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Newspaper Analysis - October 2017

Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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3. 3 Commissioner, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, the public should not expect much from the current ACC administration, especially the current Hajj investigations. “FORMER ACC STAFF AWAITS FATE IN SUSPECTED MURDER” The High court of Sierra Leone is yet to determi ne the fate of former public Education office of the Anti corruption commission (ACC), Finda Bangura, who allegedly killed her husband (ASP) Hassan Samuel Bangura some five years ago.

2. 2 Highlights The percentage of favourable publication for the month of October is 86 %; while the percentage of unfavourable publications is 5%. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 9%. The issues mostly reported are as follows: Favourable reports “Local authorities support the Pay No Bribe”. Section Chief of Gbe nse Chiefdom, assured the ACC on behalf of the paramount chief Sahr Fengai Kaimanchendeh, of the Chiefdom‟s commitment to promote and ensure the success of the Pay No Bribe campaign in the chiefdom. “ACC commissioner launches Pay No Bribe campaign in Kono District”. The Commissioner of ACC Ady Macauley Esq. on Monday 2 nd October, 2017 officially launched the Pay No Bribe campaign in Kono District. “ACC Commands SLFA Boss to step aside” .The Anti - Corr uption Commission has asked the President of the SLFA Johansen and her General Secretary, Chris Kamara to step aside following charges of misappropriation of funds and abuse of office. The ACC announced on the 21 st September, 2017 that both the President a nd Her secretary will be appearing in court on the 30 th October, on six counts charges. “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS”. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on the 4 th of October, 2017 organized a capacity building session for principals and h ead teachers in the Western Area Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event Director of Public Education and External Outreach Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was borne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the educational sector and the nee d for the setting up of integrity clubs in secondary schools. “ACC ENGAGES NGOs, MDAs ON MUDSLIDE AND FLASH FLOOD RESPONSE”. The Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission Shollay Davies has engaged major stakeholders involved in response activi ties of the August 14 th mudslide and flash flood on the need to ensure transparency and accountability in the response. “ACC SECURES CUTODIAL SENTENCE ON 5” The High court of Sierra Leone holding at Bo, presided over by the Hon. Justice kekura Bangura, last Friday convicted Prince M.E Nallo and others on one count charge of conspiracy to commit a corruption offences, contrary to section 128(1) of the ACC act of 2008 and one count charge of peddling influence contrary to section 31(3) of the ACC act of 20 08. It could be recalled that, the 5 convicted persons collected the sum of (Le 74,000,000) from a suspect in Bo. Unfavourable report “HAJJ - GATE INVESTIGATION A SHAM?” The paper says it appears that the investigation into the alleged Hajj scam will not yie ld any fruits. “HAJJ SCANDAL 2 MYTHS AFTER ACC SAYS STILL INVETIGATING” The paper claims that since the Commissioner Ady Macauley was an integral player in the administration of former

1. 1 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR OCTOBER, 2017 Key F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - A rticles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. Statistics Total number of publications on corruption issues - 70 Number of news stories - 20 Number of commentaries - 6 Number of editorials - 1 Number of s tories and articles from the Commission - 43 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 65 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent ( A ) to the Commission - 6 (9%) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 60 (86%) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 4 (5%)

16. 16 67 AFRICAN CHRONICLE “CPC DETERMINED TO ERADICATE CORRUPTION WITHIN PARTY” Chinese president Xi jinping, at the opening of the 19 th congress of the communist party of China (CPC), referred to corruption as “the greatest threat” the party faces, and added that the party will work for the adoption of National Anti corruption legislation and create a corrupt reporting platform that covers both disciplinary inspection commissions and supervision agencies he said. NEWS STORY A 68 WE YONE “SLFA PRESIDENT APPEARS IN COURT” Anti Corruption Commission indictee and suspended president of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) Yesterday makes her first appearance before a Freetown High court, presided over by Justice Reginald Fynn Jnr. Isha Johansen made her appearance together with the secretary Ge neral of the SLFA, Christopher K amara, on eleven counts of misappropriation of donor and public funds and abuse of office contrary to the Anti corruption Act of 2008. Act of 2008. ACC F 67 AYV “SLFA PRESIDENT APPEARS IN COURT” . Anti Corruption Commission indictee and suspended president of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) Yesterday makes her first appearance before a Freetown High court, presided over by Justice Reginald Fynn Jnr. Isha Johansen made her appearance tog ether with the secretary Ge neral of the SLFA, Christopher K amara, on eleven counts of misappropriation of donor and public funds and abuse of office contrary to the Anti corruption Act of 2008. ACC F 70 AWOKO “SLFA PRESIDENT APPEARS IN COURT ” . Anti Corruption Commission indi ctee and suspended president of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) Yesterday makes her first appearance before a Freetown High court, presided over by Justice Reginald Fynn Jn r. Isha Johansen made her appearance together with the secretary General of the SLFA, Christopher kamara, on eleven counts of misappropriation of donor and public funds and abuse of office contrary to the Anti corruption Act of 2008. ACC F

6. 6 NEWSPAPER NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN”. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Wednesday 4 th October,2017 engaged staff of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) at their Post Office Road Office in Magburaka , Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. 13 SUCCESS NEWSPAPER “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS” . The Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC) on the 4 th of October, 2017 organized a capacity building session f or principals and head teachers in the Western A rea Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event Director of Public Education and External Outreach Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was borne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the e ducational sector and the need for the setting up of integ rity clubs in secondary schools . ACC F 14 SUCCESS NEWSPAPER “BONTHE DISTRICT COUNCIL AND MDAS SET TO DECLARE ASSETS, INCOMES AND LIABILITIES” The Chief Administrator of the Bonthe District Council is quoted as making a vow, on behalf of the Council, to always cooperate with the ACC to declare their assets with the Commission. He was speaking at a customized meeting the Southern Regional Office of the ACC had with the Council. News story F 15 THE INFFORMANT “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS”. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on the 4 th of October, 2017 organized a capacity building session for principals and head teachers in the Western Area Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event Director of Public Education and External Outreach Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was borne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the educational sector and the need for the setting up of integrity clubs in secondary schools. ACC F 16 INDEPENDENT OBSERVER “BONTHE DISTRICT COUNCIL AND MDAS SET TO DECLARE ASSETS, INCOMES AND LIABILITIES” The Chief Administrator of the Bonthe District Council is quoted as making a vow, on behalf of the Council, to always cooperate with the ACC to declare their assets with the Commission. He was speaking at a customized meeting the Southern NEWS STORY F

8. 8 Director of Public Education and External Outreach Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was borne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the educational sector and the need for the setting up of integrity clubs in secondary schools. 12 October, 2017 22 FOR DI PEOPLE “ACC SPEAKS TO MAFFS ON THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN”. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Wednesday 4 th October, 2017 engaged staff of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) at their Post Office Road Office in Magburaka, Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 2 3 FOR DI PEOPLE “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS”. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on the 4 th of October, 2017 organized a capacity building session for principals and head teachers in the Western Area Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event Director of Public Education and External Outreach Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was borne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the educational sector and the need for the setting up of integrity clubs in secondary schools. NEWS STORY F 24 NEW AGE MEDIA “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS”. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on the 4 th of October, 2017 organized a capacity building session for principals and head teachers in the Western Area Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event Director of Public Education and External Outreach Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was borne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the educational sector and the need for the setting up of integrity clubs in secondary schools. ACC F 25 METRO “HAJJ SCANDAL M Y THS AFTER ACC SAYS STILL INVETIGATING ” The paper claims that since the Commissioner Ady Macauley was an integral player in the administration of former Commissioner, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, the public should not expect much from the current ACC administration, especially the current Hajj in vestigations. NEWS STORY UF 26 THE NATIONALIST “ACC ENGAGES NGOs, MDAs ON MUDSLIDE AND FLASH FLOOD RESP ONSE” . The Deputy Commissioner of the ACC F

10. 10 confronted with numerous challenges in its desire to me et the aspiration of the people. Let me draw your attention why whistle blowing is crucial in combating graft: it exposes corrupt individuals and institutions; it also brings to light the administrative, financial, and procedural malpractices in institutions; corruption breeds poverty and under development. 32 AYV “ACC TAKES PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN TO MABOLLEH COMMUNITY” . The Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted a held a community meeting in Mabolleh in Bombali District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 3 3 INDEPENDENT OBSERVER “ACC TAKES PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN TO MABOLLEH COMMUNITY”. The Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted a held a community meeting in Mabolleh in Bombali District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 17 TH OCTOBER, 2017 34 NIGHTWATCH “ACC SECURES CUSTODIAL SENTENCE” HON. Justice K ekura Bangura of the High Court Holden at Bo, convicted P rince M.E Nallo, Bockarie S Mattia, Nyakeh Tommy Nd emawa, Amos Gbondo and Prince K. Kallon on one count charge of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence, contrary to section 128(1)of the ACC act of 2008. The five convicted collected 74,000,000 from a suspect in BO who was being investigated by the ACC. ACC F 35 AYV “ACC SECURES CUSTODIAL SENTENCE” HON. Justice Kekura Bangura of the High Court Holden at Bo, convicted Prince M.E Nallo, Bockarie S Mattia, Nyakeh Tommy Ndemawa, Amos Gbondo and Prince K. Kallon on one count charge of conspiracy to commit a corruption offence, contrary to section 128(1)of the ACC act of 2008. The five convicted collected 74,000,000 from a suspect in BO who was being investigated by the ACC. ACC F 3 6 SALONE PRIDE “ACC TAKES PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN TO MABOLLEH COMMUNITY”. The Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted a held a community meeting in Mabolleh in Bombali District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bri be campaign. ACC F 37 INDEPENDENT OBSERVER “ACC ENGAGES NGOs, MDAs ON MUDSLIDE AND FLASH FLOOD RESPONSE”. The Deputy Commissioner of the ACC F

15. 15 congress of the communist party of China (CPC), referred to corruption as “the greatest threat” the party faces, and added that the party will work for the adoption of National Anti corruption legislation and create a corrupt reporting platform that covers both disciplinary inspection commissions and supervision agencies . 30 TH OCTOBER,2017 62 CONCORD TIMES “ ACC TAKES CORRUPTION FIGHT TO PRINCE OF WAELS ” . The Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC launches Integrity Club at the Prince of Wales School to educate students on issues of corruption including examination malpractice and bribery in schools. Local news F 63 NEW VISION “ACC LAUNCHES INTEGRITY CLUB AT POW” . T he Public Education and Outreach Department of the ACC launches Integrity Club at the Prince of Wales School to educate stud ents on issues of corruption including examination malpractice and bribery in schools . News story F 64 Standard times “SLFA PRESIDENT AND CO.IN COURT TODAY” Madam Johansen and scribe Chr i stopher kamara will appear in High C ourt of Sierra Le one today following their indictment by the ACC for corruption - related offences ran ging from stashing public funds to abuse of office. News story F 31 ST OCTOBER,2017 65 GLOBAL TIMES “SLFA PRESIDENT APPEARS IN COURT” . Anti Corruption Commission indictee and suspended president of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) Yesterday makes her first appearance before a Freetown High court, presided over by Justice Reginald Fynn Jnr. Isha Joh ansen made her appearance together with the secretary Ge neral of the SLFA, Christopher K amara, on eleven counts of misappropriation of donor and public funds and abuse of office contrary to the Anti corruption Act of 2008. ACC F 66 AFRICAN CHRONICLE “SLFA PRESIDENT APPEARS IN COURT” . Anti Corruption Commission indictee and suspended president of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) Yesterday makes her first appearance before a Freetown High court, presided over by Justice Reginald Fynn Jnr. Isha J ohansen made her appearance together with the secretary Ge neral of the SLFA, Christopher K amara, on eleven counts of misappropriation of donor and public funds and abuse of office contrary to the Anti corruption Act of 2008. ACC F

11. 11 Anti - Corruption Commission Shollay Davies has engaged major stakeholders involved in response activities of the August 14 th mudslide and flash flood on the need to ensure transparency and accountability in the response. 38 FOR DI PEOPLE “ACC TAKES PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN TO MABOLLEH COMMUNITY”. The Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted a held a communi ty meeting in Mabolleh in Bombali District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 39 METRO “HAJJ SCANDAL 2 M Y THS AFTER ACC SAYS STILL INVETIGATING” The paper claims that since the Commissioner Ady Macauley was an integral player in the administration of former Commissioner, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, the public should not expect much from the current ACC administration, especially the current Hajj investigations. COMMENT ARY UF 40 NEW VISION “ACC TAKES PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN TO MABOLLEH COMMUNITY”. The Northern Regional office of the ACC conducted a held a community meeting in Mabolleh in Bombali District to raise awareness about the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 41 THE CALABASH “GRAFTON NEW CAMP COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOS EXPLOI T PARENTS” The attention of the Ministry of education and the ACC, which has said it want to inculcate morality into the psyche of our kids in schools, is drawn to numerous reports received by this social commentator from parents in the Grafton New Camp Co mmunity; teachers are asking the parents to pay the sum of 1000 Leones for teaching their kids, and 2000 Leones compulsory for Saturday classes or else, you will be sent home. Commentary F 18 OCTOBER 2017 42 SUCCESS NEWS PAPER “KONO DISTRICT SET TO EMBRACE THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN” . This is about preparations for the launch of the Pay No Bribe campaign in Kono District. ACC F 43 SUCCESS NEWS PAPER “PNB TEAM VISITS STAKEHOLDERS IN KONO DISTRICT” . A team from the Pay No B ribe project on the 21 st September, 2017 made a courtesy call on the stakeholders in Kono D istrict. ACC F 44 THE NATIONALIST “ACC WARNS AGAINST STAFF IMPERSONATION ” The ACC issues a public notice warning members of the public about ACC F

13. 13 charge of peddling influence contrary to section 31(3) of the ACC act of 2008. It could be recalled that, the 5 convicted persons collected the sum of (Le 74,000,000) from a suspect in Bo. 51 HOME TIMES NEWS PAPER “ACC SPEAKS TO MAFFS ON THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN” The Northern Region al office of the Anti - Corruption Commission on Wednesday 4 th Oct ober,2017 engaged staff of the M inistry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) at their Post office Road office in Magburaka Tonkolili District on the Pay No B ribe campaign. ACC F 5 2 HOME TIMES NEWS PAPER “HARFORD SCHOOL FOR GIRLS JOINS THE ANTI - BRIBERY CAMPAIGN” . The Southern Regional Office of the ACC conducted a „meet the school‟ campaign at the Harford School for Girls in Moyamba where the pupils and authorities of the school pledged to work with the Commission in tackling issues of bribery. ACC F 53 HOME TIMES NEWS PAPER “BONTHE DISTRICT COUNCIL AND MDAS SET TO DECLARE ASSETS, INCOMES AND LIABILITIES” The Chief Administrator of the Bonthe District Council is quoted as making a vow, on behalf of the Council, to always cooperate with the ACC to declare their assets with the Commission. He was speaking at a customized meeting the Southern Regional Office of th e ACC had with the Council. NEWS STO RY F 23th OCTOBER, 2017. 54 AFRICAN CHRONICLE “ACC ORDERS HRSS TO REFUND SCHOOL CHARGES” Administration of the Holy Rosary Secondary School in Kenema has been collecting the sum of Le 28,000 per pupil which h as not gone down well with the Ministry of Education Science and Technology and the Anti - Corruption C ommission . Both the Anti corruption commission and the ministry of Education science and technology after realizing the collection of the said fee immediately instructed the school administration to stop forthwith and make refund to those who have paid. News story F 55 AWOKO “FORMER ACC STAFF AWAITS FATE IN SUSPECTED MURDER” The High C ourt of Sierra Leone is yet to determine the fate of former public Education office of the Anti corruption commission (ACC), Finda Bangura, who allegedly killed her husband (ASP) Hassan News story UF

7. 7 Regional Office of th e ACC had with the Council. 17 INDEPENDENT OBSERVER “ANTI - CORRUPTION USED 2BILLION FOR HARRASMENT” Justice John Tsoho of the Federal High Court in Abuja on Thursday fixed Nov. 16 to hear the N2 billion Fundamental Rights suit brought against the EFCC by Mrs. P atience Jonatha n. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the wife of the former President Good luck Jonathan had filed the suit in June to challenge her alleged incessan t harassment by the anti - graft - commission. NEWS STORY A 1 8 INDEPENDENT OBSERVER “ACC SPEAKS TO MAFFS ON THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN”. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Wednesday 4 th October, 2017 engaged staff of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) at their Post Office Road Office in Magburaka, Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. NEWS STORY F 1 9 THE TIMES SL “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS”. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on the 4 th of October, 2017 organized a capacity building session for principals and head teachers in the Western Area Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event Director of Public Education and External Outreach Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was borne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the educational sector and the need for the setting up of integrity clubs in secondary schools. ACC F 2 0 NEW VISION “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS”. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on the 4 th of Oct ober, 2017 organized a capacity building session for principals and head teachers in the Western Area Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event Director of Public Education and External Outreach Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was borne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the educational sector and the need for the setting up of integrity clubs in secondary schools. ACC F 21 THE TRUPET “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS”. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on the 4 th of October, 2017 organized a capacity building session for principals and head teachers in the Western Area Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event ACC F

12. 12 impersonators making phone calls soliciting moneys from different people in the name of ACC staff. 4 5 AWARENESS TIMES “ACC WARNS AGAINST STAFF IMPERSONATION The ACC issues a public notice warning members of the public about impersonators making phone calls soliciting moneys from different pe ople in the name of ACC staff. ACC F 46 THE NEW STORM “ACC WARNS AGAINST STAFF IMPERSONATION” . The ACC issues a public notice warning m embers of the public about impersonators making phone calls soliciting moneys from different people in the name of ACC staff. ACC F 47 THE SIERRA UPDATE “BONTHE DISTRICT COUNCIL AND MDAS SET TO DECLARE ASSETS, INCOMES AND LIABILITIES” The Chief Administrator of the Bonthe District Council is quoted as making a vow, on behalf of the Council, to always cooperate with the ACC to declare their assets with the Commission. He was speaking at a customized meeting the Southern Regional Office of the ACC had with the Council. ACC F 19 TH OCTOBER 2017 48 THE SPECTATOR “ACC SPEAKS TO MAFFS ON THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN” . The Northern Regional office of the Anti - Corruption Commission on Wednesday 4 th October,2017 engaged staff of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (M AFFS) at their Post office Road office in Magburaka Tonkolili District on the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 49 GLOBAL TIMES “ACC INVESTIGATOR TESTIFIES IN COURT” ACC Senior I n vestigator Umaru sesay testified before High Court judge ,J ustice John Bosco Alieu on the case of the allege d one hundred and ninety eight million, two hundred and seventy two thousand Leones corruption matter reported by a non Government al organization based in Makeni, N orthern Sierra Leone. ACC F 50 THE NATI ONALIST “ACC SE CURES CUTODIAL SENTENCE ON 5” The High court of Sierra Leone holding at Bo, presided over by the Hon. Justice kekura Bangura, last Friday convicted Prince M.E Nallo and others on one count charge of conspiracy to commit a corruption offences, contrary to section 128(1) of the ACC act o f 2008 and one count ACC F

9. 9 Anti - Corruption Commission Shollay Davies has engaged major stakeholders involved in response activities of the August 14 th mudslide and flash flood on the need to ensure transparency and accountability in the response . 27 THE TORCHLIGHT “ACC ENGAGES NGOs, MDAs ON MUDSLIDE AND FLASH FLOOD RESPONSE”. The Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission Shollay Davies has engaged major stakeholders involved in response activities of the August 14 th mudslide and flash flood on the need to ensure transparency and accountability in the response. ACC F 28 AYV “ACC SUMMONED NURUDEE N AND M A .JALLOH” . The paper makes reference to the press release from the ACC which informs the public about the investigation that has been launched into the alleged Hajj scam and the summoning of three persons of interest. The paper claims that the three person s of interest have been appointed by the ruling APC party and are bluffing along the streets with the new positions, adding that nothing has been seen or hear d on the status of the investigation . NEWS STORY UF 13 TH OCTOBER, 2017 29 THE BLADE “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS”. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on the 4 th of October, 2017 organized a capacity building session for principals and head teachers in the Western Area Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event Director of Pu blic Education and External Outreach Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was borne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the educational sector and the need for the setting up of integrity clubs in secondary schools. NEWS STORY F 30 FOR DI PEOPLE “ACC ENGAGES NGOs, MDAs ON MUDSLIDE AND FLASH FLOOD RESPONSE”. The Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission Shollay Davies has engaged major stakeholders involved in response activities of the August 14 th mudslide and flash flood on the need to ensure transparency and accountability in the response. ACC F 16 th October 2017 31 AYV “THE TRU TH ABOUT REPORTING CORRUPTION” . The writer states that a s a specialize d anti - graft agency, the Anti Corruption C ommission (ACC) has been ACC F

14. 14 Samuel Bangura some five years ago. 56 THE CALABASH “RIGHT TO ACCESS INFORMATION LAW VERSUS THE ACC‟s PUBLIC DECLARA TION OF ASSET” This looks at the seeming conflict between the Right to Access Information Act which gives rights to citizens to access public information under Part II, Section 2 (1) of the Ri ght to Access I nformation Act 2013 AND Section 13, part V III of the Anti - C orruption Act of 2008 which makes assets declaration under the Anti - Corruption Act secret and confidential. Commentary F 25 TH OCTOBER,2017 57 STANDARD TIMES “CHINA ANTI CORRUPTION CAMPAIGN BUILT INTO CRUSHING TIDE” „DISCIPLINE INSPECTION RESOLUTION ADOPTION‟ Chinese President Xi jinping, at the opening of the 19 th congress of the communist party of China (CPC), referred to corruption as “the greatest threat” t he party faces, and added that the party will work for the adoption of National Anti corruption legislation and create a corrupt reporting platform that covers both disciplinary inspection commissions and supervision agencies. News story A 26 TH OCTOBER,2017 58 AWOKO “ADP KAMRAINBA MANSARAY DECLARES ASSET WORTH Le 15.8 BILLION . In line with the Citizens‟ Manifesto, the Flagbearer of the Alliance Democratic Party Mohamed Kamarainba Mansaray declared his assets worth over 15.8 billion leones. NE WS STORY A 59 NEW VISION “ADP KAMRAINBA MANSARAY DECLARES ASSET WORTH Le 15.8 BILLION “ . In line with the Citizens‟ Manifesto, the Flagbearer of the Alliance Democratic Party Mohamed Kamarainba Mansaray declared his assets worth over 15.8 billion leones. NEWS STORY A 60 NEW VISION “ACC SEIZES 800 PASSPORTS” New vision report that the passport of 800 pilgrims, who performed their rites in the holy land of Saudi Arabia this year, h ave been impounded by the Anti - Corruption Commission on their arrival at Lungi International Airport. NEWS STORY F 27 TH OCTOBER,2017 61 AYV “CPC DETERMINED TO ERADICATE CORRUPTION WITHIN PARTY” Chinese P resident Xi jinping, at the opening of the 19 th NEWS STORY A

4. 4 ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENT S FOR OCTOBER 2017 N O NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGOR Y F/UN/A 6 TH OCTOBER 2017 1 DAILY MAIL “Local authorities support the Pay No B ribe ”. Section C hief of G bense C hiefdom, assured the ACC on be half of the paramount chief Sahr Fengai Kaimanchen deh , of the Chiefdom‟s commitment to promote and ensure the success of the Pay No Bribe campaign in the chiefdom. N ews story F 2 THE NEW STORM “ ACC commissioner launches Pay No B ribe campaign in Kono District” . The C ommission er of ACC Ady Macauley Esq . on Monday 2 nd Octobe r , 2017 officially launched the Pay No B ribe campaign in Kono District . ACC F 3 SALONE TIMES “ACC Commissioner Launches Pay No B ribe campaign in Kono District”. The Commissioner of ACC Ady Macauley Esq. on Monday 2 nd October, 2017 officially launched the Pay No Bribe campaign in Kono District. ACC F 9 TH OCTOBER,2017 4 SALONE TIMES “ACC Commands SLFA Boss to step aside” .The Anti - Corruption Commission has asked the President of the SLFA Johansen and h er General Secretary, Chris Kamara to step aside following charges of misappropriation of funds and abuse of office.The ACC announced on the 21 st September , 2017 that both the President and Her secretary will be appearing in court on the 30 th October, on six counts charges. News story F 10 th OCTOBER 2017 5 STANDARD TIMES “SLFA PRESIDENT MADAM JOHANSEN HANDS OVER PASSPORT TO ACC” The Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC) on Friday seized the passport of the President of the SLFA and Special Court indictee Isha J ohansen and officially offered her the indictment notice, including charges that will see her and the SLFA scribe, Christopher Kamara, appear in court on October 30 this year. NEWS STORY F 6 NIGHTWATCH “HAJJ - GATE INVESTIGATION A SHAM?” The paper says it appears that the investigation into the alleged Hajj scam will not yield any fruits. News story UF

5. 5 7 PROVINCIAL TIMES “ACC DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RETURNS FROM SOUTH AFRICA CONFAB” . The Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies, has returned home after attending a training programme in senior leadership a nd management for heads of anti - corruption agencies in commonwealth Africa in Pretoria, South Africa . ACC F 8 NIGHTWATCH “ACC ENGAGES PRINCIPAL AND HEAD TEACHERS” The ACC on the 4 th of October, 2017 organized a capacity building session for principals and head teachers in the Western area Rural District, Waterloo. Speaking on the event Director of Public Education and External outreach Madam Koloneh Sankoh said the programme was bor ne out of the growing concerns of malpractice in the e ducational sector and the need for the setting up of integrity clubs in secondary schools for pupils to serve as integrity ambassadors among their colleagues. ACC F Wednesday 11 th October, 2017 9 THE SPECTATOR “HARFORD SCHOOL FOR GIRLS JOINS THE ANTI - BRIBERY CAMPAIGN ” . The Southern Regional Office of the ACC conducted a „meet the school‟ campaign at the Harford School for Girls in Moyamba where the pupils and authorities of the school pledged to work with the Commission in tackling issues of bribery. ACC F 10 THE SPECTATOR “BONTHE DISTRICT COUNCIL AND MDAS SET TO DECLARE ASSETS , INCOMES AND LIABILITIES” The Chief Administrator of the Bonthe District Council is quoted as making a vow, on behalf of the Council, to always cooperate with the ACC to declare their assets with the Commission. He was speaking at a customized meeting the Southern Regional Office of the ACC had with the Council. ACC F 11 THE SPECTATOR “ACC SPE AKS TO MAFF S ON THE PAY NO BRIBE CAMPAIGN”. The Northe rn Region al O ffice of the Anti - Corruption C ommission (ACC) on Wednesday 4 th October,2017 engaged staff of the M inistry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) at their Post Office Road O ffice in Magb uraka , To n kolili District on the P ay No B ribe campaign. ACC F 12 SUCCESS “ACC SPEAKS TO MAFFS ON THE PAY ACC F


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