An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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Electricity Response

PNB - Electricity 26 March 2017

Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) – Response Summary

26 December 2016 – 26 March 2017

Services ReportedI Paid a BribeI Did not Pay a BribeI Met an Honest OfficialGeneral Actions TakenSpecific Actions Taken
Avoid Disconnection14171.      Restructuring both the commercial and Technical Audit Departments. A system of proper recording has been initiated.

2.       Integrity Management Committees established in Bo and Kemema offices. They are expected to sit on PNB reports on those regions and report to headquarter.

3.       Installed software to track all meter replacement/installation with necessary information. Redeployment of customer Service Officers in the provinces.

4.       All information relating to connections are now made available to the public on brochures, website.

5.       Public Relation Officers to be recruited in Makeni and  Kenema to support in the sensitization of staff and the general public in these regions.

1.       The Authority has set up a customer service call center with a hotline number – 672 on all mobile networks to enhance communication between customers and the Authority. This gives customers the opportunity to make timely reports on services required.


Meter Replacement5299
New Connection14450
Reduced Bill731