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Public Education / New Bulletin

The Anti-Corruption Commission Bulletin - November 2018

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2. Page 2 Page 3 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Monday 22nd October, 2018 launched the Accountability Now Club (ANC) at the Obasanjo Skills Acquisition and Youth Transformation College in Newton, along the Waterloo - Masiaka Highway. The ceremony was witnessed by hundreds of students and lecturers of the college. ANC was one of the outreach strategies employed by the Special Court for Sierra Leone to target students in educational institutions. ACC took over the operations of the clubs as a strategic means to build partnerships and raise awareness on issues of corruption in tertiary institutions. In his statement, Head of Public Education Unit at the ACC Michael Sesay underscored the need for the establishment of accountability clubs in tertiary Institutions, describing them as a means of grooming anti - corruption ambassadors as well as to impart in stu- dents the values of transparency, accountability and integrity. Making reference to the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, Mr Sesay said that the ACC has the mandate to raise awareness on the evils of corruption, to enlist public support and educate the public on the benefits of a cor- rupt - free society. He spoke on the need for coalition building and partnership, which he said are of paramount importance to the fight against corruption. Mr. Sesay said, civil society organisations, the media, educational institutions and MDAs have over the years partnered with the Commission in a bid to fight against corruption. He admonished the students and lecturers to resist, reject and report corruption at all times. Alhaji Sulaiman Fofanah, Principal of the college expressed appreciation to the ACC for the launch of the club at his institution. The Principal said that, as a fully government - owned institution, the college is obligated to ensure the provision of quality skilled trainings for students. He pledged his institution’s support to the fight against corruption, and assured the ACC team of the college’s commitment to encouraging the activities and operations of the ANC on campus. In his statement, Senior Public Education Officer ACC, Al - Hassan Sesay said, the Commission has always provided serious leadership in the anti - graft campaign alongside its partner organizations. He therefore encouraged the students to be worthy partners in the anti - graft campaign by not only reporting corruption, but also promoting issues of integrity and accountability among colleagues. Delivering the ANC charge, Junisa Sankoh, Public Education Officer ACC, appealed to the ANC membership to stand for integrity, promote accountability and transparency, and raise awareness on corruption issues. Students of the college recited a thrilling poem titled “Corruption a Menace”; acted a skit on bribery and performed a song they composed titled “Zero Tolerance on Corruption”. Ms Kallah Kamara is required to pay back the sum of Two Billion Leones; she has paid back One Billion Leones (Le1,000,000,000) to the ACC; with the remaining One Billion Leones (Le1,000,000,000) to be paid within a one year period effective 1 st November, 2018. Mr Conteh, who should pay back the sum of Three Billion Leones (Le3,000,000,000), has already paid Eight Hundred Million Leones (Le800,000,000) . The payment plan requires that Mr. Conteh pays the sum of One Billion Leones (Le1,000,000,000) on or before 5 th April, 2019. Thereafter, the former Finance Director should pay the remaining One Billion Two Hundred Million Leones (Le1,200,000,000) in installments of Two Hundred Million Leones (Le200,000,000) on the thirtieth of every month , from May to October, 2019. Meanwhile, the Commission wishes to further reassure the general public that it will not relent in ensuring that public funds and public revenue are protected, and where necessary, recovered. T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has recovered over Seven Billion, Two Hundred and Sixty - Five Million Leones Le7,265,000,000), within the period between 6 th June and 1 st November, 2018. The monies include Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones ( Le:5,465,911,374 ) recovered from various corruption - related matters, including but not limited to, debt collection and investigations into the Transport and Ports Management System at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay, the NASSIT ferries, double - dipping in public institutions, and refund of compensation for unused property for the construction of the Hill - side Bye - Pass Road. The Commission also entered into a settlement agreement with the former Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority (NRA), Haja Kallah Kamara, and the former Director of Finance (NRA), Abdulai Conteh, in respect of investigations into off - budget payments whilst they were in office. T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC on Tuesday presented the draft copy of the report on the monitoring of the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2014 - 2018 Action Plan to members of the Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of Government. The presentation took place at a validation workshop held at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Finance, George Street, Freetown. The Deputy Commissioner of ACC Shollay Davies said the objective of the workshop is to allow open discussion on the findings of the monitoring exercise conducted on MDAs by CARITAS and to proffer recommendations on the anti - corruption policies that have not been implemented. Mr. Davies said the monitoring exercise is important as it provides feedbacks on the gains made and the challenges encountered by the MDAs during the Implementation process. He informed his audience that plans are underway to develop a new NACS and that the findings of the monitoring report will help guide the process. The Deputy Commissioner reiterated the need for public offices to take the lead in preventing corruption in the workplace in accordance with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. He described the NACS as a roadmap to strengthen institutions and it involves, among others, the setting up of IMCs, signing of integrity pacts and the development of anti - corruption policies in MDAs. Mr. Davies said even though there has been much improvement in public institutions, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. The Chairman of the event and Director of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy Secretariat Nabillahi - Musa Kamara said the implementation of the strategy is a structural intervention to strengthen public institutions. Representatives of MDAs St Mary’s Supermarket: Large scale businesses are being investigated over non - payment of taxes; these include St Mary’s Supermarket, Choithrams Supermarket and Fawaz Building Materials. Under Section 48 of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008, the ACC has the mandate to recover debts owed to the Government of Sierra Leone. St Mary’s Supermarket was closed down as a result of tax debts owed to the Government. Earlier, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Shollay Davies, thanked the Civil Society Organisations and the media for the support they continue to give to the Commission in the anti - graft campaign. He said the CSO and Media Update is used to inform civil society and the media on the work of the Commission. Public Relations Officer of the Civil Society Consortium for Accountability and Service Delivery Moses Mambu said, they will continue to give ACC the required support in order to make the Commission more robust and effective. He praised the ACC Commissioner and his team for the strategy employed by the Commission to curb corruption at all levels. Editor of the Concord Times Newspaper Abubakarr Sheriff spoke on the media’s role in combating corruption, and called on his colleagues to report on the work and achievements of the Commission. He also called on the ACC to provide training for journalists in investigative journalism and the offences in the Anti - Corruption Act 2008.

1. MEET THE TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakar Turay EDITORS Olabisi Olu - Garrick Margaret Jones John Tarawally LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Mansaray EDITORIAL ADVISERS Shollay Davies Patrick Sandi Emmanuel Koivaya Amara Alhassan Kargbo INSIDE THIS ISSUE pg ACC Presents NACS Monitoring Report to MDAs 2 ACC Recovers over Le7.2BN in Five Months 2 AC C Launch es Accountability now Club at Obasanjo College 3 November, 2018 Volume 1, Issue 1 THE ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION T he Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. has updated representatives of Civil Society Organisations and the media on the recent activities of the Commission. The Commissioner briefed the civil society activists and journalists on the cases being investigated and about to be sent to court, the unprecedented recoveries made by the Commission in the past five months and the country’s massive score in the ‘Control of Corruption’ indicator in the just - released Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Scorecard. Mr. Kaifala spoke on the need to always keep the public abreast with the activities of the Commission. He said it is important for the public to know that the Commission has drawn a line against corruption, a disease, which, he said, can be cured. He said the fight against corruption must be at the heart of good governance, adding that people who hold public office must be accountable. Mr. Kaifala congratulated the country for the 71 percent score in the ‘Control of Corruption’ indicator in the MCC Scorecard; noting that it is the country that wins and not an individual or institution. Investigations: The Commissioner said the Commission has secured a one hundred percent conviction rate in all cases in the past five months. On the cases under investigation, the Commissioner gave updates on the following: Ebola: There are overwhelming revelations of the involvement of high profile individuals who misused Ebola funds; adding that the investigations are at an advanced stage, and members of the public and the media will be duly informed of the outcome of the investigations. NASSIT: The Commission is working on a settlement, but would send the matter to court if that cannot be achieved. Youth Farm and Youth Village Projects of the Ministry of Youth Affairs : The matter will be charged to court if a settlement agreement cannot be reached. Drivers’ Union: The investigations are at an advanced stage. NATCOM: A huge section of the investigation is ongoing; part settlement has been done; and that one of those being investigated just paid Forty Thousand US Dollars. Passports: The investigations are at an advanced stage and the matter will be certainly sent to court. Former Deputy Minister of Works Abdul Barrie : He is being investigated for conflict of interest. He established a business enterprise in the name of his wife. He awarded several contracts worth millions of dollars to the business. Issues of conflict of interest cannot be settled out of court . Contd. pg3 S ierra Leone has passed the ‘Control of Corruption’ Indicator in the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Scorecard, scoring 71 percent, 22 points upwards, moving from 49 percent last year. This is the country’s highest score in the ‘Control of Corruption’ Indicator since the introduction of the MCC Scorecard in 2004. Before now, the country only passed the indicator of ‘Control of Corruption’ in 2004 with 51%, 2005 (52%), and 2012 and 2017 (53%). fight widespread poverty through economic growth. The MCC Scorecard consists of 20 Indicators under three broad categories: “Economic Freedom,” “Ruling Justly,” and “Investing in People.” The ‘Control of Corruption’ Indicator falls under the “Ruling Justly” Category. Commenting on the scorecard, the Deputy Commissioner of ACC, Shollay Davies, said: “This is a strong indicator that the fight against corruption in the country is bearing fruits. We call on all citizens, local, and international partners, to support us as we continue to provide the required leadership to prevent, suppress and curb the scourge whenever, and whereve r , it raises its ugly head.” M embers of the Accountability Now Club (ANC) of the Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology, Port Loko campus, on Thursday on 1st November, 2018 paid a courtesy visit to the Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), Francis Ben Kaifala Esq.. The purpose of the visit, according to the students, is to find ways of strengthening their club and partner with the Commission to fight against corruption in the country. The President of the Club, Kadijatu Mani Kamara, said they formed the group in a bid to play their own part in curbing cases of corruption in the University and to serve as integrity ambassadors among their colleagues on campus. She said, as students, they also feel inspired by the work and achievements of the ACC Commissioner. The students then requested from the ACC Commissioner to share with them his story thus far. Responding, Commissioner Kaifala spoke of his humble beginning, noting however that “poverty can be a challenge, but if you are determined, you can make it in life.” He encouraged the students to imbibe good moral values and show exemplary characters in their respective communities. “Always learn to speak the truth and try to make society fairer and better,” he added. The ACC Commissioner expressed his appreciation to the students for the setting up of the accountability club instead of a social club, and therefore encouraged them to work earnestly in order to make a difference in their University. He informed the students that the Commission is planning to establish an office for the North - West region next year that will be based in Port Loko, expressing hope that the club will start the groundwork of raising awareness about issues of corruption in the region. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. and members of the ANC Club of the EBK University, Port Loko Campus Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq.


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