An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 1 Volume 7 25-29 September, 2023

Public Education / Newsletters

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4. ensuring inclusivity and impact. The clubs serve a comprehensive purpose: they educate students about the detrimental effects of corruption, foster a strong sense of accountability, an d help students understand the intricate relationship between integrity and a prosperous society. By building confidence in the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) among students, these Clubs lay the foundation for a future workforce that is ethically sound and committed to upholding integrity . Integrity Clubs offer a diverse curriculum designed to enlighten students on various aspects o f corruption, ethics, and accountability. Students learn to recognize corrupt activities and understand the difference bet ween integrity and dishonesty. They become familiar with the ACC's mission, vision, and values, as well as the legal framework governing its operations. Such knowledge equips them to make informed decisions and empowers them to contribute positively to their communities. CONTD FROM PG.3 The area covered during the operation include the Outpatients Department, Laboratory Services, Stores Management, Wards Inspection, Drugs Management, Finance and Revenue streams, Free Healthcare, Triage, Nutrition and Diet Management, among others. CONTD FROM PG.1

2. Page 2 In a bid to foster partnership and collaboration in the fight against corruption, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Regional Office in Kono has called on various Ataya Base associations to join the fight against corruption in the district. This event took place at the Pa Sourie Ataya Base in Bungalow, Koidu City, on Wednesday, 13 th September, 2023. Explaining the importance of the meeting, the ACC Regional Manager Hawanatu Omotayo Kamara expressed her gratitude to the executives and memberships of the Associations for permitting the ACC to be part of their meeting to discuss a red - hot issue that is affecting every Sierra Leonean. She continued that corruption has permeated every facet of the country and that it can only be curbed with the support of all formal and informal sectors. Corruption, according to the Manager, “should be considered as the number one enemy of the State because it erodes trust, stagnates development, lowers community confidence in public authorities, discourages investments and weakens democratic institutions and the rule of law.” Mrs. Kamara continued that young people have a unique perspective and energy that can drive positive change, such energy should be channeled towards fighting a good cause like corruption and inequalities rather than engaging in taking harmful drugs. “ The greatest strength and wealth of every nation is its youth because the future of a nation lies in their hands,” the Manager noted. Speaking on the identification of corruption and non - corruption related issues, the Manager said that all corruption offences in Sierra Leone are contained in the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008 as amended in 2019. According to her, anything outside the Act is considered to be outside the mandate of the Commission. She cited offences like bribery, misappropriation of donor and public funds, examination malpractices, abuse of office, failing to declare assets and liabilities etc. as cases which fall within the mandate of the ACC. Issues like rape, murder, wounding with intent and domestic feuds should be handled by the police, she observed. The Chairman of the Ataya Base Associations Mohamed Tarawalie thanked the ACC for the important outreach session to his membership. He said that if an institution like the ACC had been established shortly after independence, Sierra Leo- ne would not have had a civil war, and that many citizens would not have left its shores for greener pastures. He commended the ACC for its tremen- dous work in the fight against corruption across all levels of society. He finally encouraged his members to join the ACC in the fight against corruption in the district and to report its occurrences to the Commission. He concluded by pledging the various Associations’ support to not only report corruption but also to abstain from it. ACC Regional Manager Hawanatu Omotayo Kamara (L) addressing Ataya Base youth in Kono

3. CONTD PG.4 Page 3 In the battle against corruption, it is often said that prevention is better than cure. Recognizing the significance of starting early in the fight against corruption, the Anti - Corruption Commission, Sierra Leone (ACC - SL) has been using a very productive approach by introducing Integrity Clubs in various schools. These integrity clubs have emerged as powerful tools and vehicles to instill a sense of integrity, accountability, and ethical behavior in students from a young age. In the quest to create a corrupt - free society, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) recognizes that addressing corruption requires a multi - faceted approach that begins at the grassroots level. It was in this spirit that Integrity Clubs were formed in schools across the nation. Spearheaded by the Commission's Public Education Unit, these Clubs serve as a beacon of hope for a future where corruption finds no fertile ground and place. The primary purpose of Integrity Clubs is to educate and empower students with the knowledge and understanding needed to actively participate in social and economic activities while rejecting the allure of corruption. These clubs serve as a bridge between the ACC and the students, allowing vital information to be disseminated effectively. In a world where time is limited, and reaching every student individually is a challenge, Integrity Clubs offer a scalable solution. The battle against corruption is multi - faceted and requires the united efforts of individuals, communities, and institutions. Integrity Clubs represent a pivotal contribution by the ACC in creating a generation of students who are not on- ly aware of corruption's detrimental effects but are also committed to its eradication. These clubs serve as a powerful reminder that combating corruption begins with nurturing the values of integrity, ethics, and accountability at an early age. One of the fundamental principles driving Integrity Clubs is the idea that peer influence is potent. When information comes from peers, it often resonates more deeply and remains ingrained. These clubs enable students to lead the campaign against corruption within their schools. By providing a platform for students to communicate and share information, such as through Whats App groups, the Clubs become channels for the dissemination and distribution of ACC messages and IEC materials. Integrity Clubs do more than simply educate about corruption; they cultivate a culture of integrity. Through consistent training sessions and active participation in various activities, club members become integrity advocates. They develop a robust sense of ethics that influences their actions, not only within the school environment but also in their communities and homes. This continuous nurturing of ethical values at a young age is believed to have a lasting impact as these students grow into responsible adults. The reach of Integrity Clubs extends mostly to Government and Government assisted schools, but By: Kadijatu Jalloh, Mass Communication Student, Central University, Mile 91 (Intern)

1. The North - West Regional Manager ACC, Fatu Kamara (Left) and the Medical Superintendent of the Hospi- tal Dr. Yusuf Tejan 25th - 29th September 2023 Issue 1 Volume 7 As a way of preventing incidences of corruption in the health sector, the North - west Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted a three - day overt operation at the Port Loko Government Hospital (PLGH). The overt operation, which ran from 6th to 8th September, 2023, is part of the Commission's preventive drive to addressing corruption prevalence and other forms of malfeasance that are adversely affecting the operational efficiency of the hospital. The exercise is predicated on the numerous concerns and complaints from the public relating to extortion and other forms of corruption in the hospital. In his brief welcome to staff of the ACC, the Medical Superintendent of the PLGH Dr. Yusuf Tejan thanked the Team for their intervention and commitment to reversing the problems in the overall operations of the hospital. He lauded the preventive approach of the fight particularly in addressing systems and procedural challenges faced in the management of the facility. The Northwest Regional Manager ACC, Fatu Kamara, said that the ACC was at the hospital to primarily observe operations, procedures, practices and any other activity that could amount to INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi corruption. She said the ill - effects of corrup- tion are enormous as the burden falls disproportion- ately on the poor, with children, women and rural residents and other vulnerable groups mostly affected. She said corruption threatens healthcare services adding, that owning to the growing public concerns over corruption issues at the facility, there was need to take prompt action. Team Lead of the operation, who also doubles as Senior Investigation Officer, Bernard Dixon, spoke of the need to address and mitigate the inadequacies that have adversely affected effective service delivery at the hospital. Health staff at the Port Loko Government Hospital attending to patients CONTD PG.4


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