An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.

Sierra Leone_NACS Implmentation Plan 2019-2023

Over the years, acknowledgment of the prevalence of corruption and its corrosive effects on Sierra Leone
society has produced a wide array of National Anti-Corruption Implementation Action Plan and measures
aimed to institutionalize the fight against corruption. Since the inception of the Anti-Corruption
Commission in the year 2000, the Country has rolled-out three National Anti-Corruption Implementation
Action Plans – The first National Anti-Corruption Implementation Action Plan (2005) adopted two
approaches- Prevention and Enforcement. The second National Anti-Corruption Implementation Action
Plan (2008- 2013) took an incremental approach by building on the first strategy and broadened the
prevention concept and incorporated the National Integrity System, focusing on constructive engagement;
aimed at separately emphasizing institutional-strengthening measures across the public sector. The third
National Anti-Corruption Implementation Action Plans (2014-2018) focused on both political (reflecting
priorities in the country) and technical (based on various studies, public consultations, surveys and
benchmarking other countries’ Anti-corruption strategies).

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11. 10 Implementation Action Plan The overall measures above outline the general systemic actions aimed to achieve the four strategic objectives of the NACS. From the overall measures, specific actions designed to meet the strategic objectives are provided in the following National Anti - Corruption Implementation Matrix. The actions in the NACS Implementation Action Plan Matrix contain actions that various implementing institutions have undertaken to implement within the next five years. The Implementation Plan outlines activities, benchmarks and lead implementing institut ion and collaborating institution and budget and timeline. The Total cost for the implementation of the NACS estimated per objective. The budget provided below is an indicative budget for each of the objectives. Individual institutions will work on the det ailed budget with help from the NACS secretariat. Most of the activities in the implementation plan don't need another budget outside the annual budget submitted to the Ministry of Finance. No Strateg ic Objective Estimated Cost (Le) 1 To develop, promote, and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. 2 To d evelop sustainable Partnership and mechanism for join t action and strengthening institutional capacity 3 To Strengthen Integrity, transparency, accountability and the rule of law 4 To Creat e sustainable deterrence against corruption by strict and prompt enforcement of anti - corruption laws and regulations Table 2 Estimated Cost Per Objective

6. 5 End line evaluation of Imp lementation Plan This will be done at the end of 202 2 to assess the impact generated by activities implemented by MDAs and Councils. This assessment will compare the Corruption situation in the targeted institution before and after the implementation. It w ill also evaluate the coordination and management processes and procedures of structures in the implementation of the National Anti - corruption Implementation Action Plan. Data quality Assurance check Data provided by MDAs and Councils IMCs will be triangulated to other sources and observation visit report to qualify the quality of information shared with evidence . Management Structure of the NACS Nation al Steering Commit te e (H.E, VP & Chief Minister) Objective One Sub - Steering Committee Objective Two Sub - Steering Committee Object ive Three Sub - Steering Committee NACS Secretariat Ministries, Departments & Agencies (MDAs) Cities & District Councils Private Sectors Religious Bodies CSOs Development Partners IMPLEMENTING INSTITUTIONS Coordination Unit Figure 1 NACS Management Organogram

9. 8 by putting in place standards to uphold the highest code of conduct that will enhance impartiality in the adjudication of corruption cases. By independent ly and impartially dispensing justice, the Judiciary will make the NACS a living part of Sierra Leone’s fight against corruption and strengthen the hand of all actors in exercising their responsibilities detailed in the action plan. Ministries, Department s, and Agencies (MDAs) and Councils : Heads of MDAs and councils must ensure that actions agreed are implemented within the time frame, and incorporate actions allocated to them into their routine work to enable effective and efficient implementation. The A nti - Corruption Commission (ACC): As one off the leading integrity institutions in the nation that has responsibility to uphold good governance and fight corruption, the ACC must continue to execute its mandate effectively without fear or favor, and improve its coordination, public education, information sharing and collaboration with CSOs and other integrity institutions. The Media is key to the effective representation of the NACS in all forms of discourse in the national fight against corruption. By focusing on NACS activities and critical messages, and serving as a watchdog on implementation of actions, continually investigating and reporting corruption across the nation including naming and shaming institutions and individuals caught in acts of corruption, the Media will become a crucial tool to give meaning to the plans outlined in the fight. To do this effectively, the Media must maintain impartiality in investigating and reporting corruption. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs): CSOs should continue to give a loud voice to the people and concerns of civil society as a crucial watchdog in the implementation of the plan. They are expected to support th e NACS secretariat in monitoring the implementation plan and collaborate with the ACC to empower the citizenry through education, awareness, and sensitization to corruption in all its forms and practices. Traditional Authorities : As custodians of the beaut iful traditions and culture of Sierra Leone, they are expected to ensure that the fight against corruption is inculcated in people at the community level. Their leadership at the community level through example and staying neutral in national politics ( to prevent partisanship and related corruption ) will give strong signals to the people and communities in the fight against corruption. Development Partners (DPs): DPs are very critical in the implementation of this plan, and it is the expectation that both l ocal and international partners will keep government priorities in the fight against corruption as outlined in this plan in focus in all proposals developed and implemented in Sierra Leone. There is the need for collaboration and sharing of information, pr ojects, and budgets at the national and district levels to avoid duplication of effort and scarce resources. Political Parties : Political Parties produce most of the public officials should stand tall in the fight against corruption. Parties should ensure that politicians that come from their ranks practice accountability by disclosing their sources of funding. Parties must also ensure that their members that aspire to high offices of the State clearly understand the trust imposed on them in the nation’s g overnance BEFORE becoming public officials.

8. 7 Implementation Mechanism As a result of its complexity, corruption demands a fight that cannot be successfully fought by one institution or individual. The fight against corruption must involve institutions and key stakeholders working together against the menace of corruption. St akeholders and institution must be dr a wn from the Executive, Legislative, and the Judiciary. The media, CSOs, and international/local development partners and all integrity institutions must work together to support the implementation of actions in the imp lementation plan. Role of Stakeholders in the Implementation of the Action Plan Because corruption has become a systemic contagion, and a way of life in Sierra Leone, the fight against it is complicated and needs collective and collaborative efforts and resources to electrify the battle. As a result of the complexity, there is the need for proactive involvement of key stakeholders and institutions at all levels of Sierra Leone society, including but not limited to:  The President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, and the Office of the President itself as a functional area including all appointees that support the office;  Parliament of the Republic of Sierra Leone;  The Judiciary of the Republic of Sierra Leone;  Government Ministries, Departments, and A gencies (MDAs);  The Anti - Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone;  The Media;  The Civil Society as a whole, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs);  Traditional Authorities (Preferably the Council of Paramount Chiefs as the Umbrella Body);  Political Parties;  I nternational and Local Development Partners;  The citizenry of Sierra Leone. The roles and expectations for these actors in the overall NACS, implementation strategy, and action plan are outlined as follows. The President and the Office of the President : Po litical Will is the key determinant of whether the implementation of the NACS will achieve the targeted results. The realization of the objectives of NACS needs political will, and the Office of the President must make it possible by ensuring that the NACS secretariat and implementing MDAs and local councils have the resources, capacity, and independence to coordinate and implement actions in the NACS fully. The President must ensure that the Judiciary has what it takes to function as a separate and independent arm of the State to enable the enforcement of actions that arise from the implementation of the plan. House of Parliament : Parliament has an essential role in exer cising oversight responsibility and holding MDAs to account through public scrutiny in the implementation of the plan. By holding MDAs individually and the Executive arm of the State generally to the highest standards of transparency and accountability in the use of resources as detailed in the plan, Parliament can manifest the will of the people for a Sierra Leone f ree of the scourge of corruption. The Judiciary : The protection of the rule of law and good governance as targeted in the NACS start with an ef fective Judiciary. The Chief Justice and senior management team of the Judiciary must show leadership

4. 3 Implementation Risks and Assumptions for NACS The principal risks and assumptions of the Implementation Action Plan include:  Delay in the devolution of MDAs to District Councils. The District councils can achieve some of the actions in the plan if the full devolution of MDAs to District councils come s into effect.  Funds nee ded to implement the actions will be mobilised by the central government to ensure the full implementation of measures recommended in this plan. Considering the expenditure and the revenue generate d by the central government, funding of some of the actions will be a challenge.  Consecutive governments uphold political will for the effective and efficient implementation of actions over the five years. Change in government and governance brings along changes in priorities, and this might affect the implementa tion of the activities.  Good governance and the rule of law will continue to reinforce through free, fair, and credible elections in the country. Failure to uphold democratic governance will damp en the implementation of this plan.  Ownership of the Implem entation Action Plan by each Sierra Leonean, head of MDAs, Councils, and all other stakeholders in the Sierra Leone developmental process is critical to the success of this implementation plan. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Monitoring and Evaluation remain critical in measuring expected outputs and outcomes of actions and objectives in this National Anti - C orruption Implementation Action Plan. The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) The plan will form the basis for a systematic assessment of the progress of achievement of actions and objectives stated in this implementation plan. The M&E plan will provide an overview of how the responsibilities of agencies and councils exercise towards the implementation of activities in the National Anti - corrupt ion Implementation Action Plan. The development of M&E tools for data collection will be undertaken by the NACS secretariat with support from the M&CU of the Anti - Corruption Commission as the need arise s . During the implementation of the actions, the NACS secretariat with the backing from the M&CU of the Anti - Corruption Commission will continuously track progress made and routinely supervise the collection of qualitative and quantitative data to verify progress towards achieving the set targets. Analys is of data is carryout at various levels. Data will be analy z ed and presented in the form of tables, charts, and graphs during review meetings with MDAs and councils. Routine data disaggregation is by MDA, District , and region and when required by gender . Data Quality Check - NACS secretariat with support from the M&CU of the Anti - Corruption Commission will conduct regular data quality review. Data quality review will be done to ensure quality, accuracy, reliability, timeliness, and objectivity of data received.

7. 6 National Steering Committee will be responsible for supervising the general implementation of the NACS. The committee will be chaired by the P resident of the Republic of Sierra Leone with support from members of the NACS who comprise professionals, public servants, CSOs , media, and religious bod ies . The National Steering Committee will be responsible for providing supportive supervision to the NACS secretariat for coordinating i mplementing institutions per objective. Base d on progress per objectives, the National Steering Committees will develop and share a six - monthly progress report with the President . The committee in its report will proffer recommendations for the effective and efficient implementation of the plan base d on the monitoring feedback. National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat will serve as the implementation coordinating unit. It will be responsible for coordinating implementing institutions for the implementation of actions allocated to them. The NACS s ecretariat will also perform the following key activities;  Support implementing institution s to develop a detail ed implementation plan for actions allocated them  Conduct quarterly monitoring of actions assigned to implementing institutions  Organize and facilitate quarterly actions review meetings with implementing institutions  Provide progress report to the President as per objectives  Develop an annual monitoring plan and terms of reference (ToR) for the monitoring of the NACS  Provide supportive supervis ion to the implementing institutions.  Conduct training for IMCs on action monitoring per implementing institution Implementing Institutions are institutions charged with the responsibilities to execute actions allocated to them in the implementation matrix . All implementing institutions must set up or revive an Integrity, Management Committee with support from NACS secretariat. The IMCs members will be the focal people for the implementation of the NACS actions. IMCs will receive formal training on their ro les and responsibilities from NACS secretariat. Integrity Management Committee (IMCs) shall be compose d of the critical management staff of implementing institutions;  Deputy heads of Institutions  Head of Internal Audits  Heads of Monitoring and Evaluation (if available)  Heads of procurement  Heads of Finances  Heads of Operations  Heads of Human Resources

2. 1 Contents Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 2 NACS Formulation Methodology ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 2 Implem entation Risks and Assumptions for NACS ................................ ................................ ............................. 3 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 3 Critical M&E Activity for the Implementation Plan ................................ ................................ ............................ 4 Evaluation of the Implementation Plan ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 4 Quarterly Monitoring Visit to MDAs and Councils ................................ ................................ ........................ 4 Quarterly Review of Actions Implemented by MDAs and Councils ................................ .............................. 4 Annual Assessment of Implementation Plan ................................ ................................ ................................ 4 End line evaluation of Implementation Plan ................................ ................................ ................................ 5 Data quality Assurance check ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 5 Management Structure of the NACS ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 5 Im plementation Mechanism ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 7 Outline of the Overall Measures to Combat Corruption ................................ ................................ ................ 9 Implementation Action Plan ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 10 Annex1: National Anti - Corruption Implementation Matrix ................................ ................................ ........ 11

3. 2 Introduction Over the years, acknowledgment of the prevalence of corruption and its corrosive effects on Sierra Leone society has produced a wide array of National Anti - C orruption Implementation Action Plan and measures aimed to institutionali z e the fight against corruption. Since the inception of the Anti - Corruption Commission in the year 2000, the Country has rolled - out three National Anti - C orruption Implementation Action Plans – The first National Anti - C orruption Implementation Action Plan (2005) adopte d two approaches - Prevention and Enforcement. The second National Anti - C orruption Implementation Action Plan (2008 - 2013) took an incremental approach by building on the first strategy and broadened the prevention concept and incorporated the National Inte grity System, focusing on constructive engagement; aimed at separat ely emphasizing institutional - strengthening measures across the public sector. The third National Anti - Corruption Implementation Action Plans (2014 - 2018) focused on both political (reflecti ng priorities in the country) and technical (based on various studies, public consultations, surveys and benchmarking other countries’ Anti - corruption strategies). In line with the structure, priorities, and objectives of the National Anti - Corruption Strat egy 2019 - 2023, the fourth - generation National Anti - C orruption Implementation Action Plan is designed to explain the processes and procedures for the implementation of action s agreed upon by stakeholders during national stakeholders’ consultation. These act ions consist of specific benchmarks and corruption control measures with responsible MDAs , Councils, Religious bodies, and private sectors for implementation. NACS Formulation Methodology The design of the NACS profited from the consultative and interactive approaches. To solicit the support of pertinent stakeholders in the development of the NACS and its implementation action plan, full confidence building, and ownership fostering measures were undertaken. These included consultation with government functionaries, MDAs, local councils, and other public institutions, private sectors, CSOs, and the general public. However, to enhance the participation of all targeted participants, three main methods of the consultation were used; K ey I nformant I nterview (KII) , F ocused G roup D iscussions (FGD) , and District town hall meetings. KII technique and FGDs conducted with well - informed stakeholders of the Executive, Legislation, Judiciary , and the Priv ate Sector . The KII enable d stakeholders to make inputs in the development of the NACS and exercise ownership of the strategy. The town hall meetings were attended by staff of government offices, anti - corruption commission staff, civil society, private sector, media houses, other key accountability institutions, experts and development partners at the District level. These meeting s were conducted to enable and ensure the participation of citizens from all the Districts in the development of NACS. The study developed questions on key focus areas and institutions to ensure that the study investigation remains focused on obtaining da ta usable for actionable recommendations relevant to the prevention, education, and investigation, and enforcement of corruption across Sierra Leone but most importantly to help or guide the development of the new NACS strategy 2019 - 2023. The study based o n both quantitative and qualitative information and data. The research instruments were qualitative and quantitative using the approach of stratified random sampling.

5. 4 Progress report on actions of all MDAs and Councils will be reviewed by NACS secretariat to ascertain the coherenc e of the story with actions allocated to them. Reports submitted by MDAs and councils will be assessed bas ed on;  Achievements/p rogress relative to planned targets,  Timeliness of executing actions  The added value during the implementation of the actions allocated to MDAs. Critical M&E Activity for the Implementation Plan Act # Activity Lead Unit Start Date End Date 1 Annual Assessment of Implementation Plan External Consultant January every year March every year 2 End line evaluation of Implementation Plan External Consultant Jan - 2022 March - 2022 3 Quarterly review of actions implemented by MDAs and Councils meetings NACS secretariat Every Quarter Every Quarter 4 Quarterly monitoring visit to MDAs and Councils NACS secretariat The first week of every month Same week Table 1 Monitoring and Evaluation Activities Evaluation of the Implementation Plan Quarterly Monitoring Visit to MDAs and Councils These monitoring visits will be undertaken by the NACS secretariat at all MDAs and Councils to check progress on actions allocated t o them. The monitoring team will generate a monitoring report every quarter on development made and share the report with relevant stakeholders that include s MDAs monitored. Quarterly Review of Actions Implemented by MDAs and Councils The quarterly review meetings will bring all MDAs together to review activities that NACS implement. This review meeting will be organised by the NACS secretariat with the support of the National St ee ring Committee. This meeting will help to identify challenges, opportunities , and understanding of implementation approaches. Annual Assessment of Implementation Plan The review meeting will be conducted at the sta r t of every year. The findings from the annual assessment will be used to inform stakeholders of progress made for the year under review. The assessment team will assess indicators, targets, and timeliness of actions implemented. The team will also evaluate MDAs and Councils performance and management capacities to perform actions in general .

10. 9 Outline of the Overall Measures to Combat Corruption The implementation action plan provides details of how measures suggested being done by various stakeholders in the extensive consultations will be organized for the NACS 2019 - 2023. The following outlines the key measures of the areas for action emphasized by stakeholders and institutions .  Judicial independence, including direct funding outside the control of the Executive , is essential in the fight against corruption.  Implementing Electoral Reforms to improve transparency and minimize opportunities for corrupting the processes and systems of free expression at the party level and national level .  Public sector management reform, including a more realistic and rationalized compensation system .  Ensuring the integrity of public appointments and public sector recruitment into high level and sensitive positions .  Making appointments of heads of integrity institutions independent of the President of the Republic and subjecting such appointments to public hearing and approval by Parliament .  Strengthen the oversight, control, and management of Donor funds and its use .  Increase Parliamentary oversight over the use of public resources by MDAs by, for example, instituting mechanisms for a public hearing by Parliamentary Committee on audited accou nts of MDAs that are broadcast live .  The digitization of access to public services and processes for service delivery to reduce human interface and related opportunities for corruption is vital in the fight against corruption.  Bringing along the people di rectly and through the Traditional Authorities by making chiefdoms part of community - level monitoring and oversight over MDAs , councils, and resource use.  Harmonis ation of salary and other payments for similar qualifications and experience across the board within the public service is critical in the fight against corruption .  People convicted of corruption banned from public offices for not less than ten years.  Ensure annual work plans and performance contracts of MDAs are developed during budget allocation and made available to the public through the media or town hall meetings.  Institute civic education programme in the primary and secondary curriculum to enhance national patriotism in the young generation.  Review and harmonise the National procurement manual with international procurement standards.  Ensure review of systems and processes of corruption high - risk MDAs and monitor review recommendations to enhance effective and efficient operations of MDAs .  Improve CSOs involvement in the fight against corruption through strong collaborations and partnership with integrity institutions like ACC.  Ensuring development and regular update of institutional service charters for all MDAs and displayed at strategic locations that enhance access to the public.  Ensuring Internal audit recommendations of MDAs are prioriti s ed and set as part of MDAs performance objectives.  Intensify Pay No Bribe campaign across the country to increase public awareness and instead of the fare of paying or receiving b ribes.

19. 18  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 63 Review all existing contracts and ensure benefit to the country and people All existing contracts are reviewed Oil & Gas - Petroleum Resource s Unit 64 Strengthen the regulatory framework for compliance monitoring and enforcement and build the requisite institutional capacity Regulatory framework of the institution is strengthened, monitored and enforced Oil & Gas - Petroleum Resources Unit 65 Publish information on drugs medicines procurement to ensure information for the purchaser Information on procurement of medicines are publish ed Ministry of Health & Sanitation 66 Institute e - registration of citizens and gradually automate old registrations into an electronic database e - registration of citizens is instit uted Births and Deaths 67 Full implementation of all provisions of the “ Polluter Pay Principle” and monitor manufacturing companies’ adherence to this, in collaboration with host communities and local councils Provisions on the polluter pay principle are implemented and monitored Environment al Protection Agency 68 Institute the best of the practice of ensuring all mining companies as part of their agreements be required to pay an "Environmental Bond" that could be forfeited where there's evidence of recklessness and reluctance to restore mined land Best practices of mining companies are instituted Environment al Protection Agency 69 Make EIA reports public and conduct radio, community and TV sensitization on the level of compliance by companies, manufacturers and actions t aken against defaulters Public education on the environment is conducted Environment al Protection Agency 70 Use the Global Reporting Initiative templates on the environment to disseminate EIA reports far and wide and engage the local media Global reporting template on the environment is disseminated Environment al Protection Agency

20. 19  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 71 Develop and publish all stages involved in approving projects generated by communities and adhere to such guidelines Stages for approving the project is made published NACSA 72 Publish service - delivery charter and monitor adherence Public service charter is made published NACSA 73 Continue to pay contractors based on satisfactory contractual obligations as certified by the beneficiaries and NaCSA Regional team. Contracto rs are paid based on satisfactory contractual obligations. NACSA 74 Source funding and engage donors to support projects that will be viable providing sustainable impact to the lives of all, such as Youth Friendly D onors are engage d to support projects that will be viable providing sustainable impact to the lives of all, such as Youth Friendly NACSA 75 Conduct refresher session guidance for key public officials incl. Principal Accountants R efresher session guidance for key public officials in cl ude Principal Accountants is conducted Audit Service Sierra Leone 76 Strengthen the coordination and capacity for gender mainstreaming and policy implementation by the National Gender Machinery coordination and capacity for gender mainstreaming and policy implementation by the National Gender Machinery is strengthened Ministry of Social Welfare and Gender & Children Affairs 77 S trict enforcement of laws against domestic violence on women; underage initiation rites of passage for girls laws against domestic violence on women; underage initiation rites of passage for girls is enforced Ministry of Social Welfare and Gender & Children Affairs 78 Strengthen women’s empowerment fund specifically for education, promoting female entrepreneurship and political participation women’s empowerment fund specifically for education, promoting female entrepreneurship and political participation is established and stren gthened Ministry of Social Welfare and Gender & Children Affairs

22. 21  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 87 Establish data and analysis on the scale, nature, and impact of informal economy in Sierra Leone scale, nature and impact of informal economy in Sierra Leone is analysis and report published Ministry of Trade & Industry 88 Public awareness campaigns organized to be raised public awareness on the harmful effects and prevention of the informal economy Public awareness campaigns organized Ministry of Trade & Industry 89 Establish a mechanism to enhance the information exchange between Tax Administration and Customs on import and export of goods A mechanism to enhance the information exchange between Tax Administration and Customs on import and export of goods is established Ministry of Trade & Industry 90 Establish a single boarder control mechanism to prevent informal economy related to the import and export of goods S ingle boarder control mechanism to prevent informal economy related to the import and export of goods is established Ministry of Trade & Industry 91 Conduct sting detailed analysis of existing procedures and criteria for certification, licensing, and other registration documents in differen t fields. S ting detailed analysis of existing procedures and criteria for certification, licensing and other registration documents in different fields is conducted. Ministry of Trade & Industry 92 Private database of all tourist facilities countrywide Private database of all tourist facilities countrywide is created Ministry of Tourism and Culture 93 Train, provide logistics and deploy guards to all major beaches in collaboration with host communities and local councils L ogistics and deploy guards to all major beaches in collaboration with host communities and local councils are provided Ministry of Tourism and Culture 94 Work in close partnership with the Relics Commission for on - going research excavation and preservation of hidden monuments and valuable herita ge adding value to the Sierra Leone culture C lose partnership with the Relics Commission for on - going research excavation and preservation is established Ministry of Tourism and Culture

31. 30 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 1 Strengthen laws to curb misappropriation, abuse of office and other corruption offenses Laws for misappropriation and abuse of office are strengthen Judiciary ACC 2 All public officers who corrupted public assets should pay for damages caused by their misuse of authorities All corrupt public officials who found of corruption paid damage Office of the president ACC 3 Establish e - law enforcement to track corruption cases among law enforcement agencies E - law enforcement are established and tracked corruption cases ACC Judiciary 4 Institute Anti - Bribery and corruption in all profession ( Lawyers, public accountants and tax consultant etc.) code of ethics. Anti - bribery is instituted in all profession codes of ethics ACC Judiciary 5 Law enforcement agencies should be provided with enough resources to enhance effective and efficient investigation and prosecution of corrupt officials Law enforcing agencies are provided with enough resources for effective and efficient investigation and prosecution of corrupt officials Office of the president Judiciary 6 Establish special Anti - Corruption task force units in all integrity and law enforcement institutions to promote team base management of corruption cases and specialised pools of investigators and prosecutors of corrupt officials. Special Anti - Corruption task force established in all law enforcement institutions. ACC Judiciary

21. 20  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 79 Share monthly financial income and expenditure of the use of a stadium facility with ACC, the media and civil society every quarter M onthly financial income and expenditure of the use of a stadium facility with ACC, the media and civil society every quarter is shared with relevant public Ministry of Sports 80 Develop project proposals for optimum support to local sports targeting multinationals, mining companies, & other big enterprises, FIFA as wel l as other international funding avenues P roject proposals for optimum support to local sports targeting multinationals, mining companies, & other big enterprises, FIFA as well as other international funding avenues are developed Ministry of Sports 81 Institute competitive mechanisms for selection of players to all international competitions and mandatory publication of lists C ompetitive mechanisms for selection of players to all international competitions and mandatory publication of lists is instituted Ministry of Sports 82 Undertake study and po pularise compile data on water sources countrywide S tudy data on water sources countrywide is conducted and findings shared Ministry of Water Resources 83 Undertake a nation - wide needs assessment of water supply and segment by area or suburb for the capital and clusters for the regions N ation - wide needs assessment of water supply and segment by area or suburb for the capital and clusters for the regions is conducted and report shared Ministry of Water Resources 84 Undertake on - the - spot monitoring visits to GUMA sub - stations to prevent abuse by personnel and collusion with defaulters O n - the - spot monitoring visits to GUMA sub - stations to prevent abuse is conducted Ministry of Water Resources 85 Fast - track the construction of mini dams in and around the city to effectively augment other available dams C onstruction of mini dams in and around the city is done Ministry of Water Resources 86 Revise rates and institute strict penalties for illegal connectors, those and those failing to pay R ates and penalties for illegal connectors is instituted Ministry of Water Resources

30. 29  Strategic Objective Three: To Strengthen Integrity, transparency, accountability and the rule of law # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/Indicator Target Lead Implementin g Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q4 23 To ensure there is a proper collaboration between AG and HRMO in the development and updating of payrolls to reduce double dipping in the MDAs AG and HRMO worked together to develop and update monthly payroll for civil servants N/A HRMO AG 24 Ministry of social welfare should consult with the Councils of churches and mosques for registration of churches and mosques . Councils of churches /mosques consulted for regi stration of new churches , mosques N/A Ministry of Social Welfare Councils of Churches /mos ques 25 ACC to develop a database of the integrity of public workers to be used for background check into public offices. Integrity record database developed for a background check of public officials 1 ACC NCRA & HRMO 26 Provide statistic on 2018 procurement activities and relevant information showing compliance to the procurement process Data provided on 2018 procurements activities 1 NPPA ACC & MDAs 27 Develop price norm to aid procurement processing Price Norm developed 1 NPPA SSL 28 E - procurement System introduced E - procurement System introduce developed 1 NPPA DST I 29 Enhance Revenue generation from 60% to 85% Revenue generation increases from 60% to 85% N/A Immigration N/A Strategic Objective Four: To create sustainable deterrence against corruption by strict and prompt enforcement of anti - corruption laws and regulations No Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaboratin g Agencies Indicative Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

18. 17  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 54 ACC programme should be part of all annual religious bodies conference Religious bodies instituted ACC talk during theological conference N/A ACC Religious House 55 All religious bodies should organi z e a regular training workshop on accountability and integrity in the spiritual house. Religious bodies conducted training on Accountability and Integrity N/A Religious House ACC 56 Train procurement staff on procurement processes and procedures and the ACC act Procurement staff trained on Procurement process and proced ures 5 ACC MDAs/Coun cils 57 Regular monitoring of mobile communications, billing and quality of network by mobile next work providers Mobile network providers are monitored by trained staff N/A NATCOM 58 Independent audits and improved public information on revenue flows Reform laws on the use of our territorial water Independent audit report developed and shared for public consumption 5 Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources 59 Develop a sector policy to guide the implementation of fishery regulation Sector policy developed and used for fishery regulation 1 Ministry o f Fisheries and Marine Resources 60 Facilitate the prompt payment, transparent and accountable use of surface rent by authorities of host communities Prompt payment of surface rent to community authorities is done and on time Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources 61 Promote transparency initiatives, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) should be adhered with The extractive initiative is promoted and implemented in all mining communities Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources 62 Display and educate the public on land acquisition procedures through radios and billboards at the Ministry The public is educated on land ac quisition Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment

12. 11 Annex1: National Anti - Corruption Implementation Matrix  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 1 Unify remuneration, condition of service for public and civil servants of the same grade with the same academic qualifications Condition of service for public and civil servants of the same grade with the same educational qualifications are unified 1 HRMO AG 2 Conduct public fora and outreach at chiefdom & District Level s on corruption and its prevention Public fora and community outreach conducted in the Districts on corruption prevention 60 ACC District Councils & CSOs 3 Review and improve remuneration and condition of service for staff at the Judiciary Condition of service for staff at the Judiciary reviewe d and improved N/A HRMO AG 4 Introduce Anti - Corruption modules in the educational system to strengthen good ethical values in primary, secondary, tertiary, formal & non - formal education . Includes Civil service training college Anti - corruption modules cooperated in both primary and secondary school curriculum N/A Ministries of Education ACC / Civil service training College 5 Train provincial monitors and investigators to monitor cases reported to the office of the Ombudsman Both provincial monitors and investi gators of the Ombudsman officer are trained on case monitoring and investigation 14 Ombudsman CSOs 6 Develop rotational staff policy for customs that ensure staff rotation from one department to another regularly Staff Rotational Policy for customs developed and operational 1 Customs N/A 7 Strengthen Public complaints Unit in the Judicia ry through training The public complains units in the Judiciary is strengthened N/A Judiciary Legal aid board

14. 13  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Registration commission 16 Mainstream anti - corruption, ethics, and integrity in public, private sectors, civil society, and religious organi z ations across the country Anti - Corruption ethics mainstreamed in MDAs, Religious Organi z ations and CSOs across the country N/A ACC MDAs /cham ber of commerce 17 Strengthen and expand the pay no bribe campaign to communities and people in hard to reach areas in the provinces Pay No bribe Campaign e xpanded to new Districts and chiefdoms N/A ACC CSOs & Councils & Media 18 Develop sticker s with a pay no bribe messages Decals for cars and offices developed on pay no bribe messages N/A ACC MDAs & Councils 19 Train MDAs and councils on payment processes and streamline payment request for all MDAs MDA Staff trained on budget allocation processes and procedures N/A Budget Bureau MDAs/Coun cils /CSOs 20 Strengthen co - curricular anti - corruption activities, such as integrity clubs in Junior and senior high schools Co - curricular Anti - Corruption Activities, such as integrity clubs established and strengthened in Junior and Senior Secondary Schools N/A ACC Ministry of Educ ation 21 Provide educational corruption fighting materials for public, schools, and universities, and the general public regularly Developed and pro vided educational materials on Corruption and it fights to public institutions, schools, and Universities N/A ACC Ministries of Education 22 Restructure District budget oversight committees to ensure that they are very active and submit monitoring report quarterly. District budget oversight committees restructured and submitted a quarterly budget monitoring report N/A Budget Bureau MDAs/Coun cils /CSOs

27. 26  Strategic Objective Two: To develop sustainable Partnership and mechanism for joint action and to strengthen institutional capacity # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementin g Agency Collaboratin g Agencies Indicative Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 37 Implement the small taxpayer regime to capture the “Hard to tax” Small Taxpayer Regime is implemented 1 NRA N/A 38 Develop Quality Accounting Class within the public service. QAC developed in the public service 1 AG N/A  Strategic Objective Three: To Strengthen Integrity, transparency, accountability and the rule of law # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/Indicator Target Lead Implementin g Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q4 1 The Ministries of Education should ensure that all interviews for SLG are done in the District to ensure that the children of the District gain from the grant SLG interviews conducted at District level N/A Ministries of Education District Councils 2 There should be a coordinated system to ensure Councils track funds coming to MDAs. All development partners should update Councils on funds disbursed to regional MDAs. councils updated on development partners' operations and budget at District level N/A Councils District inter - agency coordinating Committee 3 Strong coordination between regional education offices and education ministr ies in Freetown and all school support for the free education should pass through Councilors ensure they are monitor. Councilors aware of school materials supplied to schools N/A Ministries of Education District Council 4 Recruit more schools' inspectors to monitor schools and time book for teachers' teaching periods. Additional school inspectors recruited and send to the District to monitor schools and teachers N/A Ministries of Education District Councils

26. 25  Strategic Objective Two: To develop sustainable Partnership and mechanism for joint action and to strengthen institutional capacity # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementin g Agency Collaboratin g Agencies Indicative Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 campaigns to boost public support for the work of ACC 27 Train and sensiti z e all Judges and Magistrates in the Anti - Corruption courts Judges and Magistrates trained on corruption 1 ACC N/A 28 Provide constitutional security of tenure of office for the C hief Justice, Commissioner of Anti - corruption and Head of the Security Agencies CJ, ACC Commissioner and head of security agency are provided with constitutional security of tenure 1 Law officers/Parlia ment N/A 29 Conduct training programmes on ethics, integrity and human rights for traffic Police Offic ers Traffic police trained on traffic ethics, integrity, and human morality 5 Police /ACC N/A 30 Apply stiffer sanctions to Police personnel found guilty of misconduct Police personnel found culpable for misconduct N/A Police N/A 31 Conduct Proper background check for citizens enlist ed in the police proper background check conducted for new police officers recruited N/A Police N/A 32 Review of the civil service code, Rules, and Regulations to address emerging corruption trend in the Civil service Public Service code, Rules, and regulations Reviewed 1 HRMO N/A 33 Operationalize Personnel’s Record Management System PRMS operationalized 1 HRMO N/A 34 Cascade individual staff Performance Appraisal System from grades 6 to 10 IPAS cascaded from grades 6 to 10 1 HRMO N/A 35 Implement phase one of the integrated TAX administration system in Freetown Integrated TAX administration system in Freetown is implemented 1 NRA N/A 36 Implement Electronic Cash Registers to enhance GST administration and collection across the country GST electronic Cash Register is implemented 1 NRA N/A

13. 12  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 8 Strengthen Anti - corruption capacity at the District , regional levels and encourage whistleblowing through recruitment of more staff Staff re cruited by the Anti - Corruption Commission and posted to all the Districts that do n ot have Anti - Corruption Office N/A ACC N/A 9 Institute Whistleblowing mechanism at District & Regional levels ACC developed and instituted robust whistleblowing mechanism at District an d Regional levels 1 ACC CSOs 10 Provide incentives (awards, & recognition) to private /public sector s that enforce anti - corruption provisions Private sectors that given in ceptive for enforcing ACC laws ACC Private Sector 11 Establish and strengthen an Audit Report Implementation Committees in all MDAs MDAs established and strengthened internal & External Audit Report Implementation Committees 1 MDAs ACC 12 Train Ministers, Members of Parliament and other Public Officers on Public Sector Ethics Ministers, MPs and Senior Public Officers trained on Public Sector Ethics N/A HRMO/PSR U Cabinet Secretariat 13 Interreligious council and all related religious bodies educated on the adverse effects of corruption Churches and Mosques that taught Corruption and its impact about God's word at least ten times in a year 10 ACC Inter - religious council/Soci al welfare/Cou ncils 14 Organise regular public education and awareness programmes on the menace of corruption and the ethos of anti - corruption in MDAs, the genera l public, and private sector organi z ations Public education and awareness rising programmes conducted on the threat of corruption at MDAs and Private Institution 10 ACC MDAs/ Distri ct councils √ 15 ACC to conduct a campaign on social expectation by the public from public offic ials. Campaign on social expectation conducted before and after elections 2 ACC Political parties & Political parties

29. 28  Strategic Objective Three: To Strengthen Integrity, transparency, accountability and the rule of law # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/Indicator Target Lead Implementin g Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q4 14 MDAs and City/ District councils should make available information on their activities through various media platforms Information made available by councils and MDAs to Dist rict media N/A MDAs/City& District Councils Process/Disc 15 To develop a strategy for the participation of civil society Organi z ation (CSO) in the work of the ombudsman The strategy developed by Ombudsman for CSOs partnership 1 Ombuds man CSOs 16 To collaborate with CSOs to enhance advocacy on beha lf of the Judiciary Judiciary work with CSOs on the strategy of the Judicia ry N/A Judiciary CSOs 17 A member of the judiciary should be part of the interview panel during recruitment staff for the Judiciary . Staff recruited should be trained on the processes of the judiciary where they lack the required legal knowledge. Judiciary is represented during the recruitment of staff for the judiciary N/A Public service Commission Judiciary 18 Undersheriff to issues receipts for all payment received by them Undersheriffs issued a receipt for all payments received N/A Judiciary NRA 19 The Judiciary must develop an updated service charter to enhance the public better informed about the court Updated service charter established and displayed by the Judiciary in all court building 1 Judiciary ACC 20 The senior management of the Judiciary should set up a system to ensure that Judges have cases on time, and monitor the time Judges spend on a case Judges and Magistrates hav e cases on time N/A Judiciary Legal aid board 21 ACC should conduct regular training for its lawyers on how to handle cases in court. ACC Lawyers trained on corruption cases and court procedures 5 ACC Judiciary 22 To have a regulation that will monitor payment of salary to all MDAs. Regulation developed for monitoring of civil servant salary 1 HRMO MDAs

24. 23  Strategic Objective Two: To develop sustainable Partnership and mechanism for joint action and to strengthen institutional capacity # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementin g Agency Collaboratin g Agencies Indicative Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 8 Ensure ACC presence in all the Districts ACC staff present in all the District s N/A ACC N/A 9 Protect journalists by providing legal assistance when their report on corruption results in criminal charges. Journalist protected when reporting on corruption N/A ACC SLAJ 10 Develop and execute a National Strategic Framework for Strengthening Judicial Capacity and Integrity National Strategic framework developed for strengthening Judicial capaci ty and integrity 1 Judiciary N/A 11 Active collaboration between ACC and CSOs to promote CSOs involvement in the fight against corruption Collaborative MoU established between ACC & CSOs N/A ACC CSOs 12 Organi z e town hall meetings at the local level s aimed at enhancing public trust in the justice system Judiciary organised two hall meetings at the local level on Justice system 5 Judiciary CSOs /SLAJ 13 V ote controllers of MDAs, City/District councils, must have regular meetings with internal auditors to ensure that from internal audits q uestions are addressed on a regular base. Regular meetings conducted by MDAs and Councils vault controllers internal audit that address internal audit issues 8 MDAs/City& Di strict Councils Internal Audit department – MOF 14 To conduct a national procurement policy review that will enable the country to have a national procurement policy that considers donor procurement policies National Procurement Policy reviewed 1 N PAA MDAs/City & District Council 15 Conduct system review for all MDAs and councils to identify and plug loopholes Systems and Process review conducted on corruption - prone MDAs, and councils N/A ACC MDAs/City & District Council 16 Monitor implementation of system r eview reports and recommendations Systems and Processes review recommendations monitored N/A ACC MDAs/City & District Council

23. 22  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 95 Conduct public Relations Programmes to enhance image of the Police Service Police conducted public relation programmes N/A Police N/A  Strategic Objective Two: To develop sustainable Partnership and mechanism for joint action and to strengthen institutional capacity # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementin g Agency Collaboratin g Agencies Indicative Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 1 Full decentra liza tion of MDAs to District Councils to enhance proper monitoring of MDAs and schools by District councils MDAs devolved to councils N/A Decentralizatio n commission MDAs/Counci ls 2 To have ACC court for the hearing of corruption cases ACC court Established and operational 1 Judiciary ACC 3 Review the code of conduct for judges and Magistrates Code of conducts for Judges and Magistrates reviewed 1 Judiciary N/A 4 Review public service law for the recruitment of civil servant (Public Service Commission). Public service law for recruitment reviewed 1 Public service Commission HRMO 5 Create and operationali z e Integrity Management committees within state institutions IMCs created and functional N/A MDAs/Council s ACC 6 Heads of internal audit of MDAs , District and City councils should take part in senior management meetings, and they should enforce the operations of IMCs. Heads of internal audits are part of senior management of MDAs N/A MDAs/City& District Councils Internal Audit depart - MOF. 7 Create civic awareness to enable public demand for accountability from public officials Awareness raised on responsibility from public officials N/A CSOs ACC /Media

17. 16  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 44 Review the HRMO website and ensure regular update of the site with information HRMO website reviewed and up to date N/A HRMO N/A 45 Add principal customs player on the A s y c u da world Principal Customs players added to the Asycuda world N/A Customs Principal Customs players 46 Conduct quarterly public awareness on customs operations and corruption prevention and control with support from ACC Quarterly public awareness conducted on Customs operations that involves ACC 20 Customs ACC 47 Rotate roles and, schedules of revenue staff every three month Role and schedules of revenue staff rotated every three months 20 Customs N/A 48 Develop risk assessment report for customs broker before issuing a license to them Risk assessment report for custom brokers developed befo re granting a license N/A Customs Customs brokers 49 Train customs staff and customs principal players on the use of the A sycuda world (two times in the year) Customs staff and Customs principal players trained on the use of Asycuda N/A Customs Principal Customs players 50 Create a single window that enables all the players in customs to process document s before turnaround time. Single widow market for customs players developed and operational N/A Customs Principal Customs players 51 To develop performance objectives for all the staff at customs and ensure that they are assessed base on their performance objectives. The staff of Customs has performance objectives N/A Customs N/A 52 Heads of religious houses must sign an integrity pledge on corruption. Heads of Religious Houses sign integrity pledge on corruption N/A Religious House ACC 53 ACC to sign MoU with religious Houses that will enable ACC to have corruption talk hours in churches and mosques. MoU signed by ACC and Re ligious Houses for ACC talk hours during services and prayers N/A ACC Religious House

25. 24  Strategic Objective Two: To develop sustainable Partnership and mechanism for joint action and to strengthen institutional capacity # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementin g Agency Collaboratin g Agencies Indicative Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 17 Build capacity of MDAs for honest use of public resources Training Transparent use of public resources conducted 3 ACC MDAs/City & District Council & HRMO 18 Develop and execute Customer Service charters in all MDAs and Councils Customer service charter developed and displayed in all MDAs and Councils 1 MDAs/City& District Councils ACC 19 Establish and strengthen Audit Report Implementation Committees (ARICs) in all MDAs and councils Audit report implementation Committees established in all MDAs and Councils N/A MDAs/City& District Councils Internal Audit department - MOF 20 Head of Procurement of MDAs, City/District councils, should take part in senior management meetings and they should enforce the operations of IMCs. Heads of procurement are part of senior management of MDAs and Councils N/A MDAs/City& District Councils N/A 21 Procurement officers of MDAs, City/District councils should follow the stages in the procurement process, ad hoc procurement of goods and services should not be allowed National Procurement processes are followed N/A MDAs/City& District Councils NPPA 22 Establish an internal audit agency that will ensure the regulation and management of internal auditors Internal audit agency established 1 AG HRMO 23 Computeri z e the court system Court system is computeri z ed N/A Judiciary N/A 24 Organi z e training for judicial service staff on a computerised court system Judiciary staff trained on a computerised court system 5 Judiciary N/A 25 ACC to train investigators and prosecutors on witness protection legal framework ACC investigators and prosecutors trained on witness protection legal framework 4 ACC N/A 26 Establish social movement and conduct social marketing Social mobility and marketing established to promote public support for ACC 8 ACC N/A

28. 27  Strategic Objective Three: To Strengthen Integrity, transparency, accountability and the rule of law # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/Indicator Target Lead Implementin g Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q4 5 Background of people taking high positions should be checked to ensure that they are not involved in a corrupt act before taking office. Background check conducted for people taking public offices N/A Office of the President ACC 6 City /District councils and MDAs to have an accountability forum on the use of money allocated to them Accountability forum organised by Councils on the use of money received f rom central government 5 MDAs/City& District Councils Process & CSO 7 City /District councils and MDAs to have a scorecard for all senior public officers scorecards developed and used by staff N/A MDAs/City& District Councils HRMO 8 Conduct accountability forum for NGOs and INGOs to let the people know how they spent money in the District Accountability forum organised by Councils NGOs and INGO on the use of funds received in the District from donors 5 District Councils ACC 9 Budget monitoring of councils by parliament must be done in the public hall at each district Budget hearing of councils done publicly 5 Parliament ACC 10 Councils must ensure that all the WARD committees are established and functional in the District . (Moyamba) WARD committees established and functional N/A City/ District Coun cils Disc /Ministry of local government 11 Local chiefs must be part of the monitoring of District projects District projects monitored by local chiefs with a report submitted to Councils 5 P - Chiefs District Councils / Chiefdom Security Committee /CS O 12 NGOs and INGOs should work with District councils when developing projects that will be implemented at the District Projects developed along with District councils N/A NGO/INGOs District Councils /SLA NGO 13 Resource allocation to District for education should base on budget and activities submitted by the District education office The budget allocated to the District for education that is in line with District budget and activities for education N/A Ministries of Education District Education Office

15. 14  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 23 Share ACC system and processes review report of MDAs with the audit service to further help the audit process of MDAs ACC systems and proce sses review reports for MDAs shared with Audit Service N/A ACC Audit Service 24 Institute integrity pledge as part of public official’s performance contracts Public and Civil servants recruited that signed integrity pledge 1 Office of the President HRMO/MD As/ ACC & Cabinet Secretariat 25 Ensure heads of integrity institutions interviewed by CSOs and religious leaders over TV and allow citizens to ask questions Heads of Integ rity institutions interviewed on TV N/A Office of the President ACC 26 Train CSOs on Anti - corruption act CSOs trained on Anti - Corruption Act 5 ACC CSOs 27 Organi z e programme s to sensitize the private sector on how to draft a business contract to reflect anti - corruption provisions Private sec tors educated on Anti - Corruption provisions on Contracts with government 5 ACC Private sector 28 Depolitici z e corruption and other related crime Corruption Cases and its associated crimes depolitici z ed N/A Office of the President Judiciary 29 ACC and parliament to conduct joint monitoring of the implementation of budgets allocated to MDAs and Councils. Joint Monitoring of MDAs an d councils conducted by ACC and Parliament before and After budget allocation 10 Parliament ACC 30 Timely budget allocation to MDAs and councils The budget allocated to MDAs and councils N/A AG Budget Bureau 31 Request public offic ials to disclose personal interests, e.g., affiliations, upon taking up an open appointment Public Officers that revealed particular interest(s) upon taking a public appointment N/A Office of the President ACC 32 Conduct an assessment of teacher's salaries and qualification to help identify any mismatch between wages and qualifications Teachers’ Sal aries and Qualifications assessed 1 Ministries of Education N/A

16. 15  Strategic Objective One: To develop , promote and implement corruption prevention measures and public awareness campaigns. # Proposed Measures/Activity Benchmarks/ Indicator Target Lead Implementi ng Agency Collaborati ng Agencies Indicativ e Budget Time Frame 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 33 Review payroll and pin - code of teachers to ensure teachers with pin - code are on the payroll Teachers Pay Roll reviewed in line with their p in - codes 1 HRMO Ministries of Education 34 Ministers should sign performance contracts in January just after allocation of budget to MDAs. Ministers signed performance contracts in January after budget allocations. 4 Office of the President Budget Bureau 35 Conduct Stocktaking and auditing exercise on the operations of the District budget oversight committee (annually). Stocktaking and audit of budget oversight committees conducted 1 Budget Bureau MDAs/Coun cils 36 Standardize and roll out PET across MDAs and Councils PET forms standardized and rollout to MDAs 1 Budget Bureau MDAs/Coun cils 37 Recruit more lawyers to complain and investigated at the office of the Ombudsman Additional Lawyers recruited for investigation at the Ombudsman N/A Ombudsman HRMO 38 Share ACC systems review recommendations with the office of the Ombudsman. ACC systems and processes review reports for MDAs shared with Om budsman N/A ACC Ombudsman 39 Conduct a quarterly technical review of companies to ensure proper monitoring . Quarterly technical review companies conducted before monitoring 20 NCP Private sector 40 Ensure all companies registered with the NCP pay taxes to NRA Companies that paid taxes to NRA that are registered by NCP N/A NCP NRA 41 Regular refresher training of Judiciary Staff on Judiciary code of conduct (two times in the Year). Refresher training conducted for Judic iary staff on Judiciary code of Conduct 5 Judiciary N/A 42 Train new Judiciary staff on Judiciary code of conduct before they state work New Judiciary Staff trained on Judiciary Code of Conduct N/A Judiciary N/A 43 Har moni z e public and civil servant date of birth with their date of birth in NASSIT database Public and Civil servants date of birth h a r moni z ed with their NASSIT date of birth N/A HRMO NASSIT


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