An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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Weekly Newsletter 28th August -1st September 2023

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3. Page 3 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Monday 28th August, 2023, benefited from a capacity building training at its Conference Room, Third Floor, Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown. This training was organized by Commissioning a Life of Integrity, which is a Canadian based organization that provides training support to various State institutions across the world. Welcoming the trainers, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) ACC, Augustine Foday Ngobie thanked the experts for coming in for the second time to provide training on Living or Championing a Life marked by sheer integrity. He divulged staff's eagerness to learn and acquire knowledge in the bid to consolidate the huge efforts and great strides of the Commission to curb Corruption. The ACC Deputy Chief maintained that as with the previous training, he firmly hopes that the current one will provide the much needed knowledge and further equip staff with relevant techniques and abilities to have the ACC up its game. "After the training, we are certainly going to be empowered in the performance of our duty", the DC emphasized. Bill Pipke commenced his presentation by defining integrity as "doing what you ought to do even if it costs you". He advanced the compelling importance of being upright in service and always do that which is meant to be done no matter what implication may follow. "Integrity may not seem attractive at first, but in the long run it really is" he averred. The Trainer articulated the importance of influence adding that it is something everybody carries. He noted different kinds of influence that he said include; Positional, Charismatic, Expert, Moral, Spiritual, Relational, among oth- ers. He however emphasized on the importance of Moral influence that he said everyone must possess, hone and protect. Bruce Mann, one of the Trainers, in his presentation, offered an insight into dignity, noting that it is an extremely vital trait that everyone must possess. He said dignity has both inward and outward impact as it helps us understand the value of ourselves by placing it highly in our lives. He quoted the notable German Philosopher Immanuel Kant, that posited, "dignity ensures the equal and in- herent worth of every individual". "If l know my worth, l will also know your worth," Bruce noted that dignity values our differences. He said that Dignity is God's gift to us and it requires us to repudi- ate pride and find pleasure in embracing and support- ing each other, as we impel others’ treatment towards us by our actions towards them. Earlier in his statement, Director of Public Education and External Outreach Department, ACC, Patrick Sandi, applauded the team for their second visit to the ACC to train staff of the Commission. He welcomed them on behalf of the Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., adding that the Commission, being an ACC Deputy Commissioner, Augustine Foday Ngobie making a statement at the training Bruce Mann one of the experts making his presentation By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC

4. exploring the possibility of establishing a Taskforce that will increase the role of the private sector in monitoring and reporting corruption issues. Bailor A.S Kamara, Monitoring, Research and Project Officer of the Independent Media Commission (IMC), CONTD FROM PG.1 By: Martina George, Communications Officer to have broken the ethics of the police force in his jurisdiction would face disciplinary measures. He also called for more interaction with the ACC. The engagement ended with a question - and - answer session and the vote of thanks moved by ACC’s Legal Clerk, Ibrahim Bangura. ACC meeting with the personnel of Northern Region Police Headquarters in Makeni CONTD FROM PG.2 integrity outfit, places primacy on routine empowerment of its staff through these tailo red trainings. Drawing the training to its closure, the Deputy Director of the Public Education and External Outrea ch Department, Abubakarr Turay, thanked Bruce and Bill from Canada, including Desmond Johnson who serves as the Cou ntry Director of Transform Sierra Leone, which is a subsidiary of the Commissioning a Lifestyle of Integrity. Mr Turay reiterated that the Commission places significance to the training, and that informs the inclusion of staff from different Departments. He assured the trainers that the Commission will make do with training to further improve on its work and share the knowledge and information gained to our colleagues and communities. The Canadian team conducted a similar training on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th August, 2023 for s taff of the ACC Regional Offices in Port Loko and Makeni respectively, while staff of the Commis sion’s Regional Offices in Bo and Kenema had benefited from a similar training held earlier this year. suggested that the private sector should come up with a concept paper on how to collaborate with the ACC. The engagement with private sector stakeholders represents a significant step forward in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone as it highlights the importance of collaboration and partnership in tackling the scourge.. By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC CONTD FROM PG.3 Bill Pipke one of the experts making his presentation Deputy Commissioner, ACC, Augsutine Foday Ngobie and staff of the ACC together with the trainers from Canada at the training.

2. Page 2 T he Senior Public Education Officer of the Anti - Corruption Commission’s (ACC) Northern Regional Office has reminded personnel of the Sierra Leone Police in Makeni that a Force for Good should be eternally committed to fighting the scourge of corruption. Abdul Karim Bangura issued the advice to officers of the Northern Police Headquarters and Mena Hills Police Station in a customized meeting held on 18 th August, 2023 at their parade ground. The ACC officer underlined the relevance of the reminder, pointing out the role of the police force in securing lives and property and its constant interaction with the citizenry. Mr. Bangura maintained that a security force with a staunch stance against corruption guarantees peace and order in the country. However, he disclosed that several concerns have been raised about police officers who allegedly receive bribes for bail and charge money for the processing of cases at some police stations. He added that extortion at checkpoints is also a thorny issue that needs to be addressed in order to spike public confidence in the Force. The Senior Public Educator also drew the attention of the officers to the landmark legal reforms the ACC has made in its relentless campaign to fight against corruption. In addition to citing increase in a one - count fine, from Thirty Thousand (New) Leones (Le30,000) to Fifty Thousand (New) Leones (Le50,000) and a prison term from three (3) years to five (5) years minimum, upon conviction, he further revealed the powers of the Commission to proceed with prosecution in the absence of a person under corruption charges. ‘All of these are provided for in the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008 which was amended in 2019,’ Bangura asserted. Earlier, Public Education Officer of the Commission in the Region informed the police officers about the corrosive effects of corruption on Public Sector performance. According to Aiah Sourie, corruption breaks down the public service delivery chain, rendering public bodies incapable of meeting their obligations to the citizenry. Besides, he averred that while corruption diverts State resources into wrong hands and creates resentment within and among public bodies, it worsens inequalities with marginalized portions of the population being the hardest hit. He concluded saying: ‘Citizens’ trust in public institutions nosedives if they are fraught with misconduct. He then urged the police officers to abstain from every instance of corruption in their determination to serve the populace. Sourie further encouraged them to uphold integrity as the anchor in quality public service delivery, affirming that the ACC is always ready to support the SLP to fight against corruption. In response to ACC messages, Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of Police in the Northern Region, who is also the former Director of Professional Standards in the Sierra Leo- ne Police (SLP), Aiah E. Samandia, thanked the Commission for the engagement and commended the existing Memorandum of Understanding between the ACC and the SLP. Referring to the allegations earlier mentioned, he said since his transfer to the Regional Police Headquarters, he has taken responsibility to remind his officers to not veer off the values of the Force. AIG Samandia underscored the significance of integrity in enhancing efficient and effective public service delivery, adding that officers who are found Cross section of the audience at the Engagement CONTD PG.4

1. Deputy Commissioner ACC, Augustine Foday Ngobie making a Statement 28th Aug–1st September 2023 Issue 1 Volume 3 CONTD PG.4 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), through its Prevention Department, has engaged private sector institutions to discuss, collaborate and consult on ways to combat and prevent corruption in the sector. The meeting, which was also attended by representatives from public sector enterprises, took place on Wednesday, 23 rd August, 2023, at the Conference Room of the Commission’s Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown. The Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Augustine Foday Ngobie, on behalf of the Commissioner, welcomed representatives of the private sector and highlighted some of the steps the Commission has taken in recent years in the fight against corruption. He cited Section 7(g) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 as amended in 2019, which states that one of the functions of the Commission is ‘to advise and assist any person, authority, public body or private sector institution on changes in practice or procedures compatible with the effective discharge of duties of such persons, authorities, public bodies or private sector institutions that the Commission thinks necessary to reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of corrupt practice’. Mr. Ngobie said that, as state actors, “our actions or inactions have greater propensity to encourage or control corruption in the ar- ea we do our work.” He therefore empha- sized the roles of the private sector in the fight against corruption. He concluded by encouraging the various institutions to INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi By: Martina George, Communications Officer cooperate with the Prevention Department of the Commission, and initiate ideas that will foster mutual cooperation in eradicating the menace of corruption. During the engagement, the discussions centered on the importance of transparency and accountability in the private sector, as well as the need for collaboration between different stakeholders to effectively fight corruption. Deputy Director of the Prevention Department, Samuel Muti Marah Esq, said that, moving forward, corruption prevention mechanism in the private sector should commit to working together to develop strat- egies and initiatives to tackle the scourge in the sector. This includes The Engagement with private sector at the Integrity House


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