An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.



 Different leadership styles produce results. In some instances, the leader's personality is contagious within the ranks of the position. Let us visit the world of technology. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are two of the leading tech Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) in Silicon Valley. However, their personalities are reflective in the various companies they lead. In the case of the Facebook founder, he is more introverted, pretty shy and calculated when he speaks and tends to share liberal values. In contrast, the Tesla founder is loud, charismatic and an extrovert. Even though these two figures lead two different companies.

From research, the previous personnel who occupied the Anti-Corruption Commissioner position were pretty introverted, shy from the public domain and never had a global, regional or even local appeal.

Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., breathes his entire personality into the work and structure of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). The lawyer and human rights activist has refused to be introverted, media-shy and dull. His personality is probably the pivotal reason he has involved himself at global, regional and local levels in conversations related to corruption, human rights and the legal sphere. His actions this month can stamp a point for this case made (global, regional & local).

In early May, Commissioner Kaifala participated in the Association of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Commonwealth Africa (AAACoA). This Association comprises former British colonies in the continent. At this event, the man made his presence felt. He left the event as elected Sub-Regional Representative for West Africa. You can delineate this to his personality. Sierra Leonean occupied this prestigious position for the first time in history.

Last week, he headed straight into the action on the domestic front. As a member of the Sierra Leone Bar Association, Commissioner Kaifala had the honour of conducting the Presidential elections for the second year running. As a fully paid senior member of the bar, Commissioner Kaifala was functioning within his jurisdiction to conduct the election.

With all the controversies that hailed from Kenema, you can at least marvel at Commissioner Kaifala for participating in the process of an institution in which he prides himself as a member.

Commissioner Kaifala has returned to Harvard University for his LLM graduation. Harvard Law School is a constituent of the Ivy League University and a player in the global legal environment. A part of Commissioner Kaifala's decision to return to school at Harvard was strategic.

He has placed himself in the corridors of global knowledge and information regarding the law profession. Knowing the Commissioner, I had no doubts that he will make the most of his studies at Massachusetts, and he's proven that by notching excellent grades.

The influence of Commissioner Kaifala is visible at the global, regional and local levels. 

He is truly the master of funnel mastery.

Amienel Johnson

MA, Political Science

Duke University

United States of America