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Newspaper Analysis -December 2017

Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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2. 2 Highlights The percentage of favourable pu blication for the month of December is 90 %; while the percentage of unfavourable publications is 5 %. The percen tage of ambivalent reports is 5 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports “ASSETS DECLARATION: ACC SET DEADLINE”. A public notice from the ACC slated December 15 2017 as the deadline for the declaration of assets by all public officials in accordance to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 . “WOMEN AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION”. The article by Nimatu Gassama, an intern at the ACC, describes c orruption as a global cancer that damages the fabric of development in any nation. She states that corruption affects everyone, but women face the brunt of it in developing countries. PAY NO BRIBE‟S MESSAGE OF THE MONTH TELLS CITIZENS – DON‟T PA Y FOR FREE HEALTH CARE SERVICES”. The PNB campaign message from the ACC warns beneficiaries of the Free Health C are Service not to pay for any services whilst accessing them. “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST WFP STAFF”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Hold en at Freetown, presided over by the Hon. Justice, Alusine Sesay on 30 th November,2017 convicted Momodu Kamara on one count of misappropriation of donor property contrary to section 37(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. “WOMEN VOW TO FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPT ION”. As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day, the ACC held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women standing against corruption, Thursday 7 th December, 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. “ACC AND AUDIT SERVICE SIGN MOU TO PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY IN PUBLIC OFFICE”. The ACC and Audit service SL (ASSL) on Thursday signed an MOU aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in public office. The ACC Boss Ady Macauley stressed that the “call for transparency and accountability from the public is getting louder” and that these two institutions must act to bring corrupt individuals to b ook. Unfavourable report “THE PARTY THAT REASSURES VOTERS OF FIGHTING CORRUPTION WILL WIN THE 2018 POLLS”. The piece states that corruption is very endemic in Sierra Leone’s political history, attributing the problem to both the APC and the SLPP parties for doing little to curb the scourge. It also accuses the ACC of incompetence.

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF N EWSPAPERS CONTENT DECE MBER, 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 5 6 Number of news stories - 1 9 Number of commentaries - 1 Number of editorials - 0 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 3 6 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 53 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 3 ( 5 %) Number of articles, news stories, edit orials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 50 ( 90 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 3 ( 5 %)

12. 12 ACC Commissioner stated that the country suffers from morality bankruptcy, starting from schools where pupils and parents pay money to have good grades. TUESDAY 1 9TH DECEMBER 2017 5 3 Unique News “CORRUPTION IN THE JUDICIARY MAGISTRATE WARNS LITIGANT AND ACCUSED ”. Magistrate Hannah Bonnie has threatened she would ensure a proper punishment for anyone who uses her name to orchestra te corruption practices in the J udiciary. News story A 5 4 U nique N ews “ACC AND AUDIT SERVICE SIGN MOU TO PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY IN PUBLIC OFFICE”. The ACC and Audit service SL (ASSL) on Thursday signed an MOU aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in public office. The ACC Boss Ady Macauley stressed that the “call for transparency and accountability from the public is getting louder” and that these two institutions must act to bring corrupt individuals to book. ACC F 5 5 Nationalist “ACC COMMISSIONER LAMENTS ON MORAL BANKRUPTCY”. During the opening session of a workshop on ethics and integrity management organized by the Commission, the ACC Commissioner stated that the country suffers from morality bankruptcy, starting from schools w here pupils and parents pay money to have good grades. News story F FRIDAY 2 2ND DECEMBER 2017 5 6 The T rumpet “ACC AND AUDIT SERVICE SIGN MOU TO PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY IN PUBLIC OFFICE”. The ACC and Audit service SL (ASSL) on Thursday signed an MOU aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in public office. The ACC Boss Ady Macauley stressed that the “call for transparency and accountability from the public is getting louder” and that these two institutions must act to bring corrupt individu als to book. ACC F

11. 11 IEC materials, office provision and cleaning materials, computers consumables and IEC materials for the ACC . 4 8 A wareness Times “ACC AND AUDIT SERVICE SIGN MOU TO PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY IN PUBLIC OFFICE”. The ACC and Audit service SL (ASSL) on Thursday signed an MOU aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in public office. The ACC Boss Ady Macauley stressed that the “call for transparency and accountability from the public is getting louder” and that these two institutions must act to bring corrupt individuals to book. ACC F MONDAY 18 TH DECEMBER 2017 4 9 C oncord Times “ACC COMMISSIONER LAMENTS ON MORAL BANKRUPCY” . D uring the opening session of a workshop on ethics and integrity management organized by the Commission , the ACC Commissioner stated that the country suffers from morality bankruptcy, starting from schools where pupils and parent s pay money to have good grades. ACC F 50 F or Di People “ACC AND AUDIT SERVICE SIGN MOU TO PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY IN PUBLIC OFFICE”. The ACC and Audit service SL (ASSL) on Thursday signed an MOU aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in public office. The ACC Boss Ady Macauley stressed that the “call for transparency and accountability from the public is getting louder” and that these two institutions must act to bring corrupt individuals to book. ACC F 5 1 S tandard Times “ACC AND AUDIT SERVICE SIGN MOU TO PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY IN PUBLIC OFFICE”. The ACC and Audit service SL (ASSL) on Thursday signed an MOU aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in public office. The ACC Boss Ady Macauley stressed that the “ca ll for transparency and accountability from the public is getting louder” and that these two institutions must act to bring corrupt individuals to book. ACC F 52 P remier News “ACC COMMISSIONER LAMENTS ON MORAL BANKRUP T CY”. During the opening session of a workshop on ethics and integrity management organized by the Commission, the ACC F

5. 5 c orruption as a global cancer that damages the fabric of development in any nation. She states that corruption affects everyone, but women face the brunt of it in developing countries. 14 P rovincial Times “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST WFP STAFF”. The High Court of Sierr a Leone Holden at Freetown, presided over by the Hon. Justice, Alusine Sesay on 30 th November,2017 convicted Momodu Kamara on one count of misappropriation of donor property contrar y to section 37(1) of the Anti - C orruption Act 2008. ACC F 15 The Spectator “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST WFP STAFF”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown, presided over by the Hon. Justice, Alusine Sesay on 30 th November,2017 convicted Momodu Kamara on one count of misappropriation of donor property contrary to section 37(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. ACC F 16 The Spectator “WOMEN AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION”. The article by Nimatu Gassama, an intern at the ACC, describes c orruption as a global cancer that damages the fabric of development in any nation. She states that corruption affects everyone, but women face the brunt of it in developing countries. ACC F 17 Awareness Times “SOCIAL WELFAR E HAS BEEN UNDER ONE YEAR ACC INVESTIGATION”. The Minister of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs Dr. Sylvia O. Blyden, has described certain publications by some tabloids as “unfortunate”. She said due to her insistence, the Ministry has been und er investigation by the ACC for over one year now. News S tory F 18 A wareness Times “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST WFP STAFF”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown, presided over by the Hon. Justice, Alusine Sesay on 30 th November,2017 convicted Momodu Kamara on one count of misappropriation of donor property contrary to section 37(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. ACC F 19 Nationalist “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST WFP STAFF”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown, presided over by the Hon. Justice, Alusine Sesay on 30 th November,2017 convicted Momodu Kamara on one count of misappropriation of donor property contrary to ACC F

10. 10 FRIDAY 1 5TH DECEMBER,2017 4 2 M etro “HIGH STREET COMMERCIAL BANKS FACE CHARGES OF ORGANIZED CORRUPTION”. The piece opines that there is a corrupt link between commercial banks and people engaged in the illegal dealings of foreign exchange. News story A 4 3 New Age M edia “ACC SET TO INDICT HAJJ - GATE OFFICIALS”. This quotes Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. as saying that the Commission has almost concluded the investigations into the HAJJ - GATE scandal and that soon they will start indicting those who have hands in the issue. This follows a call by some Islamic scholars who urged the ACC to expedite the investi gation and bring those responsible to book. ACC F 4 4 AYV “ ACC AND AUDIT SERVICE SIGN MOU TO PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY IN PUBLIC OFFICE” . T he ACC and Audit service SL (ASSL) on Thursday signed a n MOU aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in public office. The ACC Boss Ady Macauley stressed that the “call for transparency and accountability from the public is getting louder” and that these two institutions must act to bring corrupt individuals to book. ACC F 4 5 S tandard T imes “EMBEZZLEMENT OF CLIENT FUND... ACC INVESTIGATES” . The paper accuses the HFC of conniving with one Joe Thomas of Fall Consultancy to embezzle clients’ funds; a case the paper says the ACC is investigating. News story UF 4 6 The S pe c tator “ACC AND AUDIT SERVICE SIGN MOU TO PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY IN PUBLIC OFFICE”. The ACC and Audit service SL (ASSL) on Thursday signed an MOU aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in public office. The ACC Boss Ady Macauley stressed that the “ca ll for transparency and accountability from the public is getting louder” and that these two institutions must act to bring corrupt individuals to book. ACC F 4 7 A woko “ACC NATIONAL COMPETATIVE BIDDING “ . This is an advert for the p rocurement of goods (office stationery, ICT equipment, electrical and electronics office furniture, motor vehicle and motor cycle spares, ACC F

7. 7 held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women standing against corruption, Thursday 7 th December, 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. 26 The New Storm “WOMEN VOW TO FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” . As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day, the Anti - Corruption Commission held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women standing against corruption, Thursday 7 th December, 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. ACC F 27 G uardian Post “WOMEN VOW TO FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” . As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day , the Anti - Corruption Commission held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women standing against corruption, Thursday 7 th December, 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. ACC F 28 The S pectator “WOMEN VOW TO FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” . As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day, the Anti - Corruption Commission held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women standing against corruption, Thursday 7 th December, 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. ACC F 29 A wareness Times “WOMEN V OW TO FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION”. As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day, the Anti - Corruption Commission held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women standing against corruption, Thursday 7 th December , 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. ACC F 30 A woko “WOMEN VOW TO FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” . As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day, the Anti - Corruption Commission held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women News S tory F

8. 8 standing against corruption, Thursday 7 th December, 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. 31 The Sierra U pdate “WOMEN VOW TO FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” . As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day, the Anti - Corruption Commission held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women standing against corruption, Thursd ay 7 th December, 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. ACC F 32 The Sierra U pdate “MAN CONVICCTED OF CORRUPTION” . Mohamed Osman Sesay of No 83 Bass Street in Freetown was found guilty on five counts cha rges of conspiracy to commit a c orruption offence contrary to section 128(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, and deceiving a principal contrary to section 40 (3) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. News story F 33 D aily Mail “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST WFP STAFF”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown, presided over by the Hon. Justice, Alusine Sesay on 30 th November,2017 convicted Momodu Kamara on one count of misappropriation of donor property contrary to sec tion 37(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. News S tory F TUESDAY 1 2TH DECEMBER,2017 34 Nationalist “WOMEN VOW TO FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION”. As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day, the Anti - Corruption Commission held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women standing against corruption, Thursday 7 th December, 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. News story F 35 New Age “ACC MAY SCRUTINIZE PRESIDENT KOROMA‟S ASSETS” . The paper states that with P re sident K oroma entering his last 90 days in office, members of the public have urge d the A nti - Corruption C ommission to scrutinize his asset s and wealth to know if what he has acquired in 10 years was in line with his earni ng and what he declared to the C ommission when he came to power. ACC F

4. 4 that c orruption affects everyone, but women face the brunt of it in developing countries. 7 Night Watch “WOMEN AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION”. The article by Nimatu Gassama, an intern at the ACC, describes c orruption as a global cancer that damages the fabric of development in any nation. She states that corruption affects everyone, but women face the brunt of it in developing countries. ACC F 8 A wareness Times “ SOCIAL WELFARE HAS BEEN UNDER ONE YEAR ACC INVESTIGATION”. The Minister of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs Dr. Sylvia O. Blyden, has described certain publications by some tabloids as “unfortunate”. She said due to her insistence, the Ministry has been under investigation by the ACC for over one year now. News S tory F 9 Awareness times PAY NO BRIBE‟S MESSAGE OF THE MONTH TELLS CITIZENS – DON‟ T PAY FOR FREE HEALTH CARE SERVI CES” . The Pay No Bribe campaign message from the ACC warns beneficiaries of the Free Healthcare Service not to pay for any services whilst accessing them. ACC F 10 Nationalist “WOMEN AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION”. The article by Nimatu Gassama, an intern at the ACC, describes c orruption as a global cancer that damages the fabric of development in any nation. She states that corruption affects everyone, but women face the bru nt of it in developing countries. ACC F 11 Nationalist “ASSETS DECLARATION: ACC SET DEADLINE”. A public notice from t he ACC slated December 15 2017 as the deadline for the declaration of assets by all public officials in accordance to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 . ACC F WEDNESSDAY 6 TH DECEMBER 2017 1 2 AYV “ ACC SECURES CONVICT ION ” . The High C ourt of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown, presided over by the Hon. Justice, Alusine Sesay on 30 th November,2017 convicted Momodu Kamara on one count of misappropriation of donor property contrar y to section 37(1) of the Anti C orruption Act 2008. ACC F 13 AYV “WOMEN AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION”. The article by Nimatu Gassama, an intern at the ACC, describes ACC F

9. 9 WEDNES DAY 1 3TH DECEMBER,2017 36 Awareness Times “ACC/CSO ON TWO - DAY PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGTN MEETING IN MAKENI” . The Anti - Corruption C om mission (ACC) in collaboration civil society organizations has organized a two day orientation meeting on the Pay No B ribe campaign project at Madam’s Conference H all in Makeni. ACC F THURSDAY 1 4TH DECEMBER 2017 37 S tandard T imes “EMBEZZLEMENT OF CLIENT FUND S ... ACC INVESTIGATES” . The paper accuses the HFC o f conniving with one Joe Thomas of Fall Consultancy to embezzle clients’ funds; a case the paper says the ACC is investigating. News story F 38 Standard Times „‟DETAINED MINISTER WAS INVOLVED IN LAND CORRUPTION‟‟. The paper reports that the Leader of the Citizens Democratic Party and former Minister of Lands Musa Tarawally is being investigated by the Criminal Investigations Department over land corruption matte rs allegedly committed whilst at the Ministry; an investigation, the paper says, should have been transferred to the ACC. News story F 3 9 AYV “THE PARTY THAT REASSURES VOTERS OF FIGHTING CORRUPTION WILL WIN THE 2018 POLLS ” . The piece states that c orruption is very endemic in S ierra Leone’s political history, attributing the problem to both the APC and the SLPP parties for doing little to curb the scourge. It also accuses the ACC of incompetence. Commentary U F 40 Nationalist “ACC SET TO IND I CT HAJJ - GATE OFFICIALS” . This quotes Commissioner Ady Macauley Esq. as saying that the Commission has alm ost concluded the investigation s into the HAJJ - GATE scandal and that soon they will start indicting those who have hands in the issue. This follows a call by some Islamic scholar s who urged the ACC to expedite the investigation and bring those responsible to book. ACC F 4 1 M etro “HIGH STREET COMMERCIAL BANKS FACE CHARGES OF ORGANIZED CORRUPTION” . The piece opines that there is a corrupt link between commercial banks and people engaged in the illegal dealings of foreign exchange. News story A

6. 6 section 37(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. THURSDAY 7 TH DECEMBER, 2017 20 A wareness Times “SOCIAL WELFARE HAS BEEN UNDER ONE YEAR ACC INVESTIGATION”. The Minister of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs Dr. Sylvia O. Blyden, has described certain publications by some tabloids as “unfortunate”. She said due to her insistence, the Ministry has been under investigation by the ACC for over one year now. News S tory F 2 1 S tandard Times “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST WFP STAFF”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown, presided over by the Hon. Justice, Alusine Sesay on 30 th November,2017 convicted Momodu Kamara on one count of misappropriation of donor property contrary to sec tion 37(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. ACC F FRIDAY 8TH DECEMBER, 2017 22 Independent Observer “WOMEN STANDING AGAINST CORRUPTION HOSTED BY ACC” . As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day, the Anti - Corruption Commission held a National Women’s conference on the theme: Women standing against corruption, Thursday 7 th Dece mber , 2017 at the Catco Hall. In a communiqué, the women vowed to stand up to all forms of corruption. News story F MONDAY 1 1TH DECEMBER, 2017 23 C oncord Times “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST WFP STAFF”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown, presided over by the Hon. Justice, Alusine Sesay on 30 th November,2017 convicted Momodu Kamara on one count of misappropriation of donor property contrary to section 37(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. News story F 24 Premier News “MAN CONVI CTED OF CORRUPTION” . Moh amed Osman Sesay of No 83 Bass S treet in Freetown was found guilty on five counts ch arge s of conspiracy to commit a C orruption offence contrary to section 128(1) of the Anti - C orruption Act 2008, and deceiving a principal contrary to section 40 (3) of the Anti - C orruption Act 2008. News story F 25 P remier News “WOMEN STANDING AGAINST CORRUPTION HOSTED BY ACC” . As part of the events to observe the International Anti - Corruption Day, the Anti - Corruption Commission ACC F

3. 3 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPE RS CONTENT FOR THE MONTH OF DEC EMBER , 2017 S/ N NEWSPA PER S DATE & ISSUE CATE GO RIES F/U F/A FRIDAY 1 ST DECEMBER,2017 1 For Di P eople “ACC WANTS NAPP IN CORRUPTION FIGHT” . The Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC) has called on the members hip of the National Association of Procurement Professional s (NAPP) to help in the fight ag ainst corruption by serving as w histle - blowers to expose acts of corruption in public procurement. ACC F 2 Standard Times “11 – COUNT CHARGES ON SLFA PREZO, SEC GEN. This is about the corruption trial of former SLFA P resident Madam Isha Johansen (1 st accused ) and her Sec Gen Christopher A Kamara (2n d accused ) , who have been charged by the ACC on eleven count charges . News story F MONDAY 4 TH DECEMBER,2017 3 S tandard Times “ASSETS DECLARATION: ACC SET DEADLINE” . A public notice from the ACC slated December 15 2017 as the deadline for the declaration of assets by all public officials in accordance to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 . ACC F 4 AYV “ASSETS DECLARATION: ACC SET DEADLINE”. A public notice from the ACC slated December 15 2017 as the deadline for the declaration of assets by all public officials in accordance to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 . ACC F 5 A wareness Times “ SOCIAL WELFARE HAS BEEN UNDER ONE YEAR ACC INVESTIGATION” . The Minister of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs Dr. Sylvia O.Blyden, has described certain public ations by some tabloids as “ unfortunate”. She said due to h er insistence, the Ministry has been under investigation by the ACC for over one year now. News story UF TUESDAY 5 TH DECEMBER,2017 6 Global Times “WOMEN AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” . The article by Nimatu Gassama, an intern at the ACC, describes c orruption a s a global cancer that damages th e fabric of development in any n ation. She states ACC F


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