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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 41 28 October - 1st November 2024 (1)

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4. Page 4 Contd from Pg 1 .As Commissioner of ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala's exceptional leadership and results have brought him multiple local and international awards and recognitions, including being honored by the Department of State of the United States of America as one of 12 “ International Anti - corruption Champions ” in 2021. He was also named in 2021 as one of the "100 Most Influential People of African Descent" by the UN/MIPAD Initiative and was awarded “ Alumni of the Year – Achievement 2022” by the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London, among dozens of other prestigious local and international awards and recognitions including the most recent by t he Bonthe District Fam- ily. The Commission extends its warmest congratulations to its Head/Leader for this sp ectacular laurel and accolade in recognition of his remarkable works and services to the People of Bonthe and Sierra Leone at large. The ACC was represented at the ceremony by the Directors of Public Education and External Outre ach and Intelli- gence and Investigations, Patrick Sandi and Evelyn Kuyateh respectively; the Deputy Director , Assets Declaration Unit, Edita Fofana and Assistant Maintenance Officer, Peter J. Smart. The keynote address was delivered by Floyd Davies Esq., who is the immediate past Head of House of the Bonthe District Family. The Bonthe District family seeks the welfare of its membership and ensures that dev elopment programs and initiatives are carried out in District. The Dinner and Awards Night marked the 15th Anniversary of the Event. The ceremony was graced by dignitaries from the District and other prominent persons, including, the Managing Direc- tor, Rokel Commercial Bank, Dr. Ekundayo Gilpin, Victor Biandoma Esq., the Company Secret ary, Sierra Leone Com- mercial Bank, Susan Rogers, Deputy Commissioner - General Sierra Leone Land Commission. Jonathan Hindolo Kurabu Esq., aka the Catalyst, served as the Master of Ceremony (MC). Contd. from Pg 2 Giving the closing remarks, Public Education Officer, ACC, David Garrick, called on the NRA staff to continue with their renewed commitment to increase revenue, adding that the success of any revenue generation initiative largely de- pends on maintaining integrity and professionalism. He encouraged them to avoid any illegal practice that will bring shame to their family names and assured them of the Commission ’ s commitment to addressing complaints made to the toll free lines of 077 - 985985 or 077 - 986986 . A question and answer session climaxed the engagement

3. Page 3 T he Senior Investigation Officer of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) in the North - West Region, Bernard Dixon has urged sand miners and boat owners of the Port Loko Wharf to own the fight and report corruption incidences in their various localities. The customized meeting held on Tuesday 8th October 2024 was convened as a way of publicizing and increasing public knowledge about the nature, occurrence, and seriousness of corrupt behavior and its prevalence in rural communities as well as soliciting public support in combating graft. Making his statement, the Senior Investigation Officer Bernard Dixon recognized the role of the informal sector in the development of the State and described them as key partners that are critical to the achievement of the development aspirations of the country. He stated that corruption in the informal sector and in rural communities has a devastating impact on sustainable livelihoods and undermines economic development, noting that, the provision of wide range of services such as healthcare, education, water and sanitation and many other services provided by Government and its development partners for the benefit of citizens has been hugely undermined by the sustained presence of corruption. With these challenges, he furthered, fighting corruption is multifaceted and requires strong synergy among all sectors and urged them to embrace the fight against graft and to report incidences of corruption in their various communities. "Make your voices heard, stand up against the corrupt and report corrupt practices in your various localities," he emphasized. As part of their involvement in combatting graft, Investigator Dixon under- scored the significance of monitoring community development projects and should have a way of providing meaningful input into project. Pointing key ACC ’ s Senior Investigator, Bernard Dixon speaking to the audience corruption issues in education, health, the Police, local court administration among others, he encouraged them to make corruption reporting a way of life through ACC's toll free lines 077 - 986 - 986/077 - 985 - 985 or its Regional Office at 13 Sheriffa Street in Port Loko City. He informed them that the ACC has an effective complaints and whistleblowing protection mechanisms that encourage citizens to report corrupt practices without fear. The Senior Public Education Officer Samuel Junisa Sankoh spoke on the role of the respec- tive memberships in the fight against corruption and highlighted various methods of reporting corrupt practices to the ACC as well as the approaches in the fight against graft. The Chairman of the Sand Miners at the Port Loko Wharf, Morison Alimas Conteh thanked the ACC for educating and engaging their membership on various issues on corruption. . He assured of their support to the Commission and to make meaningful contributions to supporting the fight. The sand miners listening attentively to the Team from ACC

1. 28th October— 1 st November 2024 Issue 2 Volume 41 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M. Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi gains in domestic and international indexes and surveys relating to the fight against corruption, accountability integrity and transparency. The bishop also highlighted the support the Commissioner has provided to the district. Speaking to the ACC Media Team, after receiving the Award and his Facebook post, the Commissioner expressed delight and thanked the Bonthe Family for the Award which marks the third Consecutive (time) years and underscored that the Recognition manifests that Bonthonians occupy a special place in his heart. He further assured "we will keep DELIVERING like the game just started." Commissioner Kaifala further pledged his continued support to the district, especially in the elimination of corruption. Francis Ben Kaifala Esq is an astute and erudite Lawyer, dangerously educated, re- sult oriented evidence - driven, pragmatic, frank, fierce, firm, fair, affable, and a philan- thropist par excellence. He is a Young Obama African Leaders Awardee, a Fullbright and the Archbishop Desmond Tutu Fellow. I n a Prestigious and Colorful ceremony at the Bintumani Hotel, in Freetown, on Friday night 1st November, 2024, the trailblazer Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commis- sion (ACC), Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. was Honored and Awarded for his meritorious and outstanding support to the development of the District and pointedly for his robust fight against corruption in the country. Presenting the Award, the Most Rev. Bishop James Barnet stated that the great works of the ACC Commis- sioner, Francis Ben Kaifala and the Commission are tan- gible, as under his watch, Sierra Leone has made positive and unprecedented Contd. on Pg 4 Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. displaying the award. Presentation of the Award to the Commissioner Commissioner flanked by Directors of Public Educa- tion (L) and (R) and Deputy Director of Assets and Sup- port Staff at the award cere- mony .

2. Page 2 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Southern Regional office in Bo has on Wednesday, 23 rd October, 2024 held a sensitization meeting with staff of the National Revenue Authority (NRA) and admonished them to always maintain integrity in the generation of revenue from tax payers. The meeting, which took place at the NRA Conference Room at Baima Road in Bo City, was to discuss unlawful practices that could negatively impact the country's revenue mobilization drive. In his statement, ACC ’ s Senior Public Education Officer (SPEO), Abdulai Saccoh, said that revenue mobilization is a practical means of financing Government infrastructural and human capital development programs, adding that any corrupt practices in the national revenue mobilization drive will drastically impede Government ’ s ability to address the growing socio - economic needs of its people. Mr. Saccoh furthered that undervaluing of goods at customs points, divulging sensitive information to some business owners and the ineffective monitoring of the use of the Goods and Services Tax machines have often aided business people to evade taxes. The diversion of national revenues for per- sonal use, he said, has also contributed in depriving the Govern- ment of much - needed revenue, thereby stifling the implementation of the Government ’ s national development plans. The ACC Resident Prosecutor, Nigle B.E. Davies, reminded NRA staff of their responsibilities under the National Revenue Authority Act of 2024. He also made reference to offences in the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 (as amended in 2019), including corrupt acquisition of wealth, misappropriation of public funds, and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence, among others, which, upon conviction, the person(s) shall be liable to a fine of not less than Fifty Thousand Leones (Le 50,000) or imprisonment for a term not less than five (5) years, or to both such fine and Imprisonment. Mr. Davies further emphasized the importance of diligence in their work and warned against rogue behaviors in all financial and revenue mobilization drives. ACC ’ s Public Education Officer, Mohamed A. Kabba, said ensuring integrity, transparency and accountability in the revenue mobilization drive is crucial, stressing that the significance of the NRA cannot be overemphasized as the Central Government largely depends on the revenue generated by the NRA to create employment opportunities, salary increment and provision of other infrastructural and human capital development programs. Earlier in the meeting, the NRA Regional Manager, Joseph Kelly - Lamin commended the ACC for the sensitization drive and called on his colleagues to heed to anti - corruption messages, adding that they will continue to maintain best practices and to stay away from dishonest practices that may have the tendency to adversely affect the institution ’ s revenue generation drive. He further reaffirmed the commitment of NRA to position itself not only to meet expected revenue trajectory, but also to increase and meet this year ’ s revenue generation target. Staff of the National Revenue Authority and Anti - Corruption Commission after the engagement Contd. on Pg 4


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