An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 15 29 April - 3 May 2024

Public Education / Newsletters

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3. Page 3 I n what is known as a customized meeting, the Anti - Corruption Commission’s (ACC) Public Education and Outreach Unit in the Northern |Region has entreated staff of the National Disaster Management Agen cy (NDMA) to invariably uphold integrity in delivering service to the public. The Meeting, a pivotal tool to raise awareness on corruption in public bodies, was held at the Agency’s Old Mabanta Road office on April 24, 2024 in Makeni. One key aspects of the anti - graft concerns discussed in the meeting was the impact of corruption on performanc e of public institutions. ACC Senior Public Education Officer, Aiah Sourie, explained that corruption doe s not only scupper standard procedures and systems in Government - owned bodies but also denies citizens of accessing crucial services, such as quality healthcare, justice, and education. He added that corruption causes huge los ses of public funds and worsens budget constraints and expenditure. As such, the officer underscored that corruption is a national threat and every cit izen should earnestly consider taking responsibility to fight against it tooth and nail. Mr. Sourie then encouraged the disast er fighters to adhere to due diligence and maintain national interest above self gain. He stressed that public officers are required to exhibit accountability and transparency and not enrich themselves at the expense of the public. He f urthered that, many people have been deluded to believe that corruption is an accepted way of life. But he declared oth erwise: ‘Corruption is unacceptable as it bears dire consequences even for the corrupt.’ Over the years, particularly since Francis Ben Kaifala took the reins of the ACC, stiffer laws have been passed against wrongdoing in the public sector. To illustrate this, the Commission’s Investigation s Officer, Theresa Tenneh Vandi, cit- ed Abuse of Office and Abuse of Position as specified in Sections 42 and 43 of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 (as amended in 2019). She also referred to Misappropriation of Public Funds or Property in Section 36 of the same Act, probably the most common offence committed within the public sector. ‘Corruption is th erefore no longer a gainful ven- ture even for the most audacious,’ Miss Vandi firmly warned. She noted that the Commission depends on intelligence and investigations to establish an alleged incident of corruption, pointing out that the latter is by no means intended to persecute any public offi cial or public institution as some people may assume. Miss Vandi further clarified that investigations at the ACC are not arbitrary but fall within the ambit of the Act as explicitly expressed in Section 53. She urged the NDMA st aff to stick to best practices as regards their job in order to stave off investigations that may lead to indictment. Responding, the NDMA Regional Coordinator, Lansana Mamadi Kondeh, thanked the team for the anti - graft messages and lauded the Commission for its cordial and effective method of raising awarenes s on corruption, and promised he would ensure his office and its committees in the northern region meticulously follow acceptable standards, so as not to come into conflict with the anti - corruption laws. He agreed that corruption is a national threat, and suggested that every citizen should render the ACC iron - clad support in order to achieve its vision. One disquieting point that the meeting raised was that corruption, unlike wild fires and floods whic h are unexpected, is planned and carried out with even more lasting and devastating impact. ‘Corruption should therefore be stoutly resisted by portraying positive behaviour,’ a senior official of the disaster control agenc y avowed. The NDMA is mandated by an Act of Parliament to manage disasters and other emergencies in the country. ACC in a Customized Meeting with NDMA staff ACC officials and NDMA staff after the anti - graft engagement

4. Page 4 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Regional Office in Kono has engaged councillors of the Kono District Council to refrain from all forms of corruption in their various Wards and to portray patriotism, transparency and accountability when performing their duties as Politically Exposed Persons (PEPS). The engagement was held at the Council’s Hall on 22 nd April, 2024, while councillors across the 0district and council stakeholders converged during their monthly council meeting. In her statement, the Regional Manager, Hawanatu O. Kamara, said that the meeting was held to solicit undiluted support from councillors across the district in the fight against graft. The Manager described councillors as “the watchdog for development in their wards” and therefore, should be seen playing active role as anti - corruption ambassadors in order to enhance tangible and sustainable development in their Wards. Mrs. Kamara further admonished the councillors to help with the proper implementation of the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) project, as there have been allegations that some of the councillors are extorting from people to get them enlisted in the project. “Councillors are supposed to aid development in their wards other than extorting monies from the community people,” she asserted. The Regional Manager informed the audience that it is mandatory for ALL politically exposed persons to declare their assets, income and liabilities with the ACC. She said the declaration exercise for this year has been extended to April 30. She continued that, over the past years, the ACC has scored high marks in global ratings and that other countries are visiting the Commission to learn lessons. Mrs. Kamara encouraged the Council to support the fight against corruption in order for Sierra Leone to continue to improve on those gains. ACC’s Public Education Officer, Kono Regional Office, Patricia Sannoh stated that the incalculable achievements recorded by the Commission under the astute leadership of Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. has successfully rebranded the image of Sierra Leone and respectfully positioned her on the global stage. She concluded by reminding the audience that the fight against the scourge could on- ly be achieved through a concerted effort of all Sierra Leoneans. In order to build and increase their knowledge on the offences in the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008 (as amended in 2019), Senior Public Education Officer Sam P Gogra gave a succinct overview of the corruption offences in the Act. Mr Gogra informed the audience that the Act has several offences such as misappropriation of public funds, possession of unexplained wealth, bribery, conflict of interest, failure to declare or false declaration of assets, etc. The Senior Public Educator also admonished and encouraged the audience to report all acts of corruption through the toll - free lines of 077 - 985 - 985 and 077 - 986 - 986. He assured his audience to be fearless but fair in reporting corruption as the law makes provision for the protection of whistle - blowers as well as punishment for malicious/false reports. Responding to the ACC messages, the Deputy Chief Administrator , John Lawrence Mansaray thanked the team from the Commission for updating the councillors and council staff on its work. He described such engagements by the Commission as a good and proactive move towards the minimization of corruption in public offices. He pledged his Council’s support to the ACC in helping fight against corruption in the district. Earlier, welcoming the team from the ACC, the Deputy Chairperson of the Council, Rebecca Yambasu expressed delight at the inexorable manner the Commission has been fighting corruption in the district and the country. She informed members that the Commission’s approach to fighting corruption through prevention is a laudable one and has reduced the fear Government workers had for the ACC, noting that, it has improved the relationship between them. These attributes portrayed by the Commission has led to the successful reduction of corruption occurrences in the country, she concluded. A question and answer session formed the high point of the meeting .

2. Page 2 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Southern Region office has conveyed integrity and professional ethics messages to police personnel of Bo East Division at the Division’s office in Bo City on Thursday 18 th April 2024. In her statement, the Local Unit Commander (LUC) of the Bo East Division, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Sia B. Sandi said “integrity and professionalism are the hallmarks of the Police Disciplinary Code 2001 and the Sierra Leone Police will continue to use this regulation in shaping the habits and behaviors of some per- sonnel who take pleasure in doing the wrong thing.” Speaking at the sensitization meeting, ACC’s Senior Public Education Officer, Abdulai Saccoh acknowledged the positive strides made by the Sierra Leone Police in addressing systems weaknesses and instilling values of integrity in police personnel. Mr. Saccoh furthered that, though the police force is confronted with its own unique challenges, execution of their constitutional mandate should not be compromised, noting that, a number of public sector institutions have lost public trust due to lack of integrity and abdication of their responsibilities. He urged senior personnel to continue to institute the required integrity and accountability measures as the law demands. Mr . Saccoh catalogued the conscious actions that should be adopted as part of rebranding the image of the police force such as; fair treatment of complaints and suspects, abstinence from soliciting and accepting bribes (especially for bail and traffic offences) appropriate use of discretionary powers, prompt declaration of assets, punctuality at work and proper utilization of public funds and property. ACC’s Resident Prosecutor Nigel Davies Esq. encouraged the personnel to adhere to laid down procedures and regulations guiding their operations because contravention of such legislations undermines the dispensation of justice. Mr. Davies also emphasized that as law enforcement body it will be an unpardonable act for them to engage in any acts to circumvent the laws. He dilated on a number of offences as contained in Part Four of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 as amended in 2019 such as; Abuse of Office; Abuse of Position; Gift, Offering, Soliciting and Accepting an Advantage, Misappropriation of Public and or Donor Funds or Property. He reminded them of the consequences that await anyone convicted of the aforementioned offences which amount to a fine of not less than Fifty Thousand (new) Leones or imprisonment for a term not less than five years or suffer both. He therefore Local Unit Commander (LUC), Bo East Division, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Sia B. Sandi speaking on the mandate of the SLP Amie Massaquoi, Information Officer, ACC. Police personnel of Bo East Division lis- tening attentively to anti - corruption messages called on the police personnel to avoid abuse and violation of the people’s rights especially through the wrong interpretation of certain provisions of the law. In his statement, ACC’s Public Education Officer, Mohamed A. Kabba said the meeting was in tandem with the Commission’s strategic approach to share with public sector institutions accountability measures and ethical practices in order to ensure effective service delivery. Mr. Kabba reminded them of their duties in serving humanity which is to protect lives and properties in a dispassionate manner. He said it also the duty of every public officer and institution to fight corruption, as every genuine effort towards the fight matters. He ended by admonishing the officers to put the nation’s interest above all else and to always serve diligently. The presentation of information, education and communication (IEC) materials formed part of the engagement, whilst the meeting end- ed with a question - and - answer ses- sion.

1. 29th April — 3rd May 2024 Issue 2 Volume 15 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M. Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi Amaze TV for their willingness to join the fight against corruption. He said that the Commission is very much pleased to receive more media in the anti - graft crusade, adding that “ partnering with the media will add more value to the fight against misinformation and disinformation about the work of the ACC. ” The Deputy Commissioner said integrity is the bedrock of the Commission, adding that the Commission operates with independence and openness which encourages any person to come and request for information about the work of the Commission rather than giving out false information to the public. Mr Ngobie said that the Commission is ready to work with Amaze TV professionally and provide the necessary and factual information. “We at the Commission expect you to be objective, fair and professional in the dissemination of such information,” he said. He described the media as the fourth estate whose role is to ensure the right information is passed to the public. “ With the support of the media we will do what we can, to market the good image of this country to ensure corruption is eradicated or minimized to safeguard the resources meant for this country,” Mr. Ngobie underscored. The Executive Secretary of Amaze Television, Ibrahim Kargbo, applauded the Deputy Commissioner and his team for the warm welcome given to them. He commended the leadership of the Commission for their resilient fight against corruption. He said their institution has been following the work of the Commission, stating that the partnership is a way of complementing the work of the Commission. “Amaze TV is a new broadcasting Network and we want to play a significant role in the fight against corruption by collaborating with your institution to disseminate factual and credible news about the work you do,” he said. Mr. Kargbo add- ed that through their flagship programs they will do all they can to T he Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commis- sion (ACC) Augustine Fo- day - Ngobie has met with the leadership and team of the Amaze Television to establish a partnership between the two institutions. This meeting took place in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, ACC Headquarters, Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown on Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024. In his statement, the Deputy Commissioner welcomed the team from By: Amie Massaquoi, Information Officer ACC Deputy Commissioner ACC , Augustine Foday Ngobie Deputy Commissioner ACC , Augustine Foday Ngobie and the Executive Secretary, Amaze TV in a warm hand shake after the meeting ACC and Amaze TV after the meeting educate the public about corruption and its negative effects on the society. He added that the station is already doing a program called the “Yai dae wach” which exposes the ills in the country. Earlier in the meeting, the Director of Public Education and External Outreach Depart- ment ACC, Patrick Sandi, who chaired the program encouraged the station to always crosscheck facts before publishing any information about the Commission to avoid misinforming the public. He said the Commission has been partnering with many other Institutions in a bid to heighten the fight against corruption in the country.


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