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Newspaper Analysis - January

Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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2. 2 Highlights The percentage of favourable public ation for the month of January is 91 %; while the percentage of unfavourable publications is 3 %. The percen tage of ambivalent reports is 6 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports “LEBANESE WOMAN BUYS STOLEN HEALTH CARE DRUGS” . The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), the Central Inte lligence and Security Unit (CISU) and the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) app rehended stolen drugs from the Central Medical S tores, New England Ville and conveyed to Goal pharmaceuti cal, 39 Sani Abacha Street Freetown. “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST STAFF OF C A THOLIC RELIEF SERVICES”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Makeni, presided over by the Honorable Justice Bosco Allieu, on 19th January 2018 convicted Saidu Bobson Kamara on one count of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to Section 128 (1) of the Anti - Corr uption Act, No. 12 of 2008. Bobson Kamara was a field agent of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), attached to the Kabala sub - office. “TACKLING CORRUPTION IN BO : VIEWS FROM PARTNERS” . This is a piece on the views of ACC partners in Bo about the fight again st corruption. “WAEC EXAMINERS JAILED”. High Court Judge, Justice Ernst Gooding sentenced two West African Examination Council (WAEC) examiners, Mohamed Konneh and Sahr Mani to three years imprisonment on each count and five years ban in the teaching pro fession. Unfavourable report “CORRUPTION STINKS.....SIERRA LEONE IS FAILING”. Sierra Leone is having those corrupt rich and powerful people who are able to conceal and hoard their wealth through such intricate and distinct financial structure. There is evidence showing that these powerful individuals operate several accounts both in the country and internationally with the concept of having offshore accounts. “THE ACC AND THE GHOST OF MUGABE”. The paper claims that the news from Zimbabwe that two former cabinet ministers - energy and foreign affairs – are facing charges of corruptio n should be watched with some anxiety by Ady Macauley and the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC). Ady Macauley might be frustrated and considering resigning from the job, adding that this inaction by the ACC perhaps fits into current national political narr ative.

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF N EWSPAPERS CONTENT JANUARY , 2018 . Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - A MBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 32 Number of news stories - 1 2 Number of commentaries - 6 Number of editorials - 0 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 14 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 3 1 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 1 ( 3 %) Number of articles, news stories, edit orials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 28 (88 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 3 ( 9 %)

8. 8 30 Global Times “WAEC EXAMINERS JAILED ” . High Court Judge, J ustice Ern e st Gooding yesterday sentence d two West African Examination Council (WAEC) examiners, Mohamed Konneh and Sahr Mani to three years imprisonment on each and five years ban in the t eaching profession. N ews S tory F 31 For di People “ACC ENGAGES CORRECTIONAL SERVICE ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN”. The ACC Regional Office engaged officials from the correctional service on the Pay No Bribe during a sensitization meeting in Makeni on Thursday 25 th January, 2018. ACC F 32 New Citizen “WAEC EXAMIN ERS JAILED”. High Court Judge, Justice Ern e st Gooding sentenced two West African Examination Council (WAEC) examiners, Mohamed Konneh and Sahr Mani to three years imprisonment on each count and five years ban in the teaching profession. News Story F END

3. 3 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTENT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2018 S/N NEWSPAPERS DATE &ISSUE CATEGORIES F/UF/A TUESDAY 9 TH JANUARY, 2018 1 S tandard T imes “LEBANESE WOMAN BUYS STOLEN HEALTH CARE DRUGS”. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), the Central Intelligence and Security Unit (CISU) and the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) apprehended stolen drugs from the Central Medical Stores, New England Ville and conveyed to Goal pharmaceutical, 39 Sani Abacha Street Freetown. News story F THURSDAY 11 TH JANUARY 2018 2 T he N ationalist “TACKLING CORRUPTION IN BO: VIEWS FROM PARTNERS”. This is a piece on the views of ACC partners in Bo about the fight against corruption. ACC F 3 The Trumpet “TACKLING CORRUPTION IN BO: VIEWS FROM PARTNERS”. This is a piece on the views of ACC partners in Bo about the fight against corruption. ACC F 4 N ight watch “TACKLING CORRUPTION IN BO: VIEWS FROM PARTNERS”. This is a piece on the views of ACC partners in Bo about the fight against corruption. ACC F 5 Metro “THE ACC AND THE GHOST OF MUGABE” . The paper claims that the news from Zimbabwe that two former cabinet ministers - energy and foreign affairs – are facing charges of corruption should be watched wit h some anxi ety by Ady Macauley and the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC). Ady Macauley might be frustrated and considering resigning from the job, adding that this inaction by the ACC perhaps fits into current national political narrative. C ommentary U F 6 Premier News “PAY NO BRIBE (PNB) CAMPAIGN IS MAKING IMPACT – CSO”. The Southern Regional Chairman of the civil society who doubles as the Bo District Coordinator for the Pay No Bribe campaign has said that, the PNB is making impact in minimizing corruptio n in the district. ACC F 7 AYV “TACKLING CORRUPTION IN BO: VIEWS FROM PARTNERS”. This is a piece on the views of ACC partners in Bo about the fight against corruption. News Story F FRIDAY 12 TH JANUARY 2018 8 AYV “CORRUPTION STINKS.....SIERRA Commentary UF

5. 5 January 2018 refused to gr ant bail to two Anti - Corruption Commission indi ctees who wer e alleged to have committed offences under the Anti - Corruption Act No 12 of 2008. TESDAY JANUARY 23TH 2018 16 Global Times “ACC SECURE S CONVICTION AGAINST STAFF OF CA THOLIC RELIEF SERVICES” . The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Makeni, presided over by the Honorable Justice Bosco Allieu, on 19th January 2018 convicted Saidu Bobson Kamara on one count of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to Section 128 (1) of the Anti - Corr uption Act, No. 12 of 2008. Bobson Kamara was a field agent of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), attached to the Kabala sub - office. News Story F 17 The Nationalist “ACC SECURE S CONVICTION AGAINST STAFF OF CA THOLIC RELIEF SERVICES” . The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Makeni, presided over by the Honorable Justice Bosco Allieu, on 19th January 2018 convicted Saidu Bobson Kamara on one count of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to Section 128 (1) of the Anti - Corr uption Act, No. 12 of 2008. Bobson Kamara was a field agent of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), attached to the Kabala sub - office. ACC F 18 Premier News “ACC SECURE S CONVICTION AGAINST STAFF OF CA THOLIC RELIEF SERVICES” . The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Makeni, presided over by the Honorable Justice Bosco Allieu, on 19th January 2018 convicted Saidu Bobson Kamara on one count of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to Section 128 (1) of the Anti - Corr uption Act, No. 12 of 2008. Bobson Kamara was a field agent of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), attached to the Kabala sub - office. ACC F 19 The Trumpet “ACC SECURE S CONVICTION AGAINST STAFF OF CA THOLIC RELIEF SERVICES ”. The High Court of Sierra Leone H olden at Makeni, presided over by the Honorable Justice Bosco Allieu, on 19th January 2018 convicted Saidu Bobson Kamara on one count of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to Section 128 (1) of the Anti - Corruption Act, No. 12 of 2008. Bobs on Kamara was a field agent of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), attached to the Kabala sub - office. ACC F 20 Night watch “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST ACC F

6. 6 STAFF OF CA THOLIC RELI EF SERVICES”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Makeni, presided over by the Honorable Justice Bosco Allieu, on 19th January 2018 convicted Saidu Bobson Kamara on one count of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to Section 128 (1) of the Anti - Cor ruption Act, No. 12 of 2008. Bobson Kamara was a field agent of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), attached to the Kabala sub - office. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 24 TH 2018 21 Standard Times “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST STA FF OF CA THOLIC RELIEF SERVICES”. The High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Makeni, presided over by the Honorable Justice Bosco Allieu, on 19th January 2018 convicted Saidu Bobson Kamara on one count of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to Section 128 (1) of th e Anti - Corruption Act, No. 12 of 2008. Bobson Kamara was a field agent of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), attached to the Kabala sub - office. ACC F 22 The Trumpet “NPAA DIRECTOR DENIES MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS” Mrs. Kate M B Karemo - Garnett, Acting Exe cutive Director of the National Protected Area Authority (NPAA), held a press conference to break silence on allegation of misappropriation of donor funds.” Although I have faced accusation upon accusation I remain optimistic that once the investigations is concluded by Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC ), I will be fully e xonerated of any wrongdoing “, she told newsmen . News Story F 23 Premier News “POLICE ACCUSED OF USING CHILDREN TO BRIBE” . Joseph ine Blackie, the Director of Community Organization, Mobilization and Empowerment (COME - SL), who double s as one of the animators of the Pay No Bribe Campaign in Bo District, has disclosed that the police are using children to collect monies from drivers on t heir behalf at checkpoints. She made this statement during her presentation of the November/December 2017 Pay No Bribe (PNB) report at an accountability forum held at the regional office in Bo. News Story F THURSDAY JANUARY 25 TH 2018 24 The Times “ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGIINST STAFF OF CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES” . The High Court of Sierra Leone ACC F

7. 7 Holden at Makeni, presided over by the Honorable Justice Bosco Allieu, on 19th January 2018 convicted Saidu Bobson Kamara on one count of conspiracy to comm it a corruption offence contrary to Section 128 (1) of the Anti - Corruption Act, No. 12 of 2008. Bobson Kamara was a field agent of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), attached to the Kabala sub - office. FRIDAY JANUARY 26 TH 2018 2 5 AYV “CORRUPTION STINKS.....SIERRA LEONE IS FAILING” . Sierra Leone is having those corrupt rich and powerful people who are able to conceal and hoard their wealth through such intricate and distinct financial structure. There is evidence showing that these powerful individuals operate several accounts both in the country and internationally with the concept of having offshore accounts. Commentary F 2 6 Standard Times “CORRUPTION IN SUB - SA HARAN AFRICA” . Africa is wide ly con sidered among the World’s most c orrupt places, a factor seen as contributing to the stu nted development and impoverishment of many African S tates. Of the ten countries considered most corrupt in the World, six are in the Sub - Saharan Africa, according to Transparency International , a leading global watchdog on c orruption. Commentary A MONDAY JANUARY 29 TH 2018 27 AYV “JUDGEMENT DAY FOR ACC INDIATEES” Two A nti - Corruption Commission (ACC) indictees, Mohamed P. Konneh and Sahr Mani on Monday January 29 th 2018 will face the axe, as J ustice Ernest Gooding of the High Court of Sierra Leone will pass judgment on them fo r their alleged involvement in c orruption related offences, contrary to l aw. ACC F TUESDAY JANUARY 30 TH 2018 28 New Citizen “ACC ENGAGES CORRECTIONAL SERVICE ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN” . The ACC Regional Office engaged official s from the correctional service on the Pay No Bribe during a sensitization meeting in Makeni on Thursday 25 th January, 2018. ACC F 29 Provincial Times “ACC ENGAGES CORRECTIONAL SERVICE ON THE PNB CAMPAIGN”. The ACC Regional Office engaged officials from the correctional service on the Pay No Bribe during a sensitization meeting in Makeni on Thursday 25 th January, 2018. ACC F WE DNESDAY JANUARY 31, 2018

4. 4 LEONE IS FAILING” . The writer, Samuel Wise Bangura, claims corruption is widespread in Sierra Leone and that much is not being done to combat the scourge. MONDAY 15 TH JANUARY 2018 9 Standard Times “TWO (2) UNDER ACC, ONE (1) ESCAPED “ . The story states that ACC is investigating the alleged misuse of fund s for two projects namely - the Wetlands C on servation and the Biodiversity C onse rvation projects - by the Board of D irectors of the National Protected Area Authority (NPPA). News story F TUESDAY 16 TH JANUARY 2018 10 AYV “CORRUPTION STINKS.....SIERRA LEONE IS FAILING”. The writer, Samuel Wise Bangura, claims corruption is widespread in Sierra Leone and that much is not being done to combat the scourge. Commentary F 11 New Age M edia “ACC TARGET „YUKI YUKI‟ SCHOOL AUTHORITIES” . The story says the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) is targeting school authorities; in particular P rincipals , who are accused of acts of extortion by asking for as between Le 1.5 million and Le 2.5million for a dmission. News story F THURSDAY JANUARY,18 TH 2018 12 Global Times “WAEC EXAMINERS REMANDED” . Two accused examiners were standing trial on five counts charges of corruption . ACC prosecutor, Lawyer E K. Amara read in court a caution statement , which the accused persons made confessional statement. News story F 13 M etro “THE ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION” . The paper claims that there are concerns that the Commission and the Commissioner of the Anti - Commission are not updating the general public on certain matters under investigations, including the Hajjgate investigations and other related corrupt issues. Commentary UF 14 Standard times “INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS NAMED IN EBOLA FRAUD” . T he paper says the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent is working with the ACC to investigate the case of misappropriation of $2.1 million of Ebola funds through overbilling and fake invoices by the provid er of customs clearance services . News story F FRIDAY 19 TH JANUARY,2018 15 AYV “TWO ACC INDICTEES REFUSED BAIL” . Hon. Justice Ernest Gooding on Wednesday 17 th News story F


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