An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.


News Item



                                                 ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMISSION



25th October 2018 
The Northern Regional Office of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 19th October 2018 held a sensitization outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign for the people of Mambolo in the Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District. 

Addressing residents of the Mambolo community at the Mambolo Court Barray, ACC Regional Manager North, Abu Bakarr Kamara said, the meeting was intended to motivate them to act and address issues of bribery.

He maintained that when the systems of State institutions are weak, it creates an opportunity for bribery to flourish.

The Manager said that services provided by public officers including those in rural communities have been inefficient due to bribery and other acts of corruption.

He gave updates on the reports generated from the PNB reporting platform; adding that marked improvements are now taking place in the sectors under the PNB due to the actions taken by the respective MDAs.

In his statement, ACC Public Education Officer, Abdulai Saccoh, described bribery as a social menace adversely affecting the operations of public sector institutions. He said, the PNB is geared towards working collectively with public sector workers to change their attitude and behaviour in order to deliver quality services to Sierra Leoneans.

Mr. Saccoh dilated on the adverse consequences of bribery on the provision of social services to rural communities, and therefore admonished the people to support the PNB in order to benefit from quality healthcare, standard education, accessible and affordable electricity, pure drinking water and fair dispensation of justice. 

ACC Public Education Officer Abdul Karim Bangura assured the residents that reports made through the PNB free line 515 (all telephone networks), the website: www.pnb.gov.sl, or on the mobile application in Krio, Temne and Mende will remain confidential.

Chiefdom Speaker of Mambolo Pa Alhaji Abdul Rahman Sesay said, they were pleased to have ACC in their midst, noting that such engagements will go a long way to improve services in schools, health facilities and local courts. Pa Sesay assured the Commission, on behalf of his people, of their fullest cooperation and support to the PNB campaign.

Prior to the community engagement, the ACC Northern Region team sensitized staff and pupils of the Scarcies Baptist Secondary School in Mambolo Town on the PNB campaign.