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7. 6 Leone. I and my courageous Team at the ACC will continue to lead the fight in a manner that will produce meaningful results that will reflect in reputable Local and International Corruption Perception indexes and increa sed effective corruption control.
1. 1st November 2020
5. 4 ACRONYMS ACC Anti - Corruption Commission ANC Accountability Now Clubs AUCPCC African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption CARL - SL Centre for Accountability and Rule of Law CPI Corruption Perceptions Index (Transparency International) EDA Elec tronic Detection Apparatus ERP Enterprise Resource Platform (integrated business management software) HRMO Human Resource Management Office IFFs Illicit Flow of Funds IMC s Integrity management Committee NACS National Anti - Corruption Strategy NDP National Development Plan MTNDP Medium - T erm National Development Plan 2019 – 2023 OCED Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PRSPs Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SPR Standard Progress Report TOC Theory of Change UNCAC United Nations Convention against Corruption UNODC, 2011 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime s VSC Video Spectra/Comparator
6. 5 FOREWORD This Strategic Plan of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) defines the Commission‟s strategy, direction and decision - making and the allocation of resources for the next three years - 2021 - 2023. It spells out the mission, vision, long and short term goals of the Commission and the direction the Com mission will take to reach them. It takes cognizance of the legal and policy framework for the anti - corruption campaign in Sierra Leone, including the Anti - Corruption Act, 2008 as amended in 2019, the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (2019 - 2023), the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Government‟s Medium - term National Development Plan (2019 - 2023), the National Development/Poverty Reduction Strategies of Sierra Leone under Governance, Accountability and Rule of Law, among others. This Strategic Plan reflects our aim to continue to give corruption the serious attention it deserves, thereby making the scourge a very risky and unproductive enterprise. In a bid to achieve this, the strategic plan highlights the strategic objectives of all the Departments of the Commission, accompanied by Departmental Activities and the resources needed to accomplish them. There is no better time to achieve our aims than now, as we have the right set of anti - corruption laws, whic h are some of the toughest in Africa. The Commission is thankful for the required Presidential and Political will, which have been demonstrated by the material and moral supports it continues to receive from the Government of His Excellency, President Bri g. (Rtd.) Dr. Julius Maada Bio . This work is rich, as it is a product of thorough consultation with the various Departments of the Commission. I wish to express my thanks appreciation, therefore, to the Consultant, Mr. Tidiane Traore for the exceptional expertise and energy provided to produce this work; the Commission‟s Internal Audit Department headed by Mr. Victor S. Peacock for admirably coordinating the process without any reminders; and to all other Heads and staff of Departments of the Commission, for aiding and supporting the task of developing this Strategic Plan in addition to their enormous tasks. My hope for this ambitious Strategic Plan is to see that, our public education, prevention, intelligence and investigations, and prosecution drives, are strengthened to produce results in the fight against corruption for Sierra Leone in a manner never experienced before. This, therefore, calls for the required and continued support from Government, Development/Local/International Partners, Civil Societ y, the Mediaand the People of Sierra
37. 36 M. Trust building should be a priority focus with cluster members (ACC is rated at 2, on the scale of 1 - 5, 5 been highest) ; N. Serious consideration should be given to conditions of service specially with regards to prosecutors (High turnover) ; O. Proposal writing at Project Unit should be enhanced under (2) . II. ACC STRATEGIC PLAN Hypothesis: This plan is been formulated on the following hypothesis: “If a Delivery Culture is developed at ACC, technology and working tools are deployed, with a good partnership management and adequate funding, then she will be able to meet the Institution strategi c objectives” Strategic Objectives: The S trategic O bjectives of the Institution are presented in the following Matrix (Tables)
11. 10 FIGURE 1: CLASSIC PLANNING MODEL E. THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENDA 1. Policy F ramework The ACC Strategic Plans are linked to the National D evelopment/Poverty Reduction Strategies of Sierra Leone under Governance, Accountability and Rule of Law. There have been various development plans since 2002 . There are four in the series : National Development Plans ( “ NDPs ” ) referred to as Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers ( “ PRSPs ” ) . The first fully fledged PRSP set the stage for a stable society with a focus on peace consolidation:
18. 17 As stated in the National Development Plan “The realization of this vision requires a long - term plan of 20 years, allowing for the application of coherent programmes within a framework of policies and legislation that are consistently enforced. The completion of such a long - term plan involves the projection of different scenarios based on in - depth studies and consultations, revisiting currently accepted assumptions of the country‟s growth trajectory and more robust methods for addressing regional issues. This must be done if the country is to emerge from what appears to be a low - level income trap, where signs of apparent progress are followed by dramatic reversals. Th e first year of this plan is therefore to be implemented in tandem with the formulation/finalization of the 20 - year plan . “ Lessons learn ed in the implementation of the previous Strategic Plan (2017 – 2020); and emerging policy, legal and institutional issues in the fight against corruption which include the Amendments to the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008. The realization of the vision is greatly dependent on the eradication of corruption, economic crime and unethical conduct in all Sectors o f the economy”. 1. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS OF 2018 - 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN In line with the NACS focus areas , achievements will focus on the following (Education, corruption Prevention, Enforcement, and Institutional Capacity Building). The rational is that “enforcement should be the centre of the Strategy , and that successful fight against corruption must involv e practical enforcement actions on major targets” Highlights below:
22. 21 ACC VISION - MISSION & CORE VALUES 1. CORE VALUES, VISION AND MISSION VISION STATEMENT MISSION STATEMENT CORE VALUES A corrupt free Sierra Leone which will ensure that the Socio - economic needs of the Citizens are met Working in Partnership to build a corrupt free Sierra Leone through empowerment , enforcement , and compliance with the rule of law Integrity Professionalism Independence
33. 32 TABLE 5: ASSESSING STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Strategic Map of ACC Stakeholders / Partners stewardship Processes ACC Delivery Capacity Stakeholders satisfaction Operation effectiveness and efficiency Continuous Improvement Process Communication ( Feedback / Feed forward ) Resources management Enhanced Stakeholders Alignment / NACS Human resource capacity and technology Revenue & Funding Increased ACC Image Enhanced A Resilient Institution Created Scorecard improved Public / private Sector To arrive at the productivity frontier, cluster members should have a short, medium and long - term migration strategy that takes into account the need to improve on both axes. During this migration, members must keep in mind that improvement is cumulative, that the process is dynamic, and that some changes might occur simultaneously for some members‟ institutions. Based upon this understanding, all sub - clusters comprising the Anti - Corruption clusters in Sierra Leone devised migration strategies. Although t he strategies identified for Anti - Corruption are country - wide in scope, each sub - cluster within each main clusters needs to define the particularities of its own migration strategy, which will lead to different visions of overall cluster goals. B. P ARTNERS HIP ASSESS MENT We understand that one of the priorities of the ACC is to build partnership and collaboration w ith the Government and all A nti - Corruption Cluster and stakeholders. Hence, we consider partnership evaluation as one of the priorities. We will use
17. 16 administrative and other measures to tackle corruption: a. T he C onvention aims to achieve five objectives: Promote and strengthen anti - corruption mechanisms; P romote, facilitate and regulate cooperation among state parties; C oordinate and harmonize policies and legislation between state parties; R emove obstacles to the enjoyment of human rights; and to E stablish conditions necessary to foster transparency and accountability in the management of public affairs The Economic Commission of West Africa State of Anti - Corruption Authorities b. Sierra Leone is a founder member of the West Africa Association of Anti - Corruption Authorities, which was founded in 2006. The overall objective of the is to promote and facilitate regional cooperation, mutual legal and technical assistance in the prevention and comba ting of corruption in the region, sharing of information and capacity enhancement of member institutions in the conduct of their anti - corruption mandate. c. In lieu of this the G overnment of Sierra Leone developed a National Anti - Corruption Strategy to addre ss the problems. The strategy covers the period between 2018 – 2023 that directed the Anti - Corruption Commission to drive and execute the Plan . However it is to be noted that the Anti - Corruption Commission had already a S trategic P lan to deal with the issue of corruption in place that run from 201 8 - 2020, with a two year ahead of the national plan. It is now evident that these two years served a learning period and can now harmonize its strategy with the National Anti - Corruption. As the driver and impl ementing agency of the National Strategy, the Commission is now developing a new strategy with a different approach as a Delivery Unit that will be aligned with the National Anti - Corruption Strategy and the country National Development Plan (2019 - 2023). At the core of the plan is the vision of Sierra Leone as a middle - income country by 2039.
16. 15 q. The Pharmacy and Drugs Act, 2001 r. The Pharmacy a nd Drugs (Amendment) Act, 2007 s. The Education Act, 2004 t. Gov t of SL Civil Service Code R egulations and R ules 2011 2. Regional and International Instruments A host of Regional and International Development blue prints including United Nations‟ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Africa Agenda 2063 serve to reinforce the national development agenda . 3. United Nations Convention against Corrupt ion Sierra Leone signed and ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and deposited its in strument of ratification, on 9th December 2003. The Convention obligates each member state to develop comprehensive measures for prevention, law enforcement, international cooperation, asset recovery, technical assistance and information exchange as respon ses for dealing with the global problem of corruption . 4. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals World L eaders adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty on September 2015 during the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in New York. The SDG number 16 seeks to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective accountable and inclusive institutions at all l evels. 5. Africa n Union Agenda 2063 The Golden Jubilee Summit of the Africa Union held in May 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia preparedaContinental 50 - Year Agenda , known as Agenda 2063.The Agenda has seven aspirations of which aspiration 3 fosters: good governance, democracy, and respect for huma n rights, justice and the rule of law. 6. African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption Sierra Leone is a State Party to the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption ( “ AUCPCC ” ) having signed the Convention in July, 2003 and ratified it in February2007. The Convection criminalizes corruption in the private and public sector, obligating state parties to adopt legislative,
14. 13 CLUSTER 4 GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR RESULTS A. STRATEGIC FOCUS AREA and ROLE of ACC 1. Policy Fighting corruption and I llicit F inancial F lows: “Corruption and illegal financial flows have been some of the most persistent challenges facing successive governments, posing a significant threat to socio - economic grow th, development, and stability. Abundant evidence shows that fighting corruption and illicit financial flows at all levels is crucial for alleviating extreme poverty and boosting private sector growth and development. The lesser the incidence of corruption in a country, the greater the likelihood of steady economic growth, as investor confidence will increase significantly.” “Leakages and extra - legal activities in revenue generation sectors have contributed immensely to the poor performance of Sierra Leone in this global integrity barometer. For instance, the annual revenue loss caused by illegal fishing in Sierra Leone is estimated to be in the region of US$29 million. The promulgation of strong legislative instruments such as the Anti - Corruption Act of 2000, which established an independent Anti - Corruption Commission, and the 2008 Anti - corruption Act, which further enhanced the powers of the commission, including the power to prosecute, has done little to improve the situation of corruption in th e country.” “Furthermore, despite other concrete policy interventions such as the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy, the introduction of a systems and processes review as a prevention mechanism that mainly targets government MDAs, an d smart public education and outreach strategies, including the „Pay No Bribe‟ campaign, corruption continues to ravage the fabric of Sierra Leonean society. This has significantly undermined the country‟s revenue generation capacity, destroyed the reputat ion of the country in the international.” Within this contest ACC strategic approach has to be a paradigm shift by applying the 80/20 rules with more focus on the following research outcome of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“ OCED ”)
9. 8 In 2017, the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (“CPI”) ranked Sierra Leone 130 out of 175 countries, with this in mind the Government of Sierra Leone has engaged itself in the fight against corruption and have been able to bring the country ranking to 119 (2019 P erception R eport ). Mu ch needs to be done and it is the objective of this S trategy to bring that ranking below 80. Sierra Leone is a signatory to various I nternational and R egional C onventions, where the commitment of the Nation to fight corruption is expressed . 3. In developing countries, where there is high demand for increased domestic resource mobilization to finance development, illicit financial flows drastically reduce the availability of such revenues in the following ways: Funds that should circulate in the country‟s eco nomy as investment and taxes paid into public coffers end up abroad; Public funds are siphoned through embezzlement instead of being spent on public services; These are just a few examples of how illicit financial flows reduce the resources available to d eveloping countries. The consequences, to name just a few, include fewer hospitals and schools, fewer police officers, and fewer roads and bridges to facilitate trade. The existence of this criminal activity also demands the reallocation of S tate resources from other public investment in order to fight such activity 1 . Finally, money laundering is harmful to the financial sector as it undermines the capacity to attract investors and to fuel the economy. One has to recognize that there is a strong relation between corruption and illicit flow of funds (IFFs) : “There is a close relationship between IFFs and corruption since the former is often a result of the latter. The literature on IFFs and corruption tends to show that there is a reciprocal causality betwe en IFFs and corruption. Corruption is a source of IFFs and an enabler of money laundering, and money laundering allows for the proceeds of corruption to be hidden away and used.” 2 Because of this strong relation in most countries the two issues are addressed by the Anti - Corruption Commission, which is not the Sierra Leone case. This needs be 1 UNODC:2011 United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime 2 Illicit Financial Flow from Developing Countries (OECD) 2014
31. 30 the process is dynamic, and that some changes might occur simultaneously for some members‟ institutions. Based upon this understanding, all sub - clusters comprising the Anti - Corruption clusters in Sierra Leone devised migration strategies. Although the strategies identified for Anti - Corruption are country - wide in scope, each sub - cluster within each main clusters needs to define the particularities of its own migration strategy, which will lead to different visions of o verall cluster goals. Interventions • Use level of operational Efficiency • Identify ranking level that can accept the level of Efficiency deployed in three years • When tested and deployed, use lessons learnt to identify new Strategy and build level of effici ency required for the next target 4. INTERVENTION • Use level of operational Efficiency • Identify ranking level that can accept the level of Efficiency deployed in three years • When tested and deployed, use lessons learnt to identify new Strategy and build level of efficiency required for the next target. The foundation of the strategic map is the ACC delivery Capacity, and Capabilities that are governed by its human resources, its working tools and the technology deployment, it is therefore imperative that the building of the Delivery Capacity be its utmost priority
35. 34 I. ACC STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS FACTORS The ACC Strategic Plan has been developed with the Goal of bringing Sierra Leone from the ranking of 119 on the Transparency International Index to 80 or less by 2023. ACC believes that if the present Strategy is effectively delivered, Sierra Leone can reach the Target. However, Management must also need to take into consideration the key success factors identified: 1. Paradigm Shift by establishing a new organizational culture ; 2. Establishing a Resilient Institution through capacity and capability building ; 3. An effective leadership at all level of the institution ; 4. Looking at the Commission as a delivery Unit ; 5. Effective and Efficient Partnership Management ; 6. An Effective and efficient communication structures ; 7. Effective and efficient resource management ; 8. High technological Deployment ; 9. Highly competent personnel ; 10. Adequate working environment and conditions ; 11. Departmental Planning Capability ; A. THE APPROACH P articipatory method using a vertical and horizontal cross - cut from departments keys staff. This type of forum is a methodology to get the best possible answer/solution to any problem through involvement of, and communication between, the relevant people who can contribute to solve that speci fic problem. This can best be achieved through vertical cross - cut and/or horizontal involvement . 1. WHY THIS APPROACH Supporting the understanding and ownership of the plan at all levels;
36. 35 Opening up involvement and communication between different levels, different disciplines (departments) and within natural work teams; Enhancing discussion, explanation, understanding and problem solving; Cutting out blockages and reducing filtering of information; Adds the personal touch; Serving as a vehicle to apply Goo d - Style leadership on a day to day basis throughout the organization; Providing a vehicle for continuous improvement through problem solving at the lowest appropriate level; Leveraging the implementation process. I. RECOMMENDATIONS A. Within this conte x t ACC strategic approach has to be a paradigm shift by applying the 80/20 rules with more focus on the following research outcome of OCED ; B. Capacity and capability building are key and should be considered as top priorities (Use Unsolicited proposals) ; C. Organizati onal Culture to be developed for sustainability and institution of a delivery culture ; D. Leadership development at various levels of the organization is critical ; E. A Cluster approach be the methodological approach to delivery on the Strategic Plan ; F. Partnershi p been key to (5) a partnership criteria should be developed having in mind value addition to delivery ; G. Risk analysis has to be an integral part of ACC s institutional development and strategy themes ; H. Communication structures and planning capacity need to be enforced ; I. Vision, Mission, Core values need be to displayed in each locations ; J. Information technology, digital platform, working tool as part of (2), this will need aggressive approach at leadership level ; K. Leadership of the plan implementation has to be established, committed and have to be available during the process ; L. Monitoring and evaluation of the plan has to be focused on key deliverable, in term of progress and impact ;
30. 29 It would be noted that the severity of the issue did depend on the relative weight (1, 2, 3) attributed to the parameter. a. Delivery Culture Time management Communication structure Leadership at all level Integrity The understanding of the Vision and Mission Performance Management Planning b. Internal Capacity at S econdary L evel (Hygiene factors & Understanding) Understanding Client/Stakeholders needs Understanding the Score Change Management Management of Change Knowledge Management Conditions of Service 3. MIGRATION METHODOLOGY Strategy is the combination of two decisions: where to compete (or in what ranking of the TI; the y - axis in the below graphic) and how to compete (or with what level of operational efficiency; the x - axis in the below graphic). Losing countries compete in high corrupted environment and culture with little policy, regulatory framework, operational efficiency in implementation monitoring and enforcement. Winning firms have chosen to compete in attractive segments with superior l evels of operational efficiency . To arrive at the productivity frontier, cluster members should have a short, medium and long - term migration strategy that takes into account the need to improve on both axes. During this migration, members must keep in min d that improvement is cumulative, that
24. ANALYTICAL TOOLS USED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRATEGY Various analytical tools were used to scan the organizational internal environment and capabilities and to develop the Strategies: The SWOT Analysis of the Organization Focus - Group Discussions The Spider web Analysis The Migration Methodology Partnership assessment A. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a planning tool that we apply to assess the current situation of ACC, identify gaps, and set directions and design strategies. SWOT stands for S trengths and W eaknesses, O pportunities and T hreats. 1. MANAGEMENT SWOT CONVERSION a. Identifying Opportunities for Improvement: In the SWOT analysis of ACC, a significant number of weaknesses have been identified. The four responses below summarize the strategic opportunities they represent: The Significant Scope for Improvement; It is better to vi ew the weaknesses as “Areas for Improvement”; The Research has identified G aps necessary to address in order to achieve the Strategic Objectives. Recognition of these gaps provides a baseline that will be used to measure and monitor progress; Management h as set high expectations for the institution which has limited funding. The gaps or areas for improvements just mirror the Strategic Objectives which have been a set level “Beyond Expectations”. The goal is to close the gaps, which will be a long and diff icult task. Recognition is the first step in the right direction: 23
29. 28 THE SPIDERWEB ANALYSIS CHART 1: SPIDERWEB GRAPHIC 1. FORMULATION OF SPIDERWEB: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE : The analysis that was done using behaviours and parameters that can affect the performance of the organization; below are those criteria used to evaluate the prevailing organizational culture. These salient areas were “discovered” during a session with the Focus Group facilitated by the Consultant. The following spider web depicts the findings. 2. ANALYSIS OF SPIDERWEB: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Key Issues depicted by Spider web that Management should address. The recapitulation of these issues in terms of the degree of severity is as follows: -10 -5 0 5 10 Respect of deadline Team Work Planning Integrity Leadership at all Levels Understanding vision-Mission Understanding scorecard Performance management management of Change Knowledge management Going beyong Expectation Partnership management Problem solving ability Fairness & Equity Inclusion culture Understanding needs of clients Time management Delivery Culture Condition of Service Communication Structure SIERRA LEONE ACC .
8. 7 BACKGROUND A. INTRODUCTION 1. THE ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION (“ ACC ”) MANDATE T he prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption and corrupt practices and other related matters‟‟ as stipulated in the ACA 2008. FUNCTIONS To investigate instances of alleged or suspected corruption referred to it by any person or authority or which had come to its attention ; To investigate any matter, in the opinion of the C ommission, raises suspicion that any of the following ha d occurred or is about to occur; Conduct cons titu ting corruption or any economic or related offence ; Con duct liable to allow, encourage or cause corruption or an economic or related offence ; To prosecute all offences committed under this Act ; and To take all steps as may be necessary for the prevention, eradication or suppression of corruption and corrupt pr actices. 2. RATIONAL FOR THE STRATEGIC PLAN: 1. The Centre for Accountability and Rule of Law assessment of corruption in Sierra Leone, (2016 to 2018) estimates corruption cost between US$ 1.47 to 2.18 Billion and the impact on National Development cannot be neglected on the NDP . It estimated that it is at an average of 12.7% of GDP. 2. The National Anti - Corruption Strategy of Sierra Leone recognizes the following implications of corruption: The C orruption P erception S urvey of S ierra Leone 2019 reveals that corruption is not only as prevalent as during the previous years but still persistent. It also reveals that the population still perceived corruption as a serious problem (73%) second to unemployment.
4. 3 FIGURE 4: STRATEGIC MAP OF ACC ...................................................... .......... . 31 C. PARTNERSHIP ASSESSMENT ........................................................................ ... 32 TABLE 5: ASSESSING STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS .......................................... ... 33 TABLE 6: INSTITUTIONS WITH WHOM MOU‟s HAVE BEEN SIGNED ............. . . . 33 I. ACC STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS FACTORS .......................................... . 34 A. THE APPROACH ........................................................................................... . . 34 I I . RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................... 35 III ACC STRATEGIC PLAN ................................................................................. . .. 36 SUPPORT SERVICE / HUMAN RESOURCE / FINANCE DEPARTMENTS ... . ... ..... . . 37 INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT ....................................................... ......... ........ . 37 PUBLI EDUCATION AND OUTREACH DEPARTMENT................................. . ... ... . .. 39 PREVENTION DEPARTMENT .............................................. ....................... .... .. ..41 INTELLIGENCE AND INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT .............................. ...... .. . 43 PROSECUTION DEPARTMENT......................................................................... ... .44 NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY (NACS) .................................... ... ...45 PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT......................................................................... .. 46 ASSET DECLARATION UNIT .............................................................................. 48 SUPERVISION MONITORING OF EVALUATION OF STRATEGY ..................... .. .49 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ACTIVITY PLAN....................................... .. ... 50
15. 14 “ Th e identificatio n o f political l y e x pose d p erson s i n v ol v e d i n financial t r ansaction s takin g plac e i n thei r jurisdiction s i s on e o f th e a r ea s whe r e OEC D countrie s fa r e the worst . Su c h people a r e natu r al l y at g r eater risk of corruption; therefore the financial t r ansactions in which th e y a r e en g a g ed should be scrutinised mo r e close l y . This is not because of a p r esumption that a l l political l y e xposed persons a r e corrupt, but because th e y act in pu b lic office positions in whi c h they m a y b e r esponsi b l e fo r m an a g in g large sum s o f mon e y, for example , a n d the r efo r e m a y be e xpos e d t o opportunitie s fo r corruption .” 4 B. LEGAL FRAMEWORK 1. The key L egal I nstrument s for implementation of Commission‟s M andate, and other complementary legal instruments include: a. PRIMARY LEGISLATION - The Anti - Corruption Act, No.12 of 2008 as amended by The Anti - Corruption (Amendment) Act, No.9 of 2019 b. The Constitution of Sierra Leone (Amendment) Act, 2008 c. The Criminal Procedure Acts, 1965 d. The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1981 e. The High Court Rules, 2007 f. The Court of Appeals Rules, 1985 g. The Public Procurement Act, 2016 h. The Public Procurement Regulations, 2020 i. The Finance Act, 2020 j. The Public Financial Management Regulations, 2018 k. The Anti - Money Laundering Act, 2005 l. Anti - Mone y Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Act , 2019. m. The National Revenue Authority Act, 2002 n. The Nurses Act - (Cap 152) o. The Midwives Act - (Cap 153) p. The Nursing and Midwifery Policy (2016), 4 Organisation for Economic Co - operation and Development OECD Countries: Together with governments, policy makers and c itizens, we work on establishing evidence - based international standards and finding solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges. From improvi ng economic performance and creating jobs to fostering strong education and fighting inte rnational tax evasion, we provide a unique forum and knowledge hub for data and analysis, exchange of experiences, best - practice sharing, and advice on public policies and international standard - setting.
28. 27 FIGURE 3 : MINDSET - OVERCOMING OBSTACLES Holistic Understanding Of people, business, global political, economic and other realities Effective Leadership Qualities that build trust Style that mobilizes talents Techniques that achieve goals Teamwork Positive Ownership etc NEW MINDSET Behavior and attitude are determined by views People and Organizational Obstacles Operational Obstacles ACC - Strategic Vision
12. 11 o First S eries included: Interim PRS P for 2002 – 2003; National Recovery St rategy implemented in 2003 – 2004; National Programme for Food Security, Job Creation and Good Governance 2005 – 2007: Agenda for Change 2008 – 2012 : o Second in the series which was d esigned to improve the socio - economic co ndition of the people and lay the foundation for sustained growth ; Agenda for Prosperity 2013 – 2018 : o Third in the series which b uilt on the successes of the Agenda for Change for the transformation of the economy and accelerate growth towards a middle - income status while improving the lives of all citizens. New Medium - term National Development Plan (“MTNDP”) 2019 – 2023 : o F ourth in the series, represents the first five years of a 20 - year long - term national commitment to a vision for a middle - income country, “an appropriate governance framework that would be based on inclusivity, unity, and the rule of law, and with a diversified economy that is resilient, offering jobs to all, and taking account of the special needs of women, children, and vulnerabl e groups. In essence, the MTNDP seeks to build a united, peaceful, progressive, dynamic, confident, enterprising, and happy nation where the people have access to jobs, food, education, and health services, and where there is equal justice and equal opport unity for all”, 2. The ACC Strategy document is based on the key principl e s of: Governance ; Accountability ; and Rule of Law . It is aligned with the “ Cluster4 Strategic Objectives and Deliverables ” . As depicted in the diagram below, this National Development Plan is structured in to three clusters: Governance, Accountability, and Rule of Law 3 . 3 UN sustainable development Goals: AU Agenda 2063 “New Deal Peace building and State building and Sierra Leone National Develo pment Plan”
3. 2 CONTENTS COMMISSIONER‟S FOREW ARD . . .................... .................... ........... ............... ... 4 ACRONYMS .................................................................. ............................................. 4 I. BACKGROUND ...................................................... ............................................... . 5 A. INTRODUCTION .................................................................. ............................ . 7 1. PRESENTATION OF ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION (“ACC”) .. ......... . 7 B. RATIONAL FOR THE STRATEGIC PLAN: .............................. ..................... .... . 7 C. TOOLS USED TO DEVELOP STRATEGY .............................. .................. ....... ... 9 D. FORMULATION PROCESS OF THE PLAN ..................... ........................... ...... 9 FIGURE 1: CLASSIC PLANNING MODEL ................................. .................. .... ....... 10 E. THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENDA ........................ ............... ............ 10 FIGURE 2 : UN SUSTAINABLE D EVELOPMENT GOALS: AU - AGENDA ... ......... . 12 I. CLUSTER 4 GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR RESULTS ................ . . 13 A. STRATEGIC FOCUS AREA AND ROLE OF ACC .................................... ... ... ... ..... 13 B. LEGAL FRAMEWORK .................................. .......................................... ......... ... 14 TABLE 1: PROGRESS INDICATORS ............................................. ........... ............. ... 17 2. ACHIEVEMENTS ............................................................ ............... .................. . 17 TABLE 2: MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS ............................................. .. .................. ..... 18 TABLE 3: DEPARTMENTAL ACHIEVEMENTS 2018 - 2020 .................... ................. ... 19 3. RISK AND MITIGATION MEASURES ................... ......................... .................. 20 1. CORE VALUES, VISION AND MISSION ...................................................... ... . 21 II. INSTITUTIONAL SCAN .................. ............................................................. ... 23 A. SWOT ANALYSIS ................................. .............................................. .................. 23 1. MANAGEMENT SWOT CONVERSION ............................................................. 23 2. STAFF SWOT ANALYSIS ................................................... .. ........................... 24 TABLE 4: FOCUS GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS PROPOSED SOLUTIONS ............. 25 FIGURE 3: MINDSET - OVERCOMING OBSTACLES .................................... . ......... ... . 27 CHART 1: SPIDERWEB GRAPHIC ........................................................................ .. . 28 1. FORMULATION OF SPIDERWEB: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: ......... 28 2. ANALYSIS OF SPIDERWEB: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ............... . ....... 28 3. MIGRATION METH ODOLOGY ....................................................................... 29 4. INTERVENTION ............................................................................................. 30
50. 49 SUPERVISION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF THE STRATEGY LAYER STRUCTURE AND RESPONSIBILITY MANGEMENT SUPERVISION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGY Four (4) man Supervision Committee 1. Deputy Commissioner - Chairperson 2. Operations Coordinator - Member 3. Director of Internal Audi - Member 4. Head of M&C - Secretary The Supervision Committee shall: Responsible for the coordination and supervision of the implementation of the strategy On a quarterly basis to discuss quarterly monitoring report, take note of the challenges and advice Commissioner on ultimate actions. Support Monitoring and Evaluatio n process on trainings, data collection and reporting activities. The Committee shall ensure the strict implementation of the M&E Plan MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF THE STRATEGY Introduction: This Strategic plan has been prepared with an overall objective of facilitating the planning and execution of various activit ies of the ACC geared towards enhancing the effective execution of its mandate as contained in the ACA (2008) as amended in 2019. In order to effectively manage the associated processes of M & E, this Strategic plan considers it very vital that the Monito ring and compliance unit and the Internal Audit of ACC to collaboratively work and adequately empowered by ACC Management to devel op and make available all the required tools and systems in order to support the Staff to carry out their respective assigned responsibilities using this S trategic plan as the Steer of all agreed actions. Data Collection Committee: 1. Monitoring & Compliance Specialist 2. Monitoring & Compliance Officer 3. Internal Auditor
19. 18 TABLE 1: MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS Major Achievements - Period under Review ACTIVITIES STATUS Amendment of the Act 2008 Amended Act 2019 Establishment of a Special Anti - Corruption Court A Special Anti - Corruption Division at the High Court to exclusively prosecute and fast track all corruption cases Establishment of the Port Loko Regional Office Expanded coverage at decentralized level Restructuring of The Commission New Human Resources Directorate A Project Coordination Unit A Public Relations Unit were established Partnership Enhancement 12 New MOUs signed in 2019 - 2020 Development of a Compliance Sanction Management and Enforcement Handbook Compliance Sanction Management and Enforcement Handbook developed Crafting of N ational A nti - C orruption S trategies as a preferred pathway in the control of corruption. The 2019 – 2023 National Anti - Corruption Strategy (4 th Generation) crafted through a national consu ltative process. Coordination and implementation of the NACS in its 2 nd year. Integrity Management Committees established in 95% of MDAs. Coordination and implementation decentralized to regional offices. A Performance Management System Established Use of Enterprise Resource Platform (ERP) News HR Policies and Procedures HR Policies and Procedures Manual Code of Dress Policy Disability Policy Succession Plan Policy HR Skill Audit
27. 26 Proper handling of complaints/reports Witness protection mechanism Timely/speedy investigations to build trust Availability of I ntelligence O fficers Swift response from HQ in respect to N otices Motivation of witness es to attend court sessions( Per diem ) Separate I ntelligence from I nvestigations for efficiency Create I ntelligence U nits in all D istricts. Reward and motivation to the public for making tangible corruption reports/ complaints Advanced equipment to e licit intelligence Arm Investigations and I ntelligence officers with light weapons for self - defense Prosecution Have prosecutors in all R egions Increase cases filed in court Intensify witness protection Asset Declaration Invoke stiff sanctions/ penalties for false declaration and non - declaration of asset s Application of the T heory of Change: The framework is based on a continuous improvement system, this is consistent with the Theory of Change (TOC) approach. The assessment of the links between inputs and intermediate out comes is vital to ascertain how the process is heading towards the higher level goals. Theory of change assessment will guid e this activity of identifying the changes occurring in between th ese major c omponents or periods 2021 - 2023. This approach will help to know the consistency of the overall goal and objectives with the Strategy. The below graph depicts the concept of the theory of change, it shows how an organization can move from the existing culture to a delivery culture, thus achieving an organizational transformation to be able to achieve Vision The Required Organizational Culture is a prerequisite for ACC to deliver on its strategic objectives. It is therefore imperative that mechanism be put in place by Manage ment to address these issues . Issues have been identified and management need to prioritize and address them. However t h is transformation has to be driven by a strong and focused leadership.
34. 33 partnership assessment framework guided by Hardy, Hudson, Waddington (2003) to assess the partnership 5 . Principle 1 – Recognise and Accept the Need for Partnership Principle 2 – Develop Clarity and Realism of Purpose Principle 3 – Ensure Commitment and Ownership Principle 4 – Develop and Maintain Trust Principle 5 – Create Clear and Robust Partnership Arrangements Principle 6 – Monitor, Measure and Learn The Partnership Assessment Parameter Key partners in the Cluster Assessment are d efined using the above principles etcetera . Each parameter was rated from 1 to 5 (5 been defined as strong and 1 as very weak ) . The output is translated into colour shades where green stand for excellent and good, yellow for fair and amber and red for weak and very weak. The strategy to be deployed is to bring critical parameters needed in a particular partnership to green. In a Cluster approach , the strategy deployed should be to bring the cluster to a desired level by improving o n wea k critical partners‟ parameters, by building a strong relationship. This may require discussions at the highest levels of both institutions . TABLE 6: INSTITUTIONS WITH WHOM MOU’s HAVE BEEN SIGNED 1 Ministry of Higher Education 14 National Assets & Property Commission 2 AYV 15 Consortium of Good Governance, Human Right & Democracy 3 Restless Development 16 National Public Procurement Authority 4 Capitol Radio 17 National Commission for Democracy 5 Radio Maria 18 Financial Intelligence Unit 6 Ministry of Energy 19 Afri - Radio 7 Pay No Bribe Animators 20 Public Sector Reform Unit 8 Youth Build SL 21 NRA &SLPA 9 Office of the Ombudsman 22 Audit Service Sierra Leone 10 Campaign for Human Rights and Development International 23 DFID 11 Outreach &External Relation Anti - Corruption SL 24 Youth Against Corruption 12 Think Salone 25 Anti - Corruption International Business Association 13 Citizens Advocacy Network 5 Hardy, Brian & Hudson, Bob & Waddington, Eileen. ( 2003). Assessing Strategic Partnership: The Partnership Assessment Tool.
48. 47 Strategic Objectives Strategies Key Activities 1. PARTNERSHIP RELATIONS Recognize and Accept the Need for Partnership Conduct s Partnership Need assessment conducted Develop Clarity and Realism of Purpose Develop ToR for Partnership Ensure Commitment and Ownership Be part of the arrangement and development of the partnership agreement, and management. Organize partnership review meeting Develop and Maintain Trust Elaborate a partnership code of conduct and ethic governing the partnership Create Clear and Robust Partnership Arrangements Develop MOU with clear arrangement Monitor, Measure and Learn Develop a Monitoring and Evaluation System with key performance indicators 2. FUND MOBILIZATION STRATEGY Mobilize additional fund through round table Round table Through proposal writing Develop Proposals (solicited and unsolicited) Increase percentage revenue retention Lobbying at government level and parliament to increase revenue retention. Use the 80/20 rule to prioritize target corruption cases Exchange platform with best practice countries Organize exchange programs with best practice countries Through TA from partners Proposals writing and bilateral discussions Through Joint Program Organize joint programs with cluster partners Through Networking Develop a networking platform Club membership of executives Cocktail & other events dinners, lunches etc.
51. 50 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ACTIVITY PLAN No. Activity Objective Participants Timelines 1 Development of M&E Framework To systematically monitor and evaluate the S trategy M&C Unit February 2021 2 Development of data collection tools and training modules To capture data on progress on agreed activities in the S trategy M&C Unit February 2021 3 Identification of Focal Persons To collect, manage and submit data to the M&C U nit 12 Focal Persons across department and regional offices February 2021 4 Training of Focal Persons on the implementation of the strategy and the use of data collection tools To understand the u se of the data collection tools M&C Unit/IA March 2021 5 Quarterly data collection on progress To take stock of progress on our strategic objectives M&C/IA 1 week after every quarter 6 Report to supervision Committee on quarterly basis To discuss progress, challenges and report to Commissioner for ultimate action Data Collection Committee 2 weeks after every quarter 7 Review of A ctivity O utputs To adjust outputs where necessary and clearly define output indicators and targets M& C Unit and Heads of Departments After every six (6) months 8 Presentation of A nnual P rogress R eport and sharing of lessons learnt To improve business processes and synergy between directorates Commissioner, M&C Unit, Supervision Committee and Heads of Departments January 2022 & 2023 9 Midterm Evaluation of the Strategy To take comprehensive stock of progress by all departments, discuss challenges, review actions and sustain critical gains Commissioner, M&C Unit, Supervision Committee and Heads of Departments July 202 2 10 End term Evaluation of the Strategy To identify concrete results from activities as well as well as gaps and challenges. This is critical to the successor strategic plan. Commissioner, M&C Unit, Supervision Committee and Heads of Departments December 2023
23. 22 22 - TI index improved; - MCC Scor ecard improved; - Afro Barometer ratings improved ; - Public perception improved ACC Conducts Public Awaren ess/Education institutions &Communities ACC conducts Systems Reviews & enforce compliance to ACC reforms in MDAs Asset Enforce Asset Declaration and verification ACC carryout Intelligence& Investigation ACC Prosecute cases ACC coordinates NACS implementation coo Corruption Prevention recomm endations produced and monitored for Compliance Meet the school campaigns; integrity clubs established; robust media engagements; community outreach; town hall meetings held Corruption cases are investigated to required stand ards Completed Asset forms returned; Asset verification carried out Substantial cases are sent to court and prosecuted Support to IMCs; monitoring of NACS implementation MDAs Sanctioned for low/non - Co mpliance; MDAs awarded for high/full compliance Public awareness of corruption and ACC work enhanced Corruption prevented in both public and private sectors improved NACS recommenda tions implemente d Effective investigation s and prosecution of cases Accountabilit y improved Corruption reduced Assumptions ACC ’s Interventions Immediate Results (Outputs) Intermediate Results (Outcomes) Impacts Funds, requisite Staffing and Capacity, Robust ICT Resources Input Adequate funding, staff capacity, robust M anagement supervision MDAs cooperation, willingness of citizens to resist, rejects & report corruption, citizens willing to give witness, fairness in court proceedings MDAs cooperation, willingness of citizens to report corruption & give witness, fairness in court proceedings RESULTS CHAIN OF THE ACC’s STRATEGIC PLAN 2021 - 2023 22
10. 9 reviewed under Cluster 4 of the National Development Plan and the Mandates for a more effect ive fight against corruption. 3. TOOLS USED TO DEVELOP THE STRATEGY Classic Planning Model SWOT Analysis Migration Methodology Partnership Assessment The framework is based on a continuous improvement system; this is consistent with the Theory of Change ( “ TOC ” ) approach. The assessment of the links between inputs and intermediate outcomes is vital to ascertain how the process is heading towards the high er level goals. Theory of change assessment will guide this activity of identifying the changes occurring in between these major components or periods 2021 to 2023. This approach will help to know the consistency of the overall goal and objectives with the Strategy. 4. FORMULATION PROCESS OF THE STRATEGY 1. A participatory method using a vertical and horizontal cross - cut of key staff from various departments and levels can be visualized on Table 7 (see page 27 ). 2. It is formulated base on the classic model of strategic planning depicted on the graph below. From Assessment to plan, and to strategic objectives within a continuous improvement framework. C ORRUPTIO N AN D TH E ILLICI T T R ANSFE R O F FUND S OU T O F DE V ELOPIN G COUNTRIE S CAN UNDERMIN E SUSTAINABL E DE V ELOPMEN T B Y R EDUCIN G TH E R ESOU R CE S A V AILABL E F OR ESSENTIAL PUBLIC SERVICE S , UNDERMINING A COUNT R Y ’ S CAPACITY TO ATT R ACT IN V ESTO R S AND FUEL THE ECONO M Y , AND WEAKENING THE TRUST BETWEEN CITI Z EN AND STAT E .
41. 40 Deepens and sustain dissemination of anticorruption information and messages on social media platforms To sustainable social media platforms # of social media platforms active and functional 15 Nil 15 Nil 15 Nil Public Relations Unit Produce and distribute Newsletters, Bulletins Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials on the work of the Commission and general corruption issues # of publications on the work of the Commission and general corruption issues using: a) News Letter; b) Bulletin; c) IEC materials a) 4 b) 6 c) 1 a) 5M b) 5M c) 60M =70M a) 4 b) 6 c) 1 a) 5M b) 5M c) 60M =70M a) 4 b) 6 c) 1 a) 5M b) 5M c) 60M =70M Outreach Provide up - to - date information and literature to researchers and students on the work of the ACC in line with the Right to Access Information Act # of students/researchers who accessed ACC materials through the front desk 40 Nil 50 Nil 50 Nil Public Education Maintain regular update of the Commission’s website # of ACC materials/documents/press statements/photos uploaded per year 100 Nil 120 Nil 130 Nil Public Relations Creation of a public interface program with the Commission Communication strategies development # of Communication Strategy developed Nil Nil 1 50M Reviewed 30M Public Relations
21. 20 2. RISK AND MITIGATION MEASURES TYPES OF RISK RISK ANTICIPATED MITIGATION MEASURES 1 TECHNOLOGICAL RISKS 1. Systems failure (Technological breakdown) 2. Outdated software 3. Irregular supply of electricity 4. Connectivity/Internet 1. Provide sustainable electricity supply. 2 . Use of efficient backup system and Anti - virus. 3. Supply of sustainable internet connectivity. 2 POLITICAL RISK 1 Political Interest 2 Lack of Political Will 3 Change of Regime 1. Advocate for Political Will. 3 MANAGEMENT RISK 1 Implementation of policies. 2 Loss of key management staff. 3 Communication Gap. 4 Management Decision 1. Improve communication between management and staff. 2. Implement policies fairly across the board. 3. Regular staff meeting. 4. Revamp the EPR. 4 LEGAL RISK 1 Lack of Judicial Support 2 Enactment of new laws that contradict the ACC legal framework (FINANCE ACT) 1. Collaborate and partnership with the judicial arm. 2. Further strengthen the relationship with sister institutions. 5 REPUTATIONAL RISK 1. Staff integrity 2. Misuse of the Commission property 3. Abuse of office 1. Clear implementation of the commission’s policies, rules, regulations, code of conduct and ethical behavior. 6 HUMAN RISK 1.Congested office 2.Occupational safety 3. Medical and insurance policies. 1. Provide conducive work space 2. Modern equipment 3. Medical Insurance Policy. 7 FINANCIAL RISK 1.Inadequate government funding (GOSL) 2. Late disbursement of funds 3. Late payment of salaries. 1. Solicit help from donor partners. 2. Streamlining expenditure. 3. Prudent financial policies 4. Advocate for more funds.
47. 46 PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OVERALL OBJECTIVE: TO COORDINATE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GRM IN SSN AND ACC PROJECTS OBJECTIVE : CALL CENTERS STRATEGIES KEY ACTIVITIES Digitalization of report coder data base Funding Staff strength ungeared Make 51 5 reporting platform functional & Accessible to public Procurement of digital software package Training of staff Leak/ commend regional& HQ database Harmonization of TOR for CR’S Review & restructure membership of CRC Engage commissioning. on composition of committee HQ& region Training of the regional & HQ members of the CRC Swift & Timely response to complaint feedback from MDA’S Liaise with NAC other depts. on IMC role Enforce compliance mechanism on non - compliant STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES KEY ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE UNIT /PERSON 2021 2022 2023 Output Budget (Le) Output Budget (Le) Output Budget (Le) Mainstream GRM in all government and donor service delivery Make GRM a permanent unit in the ACC under the project Mgt. Dept. Develop proposals for funding for core ACC & GRM interval work # of proposals developed for funding 3 3 3 Recruit & maintain qualified project staff # of project staff recruited 2 3 4 Popularize GRM & project management outfit in ACC # of public media engagement carried out 4 6 8 Improve & popularize GRM digital platforms. For grievance resolution GRM platform improved Improved from previous levels Improve d from previous levels Improved from previous levels
25. 24 ACC Management believes that keeping the bar high and setting the objectives “beyond expectations” is an appropriate strategy; Perceptions must be considered and the analyst must understand that changing perceptions should be a significant part of the Strategic Objective. o Strengths - Opportunities Strategies capitalize on ACC strengths to transforming them into capabilities (or competitive advantages) that are matched with Opportunities; o Weaknesses - Opportunities Strategies overcome weaknesses to be able to pursue opportunities; o Strengths Threats Strategies identify ways that ACC can use its strengths to reduce its vulnerability to external threats. It also comprises strategies to convert threats into opportunities. Lessons have been learnt from EBOLA and COVID - 19 for ACC to build a resilient Institution . 2. STAFF SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses Cohesiveness Legal environment Strong and Competent Leadership Political will Representation at International and Regional Anticorruption bodies Decentralization of operations Relatively Stable Economy Abundant Natural Resources Relatively Stable Political Environment National Development Plan Integrity Management Committees in MDA ITC Technology Staff Strength Limited competencies in key operational areas Equipment and furniture Poor Service Condition (Salaries & Incentives) ITC Technology Staff Strength Equipment and furniture Poor Service Condition (Salaries / Incentives) Poor Communication structures Opportunities Threats Political Will Goodwill & Performance rating on ACC International cooperation Stakeholders/Partners Support Media support Technological support & Advancement Regulatory Framework New amended Act Weak economic climate Political instability Government austerity funding of GOSL Continued low levels of funding GOSL demands stretch already limited human and financial resources. Know - how could be lost with personnel turnover. Force Majeure Epidemics Climate change Political interferences New Leadership with new agenda
26. 25 KEY ISSUES IDENTIFIED AND PROPOSED SOLUTIONS TABLE 4: FOCUS GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS / PROPOSED SOLUTIONS DEPARTMENT PROPOSED SOLUTIONS Prevention Regular monitoring of MDAs/Best practices Service Charters for MDAs Strengthen monitoring procedures for NGOs and Contractors Regular spot checks to enhance service delivery/accountability Set - up Regional Prevention Units: ensure timely review of service charters ACC or sector Improve conditions of service Intensify compliance with system s and process es review s recommendations Award to high compliant MDAs Public Education and Outreach E ffective sensitization mechanisms Building stronger partnership Build chiefdom/districts structures Effective use of local media/dial hotline Improving access to R eporting Decentralize call centers Empower I ntegrity and Accountability clubs Strengthening community engagement Visibility of ACC through IEC materials Incorporate corruption in school curriculum Open the space to bring in more sectors to fight against corruption Broaden the capacity of the ACC in every D istrict Strengthen the IMCs by creating E thics U nits in all MDAs Provision of Recorder, Audio visual logistics and training Re - i ntroduction of D istrict C oordinators Training opportunities on modern communication tools and strategies Investigation and Intelligence Investigations should be intelligence led Deployment of I ntelligence Officers in the regions Modern information gathering gadgets: Cameras, Smart Recorders and Smart Glasses More regional investigators needed to handle numerous complaints from the public Reduce turn - a round - time for cases to be reviewed and assigned for investigations Vehicle s to expedite investigations Review of the movement of case files Prompt legal opinion on case referred to P rosecution D epartment Availability of funds for timely investigation of case Beef up of R egional legal T eam to quick ly review case s for prosecution or cl osure Legal A ssistant to aid prosecution No Key issues identified 1. Low staff strength 2. Low competencies in specialized areas such as I ntelligence and I nvestigation 3. Prosecution strength very low 4. Mismatch of function to qualifications 5. High turnover due to work conditions 6. Unfilled vacancies put pressure on peers 7. Limited training in specialized areas 8. Regular and periodic rotation of core staff not observed 9. Staff motivation and promotion issues
43. 42 To formulate a policy to guide IMCs in the implementation of systems review recommendation and report center files. 12. Formulate policies for all IMCS in MDAs. # of policy developed for all IMCs in MDAs 1 25M - - Policy & Ethic 3. To Strengthen Accountability Regimes in the Private Sector . . Collective action initiatives with the private sector 13. Consultative meetings with the private sector to assess and document corruption risks # of consultative meetings held per year 2 40M 2 40M 2 40M Deputy Director 14. Awareness raising programs through radio/TV and town hall meetings # of radio/TV/Town Hall meetings held 4 50M 4 50M 4 50M Deputy Director/Publi c Education 15. Ethics and Integrity workshops # Ethics and Integrity workshops held 2 10M 2 10M 2 10M Policy & Ethics/Deput y Director 16. Facilitate the Signing of integrity pacts # of Integrity Pacts signed 10 - 10 - 10 - Deputy Director 17. Signing of MOUs with the private sector entities # of MOUs singed 5 - 5 - 5 - Deputy Director 4 . To Enforce Compliance to systems and policy review recommendation s; and other regulations and best practices Monitoring for compliance to implement recommendations, other regulations and best practices 18. Monitoring MDAs for compliance to the implementation of systems review recommendations # of MDAs monitored per year 20 60M 22 65M 24 70M Monitoring & Compliance 19. Monitoring the implementation of other Anti - Corruption initiatives (Service charter, policies etc.) # of other Anti - Corruption Initiatives monitored per year 10 30M 12 35M 14 40M Monitoring & Compliance 20. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the prevention department in MDAs activities. # of evaluations carried out after 24 months - - 1 50M Monitoring & Compliance 21. Carry out oversight operations on public bodies operations. # of oversight operations carried out on public bodies per year 3 40M 3 40M 4 40M Monitoring & Compliance TOTAL Le 885M Le870 M Le930M
39. 38 INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVE: TO PROVIDE ASSURANCE TO MANAGEMENT ON THE ADEQUACY, SUFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL CONTROLS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES KEY ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TIMELINE 2021 2022 2023 OUT PUT BUDGET (LE) OUT PUT BUDGET (LE) OUT PUT BUDGET (LE) To provide assurance to management on the Adequacy, sufficiency and effectiveness of internal controls Develop & execute various audit programs Value for money / Performance audit Cash Count & Stock take # of reports on cash count and stock take per year 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Financial Statements Audit #of Audit reports on financial statement per year 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Regional Performance Audit # of performance Audit report on regional offices 5 25M 5 25M 5 25M Intelligence & Investigations # of performance Audit Report 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Audit of Admin # of performance audit report 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Prevention Audit # of performance audit report 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Asset Declaration Compliance Audit # of performance audit report 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Public Education Audit # of performance audit report 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Mid - term review of NACS # of NACs Mid - term review report 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Advice on governance issues designed to achieve the overall objective of the Commission Departmental Audit against key deliverables Human Resources Audit # of performance audit report 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Report Center Audit # of performance audit report on Data management 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Procurement Audit # of performance audit report on Procurement and regulatory compliance 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Rollout of Internal Audit functions in ALL MDA's # of reports on the rollout Internal Audit functions to MDAs 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil
46. 45 NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY (NACS) OVERALL OBJECTIVES: TO COORDINATE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES KEY ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE UNIT 2021 2022 2023 Out put Budget Out put Budget Out put Budget (Le) (Le) (Le) and promoting ownership by MDAs Facilitating the development of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy Conduct quarterly review of MDAs anti - corruption implem entation plan Steering committee meetings quarterly # of meetings 4 25M 4 28M 4 31M NACS SECRETARIAT Monitoring of the NACS quarterly # of Quarterly reports 4 40 M 4 44 M 4 48. 4 M NACS SECRETARIAT Conduct Quarterly progress reviews of Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) implementation of the NACS # of Quarterly reports 4 Nil 4 Nil 4 Nil NACS SECRETARIAT Supporting MDAs in setting up Anti - Corruption structures Support MDAs in setting Integrity Management Committee (IMCs) and make them functional # of IMCs set up in MDAs 75 60M 80 66M 85 72M NACS SECRETARIAT Support MDAs in setting up annual NACS implementation action plan (IAP) # of MDAs with annual NACS IAP 74 Nil 84 Nil 94 Nil NACS SECRETARIAT Compile / print and distribute reports # of reports printed and distributed 600 20M 600 20M 600 20M NACS SECRETARIAT Facilitate lessons learnt sharing sessions Workshops on lessons learnt # of workshops conducted 4 60M 4 62M 4 64M NACS SECRETARIA T Mid and End Term evaluation of NACS Conduct Mid - Term Review of the NACS # of mid - term review - 1 1B - - NACS SECRETARIAT Conduct End of term Review of the NACS # of end term review - - - - 1 1. 2 B NACS SECRETARIAT
13. 12 ACC , therefore , approached the development of this paper on a cluster approach with the central themes being: o P artnership ; o I nstitutional arrangement ; o M anagement ; and o C oordination . FIGURE 2: UN S USTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: AU - AGENDA 206 3 New Deal Peace Building and State Building Goals and Sierra Leone’s National Development Plan (“NDP Clusters”) 3 NDP Clusters 1. Human capital development 2. Diversifying the economy 3. Infrastructure and economic competitiveness 4. Governance and accountability for results 5. Empowering women, children, and PWDs SDGs G1 Zero poverty G2 Zero hunger G3 Good health and well - being G4 Quality education for all G6 Clean water and sanitation G11 Sustainable cities and communities G1 Zero poverty G8 Decent work and economic growth G9 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure G6 Clean water and sanitation G17 Partnerships for the goals G7 Affordable and clean energy G9 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure G16 Peace, justice, and strong institutions G10 Reduced inequalities G5 Gender equality G10 Reduced inequalities AU Agenda 2063 6. People - driven development 1. Inclusive growth and sustainable development 7. Partnership for development 2. Political unity 3. Good governance and rule of law 4. Peace and security 5. Cultural identity and value PSGs 4. Economic foundations: Generate employment and improve livelihoods 5. Revenues and services: Manage revenue and build capacity for accountable and fair service delivery 1. Legitimate politics: Foster inclusive political settlements and conflict resolution 2. Security: Establish and strengthen people’s security 3. Justice: Address injustices and increase people’s access to justice 6. Youth employment, sports, and migration 7. Addressing vulnerabilities and building resilience 8. Means of implementation G12 Responsible consumption and production G10 Reduced inequalities G13 Climate action G14 Life below water G15 Life on land Figure 1.1: Map of UN Sustainable Development Goals, AU Agenda 2063, New Deal Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals, and Sierra Leone’s National Development Plan
44. 43 INTELLIGENCE & INVESTIGATIONS DEPARTMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2021 2022 2023 RESPONSIBLE UNIT Out put Budget (Le’million) Time frame Budget (Le’million) Time frame Budget (Le’ million) To enhance law enforcement against corruption and unethical conduct Increase staff strength. Recruitment of competent and experienced Intelligence and Investigation Officers # of staff recruited 10 8 6 Invt / intel Capacity building .Conduct Mandatory Competency Training for both Intelligence and Investigation Officers # of staff benefited from competence training 38 45 51 Invt / intel Equipment and logistics To request for more vehicles to enhance the work of the Department # of vehicles assigned to the department 5 5 5 Invt/intel To request for covert equipment # of covert equipment available for operations 25 30 30 Invt/intel To request for computer(s) and accessories # of computers and accessories available 10 15 15 Intelligence/invest igations Quick Response Mechanism To create Proactive Team that will respond to quick matters Standby proactive team created 1 1 1 investigations Development of Case Management Database To procure a suitable software/create a customized database # of suitable database software procured/created 2 2 2 Investigations Increase Partnership with other Law Enforcement Agencies Collaborate with External Law Enforcement Agencies in information sharing and operations . # of Law Enforcement Agencies partnered with through MOUs 7 7 7 Intelligence To enhance the collection of cogent intelligence leading to high profile investigation Develop target and problem profiling # of problem & target profiling developed 8 35M 10 35M 12 40M Intelligence Quarterly R eport submission # of reports submitted 4 4 4 Intelligence Recruitment and Management of Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) # of CHIS recruited 10 50 M 12 60 M 15 70 M Intelligence Investigation of all reactive and proactive corruption related matters that may be referred to the department and otherwise Allocation of cases to investigation teams for timely investigation of such matters to a logical conclusion # cases investigated to a logical conclusion 1 20 130M 125 140M 130 150 M Investigations Helping prosecution teams to testify in courts # of cases tes tified in court 25 Nil 30 Nil 20 Nil investigations Conduct targeted sting operations where necessary # of target sting operations 5 10 5 Investigations
42. 41 PREVENTION DEPARTMENT O BJECTIVE: ENHANCE IS THE E PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES KEY ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE UNIT 2021 2022 2023 Output Budget (Le) Output Budget (Le) Output Budget (Le) 1 To Strengthen Systems and processes for corruption reduction and improved service deliver y Carrying out comprehensive and thematic systems and processes review in public bodies 1. Comprehensive systems and processes review in public bodies # of Comprehensive systems and processes review conducted per year 3 Comp. Reviews 90M 3Comp. Reviews 90M 3Comp. Reviews 90M Systems 2. Thematic reviews conducted in public bodies # of Thematic reviews conducted per year 3 Them. Reviews 75M 3 Them. Reviews 75M 3 Them. Reviews 75M Systems 3. Conduct study tour in Anti - corruption agencies in Africa to learn new and emerging techniques on prevention of corruption. # of study tour conducted per year 1 study tour 120M 1 study tour 120M 1 study tour 120M Systems 2. To strengthen policies, legal and regulatory frameworks. Review and develop policies that emanate from systems reviews. 4. Identification of policy gaps that emanate from systems reviews. # of systems review reports analyzed to identify policy gaps 4 reports - 4 reports - 4 reports - Policy & Ethic 5. Formulate or review policies in public bodies # of policies reviewed and formulated 3 policies 75M 3 policies 75M 3 policies 75M Policy & Ethic 6. Conduct Ethics and accountability workshop, seminars, training for MDAs and local councils # of ethics & accountability workshop/trainings/seminar s conducted for MDAs and Local Councils 3 75M 3 75M 3 75M Policy & Ethic Development of Anti - Corruption policies for MDAs (Institutional Anti - Corruption) 7. Conduct Policy Risk assessment survey in MDAs # of policy risk assessment surveys conducted per year 1 25M 1 25M 1 25M Policy & Ethic 8. Development of Anti - corruption policies for MDAs # of Anti - Corruption Policies developed per year 2 policies 50M 2 policies 50M 2 policies 50M Policy & Ethic Recommend review of regulatory legal framework of government institutions 9. Follow up on the development of legal framework for MDAs recommended. # of follow ups made on the development of legal/regulatory frameworks 4 follow ups - 4 follow ups - 4 follow ups - Policy & Ethic Development of service charters for MDAs 10. Review and update of service charters for MDAs. # of MDAs service charters reviewed and updated 4 60M 4 60M 4 60M Policy & Ethic 11. Develop new service charters for MDAs. # of MDAs with new service charters developed 4 60M 4 60M 4 60M Policy & Ethic
45. 44 PROSECUTION DEPARTMENT OVERALL OBJECTIVE: TO ENFORCE THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION THROUGH LITIGATION STRATEGI C OBJECTIV ES STRATEGIES KEY ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TIMELINE RESPONSIB LE UNIT 2021 2022 2023 Output Budget Output Budget Output Budget (Le) (Le) (Le) To protect the interest of the country in all corruption matters by providing excellent and timely legal advice and representation To achieve a high rate of success in court matters. To increase the speed, efficiency and effectiveness of prosecution To represent the state in all corruption matters by prosecuting accused persons # of cases prosecuted 15 Nil 15 Nil 15 Nil Prosecution Department Safeguards the rights and interest of the public/state effectively before the court # of convictions 12 Nil 12 Nil 12 Nil Prosecution Department Presenting to the court and when necessary statement of law, facts and arguments in a clear and understandable fashion # of cases 0 0 0 0 Prosecution Department Purchase of specialized tools for analysis Leica Microscope, Video Spectra Comparator (VSC) and Electrostatic Detection Apparatus (EDSA). Purchase order Speciali zed tools for analysis 350M Speciali zed tools for analysis Nil Specialized tools for analysis Nil Prosecution Depart Prepare briefs to concisely present new opinions of the court and the effect on our office # of Brief report s 20 Nil 25 Nil 30 Nil Prosecution Prosecution To provide protection for government witnesses and whistle - blowers who are at risk To manage and ensure efficient suspect handling Research and draft legal opinions to better advice on possible prosecution # of opinions sought 20 nil 25 Nil 30 Nil Revisit witness protection and whistle blower’s strategy/policy # of Policy document developed 1 50M - - - - Prosecution Ensure witness participation in court proceedings # of witnesses appearance in court 150 40 M 150 44 M 150 48 M Prosecution Ensure compliance with the witness protection and whistle blowers strategy/policy % compliance to policy 50% Nil 100% Nil 100% Nil Prosecution Seek the welfare of suspect in detention # of protection of suspect in detention 30 30 M 30 33 M 35 36 .3M Prosecution Ensure full compliance of bail conditions % compliance to bail conditions 100% Nil 100% Nil 100% Nil Prosecution Revisit suspect handling strategy/policy # of Policy reviewed 1 Nil - Nil - Nil Prosecution
40. 39 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH DEPARTMENT OVERALL OBJECTIVE: TO CREATE PUBLIC AWARENESS ON THE ILLS OF CORRUPTION AND ENLIST PUBLIC SUPPORT IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES KEY ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS RESULTS/ BUDGET/TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE UNIT 2021 2022 2023 Output Budget (Le) Output Budget (Le) Output Budget (Le) To educate the public on the dangers of corruption, the benefits of a corrupt free society and to foster public support and enlist them in the fight against corruption To enhance partnerships with other anticorruption agencies To identify and sign Memora ndum of Understanding with accountability and anticorruption institutions # of MOUs signed 6 10M 6 10M 6 10M Public Education To integrate anticorruption issues in schools and tertiary institutions To work with the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education and other relevant bodies to integrate anticorruption issues in schools’ curricular A concept note on anticorruption issues in school curricular developed Anticorruption issues incorporated into the school curricular Concept note developed at 50% 50M Concept note developed at 100% 50M Anticorruption issues incorporated into the school curricular - Public Education To strengthen and establish integrity clubs in schools # of integrity clubs strengthened or established in schools 8 20M 10 26M 12 30M Public Education To strengthen and establish anticorruption clubs in tertiary institutions # of integrity clubs strengthened or established in tertiary institutions 6 50M 8 70M 10 70M Public Education Meet the Schools Campaign # of Schools visited 50 15M 50 15M 50 20M Public Education To conduct public lectures, quiz competitions, debates and creative competition in schools and tertiary institutions # of Public engagements conducted in schools and tertiary institutions: a) public lectures; b) quiz competition; c) debates and d) creative competition a) 3 b) 2 c) 3 d) 0 a)30M b)5M c)15M d) Nil = 50M a) 3 b) 0 c) 0 d) 1 a)30M b)Nil c)Nil d)130M =160M a) 3 b) 3 c) 2 d) 0 a)30M b)8M c)15M d)Nil =53M Public Education Deepens public awareness and strengthen Community engagements knowledge on anticorruption issues Conduct and participate in regular radio and Tv programs # of media engagements a) Radio b) TV a) 150 b) 24 a)105M b)48M =153M a) 150 b) 24 a)105M b)48M =153M c) 150 d) 24 a)105M b)48M =153M Outreach Conduct customized meetings: a) MDAs b) Communities c)Accountability Institutions on Anticorruption issues # of customized meetings held in: a) MDAs; b) Communities; c) accountability Institutions a) 200 b) 10 c) 20 a)100M b)80M c)100M =280M d) 200 e) 10 f) 20 a)100M b)80M c)100M =280M g) 200 h) 10 i) 20 a)100M b)80M c)100M =280M Public Education& Outreach Focus group discussions (FGDs), seminars, workshops, trainings conducted #of FDGs/Seminars/workshops/trainings 1 5M 2 10M 2 10M Public Education Facilitate conduct of perception surveys # of Perception surveys conducted per year Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 400M Public Education/Monito ring
32. 31 FIGURE 4 : STRATEGIC MAP OF THE ACC ASSESSING STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP : ASSESSMENT TOOLS Parameters N P P A A U D I T S L F I N I N T E L M E D I A C S O O M B U S M A N N C D N R A J U D I C I A R Y P O L I C E N A C S H R C S L Partnership Agreement 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 Communication Structure 4 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 Monitoring 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 Scorecard 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 Trust 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 Ownership 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 Clarity 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Purpose realism 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Commitment 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 Actual Score 33 32 30 25 26 29 27 27 30 29 35 28 Expected Score 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Gap 3 4 6 11 10 7 9 9 6 7 1 8
20. 19 TABLE 2: DEPARTMENTAL ACHIEVEMENTS 2018 - 2020 DEPARTMENTAL ACHIEVEMENTS 2018 - 2020 DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES INDICATORS ACHIEVEMENTS 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL Investigation and Intelligence Investigations of corruption cases completed 90 140 78 308 Recoveries made from cases investigated Le 8.5 bn Le 11.1 bn ?? ?? Sting Operations 1 6 4 11 Trainings (local and international) 12 18 14 44 Recruitments 5 4 2 11 Intelligence Reports 6 5 11 22 Problem/Target Profiles 2 2 3 7 Probity Checks 7 8 3 18 Prosecutions Number of Cases Indicted for Trial 10 14 10 34 Number of Convictions obtained (individuals) 14 16 6 36 Number of Acquittals obtained (individuals) 4 6 5 15 Asset Declaration Increased C ompliance: A sset D eclaration M andate 80% 75% 90% Review of Section 119 Anti - Corruption Act 2008 - 100% - - Creating Database on the collection and submission of Asset Declaration Forms 50% 60% Staff Training 60% 70% 90% 90% Digitalization of Asset Declaration On - line submission 5% 10% 25% Public Education and Outreach Community Outreach Programmes 91 78 28 197 Customized Meetings 78 126 131 335 Radio Programmes 193 296 264 753 Television Programmes 20 14 19 53 Partnership Engagements 51 81 39 171 Public Notice/News items and Press Releases 114 705 78 897 National Anti - Corruption Strategy Meeting with Integrity Management Committee on the implementation of Work Plans - 2 74 Quarterly meeting with NACS Steering Committee Members 4 nil 3 7 Monitoring of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy Document 2014 – 2018 60% compliance 60% compliance 60% compliance Work with Public Education and Outreach to conduct radio/television programmes on the I mplementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy - - 11 Launch of the new National Anti - Corruption Strategy 2019 – 2023 - 100% - Production and printing of NACS N ewsletter(s) Learning & sharing meetings Customized engagement with community stakeholders on NACS Nil - - Nil - - 1 5 4 1 4 General WhatsApp group for all Integrity Management Committees 1 - - 1 Quarterly Monitoring of the NACS 4 4 4 12 Learning & sharing meetings with IMCS - - 5 5 Prevention Number of systems and policy reviews conducted Number MDAs monitored % of MDAs that met 80% Compliance levels Corruption Prevention Manual Compliance Management and Sanction Enforcement Procedure Hand book 8 5 2 - - 6 8 3 10% completed 15% completed 6 10 1 100% completed 100% completed 20 23
49. 48 ASSET DECLARATION UNIT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES KEY ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE UNIT 2021 2022 2023 To provide outstanding leadership for the effective and efficient management of all Asset Declaration for all public officials To ensure all public Officers declared their assets, Income and Liability s provided by Section 119 of the Amended Act 2008 1. Printing of Asset Declaration Forms OUTPUT BUDGET (LE) OUTPUT BUDGET (LE) OUT PUT BUDGET (LE) Asset Declaration F orms printed 3,000 copies or 75 x A3 Pkts 11,250,000 400 x pkts 60,000,000 1000 or 25xpkt s 3,750,000 ADU To raise public awareness on the need for public officers to declare their assets, etc. 2 . Sensitization TV 5 13,000,000 10 slots 27,000,000 12 33,000,000 ADU Radio 10 10,000,000 15 slots 15,000,000 15 15,000,000 ADU Newspapers( Public Notice) 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 Jingles 1 100,000 2 200,000 3 300,000 ADU To ensure strict compliance across the board 3. To work with HRMO and AG's Dept. to update Database and imposed penalties on defaulters. Updating of database and id entifying defaulters for administrative sanctions Quarterly (4 x ti mes) Capacity Building 4. Recruitment, Training, Exchange visits to other Asset Declaration regimes. Experience sharing and borrowing 5 x Visits 350,000,000 10 x Visits 450,000,000 12 x Visits 600,000,00 0 ADU To ensure the safe keeping or storage of all data to be analysed and verified. 5. Digitalization : Past ADF F orms and popularization of Online A sset D eclaration. All Asset Declarations would have been stored electronically and all declarations wo uld be submitted electronically. 150,000 x copies would be stored digitally . 300,000,000 To ensure the integrity and accuracy of information in AD Forms 6. Verification of Contents in AD Forms To ascertain the authenticity of the information provided in the declaration F orms and for further investigation in the event of discrepancies for a Month : 20 X key MDAs 150,000,000 40 X Key MDAs 250,000,000 50 X Key MDAs 300,000,00 0 ADU Perdiem : 4 x staff Expected cost of fuel needed Vehicle Rentals Per diem: Quantity Surveyor from Works Note : Cost of A3 Papers = Le110,000 - Le150,000
38. 37 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 - 2023 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES : SUPPORT SERVICE/HUMAN RESOURCES/FINANCE DEPARTMENTS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES KEY ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE UNIT 2021 2022 2023 Output Budget Output Budget Output Budget (Le) (Le) (Le) To enhance Institutional Capacity of the Commission To provide administrative and logistical support to all departments of the Commission To provide a conducive working environment, equipment, security etc Number of equipment purchased Number of office furniture purchased a) Assorted office equipment b) furniture a) 715M b) 1.28B =2.0 B a)Assorted office equipment b) furniture a) 500M b) 400M =900M a)Assorted office equipment b) furniture a) 400M b) 300M =900M Administration Department Provide improved and updated working equipment Number of up to date working tools and software purchased Assorted equipment and software 508M Assorted equipment and software 400M Assorted equipment and software 300M Administration Department Increase logistical supply to enhance performance, fleet accessories etc Number of vehicle purchased. Number of motorcycles a) 3 Vehicles b) 4 Bikes a)1.8B b)200M =2.0B a) 3 Vehicles b) 0 Bikes a) 2B b) 0 = 2.0B a) 3 Vehicles b) 3 Bikes a) 2.2B b) 250M =2.45B Administration Department Provide sufficient space through the completion of the Commission’s Headquarter building % of completion of office buildings (HQ & Region) 100% 10B Nil Nil Nil Nil Administration Department Deploy technology needed Centralized IT infrastructure covering all departments IT Infrastructure provided for all department 500M I mprovement and sustainability 200M Improvement and sustainability 150M Administration Department /IT Unit Strengthen t he work force of the Commission Recruitment and Selection Number of staff recruited 46 29 11 HR Department Performance Management (promotion, motivation and staff retention) Number of: a) performances appraisals conducted. b) Number of promotions. c) % of turn - over of staff a) 224 b) 10 c) 3% a) 255 b) 10 c) 3% a) 236 b) 12 c) 3% HR Department Reviewed the Terms and Conditions of Service % completion of review of conditions of service 10% 100% Completed HR Department Building the capacity of staff Staff training and development (local and overseas) Number of training conducted a)local b)overseas a) 6 b) 10 a)180M b)140,000 $ a) 6 b) 10 a)180M b)140,000 $ a) 6 b) 10 a) 180M b) 140,000 $ HR Department Review of the standard operational procedures of all departments of the Commission Review of Standing Orders % completion of the review 100% - - - - - HR Department To timely and accurately report on all funding windows and maintain a clean bill of health on the audit of the Commission’s Annual Financial Statements Preparation of Annual Financial Statements Financial statements 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Finance Department Maintain proper documentation filing records and continuous review of financial records for completeness and appropriateness Quarterly Reports 4 Nil 4 Nil 4 Nil Finance Department Timely preparation and submission of GOSL and DONOR funded projects financial reports Project D ocuments and R eports 3 Nil 4 Nil 4 Nil Finance Department
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