An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.

ACC's Scorpion Squad hits EDSA Billing Section, arresting 3 Staff


October 19, 2020.

The ACC's Elite Scorpion Squad, acting on reliable and cogent information today struck the EDSA's Billing Section at Siaka Stevens Street, in Freetown arresting 3 staff who are believed to have facilitated the embezzlement of over 1Billion Leones of public revenue over a period of just 6 months. These are monies believed to have been paid  by large companies and enterprises.

This corrupt scheme is carried out by these staff who, having sent bills to various Companies and Enterprises, would then collect the checks themselves from these tax payers and work with bank staff to facilitate the diversion and deposit of these checks into personal accounts from where the money can be reaccessed and shared.

It is yet unclear how the EDSA financial accounting structures failed to detect this existing loophole considering the volume of money involved; but this will also be further investigated.

The Elite Scorpion squad of the ACC has brought the 3 arrested staff to the ACC head office who are currently assisting with investigations in what is believed to be a racket that has enriched lower and top management staff of the EDSA at the expense of the Institution. More arrests will be made in the coming days.

The Public will be updated on further developments in this investigation and other investigations.