51 Times SL ‘As ACC keeps assets declaration in secret...citizens demand transparency’. This makes reference to the ‘citizens’ manifesto’ propagated by the civil society organisations calling for all those contesting for public offices to declare their assets publicly. However, the Deputy Director of Publci Education and Outreach at ACC Patrick Sandi is quoted as saying that the current law makes room for assets declaration to be done in confidence and that the compliance rate among public servants has been very high. News story F 52 Standard Times ‘WAEC Examiner fined Le 30M...ACC secures conviction’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo and presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura on 10 th August, 2017 convicted one Abdulrahman Sesay, an examiner of WAEC, on one count of soliciting an advantage. He was charged by the ACC for soliciting the sum of three hundred thousand leones per script to assign mark and grade to candidates of the scripts for the WASSCE examination he was marking. He was fined thirty million leones or serve a three year jail term. ACC F 15 August 53 AYV ‘NEC workers in Bombali say no to bribery’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC organised a customized meeting for staff of the National Electoral Commission office in the region. The NEC staff pledged their support to the ACC and made commitments to reject any form of ACC F

15. 15 bribery. 54 Standard Times ‘Quantum not an excuse to ACC net...ACC Kenema public face’. ACC Public Education Officer in Kenema Sylvanus Blake was quoted as saying that the ACC investigates and prosecutes for all acts of corruption irrespective of the amount of money involved. He made the statement on Radio Nongowa while responding to a question s uggesting that the ACC should not prosecute the suspect arrested in Daru for selling mosquito treated bed nets . ACC F 55 Nationalist ‘Bombali NEC workers say no to bribery’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC organised a customized meeting for staff of the National Electoral Commission office in the region. The NEC staff pledged their support to the ACC and made commitments to reject any form of bribery. ACC F 56 Nationalist ‘ACC secures conviction against WAEC Examiner in Bo District’. The High Co urt of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo and presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura on 10 th August, 2017 convicted one Abdulrahman Sesay, an examiner of WAEC, on one count of soliciting an advantage. He was charged by the ACC for soliciting the sum of three hundr ed thousand leones per script to assign mark and grade to candidates of the scripts for the WASSCE examination he was marking. He was fined thirty million leones or serve a three year jail term. ACC F 57 Unity ‘Corruption stinks under APC’. The paper says billions of leones are misappropriated every year as outlined by audit reports and that the ACC has not measured up in bringing to book high profile individuals suspected of committing such acts. Commentary UF 16 August 58 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Quantum not an excuse to ACC net...ACC Kenema public face’. ACC Public Education Officer in Kenema Sylvanus Blake was quoted as saying that the ACC investigates and prosecutes for all acts of corruption irrespective of the amount of money i nvolved. He made the statement on Radio Nongowa while responding to a question suggesting that the ACC should not ACC F

11. 11 36 Standard Times ‘Road safety corps demoted’. A safety corps (formerly known as traffic w arden) of the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority has been demoted by the Authority following an investigation by the Anti - Corruption Commission. Road Marshall II Solomon Edward Yarjoh was demoted to Road Marshall after being found wanting for demanding and soliciting a bribe from a moto rbike rider. ACC F 37 Informant ‘On corruption...FCC fires 3’. The Freetown City Council has terminated the services of three staff, Arthur Lewis, Cyrus Mansaray and Lawrence Lansana, for corruption offences. This followed an ACC investigation in which the three admitted receiving and using for their own use monies f rom a businessman to erect a makeshift structure on a piece of land belonging to the Council. ACC F 38 Informant ‘A CC secures conviction against P rincipal of Centenary Secondary School’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo, presided over by Justi ce Kekura Bangura, on 28 th June, 2017, convicted Alfred John Sandy, Principal of the Centenary United Methodist Junior Secondary School, Gerihun Road, Bo on one count of misappropriation of public funds contrary to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. He was fine d thirty million leones and be ordered to pay` the sum of twenty - eight million two hundred and eighty thousand leones, being money he misappropriated. ACC F 39 Informant ‘New Bank Governor pays courtesy call on ACC Commissioner’. The new Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone Dr . Patrick Saidu Conteh pays a courtesy call on the Commissioner of the ACC Ady Macauley. The Governor and the ACC Commissioner discussed areas of partnership, including tackling incidents of fraud and money laundering. ACC F 40 Concord Times ‘Citizens manifesto undermines ACC Act - says Deputy Information Minister’. This quotes the Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Cornelius Deveaux as saying that the so called citizens’ manifesto by civil society organisations, whic h advocates for all News story F

8. 8 School’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo, presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura, on 28 th June, 2017, convicted Alf red John Sandy, Principal of the Centenary United Methodist Junior Secondary School, Gerihun Road, Bo on one count of misappropriation of public funds contrary to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. He was fined thirty million leones and ordered to pay` the sum of twenty - eight million two hundred and eighty thousand leones, being money he misappropriated. 21 For Di People ‘New Bank Governor pays courtesy call on ACC Commissioner’. The new Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone Dr . Patrick Saidu Conteh pays a courtesy call on the Commissioner of the ACC Ady Macauley. The Governor and the ACC Commissioner discussed areas of partnership, including tackling incidents of fraud and money laundering. ACC F 22 Standard Times ‘New Bank Gov ernor pays courtesy call on ACC Commissioner’. The new Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone Dr . Patrick Saidu Conteh pays a courtesy call on the Commissioner of the ACC Ady Macauley. The Governor and the ACC Commissioner discussed areas of partnership, in cluding tackling incidents of fraud and money laundering. ACC F 23 Makoni Times ‘ACC secures conviction against principal of Centenary Secondary School’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo, presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura, on 28 th June, 2 017, convicted Alfred John Sandy, Principal of the Centenary United Methodist Junior Secondary School, Gerihun Road, Bo on one count of misappropriation of public funds contrary to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. He was fined thirty million leones and ordere d to pay` the sum of twenty - eight million two hundred and eighty thousand leones, being money he misappropriated. ACC F 7 August 24 Success ‘ACC Assets Declaration Regime is one of the best in Africa - World Bank Specialist’. This quotes the Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank in Washington as saying that ACC has one of the best ACC F

26. 26 of Mines Minkailu Mansaray has been fired as a result of an ongoing investigation by ACC. 128 Awoko ‘ACC engages partners’. The ACC held a one - day capacity - building session for participants from various partner organisations, including public and civil society organisations. Topics for presentation included offences under the AC Act 2008 and how partners can partner with the C ommission. ACC F 29 August 129 Nationalist ‘ACC engages Integrity Management Committees in Bombali’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC has reconstituted the membership of integrity management committees of five MDAs in the Bombali District in a bid to make them more effective to combat acts of corruption and bribery in their respective institutions. ACC F 130 Metro ‘A corruption test case for the ACC and the Koroma regime!’. The paper states that the Hajj corruption case has provided the ACC and the Government the opportunity to show that the country is serious about the fight against corruption. Editorial UF 131 For Di People ‘Does Prezo understand the Judiciary and the ACC?’. The writer, Alpha Kamara, conducted an interview with former sports minister Paul Kamara, who seems to insinuate that the ACC and the J udiciary have never been independent and the two institutions have been used in the past to make trump up charges against certain individuals. News story UF 132 New Vision ‘ACC engages Integrity Management Committees in Bombali’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC has reconstituted the membership of integrity management committees of five MDAs in the Bombali District in a bid to make them more effective to combat acts of corruption and bribery in their respective institutions. ACC F 133 Independent Observer ‘ACC engages Integrity Management Committees in Bombali’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC has reconstituted the membership of integrity management committees of five MDAs in the Bombali District in a bid to make them more effective to combat acts of corruption ACC F

9. 9 assets declaration regime in Africa. Cari Votava made the statement during a visit to the ACC Assets Declaration Unit. 25 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘MDAs, others in corrupt malpractices’. This makes reference to a press release from the Office of the Auditor General as saying that certain ministries, departments and agencies violate best practices in transparency and accountabi lity and that stringent measures will be taken against such MDAs. News story A 26 Trumpet ‘Following ACC investigations...City Council fires 3 staff for corruption’. The Freetown City Council has terminated the services of three staff, Arthur Lewis, Cyru s Mansaray and Lawrence Lansana, for corruption offences. This followed an ACC investigation in which the three admitted receiving and using for their own use monies from a businessman to erect a makeshift structure on a piece of land belonging to the Coun cil. ACC F 27 Trumpet ‘New Bank Governor pays courtesy call on ACC Commissioner’. The new Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone Dr . Patrick Saidu Conteh pays a courtesy call on the Commissioner of the ACC Ady Macauley. The Governor and the ACC Commissioner discussed areas of partnership, including tackling incidents of fraud and money laundering. ACC F 8 August 28 Nationalist ‘Request for expression of interest: The nation - wide monitoring and evaluation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) Implementation Action Plan 2016’ . The ACC is seeking the services of a firm, preferably a civil society organisation, to carry ou t the monitoring of activities of the implementation of the Action Plan being carried out by ministrie s, departments and agencies of G overnment. ACC F 29 AYV ‘ Corruption rocks University of Sierra Leone’. The paper claims that the University of Sierra Leo ne has been operating about thirty bank accounts and there have not been any audit of the University by external auditors. News story A 30 Standard Times ‘Consequences of corruption: risks, dangers’. The writer, Bedortnatu Kamara, Commentary A

6. 6 Holden in Bo, presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura, on 28 th June, 2017, convicted Alfred John Sandy, Principal of the Centenary United Method ist Junior Secondary School, Gerihun Road, Bo on one count of misappropriation of public funds contrary to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. He was fined thirty million leones and ordered to pay the sum of twenty - eight million two hundred and eighty thousand l eones, being money he misappropriated. 11 Standard Times ‘Misappropriation of public funds...Principal fined Le 30M’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo, presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura, on 28 th June, 2017, convicted Alfred John Sandy, Principal of the Centenary United Methodist Junior Secondary S chool, Gerihun Road, Bo on o ne count of misappropriation of public funds contrary to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. He was fined thirty million leones an d ordered to pay the sum of twenty - eight million two hundred and eighty thousand leones, being money he misappropriated. ACC F 12 Owl ‘ACC secures conviction against principal of Centenary Secondary School’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo, presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura, on 28 th June, 2017, convicted Alfred John Sandy, Principal of the Centenary United Methodist Junior Secondary School , Gerihun Road, Bo on one count of misappropriation o f public funds contrary to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. He was fined thirty million leones and ordered to pay ` the sum of twenty - eight million two hundred and eighty thousand leones, being money he misappropriated. ACC F 13 New Age Media ‘Corruption, cro nyism and Ego...Isha Johansen term ends today’. The paper reports that the term of SLFA President Isha Johansen ends today. It states that her tenure has been marred by corruption, which resulted in the ACC mounting an investigation into her executive. News story F 14 Standard Times ‘Corruption is obstructing our nation’s progress!’ . The writer, Issa B.M.Kamara, outlines some of the issues, including corruption, derailing the development of the Commentary F

5. 5 the best in Africa - World Bank Specialist’. This quotes the Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank in Washington as saying that ACC has one of the best assets declaration regime in Africa. Cari Votava made the statement during a visit to the ACC Assets Declaration Unit. 7 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘ACC Assets Declaration Regime is one of the best in Africa - World Ba nk Specialist’. This quotes the Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank in Washington as saying that ACC has one of the best assets declaration regime in Africa. Cari Votava made the statement during a visit to the ACC Assets Declaration Unit. ACC F 3 August 8 Global Times ‘New Bank Governor visits ACC Boss’. The new Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone Dr . Patrick Saidu Conteh pays a courtesy call on the Commissioner of the ACC Ady Macauley. The Governor and the ACC Commissioner discussed areas of partnership, including tackling incidents of fraud and money laundering. ACC F 8 Independent Observer ‘New Bank Governor pays courtesy call on ACC Commissioner’. The new Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone Dr Patrick Saidu Conteh pays a courtesy call on the Commissioner of the ACC Ady Macauley. The Governor and the ACC Commissioner discussed areas of partnership, including tackling incidents of fraud and money laundering. ACC F 9 Premier News ‘ACC secures conviction against principal of Centenary Secondary School’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo, presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura, on 28 th June, 2017, convicted Alfred John Sandy, Principal of the Centenary United Methodist Junior Secondary School, Gerihun Road, Bo on one count of misappropriation of public funds contrary to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. He was fined thirty million leones and ordered to pay the sum of twenty - eight million two hundred and eighty thousand leones, being money he misappropriated. ACC F 10 AYV ‘ACC secures conviction against principal of Centenary Secondary School’. The High Court of Sierra Leone ACC F

7. 7 country and therefore calls on the ACC to be steadfast in its work of going after those who commit acts of corruption. 15 Standard Times ‘Request for expression of interest: The nation - wide monitoring and evaluation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) Implementation Action Plan 2016’ . The ACC is seeking the services of a firm, preferably a civil society organisation, to carry out the monitoring of activities of the implementation of the Action Plan being carried out by ministries, departments and agencies of G overnment. ACC F 16 Spe ctator ‘Corruption...250M in limbo’. The paper says that residents of the Deepea Water Village are calling on the ACC to investigate their Headman Pa Ibrahim Sesay for allegedly misappropriating revenues from sand mining totaling over two hundred and fifty million leones. News story F 17 Spectator ‘ACC Assets Declaration Regime is one of the best in Africa - World Bank Specialist’. This quotes the Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank in Washington as saying that ACC has one of the best assets declaration regime in Africa. Cari Votava made the statement during a visit to the ACC Assets Declaration Unit. ACC F 18 Glo bal Times ‘Following ACC investigations...City Council fires 3 staff for corruption’. The Freetown City Council has terminated the services of three staff, Arthur Lewis, Cyrus Mansaray and Lawrence Lansana, for corruption offences. This followed an ACC inves tigation in which the three admitted receiving and using for their own use monies from a businessman to erect a makeshift structure on a piece of land belonging to the Council. ACC F 19 Independent Observer ‘ACC Assets Declaration Regime is one of the best in Africa - World Bank Specialist’. This quotes the Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank in Washington as saying that ACC has one of the best assets declaration regime in Africa. Cari Votava made the statement during a visit to the ACC A ssets Declaration Unit. ACC F 4 August 20 For Di People ‘ ACC secures conviction against P rincipal of Centenary Secondary ACC F

10. 10 assesses how corruption derails a nation’s social and economic development. 31 Spectator ‘ As billions of leones missing...Audit Service breaks silence’. A report from Audit Service Sierra Leone states that certain ministries, departments and agencies of government failed to submit their financial statements for auditing. News story A 32 Spectator ‘Headman denies Le 250 million corruption scam’. The paper says the Headman of Deep Yai Wata, Alhaji Ibrahim Sesay has denied a previous report in the paper accusing him of misappropriating over two hundred million leones collected from sand mining in the village. He said his invitation to the ACC somet ime last for questioning over alleged misappropriation did not found him wanting of any corrupt act. News story F 9 August 33 Independent Observer ‘ Corruption: Traffic warden is demoted for taking bribe’. A safety corps (formerly known as traffic w arden) of the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority has been demoted by the Authority following an investigation by the Anti - Corruption Commission. Road Marshall II Solomon Edward Yarjoh was demoted to Road Marshall after being found wanting for demanding and soliciting a bribe from a motorbike rider. ACC F 34 Independent Observer ‘Le 23.5 billion paid in 2015’. A report by Audit Service says Government , in 2015, paid Le 23.5 billion to consultants whose contracts have not been renewed but yet keep working fo r various MDAs and receiving salaries from the consolidated fund. News story A 35 AYV ‘SLRSA takes anti - corruption actions against road safety corps’. A safety corps (formerly known as traffic w arden) of the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority has been demoted by the Authority following an investigation by the Anti - Corruption Commission. Road Marshall II Solomon Edward Yarjoh was demoted to Road Marshall after being found wanting for demanding and soliciting a bribe from a moto rbike rider. ACC F 10 August

12. 12 politicians to do a public declaration of their assets, seems to suggest that the provision in the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 - which provides for a secret declaration of assets by public officers - does not go far enough - something, he says , undermines the Act. 11 August 41 Salone Times ‘Defence team stalls ACC cases in High Court’. The paper reports that the defence team in the case of Mohamed Osman Sesay alias ‘Assassin’ is delaying the case as members of the defence team appear ill - prepared to represent their client. ACC F 14 August 42 Informant ‘SLRSA takes anti - corruption actions against road safety corps’. A safety corps (formerly known as traffic w arden) of the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority has been demoted by the Authority following an investigation by the Anti - Corruption Commission. Road Marshall II Solomon Edward Yarjoh was demoted to Road Marshall after being found wanting for demanding and soliciting a bribe from a moto rbike rider. ACC F 43 Informant ‘In Bo...WAEC Examiner in trouble’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo and presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura on 10 th August, 2017 convicted one Abdulrahman Sesay, an examiner of WAEC, on one count of soliciti ng an advantage. He was charged by the ACC for soliciting the sum of three hundred thousand leones per script to assign mark and grade to candidates of the scripts for the WASSCE examination he was marking. He was fined thirty million leones or serve a thr ee year jail term. ACC F 44 Sierra Express Media ‘Lands ministry is the most corrupt - citizens aver’. The paper quotes some members of the public who complained about alleged acts of corruption perpetrated by officials of the Ministry of Lands, causing conflicts and loss of lives as a result. News story A 45 Global Times ‘ACC secures conviction against WAEC Examiner in Bo District’. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden in Bo and presided over by Justice Kekura Bangura on 10 th August, 2017 convicted one Abdulrahman ACC F

4. 4 No. NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF 1 August 1 Independent Observer ‘ACC Assets Declaration Regime is one of the best in Africa - World Bank Specialist says’. This quotes the Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank in Washington as saying that ACC has one of the best assets declaration regime in Africa. Cari Votava made the statement during a v isit to the ACC Assets Declaration Unit. ACC F 2 AYV ‘ACC Assets Declaration Regime is one of the best in Africa - World Bank Specialist’. This quotes the Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank in Washington as saying that ACC has one of the b est assets declaration regime in Africa. Cari Votava made the statement during a visit to the ACC Assets Declaration Unit. ACC F 3 Nationalist ‘Sniveling in the midst of international donor confidence’. The writer, John Baimba Sesay, assesses the donor c onfidence in the current government, something the previous government could not enjoy. He also pointed out corruption as one of the major reasons for donor deprivation against the previous government, making reference to a matter in which the ACC allegedl y made trump up tax evasion charges against the then Editor of For Di People Newspaper who exposed acts of corruption by the then Minister of Justice. Commentary UF 4 Equity ‘ Popular demand for MASADA probe’. The paper claims that members of the public are calling on the ACC to probe the waste management company, MASADA for allegedly reneging on a contract for the cleaning of the capital for which it is receiving two hundred million leones monthly. News story F 2 August 5 For Di People ‘ACC Assets Declaration Regime is one of the best in Africa - World Bank Specialist’. This quotes the Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank in Washington as saying that ACC has one of the best assets declaration regime in Africa. Cari Votava made t he statement during a visit to the ACC Assets Declaration Unit. ACC F 6 Salone Times ‘ACC Assets Declaration Regime is one of ACC F

22. 22 society organisations. Topics for presentation included offences under the AC Act 2008 and how partners can partner with the Commission. 100 Standard Times ‘EPA makes commitment to internalize anti - corruption measures’. The Environment Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the instituti on to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. ACC F 101 Awoko ‘ACC investigates alleged Iluka bribery scandal’. The story claims that forme r CEO of Sierra Rutile and flag bearer aspirant for the APC John Bornoh Sisay oversaw bribery of top government officials to aid the acquisition of the company by Iluka Resources - something the paper says the ACC will investigate. News story F 102 Awoko ‘ACC to investigate 2017 Hajj pilgrimage’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. News story F 103 Metro ‘The corruption and impunity gripping the Koroma regime’. The paper states that President Koroma has sometimes acted tough on corruption but is unfortunately surrounded by corrupt individuals who do not work in his interest. Commentary A 104 Blade ‘ACC urges MoFED to clamp down on defaulting MDAs’. This quotes ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley as making a calling to the Ministry of Finance to withhold allocations to public institutions which fail to adhere to the recommendations and guidelines of the A udit Service Sierra Leone. News story F 105 Blade ‘ACC launches investigation into 2017 Hajj scholarships’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. ACC F 106 New Age Media ‘Hajj corruption ...Gaga says ‘I am subjected to molestation’. The Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs is quoted as saying that prior to the News story A

20. 20 86 Global Times ‘Bribery & c orruption...ACC summons 4 Rutile M anagers’. T his quotes ‘sources’ at ACC as saying that the Commission has summoned four senior managers of Sierra Rutile to respond to allegations of corruption and bribery that the Company facilitated the offering of bribes to some top government officials in order t o secure a licence. News story F 87 New Vision ‘ACC launches investigation into 2017 Hajj scholarships’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. ACC F 88 Times SL ‘ Exposed...SLRTC operat es fake bank accounts’. The paper makes reference to the Auditor General’s R eport 2015 which cl aims that the Sierra Leone Road Transport Corporation has been operating some fake bank accounts. News story A 89 Times SL ‘ As corruption eats deep...Youth Ministry to account for over Le 1 billion’. This makes reference to the Audit Service Report 2015 which claims that the Ministry of Youth Affairs could not account for over one billion leones allocated to it. News story A 90 Nationalist ‘ACC launches i nvestigation into 2017 Hajj scholarships’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. ACC F 91 Nationalist ‘ACC capacitates partners on anti - graft strategies’. The ACC held one - day capacity - building session for participants from various partner organisations, including public and civil society organisations. Topics for presentation inclu ded offences under the AC Act 2008 and how partners can partner with the Commission. ACC F 92 Nightwatch ‘ACC launches investigation into 2017 Hajj scholarships’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the ACC F

25. 25 Nurudeen Sankoh - Yillah to immediately report to the ACC upon their arrival in Sierra Leone. 121 For Di People ‘ACC laun ches investigation into 2017 Hajj scholarships’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. ACC F 122 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘ACC strikes again’. This applauds the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley for calling on the Ministry of Finance to withhold allocations to public institutions which fail to adhere to the recommendations and guidelines of the Audit Service Sierra Leone. Editorial F 28 August 123 AYV ‘Closing the stables after the horses had bolted - Sierra Leone Anti - Corruption Commission acts?’. The paper claims that the Commission was slow to act on early alarms connected to alleged acts of corruption in the 2017 Hajj and that the Commission only acted at a time when evidence might have vanished. Commentary UF 124 New Storm ‘Rampant corruption under APC Gov’t scaring investors’. The story claims that recent allegations of corruption into this year’s Hajj and other past corruption allegations - including those related to the Ebola funds - show there has been rampant acts of corruption under the APC Government. News story UF 125 Sierra Express Media ‘As corruption stinks in the country investors are running away’. The story claims that many genuine investors have pulled out of the country due to endemic corruption in the country. The story names former Executive at African Minerals Frank Timis as one of such investors. News story A 126 Northern Star ‘ACC launches investigation into 2017 Hajj scholarships’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. ACC F 127 N orthern Star ‘Minkailu Mansaray not fired’. The paper says it is rebuffing claims that the Minister News story F

16. 16 prosecute the suspect arrested in Daru for selling mosquito treated bed nets. 17 August 59 Equity ‘ACC monitors SSN cash transfer’. The paper quotes the Public Education Officer attached to the ACC Regional Office in Kenema, Sylvanus Blake as saying that the ACC ha s been monitoring the direct cash transfer implemented by Save the Children International and the Catholic Relief Service in Kailahun District. News story F 60 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘Quantum not an excuse to ACC net...ACC Kenema public face says ’. ACC Public Education Officer in Kenema Sylvanus Blake was quoted as saying that the ACC invest igates and prosecutes for all acts of corruption irrespective of the amount of money involved. He made the statement on Radio Nongowa while responding to a question suggesting that the ACC should not prosecute the suspect arrested in Daru for selling mosqu ito treated bed nets. News story F 61 Nationalist ‘Request for expression of interest: The nation - wide monitoring and evaluation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) Implementation Action Plan 2016’ . The ACC is seeking the services of a firm, preferably a civil society organisation, to carry out the monitoring of activities of the implementation of the Action Plan being carried out by ministrie s, departments and agencies of G overnment. ACC F 18 August 62 Owl ‘EPA makes commitment to AC C’. The Environment Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the institution to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. ACC F 21 August 63 Awareness Times ‘As controversy & corruption wickedness looms over EBK’s final Hajj...Kamaraimba blasts, Ernest sacks three, Sylvia Blyden hailed’. The story of the alleged acts of corruption in the 2017 Hajj and the steps taken by Government to relieve three people in the Committee of thei r duties. News story A 64 Standard Times ‘UK Serious Fraud Office runs after presidential candidate...Austra lian Miner Iluka Resources reveals African News story F

28. 28 claims that the World Bank Country Director in Sierra Leone, Parminder Brar, took the unusual step to implicitly endorse the G overnment’s economic programme and not blasting G overnment corruption when h e appeared as guest on Radio Democracy. 142 Metro ‘Hajj scandal: the ACC will consider Interpol involvement’. The paper quotes ACC Communication Officer Abubakarr Turay as saying on Kalleone Radio that the ACC may consider asking for Interpol assistance if three former members of the Hajj Committee invited by the ACC for questioning failed to report to the Commission. News story F 143 Independent Observer ‘Ady Macauley: is he not chewing more than he could swallow?’ The writer, Jona than Leigh, seems to say that the nature of the Hajj case - involving hundreds of affected persons and the Minister of Mines Minkailu Mansaray - means the public will never see an end in sight to the investigations - comparing it to cases in the past, such as th e 50 th Anniversary case. Commentary UF 144 Nationalist ‘ACC recovers Le 300 Million’. This makes reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq ., that recovered public monies will help with the implementation of government programmes, especially so when such monies can be used in healthcare programmes. He made the statement in the wake of the Commission’s recovery of three hundred and thirty - three million leones in the past weeks. ACC F 145 Awareness Times ‘Hon Sylvia Blyden to rope HRMO into tiffy tiffy 2017 Hajj’. The Minister of Social Welfare , Gender and Children’s Affairs Dr . Sylvia Blyden is quoted as saying that she will officially hand over to the ACC evidence related to the Hajj investigations, including incriminating evidence against the Director of the Human Resource Management Office, A.R. Bayoh. News story F 146 Nightwatch ‘Recovered public funds can help save lives - ACC Commissioner’. This makes reference to a statement by the ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq ., that recovered public monies will h elp with the implementation of G overnment programmes, especially so when such ACC F

21. 21 Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. 93 Nightwatch ‘Corruption exposed at Central Bank’. The story states that four senior officials of the Bank of Sierra Leone, Abdul Samu, Albert Fortune, Charka Wilelem and Sydney Sa c coh, a re being investigated over a th i r ty - five thousand dollars fraud case which is being investigated by CI D, with ACC handling the corruption side of it. News story F 94 Nightwatch ‘ACC capacitates partners’. The ACC held one - day capacity - building session for participants from various partner organisations, including public and civil society organisations. Topics for presentation included offences under the AC Act 2008 and how partners can partner with the Commission. ACC F 95 Awareness Times ‘In promoting integrity & accountability EPA - SL takes the lead’. The Environment Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the institution to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. News story F 96 Awareness Times ‘ACC launches investigation into 2017 Hajj scholarships’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. ACC F 97 New Citizen ‘For defaulting MDA s...ACC Boss calls for withholding allocations’. This quotes ACC Commissioner Ady Macauley as making a calling , to the Ministry of Finance to withhold allocations to public institutions which fail to adhere to the recommendations and guidelines of the Audit Service Sierra Leone. News story F 98 AYV ‘ACC launches investigation into 2017 Hajj scholarships’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. ACC F 99 AYV ‘ACC capacitates partners on anti - corruption strategies’. The ACC held one - day capacity - building session for participants from various partner organisations, including public and civil ACC F

24. 24 Mansaray under fire - Mohamed A. Bah to be nailed’. This is about the search warrants conducted by the ACC on the residences and offices of persons of interest in the Hajj corruption investigations. 114 Awareness Times ‘ State House and VP Office raided by ACC investigators’. This is about the search warrants conducted by the ACC on the residences and offices of persons of interest in the Hajj corruption investigations. News story F 115 Owl ‘ACC capacitates partners on anti - corruption strategies’. The ACC held a one - day capacity - building session for participants from various partner organisations, including public and civil society organisations. Topics for presentation included of fences under the AC Act 2008 and how partners can partner with the Commission. ACC F 116 Owl ‘In promoting integrity & accountability EPA - SL takes the lead’. The Environment Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the institution to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. News story F 117 Global Times ‘I was not summoned by ACC - Prince Cotay says’. This quotes the Community Affairs Superintendent at Sierra Rutile Iluka Prince Cotay as saying that he had not been invited by the ACC for interrogation in connection to the Commission’s investigation of alleged acts of bribery of G overnment officials faci litated by officials of the mining company. News story F 118 Salone Times ‘SLFA President faces three cases to defend her mandate’. The paper states that the President of the Sierra Leone Football Association, Isha Johansen is battling three cases inclu ding one she is being investigated for alleged acts of corruption by the ACC. News story F 119 Salone Times ‘EPA signs integrity pledge with ACC’. The Environment Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the institution to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. ACC F 120 Independent Observer ‘ACC summons 3 Hajj members’. This is a public notice from the ACC ordering three former members of the Hajj Committee: Alhaji Sheka Kamara aka Shekito, Hon . Alhaji Mohamed A. Bah and Hon . ACC F

23. 23 Hajj corruption scandal; she has not been allowed to handle religious affairs in the Ministry. 25 August 107 Standard Times ‘2017 Hajj scholarship saga...ACC launches investigation’. A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. ACC F 108 Standard Times ‘In promoting integrity & accountability EPA - SL takes the lead’. The Environment Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the institution to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. News story F 109 Standard Times ‘Corruption, corruption, corruption!...is still a disturb ing factor in the nation’s progress!’. The writer, Issa B.M. Kamara, believes that corruption has been largely responsible for the nation’s underdevelopment and that more should be done to combat the scourge. Commentary F 110 Trumpet ‘NCD, others benefit from ACC confab’. The ACC held a one - day capacity - building session for participants from various partner organisations, including public and civil society organisations. Topics for presentation included offences under the AC Act 2008 and how partners can partner with the Commission. News story F 111 Trumpet ‘ACC & partners on anti - corruption strategies’. The ACC held a one - day capacity - building session for participants from various partner organisations, including public and civil society organisations. Topics for presentation included offences under the AC Act 2008 and how partners can partner with the C ommission. ACC F 112 Trumpet ‘ACC begins probe into 2017 Hajj scholarships’ A press release from the Commission informs the general public that it has launched an investigation into this year’s Government of Sierra Leone scholarship scheme for pilgrimage to the Muslim Holy Land of Mecca. ACC F 113 Times SL ‘Calling for an Islami c Sharia on Hajj scandal...Shekito, Nuri Deen, & Sallieu News story F

17. 17 bribery scandal’. The story claims that forme r CEO of Sierra Rutile and flag bearer aspirant for the APC John Bornoh Sisay oversaw bribery of top government officials to aid the acquisition of the company by Iluka Resources - something the paper says the ACC will investigate. 65 AYV ‘ACC ends two - day awareness raising on the effects of corruption in Kono District. The sub - regional office of the ACC in Kono organised community awareness meetings in Fiama and Sandor chiefdoms on various corruption issues including the Pay No Bribe campa ign. ACC F 66 AYV ‘ACC engages IMCs on the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy in Kono District. The NACS Secretariat engaged members of integrity management committees in Kono to assess their performance in the implementation of the NACS 2014 - 2018. ACC F 67 AYV ‘ACC capacitates radio journalists in the Western Area Rural District’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC conducted a one - day capacity building session for radio journalists in the Western Area Rural District on the work of the Commission and reporting on anti - corruption issues. ACC F 68 AYV ‘Eyes on relief monies’ . The paper says it is taking st ock of all monies donated to the relief fund for mudslide and flood victims to ensure transparency and accountability. News story A 69 New Vision ‘ACC capacitates radio journalists in the Western Area Rural District’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC conducted a one - day capacity building session for radio journalists in the Western Area Rural District on the work of the Commission and reporting on anti - corruption issues. ACC F 70 New Vision ‘ACC engages IMCs on the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy in Kono District. The NACS Secretariat engaged members of integrity management committees in Kono to assess their performance in the implementation of the NACS 2014 - 2018. ACC F 71 New Vision ‘ACC ends two - day awareness raising on the effects of corruption in Kono District. ACC F

19. 19 The paper claims that the Minister of Social Welfare , Gender and Children’s Affairs may be investigated in connection to 2017 Hajj scholarships. 80 For Di People ACC ends two - day awareness campaign in Kono’. The sub - regional office of the ACC in Kono organised community awareness meetings in Fiama and Sandor chiefdoms on various corruption issues including the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 23 August 81 Independent Observer ‘ACC capacitates radio journalists’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC conducted a one - day capacity building session for radio journalists in the Western Area Rural District on the work of the Commission and reporting on anti - corruption issues. ACC F 82 Owl ‘ District Medical Officer Bo, boats of reduced PNB Reports’. The Bo District Medical Officer Dr . Turay is quoted as saying that that the District Health Management Team’s zero tolerance for corruption is helping a lot in service delivery and ensuring a reduction in the number of reports against his staff. He was speaking at a meeting between the ACC and the DHMT in Bo. ACC F 83 Equity ‘ACC to hit hard’. The ACC Regional Office in Kenema held a meeting with education stakeholders in the D istrict to address issues of extortion, bribery and other acts of corruption in the educational sector. News story F 24 August 84 Independent Observer ‘ACC capacitates partners on anti - corruption strategies’. The ACC held one - day capacity - building session for participants from various partner organisations, including public and civil society organisations. Topics for presentation included offences under the AC Act 2008 and how partners can partner with the Commission. ACC F 85 Global Times ‘Leaked Hajj audio implicates APC top guns’. The story makes reference to a leaked audio which seems to implicate the Minister of Mines Alhaji Minkailu Mansaray in acts of corruption relating to this year’s Hajj. News story A

27. 27 and bribery in their respective institutions. 30 August 134 Sierra Update ‘ACC on the rampage to nail Hajj ‘Ayampies’. This is about the Hajj investigations, stating the progress the Commission has made so far relating to the investigations. News story F 135 Sierra Leone Daily Mail ‘ACC engages Integrity Management Committees in Bombali’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC has reconstituted the membership of integrity management committees of five MDAs in the Bombali District in a bid to make them more effective to combat acts o f corruption and bribery in their respective institutions. ACC F 136 AYV ‘ACC engages Integrity Management Committees in Bombali’. The Northern Regional office of the ACC has reconstituted the membership of integrity management committees of five MDAs in the Bombali District in a bid to make them more effective to combat acts of corruption and bribery in their respective institutions. ACC F 137 Democrat ‘The Hajj saga rumbles on...as ACC steps up preliminary investigations’. This is about the Hajj investig ations, stating the progress the Commission has made so far relating to the investigations. News story F 31 August 138 Nightwatch ‘School feeding scandal’. The paper claims that the Government’s school feeding programme has been marred by corruption and that some schools have been extorting money from school kids in order for them (the kids) to benefit from the programme. Editorial A 139 Nightwatch ‘Hajj - gate Vs. JBS’ bribery scandal’. The story makes reference to an interview the paper had with the Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach, Patrick Sandi, on the Hajj and Iluka investigations. News story F 140 Spectator ‘NCD and other s benefit from a proactive capacity building meeting organised by ACC’. This is about the capacity training organised by the ACC for partners – including the National Commission for Democracy - on the work of the ACC and some of the common offences in the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. News story F 141 Metro ‘World Bank country D i rector defends corruption in Sierra Leone’. The paper News story A

18. 18 The sub - regional office of the ACC in Kono organised community awareness meetings in Fiama and Sandor chiefdoms on various corruption issues including the P ay No Bribe campaign. 72 New Storm ‘ACC capacitates radio journalists in the Western Area Rural District’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC conducted a one - day capacity building session for radio journalists in the Western Area Rural District on the work of the Commission and reporting on anti - corruption issues. ACC F 73 Owl ‘EPA makes commitment to ACC’. The Environment Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the institution to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. ACC F 74 Sierra Express Media ‘In promoting integrity & accountability EPA - SL takes the lead’. The Environm ent Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the institution to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. News story F 75 Trumpet ‘ACC capacitates radio journalists’. The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC conducted a one - day capacity building session for radio journalists in the Western Area Rural District on the work of the Commission and reporting on anti - corruption issues. ACC F 76 Trumpet ‘ACC engages IMCs’. The NACS Secretariat engaged members of integrity management committees in Kono to assess their performance in the implementation of the NACS 2014 - 2018. ACC F 77 Trumpet ‘ ACC ends two - day awareness campaign in Kono’ . The sub - regional office of the ACC in Kono organised community awareness meetings in Fiama and Sandor chiefdoms on various corruption issues including the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 78 Trumpet ‘ ACC engages EPA on anti - corruption measures’ . The Environment Protection Agency signs integrity pledge and integrity pacts to commit the institution to mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the workplace. ACC F 22 August 79 New Age Media ‘Gaga may be roped in Hajj corruption’. News story A


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