An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 31 19 - 23 August 2024

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3. Page 3 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 16th August, 2024, held a significant meeting with the Kids Parliament - Sierra Leone (KPSL) at the Conference Room of Commission, Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown. The engagement is a testament of the ACC’s efforts and commitment to instilling a culture of integrity and transparency more so at a formative stage, as it seeks to educate and empower the country's youngest citizens in the fight against corruption - provide a platform for them to express their views, ask questions, and learn about the importance of inculcating integrity and supporting the fight against corruption. Addressing these children, Director of Public Education and External Outreach, Patrick Sandi, commended the kids for identifying and approaching the Commission, to show interest in its work. "As kids it's a good thing that you imbibe and nurture such perspectives", he said. He informed that, it is important to have a society where children are at liberty and encouraged to talk, more so on issues affecting them, and corruption is a major one. Hence, he resounded his admiration at the kids' boldness, audacity, push and drive to approach the Commission to help cascade its relevant messages to their peers. Mr. Sandi disclosed that Examination malpractice is among the corruption issues that affect children, therefore maintained that, it is quite laudable to have them on board the fight. He encouraged them to be talking about integrity and corruption in their homes, schools and communities. Jamestina Koroma, Leader of the Opposition, KPSL, expressed their delight for having the opportunity to discuss their work with the Commission and how they can integrate it with the fight against corruption. She noted that they are aware of their rights as Children, some of which she added are enshrined in the Child Rights Act of 2007. She, however, furthered that they are also aware of the responsibilities that come with those rights, and that is what informs their efforts as kids in supporting national development. "We provide a platform where we sit and discuss things that affect us, talk about governance and ensure that our voices are heard"., she underscored. Honorable Monica Jackson, Speaker, KPSL said that, their coming to the ACC was informed by the admirable work of the Commission, which she added, has attracted the admiration of most of their members, especially the Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. Malvin Success Kanteh, Founder and Executive Director, KPSL, stated that the Parliament is a kid driven platform, that simulates the Country's Parliament with party color the only thing absent among them. He furthered that they often discuss a range of issues during their sittings, resulting in the keen interest in having the kids learn about the work of the Commission, to have it integrated in their usual conversations and other activities. Deputy Director, Public Education and External Outreach Department, Abubakarr Turay, assured the kids of the Commission's support, re - echoing the importance the ACC places on "catching them young". He encouraged them to continue their advocacies, whilst apprising them that the cost of CORRUPTION is gravely felt by them more than any other age brackets. "When free healthcare drugs are stolen, it causes pregnant women, lactating mothers, under - five children among others, from accessing vital and often life - saving healthcare services. Same with corruption that affects the educational sector among others", he averred. Director of Public Education and External Outreach, Patrick Sandi addressing the kids at the engagement Honorable Monica Jackson, Speaker, KPSL making her statement at the meeting By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC Kids at the Conference Room of the ACC during the engagement Group photo at the end of the meeting

2. Page 2 ACC Deputy Commis- sioner, Augustine Foday Ngobie making a state- ment at the meeting ACC - GRM Coordinator, Patrick Morovia explaining the challenges with the electronic payment Minister of Youth Affairs, Hon. Orman Bangura making his contributions at the meeting Group photo after the meeting By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC Snr. Director - National Social Protection - NaCSA, Idriss Turay making his contributions at the meeting I n a bid to enhance the effective implementation of the ongoing Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) Project, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Thursday 22nd August, 2024, engaged key stakeholders in its Conference Room, Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown. The round - table engagement, focused on the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) component exclusively managed by the ACC, which is aimed at improving systems that ensure transparency, accountability, and a seamless roll - out of this vital Government of Sierra Leone and World Bank and UNICEF funded initiative, free from any anomaly whatsoever. Making his statement as the Chairman, Deputy Commissioner of the ACC, Augustine Foday Ngobie apprised the stakeholders that the Commission has a responsibility to serve as gatekeepers of public resources and enhance transparency and accountability in their usage. This he furthered, is what informs the creation of an Independent GRM Component to ensure that project resources reach the intended beneficiaries in an unhindered manner. He continued that the Commission remains committed to its duty and its transitioning from over - the - counter payment which poses high corruption risk, to electronic payment. DC, however noted the difficulty this transition has posed and said, the GRM should be subject to constant scrutiny and improvement in the interest of the poor compatriots. "We want to ensure we maximize transparency in the payment delivery process by ensuring that there is both proof of payment and cashout. We also desire to see that the access to these monies by beneficiaries in far locations is made simple considering the distance and mobile connectivity challenges", Mr. Ngobie noted. Project Coordinator, ACC, Patrick Morovia commenced his address by informing the need to end the trial phase and to have a well - defined definite and consistent system to maximize delivery as well as transparency and accountability. "We know Orange - SL is a business venture, but we must find a way of being humanitarian. The beneficiaries should not be considered as usual customers. They deserve this support cost free as they never even opted to receive their monies through Orange" Mr. Morovia endeared the Mobile Company not to subject the beneficiaries to their customer service rigidities. He further stated the importance of having the payment process in a transparent, simplistic and secured manner. Kana Matsuno, representative from UNICEF, noted her delight to be part of the meeting and equally her interest to follow up on the conversation.

1. 19th—23rd August 2024 Issue 2 Volume 31 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M. Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Protocol against corruption towards strengthening Institutions for Regional Unity”, Commissioner's submission anchored on Sierra Leone’s Implementation of the ECOWAS Protocol on Corruption 2001, and the remarkable achievements in domesticating it in its national efforts to combat the scourge. Speaking as a key panelist, Commissioner Kaifala in his well - loaded and sophisticated presentation emphasized the country's robust legal reforms, institutional strengthening, and unwavering political will as critical elements in Sierra Leone’s ongoing battle against corruption, positioning the nation as a model and regional leader in anti - corruption efforts. “We had the enactment of an amendment to the anti - corruption laws in 2019, and this saw stiff sanctions, additional offences and other key reforms on prevention, investigation and prosecution in line with the guidelin es contained in the ECOWAS Protocol”, the Commissioner underscored. He added that the country’s successful implementation of its non - conviction - based recovery model has led to the recovery of millions of dollars stolen, returned to the State. Commissioner Kaifala who has served as President of NACIWA, whilst sharing his thrilling and fascinating insights, disclosed that, he met the country failing every possible local and international indexes and assessments, but the revolutionary efforts coupled with the strong reforms has made the country rise exponentially in all these data - driven ratings. He informed them that he met the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) rating at 49 failing percent in 2017, but has succeeded in notching a stellar 70 percent and above since his appointment in 2018. Group Photo together with His Excellency, Senator Kashim Shettima, Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and other distinguished personalities that constituted the Panel. Contd on Pg 4 C ommissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission Sierra Leone (ACC - SL), Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. has highlighted to State Parties of the Network of Anti - Corruption Institutions (NACIWA) in West Africa, Sierra Leone's significant strides in domesti- cating the ECOWAS Protocol on fighting corruption. He did this at NACIWA’s 6th Annual General Meeting held at the ECOWAS Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria, from the 18th to 21st August, 2024. With the event’s theme on; “Implementing the Economic By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC ACC - SL Commissioner, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. making his address as a Panelist at the event Cross section of the audience at the Conference

4. Page 4 Contd from Pg 1 Contd. from Pg 2 He furthered that the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index also validated this with 22 places jump upwards in six consecutive years, and with Afro - Barometer and other similar assess- ments corroborating it. He ended by emphasizing the need for prevention, referencing the robust public education, systems review of government agencies and improving assets declaration systems as areas that are key in fighting corruption. His Excellency Senator Kashim Shettima, Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in his address on behalf of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, endeared ECOWAS member countries to ratify and fully implement the Protocol against Corruption, urging them to move from mere commitment to tan- gible action. He stated the importance of the harmo- nization of legal frameworks as well as enhancing cross - border cooperation. The Rt Hon. Vice President however emphasized that, the region's future depends on building trans- parent, accountable, and efficient governance struc- tures that he said should serve the people's inter- ests. He recognized NACIWA's crucial role in regional anti - corruption efforts, and therefore announced a notable donation of a property to serve as NACIWA's permanent headquarters, demonstrating the government's commitment to strengthening NACIWA's institutional capacity. The high - level speakers and participants at the She added that the concerns and deliberations are critical and at the heart of the Government's program to provide support to the most vulnerable population in the country. Mohamed Orman Bangura, Minister of Youth Affairs in his statement also spoke on the concerns raised, but resounded that the program's motive is to cushion the hardship of the people, hence the entirety it should make such impacts. He urged for the finding of a Common ground with the Payment company - Orange - SL. Abibatu Batta, representative, Orange Money addressed the numerous concerns raised by the Commission and made relevant clarifications. She however stated that, they are poised to comply accordingly and that they are equally at liberty to always review their processes and renegotiate as required. "We need to also come to terms with the fact that they are not only dealing with our beneficiaries, but also their customers" Idriss Turay, Senior Director of the National event stressed the need for effective collaboration, sharing of information and good practices among ECOWAS member states in order to effectively combat the menace of corruption which currently inhibits the well - being and economic develop- ment of member countries. Other notable officials at the event includes the Foreign Affairs Minister, Yusuf Tuggar, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Prince Lateef Fagbemi, Chairman, Senate Committee on Anti - Corruption, Senator Udende Emmanuel, ECOWAS Commissioner, Political Affairs, Peace and Security Ambassador Abdel - Fatau Musah, NACIWA President , Mr. Ola Olukayode, Chairman, Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), Dr. Musa Adamu Aliyu, Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Com- mission (EFCC) Ola Olukoyede, together with other Heads of Anti - Corruption agencies in the Region and development partners. The ECOWAS Protocol on the Fight Against Corruption, adopted in 2001, serves as a foundational document in the fight against corruption within member countries. The protocol outlines the measures that Member States must adopt to prevent, detect, and prosecute corrupt practices and emphasizes the need for harmonized legal frameworks, robust institutional mechanisms, and enhanced cooperation among Member States. NACIWA, which is based in Abuja, was created at the initiative of ECOWAS in response to the urgent need for coordinated efforts to combat corruption which has a negative impact on governance, economic development and social stability in the region. Social Protection Secretariat at the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) underscored, whilst speaking on critical issues bordering on the advancement of the project. He also spoke on the 90 days maximum period for GRM issues to be resolved or reviewed to fit into the new digital Scheme that is fast and efficient. The engagement also had in attendance representatives from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Freetown City Council, National Youth Commission among other institutions. The PSSNYE is a broad and expanded version of the Social Safety Net poverty alleviation scheme that provides Cash Support to people living in the most abject forms of poverty; providing life support skills and entrepreneurial opportunities to young people, as well as addressing issues of climate change through afforestation, among others. The program is a five - year (2023 - 2027) and 42 Million - Dollar scheme that will benefit over 35,000 direct beneficiaries across 11 Districts in Sierra Leone By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC


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