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Newspaper Analysis - NOVEMBER 2017

Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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2. 2 Highlights The percentage of favourable pub lication for the month of November is 88 %; while the percentage of unfavourable publications is 4 %. The percen tage of ambivalent reports is 8 %. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports “NGO CHIEF EXECUTIVE IN ACC NET” . T he High court of Sierra Leone Holden at Free town presided over by Hon. Justice Babatunde Edward, on the 30 th of October, 2017, convicted Francis Lahai CEO of Variety Children and Family S ervices, on one count charge of fraudulent failure to make payment of custom levy, contrary t o section 48(1) (d) of the AC A ct of 2008. “ACC TENDERS 97 - PAGE STATEMENT, DOCUMENTS” . The report states that the ACC has tendered a 97 - page statement and other relevant documents in the ongoin g matter between the S tate and the suspended P re sident of the SLFA, Isha Johansen. “CORRUPTION : SLFA TOP GUNS MAKE FIRST APPEARANCE” . Isha Johansen made her firs t appearance together with her Secretary General Christopher Kamara on 11 counts of misappropriation of donor and public funds and abus e of office contrary to the AC Act of 2008. The ACC tendered 97 - page statements and other relevant documents in the ongoing matter between the suspended president of SLFA, Isha Johansen. “ACC DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RETURNS FROM SOUTH AFRICA CONFAB” . The Deputy Commissioner, Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Shollay Davies, has returned home after attending a training programme in senior leadersh ip and management for H eads of anti - corruption agencies in C ommonwealth Africa in Pretoria, South Africa. Unfavourable report „“HAJJ - GATE INVESTIGATION A SHAM?” . Related to the Hajj investigation, the Night W atch Newspaper claims that the ACC has swept the high profile investigation involving former officials at State House and the O ffice of the Vice Presiden t under the carpet . “FORMER ACC STAFF AWAITS FATE IN SUSPECTED MURDER” . The High C ourt of Sierra Leone is yet t o determine the fate of former Public Education O ffice r of the Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC), Finda Bangura, who allegedly killed her husband (ASP) Hassan Samuel Bangura some five years ago.

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF N EWSPAPERS CONTENT NOVEMBER , 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 9 2 Number of news stories - 39 Number of commentaries - 7 Number of editorials - 3 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 43 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 88 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 4 (4 % ) Number of articles, news stories, edit orials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 81 ( 88 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 6 ( 8 %)

3. 3 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 2017 S/ N NEWSPAPER S DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/ UF /A WEDNESDAY 1ST NOVEMBER,2017 1. STAND A RD TIMES “NGO CHIEF EXECUTIVE IN ACC NET”. The High C ourt of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown presided over by Hon. Justice Babatunde Edward s , on the 30 th of October, 2017, convicted Francis Lahai CEO of Variety Children and Family Services, on one count charge of fraudulent failure to make payment of custom levy, contrary to section 48(1) (d) of the ACC act of 2008. ACC F 2 THE DEMOCRAT “ISHA JOHANSEN &CO FACE HIGH COURT TODAY” . The suspended P resident of the SLFA Isha Johansen, and the Secretary Genera l Christopher A . Kamara will appear in court again today after having pleaded not guilty to 11 count charges of corruption offences before Justic e Regin ald Fy nn Jnr. at the High Court of Sierra Leone. News story F 3 PREMIER NEWS “NGO CHIEF EXECUTIVE IN ACC NET”. The High court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown presided over by Hon. Justice Babatunde Edward s , on the 30 th of October, 2017, convicted Francis Lahai CEO of Variety Children and Family Services, on one count charge of fraudulent failure to make payment of custom levy, contrary to section 48(1) (d) of the AC A ct of 2008. ACC F THURSDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 2017 4 CONCORD TIMES “ACC TENDERS 97 - PAGE STATEMENT, DOCUMENTS”. The report states that the ACC has tendered a 97 - page statement and other relevant documents in the ongoing matter between the S tate and the suspended President of the SLFA, Isha Johansen. N ews story F 5 CONCORD TIMES “CORRUPTION STINKS AT DISABILITY COMMISSION” . The paper claims that document s in their possession have revealed how the Na tional Commission for Persons with D isability proposed to spend 70% of the first quarter of the 2017 allocation on administrative purposes, while only 30% was proposed to be EDITORIAL A

22. 22 CHRONICLE This makes reference to remarks by the Deputy M inister of Soci a l Welfare Rugiatu Neneh Turay who was hosted on the Radio Democracy Good Morning Salone programme where she claimed that co rruption stinks at the ministry, and made a call on the Anti Corruption Commission to investigate the M i nister Dr . Sylvia Blyden . 91 AFRICAN CHRONICLE “ACC WANTS NAPP IN CORRUPTION FIGHT”. This quotes the Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies as calling on members of the National Association of Procurement Professional s (NAPP) to help in the fight against corruption by serving as whistle - blowers to expose acts of corruption in public procurement. NEWS STORY F 92 THE EXC L USIVE “ACC TO ARREST SACKED MINISTE” This makes reference to remarks by the Deputy Minister of Social Welfare Rugiatu Neneh Turay who was hosted on the Radio Democracy Good Morning Salone programme where she claimed that corruption stinks at the ministry, and made a call on the Anti Corruption Commission to investigate the Minister Dr . Sylvia Blyden. NEWS STORY F

17. 17 concerned the police, with 70% of these from citizens who had paid a bribe. 504 reports were from people who refused to pay bribe and 122 reports were to report honest officials. 66 % of reports concerned traffic offences. This covers the period July to Se ptember2017. 67 GLOBAL TIMES “HOW I INTEND TO FIGHT CORRUPTION” . The flagbearer of the Sierra Leone People‟s Party Retired Br igadier Maada Bio, in his „new direction‟ paper, says he intends to address critical development challenges in Sierra Leone if he is elected P resident in the March 2018 elections. In the new direction, some key policy actions shall inclu de among others to strengthen the Anti - Corruption Commission, Audit Service S/L and the Public Accounts Committee of P arliament etc. Commentary A 68 GLOBAL TIMES “ACC RELEASES PAY NO BRIBE FIGURES” . The ACC has released its third quarter Pay No Bribe (PNB) figures which show that over 40 % (2435) of reports concerned the police, with 70% of these from citizens who had paid a bribe. 504 report s were from people who refused to pay bribe and 122 reports were to report honest officials. 66 % of reports concerned traffic offences. This covers the period July to September2017. ACC F 69 GLOBAL TIMES “A PASSIONATE LETTER TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT - 47 TH EDITION” . An open letter written to President Ernest Bai Koroma by one Dr Abraham J. Williams asked that the people of Sierra Leone be presented with the choice of a political party that will be ready to strengthen anti - corruption institutio ns like the ACC and provide a fast - track court to hear corruption cases. EDITORIAL F 70 NEW STORM “ACC RELEASES PAY NO BRIBE FIGURES” . The ACC has released its third quarter Pay No Bribe (PNB) figures which show that over 40 % (2435) of reports concerned the police, with 70% of these from citizens who had paid a bribe. 504 reports were from people who refused to pay bribe and 122 reports were to report honest officials. 66 % of reports concerned traffic offences. This covers ACC F

18. 18 the period July to September 2017. 71 FOR DI PEOPLE “ACC RELEASES PAY NO BRIBE FIGURES” . The ACC has released its third quarter Pay No Bribe (PNB) figures which show that over 40 % (2435) of reports concerned the police, with 70% of these from citizens who had paid a bribe. 504 reports were from people who refused to pay bribe and 122 reports were to report honest officials. 66 % of reports concerned traffic offences. This covers the period July to September2017. ACC F 72 FOR DI PEOPLE “ACC SPEAKS TO PAY NO BRIBE AT THE LAUNCHING OF GIRLS EDUCATION CHALLENGE TRASITION PROJECT”. The Sub - regional office of the ACC in Kono, in a bid to promote the objectives of the pay no bribe campaign, on Tuesday 7 th November 2017 urged the people of Kono to support the fight against bribery for the development of the District. He made this pronouncement at the launch of the Girls Education Challenge project by Action Aid International Sierra Leone funded by DFID, at the Kumba Satta Hall in Kono District. ACC F 73 STANDARD TIMES “ACC RELEASES PAY NO BRIBE FIGURES” . The ACC has released its third quarter Pay No Bribe (PNB) figures which show that over 40 % (2435) of reports concerned the police, with 70% of these from citizens who had paid a bribe. 504 re ports were from people who refused to pay bribe and 122 reports were to report honest officials. 66 % of reports concerned traffic offences. This covers the period July to September2017. ACC F 74 DAILY MAIL “ACC ENDS PNB SENSITIZATION IN KONO DISTRICT”. T he ACC Sub - regional office in Kono engaged teachers and pupils of the Songu Ngabwema, Fiama chiefdom Kono District, on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign. Manager Wilfred Bangura said the meeting was to interact with staff and pupils of the school and e ducate them on the work of the C ommission and the PNB campaign. ACC F 75 DAILY MAIL “ACC TACKLES BRIBERY, PETTY CORRUPTON IN SCHOOLS” ACC regional office in Bo introduce d a programme NEWS STORY F

14. 14 PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN” . Workers of the S ierra Leone Telecommunications C ompany (SIERRATEL) have in a sensitization meeting demon strated commitment to join the Pay No B ribe (PNB) campaign. This was expressed in a customized meeting held with the Northern Region O ffice of the ACC at SIERRATEL Station Road O ffi ce in Makeni on Tuesday 7th November 2017. 56 AYV “ ACC SPEAKS TO PAY NO BRIBE AT THE LAUNCHING OF GIRLS EDUCATION CHALLENGE TRASITION PROJECT”. The Sub - regional office of the ACC in Kono, in a bid to promote the objectives of the pay no bribe campaign, on Tuesday 7 th November 2017 urged the people of Kono to support the fight against bribery for the development of the District. He made this pronouncement at the launch of the Girls Education Challenge project by Action Aid International Sierra Leone funded by DFID, at the Kumba Satta Hall in Kono District. ACC F 57 STANDARD TIMES “ACC ACCUSED OF COMPROMISE AND SELECTIVE JUSTICE” Augustine Sheku was an employee of the Ministry of works and maintenance. He had occupied a very senior position at the said ministry at that time. Later, as Civ il Ser vant he was posted to the m inistry of Internal Affairs as Permanent S ecretary under the p olitical leadership of late Joseph B Dauda. During his tenure, ECOWAS funded a project of thre e million Euros. Mr. Augustine S heku collected a total sum of Le 700 million from the ministry of Finance. A formal report by concerned members of the ministry of Internal Affairs was made to the Anti - C orru ption Commission in 2015 and Mr . S heku was invited to explain about the project why it collapsed when funds for it was provided in abundance. Editorial UF 58 NEW AGE “ACC SPEAKS TO PAY NO BRIBE AT THE LAUNCHING OF GIRLS EDUCATION CHALLENGE TRASITION PROJECT”. The Sub - regional office of the ACC in Kono, in a bid to promote the objectives of the pay no bribe campaign, on ACC F

16. 16 ACC in Kono, in a bid to promote the objectives of the pay no bribe campaign, on Tuesday 7 th November 2017 urged the people of Kono to support the fight against bribery for the development of the District. He made this pronouncement at the launch of the Girls Education Challenge project by Action Aid International Sierra Leone funded by DFID, at the Kumba Satta Hall in Kono District. 63 PREMIER NEWS “ACC RELEASES PAY NO BRIBE FIGURES” . The ACC has released its third quarter Pay No B ribe (PNB) figures which show that over 40 % (2435) of reports concerned the police, with 70% of these from citizens who had paid a bribe. 504 repo rt s were from people who refused to pay bribe and 122 reports were to re port honest officials. 66 % of reports concerned traffic offences. This covers the period July to September2017. ACC F MONDAY 2 0TH NOVEMBER 2 017 64 AYV “THE FIGHT AGAINST BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION DEEPENS IN KAILAHUN DISTRICT” A team from the Public Education Department in the Eastern Region has engaged inhabitants of Kailahun on a four - day sensitization and on the spot check to key institutions aimed at mak ing the presence of the Commission felt in the D istrict. News story F 65 AYV “ACC SPEAKS TO PAY NO BRIBE AT THE LAUNCHING OF GIRLS EDUCATION CHALLENGE TRASITION PROJECT”. The Sub - regional office of the ACC in Kono, in a bid to promote the objectives of t he pay no bribe campaign, on Tuesday 7 th November 2017 urged the people of Kono to support the fight against bribery for the development of the District. He made this pronouncement at the launch of the Girls Education Challenge project by Action Aid Intern ational Sierra Leone funded by DFID, at the Kumba Satta Hall in Kono District. ACC F 66 NEW VISION “ACC RELEASES PAY NO BRIBE FIGURES” . The ACC has released its third quarter Pay No Bribe (PNB) figures which show that over 40 % (2435) of reports ACC F

15. 15 Tuesday 7 th November 2017 urged the people of Kono to support the fight against bribery for the development of the District. He made this pronouncement at the launch of the Girls Education Challenge project by Action Aid International Sierra Leone funded by DFID, at the Kumba Satta Hall in Kono District. 59 NEW AGE “AC C....BANK GOVERNOR IN LE40M SCAM”. The report claims that the Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone Patrick Conteh, on August 10 th authorized the payment of Le40 million to personnel of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) . The amount was paid to unidentified CID personnel following allegations that some BSL employees have had their hands in the trading of foreign currencies within the Bank. ACC boss Ady Macauley was c ontacted by this press but said: “Have you crosschecked whet her the police have the authorizations to receive money from any state institution when investigating complaint(s)” ? News story UF 60 PREMIER NEWS “WATCHMEN IN SYNDICATED THEFT” . Three persons - Abubakarr Jalloh, Alpha Bah and Musa Kamara - accused of stealing zinc roofing sheets fro m the construction site at the C ity Hall o n October 3th 2017 were remanded by P rincipal Magistrate A lbert J. Moody shortly after ACC CSO Robert James testified on Wednesday at the P rincipal Magistrate cou rt. News story F FRIDAY 1 7TH NOVEMBER , 2017 61 SALONE TIMES “ACC ENLISTS SIRRATEL IN THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN” . Workers of the Sierra Leone Telecommunications Company (SIERRATEL) have in a sensitization meeting demonstrated commitment to join the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign. This was expressed in a customized meeting held with the Northern Region Office of the ACC at SIERRATEL Station Road Office in Makeni on Tuesday 7th November 2017. ACC F 62 NEW STORM “ACC SPEAKS TO PAY NO BRIBE AT THE LAUNCHING OF GIRLS EDUCATION CHALLENGE TRASITION PROJECT”. The Sub - regional office of the ACC F

13. 13 bribery in schools. 51 THE NATIONALIST “ACC ENDS PNB SENSITIZATION IN KONO DISTRICT” . The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono last Friday engaged teachers and pupils of the Songu Ngabwema, Fiama chiefdom Kono District, on the Pay No B ribe (PNB) campaign. Manager Wilfred Bangura said the meeting was to interact with staff and pupils of the school and educate them on the wo rk of the commission and the PNB campaign. ACC F 52 AYV “ACC TACKLES BRIBERY, PETTY CORRUPTON IN SCHOOLS” . ACC Regional offi ce in Bo has introduced a programme titled „Kakua School Week‟ to tackle malpractices in schools across the district. This is in response to PNB reports which indicate that illegal admission, grades, exams and report cards are the hotpots for bribery in sc hools. ACC F 53 NIGHTWATCH „PHONE INDUSTRY CAN HELP IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION‟ - ACC DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SAID! ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies said the telephone industry can play a big role in law enforcement, whistle blowing and curbing the flow of illicit wealth. He made the statement whilst delivering the keynote address at a ceremony marking the Orange Sierra Leone Integrity Week. ACC F THURSDAY 1 6TH NOVEMBER 2017 54 NEW VISION “ACC SPEAKS TO PAY NO BRIBE AT THE LAUNCHING OF GIRLS EDUCATION CHALLENGE TRA N SITION PROJECT” . The Sub - regional office of the ACC in Kono, in a bid to promote the objectives of the Pay No B ribe campaign, on Tuesday 7 th November 2017 urged the people of Kono to support the fight against bribery for the development of the District. He made this pronouncement at the launch of the Girls Education Challenge project by Action Aid International Sierra Leone funded by DFID, at the Kumba Satta H all in Kono District. ACC F 55 NEW VISION “ACC ENLISTS SI E RRATEL IN THE ACC F

21. 21 campaign. 86 NATIONALIST “ACC TACKLES BRIBERY, PETTY CORRUPTON IN SCHOOLS” ACC regional office in Bo introduce d a programme titled Kakua School week to tackle numerous malpractices happening in schools across the distri ct. PNB data indicate that admission, grades, exams and report cards are the hotpots for bribery in schools. NEWS STORY F 87 AYV “CORRUPTION STINKS ....SIERRA LEONE IS FAILLING . ” This article by Samuel Bangura makes reference to the paradise paper s released by the International Consortium of Investigative J ournalists (ICIJ) and its partners, showing how the rich and powerful are able t o hide and stockpile their wealth through complex and opaque financial structure. It says Sierra Leone is not an exception to having those corrupt rich and powerful people who are able to conceal and hoard their wealth through such intricate and indistinctive financial s tructures. The article claims that some believe that there is a huge political influen c e in the operations of the ACC, adding that t he ACC has been given a litmus test which it is failing woefully owing to the scapegoat concept. Commentary UF 88 METRO “ADY MACAULEY‟S ACC COMES UNDER MORE PRESURE...AND FI RE” . The paper claims that the ACC is coming under renewed pressure to speedily conclude its investigation into the so - called Hajj scandal involving three top government officials and several hundred dollars reportedly misappropriated during the recent preparation for this year‟s pilgrimag e to Mecca. News story UF WEDNESDAY 2 9TH NOVEMBER, 2017 89 AYV “ACC WANTS NAPP IN CORRUPTION FIGHT” . This quotes the Deputy C ommissioner Shollay Davies as calling on members of the National Association of Procurement Professional s (NAPP) to help in the fight ag ainst corruption by serving as w histle - blowers to expose acts of corruption in public procurement. ACC F 90 AFRICAN “ACC TO ARREST SACKED MINISTE R ” . N ews story F

5. 5 prosecution witness a nd tended bundles of documents. 11 AYV “SO CIAL WELFARE MINISTER DRAGS DISA BLED COMMISSION TO ACC” . The Minister of Social Welfare Gender and Children‟s Affairs Sylvia Blyden has revealed that she has officially com plained the country‟s Natio nal Commission for P ersons with Disab ilities to the Anti Corruption C ommission (ACC). S he said the C ommission has refused to appropriately account for the total sum of One Billion and Eighty - six Million Two Hundred Thousand Leones (Le 1,086,200,000) be ing an amount allocated to the C ommission for the first half of 2017. ACC F 12 NEW VISION “DOCUMENTS TENDERED AT ISHA‟S TRIAL” The Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC) representing the state in the ongoing alleged corruption charges against the suspended president of the (SLFA) Isha Johansen (1 st accused) and S ecretary General Christopher Kamara (2 nd accused) at the high court be fore the Hon. Justice Reginald Fynn Jnr. has led his first prosecution witness and tended bundles of documents. NE WS STORY F 13 GLOBAL TIMES “DOCUMENTS TENDERED AT ISHA‟S TRIAL” The Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) representing the state in the ongoing alleged corruption charges against the suspended president of the (SLFA) Isha Johansen (1 st accu sed) and Secretary General Christopher Kamara (2 nd accused) at the high court before the Hon. Justice Reginald Fynn Jnr. has led his first prosecution witness and tended bundles of documents. ACC F 14 AWOKO “DOCUMENTS TENDERED AT ISHA‟S TRIAL” The Commiss ioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) representing the state in the ongoing alleged corruption charges against the suspended president of the (SLFA) Isha Johansen (1 st accused) and Secretary General Christopher Kamara (2 nd accused) at the high cour t before the Hon. Justice Reginald Fynn Jnr. has led his first NEWS STORY F

11. 11 VOICE T his shows the unfinished state of the building which should by now be housing the ACC . The paper remarked that the G overnment that is beating its chest about empow ering the ACC must complete the ACC building project now. 41 SUCCESS NEWSPAPER “ACC SENSITIZES KALANGBA COMMUNITY ON THE PAY NO BRI BE CAMPAI G N” The ACC Northern Regional Office held a community meeting in Kalangba to raise awareness on issues of corruption and to enlist public support. ACC F 42 AFRICAN CHRONICLE “FIFA INSISTS ISHA JOHANSEN IS STILL SLFA PRESIDENT” . FIFA has overturned a decision by (SLFA) to set aside Isha Johanse n from her role as P resident, ruling it invalid. The ACC may take issue with the decision since it rules state that public officials indicted with corrupti on charges mu st be suspended until their case reaches a conclusion. News story F 43 AWARENESS TIMES “ EBOLA SURVIVORS PRAISE ACC COMMISSIONER” President of the (SLAES), Mr. Yusif Kabba has praised the boss of the country‟s Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) C ommissioner Macauley for his s peedy response towards investigating reports of a resent alleged misappropriation by an international agency, of monies meant to serve needs of vulnerable persons during the dreadful Ebola crisis that rocked Sierra Leone. News story F TUESDAY 1 4TH NOVEMBER 2017 44 THE NATIONALIST “ACC ENDS PNB SENSITIZATION IN KONO DISTRICT” Sub - regional office in Kono last Friday engaged teachers and pupils of the Songu Ngabwema, Fi ama chiefdom Kono District, on Pay No B ribe (PNB) campaign. Manager Wilfred Bangura said the meeting was to interact with staff and pupils of the school and educate them on the work of the commission and the PNB campaign. ACC F 45 THE NATIONALIST “ACC TACKLES BRIBERY, PETTY CORRUPTON IN SCH OOLS” ACC regional office in Bo has introduce d a programme titled Kakua School week to tackle numerous malpractices happening in schools across the district. PNB data indicate that illegal admission, grades, exams and report cards are ACC F

9. 9 accused ) is expected to come up today, with the second prosecution witness expected to testify before the High Court presided over by Justice Reginald Fynn Jnr. 31 NEWS WATCH “THE ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION AND CONNAUGHT HOSPITAL” . The commentary by Farla Barbu talks about the alleged misappropriation of Ebola funds by the Red Cross and Red C rescent International, asking that since the ACC has expressed interest in investigating the matter, why didn‟t they act against government officers and institutions who were accused of committing similar acts. The writer also expressed disgust that an injured member of the opposition Sierra Leone Peoples Party was denied treatment at the Connaught Hospital and was allegedly asked by hospital staff to go to the party‟s leader instead. Commentary UF 32 SUCCESS “TEACHER CONVICTED “ In a case of examination bribery, Francis Marveh (convict), a 35 years old teacher at the Ansarul Islamic Secondary School in Kenema, Tuesday 31 st October, 2017, was convicted and sentenced by High Court Judge Justice Adelaide Dworzak, J. after pleading guilty of accepting the total sum of two hundred and eighty thousand Leone (Le 280,000) as bribe. ACC F THURSDAY 9TH NOV EMBER 2017 33 INDEPEND ENT OBSERVER “ACC SENSITIZES KALANGBA COMMUNITY ON THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAI G N” . The ACC Northern Regional Office held a community meeting in Kalangba to raise awareness on issues of corruption and to enlist public support. ACC F 34 AWOKO “IN SALONE CORRUPTION STINKS!” According to T ranspare ncy International „p oorly equipped schools, counterfeit medicine and elections decided by money , are just some of the consequences of public sector corruption. ACC F 35 PREMIER NEWS “RED CROSS CHIEF VOWS CORRUPTIO N CRACKDOWN ”. T he new P r esident of the world‟s largest h umanitarian network, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), News story F

12. 12 the hotpots for brib ery in schools. 46 METRO “ TOP NEC OFFICIALS GRILLED AT THE ACC” T he paper writes that the three top officials from the National Electoral Commission (NEC) who arrived at the ACC HQ for questioning on Thursday spe nt the whole day at ACC Gloucester S treet office answering to questions about how NEC was spending money it received from Government every month for the 2018 election. ACC F 47 GUARDIAN POST “ACC TACKLES BRIBERY, PETTY CORRUPTON IN SCHOOLS” . ACC R egional office in Bo has introduce d a programme titled „Kakua School W eek ‟ to tackle malpractices in schools across the district. This is in response to PNB reports which indicate that illegal admission, grades, exams and report cards are the hotpots for bribery in schools. ACC F 48 STAND ARD TIMES “FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” A NATIONAL CHAR GE THAT MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED! WHEN NEXT IS THE ACC‟s NATIONAL INTEGRITY AWARDS. The article makes an enquiry about the annual Integrity Awards by the ACC, which is being replaced by recognition of institu tions compliant with ACC anti - corruption measures. COMMENTRY F WEDNESDAY 15 TH NOVEMBER 2017 49 THE NATIONALIST „ PHONE INDUSTRY CAN HELP IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION‟ - ACC DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SAID! ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies said the telephone industry can play a big role in law enforcement, whistle blowing and curbing the flow of illicit wealth. He made the statement whilst delivering the keynote address at a ceremony marking the Orange Sierra Leone Integrity Week. ACC F 50 THE NATIONALIST “ACC TACKLES BRIBERY, PETTY CORRUPTON IN SCHOOLS” . ACC Regional office in Bo has introduced a programme titled „Kakua School Week‟ to tackle malpractices in schools across the district. This is in response to PNB reports which indicate that illegal admission, grades, exams and report cards are the hotpots for ACC F

10. 10 promised on Tuesday to crack down on corruption after a scandal over Ebola funds in West Africa. FRIDAY 1 0TH NOVEMBER, 2 017. 36 CONCORD TIMES “ALLEGED RED CROSS FRAUDSTERS MAY BE INDICTED” While stressing that monies allegedly siphoned by two staff of the International Federation of Red Cross Society (IFRCRS) be returned to the institution by the colluding bank in Sierra Leone, Head of IFRCRC in the country has emphasized that the two staff, who have been relieved of their duty, could face criminal proceedings. He added that since the said bank has not been cooperative, they had ask ed the ACC to investigate them for possible collusion with the two staff, stating that no local staff has been found wanting. News story F 37 PREMIER NEWS “FIFA INSISTS ISHA JOHANSEN IS STILL SLFA PRESIDENT” . FIFA has overturned a decision by (SLFA) t o set aside Isha Johanse n from her role as president, ruling it invalid. The ACC may take issue with the decision since it rules state that public officials ind icted with corruption charges mu st be suspended until their case reaches a conclusion. News stor y F 38 EDUCATION MICROSCOPE NEWS PAPER. “LOTTA ELF PRIMARY SCHOOL ACCUSES OF GROSS CORRUPTION” . One of the prominent nursery and primary schools in the Portee community, has been seriously accused of gross internal corruption in their administration. The allegation of many parents during an i nvestigation undertaken by the Education M icroscope Newspaper was that many parents were not well informed as to whether the school is running as a private or government assisted school . News story F 39 EDUCATION MI CROSCOPE NEWS PAPER. “JUDICIARY FRUSTRATES ACC‟S WORK” The paper says the ACC has said that any individual caught in any corrupt act will be brought before the court of law and, according to AC Act 2008 will be fined not less than Le30,000,000. It states that it is however frustrating that individuals sometimes convicted are given lesser fines and imprisonment. News story F MONDAY 13 TH NOV.2017 40 WOMENS “ACC BUILDING PROJECT IN LIMBO” . News story F

19. 19 titled Kakua School week to tackle numerous malpractices happening in schools across the district. PNB data indicate that illegal admission, grades, exams and report cards are the hotpots for bribery in schools. 76 NEWS WATCH “ACC EXPOSES EDUCATION MINIST R Y” the Deputy Director of Public Education and External O utreach Departm ent at the (ACC) Patrick Sandi, has exposed the M inistry of Education , Science a nd Technology for ignoring the Pay N o Bribe campaign report on corruption for the third consecutive time . ACC F TUESDAY 2 1ST NOVEMBER 2017 77 PROVINCIAL TIMES “ACC RAISES AWARENESS ON PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAI G N IN KARENE DISTRICT” . Residents and stakeholders of Ka rene have agreed to effect the Pay No B ribe campaign (PNB) messages di sseminated to them by the Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC). NEWS STORY F 78 ST ANDARD TIM ES “FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” A NATIONAL CHARGE THAT MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED! WHEN NEXT IS THE ACC‟s NATIONAL INTEGRITY AWARDS. The article makes an enquiry about the annual Integrity Awards by the ACC, which is being replaced by recognition of inst itutions compliant with ACC anti - corruption measures. COMMENT A RY F 79 THE SPECTATOR “ACC ENLISTS SIRRATEL IN THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN”. Workers of the Sierra Leone Telecommunications Company (SIERRATEL) have in a sensitization meeting demonstrated commitment to join the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign. This was expressed in a customized meeting held with the Northern Region Office of the ACC at SIERRATEL Station Road Office in Makeni on Tuesday 7th November 2017. ACC F WEDNESDAY 22ND NOVEMBER 2017 80 DAILY MAIL “SETTING CORRUPTION NEW PRECEDENTS” . The report states that it appears that the Ghanaian society is gradually being preened of high - profile corruption being called (Chop - Chop) to save money for a raining day to upgrade the Ghanaian economy. This is a new strategy taken by the P resident of Ghana, COMMENTARY A

20. 20 Akuffo - Addo pointing out that “ it is time to make Ghana great ”. 81 NATIONALIS T “MANJORO COMMUNITY EMBRACES ACC‟s PNB CAMPAIGN” . As a manifestation of the Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC) resolve to reach out to the nook and cranny of the country to spread PNB messages, the Northern Region Office sensitize d traditional leaders and community people at the Bombali District Education Committee (BDEC) Primary S chool compound. ACC F 82 NEW S WATCH “ACC EXPOSES EDUCATION MINISTRY” T he Deputy Director of Public Education and Externa l Outreach Department at the (ACC) Pa trick Sandi, has exposed the M inistry of Education , Science and Technology for ignoring the Pay No Bribe campaign report on corruption for the third consecutive time. ACC F THURSDAY 23 RD NOVEMBER,2017 83 METRO “MANJORO COMMUNITY EMBRACES ACC‟s PNB CAMPAIGN”. T he ACC storms at M anjoro to sensitize the community about petty corruption. The A CC Public Education Officer Abdulai S accoh told the people at Manjoro that the campaign will go on until there were signs that bribery and corruption have been minimized. ACC F FRIDAY 24 TH NOVEMBER,2017 84 G L O BAL TIMES “RAMPANT CORRUPTION AT SOCIAL WELFARE..... DEPUTY MINISTER INVITES ACC” The report says the Deputy Minister of Social Welfare Gender and Children‟s Affairs Rugiatu Neneh Turay - Kamara has invited the ACC to investigate allegations of monumental corruption goi ng on in her ministry. News story F TUESDAY 2 8TH NOVEMBER,2017 85 NATIONALIST “ACC ENDS PNB SENSITIZATION IN KONO DISTRICT”. The ACC Sub - regional office in Kono on Friday engaged teachers and pupils of the Songu Ngabwema, Fiama chiefdom Kono District, on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign. Manager Wilfred Bangura said the meeting was to interact with staff and pupils of the school and e ducate them on the work of the C o mmission and the PNB NEWSW STORY F

6. 6 prosecution witness and tended bundles of documents. 15 AWOKO TEACHER CONVICTED “. In a case of examination bribery, Francis Marveh (convict), a 35 years old teacher at the Ansarul Islamic Secondary School in Kenema, Tuesday 31 st October, 2017, was convicted and sentenced by High Court Judge Justice Adelaide Dworzak, J. after pleading guilty of accepting the total sum of two hundred and eighty thousand Leone (Le 280,000) as b ribe. ACC F “FRIDAY 3 RD NOVEMBER,2017 16 GLOBAL TIMES “WAEC EXAMINERS IN COURT” . The two accused person s , Mohamed P Konneh and Sahr Mani are standing trial on five 5 counts of corruption indictment ranging from conspiracy to commit a corruption offen ce, abuse of office, soliciting an advant age contrary to the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008. News story F 17 FOR D I PEOPLE “ACC V s . SLFA” The first prosecution witness in the matter between ACC and the suspended P resident of SLFA Isha Johanson (first ac cused) and her Sec. Gen. Chris K amara (sec ond accused) has told the High C ourt of ho w the sum of(Le24,750,000) was allegedly paid to the husband of the first accused, even though the said money was given as sponsorship to the SLFA by the LEOCEM cement Fact ory, and not a s a loan. ACC F 18 THE SPECTATOR “BO DISTRICT POISED TO TACKLE BRIBERY IN TRA F FIC” . In a meeting held at the Bo West P olice Regional Headquarters Lilian said the Pay No Bribe campaign has improved on relations among actors in the traffic s ector, and that the stakeholder m eeting is a platform for frank discussion among the players. News story F 19 THE SPECTATOR “ACC REACHES OUT TO NJALA UNIVERSITY” . The Southern Regional Office of the ACC held a meeting with students and lecturers of the School of Community Health S cience to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. News story F 20 SUCCESS NEWSPAPER “ACC OFFICIALY LAUNCHES INTEGRITY CLUB AT ST. EDWARDS SCHOOL KINGTOM FREETOWN” On News story F

7. 7 the 2 nd November 2017 the Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC launched the school‟s integrity club to instill i ntegrity in young minds as the C ommission already has over 27 clubs throughout the country. MONDAY 6TH NOV EMBER 2017 21 NIGHTWATCH ACC DEPUTY COMMISSIONER LAUNCHES AWOL NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2017. On Fr iday 3th November 2017 Deputy C ommissioner Shollay Davies officially launched the 13 th AWOL National Achievement Awards (NAA) 2017 on the theme, Our environment, Our life, Our future, at Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel, Freetown. News S tory A 22 UNIQUE NEWS “ACC Vs. SLFA” JOHANSEN UNDER MORE FIRE. The first prosecution witness in the matter between ACC and th e suspended president of SLFA Isha Johansen (first accused) and her Secretary General Chris K amara (sec ond accused) has told the High Court of how the sum of Le24 , 750,000 was allegedly paid to the husband of the first accused, even though the said money was given as sponsor ship to the SLFA by the LEOCEM C ement Factory, and not a s a loan. News S tory F 23 AWOK O “ACC Vs. SLFA” JOHANSEN UNDER MORE FIRE. The first prosecution witness in the matter between ACC and the suspended president of SLFA Isha Johansen (first accused) and her Secretary General Chris Kamara (second accused) has told the High Court of how the sum of Le24, 750,000 was allegedly paid to the husband of the first accused, even though the said money was given as sponsorship to the SLFA by the LEOCEM Cement Factory, and not as a loan. News story F TUESDAY 7TH NOVEMBER 2017 24 NEW VISION “ACC TO PROBE RED CROSS” . The Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC) says it is going to investigate the alleged misappropriation of two million United States Dollars by workers of the Sierra Leone Red Cross in connivance with one commercial bank in the country over Ebola funds. News story F 25 NEW VISION “ACC ACCUSED TO BE DISCHARGED News story UF

8. 8 IF .....” Justice E rnest Gooding made threatening remarks when the ACC matter was mentioned in court and the accused persons were present in court whilst the ACC prosecutors were not. He emphasized that at the next adjourned date if the ACC prosecution did not show up he will be l eft with no other option but to acquit and discharge the accused. 26 NEW AGE MEDIA “DISGRACEFUL...SALONE FAILS CORR U PTION AGAIN” . This m akes reference to the MCC score card which shows that Sierra Leone has failed in the category of control of corruption, with a score of 49, one point down from the 50 the country scored in the previous rating. COMMENT A RY UF 27 THE EXAMINER PRESS “ACC SECU RES CONVICTION AGAINST NGO CHIEF EXECUTIVE” The High court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown presided over by Hon. Justice Babatunde Edward s , on the 30 th of October, 2017, convicted Francis Lahai CEO of Variety Children and Family Services, on one count charge of fraudulent failure to make payment of custom levy, contrary to section 48(1) (d) of the ACC act of 2008. ACC F 28 PREMIER NEWS “ACC TO PROBE RED CROSS” . The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) says it is going to investigate the alleged misappropriation of two million United States Doll ars by workers of the Sierra Leone Red Cross in connivance with one commercial bank in the country over Ebola funds. NEWS STORY F 29 STANDA RD TIMES “CORRUPTION HITS SCHOOLS” As the end of term approaches and pupils nervously anticipate exam results and repo rt cards, the Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC) Pay No Bribe (PNB) message of the m onth encourages pupils to report teachers who solicit bribe in return for good grades. ACC F WEDNESDAY 8TH NOVEMBER 2017. 30 STANDAR D TIMES “ANOTHER W ITNESS TESTIFIES IN ISHA‟S CORRU PTION CASE” . T he matter between the ACC and the suspended President of SLFA Isha Johanse n (first accused) and her Secretary General Chris K amara (second NEWS STORY F

4. 4 spent on programs and activities. 6 FOR DI PEOPLE “CORRUPTION : SLFA TOP GUNS MAKE FIRST APPEARANCE” The President of the SLFA Isha Johansen made her firs t appearance together with her Secretary General Christopher Kamara on 11 counts of misappropriation of donor and public funds and abu se of office contrary to the AC Act of 2008. ACC F 7 FOR DI PEOPLE “A CC SE CU RES CONVICTION AGAINST NGO CHIEF EXECUTIVE” The High court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown presided over by Hon. Justice Babatunde Edward s , on the 30 th of October, 2017, convicted Francis Lahai CEO of Variety Children and Family Services, on one count charge of fraudulent failure to make payment of custom levy, contrary to section 48(1) (d) of the ACC act of 2008. NEWS STORY F 8 STANDARD TIMES “DOCUM ENTS TENDERED AT ISHA‟S TRIAL” The Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission - representing the S tate in the ongoing alleged corruption charges against the suspended P resident of the (SLFA) Isha Johansen (1 st accused) and S ecretary General Christopher Kamara (2 nd accused) - at the High C ourt be fore the Hon. Justice Reginald F ynn Jnr. has led his firs t prosecution witness and tendered bundles of documents. News story F 9 NEW CITIZE N S “TEACHER CONVICTED “ . In case of e xamination bribery, Francis Marveh (convict), a 35 years old teacher at the Ansarul Islamic Secondary S chool in Kenema, Tuesday 31 st October, 2017, was c onvicted and sentenced by High C ourt Judge Justice Adelaide Dworzak, J. after pleading guilty of accept ing the total sum of two hundred and eighty thousand Leone (Le 280,000) as bribe. News story F 10 THE EXCLUSIVE “DOCUMENTS TENDERED AT ISHA‟S TRIAL” . The Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC) representing the state in the ongoing alleged corruption charges against the suspended president of the (SLFA) Isha Johansen (1 st accused) and secretary General Christopher Kamara (2 nd accused) at the high court before the Hon. J ustice Reginald F ynn Jnr. has led his first NEWS STORY F


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