An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.




By: Edward N. Blake Senior Public Education Officer,  ACC

With funds from Irish Aid implemented by Social Enterprise and Development (SEND) Sierra Leone, through the More than a Woman Project, on 11th, October 2024, held a meeting with key stakeholders within the accountability space in Kenema with the sole aim of forming  District Accountability Forum.

The District Accountability Forum (DAF) will serve as multi-stakeholder platform to enhance social accountability, transparency, and good governance at the local level. Moreover, the forum will provide a structured space for stakeholders—including local women’s networks, youth groups, Persons living with Disabilities (PWDs), community groups, local councils, traditional leaders, line ministries, civil society organizations (CSOs), the media, and Members of Parliament—to actively participate in monitoring, evaluating, and advocating for improved service delivery, gender-responsive governance, and effective use of public resources.

Speaking at the meeting, the Senior Public Education Officer of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Kenema,  Edward N. Blake gave a comprehensive background on the establishment of the ACC in 2000, stating that the fight against corruption is an oversight function of the House of Parliament. Mr Blake further said that with a mandate to investigate and prosecute institutional corruption, the Commission has, since its establishment held public officials to account for the misuse and misappropriation of public and donor funds and properties. 

The Senior Public Education Officer, however, maintained that with the stewardship of Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq.  the ACC has recovered monies, houses, and vehicles running into Billions of (Old) Leones with a conviction rate of over 90%. Mr Blake pledged the support of the Commission, emphasising that the formation of  District Accountability Forum will complement the work of ACC in the District.

In a similar vein, the Public Education and Information Officer for Right to Access Information Commission (RAIC) in Kenema, James Fortune expressed great delight in the laudable venture of SEND Sierra Leone in ensuring that service delivery within Kenema District is optimal. Mr Fortune stressed the importance of the Right to Access Information Commission in helping the District Accountability Forum access whatever information that will be required in achieving its objectives.

In support of the establishment of District Accountability Forum, John A. Mustapha, who is the Senior Auditor at the Audit Service Sierra Leone in Kenema, expressed  optimism in the timeliness of such engagement by saying  the Forum will monitor and evaluate local Government performance and public service delivery focusing on transparency, inclusiveness and effectiveness. 

Mr Mustapha cited instances of where Audit Service Sierra Leone has faced avoidable drawbacks in conducting audits on Government institutions. He, however, concluded by saying that with ACC being an ally within the accountability space and with prosecutorial powers, the District Accountability Forum will definitely succeed.

Member of Parliament representing Kenema District, Hon. Mariama Ella Goba, highlighting some of the functions of Parliament said, the primary role of Parliament is to make laws and perform oversights in Ministries, Departments and Agencies or institutions created by Acts of Parliament. She also maintained that holding public officers and institutions to account is also the role of Parliament, but because they are overwhelmed with other oversight functions, that was even why institutions like the ACC were formed.

Hon. Maraiama Ella Goba thanked Irish Aid through SEND Sierra Leone for what she described as robust intervention in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery at local levels.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Katimu Jalloh from the Office of the Ombudsman and Augustine Sannoh, who represented the Civil Society Organisations in Kenema. 

Role plays, which were followed by questions and answers, climaxed the engagement.

@ Public Education and Outreach Unit, Kenema, ACC