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Sierra Leone Police Response

PNB - Sierra Leone Police 26 June 2017

The Sierra Leone Police – Response Summary

26 March – 26 June 2017

Services ReportedI Paid a BribeI Did not Pay a BribeI Met an Honest OfficialGeneral Actions TakenSpecific Actions Taken
Bail90868321.       The SLP Multi-Agencies checkpoints to conduct stakeholders meetings on the PNB Platform.  It has been discovered that some checkpoints are multi-agency checkpoints (Mile 38, Pamlap, Mange, Bandama, Nano Junction, Moala etc) These checkpoints operate alongside agencies like Timber Association, Veterinary Officers, National Revenue Authority, Office of  National Security, Traffic Wardens,  They all collect revenue on behalf of their organizations. This could be reported as bribes given to the police at these checkpoints. There is a need for a meeting of all these stakeholders which is SLP is now working on. Meeting is being planned.

2.       Regular parade briefs.  Force-wide sensitization. Staff rotation



1.       Issued Zero tolerance Administrative warning.

2.       Rotation of Regional and Divisional Traffic commanders in Bo district. Similar actions are being taken in Bombali district.

3.       Furthermore, personnel at the regions and divisions have been strongly admonished to desist from engaging in bribery and extortions or face dire consequences when found wanting. The situation is closely monitored for defaulting personnel.

Covering up Evidence4465
Harassment of…631311
Police Report and Investigation3293548
Suspect Arrest113189