An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.



 Consistent with its sustained public education drive, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) office in Bo has conveyed integrity messages to staff of Agriculture Value Chain Development Project (AVDP). The meeting was held on Wednesday, 25th September, 2024, at AVDP’s Conference Room at 183 Old Railway Line, Messima in Bo City, Bo District.

Speaking to staff of AVDP, ACC’s Senior Public Education Officer, Abdulai Saccoh, highlighted the critical role of agriculture in the country’s ambition to attain increased agricultural productivity, food security, poverty reduction and inclusive economic growth. Mr Saccoh asserted that instituting thorough corruption control measures in all project implementation are unquestionably necessary not only to ensure the desired objectives are achieved but also launder the country’s image. He recognized that corruption can undermine the country’s aspiration to attain Government’s Feed Salone initiative and also United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2.

Mr. Saccoh acknowledged the challenges project of such nature is confronted with and admonished them to adhere to strict procurement regulations, ensure prudent financial management, enforce disciplinary measures amongst staff without bias, introduce log book for vehicles and motorbikes bought from project funds, institute measures to ensure proper handling of public and donor property and embark on a robust supervision of staff as some of the measures that can help avert corruption vulnerability.

In his statement, ACC’s Senior Investigation Officer, Ishmael Kamara, stated that the Commission during the course of its investigation does not witch-hunt but rather it is an evidence led process. Mr. Kamara mirrored on the new procurement trick called “Bid suffocation” and warned against such dishonest practice. He further explained some of the offences, such as, possession of unexplained wealth, offering, soliciting or accepting an advantage, bid rigging, impeding investment, abuse of office, abuse of position, misappropriation of public funds orproperty, misappropriation of donor funds or property, receiving gift for corrupt purposes and conspiracy.

Mr Kamara reminded the participants of the consequences that await anyone convicted of corruption offences- which will amount to a fine of not less than Fifty Thousand Leones, or imprisonment for a term not less than five years, or both fine and prison term.

In his submission, Public Education Officer, Mohamed Abdulai Kabba, emphasized the significance of AVDP’s project in targeting rural households and promoting climate change resilience programs. Mr Kabba highlighted the potential the project has in transforming the agriculture sector to a more productive and sustainable one. He urged AVDP staff to adequately utilize project funds meant for the benefits of its targeted beneficiaries, noting that, enforcing anti-corruption measures would enhance farmers’ incomes and reduce poverty.

Public Education Officer, David Garrick, encouraged the AVDP staff to report any suspected corrupt activities to the ACC toll free lines: 8515, 077986986 or 077985985. He emphasized the significance of their participation in the fight against corruption and assured them of ACC’s commitment to protect informants and witnesses.


Earlier in the meeting, the Project Manager of AVDP, Madam Monica Kwame-Greene, dilated on the objectives of the project and how they have been working with stakeholders and beneficiaries over the years. Madam Kwame-Greene commended ACC’s remarkable progress in the control of corruption using diverse mechanisms. She informed the Commission of the robust, transparent and accountable system AVDP and its international development partners have put in place to forestall dishonest practices in procurement process.  The Project Manager further assured ACC of their willingness to institute anti-corruption measures and called on her colleagues to heed to the advice.    


A questions and answer session climaxed the meeting.