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ACC REGIONAL TOUR - 13th March 2015

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2. declaration regime should not be taken for granted as they are strong tools in the fight against corruption . He added that they will soon commence verification of all asset d eclaration forms. He called on them to work with the Nati onal Commission for Social Action ( NaCSA) Social Safety Net Project. Concluding, Mr. Kamara encouraged them to work hard and demonstrate high level commitment in the fight against corruption. The Director of Intelligence, Investigation and Prosecution (II P), Regina ld Fynn praised members of his D epartment for the le vel of professionalism demonstrated in their work. Mr. Fynn informed them to do what is right without fear or favour as the Commission has seen more intervention s and great successes over the y ear s. He encouraged them to be vigilant to ensure all loopholes are tighten ed , especially with Ebola funds. In another engagement, the Commissioner and his team paid a courtesy call to the Resident Minister South and the Assistant Inspector General of Po lice Southern Region, Mustapha Kamara and senior officers of SLP. Addressing key stakeholder at the Southern District Emergency Response Centre in Bo , the Commissioner expressed his appreciation for the good work they have been doing to contain the Ebola virus. He called on members from local and International Non - Governmental Organisations to be transparent in the management of resources. Commissioner Kamara stressed that emergency period does not mean that accountability procedures are suspend ed . He fur ther highlighted that there should always be transparency in handling funds meant for the pe ople of Sierra Leone .

1. ACC COMMISSIONER ENDS THREE DAY WORKING VISIT TO THE REGION S The Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara and team from ACC Headquarter s completed a three day regional tour to Makeni, Bo and Kenema respec tively on Friday 13 th March 2015. The purpose of the visit wa s to hand over impounded food items worth about one hundred million Leones intercepted by the Northern Region ACC office and the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) and also to strengthen the relationship between ACC Headquarters and its regional offices. Addressing ACC staff member s in the various regional offices, C ommissioner expressed delight in the ir work . He congratulated them for the role they continue to play to ensure accountability and transpar ency in the dispensation of Ebola reliefs. He informed them that management is study ing the recommendations made in the ACC Advisory Board Report and they are putting strategies in place to address the recommendations, especially the issue of communication gap between ACC Headquarter s and the regional offices. Commissioner Kamara called on staff to promote and disseminate the issues in the National Anti Corruption Strategy 2014 - 2018 in their respective regions as it is the road - map in fighting c orruption. H e noted that the asset The Commissioner addresses medical staff and civil society members at the daily briefing of the Bo District Ebola Emergency Response Centre.


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